The Watchman “ * —— ---anewspaper devoted to the upbuilding of rowan county isbury FOUNDED 1832— 103Rd"yEAR -■■ ■■ ~~ - -1 !~: -- -SALISBURY. FRIDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 10, 1»4 VOL. 101 NO. IS PRICE 5 CENTS wMnrnm* The Man From Utah His Banking Record Invited to Washington Insurance and Busi ness Folks are going to hear a lot about Marriner Stoddard Ecdes, the new Governor of the Federal Reserve Board. For one thing, he will be the first man to occupy that post who can be counted on co "play ball” with the Treasury all the time. That is regarded as of the highest importance, for it is through the Federal Reserve Banks that all of the funds must be raised for the Government’s spending program—and there is going to be some more. Under Governor Eccles the Fed eral Reserve system will function as a central bank cooperating with the Government and under com plete Government supervision. And if anybody asks you who thought of that idea, tell ’em it’s one of Flccles' own. And that is only one of the financial and economic ideas which have originated with this slender, dark-eyed, 44-)tear-old banker from Utah. He has been around Washington only since the beginning of the year, but he has been the Administration’s chief ad viser on banking and credit policies from the moment of his arrival. Born in Utah, where his father, a Scotch immigrant, had settled, Eccles was brought up in the Mor .nion church, and when he was 20 he was sent to Europe as a Mormon missionary. It is not disclosed how many converts he made, but he brought back a wife, whom he found in his father’s native Scot land. Then he got a job in a bank, and before long he owned a bank, then another and another. By the end of 1932 he controlled two big banking institutions, one of them with sixteen branches and the other with seven. Every one of them in cidentally, was sound as a nut when the banking crisis occured. Mr. Eccles wanted to find out what was the matter with the na tion's economic system. Shortly after the depression began he made it his business to collect everything that anyone else had written about it and to talk to as many men is he could find who had opinions. Out of all of these contacts he evolved a financial program for the United States, which he reduced ro paper. He was sure it would work, but not being a politician, not even a Democrat, he didn’t have much expectation of getting anybody in the Roosevelt Administration to .... ... L:. _1„_ V V 'wll lUUli n L 1UJ Eccles then happened to meet Stuart Chase, who had been work ing out some ideas for the New Deal himself. He and Chase hit it off, and Chase suggested that Ec cles get in touch with a Columbia Professor named Rexford Guy Tug well, who was close to the President elect. Since he had to come east to answer some questions to which the Senate Banking Committee wanted answers, and which he ans wered by giving the committee a -copy of his document, he stopped off in New York and called up Professor Tugwell. The two men spent a few hours together, then Eccles hopped a plane and flew back to Utah. The bank holidays were beginning, and he couldn’t stay East to attend the inaugura tion of President Roosevelt. Along in October last year Tug well invited him to come to Wash ington and meet some folks. He met all the king-pins of the Ad ministration, and the next thing he knew was that the President asked him to drop his banking business in Utah and come to Washington as assistant to the Secretary of the Treasury. Mr. Eccles is independ ently wealthy, and liked the idea of being useful in helping to get national affairs straightened out, (Continued on page four) New Auto Tags Will Go On Sale Here Saturday The new 193 5 state automobile license plates will go on sale at the headquarters here of the Carolina Motor club Saturday morning, and every automobile and truck in the state must display the new plates on and after January 1. The tags have a black back ground with aluminum figures. The fee this year will be at the rate of 55 cents a hundred pounds of weight of the automobile. The minimum cost for passenger cars , will be $12.50, which can be used j only on Model "T” Fords and Aus- ■ tins. Newer Fords, Chevrolet! ; and Plymouths and other light cars j will require license costing $12.65 ; or $13.20. ( A large sale of the new tags to ; motorists who recently have pur- j chased new cars and have not ob- J tained licenses is expected to begin < Saturday. , Easy Passage Of Bonus Bill Seen In House Belief That Majority Of Democrats Will Desert Administration On Issue SENATE MAY BALK Washington.—Balky members of the 74th congress predicted a ma jority of house Democrats would join with Republicans to pass again with an overwhelming vote the $2,200,000,000 soldier bonus bill. The fate of the measure in the senate is problematical. Party leaders have informed President Roosevelt that the bill is certain of increased support in the body which twice has voted against it. ! Bi-partisan pressure in favor of the legislation was forecast by Re presentative Isaac Bacharach (R., N. J.). Belief that a majority of Democratic members would desert |the administration on this issue was expressed by Representative Fred j Vinson (D., Ky.). Both are mem bers of the powerful house ways land means committee in charge of I the legislation; both voted against ja bonus bill at the last session and (both believe the house can pass jsuch a measure over Mr. Roose velt’s veto. mere is every indication tnat tne; bonus is on the President’s list of: official worries. He has discussed] the question with two of his sen ate leaders—Joe T. Robinson of| Arkansas, and Pat Harrison of i Mississippi. Afterward, the impres sion was left that Mr. Roosevelt ] favored a "pay-as-you-go” policy in ! regard to regular government ex penditures. ] In other words, if the 74th con j gress insists upon the immediate j payment of the bonus—then it is jup to the congress to find means of ^obtaining sufficient federal revenue to meet the proposed huge outlay of cash. The chief executive is not disposed, friends say, to consider ; the bonus as an emergency meas- j ure. As opposing forces maneuvered {Continued on page five) Antarctic Postmaster --—x-x-x-xy ■ _ SAN FBANCISCO . . . Charles F. Anderson (above), TJ. S. Postal In spector is now on the high seas enroute to Admiral Byrd's base in Little America, to become postmaster these. He is the first postal worker ever to leave U. S. territory with authority to caned stamps. NEWS BRIEFS FARMER BURNS IN HIS CABIN Cleveland Murray. 45, unmar ried farmer living near Hillsboro, was burned to death Sunday morn ing when his cabin was destroyed by fire. The body was burned al most beyond recognition. The fire was adjudged accidental. KILLED IN TRUCK CRASH John L. Nelson, 60, a Junior Or der official at Morganton, was in stantly killed on the highway near Henderson when His coupe collided with a truck. Mr. Nelson was a native of Caldwell county, and was prominently known and a popular business man. TRYING TO HOLD LAND UN DER GRANT FROM KING GEORGE III There is a family in Greene county faced with a problem of the depression to hold the land which has served the family through sev en generations, under the original land grant from King George III. The adjustment committee is said to be using its efforts towards sav ing the land to the owners, who arc said to be worthy persons. CHARLOTTE PRINTER DIES L. W. Hutchins, 43, for many years foreman of the Observer Printing house, job printing, of Charlatte, died Sunday morning following a short illness of pneu monia. He was authority on job printing and a genial man. He is survived by his widow, one son, and three brothers. Rev. W. L. Hutch ins, of Concord, a brother, was once pastor of the church at New London, in Stanly county. GREENSBORO PUBLISHER DIES Alexander Lowrie Stockton, 5 8, for 23 years managing editor of the Greensboro News, died Sunday morning in a Greensboro hospital, where he had been a patient two days. Mr. Stockton had been con fined to his home with low grade influenza, from which he was sup posed to have recovered. His weakened condition probably led to the hemorrhage and death as the direct cause of a septic ulcer. Mr. Stockton was prominent in newspaper circles, and was presi dent of the N. C. Press association at one time. His widow, one daughter, and five sisters survive. TWO INDICTED Charles Smith, Honea Path po liceman, and Robert Calvert, spe cial deputy, were indicted in An derson, S. C., by the grand jury on seven counts of murder in con nection with the slaying of seven strikers at the Chiquola manufac turing plant. Honea Path, during the national textile strike Septem ber 6. No bills were returned igainst eight other officers and de putized officers. 107 AUTO VICTIMS One hundred and seven persons tvere killed in automobile accidents n North Carolina in October, a aew all-time high toll for one nonth since records have been kept, L. S. Harris, director of the ■notor vehicle bureau in Raleigh re sorts. The death list bearing 107 lames—15 of them children killed while playing in the street—top sed by one the 106 in September md by 25 the toll of 82 ip Octo ser, 1933. September had set a lew high record. Hit-and-run Irivers caused 10 fatal and 30 non atal accidents but reckless drivers, vho figured in 27 fatal wrecks and >9 non-fatal, led the list of irres sonsible operators who figured in tccidents. There were 5050 acci lents in all and in addition to the .07 persons killed a total of 754 teople were injured or maimed. Sunday was the most dangerous lay in October on which tp go notoring. ■ " ■ — 5 — -—— — |j -— ■ I Ifs Saturday Night for National Capitol WASHINGTON . . . Tons of water are being poured on the United States Capitol building by District of Columbia firemen. Not to put out any fire there but in giving the famous old structure its annual bath, in preparation for the opening of Congress in January. District HOLC v | Heads Confer; —Jr Meet Here T6 Talk With New State | Manager District heads q4 the Home Own ers’ Loan corporation of North S Carolina, met here Monday to con jfer with Thomas C. Abernethy, .newly appointed state manager, on| problems and matters pertaining to the organization. Resolutions expressing the ap preciation of the leadership of C. j j Stott Noble, state manager the past j three months, and congratulations! j upon his recent appointment as regional manager with headquarters at Memphis, were passed. The dis trict managers also expressed grati- ’ jfication at the naming of Mr. I Abernethy, and pledged him their [full loyalty and support, j Those present for the conference j were: George D. Robertson, man ager of the Asheville district; F. L. Williamson, manager of the I Greensboro district; Roy S. Smith,1 head of the Charlotte district; R.! B. Davis, manager of the Green ville district; Adrian M. Carroll,1 [manager of the Raleigh district; jand R. B. Cantwell, Jr., acting manager of the Wilmington dis trict. | Others attending Werfe: P. S. Carlton, state counsel; J. LeGrand [Everett, chief disbursing officer;! John M. Geary, state recondition ing supervisor; Paul M. Sherrill, state appraiser; C. H. Neal, special [assistant to Mr. Abernethy; and [Eric W. Rodgers, assistant state manager in charge of field opera tions. WANTED AT ONCE! At China Grove, Landis and in every section of Rowan County Corres pondents and Repre sentatives to work for THE WATCHMAN. An interesting prop osition will be made you. Send in a news letter from your sec tion for our next issue and tell us if you would like to represent us. Address: J. R. FELTS, Business Manager. Woman Is Trapped j By Store Elevator Miss Julia Moose Criti cally Hurt—Her Head And Spinal Cord Injured Miss Julia Rebecca Moose, mem ber of the office force of the Mont gomery-Ward store here, was criti cally injured Tuesday afternoon when caught by a descending1 freight elevator. Investigating to see why the ele vator had stopped on its downward way, an employe saw Miss Moose’s head wedged between the elevator; and the guard gate. She was rushed to the Rowan ■ general hospital, where it was said she had suffered injuries to the brain and the spinal cord and was; in a critical condition. Miss Moose evidently had been j looking down the elevator shaft; when caught. She is 21 years old': and daughter of W. B. Moose, mer-! chant at Badin. Last year she was.) a sophomore at Catawba college and had been with Montgomery-Ward for some months. Football Results! N. C. State and Duke game post-^ Doned until Saturday, Dec. 1, ow ng to wet grounds and rain. Catawba_0 0 0 0—0 Len'oir-Rhyne_0 0 0 0—O' Carolina _19 0 6 0—25 j( Virginia _ 0 0 6 0— 6; Kentucky_0 0 0 0— 0,' Tennessee_6 7 0 6—19 j, - ! ■ Wake Forest_6 0 0 0— 6 Davidson _0 7 6 0—13 Furman _0 0 0 0—0 Clemson_7 0 0 0—7 Washington-Lee_0 7 0 7—14 S. C. University_7 0 0 0— 7 V. M. I._0 0 0 0—0 V. P. I._0 7 6 0—13 Alabama _13 7 7 7—34 Vanderbilt _ 0 0 0 0— 0 Thanksgiving Passes Quietly Thursday, Thanksgiving day | vas quietly observed in the city, all msiness being at a standstill. The HKtoffice, county offices and >anks all observing the day. The nain attraction here being the foot* r >all game between Lenoir-Rhyne 1 ind Catawba college, which was i vitnessed by a large crowd, despite > he inclemency of the weather. ! GOOD MORNING AND HOW Raleigh women held for hitting man with automobile.. —Some women will throw any thing. Coroner—"Was the man you found dead on the railroad track, a total stranger?” Witness—"No sir—just a partial stranger.” Coroner—"What do yon mean by that?”’ Witness—"Well,, sir, both- legs were gone.” Did you hear of the Irishman in Russia who was being examined by the Soviet for citizenship? "If you had a million dollars,, would you give half to the state?” Mike—"Sure.” "If you had a thousand acres of land, would you give half to the state?” Mike—"Sure.” "If you had two shirts, would you give one to the state?” Mike—"No.” "Why not?” Mike—"Well, I’ve got two shirts.” Goofus—"What did they put; Old Jimson in jail for?” Rufus—"Trigonometry. He had three wives." During a crap game two Salis bury negroes had a difference of opinion as to the ownership of a one dollar bill. The argument soon became a dispute that threatened to grow serious. The right hand of one beligerent stole slowly to- j ward his hip pocket. "Nigger,” he inquired softly.! "What date is dis?” "I ain’t payin’ no notice to de dates,” flung back the other. "Well, you better begin to do so!” was the rejoinder. "How cum, nigger?” "Does you ask me hom cum? 'Cause jest 12 months from today j you’ll a ’ben daid prazackly one ^eah.” i — "An’ how’s Lawyer Jones doing, j Joctor?” Doctor—"Poor fellow, he’s ly-.1 ng at death’s door.” Farmer—"That’s grit for ye! at i. Jeath’s door, an’ still lying.” t "What is the difference between ^ tn old-fashioned girl and a mod :rn girl?” 1 "An old-fashioned girl blushes ‘ vhen she is ashamed and a mod- . irn girl is ashamed when she 1 )lushes.” ‘ Lad}'—"That language you are| ising to that mule is perfectly/ hocking.” } Driver—"Yes, it seems to get a 1 ise out of everybody exceptin’ the t nule. You’re about the 20th per on who has objected to it.” a I" # "111 i t LindberghNursemaid j jf i: TRENTON, N. J_Betty Gow ■bore), nursemaid to the Lindbergh shy at the tint* of the kidnapping; 1 returning from Seotlaadto teetify k ttMil of Bruno* Hauptmann for t*fy Recover One-Half Of This Amount $4,123*915,017 Appropri- — ated As Loans or Se curities For Recov ery Agencies TO BORROW MORE Washington.—Relief and recov ery have cost the United States government more than $7,500, 000,000 to date, treasury figures showed. More than half of this vast sum, however, treasury officials said, ultimately will be recovered when various recovery agencies are liquidated. The total monetary cost of the depression to the United States government, exclusive of lost tax revenues, was set by treasury ex perts at $7,523,928,063. Of this sum $4,123,915,017 went into such assets as loans to banks and railroad. ar in securities of various recovery agencies and was listed by the treas urv as "recoverable.” On this basis, it was estimated that the federal government ulti mately might recover about 54 cents out of each dollar put out for full relief and recovery purposes. The relief costs are not recoverable. Among the sums iisted by the treasury as ultimately recoverable was $2,345,671,715 from the Re construction Finance Corporation, whose assets mostly went into loan and stock purchases in banks. The government’s interest in the Fed eral Farm Mortgage corporation was set at $196,180,857 and in the Federal Deposit Insurance corpora tion at $157,789,015. With the new sums poured into various recovery agencies, treasury officials counted the "value” of all lecurities held by the United States government at $17,03 6,03 8,05 5, a lew all time record. Among these securities, however, vere posted the face value of the var debt obligations totaling $12, >15,056,371, of which only a small lortion is expected to be paid. They ire required to be carried at par 'alue on the government’s books, lowever, until congress should de ride to write them off as "bad Despite the size of the govern nent’s security holdings, Secretary if Treasury Henry Morgenthau, fr., was laying plans to borrow nore than a billion dollars in Dec mber to run the government over he first quarter of 1935. Heavy expenditures in the first ■ 1-2 months of the current fiscal ■ear, which exceeded income by 1,371,308,116, have pared the reasury’s huge cash balance. The treasury’s "working bal nce” or the amount of cash avail ble for immediate spending was lown to $729,386,130.67. com iared with a balance of $1,168, 72,374.78 a year ago. The present alance together with current in come was believed sufficient t« carry the government until Dec ember 15 when Morgenthau plans a large financing operation. At that time $992,000,000 or short term notes fall due and must be refunded into new obligations. [At the same time, it is likely that $500,000,000 to $1,000,000,000 in | new money will be sought coincid ent with the refunding. 7,584 Bales Cotton Ginned In Rowan Census report shows that there were 7,584 bales of cotton ginned in Rowan county from the crop of 1934, prior to November 14, as compared with 10,440 bales gin |ned to November 14, crop of 1933r reports E. B. Marsh, special agent.

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