The Carolina Watchman _ _a newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of rowan county Greater Salisbury F<3U—DEP 1832~1>3RD _SALISBURY, FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 23, 1934 VOL. 103 NO. 17 ~PRICE S CENTS What Is Next? G.O.P. Roots Still Deep Stronger Blocs Loom This And That News Now that there has been time to take a long breath and analyze the election returns, political Wash ington—and there isn’t anything in Washington that isn’t political _has resumed its favorite pastime, which is guessing what is going to come next. The three brain-teaser* over which the sooth-sayers and self-appointed prophets are puzzl ing at the moment, are: What will the Administration try next in its effort to get work ers off the relief rolls and the wheels of business rolling full speed again ? Will the new Congress eat out of the President’s hand like the old one, or will it take the bit in its teeth and jump over the traces? What is there ahead for the Re publican Party? Curiously enough, the answers to that last question are easier to guess than the others. The man in the street is saying that the Republican party is dead. The same unthink ing folk were saying the same thing about the Democratic party in 1920—not to go any further back —and again in 1924 and 1928 jBut the real students of politic; point out that great politicial par ties are not "killed” by one or twc or even a dozen national defeats. The wise ones are pointing oui that, although only 28 of the 4/ millions of registered voters wen: to the polls on November 6th, 11 millions of them voted the Repub lican ticket pretty nearly straight And there are plenty county ant town boards that are still solidb Republican. It is from local unit that any national party derives it strength. The roots of the Repub lican part)' are still pretty deep it the soil. It was only the uppei branches, including a good man) dead limbs, that were killed in the Democratic landslides of 1932 and looking Republican leadership there are few tears being shed ovei the defeat of Senator Reed it Pennsylvania and of several othe: members of the "Old Guard,” else where. Their loss simplifies th job of re-organizing the party. The indications are that ther will be stronger "blocs” than hav ever been seen on Capitol Hill urging inflation of the currency government control of credit am banking, wild universal pensioi schemes (there are expected to b 10 million signatures on the peri ' tion for the adoption of the Town send plan for giving ederybod; ■over 60 a pension of $200 month) immediate payment of th veterans’ bonus, tax schemes of th -"soak-the-rich” variety, and, o course, projects for vastly greate Government spending than hav yet been dreamed of. The President’s major task, poli tical wiseacres predict, will be ti -control this tendency to run wile on the part of Congress. Report credited here are that he would liki to see Representative Sam Ray burn of Texas in the Speaker’ chair vacated by the death o Speaker Rainey. Mr. Rayburn i regarded as a strong character ant a sound politician. He was thi (Continued on page four) Junior Order To Hold Past Councilors Nitc Winona Council number 18 will hold a past councilors night or next Tuesday evening in their hall in the Wright building on West Innes street, and all members art urged to be present. An election and also nomination of officers will be held at this time and it is most important that a large representation of the mem bers of this council be present. A supper will be served during the evening, at the hut of the Second Presbyterian church. All members are ur^-d to be at the hall as early as possible, not later than seven-thirty and sooner if possible, as it is desired to start the meeting as early as possible, as it is expected that several speeches will be made by past councilors as well as others. Cars will be provided tp. trans port those to the supper who do not have cam. C. Stott Noble Appointed To Memphis Post Former Assistant Mana ager Becomes Manager Here IS WELL KNOWN i Information was received from Washington this week that Thomas C. Abernethy of Lincolnton has been appointed state manager for the Home Owners’ Loan corpora tion to succeed C. Stott Noble, who has been appointed to the managership of the regional office just established at Memphis. Mr. Abernethy, who formerly lived in Lincolnton, has been in Salisbury for the last year. Until May, he was head of the committ ment department of the Home Owners’ Loan corporation in the state. H. L. Selley of Washington ' appointed him deputy state man- j ^ ager and he was later made assist-1 ant state manager. No appoint-1 ' ment of a successor to Mr. Aber- j ’ nethy has been made. Mr. Abernethy’s home is in; Cherryville, but the promotion j means permanent residence in Sal isbury. He is known well to the: banking fraternity throughout, North Carolina, particularly in the western part of the state. j He is ‘ a brother of Max Aberne- j thy, chief clerk in the office of the j secretary of state in Raleigh. wasnington.— lhe board ot.dir-j ectors of the Home Owners’ Loan ■ ; corporation announced the pro motion of C. Stott Noble to the position of regional manager of ' the Memphis regional office of the : corporation, organization of which ’ is now in progress, j Mr. Noble formerly served the corporation as special represent a 1 tive in the wholesale department : and more recently as state manager of North Carolina, and has a back ground of 20 years experience in the field of real estate and mortga 1 ge financing. The Memphis of fice, as previously announced, will [handle the servicing and collection of loans in the states of Tennessee, Kentucky, Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana and Missouri. It will not replace but will supplement and as sist the work of the state and dis f trict offices already in operation in .this territory and represents a fur ’ ther step in the decentralization plans of the corporation. Seven similar offices have already been established in Boston, New York, Atlanta, Cincinnati, Detroit, Chi-1 cago and San Francisco. T. C. Abernethy, of Cherry-! : j ville, N. C., has been appointed state manager of North Carolina succeeding Mr. Noble and will as sume his new duties immediately. He is thoroughly equipped for nis new position as he has been con nected with the corporation for| , more than a year, for. the past sev-; eral months acting as assistant manager in North Carolina. Pauli M. Sherrill of Charlotte, formerly | district appraiser at Charlotte, has been appointed state appraiser sue- | ceeding S. C. Clark, resigned. In line with the board’s policy of i selecting the regional p:rsonnelj from among the trained employes, of the corporation, Basil Stock-1 bridge, formerly a special represen tative, has been appointed assistant regional manager at Memphis, and Anselm J. McLaurin, of Jackson, Miss., state counsel for Mississippi, has been promoted to Memphis regional counsel. COMMITS SUICIDE After turning all the money re-11 ceived at his store this week overji to his son and sending him on a'< mission to ^Whaflt, Q JL Meldin,|j 40, well-knojtp ruat merchant ofp near Wake-'^SNpestl^m'mkted sui cide by shoeing hjjhsdf with -a. 3.2 jj caliber pistol. Ji Maurice Gets News Photo [m NEW YORK ... Maurice Chevalier (above), French screen star, has returned to American shores. Upon arrival he showed “ship news photographers” just how to go about the job of getting pictures. NEWS BRIEFS OPPOSE CHANGES IN LIQUOR LAWS The North Carolina conference of the Methodist Protestant church in their 107th session at Greens boro placed itself on record as op posing repeal of the Turlington act which governs the handling of liquor in North Carolina. GIRLS SLAIN, ONE RAVAGED At Clifton Forge, Va., a hor rible tragedy took place Sunday when the 13 and 9 year old daughters of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hill were inveigled from home and brutally slain. The older child, Alice B., had been criminally at tacked, and the younger, Ellen Hill, was thought to have been kill ed first, and had been dead 12 hours when found. Phillip Jones, 23, negro, was arrested and has confessed to the crime. Two other suspects are held, all having been removed to Roanoke to avert lynching. RAPTTSTS RFFIFCT WATT. Dr. Zeno Wall, of Shelby, was reelected for his third consecutive term as president of the North Carolina Baptist Association at the concluding session of the 104th convention at New Bern Friday. Election was unanimous. Named to serve with Dr. Wall as vice presidents were: W. B. Edwards president of Chowan college; Rev. J. Ben Eller, of Greensboro, and Rev. R. E. Brickhouse of Warren ton. Total registration for the convention was 1,050, with a num ber of unregistered delegates and ather convention visitors. DEATH TOLL 230 IN ISLAND SALE With at least 230 persons re sorted dead and thousands home less, the mid-week typhoon and Flood that struck the Philippines vas ranked tonight as one of the slands’ worst disasters in many rears. ____ i Local Bakery Driver Injured! _ Roy Deese, driver for Rabon’s' >akery of this city was seriously! lurt Monday shortly after noon! vhen the truck he was operating eft the highway near the Yadkin •iver and went down a steep fill, triking two telephone poles en oute. Deese suffered internal njuries and severe shock, it is re wrted from the Rowan general, wspital where he. was taken for* reatment. | Former Bank Official Gets Light Sentence Ralph Davis Gets Additional 60 Years For Highway Robbery Here In Superior court here Wednes day afternoon, J. M. McCorkle, former banker and prominent citi zen entered a plea of nolo conten dre on a charge of embezzlement' cf $3 5,000, while executor of the estate of the late Mrs. Frances K.j Frecks, and was sentenced by Judge Stack to serve not less than twoj and one-half years, nor more than five years in the state prison. The sentence was made as light Judge Stack stated as his con science would allow him to make, in view of the excellent reputation, of the defendant in the past, andj his advanced age, Mr. McCorkle’ being 65 years and in poor health.' A large array of local citizens; testifying as to the excellent char acter of the defendant, who for years was a leading and prominent [citizen of the community, leading' churchman, former member of the city council and chairman of the county school board. It was nor disclosed at the trial just where the funds went, and the judge in questioning the witnesses in an effort to find out, but it was apparent that Mr, McCorkle did jnot speculate or frade in stock ■market speculation* or real estate, .and that he had always apparently [lived within his means. The de fendant did not take the stand. Ralph Davis, who was sentenced in Iredell cctanty la'st week to thirty years for the murder of the late Sheriff Kimball of that coun-1 ty, pleaded guilty in court here to three holdups and three cases of larceny and was given 60 years in suspended sentences in state’s pri son. The suspended sentences be ing given to him upon the condi tion that he serve out his thirty years and be of good behavior, make no attempt to escape and violate no law. Bill Rumple an accomplice of Davis also drew a sentence of 10 years in the state prison. Cal Brown, negro, plead guilty to second degree murder of another negro, George Coleman, September 30 at an ice cream festival in the Barber section and Judge S’dack sentenced him to 12 to 18 years in the state prison at hard labor and to wear stripes. The report of the grand jury, with L. C. Cauble, foreman show ed the affairs of the county to be in good condition, and commended those in charge of the different de partments for the excellent manner I in which the affairs of .the mstituJ tions of the counly are being con-j ducted. j i Veteran Writes Of ! Terrible Winter In | Prison At Salisbury! Editor National Tribune: Here are a few dates taken from my ! diary that may be of interest to the comrades: ; Oct. 19, 1864.—Taken prisoner at Cedar Creek, Va., near the home of Thomas Mathews (formerly of Massachusetts). The good wife of Thomas gave us breakfast of bread jand apple butter. j Oct. 20.—We marched all last | night. Got to New Market at 10 ;o’clock; drew rations of flour and i molasses. Stopped at Big Spring overnight. Next day started at 6; [marched thru Harrisonburg. Stop ped above Mount Crawford. Rain ed in the night. Oct. 22.—We started at 2 and went to Staunton, arriving at 10. Went aboard train and started for Richmond in open cars. Cold. Arrived in Richmond at noon next day near Libby Prison. Had john nycake in Castle Thunder. Weather cold; no covering. Johnnycake and meat. Two meals in Castle Thund er. Oct. 25.—Left Richmond for Salisbury, N. C. Arrived at Dan ville 26th about 10 o’clock and changed cars for Greensboro, N. C. Stopped in the woods overnight. Cold; no blankets. Not anything to eat. Arrived at Salisbury 27th at 3 o’clock. Raining hard; no shelter. Nothing to eat. Oct. 28.—Find myself prisoner at Salisbury stockade, about eight acres, inclosed with high board fence. Guard on top with dead houses and dealine within; many without shelter. Rations very small, consisting of bread about size of biscuit, with about an ounce of meat, once a day. Many days without any food; many days no water to drink. Nov. 24.—Thanksgiving. We went on one-quarter ration. Nov. 25.—About noon the prisoners made a break for freedom. About 8 were killed and 5 0 or more wounded. It was not a success. This disturbance was caused on ac count of meager rations. Dec. 19.—Began to hold religi ous meetings in prison. I didn’t; know what denomination was lead- j ;ing until one night the comrade on; | the ground next to me said to me: j j "If you are a Catholic you can go! out with us tomorrow. We Cath-i ;olics are going out.” f, Dec. 23.—Three hundred Cath-j !olics went out. Not being a Cath jolic, I stayed in and was in prison'] juntil Feb. 22, 1865, when I was,j with the others, released with two1] j days’ ration of corn bread and raw;( pork. We marched, or walked,j, i about 10 miles, eating boxberryj leaves and frozen turnips which ] I we found on the route to Greens-1, jboro. There we went aboard cars! ^or Goldsboro, where we were per-j^ Joled Feb. 28 and sent into our lines j 'at Wilmington. Four thousand died that Winter . in Salisbury; 12,174 died in one. year, four times as many as were1, killed at Gettysburg.—Marcus P. j Russell, Co. K. 38 th Mass. i —National Tribune, October 25, 1934. _ e Rev. G. L. Whitley To Speak Sunday l First Pres. Church 2 _ 1 The Rev. G. L. Whitley, of Roanoke, Va., will speak at a stewardship conference Sunday, Nov. 25, at the First Presbyterian church. The conference here will come * at the morning service hour. The conferences are held, undet the auspices of the Stewardship committee of the Presbyterian * church. Mr. Whitley will tell how his church was so greatly blessed and how easily the church budget was raised through the use of the * tithe as a working principle. Mr. Whitley is an interesting and force- J ful speaker, and large numbers are expected to hear him. All the g churches in Concord Presbytery are n urged to send delegations. The public is cordially invited- n German Queen of Vine BERLIN . . . Down at Neustadt Germany each Fall a “Festival of the Vine’’ is held. Each season a new queen is chosen. This year Fraa lein Trade Knauber (above), was fittingly crowned to rule over the festivities. GOOD MORNING .. , ,'V NOT LIKE HER Mrs. Woop had died, and da wanted to put some sort of memoi ial to her. ~fc stained-glass winder in the local church being sugges! ed, dad agreed, and left all ai rangements in the hands of tl minister. At length the window arrivec and was fitted into position, an dad in an unusually excited fram af mind, set out to view it. The minister escorted the ol :hap into the church, and, with Flourish indicated the window vhich depicted an angel. "How do you like it?” said he Dad gazed at it thoughtfully. "No good,” he grunted. "Why, what’s your objection?’ "It ain’t a bit like the old wo nan.” IEALIZATION Bride (on honeymoon)—"Whj lo you look so unhappy, Jim? Yot mow that we are one now.” Groom-—"Yes, dear, but judg ng from the hotel bill I’ve just re vived the manager seems to think ve’re about half a dozen.” .AZY POET TO HIS GIRL fou’re a perfectly marvelous, Wonderful gal )itto, et cetera And so forth, et al. lush little drug store, Don’t you cry— ’’ou’ll be a barroom Bye-and-Bye! Mrs. Bing: "They say the gov rnment is going to control every thing.” Mrs. Sting: "Well, it’s going to ave an awful time with that Jones oy who lives next to us.” IN ANGEL ON EARTH et poets sing their lilting song And gaily smite the lyre; rive me the man who whistles while He’s putting on a tire. fO WONDER Rabe: "How is Walker?” Holt: "Flat on his back.” Rabe: "Why I saw him dancing ith a dizzy blonde last night.” Holt: "So did his wife.” The dyspeptic can eat his cake nd still feel that he has it. UST PARTLY Young Thing: "I have broken my lasses. Will I' have to be exam ed all over?” Optician: "No only your eyes, list.” — oiggest Drive To Be Made j "»'« * t • Treasury To Collect Rev enue In Anti-Liquor States i -_.. | N. C. IN LIST Washington.—The Treasury be gan this week its biggest liquor en jforcement drive since repeal of pro hibition. Its goal was drying up of 20 States which still have anti liquor laws. The program involved rigid col lections of Federal taxes in a round up of thousands of liquor dealers in dry States who have not paid their excise duties in full. In this manner the Government, it was learned, expects to obtain new revenue and aid dry States in ■ driving out illicit sales of liquor. Lists of names of suspected per sons in the dry areas have been [forwarded to local Internal Reve nue collectors, with orders to col lect taxes or to seek jail sentences. The drive is being pushed under a 1926 statute, which previously ^ had not been rigidly enforced. It j provides that retail liquor dealers Federal excise tax if they are sell ing in violation of local or State liquor laws. In addition retail dealers must [ pay a $25 annual occupational tax. i1 Internal 'Revenue r.uthorities e have been investigating the situa tion for several months, it was l learned, and the campaign was ord t ered by the Treasury. ; Officials admitted that the board provisions of the act might be ap plied to wet States for technical violations, but said that enforce ment facilities are too limited to ■ undertake that now. Recently the Government helped dry States by supplying State au thorities with names of retail deal ers taking out the $2 5 retail li cense. I "We regard the fact that pay ment of a $25 occupational tax in dry States is prima facie evidence that the $ 1,000 tax assessment is due because liquor is being sold in violation of the local laws. Of course, drug stores and other simi lar exceptions do not fall within this,” a high Treasury official said. Several States in the Treasury’s dry list voted repeal in the recent election, but officials said that un til' the liquor laws actually become effective they will be treated in f mniTA _ J_ ! States. j The following list, which also in cludes drug stores, shows the States and the number of retail dealers in each classified in the Treasury dry column. Alabama, 4?7; Arkansas, 619; Florida, 1,382; Georgia, 332; Idaho, 761; Kansas, 477; Kentucky, 1, 709; Maine, 6; Mississippi, 5 30; Nebraska, 1,518; North Carolina, 238; North Dakota, 128; Okla homa, 1,498; South Carolina, 573; South Dakota, 420; Tennessee, 176; Texas, 4,331; Utah, 496; West Virginia, 567; Wyoming, 835. HUEY LONG FOR PRESIDENT Huey Long, the well-known Kingfish of Louisiana, is grooming j himself\ to run for president a [gainst Mr. Roosevelt in 1936 on a (third party ticket. Huey thinks' ! the President can not retain his present popularity over two years, and that he himself is the sort of dictator the country needs. They claim that "pull” is neces sary for success, but many sales men will say they have had a tre mendous pull on the doorbell with out its bringing any great results!

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