The Carolina Wak man “* - -A NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF ROWAN COUNTY ISDU1T FOUNDED 1832-10,rd year SALISBURY, FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 12, 19H ' VOL. 103 NO. 37 PR,rp , p « ~ --*-- _ ^ ' --------- ^ With the President off on a fish ing trip, it’s a good time to gossip about some of the other folk who figure more or less in the political picture; remembering, if you please, •Jut nothing that goes on in Wash ington is not political. There are some very skillful politicians in the Administration and in Congress. There are also some very inept poli ticians. Secretary Harold L. Ickes of the Interior Department, PWA ad minstrator, for example. Mr. Ickes dosen’t know how to play politics. He is disliked by Congress and re garded as slightly dumb by some leaders for taking too seriously the avowed intent to spend public money without political favortism. Gossip has it that Ickes is being "edged out.” Madame Secretary Perkirts of the Department of Labor went out to the University of California the other day, made a speech and got an honorary degree, and a figura tive slap in the face from a Cali fornia woman who referred to her as "a mere politician.” She came back East and got into an argu ment with Mrs. Elinor Herrick, regional director of the National Labor Relations Board, who said publicly that women couldn’t get important public offices except by political pull. Madame Secretary denied that hotly. Gossips say that Edward F. McGrady, assistant sec retary, is the real power in the Labor Department. Herbert Hoover, once President, stood in line with Madame Secre tary at the University of California. Mr. Hoover gave some advice to the Young Republicans of California the other day, which got into print. Immediately Washington, which can see hidden political motives in everything, jumped to the conclu-| sion that Mr. Hoover was staging a come-back in 1936. It took a strongly worded denial of any such ambition, issued in his behalf by an unnamed friend, to quiet the talk. * Harry L, Hopkins, Federal Em ergency Relief Administrator, who will be Number One man in spend ing the works-relief money, is said by his friends to be at heart a con servative who hates the whole re lief system, but does his job well, without too much interference with local politicians who want a finger in the pie. His scheme for the new spending is a sort of glorified CWA. Rexford Guy Tugwell, Undersec retary of Agriculture, has the Presi dent’s left ear (Raymond Moley still having access to the right one), the gossips say. Tugwell will be in charge of Federal purchases of land, for anchoring down the topsoil in the short-grass country, subsistence homesteads, relief for tenant-farm ers and the like. Those activities will take him out of active work in the Department of Agriculture. Henry Wallace, Secretary of Ag riculture, is becoming less of a lec turer and pamphleteer and more of an administrator. He’s running his department and making a good job of it, his friends claim. Rear Admiral Christiart J. Peoples, chief of the procurement division of the Treasury, built a reputation in the Navy as good administrator. Secretary Morgenthau drafted him for the Treasury, and he is expected to control the book-keeping of the works relief expenditures. Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, the Presi dent’s wife, has politicians and ad ministrative officials guessing much of the time. Nobody knows when she will say something calculated to upset carefully-laid plans. While official Washington is not exactly afraid of her, she makes every body nervous. Daniel C. Roper, Secretary of Commerce, is losing ground with business men and institutions whom v fe„,dgpartment is suposed to serve. Complaints "of "general inefficiency in the department have been piling up and Mr. Roper is frankly wor ried. Some are predicting a change in the Cabinet in a short time. General Robert E. Wood, presi dent of Sears-Roebuck, mail-order house, who is expected to be the chief adviser on , business methods under the works-relief scheme, may or may not take the job. If he does, it will be because the President has conceded his demand for complete (continued on page 2) President Is Eager To Spend Huge Work Fund To End The Slump Ups And Down > Shown In Federal Reserve In dex, However, Reflect Net Gain For Industry . New Deal reports reveal recovery is lagging again and explain why the Administration is so eager to begin spending the $4,880,000,000 works-relief fund. Business is in its third New Deal slump. Three times since President Roosevelt was inauguarted business has moved to higher levels and slip ped backward. The first improve ment was the "1933 New Deal boom.” That began in March and collapsed in July. mere ionowed about tour months of declining business acti vity ending in November, 1933. In that month began a six months’ up ward movement followed again by four months of declining business. That period of decline brought < the New Deal to September, 1934, when the Federal Reserve index of : industrial production was down to 71. These ups and downs however, reflected a net gain. The Federal index for March, 1933, when Roosevelt took office was 5 9, which meant that the country’s industries were producing only a little more than half of their average output for the period 1923-2S. Last September the third period of business improvement began. It continued thru January when the Federal Reserve index reached 91 per cent of 1923-2J average pro duction. The high point of New Deal recovery so far was during the March-July flurry of 1933 when :he index touched 100. Baseball Field Being Rebuilt (From The Pioneer) This spring it was decided upon o improve the condition of the Datawba baseball field in the inter - :sts of both the college and the :ity of Salisbury. In accordance svith this decision, the city has indertaken to grade the field and to irect spectators’ stands. The grad ng will be done so as to eliminate the tendency of fair balls to be knocked out into the rough lands :o the south where it is almost im aossible to field them. The entire field will be "swung” around to :he right from home plate, necessit iting the grading of much of the and towards the football field. The stands are to be of all steel instruction with, of course, wood ;n seats. The entire construction and grading is estimated at twelve hundred dollars, to be supplied by the city. During the summer months, the city leagues will then use Catawba’s ball park for their games. DUBHAM, N. C. . . . Mias Jano Williams (above), of St. Paul, Mian., * senior at Duke University, baa been elected 1935 May Queen to rule in elaborate ceremonies here. Mar 4. 1 Introducing Three New Hair Dress Styles I' ii mi hi—1>—h—iiiiiiiiiiiiii iiyiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiimii in i in i inn NEW YORK .... At the official Spring show of N. Y. State beauticians held here, the above three hair styles were approved for the summer season. On the reft is Miss Sophia Moliner, with the “Streamline” style. Center, Miss Elaine Stone, displays the “Champagne Bubble” curls. Right, Mine. Humble, with the ‘ ‘ Cocktail Hour ’ ’ wave. A Greater Salisbury To the Editor, The Carolina Watchman, Salisbury, North Carolina, Dear Sir: I desire to congratulate your fine paper on its splendid editorial of March 22 under the caption "A GREATER SALISBURY.” I think it is the best I have ever seen on the subject. Promoting the idea suggested in this editorial, I think it would be a fine thing if the civic-minded citizens of Salisbury and Rowan County were to get together in a huddle with the double objective of a GREATER SALISBURY AND A GREATER ROWAN COUNTY. When I speak of a GREATER SALISBURY, I invariably mean a GREATER ROWAN, as the two go hand in hand, the terms being used interchangeably.. It has often been said that Charlotte’s remarkable growth could be attributed to three factors: First: The civic-minded residents of that city. Second: The newspapers of that City. Third: Clarence Kuester, head of the Chamber of Commerce. As a step in the right direction, I offer the following suggestions for the consideration of the citizens of Salisbury and Rowan County: 1. A joint meeting of the City Council and the Board of County Commissioners with a GREATER SALISBURY and a GREATER ROWAN COUNTY as the double objective. 2. A joint meeting ox ttie e,ity council ana tne xxoara ox county Commissioners with the Town Boards of Spencer, East Spencer, Granite { Quarry, Rockwell, Gold Hill, China Grove, Landis, Cleveland, and the civic-minded citizens of the other parts of the County. 3. A joint meeting of the directors of the Chamber of Commerce and of the Salisbury-Spencer Merchants Association. 4. A joint meeting of the civic organizations of Salisbury—the Civitan, the Rotary and the Kiwanis clubs. 5. A general get-together of the business and industrial leaders of the City and County. 6. A general meeting of all groups, with the general objective of. a GREATER SALISBURY and a GREATER ROWAN. These groups could effect a GREATER SALISBURY AND A GREATER ROWAN organization and select a leader. Each and every member of each and every group should then support the movement to the limit. Another matter, more or less incidental, but importaxit neverthe less, should be the selection of a new slogan or motto for our City. There was a slogan selected years ago reading as follows: ’’Salisbury’s the Place!” The place for what? A slogan should be chosen that says something and means something and not just a vague, meaningless, ineffective generality. Yours for a greater City and County. A CITIZEN OF SALISBURY. 500,000 New Farms Reported By Census Half a million new farms were estimated by Census Bureau offi cials to have sprung up in the United States in five years. So far as there are any indica tions in the preliminary returns from the farm census, most offi cials s*id they ' believed th|e in crease attributable to persons who went back to the country from city jobs which vanished in the depression. They did not think the work of the farm program had much to do with the rise. The farm census is in the con cluding stages in so far as the gathering of statistics is concern ed, but it will be months yet be fore the tabulations are completed and a rounded picture of the trend is produced. In 1930 the last general census showed 6,300,000 forms in the United States. When the present count started, officials estimated it would show 6,500,000. But William L. Austin, the Director of the Census, said: "We now know from the re turns that are in that the figure is going higher than that. It will show at least 300,000 more farms than in 1930 and probably 500, 000 more.” Professor Harmon was lecturing on the rhinoceros. Seeing that some of the class were allowing their minds to wander, she said: "I must beg you to give me your undivided attention. It is absolutely impossible for you to form a true idea of this hideous animal unless you keep your eyes on me.” Applications For Crop Loans Now Being Received Field Supervisor P. jA. Wallen born of the Emergency Crop and Feed Loan Office at Salisbury states that applications for emer gency crop loans and feed loans are now being received by the local County Loan Committee, with of fices located on the 2nd floor of the Court House. In accordance with vthe Act of Congress authorizing the loans, and regulations issued by Governor W. I. Myers of the Farm;Credit Ad ministration, loans will be made only to farmers who are unable to obtain eleswhere seed, fertilizers, supplies, feed or the necessary cred it to purchase such items. Loans will not be made to applicants who can obtain credit in the amount needed from any other source, in cluding the production credit asso ciation. Any farmer who has the neces sary security should apply to the production credit association first. If the association is unable to make him a loan in the amount needed the farmer will receive a statement to that effect and will be consid ered eligible to apply for a loan from the emergency fund. The regulations provide that the largest loan to one farmer this year is $500 and the minimum $10, but no loan may be made in an amount greater than is actually needed to rover the cash cost of purchasing ;eed, fertilizers, supplies, feed,etc. Loans will be made for the purpose if growing and harvesting crops, ’or summer following, for purchas ng feed for livestock; but not for ;he purpose of purchasing livestock >r machinery, or for the payment pf debts or taxes. Loans will be made only to ap plicants who are cooperating with the Production Control Program )f the Agricultural Adjustment Administration. As in the past, the security for in emergency crop or feed loan will :onsist of a first lien on the crop inanced or on the livestock to be :ed. A tenant must also give a irst lien by getting the landowner :o waive his cliam in favor of the :rop lien; but the landowner is in to way obligated for repayment of ns tenant’s loan. Checks in payment of approved oans will be issued by the Regional Emergency Crop and Feed Loan Dffice at Memphis, Tenn.; and not py the field supervisor or the loan :ommittee. First Checks On Crop Loans In The Mails The first of the 193 5 emergency crop loan checks for North Caro ina are being mailed out from the regional office at Columbia, S. C., t was announced by-" Norman Monaghan of the Emergency Crop ind Feed Loan section of the Farm Credit administration. Farmers are to receive the first oan checks within 10 days after :he $60,0000,000 emergency crop oan fund was 'appropriated by Congress; and the field force in the regional offices are equipped to landle applications from every cart of the country, Mr. Monaghan said. The loans are being made to farmers who are unable to obtain credit from other sources, but only in the amount that is need to cover the cash cost of feed, fer tilizers, supplies, feed, with the limit of $500 as the maximum to iny one farmer. Loans will also be made for fol lowing and for the production and purchase of feed for livestock, but not to buy livestock or machinery, or for payment of taxes or debts. Farmers eligible to borrow from the emergency fund are being told to apply to the county loan com mittee which has been set up in every county of the state. It is expected that the entire fund will be loaned during the next two months. I MAY QUEEN | 1---—I | MISS KITTY PEARCE '---1 May Day Plans Are Being Laid (From The Pioneer} The plans for Catawba’s annual May Day are fast assuming con crete form under the capable sup ervision of Miss French, Miss Om wake and Mrs. Foil. The final date for the celebration has not been definitely set, but tentative plans include dates around May 3. This year’s May Day will be entirely different from all previous years, the dances consisting mainly of tap dances interspersed with a few folk dances. The May Day page ant is now being written and cost umes are being planned. The May Queen attendants, three of which are elected from each class, have been chosen. The results of the election are as follows: Senior attendants, Mary Ruth Ger hardt, Ruth Schaeffer, and Gert rude Laubach; Junior attendants, Lilyan Miller, Jannette Finger, and Hazel McSwain; Sophomore at tendants, Sarah Ellen Krouse, Frances Foil, and Maxine Smith; Freshman attendants, Evelyn Greer, Nell Dedmon, and Josephine Bark- ( ley. Miss Pierce has chosen as her maids of honor Miss Hazel Connell ( ind Miss Janet Laros. ( GOOD MORNING A beer hoister who loves to guz zle the amber suds was heard to re mark the other day: "I hate to go into a saloon these days, because I’ve got to fall over so many wo men in order to get a drink.” Johnny: What is that, ma? Mrs. Faust: Why, sonny, that is a lighthouse. Johnny: What’s it for, ma? Mrs. Faust: To keep ships from getting on the rocks. Johnny: Why don’t you get one for pa? He’s always on the rocks. Joe is just crazy about me. Well, don’t crow about it. He was crazy before he ever met you. She’s only the printer’s daughter, but I like her type. First Ghost: Where are you go ing? Second Ghost: On a haunting trip. Marion—“What’s the idea of the Watsons taking French lessons?” Tom Mac Nut—"They’ve adopt ed a French baby and want to und erstand what it says when it begins to talk.” George had been “hanging around” for some time, and among other trifling tokens had presented Mildred with a book giving the meaning of Christian names. She sat turning the pages after he had gone. “William means good, I see,” she remarked, "James means beloved,” she blushed slightly. "I wonder what George means.” "I sincerely hope, my dear,” said her father, tartly, "that George means business.’ D. C. Tops U. S. In Suicide Rate; 34 Per 100,000 The District of Columbia suicide rate is higher than any State rate, according to figures released by the Bureau of Vital Statistics of the Department of Commerce. At the same time, it was revealed that the suicide rate for the country as a whole has gone down for the first time since 1923. Washington has a record of 34.1 suicides for every 100,000 of popu lation in 1933, the latest year for which figures were issued. The Far Western group of States was next in order—Nevada had 33.3 per 100,000; California had 28.8. Mississippi had the lowest rate in the country, 5.5 per 100,000. The Southern States had the low est rates shown. The figure for Arkansas was 6.4; South Carolina, 6.7. It was pointed out that these Southern States had large colored populations, which always showed lower suicide rates than white per sons living in the same locality. Compared with other cities, Washington was fourth in the Na tion. San Francisco had the highest rate, with 39 per 100,000. Denver was next with 37.9, then San Diego with 36.9. Portland, Oreg., was fifth, with 32.4. The largest number of suicides in any city was in New York, but its comparative rate was only .3 higher than the average of 18.7 for all cities over 10,000. The New York total was 1,336, the lowest number since 1929. The rate for all the country was 13.9 in 1933. In 1929 it was 14;' in 1930, 13.6‘ in 1931, 16.8; in 1932, 17.4. A comparison of the city and total rates shows that the urban rate is almost 2 per cent higher than the average for the country as a whole. Bank Deposits Up 3 Billions Washington.—A three-billion iollar increase in bank deposits in :he last six months of 1934 was lisclosed by officials of the Fed :ral Deposit Insurance corporation. The corporation gave no expla- 1 lation of the increase in deposits, ' aut persons familiar with banking ' md business trends contended it was due largely to heavy govern nent expenditures for mergency 1 aurposes. Total bank deposits in the Uni led States on December 31 were aut at slightly less than $50,000, 300,000. The corporation reported nsured deposits of $38,994,264,000 an that date in the 14,135 insured aanks. Mortimer J. Fox, chief statistician of the corporation, estimated deposits of mutual sav ings banks, not included in the re port, amounted to $10,000,000, 000, while the 1,060 uninsured banks had deposits of $506,000, 300, and private bank deposits were estimated at about $400,000, 300. Ihis total ot 5^,yuu,z6-i,uuu compared with a total of $46, 672,199,000 on June 30, last, for ill banks, as reported by the com ptroller of currency in his last an lual report. Insured bank deposits rose $1, 800,000,000, and inter-bank de posits leaped $1,000,000,000. "An important factor in these increases was the year-end accum ulation of checks deposited but not yet collected,” said Leo T. Crow ley, chairman of the corporation. Total cash and funds due from banks rose 20 per cent during that period. Banks increased their hold ings of government securities by $1,400,000,000, or 14 per cent. There was also an increase in "other securities” held of $260, 000,000, or four per cent. As com pared with the mid-year figure, loans and discounts were reduced by $600,000,000, a drop of four per cent. The statement showed stock pur chases were made in $,400 of the insured banks by the Reconstruc tion Finance corporation. These purchases amounted to $822,000, 000.