library of nn. s'* «« * CATAWBA fnircr?r< --- The Carolina A newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of rowan roi intv ureater Salisbury PRICE 2 CENTS. Washington—J-he outlook foi adjournment of Congress befor< June 1 gets slimmer and slimmer, The main thing that is going tc eat up time is working out a new tax bill. That a very large amount of additional tax revenues must be found somewhere, and that quickly, is now regretfully admitted by members of Congress. At any time the problem of taxation is a delicate one. Important new tax systems have to be discussed and considered from many angles be sides the question of whether they will raise the money needed. That sort of discussion has al ready begun in regard to President Roosevelt’s proposal to levy a tax upon the undisturbed surplus of corporations. That would mean that liquid funds in corporate treasuries, which are being held as reserves, either against a falling off in business or to finance improve ments and extensions as business picks up, would be drawn upon as a new source of revenue. The President’s proposal is to abolish the existing taxes on cor porate incomes, excess profits and gapital stock, which now produce a revenue of about $1,000,000 a year, and instead, levy a tax which is estimated at about one-third of their total on the corporate reserves. This, the Treasury figures, would amount to about $1,600,000, thus increasing the Government’s income by $600,000,000. VIEWING NEW TAX PLAN The question of how the Presi dent’s plan would work out is what is puzzling members of Congress. First, would it cropple corporations which have accumulated large sur pluses? Second, would it result in an immediate distribution of large proportions of those surpluses in the form of dividends to stockholders, and so reduce the total to a point where the expected tax revenue would not be forthcoming? It is pointed out on one hand that these surpluses are the property of the stockholders and ought to be distributed to them in the form of dividends. If they were done, they would be taxable as individual in comes. vJn tne other hand, the argument i is set up that only the existence of large undistributed surpluses has enabled many industries to carry j on, to keep their plant equipment up-to-date, continue to employ la- 1 bor, and pay dividends to stock- ‘ holders during even the depths of 1 the depression, when they were ac- ^ tually runing at a loss. 'How far can that protective reserve be drawn upon without incurring the ] risk of serious damage to industries and increasing unemployment? These are serious questions, and are being taken seriously by the members of both Houses. LOOKING AHEAD The best guess now is that the | President’s plan will not be adopted; in its entirety, mainly because there is not time between now and the political conventions to examine all of its implications. There prob ably will be some experimental tax on undistributed surpluses, but existing corporation taxes are not likely to be repealed, although they (Continued on page Four) Farmers Urged To File Cotton Applications D. H. Sutton, county agent, has asked that all farmers of Rowan county who are growers of cotton to bring their cotton sales certifi cates to his office, if they have not already done so. The county agent has received instructions to complete his work on cotton price adjustment and farmers should file application for the 12 cent cotton guarantee by the government at once. The application is to assure the farmer tha1 when he sells his cotton he will receive 12 cents for it and there is no obligation attached as to any reduction of acreage, it is stated. The government will pay the dif ference, if any, on the price the farmer receives on the day he makes his sale and the 12 cent price v^ill be determined by the av erage of southern spot markets on that particular day. I -— —— ■ .-- - ■ « . «■ S^j Chances Are Excellent CandidateforDemocratic Nomination for Gov ernor Believes He Will Be Named Washington—With his candida cy for the Democratic nomination for Governor of North Carolina now fairly well before the people of the State, Clyde R. Hoey, dis tinguished .Shelby lawyer, said that he would bevm a vigorous campaign April 1, and thereafter speak almost daily over the State until the primary June 6 Mr. Hoey came to Washington to remain two days urging a Recon struction Finance loan for a group of cotton mills in Gaston county now in the hands of a receiver, but which are slowly getting on their financial feet. "I feel very well satisfied as to my campaign, and believe that I will be nominated,” said Mr. Hoey who is opposed for the honor by John McRae, of Charlotte, R. W. McDonald and A. H. Graham. "Should the Legislature of the State be called to act so that the State may avail itself of the bene fits of the social security act, and to aid tobacco growers?” Mr. Hoey was asked. I have made myself plain in re gard to a session of the Legisla ture,” responded Mr. Hoey in his careful may of stating a proposi tion. "On every occasion, I have said that if the persons who are re sponsible and have the matter in hand feel that it would be to the j advantage of the State for a special I session of the Legislature to be. held, it should convene. I have a deep interest in the agricultural in dustry of our State, and hope that producers of tobacco, cotton and other products will be given every advantage that is possible under the law. If a special session of the Legislature would help the situa tion, it should be held. The in terests of all industries should be taken into account and the greatest good to the largest number should be the controlling element in the situation. i am aeepiy interested in tne application of the social security law. I want the aged of our State and others who would be benefitted to receive their quota under this great and beneficent law, and I hope that should those in authority in our State feel some steps should be taken that they will act as soon as they deem it advisable.” Asked as to repeal of the sales tax in the State, Mr. Hoey reiter ated his previously announced view that the tax should be elimi nated as to food and clothing, and on all other items as soon as the fin ancial condition of the State will permit. In regard to the prohibition is sue, Mr. Hoey said little was be ing said thus far in the campaign in regard to the liquor question. One of the questions to be voted on in the next elction in North Carolina is an amendment to the constitution permitting the Legisla ture, if it deems such advisable, to . increase the corporation tax. The legal limit is now six per cent. Mr. Hoey said that he was favorable to the amendment, and would make a public announcement In regard to it later, but at present he preferred to reserve comment. As to coun ties he would carry in the western section of the State, Mr. Hoey said he was confident that he would carry 48 out of the 5 0 in that sec tion in the primary, and that he I would more than break even in tne eastern part. Dunn Not To Seek Re-election J. Allan Dunn, local attorney and Rowan’s senator in the last General Assembly, has announced that he will not be a candidate to 1 succeed himself due to the press of private business. Plans For County Fair Under Way Agricultural Products tc Be Given Special Attention BIG PREMIUM LIST The Rowan county fair has been leased for five years to Norman Chambliss, of Rocky Mount, who spent Monday in the city inter viewing interested persons and those who might help him and his partner, Mr. Geo. Hamid of New York City, in the Fair here. Mr. Chambliss has had a wide experience managing fairs; the last three years he has operated the State Fair at Raleigh. The Rowan fair has been an nounced to open on the afternoon of October 26, of this year with the World of Mirth shows, which play at the North Carolina and Vir ginia State fairs, as the midway at traction. D. H. Sutton, county agent, and Miss Mary Parrish, home demon stration agent, have conferred with Mr. Chambliss and are cooperating. It is expected that the fair will be exceptionally interesting and helpful, it has been stated. Through the support of county Supt. S. G. Hasty, the vocational agriculture and home economic teachers and pupils, the fair prom ises to have a large display of pro ducts from the farmers and their families. Mr. Chambliss has indicated that ;3,000 in premiums for exhibits . vill be given. An abundant dis ilay is desired and special attention vill be given to farm and home roducts. IFC Loan Will Speed liquidation Of Bank Raleigh—Gurney P. Hood, State iank examiner, Tuesday anounced he RFC has agreed to lend $2, ;00,000 to be used in speeding the iquidation of the defunct North Carolina Bank and Trust company. Hood said "a substantial divi lend” will be paid to the deposi ts and other creditors as soon as jossible. As there are pending in the Su preme Court several cases involv ng claims against the North Caro ina bank, it was indicated it might De sometime before the dividend :ould be paid. * * «■ a- s:- * * * EVERYTHING USED * * FOR BOOKMARKS * * _ >* Clinton, Mass.—What does * * Mr. and Mrs. Public use for * * bookmarks? * * The staff of the Bigelow * * Free Public Library here have * * a collection. These include: * Hairpins, boby pins, elastic * * bands, orange manicure sticks, * * small combs, matches, razor * * blades, clippings from maga- * * zines and newspapers. * * * * ■?: * * * * | ST. LOUIS . . . C. R. Reed (above), Superintendent of Min* neapolis, Minn., schools, is a staunch advocate of night schools for adults, like those in his city lafbere 9.000 adults are enrolled. | Navy Investigates niMiir .. Hauptmann Clings To Reprieve Hope With Staunch Faith Bruno Richard Hauptmann clings to faith that he will escape the electric chair despite the fact that the date set for his execution is now less than three weeks distant. Hauptmann told his wife, Anna, of his steadfast hope and confidence upon the occasion of a visit to him within the past few days. Hauptmann, convicted of the Lindbergh baby kidnap-murder, is under sentence to die the week of March 30, and will probably be executed the niglht of Tuesday,! March 31. Gov. Harold G. Hoffman, who1 granted a 30-day reprieve on Jan uary 16, 29 hours before Haupt mann was to go to his death, said be would not sign a new reprieve, ind that Hauptmann’s only chance! jf sidesteping his fate at the end jf the month lay in the discovery >f new evidence. Even in that case, the governor, said, he has no legal power to do' anything, beyond suggesting to At-j torney General David T. Wilentz and defense attorneys that theyj ask; Suepreme Court Justice, to stay execution. '___! Dry Body Sues To Get $1,000 i - . ! Gastonia.—The United Dry Forces of Gaston county have filed suit here against John A. Wilkins and R. B. Babington, Jr., executors1 of the estate of the late E. G. McLurd, to collect $1,000 they claim was left to the dry cause in the McLurd will. j McLurd, prominent Gastonia | business man who died in Novem ber, 1933, was an ardent prohibi tionist and left provision in his will for a fund of $1,000 for any organization fdrmed to promote prohibition enforcement in Gaston county, the United Drys claim in their complaint. The United Dry Forces claim that all indebtedness of the estate has been paid off with the excecp tion of certain listed exceptions, and that the executors have notified them they are preparing to close settlement of the estate. Peanut In Lungs Causes Death Of Young Child Greensboro—A jieanut that lodg ed in the lungs of Gerald Stone Newman recently caused his death in a local hospital Wednesday night. The boy, 22 months of age, swallowed the peanut and after it lodged in his lungs an abscess formed in his lungs. He coughed and the peanut moved to his wind pipe, impending respiration to such an extent to prove fatal. No man likes to have a woman buy his neckties. Hie can pick fun nier ones himself. Snow Impedes Traffic In WNC Flood Menace Arises In East, Meanwhile, As Rivers Absorb Melting Ice Mountain counties of western North Carolina spent Wednesday snowbound as highway department , crews struggled to open roads clogged by a 12 to 18-inch fall. "Every road west of the Blue Ridge,” was the way the State Highway department listed the roads blocked. Officials expected however, to have main highways in the vicinity of Asheville opened by Thursday, but said another day would be required to open those in the Boone section. While the West dug out from under its snow which marooned be tween 300 and 400 school children, stranded motorists on the roads and damaged communication and power lines, a flood menace arose in the East. Advisory warning that the Roa noke, Neuse, Tar and Cape Fear rivers would leave their banks were issued by the U. S. weather bureau at Raleigh. j Extra equipment was sent to the mountain counties by the State | Highway department to help in' clearing roads. The highway work-' ers were handicapped by having no machinery designed to handle deep snows and in some places the ( snow had drifted to a depth of 10 feet or more on the roads. With all highway traffic para- , lyzed by the blizzard which swept ] the western part of jthe State Tues- j lay, many communities went with- , jut mail. Dairymen could not , reach towns to make milk deliver ies and those without fuel could get none. Classes were suspended at Lees-; McRae college at Banner Elk be-;j tause of a coal shortage which pre-! ^ vented heating of classrooms. Scores of automobiles were aban- i doned on roads as their drivers took , shelter in homes and hotels during^ the blizzard. Twenty-five cars were reported stuck in the snow ( over the eight-mile stretch between Banner Elk and Elk Park, alone. 1 Despite the conditions, no ex- • posure deaths were reported. Reports of children snowbound i included 48 brought to the court-! house at Asheville after their bus' became stalled, 70 in the Valley: Springs school, 60 in Arden negro| school, 60 in Fletcher school, andj 30 in the Avery county school near Newlands. Four buses carrying 100j children stalled in Madison county | and the children were taken into: homes in Marshall. Won’t Have To ‘Plow Under’ 20-Pig Litter Bluefield, W. V.—A. C. Lock hart, a farmer of Bishop, Va., al most swooned when he went to the barnyard and found a litter of 20 pigs Recovering his equilibrium, he proceeded to the nearest telephone and called the Bluefield Sunset News, 3 0 miles away, to ask if "the AAA will do anything to me.” ■He was assured of his immunity, whereupon he observed: "Well, these are such fine little fellers I sure would hate to plow ’em under.” Bull Born In Antarctic To Greet Byrd Winston-Salem—"Iceberg,in ternationally famous Guernsey bull, born in Little America, will greet Admiral Richard E. Byrd when he arrives here to deliver an address Friday. Manager Pyron of Klondike farm will bring "Iceberg” here Friday to join Winston-Salem in welcom ing Admiral Byrd. E. C. Gregory Candiate For State Senate E. C. Gregory, Sr., has announced that he will be a cand'dase in the June primary for the Democratic nomination from Rowan for state senator since J. Allen Dunn has definitely announced that he will not be in the race due to other du ties and responsibilities. Mr. Gregory is reported as hav ing assured Mr. Dunn of his sup port should he be a candidate, but since he isn’t, Mr. Gregory has said that he will appreciate the support of his friends for this office. Plan One Head For Defenses Washington—A move began in the Senate to co-ordinate the three branches of United States armed forces—Army, Navy and Air fcrce —under one head to be known as a secretary of National Defense. Senator William D. King (Demo :rat) of Utah said he would seek :arly consideration of his bill set ring up a co-ordinator for Amer ca’s fighting forces. King said un ler his plan the existing depart nents would be run by assistant ecretaries under head of the sec etary. There would be added a Department of Air which would lave complete control over all avia ion activities of the Federal Gov rnment. PLAN 'CAMPAIGN CLASSES’ Washington—A weekly "cam-' laign class for the wives of Demo-j ratic senators and representatives ras the outcome of a meeting ad Iressed by Mrs. Franklin D. Roose velt. Lesson 1 will be held next donday morning at 10 o’clock, its opic as given by Louise Lazell, eacher: "The new farm act andj he background of all the little! >igs.” ! [o Write Series Weeky Articles For Watchman} - i DR. GAITHER CAUBLE Dr. Gaither Cauble, Chiroprac tor who is located in Salisbury has agreed to write a series of articles concerning the control of health and beauty, for this paper and the first of these series are appearing on page five of this issue. We urge our readers to give especial atten tion to these heelpful suggestions, and to write Dr. Cauble at any time, and as often as you so desire, concerning any questions that you might wish him^tj answer. These answers will appear each week in this paper. Your cooperation will be appreciated by both Dr. Cauble and The Watchman, and the ser vice is free to anyone so desiring to avail themselves of this oppor tunity. I For Governor ! Hon. Clyde R. Hoey Hoey Campaign Managers For County Named T. Kern Carlton and Nelson Woodson, young lawyers of this city, have been selected as campaign managers of Rowan county for Clyde R. Hoey, who is one of the candidates for the nomination of governor. Mr. Carlton began his practice at law about eight years ago and Mr. Woodson was admitted to the bar in 1932. Both young men are successful and popular and is is be lieved that a wise choice of mana gers for Hoey has been made. Briefs About Floods Total dead in six states—3 9. Pennsylvania—At elast 30 dead. In the west, Pittsburgh inundated, fires, explosions and power failure add to terror, troops on guard; Johnstown flooded, five dead, 10,-j 500 flee, but dam holds. In the cast, death and devastation, with Susquehanna crest due soon. Massachusetts—Communications and transportation disrupted; Bos-J con faces milk shortage, Worcester » power failure. One death added to 15 of last week. Vermont—Four dead, power Jams threatened. Maine — Governor estimates Jamsge at $10,000,000; one dead. Connecticut—Three dams col lapse, 200 homeless; dozen build ings swept away at New Hart ford. New Hampshire—Dam swept away at Claremont, transportation crippled. New York—About 2,000 home-j less, many communities isolated,1 power lines down, highway traf-j fic paralyzed, 13 5,000 WPA work-j ers mobilized. West Virginia — Downtown : Wheeling and other cities flooded, rivers still rise; 100 families flee Moundsville. Maryland—One dead, Cumber land streets flooded, damage more than $1,000,000. Virginia—Two drowned, Shen andoah valley damaged by wind. Georgia —Two killed in wind storm. North Carolina—Hundred^ of school children marooned by snow drifts. [ Now Judge Bok r——*~i mBkmmm PHILADELPHIA . . . Above la Curtis Bok, eon of the late famous publisher, who has just been sworn in as judge of the Orphans Court here.