Permanent WAVES at all times $1.50 and up Shampoo and Finger Wave 50c QUALITY BEAUTY SHOPPE 203 Wright Bldg. W. femes St. Phone 347-W All Work Guaranteed % if you telephone her "Meet Me at BLACKWELD ER'S FOR LUNCH today.” BARBECUE, all kind short or ders. Leading brands of beer. Tables for ladies. Come here for THE BEST ALWAYS BLACKWELDER’S 205 S. Main St.—304 N. Depot YOUR KNITTFD DRESSES CLEANED BLOCKED I Our improved method restor es the original luster and shape to your knitted gar- Wlien ments. We Do Personal attention is given It, It IS I to all knits by one thorough- Done 1 ly trained and experienced RIGHT* I in the specialized art of blocking knits and boucle. BENTON DRY GLEANING WORKS Phone 1423 / Controlled Heat I You are the Boss of this new automatic iron You govern the temperature If interrupted while ironing with this iron, just set the iron on 1 | i its stand. 1 When you return, it will be just as hot as when you left it— 1 no hotter—whether you return in ten minutes or a much longer 1 ) time. No danger of burning your ironing board. § "American Beauty” I adjustable-automatic electric iron * I The best iron made S To make it easy for you to own one of the new model irons, we 1 have arranged the following terms— I I 95c Down—Balance hi easy monthly payments I liberal Allowance for Your Old Iron I ^^DUKE^POWE^OMPANy^^l •by Caleb Johnson•_ J XIII. EXPANDING NATIONAL POWERS While the war between the states was in progress, almost dictatorial powers had been exercised by the Executive. The President, under the Constitution, was Commander in-Chief of the Army and Navy, and the whole nation was involved in the war. Many things were done under the stress of the war I emergencies for which there was no specific warrant in the Constitu tion. Among these, for example, was the imposition of a national in come tax. This, like the other war emergency measures, was aban doned at the close of hostilities. After the turmoil of the Recon struction period had subsided, there was general satisfaction with the demonstration that had been given of the flexibility of the Constitu tion. It had been stretched to cover the emergencies of war and recon struction; now it had shrunk back to its peace-time functions. But those functions had become far greater than they were, and were to keep on expanding. A new spirit of nationalism had taken pos session of the Government, and in the 20 years from 1878 to 1898 Congress and the Executive, some times together and sometimes in op position to each other, undertook to enlarge Federal powers while the powers of the states were constant ly being diminished. The whole social and economic picture of the nation began, in the 1870’s, to change from a system based almost exclusively on agri culture, forestry and mining, to one based primarily on industry. Revo lutionary new inventions began to appear. Lines of communications multiplied, the great industrial cen ters began to develop and their products to be distributed through out the nation. For the first time the United States began to be an exporter of manufactured goods as well as of agricultural raw pro ducts. Just as new ideas of Government had been developed by the pioneer settlers on the Atlantic Coast in colonial days, so new ideas of the relation of the government to the people began to develop in the pioneer West. As the population of the newly created states grew, their influence in national affairs naturally increased. Before long, pressure from the agricultural West induced the Federal Government to assume authority to regulate rail road communications between the states. There was serious doubt of the Constitutionality of the inter state commerce act, in the minds of many, but the Supreme Court up held it as coming within the pur view of the commerce clause of the Constitution. out wncii, in 1077, v-rungrc^s un dertook to enact a new income tax law, the Court held it to be un constitutional. The West, however, was insistent upon an income tax, and after 20 years of agitation the sixteenth amendment to the Con stitution, authorizing Congress to impose a tax, was submitted and ratified in 1913. Out of the agrarian West also came demands which gradually be came irresistable, for other changes in the Constitution. The Spanish war of 1898 put the finishing touch to the antagonisms between the North and South and launched the United States upon a broader nationalistic career. So tompletely dominant was Federal supremacy that President Theodore Roosevelt, in 1906, did not hesitate to advance the idea that state lines should be wiped out. The power and authority of the Federal Government spread in di rections and to distances which the framers of the Constitution could never have foreseen. We annexed Hawaii under President Cleveland. We took possession of the Philip pine Islands, 7,000 miles away across the Pacific, and of Porto Rico; almost at the end of the Civil War we had purchased Alaska from Russia and under the leadership of Theodora Roosevelt we embarked upon the gigantic enterprise of the Panama Canal. Probably not one of the men who sat in the conven tion of 1787 would have called those imperialistic expansion constitu tional, but under the clauses au thorizing Congress to regulate com merce witr foreign nations and be tween the states and to provide for the common defense and the gen eral welfare, the Supreme Court held that the documentary basic law of the land was sufficiently flexible to warrant these acts. XIV. THE WEST INITIATES MORE AMENDMENTS The two-party political system under which the nation had grown from its earliest days was threat ened in 1892, when the so-called Populist movement, originating in the wheat-growing states, swept the Western country and parts of the South. This new People’s Party elected many members of Congress, and its candidate for President, General James B. Weaver, received 22 electoral votes. This had a pro found effect upon the Constitution of the United States, for the de mands for Constitutional changes, made by so large a group of voters, could not be ignored. One of these demands was the income tax, which, as has been ponted out, was later adopted. Another demand of the People’s Party was for a change in the Con stitutional method of electing United States Senators; they should be chosen by direct popular vote instead of by state legislatures. The new states that had been carved out of the public domain had little of the tradition of state inde pendence which prevailed in the older East. They were creatures of the Federal Government, with no previous independent existence. To the people of the West, there was nothing especially sacred in the original plan of the Constitution, which regarded the State Govern ments, as represented in their leg islatures, as somehow superior to the people. The West had no es pecial reverence for its own legis latures; its people were mainly farmers, with all of the farmer tra dition of personal liberty and "rug ged individualism.” Another of the demands made by the People’s Party for a Constitu tional change was equal suffrage rights for women. The Democratic Party, in 1896, captured the People’s Party by adopting most of its tenets. These, therefore, became partisan political issues, so it was not until the Dem ocratic Party had obtained Control of Congress that these People’s Par ty amendments to the Constitution :ould be submitted to the states for ratification. Like the income tax amendment, it took 20 years md more of public discussion to bring about the 17th amendment for direct election of Senators, which was ratified in 1913. The 19th amendment, giving na tion-wide suffrage to women, in 1920. Prior to 1920 women had been granted the right to vote in 22 states, beginning with Wyom ing. This was another great popm lar movement, which, like Prohi bition, had its origin in the East but its strength in the West. When the United States entered Don’t Guess But Know Whether the “Pain” Remedy You Use is SAFE? Don’t Entrust Your Own or Your Family’s Well - Being to Unknown Preparations THE person to ask whether the preparation you or your family are taking for the relief of headaches is SAFE to use regularly is your family doctor. Ask him particularly about Genuine BAYER ASPIRIN. He will tell you that before the discovery of Bayer Aspirin moot “pain” remedies were advised against by physicians as bad feu- the stomach and, often, for the heart. Which is food for thought if you seek quick, safe relief. Scientists rate Bayer Aspirin among the fastest methods yet dis covered for the relief of headaches and the pains of rheumatism, neu ritis and neuralgia. And the experi ence of millions of users has proved it safe for the average person to use regularly. In your own interest re member this. You can get Genuine Bayer Aspirin at any drug store — simply by asking for it by its full name. BAYER ASPIRIN. Make it a point to do this — and see that you get what you want Bayer Aspiria the World War the majority of the states had already voted them selves dry. As a wartime emergency measure Congress enacted a tem porary national Prohibition act. The opportunity was seized upon for the submission of a Constitu tional amendment for the perpetua tion of national Prohibition. This, the 18 th amendment, was ratified in January, 1919. After 14 years of unsuccessful efforts to enforce prohibition, this 18 th amendment was repealed by the 21st amend ment, ratified in 1933. This is the only instance of a Constitutional amendment being repealed by an other amendment. It has been pointed out that Su preme Court decisions have rarely resulted directly or indirectly in amendments to the Constitution. One Supreme Court decision, how ever, holding a law of Congress unconstitutional, brought about the submission of an amendment which has been awaiting ratifications for 11 years. It would prohibit inter state commerce in the products of child labor. The 66th Congress enacted a law which had intended to prevent the exploitation of children in industry, but before its provisions became effective the Supreme Court held that this was an invasion of the rights of the states and therefore beyond the power of Congress, the 68th Congress, in 1924, sub mitted an amendment removing that restriction upon Congressional authority. Only 21 of the 48 states have as yet ratified the child labor amendment, which must be ratified by 36 states before it becomes a part of the Constitution. NEXT WEEK: BRINGING THE CONSTITUTION UP TO DATE Nervous, Weak Woman Soon All Right "I had regular shaking spells from nervousness,” writes Mrs. Cora San ders, of Paragould, Ark. T was all run-down and cramped at my time untU I would have to go to bed. After my first bottle of Cardul, I was bet ter. X kept taking Cardul and soon 1 was all right. The shaking quit and X did not cramp. I felt worlds better. I gave Cardul to my daugh ter who was In about the same con dition and she was soon all right.” Thousand* of woman testify Cardul bane* flted thaw If It doaa not banatu WOO, consult a ahyilciaa. ROSCOE TURNER PHYSICAL INSTRUCTOR Speed Flyer Charles Adams CAMCLS COSTLIER TOBACCOS Milestones Of American Genius This Unique Educational Feature Illustrated 'by Jules lippit Will Begin Soon in the Watchman Regardless of differences on po litical and economic questions the American people are united in their veneration for our great men. In the 159 years since we became a free and independent nation American genius has flowered to an extent unequalled in any other part of the world. Study of the lives of the outstanding figures in American history is one of the strongest incentives to patriotism and national pride. These thoughts are the basis of a series of thumb-nail sketches en titled, "Milestones of American Genus”, which will begin in the Carolina Watchman soon and con tinue once a week for an indefi nite period. Each article will re view briefly a distinguished Ameri can career. The series will in clude writers, artists and inventors as well as statesmen, generals and captans of ndustry. The 1st in cludes: Miles Standish George Washington Thomas Jefferson John Paul Jones Eli Whitney Robert Fulton Daniel Wetster Abraham Lincoln JAPANESE OIL Mad* la U. 8. A. FOR HAIR AND SCALP DMaraat Ira* Ordiaary Hair Taoiea IT'S A SCALP UCDICINtl Me 4)1. FEEL ITWORKI At All Writ* far FREE BaakM “Th* Truth Ahaut Tha Hair.” Natlaaal Raaady Ca.. New Vark ^P—BMW—■—MMB—D Robert E. Lee Ulysses S. Grant Mark Twain J Admiral Dewey Theodore Roosevelt Susan B. Anthony Booker T. Washington Elbert H. Gary Samuel Gompers Robert E. Peary Augustus St. Gaudens The illustrations will be both novel and appropriate. Because our patriotic pride in these men has expressed itself in monuments dotting our public parks and squares in almost every city and town, each article will have a pic ture of an outstanding memorial to the person described. For this purpose original drawings have been made by Jules Lippit, the distinguished New York artist. Many of these memorials are out standing works of art. The Memorial Commission that prepared this series has arranged for their publication simultaneous ly in several hundred newspapers throughout the United States. Publication rights for this terri tory have been granted exclusively to the Carolina Watchman. Watch [for the first artcle soon. I THE NEW G'E SETS will change your ideas OF RADIO Out of the “House of Magic** came a new Radio Miracle ... Priced as low as $3440 Highest Trade-ins ... Get yours NOW You can always tell a thoroughbred by I Steel Replaces f " rdri , ■ Glass In Radio And the New 1936 General Electric Radio was sired and developed in the Tubes I "House of Magic” . . . created by that , . . , You will find that glass radio tubes amazing group or scientists who havs tapped the distant stars for energy, put have been replaced by tubes of the mighty forces of Nature at the bid- steel ... by new metal tubes that ^ ^ ha^e eliminated "shielding cans” Naturally, you expect much firom/ a , , , . i , , , , 11 and the crackles caused by them radio with such a background—and the new G-E receiver will not disappoint when they become loose, you. “ “ ' 1 T. M. CASEY 320 North Main St. Phone 204

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