The Carolina Watchman | c.=r| FOUNDED 1832—103RD YEAR SALISBURY, FRIDAY MORNINGT^OVEMBERT^mV' ~ ~~ VOL. 103~No774 PRIcI 3 CENTS WASHINGTON Eyes On California Our Credit Still Good Spring Building Plan j Congress And Relief Still Face Big Problem It is no secret that Upton Sin clair’s candidacy for Governor of California is giving the Adminis tration more ground for worry than any other one sign on the political horizon. Whether Mr. Sinclair is elected or not on Nov ember 6th., the ideas which he has put in motion have impregnated many minds with Socialistic theor ies and to that extent make any effort on the part of the Admin istration to preserve its middle-of the-road course more difficult. A great deal of the rather con servative, reassuring talk emanting from Washington, from the Presi dent down, in the past few weeks, has been intended to offset the idea that the radical infleunce upon the Administration is still dominant. Very definitely, Washington does not want Upton Sinclair to be elected Governor of California, even though he is running on the Democratic ticket. His victory would give strength to the radicals, free-spending element which seems likely to be enlarged, rather than diminished, in the new Congress. That is not to intimate that there is any likelihood of impor tant curtailment of Government borrowing and spending, but the Administration wants - to do the planning and the spending and not have its hand forced by wild schemes which could only be car ried out by inflationary measures far greater than any that have so far been undertaken or that are contemplated. The credit of the United States is still good, and Mr. Roosevelt wants to keep it good. And there are several things to be tlone which wiil call for all the credit the Government has. Most important of these, next to maintaining its relief disburse ments, is the projact^for a gigantic under the general heading of ""slum clearance.” While nearly 150 million dollars has been allocated from the PWA funds for the pur pose of tearing down buildings un fit for human habitation and re placing them with modern housing, few of these projects have been started. There has been a fair response from private capital to the appeal of the Federal Housing Administra tion to make loans for modernizing dwellings, but the movement has not been fast enough to put a large enough proportion of unemployed, carpenters, bricklayers, plasterers, plumbers and the like, back to work. So a huge program which will take in every sort of housing activity, from subsistence home steads to great apartment projects in the big cities, is being worked out, with the idea that in this way the Government can, by next Spring, perhaps put four or fiv,c million men at work in the build ing trades. Meantime, according to oinciai ■figures, the number of individuals "on relief” is steadily increasing. It jumped in one year, from August, 1933, to August, 1934, from 15 millions to 18 millions. Due to the drought and other causes, the in crease sincie last April has been above a million more who are de pendent upon public or charitable funds for their subsistence. One result of the huge disburse ments for relief has, of course, been to stimulate retail trade in co sumer goods; but no great appre ciation in the volume of purchase of automobiles, electric refrigera tors and such items can be expect ed to result from this source. What the Administration is most afraid of is that the new Congress will develop some scheme to bring the sums alloted for relief up to what would amount to a normal wage-scale, thus making it more difficult for private capital to em bark with confidence upon new en terprises or extensions of old ones. And the great puzzle here is try ing to find out ways in which the investment of private capital may be stimulated. The hardest-worked man in the Administration just now is Chester Davis, administrator of the AAA. Besides trying to do work that would be a burden upon half a dozen ordinary men, he has an in ternal fight on his hands all the time, between the theoretical and (Continued on page four) I Big Majority Forecast For Dem. Ticket Three Outstanding Ora tors in Congress To Speak Here VOTE TUESDAY " * The campaign of 1934 comes to a close Monday night. Tuesday is election day. The results will be broadcast Tuesday night. Highlights of the closing days of the 1934 political campaign fol low: 1. Congressman Harold D. Cool ey, Representative from the Fourth North Carolina District, the out standing young orator in the state and the youngest mtfnber of the Tar Heel delegation in the Nation al Congress, will speak tonight at 7:30 p. m. in the county court house under the auspices of the Young Democratic Club of Rowan County. He will be introduced by Chas. Price, Democratic nominee for judge of the county court. 2. Congressman R. L. Doughton, Representative from this district, and chairman of the powerful Com mittee on Ways and Means, will speak Saturday night at China j tjie China Grove school, ;|j sent campaign. 3. Congressman J. J. McSwain, Greenville, S. C., will close the campaign for the Democrats in the courthouse in a final rally Monday night at 7:30. Mr. McSwain is chairman of the Military Affairs Committee of the House. Mr. Mc Swain spoke here several years ago to a packed courthouse. He is con sidered one of the best orators in South Carolina. Mr. McSwain will be introduced by Chas. Cog gin, Democratic nominee for soli citor of the district. 4. Predictions of Democratic ma jorities in Rowan county range from 3 500 to 5500. -* 5. Polls will open Tuesday at sunrise and close at sunset. 6. Estimated that around 15, 000 votes will be cast in Rowan county election day. TEXAS SHERIFF SLAIN Sheriff W. B. Arthur was slain when he entered the cell of Virgil Stalcup in the jail at Dickens, Tex., when he was overcome by the prisoner and shot with his own gun. Stalcup was under peniten tiary sentences totaling 2 54 years. NEWS BRIEFS KIDNAP MARSHAL Five armed men kidnaped the town marshal of suburban Long Beach, Mich., and, using him as a decoy, obtained entrance to the home of Thomas Maloy, head of the Chicago motion picture oper ators union, robbing it of cash and jewelry estimated to total $63, 000. GREENSBORO’S DRIVE FOR SAFETY Greensboro began a drive some weeks ago to make its streets safer for both motorists and pedestrians. As a result, 128 drivers have had their licenses suspended during three weeks of operation of the drive, and fewer wrecks have oc curred, with no lives lost. A. & P. CLOSES 428 STORES The Great Atlantic and Pacific company closed 428 of its stores in Greater Cleveland, Ohio, as a result of labor disorders. Labor union leaders demand that the com pany submit to unionization of its employees. The company paid off at Cleveland at close of business Saturday 2,200 employees. FLORIDA LYNCHING PROTESTED The action of a Florida mob in taking Claude Neal, negro, from the Brewton . (Ala.) jail Friday night and lynching" him led almost 1 at once to threats which caused the governor to place armed men to guard the jail at Marianna, Fla. Neal is said to have confessed to assaulting and killing a young farm white woman. On Sunday, the excitement was abating and of ficials had the situation well in hand. Demands from many sources are being made to the President that the lynchers be vigorously dealt with. TICKETS The following tickets will be oted on in the election Tuesday: COUNTY OFFICERS: For State Senator, J. Allan Dunn, Democrat; S. E. Sloop, Republican. For Member of the House of Representatives, J. W. Bean, George Uzzell, Democrats; G. C. Peeler, W. K. Stonestreet, Republicans. For Trial Justice Rowan County Court, Charles Price, Democrat; H. Grady Dorsett, Republican. For Register of Deeds, W. D. Kizziah, Democrat; S. O. Sowers, Republican. For Auditor, J. E. (Pat) Hay nes, Democrat; N. C. Steele, Re publican. For Sheriff, J. H. Krider, De mocrat; Carl E. Sloop, Republican. For Prosecuting Attorney Rowan County Court, W. V. Harris, De mocrat; John H. Kirby, Republi can. For Clerk of Superior Court, B. D. McCubbins, Democrat; Myron C. M. Fisher, Republican. For County Commissioners, T. M. Byrd, C. A. Long, Jim T. Graham, O. L. Linn, R. L. Bern hardt, Democrats; W. H. Hobson, A. D. Lentz, J. A. Gardner, D. E. Upright, Willis Myers, Republicans. For Coroner, W. L. Tatum, De mocrat; C. E. Brown, Republican. For County Surveyor, J. D. Justice, Democrat; Gilmer Walker, Republican. For Solicitor, 15 th. Judicial Dis trict, Charles L. Coggin, Demo crat, (unopposed.) STATE OFFICERS For Chief Justice of Supreme Court, Walter P. Stacy, Democrat; A. A. Whitener, Republican. For Associate Justice of Supreme Court, Michael Schenck, Democrat; W. H. Fisher, Republican. For Associate Justice of Supreme Court, Heriot Clarkson, Democrat; Willis G. Briggs, Republican. For Treasurer, Charles M. John continued on page eight) S. C. Solon To Close Campaign Monday Night HON. J. J. McSWAIN l Congressman J. J. McSwain, of Greenville, S. C., will close the Democratic campaign in this coun ty with an address in the court house Monday night. Mr. Mc Swain is chairman of the House Military Affairs Committee. He is an excellent speaker and a large crowd is expected to hear him. The public is cordially invited. Uoughton Issues Statement On Cotton Program Representative R. L. Doughton, candidate for Congress in the Ninth District, made the following state ment relative to the Bankhead cot ton bill which has come up fot much discussion and some criticism: "This legislation,” Mr. Dough ton stated, "was enacted upon the demand of at least 90 per cent of the cotton farmers through theit organizations and representatives. The administration of the law doubtless in some cases has not con formed fully with the purposes of the act. It is recommended by some that this law should be amended to allow an exemption of 3, 4, 3, or 6 bales to small farmers. If the farmers consider this the solution of the problem, I shall be glad, of course, to support such an amend ment and all that will be necessary as far as I am concerned, as their representative, will be for the cot ton farmers to make known such desire. In fact, any amendment they decided will Be in their inter est will receive my hearty support, __r..n j„i:i__j consideration the cotton farmers in my district deem it in their inter est to have the law repealed, I pledge my best efforts to carry out their wishes. "The President, the Democratic Congress and the Democratic Party are determined to continue their efforts to restore prosperity to ag riculture and the farmer needs only to submit his wants to the party now in power and it will be re sponsive to their mandate. Those who are now most bitter in their criticism of what has been done were responsible for the low price of cotton and other farm com modities and have nothing to offer but carping criticism.” VETOES LOTTERY Mayor Fiorrella H. LaGuardia has vetoed a bill which has caused more uproar in New York than any other municipal proposal in years— the measure providing for a city lottery. Ffis objections to scheme for raising funds for unemployed relief were the lawyer’s objections and not those of the city clergy men. Without discusing moral grounds, the mayor vetoed the bill because he doubted the legality of such a proposal. ON OUR WAY RE-EMPLOYMENT Industrial re-employment during first year of NRA_ 4,120,000 Increase in factory workers during August, 1934_ 73,000 Employed in Federal emergency work in August, 1934_ 1,251,000 Employed in 1,640 CCC camps, October 1, 1934_ 369,838 INCREASED WAGES Increase in WEEKLY factory payrolls September 1, 1933 to September 1, 1934___$72,800,000 Increase in weekly factory payrolls in 90 manufacturing industries during August, 1934_ 1,000,000 INCREASED BUYING POWER The Monthly Survey of Business of the American Federation of La bor in its October issue states: "Recovery in business has been largely due to the in crease in workers’ incomes through re-employment in indus try, plus government emergency payments to workers and farmers. These two sources HAVE RAISED JTOTAL BUY ING POWER BY ABOUT $6,000,000,000 IN THE FIRST EIGHT MONTHS THIS YEAR, compared with the same period last year.” PROFITS OF INDUSTRY Financial statement of condition of 224 leading diversified indus tries reported in survey by Eastman, Dillion & Co., New York Stock Exchange firm: For quarter ending June 30, 1933: Net earnings_$156,678,811 For quarter ending June 30, 1934: Net earnings_$214,676,996 Survey by Dow, Jones Co., New York, of 13 leading steel companies: For quarter ending June 30, 1933: Net LOSS_$14,034,595 For quarter ending June 30, 1934: Net PROFIT_$20,148,226 i BUSINESS FAILURES According to Dun & Bradstreet, Inc., business failures in September, 1934, fell to the lowest of any month since 1920 and were 40 per r per cent, ac cording to estimates of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Com merce. Sales for September, 1934, were 33% per cent larger than for September, 1933, and 60 per cent larger than for September, 1932. EXPORTS In August, 1932, $108,599,000; August, 1933, $131,473,000; Au gust 1934, $171,965,000. I NEW LIFE INSURANCE New business, all classes, by companies, 8 5 per cent total: August, 1933 _ 688,620,000 August, 1934 - 699,879,000 j First 8 months of 193 3 -5,181,159,000 ; First 8 months of 1934 - 5,843,825,000 ; Gain 12.8 per cent. FEDERAL INCOME Fiscal year 193 3_$1,619,839,224 Fiscal year 1934_ $2,672,239,194 July-Aug., 193 3_ 294,273,298 July-Aug., 1934 425,140,282 FARM INCOME Fiscal year 1932-33 $3,881,000,000 Fiscal yr. 1933-34 $5,083,000,000 June, July, Aug., 1932 June, July, Aug., 1933 $913,000,000 $1,316,000,000 June, July, Aug., 1934, $1,508,000,000 Farm income in August, 1934, was 80 per cent above March, 1933, and prices paid by farmers during August, 1934, averaged 2 5 per cent above the level of March, 193 3. Purchasing power of farm products thus had an increase of 44 per cent. FARM PRICES The market value of the basic farm commodities on September 26 1934, was 35 per cent above the average cn September 26, 1933, and 101 per cent above the average on September 26, 1932. Rowan County voters will have an opportunity to express them selves in a threefold manner next Tuesday. First: To uphold the hands of a great President of the United States in his valiant efforts to lead this nation from the shadows of national disaster back to happiness, hope, and prosperity. In the short time that Franklin D. Roosevelt has been our national leader he has in a wonderful manner brought about the realization of many of the pledges and purposes of the Democratic program to (Continued on page four) Doughton Speaks At China Grove Saturday Night 11 HON. R. L. DOUGHTON | i i Hon. R. L. Doughton, chairman of the Ways and Means Committee of the national Congress, will de liver an address at China Grove School, Saturday night at 7:50 jo’clock. A large audience is ex .pected to hear him. | Of Ballots Nov. 6 Everything is in readiness for the battle of ballots on November 6. The registration books closed Saturday and this Saturday will be challenge day, and the registrars will be required to be at the polling places from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m., at which time the registration books J will be open for inspection of vot- | ers in their respective precincts for the purpose of challenging any name appearing on the books for cause. Tuesday, November 6 is election1 day. The polls will be open from sunrise to sunset, and any depend able almanac will give vou the ex ■ act minute if you are meticulous iabout the time. i On election day the county board j |of elections will have appointed to; serve in each precinct a sufficient number of persons of requisite qualifications and electors of their' ; precinct to act as markers. It will | be their duty to assist the voters i in preparing their ballots if so de- ! sired. These markers will be ap (Continued on page eight) Small Cotton ' Farmer May Be Tax Exempt Washington.—It was learned here on good authority today that the department of Agriculture and al lied governmental agencies, were drafting a plan to exempt the small cotton farmer from the pay ment of the so-called cotton pro cessing tax. Although everyone admits that the Bankhead cotton act and other measures taken to reduce the big carry-over of cotton, around 20, 000,000 bales, have put many 'mil lions of dollars into the hands of the southern cotton farmers this year, there has come such a protest from the southern Senators and Congressmen regarding the effects of these measures on the small cot ton growers that the officials of the department of agriculture are working out a remedy on the basis of exempting the small cotton farmers from the payment of the small tax imposed on surplus cot ton production. The Senators and Congressmen argue, it was stated, that since the Administration started out to re duce the crop to 10,400,000 bales and it has been already reduced to 9,400,000 bales, that some relief should be given the small growers who only raise cotton to provide a little cash for winter clothing, etc. It was also learned that a plan was considered to recall all al lotment certificates issued to grow ers of six bales or under and new certificates for the entire crop, tax free, be issued in their stead. These changes, it is believed, will stop to a great extent the objections to the measures by the small cotton growers and will not materially change the status of the reduction program. i in