WASHINGTON Classifying the Work ers The President and Congress Richberg and Williams The New NRA Set-up The big worry of the Adminis tration is still the matter of unem ployment. How are workers goinj to be put back to work? Four-fifth of all the activities of the Govern mem are now being tocussed oi that question. It lies at the hot tom of the reorganization of th NRA. It was the keynote of th President’s radio talk to the na tion the other night. And nobod; has come forward with an answe which satisfies everybody. Perhaps the new NRA organiza tion will work out a formula tha will do the trick. Washington i not at all sold on the theory whid is being advanced in several quar ters, and which seems to be gain ing ground, that in the best o times there are always three millioi men out of work, on any givei date. The principal trouble witi all the discussion of unemploymen is that nobody really knows ho\ many able-bodied, willing worker are out of work, now, or at an time in the past. There never ha been—perhaps there never can be an accurate separation of the un employed into the two or thre classes into which they natural! fall. There are the skilled, competen workers, who give a day’s work fo a day s pay; the seasonal worker who prefer to loaf :n off-season1 and the unemployables, who oftei manage to get on payrolls in th flushest of flush times but worl only when necessity drives. There is coming to be a genera agreement in Administration circle that a high proportion—some put i at 90 per cent—of all the presen unemployment is in the so-calle< "durable goods” industries. Thi major industry in this category i building, and that does not meat homes alone, but factories, hotels hospitals, railroads, ships,, and ever} other sort of construction worl which produces things which ari not immediately eaten up or worr out but are useful to earn mone; for their owners. Financing durable goods indus tries requires long-time capital in vestments. And it is precisely ther that the difficulty begins of indue ing private capital to invest. Bank can’t lend—ought not to lend— money on deposit subject to cal on long-term mui v bond issues. The amended Securi ties Act makes it somewhat easie to float bond issues for such put poses. The President was reassuring i his radio talk. He came out prett squarely for the "driving power c individual initiative and the incer tive of fair private profit.” Thi there will be more radicals in tl next Congress than in the last or is the prevailing belief here. Moi of them will be labelled "Republ can,” in all probability; but part labels mean nothing to business me when their money is at stake. The progress made under tl Federal Housing Act is regarded (Continued on page four) Labor Backs 30 Hour Weel San Francisco.—The Americ; Federation of Labor Monday pled; ed all its power to establish tl five-day, 30-hour week in the ho; of ending unemployment. Amid tumultous cheers and witl out a 'dissenting vote the federatic convention approved a resolutic binding the big labor organizatic to spare no effort in obtaining legi cknrfpr work neric with no reduction in wages. "Nothing shall slop us short i realization of our purpose,” sa William Green, federation pre< dent, as the action was taken. ADVERTISE FOR BIDS The government is advertisii for bids to be opened October 3 for erecting the new $165,01 postoffice and federal court buil ing at Rockingham. The lot, corner of Franklin and Hancoi streets, was bought two years a; for $18,000. AND HOW! If all the fishermen in the wor were placed side by side—wow what a bunch of liars! The Watchman | [FOUNDED 1832—103RD YEAR SALISBURY, FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 12, 1934 VOL. 103 NO. 11 PRICE 5 CENTS Professional Men Face Citations gistration I Democrats Launch Campaign Monday N ght Doughton Will ; Make Opening Address Here f Rowan County Demo | crats Map Out Plans 1 For Campaign ; FIRE FIRST GUN r - s Featured by an address by Con - gressman R. L. Doughton, of this .. district, Rowan county Democrats 2 will officially open their campaign f Monday night, October 15 th, in the county courthouse, beginning at 8 o’clock, according to plans t formulated Tuesday night at a r meeting of the Democratic Execu s tive Committee, presided over by , Chairman Ross M. Sigmon. i Mr. Doughton will be introduced » by Chas. L. Coggin, Democratic i nominee for solicitor of the dis trict. The high school band will 1 furnish music. ; Plans for the approaching camp : aign, it is understood, were mapped : out by the Democratic Executive I Committee Tuesday night. : Other leading Democratic speak ; ers will be heard in Rowan county i during the campaign, it was an , nounced by Chairman Sigmon. A speaking itinerary, that will ; arrange speakers for each precinct :!in the county, is being worked out i and will be announced in the near • future. Although encouraged by the - Democratic trend of the time, the - Democrats of Rowan county in ; tend to leave no stones unturned to - turn in the greatest majority and s victory ever known in Rowan - county. , Speaking appointments thus far r arranged for Mr. Doughton are: - Saturday, October 13, Asheboro; r Monday night, October 15, Salis - bury; at noon October 16, at Jef ferson; Mount Pleasant, October 18 at night; at Concord, October rr 19 at night; at Pittsboro, Tuesday, y October 23. f ; Semi-Annual District Meet e e - [_ The semiannual meeting of dis y trict nine, Junior Order Unitec n American Mechanics, will be helc with the Cooleemee council at the ie lodge hall in Cooleemee Fridav is night at 7:30 o’clock. This wil! ibe a business meeting and district officers for the ensuing year elect ed. District Deputy George Uz zell, of Salisbury, will preside. The district is composed of Davie ant t Rowan counties. n S S. Convention To » “ Meet In Greensborc i- Rev. Shuford Peeler, general sec n retary, announces that the next n state Sunday school convention wil n be held in Greensboro January 21 >- 22 and 23, 1935. The state exe id cutive committee accepted the in vitation which was extended b} >f the Greensboro Ministerial associa id tion and the chamber of commerce i- The committee will meet Octobei 28 to formulate plans for the stati meeting. ig FIRE DAMAGES BUILDING 0, Fire Sunday at midnight di< 10 $1,500 damage to the W. A. FIopi i- two-story brick building on Pear at street, Rockingham. There wa :k no insurance. The building wa ;o partly occupied by the negro un dertakers, Dove Funeral parlor who lost around $500. Id The big salaries earned by th — itiovie ' stars create Unrest amofii the dishwashers and the office boys Doughton To Speak Here Monday Night --= — 11 mi M ■ III R. L. DOUGHTON Price Fixing Is OnTheWayOut Richbjfcrg Says Business Must Return To The Competive Basis —1 Uncovering a probable change of; iccurse for NRA, Donald R. Rich-! jberg the president’s recovery co jordinator, has advised American business to leave tne lopsided guild j socialism” of price fixing and pro duction control in favor of "the (old competitive system.” He labeled an "irridescent dream” the belief of some industrialists that permanent prosperity can ba obtained through the price-fixing, production-limiting method. At the same time, he asserted such pra ctices were justified in emergencies to prevent the waste of natural re j sources. These statements, coming from I the head of the policy committee [which is directing the Blue Eagle’s [course, were interpreted immedi jatcly as pointing away from fixed [prices and limited production in NRA codes. The gradual reopen ing of all major codes on these is sues was forecast. Business men themselves, Rich berg said had been ‘ thoroughly "disillusioned” in a year of code application of the price and pro duction control they desired. These [same industrial ranks frankly were j questioning the wisdom of their | own provisions, he added. He pro jected a process of working out the good in codes "industry by indus try.” Preparing For Off Year Vote November 6th No New Registration But Those Not Enrolled Must Register _ i OPEN THREE DAYS Registrars in the 33 Rowan county voting precincts this week DreDared their Drecinct registration books for the opening day for regis- j tration Saturday. The books will be open at the polling places for the next three Saturdays. The election date is Tuesday, November 6th. It is not anticipated that an ex tra-heavy vote will be polled in the general election November 6th but that the pronounced interest in the New Deal policies probably will be responsible for a heavier than usual "off year” vote. All those who have come of age, who have moved into a new pre cinct, or who have come into the state within the legal limits will be required to register before they are eligible to vote. No new registration of all vatfCI has been ordered in this county this year. Candidates For Office In County Get Questionnaires The Rowan county Interden ominational Ministers’ association has fired a questionnaire at the | candidates for office in the forth- j coming election and is calling for! an answer. Failure to answer is to be construed as placing the can- | didates on the opposite side of the, question from the ministers. There are six questions and they' deal with whiskey, the Turling ton act, prostitution, and gambl-j ing, including slot machines, pari-! mutuel, baseball score board de vices, punch boards, and all! eambline schemes at fairs, carni-; vals, expositions and midways. j The ministers propose to give publicity to the questionnaire and| to the answers both through the press and from their pulpits. The closing line of the questionnaire reads: "We desire most earnestly ■to support candidates who will I labor with us for a better state.” The naper is signed by C. S. Kirk , president, and G. L. Kerr, secretary. Big Two of New NRA Chieftains • WASHINGTON . . . The appointment of these two men by President Roosevelt, to the board of five which make up the New National Industry Recovery Board, is being acclaimed with great favor. They are; (left), Sidney Hillman, President of the AmaJK»mated Clothing Workers, and (right), S. Clay Williams, former president of the Reynolds Tobacco Co. Both rate high in intelligent and progressive business ranks. The board will take over General Johnson's administrative duties. October 15. U.IN.U. 141 Years Old Today Pres. Graham To Deliver Address At Exercises At State University Chapel Hill.—President Frank i P. Graham will deliver the princi- i pal address at the exercises here i Friday morning commemorating : the 141st birthday of the Univer^ < sity of North Carolina. The occa sion will be his first formal address i to the 1934-35 student body. : October 12 is the anniversary of 1 the laying of the cornerstone of the Old East building. It was on • October 12, 1793, that a group of distinguished North Carolinians, j led by Gen. William R. Davie, : father of the University, gathered i i 1 _i_. _ i_!■ Utu. Lv uuov,! VV. tUV, WV/X1XVXOI.V/11V * ing of the first state university ; building in the United States. The : institution founded on that firsts University Day since has celebrated with appropriate exercises each ■ October 12. The Chapel Hill exercises will begin shortly after 10 o’clock in the morning when the academic procession will form to march into Memorial hall, where the exercises proper will take place at 10:3 0, o’clock. | WIFELY ECONOMY Husband: "But. darling, wej must economize.” Wife: "Exactly what I’m do-: ing. I’m buying everything on! credit.” j: - j Slav King Assassinated! French Minister Slain; Son, 11, Is Made King Marsailles.—A Croatian extrem ' ist, bent upon the assassination of : '■ King Alexander, of Jugoslavia, j succeeded in murdering his mon- : arch here Tuesday and at the same time slew Foreign Minister Louis I Barthou of France. : The deaths occured when Kale l man Petrus, the Croat, jumped on > the running board of the automo s bile carrying King Alexander and • Barthou. , He fired half a dozen times in quick succession, the shots raking the entire royal procession. The s assassin later was shot dead and J an alleged accomplice was report . ed arrested. Barthou, probably France’s out tanding statesman, died at 5:45 >. m., it was officially announced, Allowing a blood transfusion. Barthou’s death followed by less :han an hour that of King Alex-i inder. Taking aim as the automobile aearing the King and M. Barthou proceeded slowly through solid ranks of cheering citizens through :he main street of the city, the as sassin fired at hast half a dozen shots. Two of them at least struck the Ring. One entered hjs side near the heart, while another punctur sd his liver. Barthou’s arm was ;hattered. Horrified spectators saw th King slump in his seat, blood pour ng from his mouth and body. H was rushed to the prefecture o police, where physicians Vainly at temped to save his life. The assassin was a Croatian born in Zagreb, Juvoslavia. H said he was J4. His self-identification causei great relief, as grave complication were feared if early reports the as sasin was an Italian were born out. Peter, the 11-year-old son o King Alexander, will assume > th throne occupied by his father. NEWS BRIEFS PAGE’S AUTO STOLEN The automobile of Thad Page, secretary to Senator Bailey of North Carolina, was stolen the other day in Washington and he thinks he’s about the unluckiest man in the world. Page had just finished meeting the monthly in stallments on the machine when it was stolen and he had not renewed theft insurance carried by the fin ancing company. "That’s what makes it so hard,’’ he said. DEATH FOLLOWS QUARREL Norman Williams, 3 5, and Ma rion Bradley, 23, both of Ruther fordton, engaged in a quarrel while | on a hunt. Knives were used, and Williams was killed. Bradley was arrested and is being held on charges for murder. A widow survives Wil liams. CONCORD CHILD FATALLY SHOT Eugene, 11-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Shoe at Concord, died from a pistol wound in the head received when a .3 8 calibre pistol was fired by the child’s play mate, Jack Gray. Another case of I the "unloaded” -dangerous play ! thing. 'NAPS WHILE HOUSE BURNS j Mrs. Nettie Nelson refused to 1 have her sleep disturbed at her ihome in Oakland, Cal., and told ithe firemen if her house was on fire i'to go ahead and put it out while she finished her Sunday morning nap. She is 83 years of age, and the fire men put out the fire without fur ther disturbing her. STRIKERS TO BE GIVEN WORK It has been announced that Gas ( tonia cotton mills have agreed to take back striking employees and give them work as demands arise. There will be no discrimination against union mmbers according to : announcement of the agreement en tered into by representatives of the : mills and the labor organizations. . REVOLT IN SPAIN ■ A three-day revolt in Spain cost , upwards of 500 lives and 2,5 0C ; casualties under Catalonia’s revo lution for indeoendence. The gov 1 ernment seems to have gotten th< 5 revolt in hand on Sunday, and lead - ers of the secession are to be caurt e martialed. In the meantime, Spair is under strict martial law, aftei f the arrest of 5,000. In fhe oivi e disturbances are involved comjnUn ist and anarcho-syndicalist rebels. Court May Act To Get Unpaid License Taxes Delinquent Doctors And Lawyers May Be Sum moned Before Court ONE CITED HERE Procedure looking toward having lawyers, doctors and other profes sional men of the city, county and state, cited for failure to pay their state license taxes, and show cause before Superior court why their licenses to practice in North Caro lina should not be revoked, has been instituted by the state revenue de partment and its several branches throughout the state. One professional man was cited in Salisbury the last term of court. The tax was paid and his license was not revoked. Others, The Watchman is informed, have been notified of their delinquency, with possible subsequent citation. The plan of action, as outlined by the collector calls for each pro fessional man named in the execu tions to be notified that his tax is due and that the papers are in the hands of the local office. After this notice has been given, the delinquenct taxpayers are allow ed 24 hours in which to comply with the revenue law. If the tax is not then paid, the executions are turned over to the sheriff, and he is instructed to make the collections plus the 20 per cent penalty now in effect. If for any reason the sheriff’s of ficers cannot collect on the execu tions, they are to be turned back to the deputy collector, who is then instructed to file with the judge presiding over superior court and with the clerk of court citations in which the delinquent taxpayer is ordered to appear before the court and show cause why his license to practice his profession in the state should not be revoked under the North Carolina revenue act. This procedure, it was pointed out, applies only to the delinquents wiiu cume unuer me provisions or Section 109 in the privilege license tax division. In the case of delin quent taxpayers under the regula tion license tax division and in the sales tax division the act makes pro vision for issuance of warrents those who do not pay as provided by the statute. In addition to the judgments, there is the execution and the cita tion already filled out and ready to i be put into effect, it was pointed 'out. Orders have been issued from ; Raleigh headquarters to proceed with vigor in the matter of making I collections in all branches of the state revenue act, it was stated. The professional men’s tax went into effect on the first of June this year, and there is now a 20 per cent penalty added to the $25 re gulation levy. Rowan County Trench Silo Have 80-Ton Capacity With over 160 tons of silage al ready stored for use this winter, W, D. Graham, of Mount Ulla, is now digging another trench silo that will hold approximately 80 tons, reports County Agent W. G. Yeager. The livestock on this farm produces from four to five hund red tons of manure each year which is broadcast over the farm for soil improvement. Yeager also reports that the . farmers who planted peanuts this year are harvesting an average of 225 bushels to the acre. Small ■ plots of "one-tenth to one-quarter : acre «?ch were planted, he says.

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