The A NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING FOUNDED 1832—104TH YEAR SALISBURY, FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 6, 1935 ~~ “ VOL. 104 NO. 19-PRICE 2 CENTS ! - ' • ' • • ■ • ; , ii in i „ , '■ ■ ■■■' 1 —■————— -! Official Washington is display ing great interest in Presidential polls these days. The one that has attracted the most attention is the poll recently compl^ded by nfewspapers served by Publishers Autocaster Service, which, reflect ing as it does rural and small-town opinion exclusively, is regarded as highly significant. If there were aj wide variation between the results shown by the different efforts to get at a cross-section of national political views at this time. Wash ington might not be so interested. But when the Autocaster poll, the Literary Digest poll, so far as its preliminary results have been dis closed, the Gallup poll, and the poll taken a short time ago by Robert J. Lucas, all agree within a frac tion of one percent, and every one of them shows a marked decline in the strength of President Roose velt’s support, the total effect is impressive. All the polls agree in giving Mr. Roosevelt still the best of it, by approximately 5 3 percent to 47 percent. Even the most optmistic of the Administration’s political soothsayers are now conceding more or less openly that it looks as if it would be. a close election in 1936. However, a lot of things can happen in a year. FROM HERE ON Some of the things which the President’s friends are hoping will happen are a strong up-swing in business conditions, the failure of the Opposition to develop real lead ership and a subsidence of the third party agitation. The latter con I tingency, as things look now, can probably be dismissed as unlikely to be strongly enough concentrat ed anywhere to affect the electoral vote. As to leadership in the Repub lican Party, something may develop at the annual meeting of the Re publican National Committee to be held here this month, which will clarify the issues upon which the Opposition will make its stand. The man who succeeds-in putting f forward a program on which all Republicans can unite will cer tainly show evidence of leadership. How to overcome the political ef fect of the AAA without losing great blocks of farm votes is a puz zle to which no Republican politi cal leader has so far given the an swer. The strongest element in Mr. Roosevelt’s favor, as matters now stand, is that business is definitely improving and that all the signs point to further improvement. The stock market boom is not regarded here as dangerous. Governor Ec cles of the Federal Reserve Board pointed out the other day that it would not become dangerous until stock market speculation reached the point where it was being done (Continued on page +) Former Resident Visits Salisbury D. L. Glover, a former resident of Salisbury was a visitor here last week. While in town he called at the Watchman office and renewed his subscription to the paper. Mr. Glover has lived in Illinois for the past 25 years, and is now located at Alton where he is en gaged in the grocery business. He also owns interest in orange and grapefruit groves in Florida, and he left here Wednesday morning to look after business interests there. Christmas Buying Starts With Rush / Substantial Increases in Retail Sales Accompany Unusual Industrial Activity Throughout November Washington — Substantial in ^ creases in retail sales this week and unusual industrial activity throughout November were re ported in predominantly cheerful commerce department business sur veys. Holiday buying was said to have started with a rush in most of the 32 cities covered by the depart ment’s report with favorajble weather conditions helping consid erably. New York department stores re ported their sales 13 per cent ahead of the corresponding week last year. Cold weather and "ef fective publicity,” the department said, jammed Chicago’s retail dis trict streets with buyers. Boston stores reported a turnover ranging from 10 to 25 per cent above the corresponding week of 1934. Pittsburgh department store sales were up 22 per cent, Detroit’s 16 jjer cent. Cotton Contracts Offered By AAA Prohibition Battle Lines Are Again Dra^n *---:---i------Jo' Old inflict Being Revived / remperance Leaders Cir culating Pledges And Preparing To Renew Fight. Washington—Two years after repeal, the -two sides of the ques tion are marshaling forces again for new battles over prohibition. With pledge-signing campaigns ind social activities, temperance leaders are directing their efforts low mainly to educating young people against "the dangers of Irinking.” One prominent leader of the :emperance movement predicted in in off the record statement that lational prohibition would return ’within ten years” if the "evils” • if repeal were not corrected. The repeal advocates, who be came quiet after the passage of :he 21st amendment, are rousing igain to meet -the new temperance Jrive. Some one-active forces on both sides Have withdrawn from the fight, disbanded or turned to other fields. Here is the line-up as the repeal amendment approaches its second birthday, next Thursday: The National Prohibition party still organized, with headquarters in Indianapolis, but political ob servers here doubt that it will offer a candidate for the presi dency in '1936. Some of its State units are reported joining other po itical groups. The Anti-Saloon league center ng its fight on State prohibition aws and local-option battles, 'lever an independent political novement, it continues to support :andidates believed favorable to >rohibition, regardless of party. Dr. F. Scott McBride, executive lirector, who has held 350 meet ngs in 31 States since February , reported “a marked upturn in entiment.” .ocal Dealer Wins High Place In Na tional Sales Contest T. M. Casey, local General ilectric dealer, in a nation-wide 'Spotlight” contest sponsored by :he Home Laundry Equipment ection of the General Electric Company, won a high place in the inal score by selling 85% per :ent of his quota. This contest was participated n by thousands of dealers through >ut the country, and competition hroughout its duration of many weeks was intense. A marshmallow rolled in cinna non makes a delicious addition to i cup of cocoa. Reynolds Will Take Jaunt Around World ✓ \ When Senator Robert R. Rey nolds of North Carolina returns to Washington after his Filipino, jaunt wth other members of the congressional delegation who at tended the iriaugur ition otf the new Philippine republic, he will be the only member of the party who has been around the world on his trip and seen Ethiopia, since the Ttalo-Ethiopian war started. It was learned that Senator Reynolds and his daughter, Miss Frances, who accompanies him, left the congressional party in Manila, and instead of turning back east, he continued westward. Flis journey from the Antipodes will carry him via Ethiopa by water, and then through. the Gulf of Aden, the Red sea, Suez canal iand into the Mediterranean sea, thence through the Strait of Gibralter. The sena tor and his daughter are then to sail to Lisbon, Portugal, where they will go by rail through Eu rope and sail for home from Liver pool or some other important Eu ropean port. Even by continuing around the world, the senator and daughter will be only about two weeks be hind the rest of the party who turned back, and plan to reach Washington by January 3, a month hence, when Congress reconvenes. Large Crop Reduction To Be Effective Farmers Get One Check Instead of Three; Aim At 11,000,000 Bales To Be For Four Years Washington.—The AAA offer ed the nation’s cotton growers a four-year adjustment contract, aimed at crop reduction and at bettering the lot of share-croppers and some tenant farmers through increased payments to them. Pointed toward a 11,000,000-to 12,000,000-bale production in 1936, the 1936-39 contracts call for a 5-to-10-per cent greater crop reduction than in 193 5, with a 1, 000,000-acre reduction in base acreage. \ Both long-range control agree ments were projected in the face of the impending Supreme Court decision on the constitutionality of AAA. Four-year contracts also have been prepared for wheat, to bacco and rye producers. High administration Quarters l have indicated some way would be sought to continue production con trol in these major crops even should the high tribunal hold pro :essing taxes invalid. • Benefit pay nents to farmers are financed I ^ :hrough these taxes. i1 The major changes in the new 1 cotton contracts: 1 1. They cover four years in- 1 stead of one. 2. National base acreage is re duced from 45,5 00,000 to 44,5 00, 000 acres. 3. The reduced production for 193-6 must be 30 to 45 per cent of the base, compared with 25 to 35 per cent in 1935, and 35 to 45 per cent in 1934. 4. Benefits equal to five cents a pound, or $8.60 an acre, will be paid in one check for the reduc tions. Three payments formerly were made on two bases, totaling 4 3-4 cents a pound. 5. Share croppers will receive 25 per cent of the payments instead of the 15 per cent they now get; non-managing share-tenants 5 0 per cent instead of 22 1-2 per cent; and managing share-tenants 50 per cent instead of 57 1-2 per cent. * * * * » * * * * FEAR HICCUPS * * WITH. WHISKEY * * IN RADIATORS * .* - * Charleston, S. C.—If a city * * police car hiccups these cold * * days, there’s a reason. * * Police have just been using * * confiscated moonshine whis- * * key instead of anti-freeze so- * * lutions. * * * =t a- * * * * *********** * LIVES TEN DAYS SHUT * * IN ICE BOX * ________ * Baltimore.—’’Thawing out” * * on a hospital cot, 14-year-old * * Glen Bolan told of the terror * * that engulfed him for 10 * * days within the dark and cold * * interior of a sealed ice-com- * * partment o fa railway refrig- * * erator car. * * The 'Motley, Minn., farm * * youth was rescued half-starv- * * ed and half-frozen from his * * icy prison here. Trapped in it * *■ without food or water Nov- * * ember 22 at Roseville or * * Tracy, Cal.—he could not re- * * member which—he frantical- * * ly had battered its walls to * escape until he sank down in * * a stuper. * ****** Rowan Gets $123,287 In WPA Funds For Use In Drive Against Unemployment V Washington—What will probab y be the last treasury warrant ap proved by the comptroller general or Works Progress projects in Vorfh Carolina was executed this veek making available $496,907 or Geor ge W. Coan, Jr.,'state ad ninistrator for use in his drive in he Tar Heel state for unemploy - nent. One of the projects approv :d is putting down water and ewer lines and construction of a vater tank in Mooresville, to cost >26,782. Other projects approv ed and for which funds are avail ible are the following Duplin county—Kenansville— construct hospital cottages, $765. Durham county — Durham-— construct National Guard armory $30,268. Guilford county—High Point— construct community center, $52, 113. Halifax county—Roanoke Rap ids—improve sewer system, $7,280. Scotland county—Laurinburg— c nstruct storage building and re pair garage, $2,461. District-wide—community sani tation program: Davidson county, $6,264; Forsyth county, $109,650; [redell county, $94,907; Rowan county, $123,287. Community service programs in the following localities: Pittsboro, $5,532; Salisbury, $5,-' 130; Greenville, $3,120; Elizabeth town, $7,696; Onslow county, $2, 640; Pamlico county, $2,640; Co lumbus county, $7,696; and Bur gaw, $7,696. Highway Patrolmen Are Transferred State Highway Patrolman A. B. Smart who has been stationed here has been moved to similar duty in Charlotte and Patrolman Cliff Passons of Charlotte has been trans ferred to Kannapolis. Patrolman McKinney from Kannapolis comes to Salisbury. The change was ef fective Monday. ********** * ROSES BLOOM DESPITE * * COLD * * _ * * Denton, Md.—'Flowers that * * bloom in the spring are shed- * * ding their fragrance on the * * December air of Maryland’s * -* eastern shore. Red rambler * * roses have bloomed in shelter- * * ed places. A lovely pink rose * * of a choice variety was in * * bloom although the tempera-' * * ture had dropped below the * * freezing point. * ********** !{ Warm Springs Greet Their Illustrious Guest I ..-.~ . - ■ . - ' . WARM SPRINGS, Ga. .. . Patients in-the Warm Spring Foundation here, look forward through the. year to the arrival of their illustrious toastmaster,! President Roosevelt, for their Thanksgiving Day dinner. Photo shows the joyful greetings of the little folks upon the arrival of the President last week, for his annual sojourn with them over Thanksgiving. Roosevelts To Do Without Yule Ball Washington — The Roosevelt five-generation Christmas celebra tion will be minus its young folks ball this year because there is no one to give it for. But maybe a brand new electric White House kitchen, and all the Christmas cheer it can- J?rirTj$. wiH' rrfake up for one less party on the Christmas calendar that was made public by Mrs. Franklin D. Roose velt. There’ll be the usual Christmas eve lighting of the nation’s tree, with the President broadcasting greetings and the presidential fam ily reviewing the out-door page antry, the usual family party Christmas night; the traditional children’s party on December 28. But, no dance. The President’s Harvard college sons, Franklin, Jr. and John, wouldn’t want a dance given for them. Last year the December, 29th dance honored Miss Barbara Cush ing, whose sister married the President’s son, James; and Miss Jean Martineau, daughter of the President’s cousin. Mrs. Roosevelt listed as certain to be present for the holiday festi vities the President’s mother, Mrs. James Roosevelt, his half-sister-in l*w, Mrs. ,T. R. Roosevelt, both of Hyde Park, N. Y. Back to the White House where they had lived the last two win ters will come "Sistie” and "Buz zia” Dali, grtinddhilloyed ;at the Star Laundry here, • tilled himself Sunday night while ! n a room alone at his home, 120 last Horah street, by shooting 1 limself in the left breast with a 38 automatic pistol. He died a hort time after being taken to the _l The coroner, Dr. W. L. Tatum, pronounced the case a suicide and members of the family tHink the shooting was accidental. The funejral was held at 4he borne Tuesday afternoon at 3 1 p’clock. He is survived by his widow 1 and one small child; his mother, 1 Mrs. J. M. Small; three brothers, ' Sam, Petrry and Andrew, all at borne; a sister, Mrs. ‘J. M. Sharp ] pf Concord. 1 To warm over a fruit pudding which has already steamed, put it into the top of a double boiler and set it in boiling water for a half- : hour.