WASHINCTO The Election Outlook A New Political Ven ture The Monetary Situa tion Before The War Prices The Years Ahead The outlook for any important increase in the number of Repub licans in the next Congress grows dimmer as election approaches. The most experienced observers here now do not look for as many as 25 additional Republican Congress men, and a good many of those will probably be of extreme radical tendencies. It is quite thinkable that the President’s principal trou ble with the next Congress will be to keep it from taking the bit in its teeth and running away with legislation far beyond the most radical ideas which Mr. Roosevelt has been accused of harboring. Some of the wisest onlookers in Washington have expressed surprise that the Republican Party has not developed a single issue of national importance on which to conduct its Congressional campaign. The one issue on which the party might have been expected to make a stand is that of Federal Relief. Political administration of relief is a novelty in American affairs. Heretofore, in previous depressions, the Red Cross, the Salvation Army, the Community Chests, municipali ties, counties and—rarely—state governments have seen to it that enough food and shelter to maintain life were provided for the unfor tunate out of work. There are no statistics of the number of unem ployed in the major depressions, of which there were at least three be tween the Civil War and the World War, but the question is being raised whether the proportion of those who needed to be helped wasi not as, great, compared to the total population and wealth of the na tion, as it is now. ^ Thtttp*-:is a decided feeling here itnatmost of the Republican candi dates and leaders have deliberately pussyfooted this issue, feeling that the mass of the voters would be re sentful of any suggestion that the I helping hand of Uncle Sam should be withdrawn. After the Congres sional elections, perhaps, more will be heard on this subject. It is one which is giving a great many thoughtful men in both parties, in the Administration and out of it, a great deal of concern. Mr. William R. Heart, news paper publisher who supported Roosevelt for the Presidency but has since been emphatic in opposi tion through his powerful chain of dailies, spent a night at the White House last week. He expressed the opinion that business conditions are improving, and that things will look brighter by next Spring. But he, too, was sharp in his warning that the Government cannot much longer continue to spend the peo ple’s money wholesale; that is can not, indeed, get the money to spend (Continued on page four) Doughton Speaks At Kannapolis Monday Night Congressman R. L. Doughton will discuss the issues of the pre sent campaign in an address Mon day night at the Woodrow Wilson school at Kannapolis, at 7:30 o’clock The public is cordially in vited. Mr. Doughton has been speaking daily in the ninth district and has been welcomed by overflowing crowds at each place. A large crowd is expected to hear him at Kannapolis Monday night. Representative Doughton told a big crowd of voters in Spencer Tuesday night that the New Deal is the big issue in the present De mocratic campaign, and in one of his masterful addresses defended the Roosevelt administration as the best that has ever been offered the American people. Mr. Doughton recited the achi evements of the Democratic party and praised the constructive pro gram that has been forging ahead since Roosevelt came into office. The meeting in Spencer was sponsored by the Voters League and several of the officers and workers in that organization took part on the program. The Carolina Watchman FOUNDED~1832—103RD YEAR SALISBURY, FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 26, 1934 VOI ir>3 Mn ~ nr^ - --— _!_ VUL- 103 NO. 13 PRICE S CENTS Lrwm Succeeds Dr. A. T. Allen Efficient Educator And i Capable Of High Office Clyde A. Erwin, 37, superin tendent of the Rutherford county schools, has been appointed by Governor Ehringhaus to fill the unexpired term of state superin tendent of public instruction tc succeed Dr. A. T. Allen superin tendent since 1923 who died in a Raleigh hospital on Saturday, Oct. 2°. The appointment of Mr. Erwin followed quite intensive study and frequent consultation by the gov ernor on the matter. The appointee will serve through 1936, as Dr. Allen’s death occured within 30 days of the general election on November 6, and under the law the appointment will hold over. Mr. Erwin was born in Atlanta, Ga., February 8, 1897, where his father was teaching school. He entered the University of North Carolina in 1915 for two years of study, and began his teaching career in Union countv. LEGION DEMANDS BONUS The American Legion, assembled in convention this week in Miami, went on record Thursday as favor ing the immediate payment of the bonus certificates by the govern ment. The vote was 987 to 183. TAKING HOLD Telephone: "Hello, I’d like to know where I can get hold of Miss Osgood?” Operator: "I don’t know; she’s awfully ticklish.” jAmerican Legion Candidate| SAN FRANCISCO . . . Prank N. Belgrano, Jr., (above), to the lead ing Pacific Coast candidate for the office of National Commander of the American Legion at the national convention at Miami, Fla., Qet. 83 to 23. GOOD MORNING CLEAR PROFIT "Why did Sandy McDougall in vite only married people to his wedding?” 1 "Well, in that way he figured that all the presents would be clear profit.” A BAD BREAK She was one of those nagging wives, but was unaware of her faults. One day she attended a lecture on "A Smiling Face Wins Through.” The lecture impressed her so much that she decided to try and experiment. Consequently, when her husband came down to break fast next morning he was met by a beaming smile. For a moment he stood dumb founded in the doorway, then he collapsed into an armchair. "Gracious’’ he said weakly, "she’s got lockjaw.” AND THEY DID Judge—Why did you steal the watch? Pitter—I was going along, I saw that the watch was going and I thought: "Why can’t we go to gether?”—Rutgers Chanticleer. SHORT MEASURE j Joan—Do you think half a dol lar is too much to charge for a kiss 'at our bazaar? l * j John—No, I don’t think so. Peo ple expect to be cheated there.— Answers. . BOILING OIiJqKAY Ad. in EngHjh p-'aper: "He’s probably dead How, but if not, I should like the motorcylist who cut in between my car and a coach near Pothill on Sunday to know that his survival owes nothing to my good wishes.’’ "Just think, children,” said the missionary, "In Africa there are six million square miles where lit tle boys and girls have no Sunday school. Now, what should we all ’strive to save money for?” "To go to Africa!’’ cried a chor jus of cheery voices. Son: "Papa, when you went to school, did they have a board of education?” ! Father: "No, son. The teacher 'used a willow switch.” HOME SWEET HOME Gertie: "Well, I found out where my hubby has been spending his evenings.’ Myrtle: "Gosh, blonde or bru nette?” Gertie: "No, I simply stayed home last night and there he was.” OUT O’ PLACE "Yet, poor Percy may have had his faults, but his heart was on the right side.’’ "Is that so? No wonder he ! died!”—Answers. | TOO ONE-SIDED j "Come, come, you shouldn’t re fuse to loan me money. One friend should always be willing to help j another.” [ "I know it, but you will insist [upon always being the other.’’ PART DESIRED Boarding-House Mistress: 'What part of the chicken do you wish?” Freshman: 'Some of the meat, please” VALUABLE BARBER "What’s causing all that noise up the street?” "The barber is shaving himself.” "But why the argument?” "He’s trying to persuade himself [to have a shampoo and some hair' tonic.” * SUFFERING FROM POLITENESS Auntie: "Tommy, won’t you have another piece of this short cake?” Tommy: "No, I thank you.” Auntie: "Yota seem to be suffer ing from loss of appetite.” Tommy: "It ain’t loss of ap petite. What I’m sufferin’ from is politeness.” Air Vanderbilt Linen NEW YORK . . . Mrs. Gloria Morgan Vanderbilt (above), faced her mother and her aunt, Mrs. Harry Payne Whitney, in court seeking the custody of her daughter, Gloria 10, the #4,000,000 heiress. They ehwged the , mother, not morally fit to have the child. Gandhi Disciple Here ----• NEW YORK . . . Madeline Blade (above), prominent English woman and a disciple of Mahatma Gandhi, is her* in native India costume to lector* through the country on con ditions in India. -Ht—i ..« Becomes r King BELGRADE, Yugoslavia . . . Above is the last picture of Peter II, as a care free boy of 11 years, seeing London sights. The photo was taken 18 days before he became the boy King of Yugoslavia through the assassination of his father, King Alexander, while on an official mis sion in lYance. | Still Golf Champion ! NEW YORK . . . Hiss Virginia Van Wie, 23, of Chicago (above), with the third Women’s National Golf Championship in her treasure kit, is now well on her way to achieve her’goal, of at least equalling the “five-time” championship record of Mrs. Glenna Collett Vare. Miss Van Wie is shown above in cup win ning ceremonies for 1934. NEWS * BRIEFS - CHARLOTTE COUPLE DROWNED Miss Helen Moose and Morris Wilson, of Charlotte, were drown ed in the Catawba river Sunday night when the motor boat in which they were riding overturn ed. FOUND DEAD ON RAIL ROAD Lawrence Earnhardt was found dead on the railway tracks just east of High Point early Saturday morning. It is thought he was struck by a train during the night. Funeral service was held Sunday from Mitchell’s Grove church. MOTHER SEES SONS KILLED A speeding truck crashed into Grady and Charles Shields of Pittsylvania county, Virginia, as they were repairing a punctured tire on their automobile near the highway. Their mother, Mrs. James Shields, witnessed the hor rible tragedy, and is said to be in a highly nervous stage. Joe Hayes, driver of the truck, is charged with murder and driving while drunk. KIDNAPS SHERIFFS WIFE The wife of Sheriff C. M. Tittle was abducted from the Mount Ver non jail, Texas, Saturday night by an ex-convict, who took $140 in cash from the jail after forcing her into a small sedan. The man was said to have been a trusty in the jail, but had recently finished serv ing a sentence. Mrs. Tittle is said to have been ill and remained at home while her husband was ab sent on business. GASTONIA OPENS NEW BANK The National Bank- of Com merce at Gastonia has opened its doors to business. The bank has taken over certain assets of the old First National bank, ending the conservatorship that has existed since March 5, 1933. Kay Dixon is president, and J. G. Reading is acting vice president and cashier of the new bank. The latter was for merly of the South Carolina Na tional bank of Greenville, and is said to be a banker of wide and successful experience. The bank starts off favorably, and is said to be 96 per cent liquid. COTTON PUT ON MARKET Cotton is now appearing.on the market in Henderson in great vol ume, and local gins are running day and night to keep up with the influx of seed cotton that is offer ed for sale. The price of lint is around 12 cents. ALBEMARLE BUILDING SWEPT BY FIRE Fire of undetermined origin gut ted the Albemarle Plumbing com pany and Lorch Heating compan) at 4:30 o’clock Tuesday morning entailing a loss of several -thous and dollars. The property wa j partly covered by insurance. Thi blaze started in the ceiling and hac been burning some time when dis covered. WRITER OF MINING ARTI jcLES IN SUIT In a suit against the Blue Bool Publishing company for $138 al legedly due him as editor of thi New Deal, a High Point weekly 'newspaper, Magistrate C. C. Muse of High Point, awarded judgmem of $40 to Edward Simpkins foi back salary for his work, the great est part of which was the author ship of a number of articles or ! mining in this state. Gaston Legion Post Is Formally Incorporated Gastonia.-“-Gaston Post No. 2 American Legion, became the first incorporated legion post in the United States. A group of 15 or 20 legionnaires are the incorporators, and the or ganization took out its papers ol incorporation as a matter of pre caution in the responsibilities ii has assumed in taking over the Gaston county fair. ! Carolina Bank Status Is Good Deposit Insurance Cor poration Reports Con ditions Sound Washington.—A concrete /pic ture of the sound condition of banks in North Carolina and South Carolina was given in a re port of the Federal Deposit Insur ance corporation. The report, covering 234 of North Carolina’s licensed commer cial banks and 82 in South Caro lina, revealed their deposits had increased more than $24,500,000 from December 30, 1933, to June 30, 1934. Total deposits in the North Car olina banks included as of June 30 were $238,301,000 as compared with a figure of $224,102,000 six months previous—an increase of (more than $14,000,000. | Deposits in the South Carolina [banks included jumped from $68, [789,000 on December 30 last year to $79,232,000 on June 30—an in crease of almost $10,500,000. The report covered 98 per cent of the licensed banks in North Carolina and 62 per cent of those i in South Carolina. i "I believe the confidence en gendered by deposit insurance has 'been an important factor in pro imoting this substantial increase ir 'bank deposits,” said Leo T. Crow ley, chairman of the FDIC. Crowley said among other sig nificant figures shown in the re ports of condition of the bank were loans and investments total ing $191,071,000 for the Nort Carolina banks and for the South Carolina banks. The North .Carolina figure m eluded $78,973,000 in balance: with the Federal Reserve bank oi the district, while the South Caro llina figure included similar bal ances totaling $31,781,000. ! The figures revealed that mor< i than 2,200 employees are engaged ■in banking in North Carolina and : 7 5 0 in South Carolina. Banking houses, furniture and [fixtures were valued at $9,034,000 in North Carolina and $2,091,000 I in South Carolina. I - | Allen, Massie Get Stays i _ I Raleigh.—An appeal to the sup reme court has been taken in the case of Rcjland Earl Allen anc Lowell Massie, white men sentenc ed to die November 2 for the mur der of Will Reeves, aged Rowar county farmer. The appeal automatcally stay: the death sentence, and leaves onl) George Whitfield, Guilford negro scheduled to die November 2. Whitefield’s death date was sei last week after the United State supreme court refused a writ o: 'certiorari to bring the case up fo review there. A hearing will pro bably be held before Parole Com missioner Edwin M. Gill nex week. Kentucky Kidnapping LOUISVILLE, Ky. . . . Above is a recent painting of Mrs. Alice Stoll, young social leader and wife of Berry V. Stoll, Kentucky oil man, whose brutal kidnapping for a de manded $50,000 ransom, gave Fed eral Department of Justice agents i,another major kidnapping rase to solve. Tells Bankers To Cooperate ^7 Recovery _ / * Pr®' ^ *t Recalls Crisis C c7 ^ar And Half Ago iays “Get Busy” ONES SPEAKS Speaking before the annual con vention of the American Bankers’ association Wednesday night the President issued something of a challenge to the country’s bankers, asserting that he expected them to supply the credit need of the coun try and to begin supplying it at once. He held out the promise that as quickly as the banks are able to assume their task of lending money to industry, just so soon will gov ernmental lending activities be curtailed. "In March, 1933, I asked the people of this country to renew their confidence in the banks,” he said. "They took me at my word. Again I ask the bankers of the country to renew their confidence in the people of this country. I hope you will take me at my word.” j The Chief Executive said that i after numerous conferences with I members of the banking fraternity [at which he had "not done all the | talking, ’ he had found many ■Jpoints of disagreement but almost •'"general agreement that govern s | mental credit agencies must con -.tinue to function until the private i banks are ready to take over their ''And when that time ■ the President said, "I shall be only 1 too glad to curtail the activities of these public agencies in propor tion to the taking up of the slack by privately owned agencies.” JONES SAYS “STORM OVER” The nation’s bankers were as sured by the administration that the economic storm has passed and warned that, unless they cooperate fully in recovery efforts, the gov ernment will go further into the lending business. The blunt admonition came from Jesse Jones, chairman of the Reconstruction Finance corpora jtion, in addressing the annual con | vention of the American Bankers’ [association. His tempered remarks and the conciliatory tone of the address by ether "New Dealers” encouraged some financiers to believe that the wide breach between the adminis tration and the bankers had been spanned and that an era of bette relations between the wan ' forces was near. Jones opened his address by de . daring, "I shall try to be less blunt : than I appeared to be in Chicago.” . He reiterated a suggestion made at that time—that the banker^ go partners with the President in his . recovery program and without stint. 'T'L . T» r/-> Iti . *i,v- ^ iicau snowea plainly that he was not satisfied with the explanation of some bankers that expansion of bank credit was being restricted by the lack of demands for it. He pointed out that the jRFC has actually disbursed loans of $3,657,000,000, of which $2, 154,000,000 has been repaid. "This is indisputable evidence,” jhe said, that you can, and could ! have made loans that you have I been unwilling to make, and upon ; collateral that you have been will ling to accept, and that the loans ! will be repaid without pressure, for j the RFC has not forced a single | collection.” Jones paused as a low hum of (conversation greeted this observa | tion. Many bankers, Jones said, stil are trying to collect the slow loan, with which they were caught at the beginning of the depression "This makes it impossible for old borrowers to help in the recovery program and discourages new bor rowers.” ' ’ S. C., where he taught under James H. Hope, now state superintendent of education for South Carolina. That Clyde A. Erwin, of Ruth erfordton, named by Governor Ehringhjus as state superintendent of public instruction, is a fine rnan, an efficient educator and a capable person for the state position, was the opinion expressed by Guy B. Phillips, former superintendent of Salisbury city schools and now superintendent of the Greensboro city schools and president of the North Carolina Education associa . ---■ -- . non. "His selection to this post should be pleasing to all those who have a sincere interest in future educa tion in North Carolina,” Mr. Phil lips stated. Mr. Erwin, a former president of the North Carolina Education as sociation and well known through out the state, was, up to the time of his appointment, superintendent of the Rutherford county schools. Mr. Phillips himself had been mentioned along with Mr. Erwin as one of the leading educational men of the state being considered for the state superintendency, left vacant by the death of Dr. A. T. Allen.