Washington — The question everybody in Washington is ask ing everybody else is: "What sort of a substitute for AAA is the Administration going to turn out?” Nobgdy knows the exact answer as yet, but a good many straws in the wind give some indications of what is being planneod. The first straw was President Roosevelt’s statement that he was not in favor of an export debenture plan, which would, as he put it, amount to making a present to Europe of the fertility of • our soil. In othef words, what is being sought for is method of crop control based upon the necessity of land conservation. The representatives of the farm organizations who are summoned to meet in Washington are united on the plan that the so-called marginal lands should be with drawn from commercial production, through rental at equitable rates, of such land as may be necessary to promote conservation of soil fertility and to bring about a bai , ance of domestic production at profitable prices. MAYBE DOMESTIC ALLOTMENTS Instead of export bounties, it is regarded as probable that the Ad ministration will propose a domes tic allotment system, based on boundaries to farmers on the pro portion of their crops consumed at home This has been considered by Congress many times in the past but never as part of a comprehen sive oation-wioe plan. The Supreme Court’s decision in the AAA case did not nogatlve pro cessing taxes as such, but only the allotment of process'as funds to a special class or group. It is held :h; t rocessing taxes are entirely within the power of Congress, pro vided the money so collected goes into the general revenues, and that Congress has the right to appropri ate, from general revenues, funds for the payment of bounties to farmers far soil conservation and other purposes. This idea of soil conservation has been one of President Roosevelt’s pets for a long time. On October 2 S he indicated it as the basis of any long-term and permanent agricul tural adjustment program, and; pointed out that the benefits could be made to encourage individual farmers to adopt sound farm man agement, crop rotation and soil c m servation methods. He was talking then of the more or less distant future, but it wuold appear that the Supreme Court’s decision may force the immediate adoption of such a plan. COTTON AND RICE SUITS The dismissal last week by the Supreme Court of the suit brought to declare the Bankhead Cotton Control act invalid had no relation to the merits of the case. It was dismissed on a technicality, as not having been brought before the Court in a proper and legal manner. In the case of the Louisiana rice millers who had obtained an injunc tion in the lower courts against the collection by the Government of processing taxes, the Supreme Court ordered the return to the millers of about $200,000,000 which they had deposited with the Courts pending the decision, on the ground that the tax had not actually been collected. The agitation for Constitutional amendments to give the Federal Government greater powers is na turally more active than it has been (Continued on page two) Alcatraz Convicts Strike; 100 Placed In ‘Solitary’ * San Francisco, Calif.—Prisoners at Alcatraz Island, the government prison at San Francisco bay, refused to work and Warden James A. Johnston promptly had about 100 men locked in their cells and in solitary confinement. "Agitators” were blamed by Warden Johnston, who said there "was nothing serious and nobody was hurt.” The warden declined to disclose names of the prisoners involved. Among those at the Island, con sidered escape proof, are A1 Ca pone, former Chicago gang leader; "Machine Gun” Kelly, kidnaper; and Harmon Waley, kidnaper of young George Weyerhauser. The Carolina Watchman “l: A NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF ROWAN COUNTY __ ~~ -——-" ■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ -■ ■' ' ■ ' - - ^ FOUNDED 1832-104TH YEAR SALISBURY, N. C„ FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 24, 1936. VOL. 104 NO. 26. PRICE 2 CENTS. British Monarch Passed! Away Monday Afternoon His Son, Edward VIII Has Become Ruler of The British People "The King Is Dead—Long Live The King.” These pathetic words from the palace of Sandringham proclaimed to the world the fact that George Frederick Ernest Albert, King of England and Ireland and Emperor of India had passed from the repose of sleep to that of eternity?- The end came peacefully Monday at about dusk and it was then known that the lirtle gray bearded man who hair carried the burden of the crown through trying periods was not to be permitted longer to un dergo any more of the strenuous troubles now besetting the Empire in the kindness of an all wise Pro vidence and his lifes work good and faithfully done he was called by the omnipotent to lay down the scep tre which he had wielded so well and faithfully through some of the most trying days of his government. The passing of the monarch which occurred about dusk was forecast earlier in the day by the doctors in attendance who issued a bulletin which stated briefly that the King’s life was moving toward its close. When the end came be sides the queen the four sons and daughter of the Monarch were at his bedside. Edward VIII was proclaimed King Wednesday and began the 39 th ruler of the British people since the Norman conquest. From his lonely throne, the 41 year-old bachelor, with a new sol emnity because of his responsibili ties, plunged into the affairs of state. He conferred with Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin and then sadly returned to Sandringham. There his dead father George, V, attended by simple country folk, rested in the little parish church. Thursday the body was taken to London by special train, arriving at 2:45 p. m. It will lie in State in Westmin ister Hall until Monday night. Burial with a great state funeral ceremonial will take place Tuesday at Windsor. Southern Has Delivery Plan The Southern Railway System announces authorization of a plan of Universal Free Pick up and de livery service on less than car load merchandise. Application is being made to the Interstate Commission for authority to make the tariff i effective Feb. Ist7. or on not more than ten days notice to the public. In addition to authorizing free pick-up and delivery service, the tariff will authorize payment- of five cents per one hundred pounds to shippers or consignees who make the arrangements for performing such service. The bus lines are opposing this plan and have made formal protest to its granting by the Interstate Commerce Commission. * * * a- * * * as* ^ * PAWNS CHILD’S * * C OAT FOR DRINK * * OF CORN LIQUOR * * _ * * Greensboro—Lonnie Hop * per, South Carolinian, too * * tight to tell his home or coun- * ty, went the limit here to buy * * a drink of corn liquor. It * * was cold and rainy in Greens- * * boro. Hopper had no money * * as he, his wife, and child paus- * * ed here briefly on their hitch- * '* hike trip back home. Hopper * * wanted a drink. He striped * * the coat from his child’s back, * * pawned it, and bought his * * drink at a negro bootlegger’s. * * Hopper is in jail charged with * * drunkenness. The child is in v * the hands of welfare officers. * * * * * * * * ■?« * The disturbance was the first reported at the impregnable island prison, although rumors of minor troublesome incidents have been heard. Every precaution is taken to prevent escapes. Chief of Police William J. Quinn said that a year ago he heard ru mors of a plot by confederates to liberate prisoners on the island. Quinn said he was informed the confederates planned to overpow er officers on a police boat, don their uniforms, approach the island and disarm or slay the guards. Large signs on the island warn boats to keep a safe distance and planes are forbid8en to fly over the prison. V 3®. SJ- ?<■ Or 3fr ss• * ASKS CUT IN U. S. * * TAX ON CIGARETTES * * _ * * Washington—A $1.20 hori- * * zontal reduction in the Feder- * *■ al excise tax on cigarettes— * * now $3.00 a thousand—was * * suggested by Representative * t Frank W. Hancock, Jr., nf * *■ Oxford, N. C. Hancock * *■ said such a reduction would * * have a two-fold benefit, in- * * suring better prices to growers * * for tobacco and cheaper cigar- * * ettes for the consumer. * ********* Cannon Mills Leases Space New York—The Cannon Mills company has leased 60,000 square feet at 70 to 76 Worth street, here, .extending through the block to 23 to 29 Thomas street, in addition to the six-story building at 19 and 21 Thomas street, according to an nouncement made here. Because o£ increased business and improved prospects the firm leased 20,000 square feet more than it had formerly used in the old district. Warden Fenton, architect, has planned extensive alterations in the property taken by the company. The Cannon mills are at Concord. Kannapolis and Salisbury, and York, S. C. DENIES CHARGES St. Paul, Minn.—William Wea ver of Salem, Ark., second defend ant to take the stand in the trial of three men charged with conspiracy in the Edward G. Bremer kidnap ing, denied he was in St. Paul on January 17, 1934, when the abduc tion occurred. I f | 4-H’r in Congress | : WASHINGTON . . . Robert Par rish, 14, (above), is a 4-H Club member from Terre Haute, Ind. . . . His biggest thrill came this week when he was enrolled as a page bo? la the House of Representative*. State May Get Aid For Blind \t ; N. C. Prevented From Sharing In Social Security Funds Washington—While the Caro linas are among the States that have not passed laws to share in the millions to be disbursed under the Social Security act, North Carolina would receive $879,494.42 and South Carolina $34,9$ 3.73 as grants immediately as part of the $27,21 $,000 provided in the second deficiency bill submitted to the House for social security. Under the new Social Security act, the sums would go to the States for the blind'crippled chil dren, child welfare, maternal and child health services, and vocational rehabilitation. Since neither North Carolina or South Carolina h|s laws under which the aged would be cared for under the Social Security act, noth ing will be sent into those States until, they have qualified. Under a statement of the resume of the facts brought out before the appropriations committee and which was made public, it is stat ed, “North Carolina has no legisla tion for old-age assistance. A commission has been appointed to prepare recommendations for the next Legislature which will meet in 1937; information has been received that an effort will be made to present a plan through administra tive action.” -- . J. W. Bean'Resigns State WPA Job / J. W. Bean of Spencer, represen tative from Rowan in the 193 5 General Assembly, has resigned as director of labor management for the State Works Progress adminis tration and will be succeeded by E. G. Dorsey, former district ERA administrator in Henderson and Raleigh. Bean’s resignation will be effec tive February 15. He will return to his former position with the Southern railway. The division of labor manage ment will be consolidated February 1 with the division of intake and certification into a new State WPA unit the division of employment. BOLIVIA, PARAGUAY SIGN TRUCE Buenos Aires—Bolivia and Para guay, ending lengthy negotiations* signed a protocol for the repatria tion of war prisoners, the re-es tablishment otf diplomatic rela tions and reiterating guarantees against a resumption of hostilities. \ The great Colossus of Rhodes, one of the wonders of the world, was built by Chares in 290 B. C. Lindbergh Baby Slayer Is Granted A Reprieve Gov. Hoffman Grants A Stay of 30 Days Which Means 60 Days of Grace Before Execution Can Be Ordered - t Bruno Richard Hauptmann, con victed Lindbergh baby killed, has been saved temporarily from the lelectric chair by a 30-day reprieve from Gov. Harold G. Hoffman. It came only 29 hours before the hour of execution. "I am granting a reprieve,” the governor said ,'for divers reasons which I do not yre to disclose at this time.” The reprieve, though only for 30 days, actually assures Hauptmann of at least eight more weeks of life and perhaps three months due to the fact it will be necessary to re sentence him. Governor Hoffman acted soon * * x X XX X XX * CHARGE 5 0 CENTS * * FOR PATROL RIDE * * _ * * Columbia, S. C.—Hereafter * * passengers in Columbia police * * patrol wagons are going to be * * charged taxi fare for rides to * *jail if they are convicted* * * Mayor L. B. Owens in- * * structed Police Chief, W. H. * * Rawlison to "see that a 50- * * cent charge is imposed on * * everybody who rides to the * * city jail in the patrol, provid- * * ed they are convicted in the * * Recorder’s Court. * Husband No. 2 Comes Back To Claim His Wife Goldsboro—Will Ormond, Wayne county register of deeds, wants to know if any other register of deeds in the State has a story to beat this one. On October 21, 1886, Jeannette Minshew of near Eureka, Wayne county, married Bill Coley of the same section. Coley died and sometime later Mrs. Coley married J. F. Day. About 30 years ago, Day left and went out west. Mrs. Day heard he was dead and she mar ried a Mr. Edwards. After some years, Edwards died and she became the wife of Walter Scott. Three or four years ago, Scott followed the way of his pre decessor, and Mrs. Scott again was a widow. Saturday, January 11, Day re turned, and claimed his erstwhile bride. Last week Day and his for mer wife came to Goldsboro, bought a marriage license at the office of the register of deeds and were married. Their son, Preston Day, accom panied them. MILL WORKERS STRIKE Griffin, Ga.—A group of em ployes of the Slpalding Knitting mills went out on strike. Robert P. Shapard, Jr., president of the mills, estimated 100 workers left their jobs after half a dozen work ers ran through the knitting room, shutting off motors and urging em ployes to quit. ********* ••• LINK SUICIDE IN * DEATH PLANE * » _ * * Dallas, Texas—The Dallas * * News says Airlines officials are * * investigating a theory that a * * passenger — temporarily de * ranged or seeking to commit * * suicide without invalidating * * his insurance policies—caused * * the crash of the American Air- * * lines plane in Arkansas last * * Tuesday night. * * The newspaper said it learn- * * ed one of the passengers had * * made two attempts to take out * * an additional $25,000 life in- * * surance after boarding the * * plane in the East. * * * * >5* * * * * Jl after the United States Supreme court, in a one-sentence decision by Chief Justice Hughes, denied Hauptmann’s appeal for a writ of habeas corpus and a stay of exe cution. There will be only the one re prieve, "unless the evidence should warrant” another, the governor said.. If Hauptmann is to be fin ally saved it must be through the presentation of sufficient new evi dencerffto warrant Justice Thomas W. Trenchard, who sat at Flem ington, granting a request for a new trial, or for anew plea for clemency to the state pardons court. High Wind, Rain Do Much Damage Two States Covered By What Seemed To Be A Young Hurricane Torrential rains and wind of gale proportions Sunday morning smash ed several plate glass windows, rip ped down large signs, and toppled chimneys. A garage housing a dozen automobiles and trucks at a CCC camp here was destroyed by wind, but no damage was caused to the vehicles. An off-season wind and rain storm which left no part of the two states unscathed swirled across the Carolinas Sunday, leaving in its wake widespread but unestimated damage to property and crops. Torrential rains, amounting to several inches in some places, came with the wind and sent creeks, and small streams out of their banks. The larger rivers, some of them at flood stage only a few days ago, were rising rapidly again. Tumbling temperatures followed the Storm, and near zero weather was forecast at many points. The wind uprooted trees, unroof ed many small buildings, tore down signboards, smashed plate glass windows, and crippled communica tion and power systems at some places. No one city or town, how ever, suffered extensive damage. There were a few casualties. At Gaffney, S. C., a negro suffered a head injury when the wind blew in a window at his-home, showering him with slithers of glass. Although a 5 0-mile gale whipped the North Carolina coast, little damage to shiping was reported. Highway travel between North Carolina and Tennessee was'block ed several hours when the French Broad river left its bed about 20 miles northwest of Asheville and crawled upon a main highway near Marshall. Later the stream receded and the route was reopened to traffic. Lowlands throughout the central part of the state were flooded by small streams and near Mt. Airy the water threatened both rail and road traffic. One Atlantic and Yadkin train was blocked off for a time at Walnut Cove. Stage Walkout In Protest Of Food Approximately 45 students at Catawba college walked out of the dining room Friday night in protest against what they termed poor fare. No demonstration accompanied the walkout. All were back at breakfast next morning, and meals are being con tinued as usual. Wilson Cheek, president of the student body, said the college fare had its "off days,” although the majority of the students were satis fied with the food served. Students blame officials who mete out the dining room funds for the situation. The first lighthouse on record was built at Alexandria, Egypt, in 283 B. C. by the Pharos. Wins "Met” Contract g|0^8£ NEW YOBK . . . Joseph Benton, 33, American tenor from Oklahoma, won high praise in his Metropolitan Opera debut, a performance which won him a year ’a contract, -having! taken a role in^Manon” en 3| day’s notice. Hp^e Passes gate’s Bond flan 346 To 59 Both Chambers Sure Of Large Enough Majority To Override Pres. Washington—The long bonus battle virtually came to an end here Wednesday when the House by overwhelming vote approved the Senate bill which calls for payment of the war veterans adjusted ser vice certificates and sent it to the White House for approval. The vote was 346 to 59. Representatives Tarver and Cox, of the Georgia delegation voted against the measure. The measure is backed by the American Legion, Veterans of For eign Wars and Disabled American Veterans. Speaker Byrns signed the bill soon after the House had passed it. Vice President Garner’s signa ture was atached a short time la ter, and the measure was taken to the White House. Under the Constitution the Presi dent has ten days in which he may sign bill or return it to Congress with his veto. Should he fail to take either action, the measure au tomatically becomes law at the ex piration of this period. Mr. Roosevelt has maintained a steadfast silence on the bonus ques tions during the present session. Because of his emphatetic veto of " the bonus measure passed last year, many Democratic leaders in both houses privately were of the opin ion he would reject the present measure. oponsors oi tne Din However, were certain the "baby-bond” plan has the necessary two-thirds vote required to override an excutive veto. The bill directs the Treasury to exchange the adjusted service cer tificates for negotiable bonds, issued in multiples of $50. Veterans may leave their bonds in the Treas ury and obtain 3 per cent interest on them or cash them at once. The bill cancels approximately 250 million dollars in interest charges incurred since October 15, 1931, by veterans who have borrowed on their certificates. With more than 3,500,000 indi viduals possessing certificates, the Treasury will be required to issue 1,836 million dollars in bonds. Veterans who have less than $50 credited to them will be paid off in cash, requiring an additional outlay of $87,700,000. To approve the Senate bond pro posal the House adopted a special resolution offered by Representa tive Doughton (Democrat), of North Carolina, chairman of the ways and means committee, direct ing concurrence in the Senate bonus bill. Before the House acted, Repre sentative McCormack (Democrat), of Massachusetts, one of the vet erans’ leaders, expressed confidence the ex-service men would spend their money in a "wise manner.” "I know the men contem plate and will use this money properly,” he added. “They will spend it in sudh a way as to benefit the entire communi ty” Because of the Herculean cler ical task involved in going over veterans’ accounts,-it is expected no bonds will be issued until June. * 'ROXY ESTATE PUT * * LESS THAN $5,000 * * _ «■ * New York—The value of * * the estate of Samuel L. Roth- * * afel, the "Roxy” of the tea- * * tre, was put at "less than * * $5,000 by his widow, Rosa R. * * Rothafel, in Surrogate’s Court. * *********

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