The Carolina Watchman _ _A NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF ROWAN COUNTY _ y FOUNDED_is32 103RD YEAR SALISBURY, FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 29, m, V0L. NO, „ PRICE 2 CF.NTC m$mmron State Relief Situation Pensions and the NRA Taking Federal relief out of the hands of state agencies entirely, may be on the cards. The Admin istration’s charges qf corruption and dishonesty in the handling of relief funds in Ohio may be an opening gun in a move to force the states to do something more for their own unemployed. Then, again it may be politics. Ohio is a pivotal state. The Fed eral Government has taken relief administration in Ohio into its own hands. Shrewd political observers here remark that liberal dstribu tions for which the Federal admin istration can take direct and full credit will go farther in keeping voters in line for 1936 than relief administration by state officials un der conditions which lay the local party organizations open to attack by the Republicans. Jt is not putting it much too strongly to say that everything that is being done in Washington this year is done with an eye on the 1936 elections. Members of both houses of Congress, who believe they have their ears closer to the ground than the President can pos sibly have, are showing signs of im patience with the "reform” phases of the Administration’s program, and balking at measures which they believe will retard economic re covery, or increase the opposition of business men to the party’s policies. Therefore a pretty definite poli cy of delay on important legislation seems to be shaping up, with the expectation that numerous bills de sired by the President will be left over when adjournment comes. At the same time some of the Presi dent’s warmest friends are counsel ling modification of some Adminis tration measures. Congresswoman Isabella Green way of Arizonia, who was, inciden tally, one of Mrs. Roosevelt’s brides maids at the wedding 30 years ago this Saint Patrick’s day just past, has lined up a strong opposition to the passage of the socalled "social security” bill, which all agree is a confused jumble of unrelated things. Mrs. Greenway’s plan is to enact an old-age pension bill apply ing only to the indigent aged who are now on relief, or who may find themselves without support in the future, and let it go at that. The Senate committee investiea tion of the working of NRA is the genuine thing, and not merely a perfunctory compliance with the President’s desire to have that measure extended for two years more. The attitude of Senators is decidedly hostile. The betting here is that the law will be so amended as to exclude all but inter-state business from its provisions, con tinuing NRA for one year with maximum hours, minimum wages and collective bargaining provisions as they are now, for such remaining industries as it applies to, but with definite prohibition of price fixing or production control. Similarily, there seems to be lit tle chance that the drastic demoli tion of holding companies, asked by the President, will be authorized by Congress. Some regulatory and restrictive measure is expected, but nothing to cause honest business any alarm. Likewise in the case of the Administration plan to revise the Federal Reserve law and con centrate control of all banks and banking in the Treasury, the out look is not good for any such sweeping program. Assembly To Wind Up Work Inside 3 Weeks Both Homes Resume Study Of Financial Matters MANY BILLS PASSED Final adjournment of the General Assembly in two or three weeks was forecast over the week-end by Rowan County legislators. The revenue and appropriation bills were still to be adopted but it was hoped they would soon be out of the way. Quite a number other bills of state-wide caliber, but of lesser im portance, remain unconsidered and anpassed. Many other bills of importance to local committie are being ground out daily. Music Contest Winners Given Annual State Competi tion Of Music Clubs Federation Held At Salisbury The annual state contest of the >tate Federation of Music Clubs ivas held at Catawba college with a arge number of entries. The college served luncheon at noon to the contestants and offi cials. Mrs. Eugene Davis of States ville, president of the State Federa :ion, was general chairman of the went. Winners in various events were: Violin—Class C, Mary D. Mamer, Hickory; Class B, Ann Carolyn Vhite, Wilmington; Class D, Gar-' and Robeson, Greensboro; Class D idvanced, Deborah Reubin, Ashe ville; Class B ensemble, Pearl Lindy iykes, Gertrude Gaines, Mary Eli zabeth Powers, Marty Cockfield, Catherine Snead. Violin quartet—Deborah Reu >in, Alice Booe, Margaret Spire, diaries Lee. Clarinet, Class A, Stanley Fitch 1, Winston-Salem; Class B, Curtis braver, Jr., Winston-Salem. Pjano—Class A, Emily Fibre, Winston-Salem; Class B, Eleanor leid, Wake Forest; Class C, Mar ha Carpenter, Gastonia; Class D, dary Virginia Council, Raleigh; ilass E, Helen Barley, Elon Col ege; Class E advanced, Elizabeth dendenhall, Winston-Salem. Voice—Grammar grade, Helen iwaltney, Winston-Salem; soprano, ivelyn Eddleman, Winston-Salem, >aritone, Ted Bodenheimer, Win ton-Salem; contralto, Mildred Sel irs, Winston-Salem. Piano duo—Class A, Emily Hine nd Evelyn Whitlock, Winston alem; Class C, Martha Carpenter nd Mary Lou Mackie, Gastonia; Uass D, Mary Virginia Council nd Peggy Royster Jones. Hymn playing, Class C., Anne Lainey, Winston-Salem; Class D, l^illeford Hahn. 1 Heiress Through With Pfince I I i i ii ii ..hum ..wwmi— 'ihmihhhiiiiiiwuiiiiiw NEW YOEK . , . The dime-store heiress, the former Barbara Hutton of the Woolworth millions, is through with her husband, the Georgian Prince, Alexis Mdivani. At least so she said while making ready to sail alone from London for New York to ask divorce. They were married two years ago. ... She says they are parting 4 4 the best of friends ’ ’ and that not' a penny will be settled on the Prince. Photo shows Prince and Barbara shortly after their marriage. SPENCER GETS LARGE UNIT OF REPAIR SHOPS ! _ I Richmond.—Operations of the Southern Railway machine shops in South Richmond will be greatly curtailed April 1 when approxi mately 60 per cent of some 100 or more employes and part of the equipment are transferred to Spenc er, N. C. -9 Employes engaged in making heavy repairs at the machine shops will be principally affected by the move, it was stated. Workers em ployed in the moulding shop where castings and other mouldings are made for the entire system wdl re main at their jobs here. Consolidation with the shops at Spencer is said to be in accordance with an economy program adopted by the Southern and other railroads which are making general reductions in expenses of combining units wherever it is possible. Rowan Woman Physician Goes To Mission Field Dr. Gladys Morgan of Salisbury was commissioned as a medical mis sionary to India on Sunday, March 31, at St. John’s Lutheran church in Salisbury at the 11 o’clock ser vices. Dr. Morgan has had extensive training for her line of medical work. She is an A. B. graduate of Lenoir Rhyne college at Hickory, has her M. A. from the University of North Carolina; has an M. D. from the Woman’s Medical college of Philadelphia; and has her license from the National Board of Medi cal Examiners to practice medicine. After finishing her internship in Philadelphia, she spent a year in post graduate work in research in the University of Geneva in Eu rope. She plans to sail from New York on S. S. Washington on April 10. Winning Coiffure NEW YORK . . . Helen Wolfe (above), wag awarded a silver eup for the best coiffure for 1935 at the national convention of beauti cians. It is known as the Grecian coiffure and will be much in evi dence this season. LEADERS SPEAK AT U. T. W. MEET - I A number of nationally promin ent leaders of the United Textile Workers of America will address the North Carolina U. T. W. con vention at Durham April 6-7, it is announced by W. W. Bibham, of this city, state secretary. Francis J. Gorman of Washington first vice president; John Peel of Greenville, S. C., third vice presi dent; R. R. Lawrence of Winston Salem, president of the North Caro line Federation of Labor; George Googe of Atlanta, the southern representative of the A. F. of L., will be among the leading speakers at the convention, Mr. Bigham says. Paul R. Christopher of Shelby is president of the state organization. Rowan County Is Selected For Cotton Project Rowan county has been selected as one of the four locations in the United States for a special cotton station which will be a joint pro ject of the Cotton Textile institute, the U. S. department of Agricul ture and the N. C. Experiment station, was announced by W. G. Yeager, county agent. The object of the station will be to study the various growths in this section and finally eliminate those undersirable. Watchman To Help Advertise Carolinas Joining with scores of other Carolina newspapers the Carolina Watchman will shortly inaugurate a series of advertisements prepared by The Carolinas, Inc., with a view of arousing Carolinians to a greater knowledge and appreciation of their states and stimulate development of means of carrying the Carolina message to the world. Present plans contemplate launching the campaign with a full page advertisement to be followed by quarter-page ads at intervals of one week. This space will be con tributed by this newspaper in fur therance of the aims of The Caro linas, Inc., a non-profit, non-pro motional group of citizens of North and South Carolina interested in advertising the scenic, historical, re creational, agricultural and econo mic advantage of the Carolinas. Plans for the program in Caro lina newspapers were outlined to the North Carolina Press association last summer and at its most recent meeting andi the movjement has the wholehearted endorsement of D. Hiden Ramsey, of Asheville, pre sident, and the Press Association, Nearly three-fourths of the appro ximately two hundred daily and weekly newspapers in North Caro lina have agreed to participate in the program. The Carolinas, Inc., was formed last spring. J. E. W. Wade, Com missioner of Public works, of Wil Arlington, is President of the organ ization which is officered and dir ected by outstanding Carolinians who serve without pay. At a re cent meeting in Charlotte the board of directors mapped out a far reach ing program. Included in its num erous recommendations was en thusiastic endorsement of plans for the federal government to develo'p large recreational parks and turn them over to the state, provided adequate acreage is made available, and state planning boards were urged to use PWA funds in deve loping smaller wayside parks where motorists may break their journeys for rest or food. Cotton Census report shows that there were 12,208 bales of cotton ginned in Rowan County from the crop of 1934 as compared with 12,5 50 bales ginned from the crop of 1933. 17,045 PEANUT GROWERS IN N. C. SIGN CONTRACTS Raleigh.—A total of 17,045 North Carolina peanut growers in 29 counties have signed crop ad justment contracts for 1935 and the papers have been forwarded to Washington for approval by the agricultural adjustment administra tion. The contracts cover 813,300 acres. N. C. Loses In Tax Exchange State Received Only $1.66 In Federal Relief For Each $9.74 Paid U. S. Washington, — North Carolina paid $9.74 of each $100 of taxes collected by the United States gov ernment last year, receiving in re turn but $1.66 of each $100 of federal funds expended for unem ployment relief, according to treas ury department figures. Her income tax payments totaled $12,957,991, or 1.59 per cent of the amount collected, and her total internal revenue payments amount ed to $260,405,991.48. Against this, $30,333,045.12 was returned from Washington for aid work, although North Carolina was one of 11 states whose relief work was carried on more'than 90 per cent with federal funds. This disparity that exists in fed eral receipts from, and disburse ments to, states is strikingly illus trated, on the other hand, in the case of Mississippi which paid eight cents of each $100 federal revenue, hilt- liar! r#»fnrrw»r1 tr\ If tl nf each $100 of federal relief expendi tures. This figure is below that received by North Carolina, but her payments to the federal coffer were much, much lower. The 1934 relief bill in North Carolina was $23,372,926, of which $22,168,305, or 94.8 was federal funds and the remainder, $1,204, 621, or 5.2 per cent, was raised lo cally. No state funds were used. Record Broken In Tax Receipts Raleigh.—A total of $2,f>54, 038.50 was paid into the state’s treasury Saturday, breaking an all time record for one day’s collection of taxes, George C. Scott, director of the division of accounts of the State Department of Revenue, an nounced. Of the total, $2,460,412.44 re presented income tax payments. Sales tax collectoions totalled $86, 13 5.67 and license and inheritance taxes $18,516. Figures indicate that income tax collections this year will run about 25 per cent above those a year ago. In contract with the Satur day collections, the state obtained $1,300,000 on the corresponding day of 1934. | Expect "Mystery Plane” toFind Hawaii -=:.^- - . 7i OAKLAND, Calif. . . . Interest in the Army “mystery plane" 'be eame intense as prolonged test flights of the radio compass robot-controlled craft indicated a 2400 mile hop to Hawaii might soon be made. Photos above show the Department of Commerce chiefs in charge of the tests. They axe, left to right/ Eugene Vidal, Clayton Bissell, Chester Snow Capt. Alfred Hegenberger. Below, the “mystery plane." Revenue Measure Containing Full Sales Tax Passed Raleigh.—The $62,000,000 bien nial revenue bill, containing the three per cent exemptionless sales tax, was passed by the house and sent to the senate. Final house action, by a vote of 78 for and 26 against, not includ ing four pairs, marked a complete victory for the Ehringhaus admin istration and an equally complete rout of the McDonald-Lumpkin anti-sales tax forces in the lower branch. The money bill will go to the senate. Lieutenant Governor A. H. Graham said he would refer it im mediately to the senate finance committee, where it is scheduled to be held for two days to allow hear ings on sections changed in the house. Senate leaders expect a further fight to lower the sales tax rate to two per cent or continue present exemptions of nine basic food arti cles. These were the main issues in the house. Big Upswing Is Reported In Construction —— i - i Raleigh.—A gain of 240 per cent in building operations in 10 North Carolina cities during Feb ruary was shown in a report issued by the State Department of Labor. The estimated value of the build ing planned, based on the permits, is $645,354, the report showed. The proportion of increase was i largest in permits for residential ' structures, the total of $308,325 comparing with $47,100 for FeD ruary, 1934, or a gain of about 550 per cent. Raleigh led the state in increased building activity as permits for new structures and alterations to talled $231,110, more than one third of the total for the 19 cities. Raleigh led in new residential buildings planned with a total value of $178,400. Shelby led the state in permits for additions and alterations with a total of $53,300. Charlotte led in contemplated construction with $55,075. Char lotte was second in total state con struction with $123,511. Durham, which led the state in February of 1934 with a total of $43,274, showed a gain to $68, 668, but placed third behind the larger gains of Raleigh and Char lotte. I Introduces the "Cleo” j1 MIAMI . . . Miss Maurine Kerns . (above), introduced it to the beach crowd. It is the new ‘*Cleopatra” 1 swim suit, a smart 1935 style which: gets its Egyptian name from'the;, patterned wikie. i ' ; i Planes Forbidden« To Fly Over Paris1 .... —- < Paris.—Airplanes now are for- " bidden to fly over the city of Paris. < The air ministry edict affects a military as well as civil aircraft. However, special permits will be 1 granted. 1 F. R. Wins Smashing Relief Bill Victory Washington.—The void to an al nost complete administration vic ;ory on the battered $4,880,000, 500 relief bill was fashioned Tues day by the house, and, as the path opened, plans crystalized rapidly for spending the huge fund. Most active in the plan-shaping was Harry L. Hopkins, the relief administrator. Strang indications appeared that he would have a heavy hand in the new system, jither as a member or chairman of an administrative board composed of others now prominent in the alphabetical agencies. The road-opening house, acting at the request of the President, meanwhile moved for either dele tion or complete revision of Roose velt-opposed amendments attached to the bill by the senate. By a crushing 263-to-108 vote it sub dued a silver bloc attempt to force acceptance of all amendments by the other branch. Thus the bill was sent to con ference with the senate, with con fines from bath sides gunning particularly for the Thomas silver inflation rider. Almost simultaneously there was activity in half a dozen different quarters for throwing the big spending machine into motion as quickly as possible.

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