The Carolina Watchman g“, A NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF ROWAN COUNTY "• •> . J FOUNDED 1832-104TH YEAR SALISBURY, FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 22, 1935 VOL. 104 NO 17 pTirF ? rFtvtc Both the friends and the foes oi the Administration profess to fine satisfaction in the results of th« recent local elections in different parts of the United States. A gooc deal depends on the point ol view, but the more serious minded among the President’s advisers look on the record of the vote as sounding at least a warning note. The' reputation of Postmaster General Farley as • a political stra tegist suffered somewhat of a set back. Fie injected the New Deal issue into the New York legislative campaign, and that enables Repub licans to chortle over regaining control of the State Assembly. Since the assembly has been Re publican for -35 years, except for the three Democratic "landslide” elections of 1910, 1912, and 1934, this year’s result was merely a re turn to normal, and would have attracted little attention if Mr. parley had not chosen to make an Administration issue of it. His only consolation is that the total Democratic vote'cast in the State was 370,000 more than the Re publican vote, the majority, being mostly in New York City, where Tammany elected two Congress men to fill vacancies. HERE AND THERE Not much significance is at tached here to the defeat^gf the Republican candidate for Gover nor in the normally Democratic state of Kentucky. Over in the New England states, the' .political wiseacres find evidence. .that the New Deal is losing ground in the loss to the Democrats of ‘many municipal offices, and .'particularly in the result of the Mayoralty elec 'l tion in Philadelphia.' There were many New Dealers who were sure that the G. O. P. was dead in its principal stronghold, the Com jnonwealth of Pennsylvania. But w|> the State-wide vote on the judi 1 'fy ^ticket, the Republicans were ■%—* J |al opinion here is settling (■i- belief that it is upon J Soiith and the Agrarian pat Mil Roosevelt must re edectij^r^btfj' is'one reason Democratic leaders are ■ned over the rising popu of Governor Alf Landon of ansas as a Republican Presidential possibility. Admitting that it will be a truggle to carry any of the states ^ Cast of the Mississippi and north of the Ohio, they do not like the prospect of having to go up against a candidate who would be practi cally certain of carrying Kansas, his home state, and whose chance * in all the rest of the Missouri Val ley states would be better than that of anyone else so far put for ward by any Republican group en titled to serious consideration. GOSSIP OF G. O. P. HORSE Inside gossip in Republican cir cles is that -there is an "under cover” candidate being groomed fiqr,the party’s nomination in 1936, S, jnst as Senator Warren G. Harding was held under cover as a last minute surprise candidate in 1920, The gossips say that Senator L. J. Dickiftson of Iowa has pledges ol support from twenty'or so mem bers of the Republican National Committee, and that all over thf country party "regulars” are beinj lined up for him. Stranger thing: have happened in politics. Senator Dickinson’s record i: clean and clear. Geographically h< comes from a pivotal state in th< heart of the most debatable grounc in the whole nation, and those wh< know him best say that he has al the qualities^ of, personality anc political sagacity which the Oppo sition candidate of next year, who ever he may be, must have. Sena tor Dickinson was temporary chairman of the ^ last Republics) National Convention. ators and Representatives ar ing to trickle back to Wash w most of them bringim hewhat revised ideas of what th .back home are thinking am 1 they want. Expressions b; of these to their Washing . JKntimates are taken to indicat that Congress, which will conven in only a little more than a montr will show more inclination to te the President what he ought to d< than to lot him tell them. Th outlook is for strong resistance t any additional reform legislatioi ^ and a strong determination to pu c (continued on page J) l>. W-: •' J , ■ Program Will CtovarJJf^rc Wallace Says Provide Substitute For Bankhead Act And Pro cessing Tax If They Are Voided INCREASE QUOTA Washington.—With the average cotton price at the 10 designated spot markets 12.13 cents a pound, Secretary Wallace at his press con ference said considerable progress had been made in working out the new cotton production control program, and Chester Davis, chief A.AA administrator said he hoped to have an outline of the program ready for announcement the latter part of the week. Neither Wallace nor Davis re vealed any particulars regarding the new AAA program for cotton. The program will probably be for four years, but with the reduction of yield subject to change every year. There is much speculation as to what size of crop the AAA will plan for 1936, the general be lief being that the quota will be increased to betwefen 11,000,000 and 12,000,000 bales. It is understood that the new program is being drawn with the possibility that the Supreme Court will declare the Bankhead act un constitutional. If this should hap pen, the AAA would have to de pend on benefit payments and land rentals for production control. Some believe this can be done, and the AAA will not be seriously crippled if the Bankhead act, pro viding for a 50 per cent tax on cotton produced in excess of AAA allotments, is declared unconstitu tional. But the enemies of the AAA are also asking the Supreme Court to declare the processing tax un constitutional, and, if this is done, the very heart of the program will be revomed. It is believed, how ever, that the administration has a substitute tax plan ready to submit to Congress should the court de clare the processing tax unconsti tutional. The Supreme Court is expected to pass on both the Bank head act and the processing tax this winter. With cotton consumption in creasing, the AAA can increase the cotton production quota to 12, 000,000 bales and still reduce the surplus. The AAA issued tax ex emption certificates to cover 10, 983,264 bales in 1935. In addition to this there were certificates cov ering 700,000 bales held over from 1934. This made possible a pro duction of 11,683,264 bales this year without tax, and the latest crop estimate places the crop at 11,464,000 bales. Consumption of American cot ton is expected to exceed 14,000, 000 bales during this cotton year, and to reduce the surplus to around 7,000,000 bales. This compares with a surplus of 13,000,000 in 1932 before the AAA was launch ed. WILDCAT KILLED BY CAR IN HEART OF SUMTER Sumter, S. C.—Sumter folks, who have come to think their home town something of a city, every now and then have some thing happen to make them realize that Sumter is still in the coun ; try town” class. Such occured Monday night : when Philip DuBose struck with his car and killed a wildcat on : Dugan street, in the heart of i town, as he was going home from a movie. The brown, black-spotted beast weighed 28 pounds and was a ful . ly developed animal of the spe cies. / I 1 Report Hancock Will Oppose Baileyi Will Announce His Candidacy Within Month Fifth District Represen tative And Incumbent To Battle It Out For Senate Seat Fountain To Withdraw Frank Hancock of Oxford, re presentative in Congress from the fifth district and North Carolina’s member on the important banking and currency committee, will op pose Senator Josiah W. Bailey for the latter’s seat in the upper house. He will announce within the next month. He may even do it within two - weeks. And this isn’t any Rose Bowl . talk, either. You politically minded North 1 Carolinaians can paste this on the , wall and if it does not pan out— and shortly—then you can write - piefces to send afcmg with your . football letters. And also—Kichard I. rountain, the Rocky Mount man who all but took the Governor’s chair away from Mr. Ehringhaus in that lEnem irable second primary in 19)2 and Vho some time ago announced he vould pppcwfy Senator ftai%', very a ikely will decide not to ruhv there- 2 ay leaving the field to Mr.-Bailey p md Mr. Hancock. I Hancock would not say that he ^ is going to oppose Senator Bailey. ( "I’ll let you know pretty soon,” he j said. "The only thing worrying me now is the way I am getting en- . couragment to. run. It’s simply too ^ good to be true. It just can’t be true. If somebody can prove to me that it is true, then I will an nounce my candidacy. At any rate, you can say that I will cer tainly be in the Democratic prim ary next June, either for the Senate or for reelection to the House. Young Hancock—he was only 41 years old November 1—is not easily inflated by political talk. He has been in Congress six years and had a great deal of political experience before being elected November 4, 19)0, to succeed to the seat of the beloved Major Charles M. Steadman. "It is most encouraging, these promises of support from all over the State,” said Mr. Hancock. "I have been around a good bit late ly, and I have been receiving tele grams and letters. It seems that the voters are not pleased with the record of Senator Bailey on legis lation. That is what I am hearing on all sides. And I’m just bound to admit that it sounds mighty good to me.” PIEDMONT D15TK1C1 Oh X. , M. PICKS SPENCER MAN L ——— [ Greensboro.—E. L. B. Chisholm . of Spencer was elected president of . the Piedmont district of the Young . Men’s Christian association at a r meeting held Wednesday morning, j Mr. Chisholm succeeds A. S. Arnold, of White Oak. , Other officers chosen are J. K. McConnell of Leaksville, vice pre , sident succeeding Gordon Hase, of ! Winston ?Salem; Edgar Hartley of l High Point, secretary-treasurer, T succeeding W. H. Newton of Greensboro. \ AGE NO DRAWBACK Conway, S. C.—Age apparently j is no drawback when it comes to hog-calling. Two confederate ’e veterans showed the "young ’uns” how in a hog-calling Contest here. Bill Cook, approaching 90 years ’ of age, took first prize, and Luthet Hardee, another ofctogen arian, was runner-up. F. R. Says No One Will Starve __School for Brides Formally Opened_ NEW YORK ... A school for scientific housekeeping has been opened lere with the most efficient “ kitchen trousseau " to be had, it is laid. The chool is not only for brides-to-be but also brides of yesteryear discon erted by domestic problems. Photo shows Charlotte Patterson Griffin, as Jride, and Mrs. Edward Boardman, President of the school. Carolina Playmakers Appear Here Nov. 25 jpear^here on Monday, November i'1 5 th, they will present three new c lays recently written in Professor j foch’s playwriting class at the Uni ersity of North Carolina and pro- < luced successfully by The Play- 1 nakers in Chapel Hill. The distinct variety of Patsy dcMullan’s Cottie Mourns, a :omedy of the fisher folk of Ocra :oke Island; New Nigger, Fred Howard’s drama of the tobacco STegro; and Josephine Niggli’s Mexican comedy Tooth or Shave, Makes these three plays excellent for an evening’s entertainment. Oracoke Island, the scene of Cottie Mourns, lies twenty-five miles off the Carolina coast, separ ated from the Mainland by Pamlico Sound. The islands near Ocracoke are sparsely settled by simple god fearing fisher-folk (self-styled "bankers”' who live in remote "neighborhood^” and still speak the native dialect of their early Anglo Saxon ancesters. Here at Ocracoke, Miss McMullan has heard many strange tales of weird folk beliefs, superstitions, and legends of an outlined past told in the colorful vernacular of the native tongue. Here, the author of The Haymakers’ opening tour play, heard the story of the four-times widowed Cottie Culpepper, now mourning the loss of her fourth husband and anticipating a union with a fifth. Miss McMullan’s comedy is the rollicking story of Cottie on the day of the funeral of her fourth husband. When Cot tie mourns, she is merely rehearsh ing for the funeral. Miss McMul lan plays the title role in her play. During the tobacco season in Wilson County, Fred Howard, author of New Nigger, has spent much of his time around the to bacco barns, watching the share croppers cure their product and listening to them as they discuss their lives . He knows their trials and the unending disagree ments between the share-croppers and the owners, and between the share-croppers and the Negro ten ants. This play discusses a problem which arises from the share-crop per’s curelty to his Negro tenants. Big John, the chief character of the play, suddenly finds his simple life complicated by hate for the white man and a desire for revenge. His forced flight away from the law of the white man is a very -dra matic and forceful scene and one oi n high spots on the tout program. Ir. Howard will be seen as Henry, ne of the Negro tenants, in this ilay. From the strange customs of the imple people who live in the vil age of El Carmin, Mexico, Jose )hine Niggli of Montgomery, has vritten a comedy-farce about the sarber-dentist whose office is a jopular place o nthe street of this ittle town. Anselmo, the barber, delights more in pulling teeth than in shaving, and fears nothing but the anger of his wife, Maria. His simple child-like brain is no match for the crafty devices of his friend the carpenter. Many and vaired art the blackmailing devices that th« carpenter uses on the poor barbei in order to get the ten pesos thai the barber’s wife has been saving to buy herself a lavender coffin but Maria intervenes. Tooth oi Shave is colorful, new, and Mexi can. Miss Niggli will play the roll of Maria, the wife of the barber dentist. NEWS BRIEFS EAGLE KILLED BY OFFICER Albemare.—An American grey eagle, measuring seven feet and one inch from tip to tip, was 'killed recently near Stokes Ferry bridge by G. E. Biddix, member of the Albemarle police force, while Mr. Biddix and C. W. Gad dy were hunting in that section. The eagle was first discovered while chasing one of the squirrel dogs belonging to the men, and appar ently was getting the better of the encounter. AUTHOR SAYS HE TALKS TO DEAD OVER PHONE New York.—Cosmo Hamilton, English author here from Surrey for a brief stay, said that he be lieves he is the only man in the world who has talked over the telephone with people who are dead. Deeply imbued with spiritual ism, Hamilton arrived aboard the Berengaria to relate how he often sits by his telephone in his Surrey home awaiting calls from the late Sir Conan Doyle, Lord Northcliffe, Lord Balfour and the late Lord Birkenhead. Mayors Hail F. R.’s Pledge To Give Help Where Needed Chief Executive Defends Public Works and Says Red Tape Unavoidable Tax Revision Suggested Washington.]—President Roose velt t;old the National Conference of Mayors Tuesday that the Feder al government intends to continue relief whenever necessary to pre vent starvation. Applause greeted his statement. Talking to the mayors in his office, Mr. Roosevelt said he hopes to call a conference of Federal, State and local authorities during the coming year to .jpArise systems of taxation. fie suggested tne chtterent groups were stepping all over each other’s toes and the-' j^ne was iripe for revision. | The President said nothing about new1 taxes, however. ' 'V,; The President expressed hppe that the next session of Congress will be short. He referred with a smile to the fact that there will be an election in 1936 and added he did not want the proposed tax conference to get mixed up with that. He told the mayors of being asked at a jjress conference earlier if the government intended to dis continue relief after July 1. The question was silly, Mr. Roosevelt said, and his answer was that the Federal government and cities don’t propose to let people starve after the first of next July any more than they have permitted this in the last two years. GOODY! GOODY! Winston-Salem.—The thief who ' picked Steve Manuel’s pocket at a ■ theater here probably feels—be cause of his carelessness—a fit customer for Manuel’s business. Steve Manuel is a Winston-Sal em undertaker. The pickpocket got an embalmer’s license for his trouble. Front Drape Featured j . . . The feature of this new two-piece afternoon dress is the front drapery of the skirt of plum purple silk crepe which starts, it wiU be noticed, in the «lfc lame orerblouse of antique gold. The hat is of-gold lame. ♦ Camp, Fire Winners , WASHINGTON... . . Geraldine Hartman (left) and Mae Parker (right) of Reading, Pa., are Camp Fire Girls named to represent their Reading unit for doing the heat Citizenship Survey work for the national report recently submitted. Bigger Cotton Crop Seen For U. S. Next Year Washington.—In a complete sur vey of world cotton production and consumption by the Bureau of Economics of the Department of Agriculture, it is stated that while the supply of American cotton in 1936-37 depends largely upon the AAA program, domestic cotton acreage in 1936 would undobuted ly show a very marked increase. And with average yields the domestic crop and the world sup ply of American cotton would pro bably materially increase, since present indications point to a com paratively small decrease in the world carry-over of American cot ton on August 1, 1936. As yet, no announcement has been made relative to the 1936 acreage-ad justment program. Present indications are that the world supply of foreign-grown cotton will be about 19,450,000 bales (of approximately 478 pounds) which is about the same as the record supply of the previ ous season, and 27 per cent larger than the 10-year average ended 1932-33. The current season’s sup ply of foreign growths remained about unchanged as a result of a marked reduction in the carry-over i-Vip cri n n i n O' of the vear and I despite a considerable increase in the production. The carry-over on August 1, amounting to 4,600, 000 bales, was 800,000 bales, or 15 per cent, smaller than for the previous year, but 12 per cent larger than the average for the 10 years ended 1932-33. Informa tion available in late October indi cates that foreign production in 1935-36 will probably be about 850,000 bales larger than the re cord production of last season, Such an increase wouldi give s total foreign crop of approximate ly 14,850,000 bales, which is con siderably larger than the produc tion in any other year and 33 pet cent larger than the average foi the 10-year period ended 1932-33 "UNCLE JOSH” TO APPEAR AT COOLEEMEE Uncle Mark Crow, banjo kinj and the real Uncle Josh who is 77 years old and was Edison’s favoriti record maker will appear in per son at the Old Time State Widt Fiddler’s Convention and Bari Dance which will be held in Cool eemee Saturday night, Novembe: 23 rd. He will not enter the con test, but will be a special entertain er for the Convention.

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