Proper Cultivation | Trebles Cotton Crop A concrete example of what a good farming practice will do for worn out soil has been found on rhe farm of C. J. Hunt, in Guil ford County, says E. C.Blair, ex tension agronomist at State Col lege. In the fall of 1926, Hunt enlarg ed his farm by purchasing a five acre tract of land from one of his neighbors. The land had been planted to corn, with the rows run ning up and down hill, and had washed badly. Hunt planted corn on the lot in 1927, but made such a poor crop that he decided something must be done to improve the soil’s fertility. He planted wheat that fall; then sowed lespedeza on the wheat the following spring. The lespedeza was allowed to grow on the land until the spring of 1931, when it was turned under for corn. The corn gave a better yield than before, but still fell short of a good crop. Barley was sown that fall, and lespedeza again in the spring of 1932. Last spring the lespedeza was ploughed under. Hunt plant ed a cotton crop, fertilized with 400 pounds of 4-12-4 to the acre. The yield was five 5 00-pound bales on the five acres. Meanwhile, the neighbor con tinued to farm his land in the old way. Directly across the road from Hunt’s rolling land, the neighbor has a five-acre tract of level land which has been in row crops, mostly tobacco, for 15 years. Last year the neighbor planted cotton on this tract, farming in the old way, and got a yield of only one and a half bales from the entire five acres. checks COLDS and FEVER first day Liquid - Tablets II it Salve - Nose Headaches Drops in 30 minutes • RADIO REPAIRS Phone for quick, guaranteed, serv ice. We are members of Radio Manufacturers Service. Radio Service Shop Day Phone 808 Residence Phone 1578-J Arcade Bldg. West Innes St. R. E. Miller, Mgr. Salisbury, DR. N. C. LITTLE Optometrist Eyes examined and glasses fitted Telephone 1571-W. 107^2 S. Main Street Next to Ketchie Barber Shop. — | Shoes rebuilt the better way. All kinds of harness, trunk and suitcase repairing. FAYSSOUX’S PLACE Phone 433 120 E. Innes St. STAR LAUNDRY "The Good One” Launderers and Dry Cleaners Phone 24 114 West Bank St. ONE DAY SERVICE Noted Publisher Provides School For Under-Privileged Children Bemarr Macfadden with the children at the foundation school. Lowell Thomas, world famous correspondent, traveller and lecturer, had to go only nine miles from New York City for one of the greatest thrills of his life. It was to see an adventure in “human salvage” at the Macfad den Foundation School in Hack ensack where Bernarr Macfadden, publisher and philanthropist is re making the minds and bodies of un der-privileged little children. Writing in Liberty Magazine, Lowell Thomas declared “The Hackensack institution was even more fascinating than Mr. Macfad den’s experiments with the Italian athletes and the fifty Portuguese or phans." Premier Mussolini, in common with the publisher, believed in the necessity of proper physical train ing and although he was proud of his own schools, turned over forty of the finest specimens for a six months course under Mr. Macfad den’s supervision at the Physical Culture Hotel in Dansville, N. Y. and the Castle Heights Military Academy, Lebanon, Tenn. So great were the results that II Duce order ed an Italian decoration for the publisher. Likewise, in Portugal, the physi cal culturist took fifty undernour ished orphans under his wing and in six months returned them well and strong. For this he received the Order of Bene Merencia from the Portuguese government. ! But in Hackensack Mr. Macfad den’s accomplishments have been almost miraculous. Lowell Thomas writes, “There is not a trace of institutionalism. The happiness of these children, the bright spontaneity with which they respond to rational, affectionate care is beyond description. They obey without question, although some were ‘problem children’ before their admittance. "Ten-year-old Muriel, for in stance, changed her remarks from T want to go home' when she was admitted to 'Do I have to go home?’ Marie, seven, had been badly burned and was in a hysterical condition when she entered. Yet one of the happiest voices in the whole place is hers. "Upon entering the school, Jim my, eleven, a victim of infantile paralysis had to be carried up and down stairs. Now he can play base ball and is not far from becoming as active as any boy In the land.” So successful has been the Hack ensack experiment, that Mr. Mac fadden has already taken action to establish another such school in which he hopes to extend the good work. Parents who may be interest ed are invited to communicate di rect with Mr. Macfadden. Young People Boost Family Cow Program A. C. Kimrey, extension dairy man at State College, is enlisting the help of school children to in terest their parents in the family cow program for eastern North Carolina. "This new way of reaching par ents is the most successful we have found thus far,” Kimrey stated, "and we hope to expand it to the other counties in the fu ture.” The movement was launched in Wilson, Currituck, and Greene counties, with Edgecombe next on the schedule. Kimrey reported that he has been addressing between 2,000 and 3, 000 school children, 4-H club members, and other young people tach week, endeavoring to show them the need for more milk in the diet. At the close of the address, those children who do not have tows at home are asked to remain for a discussion of the possibilties >f their raising calves. Those in vested are listed, together with :he names of their parents. The extension specialist and the ocal farm and home agents then tarry the matter to the parents. If the parents are willing to buy a heifer calf for the children to raise, the agents and the specialist offer their help in securing calves at a moderate price. , "Right now,” Kimrey explained "we are not insisting that they buy expensive calves of the best breeding. The main thing is to place at least one calf with each family so that it may have an ade quate supply of milk and butter in the near future. "We find that those children who come from homes which do not have a family cow are, as a rule, undernourished and inferior , physically to those children that have milk in their diet. In Wilson , County, about 80 percent of the 5 children to whom I talked came , from homes where there were no ; cows.” ; “- i * Now 1 m the Picture? of Health,” Says Lady j After Taking CARDUI Here Is how Cardui helped an Alabama lady. . . . “I suffered from pains In my back and sides,” writes Mrs. A. G. Gray, of Cusseta, c Ala. “I was so thin and weak, X c read of Cardui and decided to take c it. I noticed at once it was help- ^ ing me. I kept taking Cardui un- J til I had finished five bottles. X c gained. My health was muoh bet- t ter. Now I am the picture of health. t My color is good and my weigh! ] increased.” . . . Thousands of c women testify Cardui benefited s them. If it does not benefit YOU, t consult a physician. t LOS- ANGELES . . . Georgie Woolf (above), went for an impor tant ride astride the back of the race horse Azuear, who romped home the winner in the rich Santa Anita Handicap. Woolf was rewarded with $10,000 for his winning ride. MARKS OF PERMANANCE 1 with the coming ot Spring and thei budding of new plants and the leav-E ing of the trees; that is the time toE set marks of true permanence forB those we have loved. We want to| give you a personal invitation to| visit our plant, and display grounds,/ where you will find more than two! hundred twenty-five finished me-j morials to select from. Our friends I often tell us that they have visited'I a number of yards, and find at our „1___i_ ■__ r £_• I_i_ XXXWVJL 1111V V/X X111XJXXWU II ViU) «*iV» WXV wut. wx UX* wvti prices much lower.” Large volume—latest and most improved machinery—no rents to pay, and very low overhead expense, ex plain why we can sell you better monuments for less money. Come to see us, and you will buy from us; thereby helping your self, and your community, as 7Sc out of every dollar paid us is spent right here in Rowan County. We can build your memorial in any material you may desire, but recommend "Winnsboro Blue, The Silk of the Trade.” If convenient to call at our plant, kindly give us a ring, over ’phone 3 59, and our representative will be glad to come to see you. And to do this, you will be placing yourself under no obligation whatsoever. SALISBURY MARBLE & GRANITE CO. 1305 South Main Street Salisbury, N. C. LEGAL NOTICES 1 SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of a Judg ment of the Superior Court of Davidson County, North Carolina, made at the February Term, 1935, n the matter entitled*"J. M. Peel :r vs. W. R. Dorsett, Admr., of S. r. Dorsett, Mrs. Mable Dorsett, et ils.; the undersigned Commissioner will sell at public auction, with bid secured at time of sale by an ap proved surety or by cash deposit of 10 % of the bid and cash upon con firmation by the Court, at the Courthouse Door of Rowan Coun ty, in the City of Salisbury, North Carolina, AT 1 2 O’C LOCK NOON, MONDAY, APRIL 8, 193 5, the following described land situate in Rowan County, State of North Carolina, to-wit: Beginning at a stake Northeast corner intersection of Fourth Street and Oakwood Ave., corner of lot No. 8, and running thence S. 70 deg. E. 150 ft. to a stake; thence N. 28 deg. E. 150 ft. to a stake on an alley; thence al«ng line of the alley N. 70 deg. W. 150 ft. to a stake on the edge of 4th St.; thence along the line or edge of 4th St. S. 20’ 33” W. 150 ft. to corner of lot No. 8, being lots numbered 6, 7, and 8, and a part of lot No. 5, fac ing Oakwood Avenue. Beginning at the intersection of 4th and Grant Sts., corner of lot No. 11 and running thence 2. 20 deg. 33’ W. 150 ft. to a stake on an alley; thenoe along the line of this alley 70 deg. E. 150 ft. to a stake, corner to another alley; then ce with the line of this alley N. 20 deg. 33’ E. 146 ft. to a stake in the edge of Grant St.: thence with the line of Grant Street N-. 70 deg. W. 150 ft. to the beginning corner on 4th St., being lots numbered 9, 10, 11, as shown on Map of North Ad dition to Spencer, Block 8, same be ing registered in Book of Maps in the office of the Register of Deeds for Rowan County. Beginning at a stake on McCub bins Ave. and 100 ft. from 4th St., and running thence with McCub bins Ave., and in an Easterly direc tion 50 ft. to a stake at corner of lot No. 5; thence with an Norther ly direction 150 ft. to a 10 ft. al ley; thence along said alley in a Westerly direction 50 ft. to a stake at corner of lot No. 3; thence with line of lot No. 3 in a Southerly direction 150 feet to a stake, the be ginning, being lot No. 4, in Block 2, B. F. Lively & Company. Addi tion to Spencer. Beginning at a stake on Mc Cubbins Avenue and 50 ft. from 4th St., at corner of lot No. 2, and running thence with McCubbins Avenue in an Easterly direction 50 ft. to a stake at the corner of lot] No. 4; running thence with line of lot No. 4 in a Northerly direction 150 ft. to a stake on a 10 ft. alley; thence with line of alley in a West erly direction 5 0 ft. to a stake at corner of lot No. 2; thence with line of lot No. 2 in a Southerly dir ection 150 ft. to a stake on Mc Cubbins Ave. at the beginning, be ing lot No. 3, in Block No. 2, B. F. Lively & Company. Addition to Town ©f Spencer. Beginning at a stake on McCub bins Ave. and 4th St., and running thence with McCubbins Ave. in an Easterly direction 5 0 ft. to a stake on the corner of lot No. 3 on said Ave.; thence in a Northerly direc tion with line of lot No. 3, 150 ft. to a stake on a 10 ft. alley; thence with said alley in a Westerly direc tion 50 ft. to a stake on 4th St.; thence with 4th St. in a Southerly direction 150 ft. to a stake on Mc Cubbins Avenue and 4th St. at the beginning, same being lot No. 2, in Block No. 2, in B. F. Lively Addi :ion to Spencer. All that certain lot known and described as lot No. 10 in Block Mo. 27, as the same is shown upon :he map of said Townsite filed by Alexander B. Andrews, Jr., in the iffice of the Register of Deeds for ( Iowan County, N. C., on the 29th lay of May, 1897, to which re erence is hereby made. Said lot is >n Carolina Avenue between 4 th , ,nd 3rd Sts. Spencer, N. C., and is ( 0 feet by 145 feet, and on the lot ( s a one story dwelling. This the 4th day of March, 1935. i J. M. Daniel, Jr., Commissioner. • larch 8—29. ( ALE OF VALUABLE FARM . PROPERTY IN ROWAN COUNTY Under and by virtue of an order c f B. D. McCubbins, Clerk of the a uperior Court, in the special pro- r eeding entitled H. H. Rink and e rife, Carrie Ethel Rink, vs. James f Link, et al, upon the Special Pro- e eeding Docket of said Court, the f ndersigned Commissioner* will, on J be 30th day of March, 1935, at a 2 o’clock Noon, at the Courthouse f oor in Salisbury, N. C., offer for a lie to the highest bidder, for cash, s bat certain tract of land lying and s eing in Locke Township, Rowan c -1 bounty, N. C., adjoining the lands Rowan Mills Co., Mrs. Florence Swink and others and being more particularly described as follows, towit: Beginning at a point in the mid dle of Grant Creek, Mrs. Florence Swink’s corner and runs thence with Mrs. Swink 9 lines as follows: (1) S. 10 E. 498 ft. to an iron stake (2) S\44 3-4 E. 193 ft. to an iron stake (3) S. 36 E. 417 ft. to an iron stake (4) S. 55 E. 395 ft. to a stone (5) N. 87 E. 527 ft. to an iron stake (6) S. 29 E. 191 ft. to an iron stake in a Spanish Oak stump (7*) S. 19 1-2 E. 174 ft. to an iron stake (8) S. 25 W. 118 ft. to an iron stake (9) S. 19 1-2 E. 163 ft. to a stone E. A. Goodman’s corner; thence 4 lines with E. A. Goodman’s (1) S. 1 W. 327 ft. to a large Red Oak (2) S. 26 1-2 E. 440 ft. to an iron stake (3) S. 3 E. 404 ft. to an iron stake (4) S. *10. E. -347 ft. to a stone, corner to the lands of E. A. Good man, W. A. Brown and Sunset Park Development; thence with line of said development N. 89 W. 448 ft. to a stake, corner of lot No. 11 Block "I”; thence with line of same S. 56 E. 17 ft. to a stake, corner of lot No. 4 in line of lot 11; thence with line of lot No. 4 S. 34 W. 150 ft. to an iron stake in the J'doirth edge of Kenidale Avenue; thence with line of same N. 56 W. 262 ft. to an iron stake in the old line; thence N. 89 W. it. to a stone, corner to lands of Rowan Mills Company; thence with line of same N. 31 W. 2100 ft. to an iron pipe; thence S. 36 W. 247 ft. toi an iron stake; thence N. 67 1-2 W. 445 ft. to a point in the corner line of Grant Creek, said point marked by a stone on the East bank; thence with center line of Grant Creek N. 43 E. (crossing center line of county road at 59 ft.) a total of 1926 ft. to the be gining, containing 108—7/10 ac res. Excepting, however, 5—6/10 acres devised by the will of Mrs. Phoebe Rink to J. W. Rink and described as follows: Beginning at a stake in E. A. Goodman’s line, said stake being N. i E. 8 8 ft. from the Red Oak corn er mentioned in above described tract and runs thence with E. A. Goodman’? line N. 1 E. 239 ft. to a stone, Mrs. Swink’s corner; thence with her line N. 19 1-2 W. 70 ft. to a stake, a new corner in Mrs. Swink’s line; thence S. 69 W. 850 ft. to a stake in farm road; thence with said road S. 24 E. 313 ft. to a stake; thence N. 70 E. 73 5 ft. to the beginning, leaving a total of 103—1/10 acres to be transferred by this conveyance. For back title see deeds recorded in Deed Book 169, page 11, Book 177, page 75 and Book 180, page 111 in office of Register of Deeds for Rowan County. Also Lots 7 and 8 in Block "H” and Lots 4, 5 and 6 in Block "B”, as shown by the map of the proper ty of the Salisbury Realty & In surance Company, known as "Sun set Park” Southern addition to Sal isbury, N. C. The purchaser at the sale will be required to make a deposit of 10% of the purchase price. This 22nd day of February, 193 5., J. W. Surratt, Commissioner.! T. K. Carlton, Attorney. March 1—22. j NORTH CAROLINA, ROWAN COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Gurney P. Hood, Commissioner of Banks, in the matter of North Carolina Bank & Trust Company ▼s Walter Murphy NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE By virtue of an execution direct id to the undersigned from the superior Court of Guilford County, n the above entitled action, the udgment being docketed in the of :ice of the Clerk of the Superior Dourt of Rowan County, in book >f judgments No. 26, page 122, I vill, on Monday the 1st day of Vpril, 1935, at 12 M., at the court louse door in Salisbury, N. C., sell i o the highest bidder for cash to , atisfy said execution, all the right, - itle and interest which the said j Walter Murphy, the defendant, has n the following described real state: . ^ Situate in the Great West Ward f the City of Salisbury; Beginning t a stake on South Jackson street, 0 feet from the Southeast corner f the intersection of West Bank nd South Jackson streets, and Tun ing thence in a Southeasterly dir ction 110 feet to a stake on C. S. lorris’ Kne; thence in a Southwest rly direction with Morris’ line 186 eet and 7 inches to a stake, Mrs. laude Murphy’s corner; thence in North Westerly direction, with Irs. Maude Murphy’s line and par llel with Bank street 110 feet to a :ake in the margin of Jackson treet; thence in a Northeasterly ' irection with the margin of Jack- 5 son street 186 feet and 7 inches to the beginning corner, and being lot No. 1 referred to in the last will md testament of Andrew Murphy recorded in the Clerk’s office in book of wills No. 4, page 224, save and except a homestead set apart to Walter Murphy in connection with the judgment No. 206, dock eted in the Clerk’s office in book of judgments No. 26, page 122. The lot to be sold hereunder is sub ject to the life estate of Carrie njur phy as provided for in the said will of Andrew Murphy. This February 25 th, 1935. J. H. Krider, Sheriff of Rowan County. Mar. 1—29 NORTH CAROLINA ROWAN COUNTY. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER MORTAGAGE FORECLOSURE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Pursuant to the terms and con ditions of that certain mortgage, from A. J. Gillespie and wife Wil lie. J. Gillespie to W. H. Shannon, Trustee dated the 8 th day of Au gust, 1925, and registered in Book of Mortgages No. 95 Page 176, of Registry’s Office, Rowan County, N. C., default having been made in the indebtedness for which said mortgage was given to secure, and for the protection of the holder of said indebtedness, the undersigned, will sell at Public Auction, for cash, (or for terms duly announc ed at said sale), at the Courthouse DOPE in Salisbury, N, C,, on Sat urday, the 6th day of April, 1935, at 12 o’clock, after due advertise ment as provided by said instru ment or by law, the following pro perty, to-wit: Beginning one hundred feet from Miller Street; running with Jack son Street forty feet to a stake; running easterly direction 150 feet to a stake; running thence North westerly direction with Jackson Street forty feet; running thence in Westerly direction 150 feet to the beginning of the corner to Jackson Street. The foregoing house and lot is a portion of the lands mentioned and described therein, the balance having heretofore been sold. This sale will be left open for advanced bid required by law. Dated this the 6th day of March, 1935. W. H. Shannon, Trustee. Rendleman & Rendleman, Attys. March 8—29. SALE OF VALUABLE FARM LANDS Pursuant to the provisions of two certain mortgage deeds of trust executed by G. Love Miller and wife, Sarah A. Miller to Columbus File, Trustee and Mortgagee, one dated January 28th, 1928 and re corded in book of mortgages No. 103, page 20, in Register’s office and the other dated February 28th, 1929, and recorded in book of mortgages No. 112, page 132, in Register’s office, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness therein secured, the undersigned Trustee and Mortgagee will expose for sale, at public auc tion, for cash, at the court house door in Salisbury, N. C., on Satur day April 13 th 1935, at the hour of 12 M, the following described real estate: Lying in Cleveland Township about two miles North from Cleve land and bounded as follows: Be ginning at a stone on the South side of public road; thence South 18 dec. East 36/100 chains to a stake on Luckey’s line; thence South 62 deg. West 25.00 chains to a stake, Mrs. Flemings corner; thence with her line North 3 deg. West 44.30 chains to a white oak, Mrs. Flemings corner; thence North 87 1-2 deg. West 4.70 chains to a Spanish oak stump; thence North 3 1-2 deg. West 21.25 chains to a ; Spanish oak; thence Northeast 9.25 :hains to a hickory; thence East [ 17.00 chains to a stone; thence ' South 3 1-2 deg. West 31.50 chains ' :o a stake on Southside of public ■oad; thence North 87 1-2 deg. ‘ 07est 2.71 chains to the beginning, ‘ :ontaining 140 acres, more or less This March 13th, 1935. < Columbus File, Trustee and Mort gagee. lendleman & Rendleman, Attys. darch 22—April 12. ^ “I HAVEN’T HAD ; A GOLD IN FIVE YEARS” J “In the old days I used to (tread the joming of Winter. I was always fighting _ ;olds—feeling about half alive—trying to vork with my body aching and every nerve >n edge. “Then a friend told me about McCoy’s ZJod Liver Oil Tablets with their marvelous r vitamins A and D. I started to take them t 3ve years ago and I haven’t had a cold 0 since that time. ‘•McCoy's tablets put new life In folks; v juild up resistance so anyone can laugh at f :old germs. They make weak, skinny people c strong, steady-nerved and vigorous. They’re r vonderful!” . Get the genuine McCoy's Cod Liver Oil c rablets from your druggist today. Don't vaste money on Imitations. Ask for McCoy’s. ^ ay "I Saw It In The Watchman.” J Rasputin’s Daughter j NEW YORK ... Marie Rasputin (above), daughter of Russia’s famous “Mad Monk’’ who is said to hare wielded powerful influence over the Gear before the two of them met death, is now in the U. 8, having arrived last week._ NOTICE OF SALE Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness se cured by a certain mortgage deed of trust executed by W. M. Mc Combs and wife Dovie McCombs to C. P. Barringer, Trustee, dated November 1st. 1932, and recorded in book No. 122 of mortgages, page No. 273, Register of Deeds Office Rowan County, North Carolina, the undersigned Trustee, by authority conferred in him by the said Mortgage deed of trust, will offer for sale, and sell at pub lic auction for cash, at the Court House Door, in the City of Salis bury, Rowan County, North Car olina, at 12 o’clock Noon on the 27th day of April, 1933, the fol lowing described property; to-wit: Beginning at a stake in the branch, thence S. 1 1-2 W. 340 feet, more or less, to a stake in main road, thence S. 86 1-2 E. with road 183 feet more or less to a stone, corner of J. T. Fisher lot; thence N. 1 1-2 E. 340 feet, more nr 1p«. wifli Ficlipr linp tn n in branch, thence with branch as it meanders to the beginning point. The 63x600 foot lot which was devised to W. M. McCombs by his father J. D. McCombs is included in the above boundary, and the said W. M. McCombs accepts this deed as containing and including the said 63x600 fpot lot which was de vised to him by his father. For back title see book of deeds No. 135, page 249, in the office of Register of Deeds for Rowan County. This the 27th day of March, 1935. C. P. Barringer, Trustee. March 29—April 19. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Pursuant to the provisions con tained in a certain deed of trust, dated Jan. 1st, 1932, executed by Margaret Ballard (Unmarried), to W. C. Coughenour, Trustee, and registered in Book of Mortgages No. 120 at page 55, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Rowan County, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and demand having been made upon the undersigned Trustee by the holder of said indebtedness, I, the undersigned Trustee, will expose to public auction at the Court House door in Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina, on Monday, the 29th day of April, 1935, at 12:00 noon, the following described real estate, to-wit: Lying and being in Salisbury township, in the City of Salisbury, Rowan County, N. C., ind more fully described as follows: a cottage ana lot in tne present :orporate limits of Salisbury, N. C., ind fronting on the South Main Street extension Road; beginning it the North corner at the inter action of the South Main Street Extension Road and "B” Avenue md runs thence in a Northeasterly lirection with the margin of the iouth Main Street Extension Road ifty feet to the corner of Lot No. !; thence with the line of lot No. ! in a Northwesterly direction par llel with "B” Avenue one hundred nd fifty feet to an alley; thence vith the margin of this alley in a iouthwesterly direction fifty feet o "B” Avenue; thence with the nargin of "B” Avenue in a South asterly direction one hundred and ifty feet to the beginning corner —being Lot No. 1 in Block 4 on he map of the property called Wheeler’s Addition to South Sal ;bury.” This the 25 th day of March, 935. V. C. Coughenour, Trustee. March 29—April 25 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that ap lication for executive clemency n behalf of G. E. Teaster, white, rill be made to Commissioner of , aroles, Honorable Edwin M. Gill, .aleigh, N. C., at the expiration of lis two weeks notice. Dated this March 23rd, 1935. 7. C. Maupin, Jr., Attorney, larch 29—April 5.

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