PAGE FOUR_ Carolina Watchman Published Every Friday Morning By The Carolina Watchman Pub. Cov SALISBURY, NORTH CAROLINA E. W. G. Huffman—President J. R. Felts,_Business Mgr. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Payable In Advance One Year-$1.00 6 Months- -50 Entered as second-class mail matter at the postoffice at Sal isbury, N. C., under the act of March 3, 1879. The influence of weekly news papers on public opinion exceeds that of all other publications in the country.—Arthur Brisbane. «i DO DM M| POPULATION DATA (1930 Census) Salisbury -16,951 Spencer -3,128 E. Spencer_2,098 China Grove-1,25 8 Landis - 1,3 88 Rockwell- 696 Granite Quarry- 5 07 Cleveland- 43 5 Faith - 431 Gold Hill - H6 (Population Rowan Co. 56,665) _ LEST WE FORGET Four hundred and forty-two years ago Cristobal Colon, whose name we Anglicize into Christopher Columbus, set out from Palos to find a new, short route to India. As someone wrote: "He did not know where he was going, he did not know where he was when he ar rived, and he did not know where U/, U/wJ kflfln u’lapn Vip onf Hark.” He believed that he had found the eastern coast of Asia. Instead, he had found a new world, undreamed of by all but a few adventurous dreamers like himself. To finance his voyage, Columbus appealed to the Queen, of Spain :n the name of her religion. Isablla was not interested in exploration, but she was interested in the salva tion of human souls. To spread the Gospel of Christ among the heathen she sold her jewels and aid ed Columbus to venture forth from Palos on his perilous quest. And the first act of the discoverer on landing was to raise the Cross upon the island sands and kneel with hi? whole company in prayer. The hordes of adventurers that followed Columbus to the Ness World thought more of gold anc silver than of religion. Yet, hcr< and there, as centuries went on, lit tle groups of men and women whos< first care was for their souls rachei than for material things, settled or the shores of the land Columbu had found. And it is from thos? little groups that our nation derives That, it seems to us,* is the im portant thing to remember on Oct ober 12, Columbus Day. It wa liberty which Woodrow Wilsoi termed a spiritual conception. Tha they found, also, material wealtl far beyond that of the peoples o any other land, was a pleasing bu accidental result of their migration This, it seems to us, is good tim to ponder whether we have so fa departed from the spirit of ou forebears that we are willing to sac rifice liberty for material wealth that we place economic security ahead of spiritual freedom. WHAT COUNTS IN EDUCATION President James A. Garfield, i graduate of Williams College, onci said of Mark Hopkins, the most fa mous head of that institution o: which President Garfield’s own sor later became president: "All that is needed to make : college is Mark Hopkins on on< end of a log and a boy on th< other.” All the fine buildings in th< [world never made an education in situation. What counts is the teach ers and their ability to inspire the young folk who come to learn. The people of Brown County, Nebraska, are alive to that truth. Unable to send their children to a town high school, several miles a way; unable to finance the const ac tion of a modern high , school build ing; they have built with their own hands a sod house of the an cient prairie type to make a place where teachers and Student can meet, taxing themselves for the i • r i 1 salaries ui gwu. lcahius. Even so did the ancient teachers and founders of some of the world’s great universities meet the demand of eager youth for learning. The very word "acadmeny” comes from the grove of Academe where Plato taught his disciples in the woods. Abelard, founder of the University of Paris, began in a rude hut, around which students pitched their tents. There is hope for America so long as such devotion to education finds expression in spite of material difficulties. And we venture that the boys and girls who attend school in this Nebraska sod house will cherish the memory of that Alma Mater and remember what they learned there longer than many whose schooling takes place in Gothic temples. WHAT THE RAILROADS MEAN TO YOU What the railroads mean to the American people was well express ed in a recent statement by A. J. County of the Pennsylvania sys tem. The financial condition of the lines affects the financial status of about 5 0 per cent of the population, who either own rail road securities themselves or own them indirectily through insurance, banking, educational and similiar institutions which are heavy in vestors in railroad stocks and I bonds. | The railroads give employment |to about 1,000,000 people, whose' I jobs are imperiled when the lines Ioperate at a loss. Millions of other workers, in/mines, factories and all types of industry are dependent on railroad purchases for their liveli hood. In normal times, railroads are the greatest single purchaser o( supplies in the nation. Government itself—local, coun ty, state and national—is depend ent on the lines for much of its tax revenue. Railroad money paves roads, builds buildings, car ries on all kinds of government ac tivities, and educates thousands of our children. Every person benefits when rail roads prosper—every person feels the ill effects when they are de pressed. It is an excellent sign that thousands of industrialists, re Hi* r i picacuuug an ililts ui uusiiicss, aic behind the movement to give the rails a fair deal. ' TODAY AND TOMORROW —BY— Frank Parker Stockbridge ’ BOOKS ... The New Deal People are not buying so many books, these days; but good book* • are selling more than they did > There was a period of several year; : in which any book would sell if ii - were only nasty enough, and ; great number of prurient-mindec would-be authors, who never hac : mastered even the rudiments oi " writing, broke into print with vol : umes which irresponsible publish . ers put out and which seemed tc /Air m-irlrnt That sort of "literature” is fad r ing from the scene. In its place are serious discussions of important and vital questions, which peopie who are eager to know what all the economic troubles are about, are rushing to buy. i To my desk come many books. > In the past ten days I have received not less than six books discussing . the New Deal from different angles all of them worth reading, al 1 though l don’t agree with all of the authors. :? * -r WALLACE ... an honest view I have long maintained that the most perfectly-functioning brain in the Roosevelt Administration is that of Henry Wallace, Secretary IT IS a real pleasure to hear of ; st St st PERSON WHO looks on the i’e * MATERIAL SIDE of life with sucl * * «• INNOCENCE. WE could * it it MENTION THE name of this * it it WOMAN BUT that would not ad< st St St SO MUCH to the story. "My + HUSBAND NEVER knows whei it it !!' HE SNORES,” said a neighbor ti st st st OUR HEROINE. "Yes,” she it it it REPLIED IN a matter-of-fact it sfr it TONE, "MY husband doesn’t mis st st st HIS SMALL change either.” I THANK YOU. of Agriculture. Mr. Wallace i capable of seeing both sides of an; subject and of thinking thing through to their logical conclusions Now Mr. Wallace has found tirm to write a book, entitled "Nev Frontiers.” It is not a compilatior of speeches and public statements but a fresh record of events anc issues as they have appeared ti him as a member of the Rooseveli Cabinet. :<■ * -V IMPARTIAL . . . Non-partisan Another Wallace — Professo: Schuyler C. Wallace, who holds tin chair of Public Law at Columbi; University—has written a bool which gives to the average reade: a clearer and more understandabl picture of the New Deal than am single volume I have seen. Pro fessor Wallace, while sympathetic seems to have preserved a non partisan, impartial point of view To the facts about the variou phases of the efforts of the Ad ministration he adds his own com ments and interpretations, which would resitate to indirse as a whol but which are plainly and fairl; stated. For the average reader this i perhaps the most generally usefu book of the lot on my dsk. * * CONTROVERSIAL . . from rank James P. Warburg, who was on of President Roosevelt’s economi advisers until they parted compan over the Administration’s monetar policy, has written "It’s Up to Us, a highly entertaining book on i 1 • ^1 _] mAnP mkiv. unuvi ^ ~ j land banking. Jim Warburg know I his subject. He says that the Net I Deal is like a calf with five leg: but that is because the America people wanted a five-legged calf. Frank R. Kent, keenest and mos penetrating of political observers i Washington, is out w'ith a boo called "Without Gloves.” Anyon who wants to read the inside of th Washington developments as the occured, and get a pen-picture c many of the personalities involvet written in a racy, breezv styli would do well to read this book. David Lawrence, as profound thinker as there is in the ranks c 'journalism, in his "Beyond the Ne’ Deal,” tries to follow through t the ultimate consequences of tl more important efforts that are bt ing made to to achieve recovery. I PICAYUNES LEXICON OF SUGAR MOON Seme of the men were just plai drunk, some drunk and disorder! some intoxicated, others were eithi sozzled, stewed, high, blind, picl \aA V» a 1 ■£ _ cn-i c Atrot* ■fill out, crocked, cocked, blotto, stink* stinking, fried, boiled, stymie* three sheets to the wind, scorche* addled, tanked, squiffed, plastere* boozed., stiff, soused, canned, oi like a light, piffed, comatose, dea* orey-eyed, bleary-eyed, foozle* under the table, ginned or spifflicat ed. -—Except, Transylvania Time WHAT’D YOU SAY WAS IN THAT JUG? Mr. Leonard Britt of St. Paul Rt., in town Monday, told of see ing two unusual sights this year, i jug of water was close by wheie h was working. He noticed a gree snake whose head and body wet wrapped areund the jug and his ta stuck down in the jug. Anothe !day he was walking in the wood and hearing a peculiar rustle of leaves looked around and saw two lizards fighting. —Item, Lumberton Robesonian. WHO’D BR’ER WATTS HAVE HIS APPOINTMENT WITH? Rev. J. W. Watts filled his regu lar appointment at Rocky Springs i Baptist church at 11 o’clock Sun day. Rev. Mr. Benfield filled the Dulnit instead of Mr. Watts. —Colletsville News, Lenoir News ( Topic. „ EFFEN HIT’LL HOLPEN ANTt WE’LL SAY WE’RE GLAD TOC £a#§3turdayr’ ni Jit, there was*; surprise farewell party given at th< home of Miss Beadie Helms. Many I were present and every one had ; nice time. Miss Helms was glac her friends gave her this party, be ' cause she was leaving on Monday Jfor school. —Wolf Pond news, Monroe Jour nal. ) _ NOTHING DOING. WE NEVEF WAS NO HAND TO BET / FELLOW ON HIS OWN GAMl We’re willing to wager a dim< against a mouldy doughnut that ; the majority' of the textile striker in the COTTON industry weal woolen suits, silk dresses and hose and (the women) rayon drawers. —Round-Up, Caswell Messenger ' AT HOW MUCH A KILOWATI * T T T T 11 vy un; The survey has been made foi ’-rural electrification in this section - i We expect to let our light shine. !|—Pinko Grange News, Montgom jery Herald. SUGGESTION FOR DR. HAM j Boiler Explosion Does Consider able Damage—15 Persons Bap tized. I—Subhead, Lakeview news, Lum jberton Robesonian. DON’T KNOW—AIN’T NEVER HEARD ONE OF ’EM YODEL I REPAIR the Swiss watch, the Bulova watch, you know it s i Swiss watch. Brown’s, 40 Salerr street. 9-27-tf —Adv. Thomasville News & Times HOPE THEY CALL HIM ANY THING ’SIDES STANKWITCH: Rev. R. A. Stankwitch filled hi: appointment at the Baptist churc! Sunday and preached a real goot sermon. Mr. Stankwitch has beer [‘ called for next year. : —Out Raynham Way, Lumbertor 7 Robesonian. s WORSE’N THE BLIGHT 1 The Swan Creek Sunday schoo is progressing nicely, considering the season and the revival meeting si which are being conducted withii ! reach of our community. J—Swan Creek News, Elkin Tri , bune. > FINE BUSINESS j The Sunday school at the Metho . dist church here at Ararat is doin; s fine since the revival meetings hav f closed in this community. —Ararat news, Mt. Airy Times. 1 THANK’EE, BUT THAT’S ONI THING WE PREFER TO DO 1 ALONE 1 FOR RENT—3 rooms, garage ' use of bathroom in exchange fo ^ company. Frank Shirmer, Mauly. L —Ad, So. Pines & Aberdeen Pilot v _ f NORWOOD’S ALREADY GET '' TIN’ PREPARED FOR 1934 CENSUS Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Stork ar 3 spending this week in Norwood, f —Mt. Gilead item. Norwood New: v _ 0 COUNTRY CORRE9RONDEN' e DONE GONE O. O. McINTYRi - ON MONROE EDITOR Hello, is everybody still living We are and still enjoying it, toe ■j Talk about rough work, that’s wha |i vtv> ai v ua t nig v**v *“»*** -- 11 Who likes to crawl out of a goo - warm bed on a cool morning bou sun-up and make a high dive fo n the cornfield? Not I. If it wasn’ r,,for getting up I wouldn’t mind i ir'so bad but I just seem to be unabl -[to get out of bed these cool morn 1, ings as early as I am expected tc ), and besides it is terrible to hav 1, to cut tops off of corn and tie ther I, and do other rough work. I don’ 1, get along very fast as I am alway t looking for stinging worms an I, other dangerous insects. I don’ I, happen to be a person who alway - has a mouth full of tobacco juice t use in case I get stung. So, I’r >. going to play safe and not take an; chances. —Antioch News, Monroe Journal ;, While the country bovs are root - ing up wild carrots, we don’t notic i the city boys rooting up many o e their wild oats. i -—— -- e Anyway the boys are co-operat 1 ing with the fruit growing move r ment, by relieving many trees am s vines of their burdens. “Step Off the Hose, Buddy”-by A-R ChaPi!1 * _ _ * IqOOR CHILD /and rat SCHOOL ^ By Dr. ALLEN G. IRELAND Director, Physical and Heal'i' Lducalion Near Jersey State Department of Public Instruction School Lunch Important According to a few skeptics, tb old fashioned school lunch eate from a paper bag anywhere in tb building or on the grounds is goo enough. On that bi sis a dime novi thriller is good litei ature and the chil is justified in hidin in the attic or tb barn to do his rea< As a matter c fact, we don’t b< I iieve that. Whatever may be ou , l job for some months. He is a to bacco manufacturer from Nortr Carolina. A third personality ol importance is Sidney Hillman. Mr Hillman is a lawyer and is the dominating spirit of the Amalaga mated Clothing Workers the larg j est labor organization of the A. F of L. With Richberg’s Brotherhood af £ Filiations and Hillman’s connectior n with the Amalagmated, it looks a *j if the Federation’s strength in laboi aflairs was on the decline. Botl ’] Richberg and Hillman favor "ver .. tical” unions, as opposed to thi d Federation’s "craft” unions. g . e The new set-up consists of th !- Industrial Emergency Committee f to shape policies, consisting of Sec • T 1 IT*. 1* A J_*_ THE TABLES TURNED ' He was one of those smart men ! who like to show their cleverness. | "Watch me take a rise out of him,” hT said, as the tramp ,:p proached. Then he listened solemn ly to the tale of hard luck, j "That’s the same old story you | told me the last time you accost 'ed me,’’ he said, when the vagrant had finished. ;j "Is it?” was the answering ' question. "When did I tell it to i iyou?” • | "Meybe I did, mebbe I die, ’ : admitted the tramp. I’d forgot ten meeting you. I was in prison i all last week.” , . - Classified Ads WANT AD RATES This type, 10 point—5 cents . per line—S words to the line. For the convenience of cus tomers we will accept want ads 11 over the telephone from anyone I listed in the telephone directory. PHONE 133 FOR HIGHEST QUALITY ;i COAL l AT LOWEST PRICES POSSIBLE PHONE 1594 : YADKIN FUEL COMPANY, ROGER EVANS, MGR. * COURTEOUS SERVICE TWO FULL PAGES of Radio, including a full week’s program of favorite broadcasting stations, will ; be found each week in the BALTI - MORE SUNDAY AMERICAN. . Buy your copy from your favorite i newsdealer or newsboy. LOOK AT THF YFT T OW lahd > ncidiica xtivtJ your renewal promptly. The Carolina Watchman. SCIENCE PUZZLED by persons who are moonstruck. Effect that rays have on living things is ex plained in an interesting article in the American Weekly, the big mag azine which comes with the BAL TIMORE SUNDAY AMERICAN, issue of October 14. Buy your copy from your favorite newsdealer or newsboy. < Why Hospitals Use : a liquid Laxative if -1— y; if i Hospitals and doctors have always g used liquid laxatives. And the public ® is fast returning to laxatives in liquid form. Do you know the reasons? The dose of a liquid laxative can be measured. The action can thus be regulated to suit individual need. It j forms no habit; you need not take a “double dose” a day or two later. Nor will a mild liquid laxative irritaU e the kidneys. y The right dose of a liquid laxative - brings a more natural movement, anc there is no discomfort at the time, 01 r after. 3 The wrong cathartic may often de 3 more harm than good. A properly prepared liquid laxative 1 like Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsir * brings safe relief from constipation e It gently helps the average person’! y bowels until nature restores them t< s regularity. Dr. Caldwell’s Syruj s Pepsin is an approved liquid laxative j which all druggists keep ready fo: use. It makes an ideal family laxa ' tive; effective for all ages, and ma; s be given the youngest child. s increase in employment m ^ 1 building trades. t - s As to the reorganized NRA, cei 1 tain facts and personalities stan t out. Personalities first. Two me s will run the whole show. They ar ) Donald R. Richberg and S. Cla » Williams. They are the only ful i time executives provided for. M Richberg was for years counsel fc • the railroad brotherhoods. He do< not believe strongly in governmer - dictation to business, but he doesn : think business can organize effec : tively and stick together unless tl Government lends a hand. Cla Williams, as was pointed out in th ■ correspondence some weeks ago, • held in high esteem by industri: I leaders, who have been "promot ing” him for General Johnson1 WE DO Job Printing GOOD WORK REASONABLY PRICED Watchman Printshop PHONE 133