Washington—lopping an otner subjects of conversation in Wash ington is the speech which Alfred E. Smith made at the Liberty League Dinner, and its possible ef fects upon the political situation. No utterance by a private citizen in recent political history has stirred up so much discussion. It is taken here by some political observers as the most important wedge that has been driven so far to bring about the much-talked split in the Demo cratic Party. Of course, Mr. Roosevelt will be renominated, but there is no mis taking the intention of Mr. Smith and his folic ers, included in the Liberty League, to bolt the Party, whether they undertake to put a third ticket into the field or r> How serious this defection may be in its effect upon the President’s chance for reelection is a question upon which opinions vary widely. Naturally, the warm supporters of the Administration ridicule the idea that the Liberty League crowd can influence any material volume of votes. But behind the Liberty League is a practically unlimi:ed amount of money, and at its head is Jouett Shouse, a very able political organizer. — -O— RUMBLINGS FROM SOUTH Considerable significance was at tached here to the declaration by the late Governor Allen, of Louis iana, that his organization would join up with the Liberty League in trying to prevent Mr. Roosevelt’s renomination. Gov. Talmadge of Georgia, long an outspoken enemy of the Administration, is the spear head of another revolt inside the Democraitc Party which is begin ning to be taken seriously in the South. The expectation is that the Talmadge movement may also be lined up with the Liberty League movement. The point of greatest doubt is how far these attacks upon the President and his policies may be carried if they fail to stop his re nomination. It is conceded by the, political experts that a high per centage of those "Democrats who dislike the New Deal will never . fbeless swing into line under the banner, preferring "jtain their *rega?tnty” than to "Colt the! ticket. They may, ar A1 Smith ex pressed it, merely "take a walk,” rather than affiliate themselves with a third-party movement. TOWNSEND PLAN FADES One third-party movement that seems to have been pretty well blown up is that threatened by Dr. Townsend if the present Congress did not adopt his plan of old-age pensions for everybody. In fact, Dr. Townsend’s thiry-party threat has had exactly the opposite effect on Capitol Hill that it was intended to have. Instead of scaring Congressmen to flock to the support of his Old Age Revolving Pension plan, it has rather inpelled many members to look upon it with less seriousness. That is partly due to the realiza tion that from an economic stand point the plan of paying every old person $200 a month would be ruinous, and partly because the vot ing strength behind the Townsend Plan is so far confined to a few areas and Congressional districts. Representative John S. Mac Groarty of California has a modi fied Townsend Plan in the form of a bill which would provide for $10 (Conti»ued on page 4) Ground Hog Goes ’Round i And Around, Sees No Shadow: Salisburians breathed a sigh of re lief Sunday as twilight set in after some 12 hours of cloudy weather during which Mr. Ground Hog did not have a Chinaman’s much less a Ground Hog’s chance to see his shadow. After the worst winter weather in almost a couple of decades the fact that the Ground Hog could not see his shadow on what has come to be known as Ground Hog Day is wel come news to those who hold to the ancient belief that he is a good weather prophet. To those unversed in the folk lore of these United States, the En cyclopedia Britannica has a para graph devoted to Ground Hog Day. "It says: "Ground Hog Day, Feb ruary 2, so-called in the United I States because of the fanciful sup- < position that the Ground Hog em erges from winter sleep to observe 1 the approach of spring. If the Ground Hog sees his shadow he re tires to his burrow for six weeks more of winter, but, if the day is cloudy, he remains above ground, confident of continuing mild s weather.” ^ Apparently the Ground Hog : knows his onions—weather to you ( —for soon after dark the mixture L of snow and sleet, which had been i falling more or less all day, stopped. s The sky remained cloudy, however, i and the hopes of the people were i granted as rain began to fall and < the temperature rise and the rain j began to wash away the ice and : snow, the novelty of which has de- ; finitely worn off for local citizens. < I 1 The Carolina Watchman — _ A NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF ROWAN COUNTY —— FUNDED 1832—104TH YEAR SALISBURY, N. C., FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 7, 1936. VOL. 104 NO. 28. PRICE 2 CENTS. Recover Body Negro Woman In Unique Way Local Colored Undertak er To Answer Cause For Holding Body Albemarle, Feb. 4—Claim and delivery proceedings have been re sorted to in an unusual manner to recover the dead body of a 102 year-old Stanly negro woman, Leanna Sibley, who died at the home of a relative near Richfield 10 days ago. It happened like this: After her death on January 25 the body of "Aunt” Leanna, as ev eryone knew her, was turned over to a negro undertaker of Salisbury, who alleged that the deceased had been protected by burial insurance. The funeral had been set for the following Tuesday afternoon, the 28th, and when relatives and friends gathered at the grave and no body showed up after many hours waiting past the appointed time, some of the brethren set out for Salisbury to ascertain the reason. Calling at the establishment where the body had been carried, they were told by the negro under taker that the woman’s insurance dues had not been duly paid, and that she was not in good standing with the association, and therefore the body was being held for the undertaking charges, amounting to $50. Thus the brethren were faced with a peculiar situation as ] "Aunt” Leanna had no immediate survivors from the 18 children that had been born to her except one son, aged 70, now being cared for by the county, and there was no one to pay the undertaking charges. 1 Days passed by, and still no bur- < ial service. < Saturday of last week some of 1 the colored brethren decided that ; something must be done. In sym- i pathy with their plight, a local at- : torney prepared a claim and de- i livery action, placing the value of ' the body at $5,000, and these pa pers were served upon the Salisbury • undertaker. In lieu of putting up $10,000 < bond to fight the action, he sur- : rendered the body, and "Aunt” Leanna was brought to her home 1 and buried in due form Sunday 1 afternoon in the presence of a large host of her friends. The Salisbury undertaker, Le roy Cheshire, because of his action i will face charges of false pretense in county court here next Monday. < RIDICULES NOE’S REQUEST New Orleans—Frank H. Peter- . man, resigned State works prog- 1 ress administrator, in a statement termed the request of Governor James A. Noe for a reorganization of the WPA in Louisiana "child- ■ ish.” 1 ---- I Senate Repeals Bankhead Act Washington — Complying with President Roosevelt’s request in a special message to the Senate, the Senate Tuesday repealed the Bank head Cotton Control Act, the Kerr Smith Tobacco Act and the Potato Control Act. Without a record vote, the Sen ate adopted unanimously a resolu tion repealing the laws, introduced by Senator Smith (Democrat), South Carolina, chairman of the Senate agriculture committee. Smith said the committee agreed unanimously on the President’s re quest. Meanwhile, in the House, Rep resentative Marvin Jones (Demo crat), of Texas, chairman of the House agriculture committee, in troduced a measure for repeal of the Bankhead act. President Roosevelt, in a surprise message to Congress Monday rec ommended immediate repeal of the Bankhead Cotton Control act, the Kerr-Smith Tobacco act and the Potato act of 1935. The Executive explained in a one-paragraph message he was making the recommendations be cause of termination of the AAA (Continued on page 4) Simmons Stays Dut Of Politics 7ormer Senator At 82, Says He Has Enough of Office Holding New Bern—Although declaring hat he deeply appreciated the re ent press comments and hundreds if personal messages that suggest lis entry in the senatorial race igainst Senator Josiah W. Bailey n the approaching primary, for ner Senator F. M. Simmons said hat he would not seek this or any >ther political office. Recalling his recently published issertion that he had for many rears planned to retire from public iffice at the age of 80 years, the ormer senator pointed out that he vas now 82 years of age and that le felt that he had held office long :nough. Never before in his life, he re lated, has he been so happy as at iresent, with his local farm and lome interests, and especially with he numerous kind expression ongratulations and good wishes; hat are pouring into him from all jarts of the State and nation re garding his birthday statement in upport of the New Deal. After paying high tributes to his 'beloved old friend and colleague”! :he late Senator Lee S. Overman, ienator Simmons told Senator! Overman’s daughter, Mrs. Edwin1 D. Gregory of Salisbury, who call-1 :d upon him at his home here, that le hoped very much she and all the ither State university trustees vould staunchly support President ’rank Graham and his plans and lolicies for the consolidated univer ity. Jrge Officials To Install Radio System A number of messages have^been ent by interested citizens and ;roups to Governor nd Capus M. Waynick, if the State highway irging that plans proceed nstallation of a ystem, authorized by ilature, as an aid to pay patrol in its ages take note lorts that bandoned, ;iyen d to { Spring Fashion Parade Swings to Action NEW YORK . . . ■ Spring fashions for women are now very much on parade here. On the left is an early straw with high pointed crown, trimmed with a spray of blue cornflowers and pink and yellow bachelor buttons. It is a shiny black basket-weave straw. The bow is of cornflower blue silk taffeta. On the right is Miss Pamela Prime, wearing a navy blue wool Spring coat with wooden buttons and hat to match. The coat has pockets on he sleeves and collar. Accidents In U. S. Claim 99,000 Lives Chicago—Ninety-nine thousand Americans died in accidents last year—one every six minutes. That was the tabulation an nounced by the National Safety council. The total bill for Americans’ carelessness was addl'd up to ap proximately $3,000,000,000 in property damage, wage loss and medical expense. Council statisticians told the story in these grim figures: 99,000 killed; 365 permanently injured; 9,100,000 temporarily disabled; 271 killed every day, 11 every hour, one every six minutes; 25,000 injured every day, 1,000 every hour, 16 every minute; 1,000 permanently injured every day, 41 every hour. They noted a drop of 3,000 from 1934 but pointed out the heat and drought of the latter year claimed 3,250 lives. Motor vehicle crashes brought death to 36,400, an all-time high, permanent injury to 107,000 and temporary hurts to 1,170,000. Monetary loss in this bracket was set at $1,600,000. There were 31,500 fatalities in home accidents, a decrease of nine per cent from 1934. Falls account ed for about 44 per cent of them with burns, scalds, asphyxiation, firearms, poison and cuts other leading causes. There were 4,600, 000 injuries. Monetary loss was set at $580,000,000. Occupational deaths totaled 16, 500 and injuries 1,400,000. Their cost was reckoned at $620,000,000. This was a slight increase but in dustrial activity was at a higher level. A duplication of 2,900 deaths in the automobile and occu pational classes was pointed out. To The World War Veterans Of Rowan Co. Since the end of the World War n 1918, the American Legion and jther Veterans organizations, and ilso the parents and relatives of World War Veterans have been trying to secure a list of all the men who served from Rowan County in the armed forces of the United States or Allied nations. There is no available source from tvhich this information can be se cured without great expense and trouble but an opportunity new presents itself whereby the names, ind military services of these men can be compiled. In order to ob :ain the bonds recently granted by che Congress, it will be for each man to make jn the proper form. The can Legion has designated owing men to assist in the ■ation of these Wingate, at the office jury Post, Fred You ?eeler, at Peeler’s ind Donald Doughton Will Back ‘Chief’ On Inflation Issue Winston-Salem, Feb. 3—Repre sentative Robert L. Doughton, chairman of the House ways and means committee, said here tonight he "will stand by President Roose velt on the question of currency inflation.” Pointing out that the President new.' action would be a message was forth- ‘ the President or the department. He express hope that new taxes avoided this year. left for Washington attending a meeting of the ton-Salem Junior Chamber of at which Governor Eh was the speaker. Loses Appeal On Lindbergh Law Washington — Arthur Gooch, Paris, Texas, was denied Supreme Court intervention in his fight against a death penalty under the Lindbergh kidnaping law for the alleged abduction of two policemen who attempted to arrest him. Spencer Officer' Is Convicter1^ Simple Assault Gets Thirty Days In Da vidson County For Af fray At High Rock H. C. Rogers, special railway of ficer, of Spencer, formerly a Lex ington policeman for eight years, was absolved of blame for the drowning of Ernest Michael, Lex ington man and father of eight children, in the waters of High Rock Lake on Sunday, January 12, by a jury in Davidson County su perior court Saturday afternoon. The jury convicted him of simple assault, growing out of the ad mitted fact that Rogers and Mi chael engaged in a fight along the 160-yard stretch of fill across the Abbotts Creek arm of the lake be low Southmont between the point where Rogers’ car was stopped and that where the body of Michael was fished out of about ten or twelve feet of water. Judge J. A. Rousseau sentenced the former officer to serve thirty days in jail, to be assigned to the roads, which was the maximum prison sentence the law allows un der the simple misdemeanor of which the jury convicted Rogers. It was stated in court circles that under the law the sentence dates from the first day of court, which meant that virtually one week of the time imposed had already elaps ed. Judge Rousseau charged the jury that under the evidence they might find Rogers guilty either of volun tary manslaughter, involuntary manslaughter, simple assault or might acquit him altogether. It is understood that the count of sim ple assault was an unusual one to be included in a homicide case, but counsel for the defendant pointed out the statutory provision there for in a case where there is no evi dence the accused used a deadly weapon. The jury remained out more than an hour before return ing its verdict. County Adds New Busses; Four new buses have been added to the county school transportation system this week following action , of the board of education and com missioners in a meeting Monday. The State offered to send two re placement buses here if the county would buy a like number, and the proposition was accepted. CUTTER CHASES RUNNER j Washington—Treasury officials i pursuit of a rum runner ! Is Created By Suggested Finance Plan He Declares Move Justi fied By Improved Eco nomic Recovery HOLC BE EFFECTED Washington As a part of a gov ernment-wide financial inventory taking, President Roosevelt deter mined to scrap congressional au thorizations for borrowing of more than a billion dollars. The Chief Executive made his announcement at a press confer ence, after a parley with financial advisors and the heads of several lending agencies. Quickly he ex plained to newspapermen, however, that the cancellation of specific authorizations meant only that funds would not have to be bor rowed for the purposes mentioned. It did not mean, he said, that these funds would be available to meet sther government expenses. The move aroused considerable speculation. A quick check of the Home Owners’ Loan corporation, which the President mentioned as me agency involved, showed that around a billion dollars in author izations might be available for 4-1_-1_ TL. — ject of housing thus might be in volved. Some observers saw one purpose of the move as putting the gov ernment’s financial house in neater order, in view of the heavy bor rowings scheduled by the treasury during the fiscal year. Mr. Roosevelt had little to say dong this line. No mention was made of the subject of taxes. Nor ivould he discuss whether methods )f financing the bonus were in volved, saying only that this ques :ion was still under consideration, rfe specifically declined comment vhen reminded that rhere had seen considerable talk of inflation m Capitol Hill. , . Asked if the prospective can ellation of authorizations meant he end of the emergency period, he President replied that this was oo broad a statement. Further, he eplied in the negative when a re >orter inquired if the move repre ented a tightening of the purse trings. Junior Order Plans District Meetings Statesville — Twenty district neetings of the Junior Order in he western district of North Car ilina will be held Friday night, ;ebruary 21, as the members rally o the call of Monroe Adams, itatesville, state councilor, to hold :lass initiations. Through the in rick Jackson s rortrait To Grace Bonus Bonds Washington—Secretary Morgen thau announces that the portrait of Andrew Jackson will grace the $50 bonds through which Woild War veterans will get their bonus. "As a soldier-President, Jackson ought to be appropriate,” he added —but that didn’t tell the whole story. The treasury couldn’t very read ily pick the list Tour Presidents— Harding, Coolidge, Hoover or Roosevelt—because they vetoed bo nus bills. It was reported that the choice finally narrowed down to Jackson ar Thomas Jefferson—both patron saints of the Democratic party. And the announcement disclosed that the choice was for Jackson ian democracy in this instance— rather than the Jeffersonian brand. The bonds will be printed on the same kind of paper used for ordi nary currency. Around 28,000, 000 will be needed for distribution to the veterans. Morgenthau said preparations for printing have gone forward with out a hitch. He would not fore cast when the bonds likely would start coming off the government pressses.

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