The Carolina Watchman L“] A NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF ROWAN COUNTY i - ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 -- -- — FOUNDED 1832—104TH YEAR.SALISBURY, FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 1, 193 5_ VOL. 104 NO. 14 PRICE 2 CENTS WASHINGTON With the President and Vice President both outside of the Un ited States, Secretary of State Hull was for a few days the actual head of the Government. Technically, President Roosevelt was on United States soil so long as he remained on the Cruiser Houston, and kept constant wireless communication with Washington, "but there was a short time, after Vice-President Garner started for the Philippines, and the President was on Cocos Is land, when Cordell Hull was Act ing President. Washington has been' gradually acquiring high admiration and re spect for Secretary Hull. Quiet and self-contained, he is regarded as having conducted the international exchanges arising from the Ethio pian war situation in a manner not only befitting the dignity of the United States but calculated to im press the statesmen of Europe, while at the same time fully guard ing the interests of America. There has not been very much publicity about the State Depart ment’s conversations with Euro pean diplomats in Washington and its correspondence through our ambassadors abroad with the heads of other nations, but there has been an amazing amount of deli cate work handled by Mr. Hull’s office ever since the war situation in Europe began to look serious. L/UXN 1 KAiJAJNID Uh WAK Perhaps no greater compliment has been paid in recent years to any American statesman by the rest of the world than the adop tion by the League of Nations of the exact language of the memo randum prepared by Secretary Hull' defining contraband of war. When all but one or two members of the League agreed to prohibit the ex port of war supplies to Italy, they picked up Secretary Hull’s list bod ily. Indise the State Department there is a very clear understanding of the European situation and a belief that the outlook for a gen eral war is more serious than it , was in 1914. Whether the United States can keep out of a general war is regarded as not at all cer tain. Every possible means to avoid embroilment will be applied, short of complete abandonment of all of our national rights. It is unquestionably true that the State Department has a com plete set of plans ready for use in any possible war situation. Its of ficials, however, believe that the economic pressure on Italy, applied by SO nations, will have an effect within a month or two. It is also their belief that Mussolini’s end is in sight, in any event. Finance officials of the Govern ment are somewhat worried over the continued flight of frightened capital from Europe to America. As foreign gold pours into our banks, it creates large foreign » credits, which might conceivably be used to finance war enterprises. FEDERAL POT-POURRI Everybody is watching the Su preme Cdurt these days. The ex pectation is that there will prob ably be no decision on the consti tutionality of the AAA until Jan uary For the first time since the first colonists planted their first crops in America, more than 300 years ago, this country is now buying food from abroad. The increasing importation of wheat, corn, rye, lard and pork is giving the Depart ' ment of Agriculture serious con cern. American farmers, however, are getting more money for less production and their cash income this year is estimated at $7,000, 000,000 with a probable increase of 10 per cent above that figure for next year. Plans for stimulating the better housing movement are awaiting action by the President on his re turn. The normal increase in hous ing accommodations is about $ 00, 000 new family homes—houses or! apartments—a year. We have not begun to catch up on the short age. Renewed inducements to pri vate capital to go in for extensive . housing programs are exyected. f1 Probably little more Government money will be spent in this field. It is believed here that Dr. Tug well’s Rural Resettlement Admin istration has abandoned the idea of providing part-time industrial la bor for city workers who are reset tled in the country, and will con (Continued on page four) Jim Payne Heads Knights Templar AAA To Loan 45 Cehts On Corn Crop Farmers Give AAA Program Wide Majority Corn-Hog Plan Gets Six To One Support In Referendum OFFICIALS PLEASED The Agriculture department has announced that a 45-cent-a-bushel loan on this year’s corn crop, ap pending to the loans requirements which Secretary Wallace said "might or might not” be the be ginning of his ever-normal granary plan. The Commodity Credit corpora tion, Wallace reported, has asked the Reconstruction corporation for a maximum of $150,000,000 to fi nance the loan to farmers who signed the 1935 corn-hog adjust ment contracts. The loan, the announcement said will be made available on field corn that has been husked and stored in the ear in suitable cribs in accord ance with the laws of the State in which it is located. Loans will be made on corn which, if shelled, would grade number three or better. The grade requirement in 1933 and 1934 was lumber four. The loan rate last ,'ear was 5 5 cents a bushel and n 1933 was 45 cents. Incomplete tabulations of the referendum by corn and hog farm ers showed better than a 6-to-l vote in favor of continuing pro duction control in these two com modities. While official figures will not be forthcoming for several days, reports from various producing areas show that of the ballots al ready counted 675,000 farmers supported the AAA program with 107,000 opposing it. GOOD MORNING NO SISSY "Daddy I told a fib at school to day,” piped the youngster after his first day at school. "Teacher asked me where I was born, and it sounded silly to say in a women’s .hospital, so I told her it was in the Yankee Stadium.” MANY PROPOSALS She: “I’ve been asked to get married lots of times.” He: "Who asked you?” She: “Mother and father.” CLOSING A GAP Warren, "Did you sew a button on my coat, Jennie May?” Jennie May: "No, honey-bunch, I could not find the button and so I sewed up the buttonhole.” ON RELIEF JOB Judge: "Did you hear about the severe fall Uncle David received?” Leslie: "No, what was it?” Judge: "Some workmen came along and cut down a telephone pole while he was leaning against it—and Uncle David nearly bit his tongue off.” PLAYED SAFE "How do you account for the fact that George Washington never told a lie?” "He married a widow, and he knew better than to try it.” ——_ ** REVENGE IS SWEET Dentist’s Nurse: "Doctor, it took you a long time to pull that last man’s tooth.” Dentist: "Yes, confound him, He married the girl I was in love with.” Minister: "I am glad to see that you come so regurlarly to our ev ening services, Mrs. McSwish.” Mrs. McSwish: "Yes. You see, my husband hates to have me go 1 ’ and so I come --\ Methodists Conclude Conference Here The 46 th annual session of the Western North Carolina confer ence. Methodist Episcopal Church, south, which began here Oct. 24. was terminated in First Church at 12:45 p. m. Monday, after Bishop Paul B. Kern, of Greensboro, the presiding officer, completed the reading of the appointments of the ministers for the new year. Ministers, many of them accom panied by members of their fami lies, and laymen, laywomen and children from all sections of the territory occupied by the confer ence, utilized every seat in the big church auditorium and much standing room also was requisition ed at the final business session. Immediately preceding the bish op’s prefatory remarks Mrs. J._L. Rendleman. Sr., of Salisbury sang "I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go.” Mrs. Rendleman was accom panied at the organ by Miss Olive Newell, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Newell, her father now be ginning his third year as pastor of First Church here. The following appointments were made for the Salisbury dist rict: Presiding Elder—C. S. Kikrpat rick. Albemarle-Central—G. B. Clem mer; First Street, J. S. Gibbs. Albemarle circuit—-R. L. Bass. Badin-Tabernacle—Elzie Myers. China Grove—C. B. Newton. Concord-Central—W. L. Hut chins; Epworth, I. L. Roberts; For est Hill, W. J. Miller; Harmony, R. H. Taylor; Kerr Streets J. P. Hornbuckle; Westford, G. W. i f ' Fink. ' Concord circuit—J. N. Randall. East Spencer—J. R. Warren. Gold Hill—C. S. Plyler. Granite Quarry—T. B. Huney cutt. Kannapolis—N. C. Williams. Landis—C. R. Allison. _/ Mount Pleasant—H. L. Powell. New London—W. L. Lanier. Norwood Station—A. P. Rat ledge. Norwood circuit—J. A. How ell. . Salem—T. W. Hager. Salisbury-Coburn Memorial— A. C. Swafford; First Church, W. A. Newell. Yadkin-Rowan, V. E. Queen, supply; Park Avenue, E. L. Kirk. Spencer-Central—W. B. Davis. Woodleaf—C. A. Morrison. Director Superannuate endow ment—C. S. Kirkpatrick. Secretary board Christian-edu cation—Carl H. King. Extension secretary—Je*se Wil kinson. NEWSPAPER INSTITUTE TO BE HELD JAN. 22-24 Chapel Hill.—The 11th annual North Carolina Newspaper Insti tute will be held at the University of North Carolina here Jan. 22, 23 and 24. Dates for the institute were set at a meeting of the executive com mittee of the North Carolina Press association and a University com mittee. ---—-1 - - - Use Cotton As Highway Base In Mississippi | f-JM—imim liiwiiinin——aMiiMi—mm—-1 I l.r-^) SCOTT, Miss. . .. The firft ‘‘Cotton Highway", a 14-mile experiment in road construction, is rapidly nearitfb completion here. The upper picture shows the cotton fabric membrane being rolled out on the highway on s base of mixed clay and gravel. Lower picture shows coat of tar over cotton, this covered with two applications of asphalt mixed with screen gravel. Report Hancock To Seek Bailey’s Seat i By Wade Lucas ' Representative Frank W. Han cock, Jr., of Oxford, caustic crit ic of Senator J. W. Bailey during the last several months, will op pose Senator Bailey for the Demo cratic senatorial nomination in the primary next June, reputedly close friends of the 41-year-old con gressman said. Hancock, it was said, is slated to announce his candidacy between now and January 1/ It was- further said Hancock, who is known to have been con sidering opposing Bailey for the last several weeks, definitely has made up his mind to go after the senior senator’s toga, and friends of the Oxford lawmaker assert that he is likely to get quite a bit of help from several members of the State’s congressional dele gation. Hancock and Bailey have been at odds, primarily over patronage matters, for the last several months and the congressman has publicly criticized the senator. It is no se cret that Bailey went over Han cock’s head in naming George W. Coan, Jr., former mayor of Win ston-Salem and a resident of Han cock’s district, as State works pro gress administrator, although Han cock was not personally oppose* to Coan. So also was it said that Bade) more or less ignored Hancock ir the naming of Jack Roach as dis trict WPA administrator for th< Doughton-Hancock WPA district and politicians ha\Se commented quite a bit that Jim Rivers, formei Boone editor and \a resident of Congressman Doughton’s district, got Roach’s job when the latter was transferred to Raleigh. Hancock has been at odds with Bailey on other matters and was quick to protest lower tobacco prices some weeks ago in a strong message to Secretary Wallace. Political wiseacres here believe that Governor Ehringhaus definite ly has abandoned whateve^ idea he might have entertained in op posing Bailey, and. if Hancock opposes Bailey, they think the con gressman will not be hindered any by the Governor, who, like Han cock, has failed to see eye to eye with Bailey. ESancock is a confirmed sup porter of the soldiers’ bonus, and it is reliably reported he has been given quite a bit of encouragement by the veterans to oppose Bailey, who declined to support the plan to pay the veterans. Dr. Crawford To Be Buried In Texas Today Dr. Crawford, formerly of Cis co, Texas, became ill last Friday after addressing the annual Metho dist conference which convened here during the past week. As his condition grew worse, he was re moved from his hotel room to the Rowan General hospital, and it was there that he died from pneumonia last Monday. For the past ten years Dr. Craw ford had lived at Nashville, Tenn., and was associate secretary of the general board of lay activities of the M. E. Church, south. Funer al services will be held this after noon in Cisco, Texas. He is sur vived by his widow and one daugh ter. QUINTS SIGNED FOR MOVIES Boston.—The Dionne quintup lets have been signed as movie ac tresses, David Arnold Croll, min ister of labor and public welfare in the province of Ontario and fos ter-father of the quints, discloses. JYL LliAiN KMJUU POST Washington.—Two important shifts of North Carolinians holding high offices with the Roosevelt ad ministration in Washington are due within the next few days. Angus D. MacLean, assistant solicitor general, is to resign his position and go to Raleigh to become a mem* ber of the firm of Pou and Eman uel. Mr.'Pou is James H. Pou, Jr., and the other member of the firm is J. L. Emanuel. The other change is that of Johnston Avery who is assistant to Dr. C. T. Murchison, retiring director of the bureau of interstate and foreign commerce. Avery will become executive as sistant to Dr. John Diekinson, for mer assistant secretary of com merce, and now in charge of anti trust cases. ARMY DIRIGIBLE DAMAGED The TC-13, a large army non rigid dirigible, was damaged yes terday at Sunnyvale, Calif., as it was being placed in position for a take-off. The ship arrived at San Antonio. Tex.. Friday from Lang ley Field, Va. NEWS BRIEFS ITALY STRENGTHENS PO SITION Italian officials are claiming their position between Aduwa and Andigrat so strengthened as to be impervious to attacks from Ethi opians in a counter-attack. "On to Harrar” has become the cry of Italian forces, as the army con tinues its advance. $180 IS RECOVERED BY ADVERTISEMENT Burlington.—A. C. Linberg, ci ty engineer, wins G. A. Sikes’ nom ination as an honest man. On the streets of this city last Friday, Mr. Sikes, of Guilford county, while here on business, dropped a wallet containing $180 in Cold cash. He inserted an ad vertisement in the classified col umns of local and state papers. Mr. Linberg, apparently, happen ed along within a few moments af ter the wallet was dropped and picked it up. He scanned the papers and when the advertisement ap peared he went directly to tKe home of Mr. Sikes. .a. -- - DEATH ROBS HIGH COURT OF RARE WIT Durham. — Associate Justice | Willis James Brogden of the North Carolina Supreme Gourt died at his home here Tuesday afternoon at 5:05 o’clock after an illness of several months of a complication of diseases. He was 58 years old, having observed his birthday on the 18th of this month. Salisj’.sf'Man ^ Honored By Annual Meet Salisbury Is Selected As City For 1936 Conclave OFFICERS NAMED Unanimous selection of James W. Payne, of Salisbury, as grand commander of the Knights Tem plar of the Grand Commandery of North Carolina, featured the closing sessions of the annual con clave in Raleigh Monday. The next conclave, scheduled for October, 1936, will be held in Sal isbury. Other officers elected were: J. Edward Allen of Warrenton, deputy grand commander; H. G. Etheridge of Asheville, grand gen eralissimo; Grahles B. Newcomb of Wilson, grand captain general; H'. M. Foy, of Mt. Airy, grand senior warden; M. F. McKeel Jr. of Washington, grand junior warden; Frank C. Abernathy of Gastonia, grand standard bearer; E. W. Tim berlake of Wake Forest, grand sword bearer; Dr. M. Saliva of Wilson, grand warden. Mr. Payne has served as presid | ing officer of all local Masonic bod ies; also, Mr. Payne served as grand high priest of the Grand Chapter of R. A. Masons, 192S and 1926; grand master of Grand Council R and S Master o£ N. C., 1922 and 1923; president of Anointed High Priest of N. C., 1921 and 1922; grand patron of the Order of East ern Star of N. C., 1918 and 1919; I district deputy grand master of the 25 th Masonic District for a period of six years. Ghosts And Goblins Stalk Abroad In City Hallowe’en ghosts and goblins took the town last night! Numerous parties were held over the city and county. All the pranks known to chil dren were pulled with a vengeance. Main Street was a continuous parade of creatures of many clothes and colors. Thousands stood on the side lines and got a kick out of the procession. Pumpkins, corn stalks, etc. etc., also played a part in the annual celebration. Why do people duck for apples and roast nuts on Halloween? Why do youngsters still carry out their boyish pranks of hauling off the Widow Jones’ gate, lodging it on the neighbor’s roof? These customs and traditions have their beginnings in the an cient pagan celebrations that oc curred on what we call Halloween. All Hallow Even, as it was or iginally called, was a hallowed or holy even. Probably it was first celebrated as an autumn festival. The ancient Druids of England had a festival that began at midnight on October 31 and lasted until November. 1. They were a superstitious folk, who believed that certain superna tural manifestations took place on this night. It was commonly supposed by them that Saman, the Lord of Death, or the Druids’ Satan caused the condemned and wicked souls of people who had died in the pre ceding 12 months, to enter the bodies of animals. In order to keep watch over the wicked spirits they built huge bonfires, not only to watch them, but also to keep them away. In some countries people still believe that animals fear fire because they contain the souls of wicked peo ple. The Romans, too, had a festival (Continued on page 4) * Congressman To Visit Spencer Sunday Lambeth Be Speaker For Memorial Service Hon. Walter Lambeth, member of congress, is to visit Spencer Sun day afternoon when he will deliv er the address at the annual mem orial services of the Salisbury-Spen cer Burial association. The services are to be held in the Spencer school auditorium at 3:30 p.m., with En gineer O. C. Godfrey presiding. A musical program has been arranged that will interest, not only the members of the association, but also the public, which is cordially invited. Engineer Arthur Harri son, John D. Carroll and others have charge of the program ar rangements and a big crowd is ex pected, some coming from Win ston-Salem, Greensboro, Danville, Raleigh, Asheville and other plac es, while Spencer and Salisbury people are expected to turn out in large numbers. This will be the first appearance in Spencer for Congressman Lam beth, who is a well-known speaker and leader of thought. MAGISTRATES COMPLETE PLANS FOR STATE MEET Plans have been completed for the annual meeting of the North Carolina Association of Magis trates at Winston-Salem Nov. 7, it has b#en announced by Berch C. Willard, secretary. The meeting will be held at the Forsyth courthouse at 7:30 at night and representatives of 6) counties in the state are expected to attend. ^

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