• - j? , WASHINGTON Washington—The 74th Congress which has just convened for its sec ond and final session is trying to pick up the loose threads of its un finished program and tie some of the knots more securely, while con sidering what is required in the way of new legislation. A great deal of the action of this session will be taken with one eye on the Supreme Court. If all of the laws of the last two years whose constitutionality has been chal lenged could be passed on by the Supreme Court at once, it would save the Senators and Representa tives a lot of time and worry. As Congress met there was a long list of measures on which there has been no final adjudication by the High Court. Most eagerly awaited was the decision on the A.A.A. Secretary Wallace has a bill already prepared to offer to Congress in the event that the Su preme Court rules that the process ing taxes are illegal. It is the firm intention of both the Administra tion and of Congress to continue benefit payments to agriculture, whether the funds are derived from processing taxes or from some sub stitute forjn of excise taxes, or are merely paid out of general revenues. There is a general agreement, among those who keep a close eye on the effects of Washington’s ac tions upon business trends, that there will be an increase in the buy ing of farm products following the Supreme Court’s decision, which f ever way it goes. AWAIT MANY DECISIONS A more important Court decision will be that on the Guffey soft coal regulation act. The expectation is that this will be held unconstitu tional, on the ground that the tax imposed upon coal producers who do not conform to the terms of the law is a penalty rather than an ex cise tax. It was on exactly that ground that the Supreme Court some years ago declared the Child Labor Law Unconstitutional. Uncertainty as to the Court s ruling on the Guffey Act is expect ed to delay action by Congress on other regulatory measures affect-j Ing business. The Supreme court also has be fore it questions of the constitu tionality of the Tennessee Valley Act, the Social Security Act, the Wagnor Labor Relations Act, the Railroad Pension Act, the PWA Slum Clearance program, the Potato Control Act, the Tobacco Control Act and the Bankhead Cotton Con trol Act. Some of these will be passed on between now and June, some will not get to the point of a Court ruling until Autumn. There fore it is possible there will be no clearcut Constitutional issue of which either party can take advan (Continued on page 4) ir t’r 'r ?r * WOMEN WILL * COME DOWN * * OFF HIGH HEELS * V,- * * Chicago—Women will come * * down off their high heels at * * least part of the time this year * * if the nation’s hooters have * s:' their way. * * Advance street styles for * 1936, displayed at the Nation- * * al Shoe Retailers’ Association * =:' convention here footwear with * * heels scarcely perceptible. The * s:' predominate shade was British * * tan, a rust color. * The "more active life” of * * the American woman, said * * George Miller of the Show * Fashion Guild, was responsible * * for the extremely low heel. * * * * * * * * * Champion’s Bride-To-Be CHICAGO . . t A new photo of Miss Dorothy Hurd, herself an ardent golfer, who is soon to be come the bride of Wm. Lawson Little, amateur golf king of Eng land and the United States. Vote Today IS Expected Favors Passage of Com promise That Would Be Satisfactory To All FORMERLY OPPOSED Washington—Senator Bailey of North Carolina has lined up with the forces seeking passage of a com promise bonus bill saying that he was for a measure that would sat isfy the President, the veterans and Congress. In a letter to Josephus Daniels, Jr., North Carolina State commander of the American Legion, and William H. Banck, chairman of the State legislative committee of Veterans of Foreign Wars, Bailey, who has heretofore opposed various bonus bills said: "I have your letter inquiring as to my attitude towards legislation with respect to payment now of the veterans’ adjusted compensation certificates and I am glad to re spond as follows: "First, I am deeply gratified by the action of the soldiers, organi zations in repudiating as unsound the Patman bill which the President vetoed in the last session. This action is an emphateic approval by the veterans’ organizations of my course in that matter. second, negotiations are in process here which look to a prompt and satisfying settlement of the whole matter of the certificates. The object of these negotiations is_ to contrive a plan satisfactory to the President, the veterans and the Congress, whereby there will be a minimum of delay in effecting cash settlement of the certificates. Should these negitiations succeed, as I believe they will, I expect to vote for the measure put forward in response thereto. Meantime, I shall not take any step tending to complicate, delay or defeat the ob ject of these negotiations—that is, prompt realization of cash in satis factory amounts by the veterans. "I feel sure that it will be gen erally agreed thaft such a determi nation of this matter, satisfactory to the President, Congress and holders of the certificates, is de sirable on many accounts, and is especially to be desired in order to (Continued on page 4) * 'r * * * * * * * NAPS IN ABUNDANCE * * AND LANDS IN JAIL * * _ * * Dallas—The inebriated gen- * * tleman who oh so tired. And * * the ambulance by the Medical * * Arts building looked so cozy. * * So he crawled inside and curled * * up on the cot to snooze. * * Leonard Longley, driver of the f * vehicle, after trying unsuc- * * cessuflly to arouse his guest * * closed the doors quietly and * * drove around to the city jail. * * Experts wakened the sleeper * * and put him where he would * * be able to sleep till court next * * morning. * •Je *J« it it it *Je Cancels 7,000 Debts KNOXVILLE, Tenn. . , . Charley G. Armstrong (above), merchant made a Christmas present of $S6,600 to 7,000 charge customers. HI “wiped the slate clean" on all ale counts. “You don’t owe me a cent" he said. _ _ F. R. Asks For Non-Partisan Suppor^ Aims Across Party Lines jin Address To Democrats Retention of Popular Government Termed Prime Issue ‘NO RETREAT’ SLOGAN Washington — Renewing an as sault on those he termed "reaction aries,” President Roosevelt signaled the formal opening of the Demo cratic campaign with an indirect appeal for support from voters of all "political affiliations.” Projecting his voice to hundreds of Jackson Day dinner rallies throughout the country, the Presi dent asserted that the most recent I language from the Supreme Court ' would "affect the lives of Ameri ! cans for years to come.” j He concluded his brief reference to the high court’s overthrow of , the AAA without offering an im mediate substitute, but early in his | address asserted that the "basic is sue” of the 1936 campaign will be "the retention of popular govern ment.” Applause all but drowned out his concluding words: "We will trot retreat.” An ovation lasting seventy sec onds greeted the President as he rose to speak directly to the nearly 2,000 Democratic leaders and ad herents, crowded into a hotel ball room for dinner at $5 0 a plate. The diners included members of the national committee who meet soon to select city and date for the par ty’s convention. Standing beneath a flag-draped portrait of Andrew Jackson the Executive was flanked on the right by Postmaster General Farley and on the left by Bruce Kremer, chairman of the rules committee of the 1932 convention, who resigned as committeeman from Montana to practice law here. Nearby were Vice-President Garner and Speaker Byrns. Seated at separate tables almost directly below the President were William Green president of the American Federation of Labor, and John L. Lewis, president of the United Mine Workers. The labor chiefs, themselves at odds, seldom have attended the strictly political functions of either party. Dionne Quints Are Wealthy Callander, Ont.—Each of the Dionne quintuplets now is worth $24,000 in her own right, theii guardians announced. Between them, the little sisters have $120,000 in government bonds in a trust fund. The money has been accumulated since the On tario government took charge of their affairs a year ago. The sisters now are 19 months old. If they live to be three years of age they will ahev about $300, 000 under present contracts. Then, officials explained, the in terest from the fund alone will sup port them. About $35,000 has been spent for the quintuplets in the past year, in cluding approximately $1,000 monthly in operating costs at their model hospital home. The babies’ fortune is being built up by income from motion picture contracts and from royalties on postcards, calendars, coats, bonnets and dolls. f 1* * Stoic Calm Is Kept By Bruno Trenton, N. J.—News of his death fate failed to shake Bruno Hautman’s calm and his belief he will escape the electric chair. Col. Mark O. Kimberling, prin cipal keeper, informed Hauptman that unless the court of pardons in tervenes he must die late next week for the murder of Charles A. Lind bergh, Jr. He told Hautman the day and the hour—reparted to be 8 p. m., January 17. Hauptman’s set expression—• deep peering eyes and a faint trace of a smile—never changed. Kim berling said. Neither did his story that he obtained the Lindbergh ransom money from Isidor Fisch, his furrier partner, who later died in Germany. AAA Killed By Supreme Court Highest Tribunal Finds Agricultural Act In valid By Vote Of 6 to 3 GOES WAY OF NRA The AAA met the fate of NRA in the Supreme court. In a momentous six to three de cision the extraordinary New Deal farm relief plan under which over a billion dollars has been paid to men on the soil since May, 1933, was killed. Justice Roberts gravely read the minority opinion. The act, even as amended last August, was held an "invasion of states rights” and its taxes beyond the "general we’fare” clause of the constitution on which the government relied, i Justices Stone, Brandies and Car dozo dissented. The Supreme court adjourned shortly after the decision was made I public, until next Monday, without I announcing decisions on TVA and | the Bankhead cotton act. The rul-j I ings may come a week hence or la iter‘ I The administration planned j councils at once to meet the set . (Continued on page eight) Motor Deaths 36,400 In Year Motor vehicles fatalities reached a new all-time high of approxima tely 36,400 in 193 5, the National Safety council reports at Chicago. The organization’s final tabula tions showed an increase in auto mobile accident deaths of about 1 per cent over the previous record of 36,101 in 1934. To emphasize the enormity of the deaths, statisticians pointed out the number of persons who perished in traffic mishaps last year would pop ulate cities the size of Santa Bar bara, Calif., or Orange, N. J. But the council stated that due to the increase in the nation’s popula tion the death rate for 100,000 was about the same as in 1934—£8.5. It also concluded the number of miles a motorist was able to travel without accident had increased be cause automobile registration ad vanced 4.3 per cent and gasoline consumption went up 6 per cent over 1934 in contrast to a rise of only 1 per cent in fatalities. Had crashes kept pace with the expan sion in motoring, it calculated, the 1935 death roster would have rang ed between 37,500 and 38,000. 11 Winter Conies To Seventy-Fourth Congress —---&- ■ ■■■■- " - WASHINGTON ... Winter in fact greeted members for the second session of the 74th Congress which convened for opening on January 3d. Upper photo is an unusual view of the national capitol, taken at dusk under its first mantle 'of snow of the season. Lower picture shows members of the House standing' as the chaplain delivered the opening prayer. * FOUND GUILTY * * -r * * Fayetteville.—Walter Me- * * Laurin has the unusual, if * * doubtful distinction of being * * convicted by two juries on the * * same day. * * The fifty-year-old Negro * * was tried on two charges of * * breaking ancf ■errt«lfig;n'"With * * the first also carrying an al- * * legation of assault. McLaurin * * drew five years on the first * *and suspended judgment on the * 8-1 other. * ■ Gwyn Announces His Candiadacy Reidsville—Allen FI. Gwyn, of Reidsville, district solicitor, an nounced his candidacy for Con gress, subject to the June Demo cratic primary. Representative Frank Hancock of Oxford, now represents this dis trict in Congress. Allison James, of Winston-Salem and Washing ton, who was in the state house of representatives when Gwyn was in the senate, is also an announc ed candidate for the seat. There is speculation Hancock may seek the United States sen ate seat now held by Senator J. W. Bailey, and he is due to announce his plans about January 11. Gwyn was born near Yancey ville on November 12, 1893. He is an alumnus of Trinity college, now Duke University, and served in the army during the World War. He ‘also has Served in \the national guard. * * * SECOND THIEF NABS * * ONCE STOLEN CAR * 'j. «g. * Chicago—Two youths rid- * * ing in a stolen car abandoned * * it when chased by a police * * squad. The squad caught the * * boys, then returned to pick up * * the car. It was gone. Some- * * body had re-stolen it during 51 * the chase. :i For Suicides New York—On the theory that suicidal impulses should be treatec as a preventable disease, sever prominent psychiatrists have organ ized a research committee to stud) the motives of suicide. The group, called the "Commit tee for the Study of Suicides. Inc.’ plans, according to its charter, to "Study . . . classify. . . and dis semintee knowledge. . . concern ing the history and causes of, mo tives for the ways and means o: prevention of suicides.” Financial support will come fron Marshal Field, chairman of the Wei fare Island Research council, an< "several other contributors,” whos names were not made known. In a study of 25 cases, Dr. Ger aid R. Jamieson psychiatrtist ha concluded insomia is a factor, basec on statistics showing about half thi suicides occurred between 5 a. m and 7 a. m. he found virtually al others came duing leisure, indicat ing need for hobbies and avoca tions. First Fingerprint Victim Faces Prison Term Again New York—Charlie Crispi who in his way has probably done more in the cause of crime detection than even the G-Men, seemed headed again for the big house. Charlie, now 5 5 years old, has been a lawbreaker for 40 years and has served 16 years in prisons. Yet Charlie is the fellow who really es tablished fingerprinting as a means of popitive identification. Back in 1911, there was a burg lary. On the police force at the time was Lieut. Joseph A. Faurot who had been tinkering around for many months with the new fangled European idea that a man could be identified by his fingerprints. Fellow officers laughed when he sat down at the scene of the bur glary and began hunting for fin gerprints. Finally he found sonu on a dusty windoy. He checkec them against the few hundrec prints he had been collecting from known criminals. He found the} matched Charlie Crispi’s. In court, Crispi offered a strong alibi. Lieutenant Faurot took the stand. He said no two sets oi prints in the world are alike. He explained the fingerprint "foolish ness” in detail to the jury. Crispi listened in amazement; and before the case could go to the jury he confessed. From that day on, fingerprints have been accepted as proper evidence. Crispi, arrested on a burglary charge, faces a life sentence as an habitual criminal if he is convicted. 40-Hour Week For The Nation A drive for a 40-hour week is projected in official circles as a possible outcome of the efforts of Maj. George L. Berry to organize a business-labor industrial council. Although his first conference last month was almost disrupted by an angry uprising of some business rep resentatives who were refused the floor, Berry met this week with 100 industrialists and 30 labor leaders. Mjany business groups flatly declined to name representatives to the council, but Berry, designated by President Roosevelt as "co-ordi nator for industrial progress,’’ ex presses himself as confident of the group’s success. The suggestions for the 40 hour work week, c . j. Tied from smv of the delegates who form the cou'.i - cil. Berry also has cited figures which he said showed business gains have outpaced absorption of the un employed, and has declared that some plan for limiting the work week is imperative. It was reported the 40-hour plan might be offered as an alternative to the 30-hour week proposed by organized labor with caut^n exer cised to avoid an unconstitutional invasion of state lines. Food Prices To BeUnchanged Supreme Court AAA Rul ing to Have Little Ef fect on What Con sumer Pays Chicago—Commodity markets of the nation churned under the stim . ulous of the removal of processing taxes, but economic observers fore saw no likelihood of any decided I change in the prices of meat and bread to the eventual consumer. Spectacular gains of around $1 ' a hundredweight were marked up by hogs. : At the same time, millers slashed wholesale flour prices at a number of points for the full amount of the 1 tax levied under the act outlawed ■ by the Supreme Court decision— around -1.35 a barrel. Cotton slumped $1.50 to$2a bale in the New York market, but sugar spurted th*. maximum of 25 > points permitted in a day’s trading I there. * : In the confusion of trends, many (Continued on page Eight) Railroads Fight Pension Law Washington — Constitutionality of another New Deal measure, the 193 5 rail pension laws, was chal lenged in a joint suit filed in Dis trict of Columbia Supreme Court by 13 5 of the nation’s railroads. The railroads asked a permanent injunction against operation of laws imposing taxes on railroads and rail employes for a pension fund and setting up a retirement fund for employes at 65 years of age. Joining with the railroads were the Pullman Company, the Railway Express Agency and the Southeast ern Express Company. The bill of complaint asserted that the true purpose of the taxing act was not to create revenue for the support of government but to furnish funds to pay pensions. It was on this point the Supreme Court held the processing tax pro visions of the Agricultural Adjust ment Act unconstitutional.