11 LEGAL NOTICES 1 mortgage sale of real estate By virtue of authority contain ed in a certain mortgage deed of trust, d«ed June 18, 1950, and reg istered in the Register’s Office of Rowan County in Book of Mort gages No. 116, page 82, from Zeb V.°Fisher and wife, Mary M. Fisher, to Walter H. Woodson, Sr., Trustee, default having been made in the payment of the note secured thereby, and request of foreclosure having been made by the holder of said note, the undersigned Trustee will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the Courthouse door in Salisbury, N. C, on MONDAY, APRIL 27, 1936, at 12 o’clock, Noon, the fol lowing described real estate, to wit: On and near the State and Na tional Highway about five miles South of Salisbury and near Sum ner Siding, and being lots Nos. 1, 2,—lying on the East side of the State Highway and between the State Highway and the double tracks of the North Carolina Rail way Company; Also lots Nos. 17 and 20, facing said State Highway and being on the W<|5t side of said State and Na tional Highway. Also lots Nos. 34, 39, 40, 41, 43 and 44 facing Crosby Street and on the Western side of the State and National Highway and one block below said highway on Cros c*.__ ”3 ^ - - All of said lots appear upon thi Map of the property of Zeb V, Fisher, Sumner, Rowan County North Carolina, survey by N. A, Trexler, C. E., Salisbury, N. C.; July 28, 192J, the property laid ofl 3nd shown upon said Map being known as Sumner Heights. Foi back title see Deed from Mrs Lettie S. Owens to Zeb V. Fishei and J. F. Fisher, Deed Book No 165, page 79; also deed from J. F Fisher to Zeb V. Fisher for the un divded one-half interest of the J. F Fisher’s in and to said property see Deed Book No. 172, page 202. The above property will be soli subject to any mortgages or lien against said property except taxes. This 25th day of March, 1936 WALTER H. WOODSON, SR. Trustee T. K. Carlton, Attorney. A-i-24 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administra tor of the estate of Will Smith, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said decedent to file an itemized, verified statement of same with the undersigned on or before the 27th day of March 1937, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Persons indebted to said estate are notified to make prompt settlement. This March 24th, 1936. DR. FRANK W. KIRK, Adminis trator of the Estate of Will Smith, Civilly dead. H. L. Mangum, Atty. A-10-M15 tcrrrti^T: nc cat ft ntt rfat ESTATE NORTH CAROLINA: ROWAN COUNTY: Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in that cer tain deed of trust executed by E. B. McDaniel and wife, Ora McDaniel, tc the undersigned trustee, which said deed of trust is dated the twenty-eighth day of July, 1930, and recorded in Book 116, Page 126, of the Rowan County Regis try, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and in the condi tions therein secured, the under signed trustee, will on Monday, •May 11, 1936, at or about twelve o’clock Noon, at the Courthouse door at Salisbury, North Carolina, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash the following de scribed property: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and be ing in Steele Township, Rowan County, State of North Carolina, and more particularly described and defined as follows: Beginning at an iron stake, J. C. Foutz and J. Y. Rex’s corner, and runs thence with J. Y. Rex’s and C. C. Rex’s line North 5 degrees East crossing the Sherill’s Ford Road 3788 feet to an ash, G. C. Rex’s corner on A. Broadway’s line; thence with A. Broadway’s line North 86 degrees west 2185 feet to a stake in Second Creek, E. R. Overman’s corner; thence with E. R. Overman’s line South 4 de grees West 360 feet to a stake; thence South 89 degrees East 1013 feet to a stone; South /z degree West 522 feet to a stone, Over man’s corner on J. C. Foutz line; thence with J. C. Foutz line North 89 degrees East 970 feet to the be ginning, contaning 172 acres, more or less, and being the same property m to, Grse Fi"k by n t , “T “d »' dated July 28, Terms of sale cash and trustee will require deposit of 10% of the This the tenth day of April, 1936 A-17-M-|P E‘ FLEMING> Trustee. ~~NOTlcroFsALi Under and by virtue of the terms of an order of the Superior Court ot Guilford County, North Caro “ acLtion Pending therein entitled In the Matter of Liquida tion of the North Carolina Bank and Trust Company”, the under signed Gurney P. Hood, Commis sioner of Banks of the State of North Carolina, ex rel North Caro lina Bank and Trust Company, w.H on the Hth day of April, 1936, at twelve o’clock noon, offer for sale at the East door of the Court House in the City of Greens boro, Guilford County, North Carolina, at public auction for cash the following described property to-wit: a 11 . e t ““ L,,c outstanding common stock of the Southeastern Realty Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of North Carolina, the same being 2146 shares, represented by certificates numbered 28, 29 30 33, 38, 39, 40, 41 and 42. This sale will be made subject to confirmation, or rejection by the Superior Court of Guilford Coun ty, North Carolina, and subject to the following terms and conditions, to-wit: (a) That any and all out standing liens, including taxes and assessments, against the eleven bank and office buildngs of the Southeastern Realty Company, lo cated as follows, to-wit: 3 in ' Greensboro, 2 in Monroe, 2 in Tar 1 boro, 1 in Burlington, 1 in Raleigh, 1 in Wilmington and 1 in Spencer, will be satisfied and cancelled of > record. (b) That the Southeastern Real ty Company shall be at that time the owner in fee simple of a good and marketable title to each of the eleven bank and office buildings above referred to, subject only to such encumbrances as are to be paid out of the proceeds of the sale as above provided for. (c) That an audit of the af fairs and condition of the South eastern Realty Company as of the date of the confirmation of the sale will not reflect any decrease of assets since the audit prepared by A. M. Pullen and Company, Cer tified Public Accountants, as of December 3!, 193 5. (d) That no bid will be re ceived or acknowledged unless ac companied by a certified or cash ier s check in a sum not less than $150,000.00, as evidence of the bidder s good faith and financial responsibility. This the 18 th day of March, 1936. GURNEY P. HOOD, Commissoner of Banks of the State of North Carolina, Ex Rel North Carolina Bank and Trust Company. Brooks, McLendon & Holderness, Attorneys, Greensboro, N. C. A-3-10. .L\ WJLV All VaAAWLliNA, ROWAN COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK Gertrude Poole Eller, Administra trix of A. M. Eller —Vs— Gertrude Poole Eller, widow, Jetta Mae Crook and husband, Lloyd Crook, Lester Eller, Vertie Peeler and husband, Clyde Peele, Loy Eller, Ora Agner and husband, Ar thur Agner, Blanche Trexler and husband, Morris Trexler, Florence Eller, Reid Eller and Ruby Eller, heirs of A. M. Eller, deceased, and Loy Eller, Guardian ad litem for Blanche Trexler, Florence Eller, Reid Eller and Ruby Eller. NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to an order of the Clerk of Superior Court of Rowan Coun ty in the above entitled special pro ceeding, the undersigned Commis sioner will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at the Courthouse door, in Salisbury, said State and County, at twelve o’clock noon, on the 12 th day of May, 1936, the following described real estate: Beginning at a pine knot in the Ferry Road, David Eller’s corner; thence with said road West 23 rods to a stone in said road; thence South 21 % rods to a stone; thence East 21 'rods to a stone; thence North 21! % rods to the beginning, contain-! ing three acres, more or less. Re-' Lcorded in Book 109, page 506, Reg-i ister of Deeds Office, Rowan Coun-. ty. The above described real estate will be sold subject to a mortgage ( indebtedness thereon of approxi mately $600.00 and subject further! to the dower therein of Gertrude Poole Eller, Widow, and subject further to the taxes which have ac crued thereon. A plat showing the widow’s dower and description of the property may be seen at the of fice of the undersigned Commis sioner. This 9th day of April, 1936. CLYDE E. GOOCH, Commissioner. Chas. L. Coggin, Attorney. A-17-M-8. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE NORTH CAROLINA: ROWAN COUNTY: i Under and by virtue of the pow er and authority contained in that certain deed of trust executed by Jane Lyerly Corl and husband, J. R. Corl, to the Atlantic Bank and Trust company, trustee, which said: deed of trust is dated the twenty-1 first day of April 1928, and re-! corded in Book 106, Page 537, of the Rowan County Registry, de fault having been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness thereby secured and in the conditions there in secured, the undersigned substi tuted trustee by instrument record ed in Book 229, Page 85, Rowan County Registry, will on Tuesday, April 28, 1936, at or about twelve o’clock Noon, at the courthouse door at Salisbury, North Carolina, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash the following de scribed property: rvn tnat certain piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and be ing in Providence Township, Row an County, North Carolina, one mile East from Rockwell, and de scribed as follows: Beginnig at a stone in the road, C. A. Lyerly’s corner on the line of the property of the D. M. Lyer ly estate; and runs thence with C. A. Lyerly’s line North 85 degrees West 15 chains to a stone, James Holshouser’s corner; thence with Holshouser’s line North 5 1-2 de grees East 21.35 chains to a stone, Jasper Weaver’s corner; thence with Weaver’s line South 8 5 1-2 degrees East 10.44 chains to a black oak stump; thence North 5 1-2 degrees East 18.82 chains to a stone, Trex ler’s corner; thence with Trexler’s line South 85 1-2 degrees East 4.70 chains to a hickory, corner to the property of the D. M. Lyerly es tate; thence with the line of said property South 5 1-2 degrees West 40.62 chains to’ the beginning, containing forty (40) acres, more or less, and being the same property as conveyed to Jane Lyerly Corl by C. A. Lyerly et al by deed dated January 23, 1928, and recorded in Book 201, Page 74, office of Regis ter of Deeds of Rowan County. Terms of sale cash and trustee will require deposit of 10% of the amount of the bid as evidence of good faith. This the twenty-eighth day of March, 1936. H. E. STACY, Substituted Trustee. A-3-24. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE NORTH CAROLINA: ROWAN COUNTY: Under and biy virtue of the power and authority con tained in that certain deed of trust executed by John Mitchell and wife, Roxie Mitchell, to the Atlantic Bank and Trust Company, trustee, which said deed of trust is dated the twenty-third day of March, 1928, and tecorded in Book 106, Page 411, of the Rowan County Registry, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and in the conditions therein secured, the undersigned substituted trustee by instrument recorded in Book 229, Page 86, Rowan County Registry, will on Tuesday, April 28, 1936, at or about twelve o’clock noon, at the courthouse door at Salisbury, North Carolina, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described property: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land located in Steele Township, Rowan County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Amanda File Trexler, Mrs. Hill, Withrow’s Creek, Harrison Walker, H. L. Hoffner, and described and bounded as follows: Beginning at an iron wood on the bank of Withrow’s Creek; and runs thence North 21.85 chains to a stake with Hiram Walker’s line; thence West 15.40 chains to a stake, M. L. Hoffner’s line; thence with , M. L. Hoffner’s line North 3 de grees West 10.52 chains to a stake, ' M. L. Hoffner and Amanda Trex ler’s corner; thence with Amanda Trexler’s line South 89 1-2 degrees East 52.10 chains to a dogwood, Mrs. Hill’s and Amanda Trexler’s corner; thence with Mrs. Hill’s line South 10 deg. East 13.80 chains to a stake on the bank of Withrow’s creek; thence with the meanderings of the said Withrow’s Creek to the beginning, containing ninety four (94) acres, more or less, and being Lots Nos. four and five in the di vision of the lands of Miles A. File and described in deed from Gea Fink and wife to John Mitchell, dated July 13, 1916, and registered in Book of Deeds for Rowan Coun ty, North Carolina, No. 142, Page 222. Terms of sale cash and trustee will require deposit of 10 per cent of the amount of the bid as evidence of good faith. This the 28th day of March, 1936. iHl E. STACY, Substituted Trustee. A-3-24 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE NORTH CAROLINA: ROWAN COUNTY: Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in that certain deed of trust executed by K. W. Umberger, unmarried, and S. E. Umberger, widow, to the At lantic Bank and Trust Company, trustee, which said deed of trust is dated the thirteenth day of April, 1927, and recorded in Book 102, Page 371, of the Rowan County Registry, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and in the conditions therein secured, the undersigned substituted trustee by instrument recorded in Book 229, Page 89, Rowan County Registry, will on Tuesday, April 28, 1936, at or about twelve o’clock Noon, at the courthouse door at Salisbury, North Carolina, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described property: All those two certain pieces, par cels or tracts of land situate, lying and being in Rowan County, State of North Carolina, and more par ticularly described as follows: FIRST TRACT: Located in Mt. Ulla Township: Beginning at a stone, Hart and B. B. Miller’s cor ner, and runs thence with B. B. Miller’s line North 19 degrees East 1191 feet to a stake; thence a new line South 88 degrees West 1246 feet with the line of Mt. Ulla High School property, and the property of Umberger to a stake; thence North 2 deg. West 390 feet to a stake, thence North 42 deg. East 227 feet to a stake; thence North 5 deg. West 210 feet to a stake in the center of the Sherrill’s Ford Road; thence with tne center ot tne said road tast 680 feet to a stake; thence South S de grees East 780 feet to a stake; thence North 88 degrees East 376 feet to a stake on B. B. Miller’s line; thence with said B. B. Miller’s line North 19 deg. East 162 feet to a stone; thence North 3 3 deg. East crossing the Sherrill’s Ford Road 93 0 feet to a stake; thence North 60 deg. East 3 63 feet to a stake; thence North 32 deg. East 125 feet to a stake on the railroad; thence with the railroad North 39 deg. East 89 feet to a stake; thence North 53 deg. East 297 feet to a stake, W. E. Grafham’s corner; thence with W. E. Graham’s line South 89 deg. West 1402 feet to a water oak, J. K. Goodman’s corner; thence with J. K. Goodman’s line South 6 deg. West 668 feet to a stake; thence South 89 deg. West 246 feet to a pine stump; thence South 65 1-2 deg. West 85 8 feet, crossing the railroad and the Sher rill’s Ford Road to a stake; thence South 3 deg. West 1699 feet to a stake on Hart’s line; thence with Hart’s line South 88 1-2 degrees East 660 feet to a stone; thence North 82 3-4 deg. East 897 feet to the beginning, containing ninety (90) acres, and being a part of the property conveyed to C. W. Um berger and wife, S. E. Umberger by J. L. Cowan and wife by deed dated November 1, 1899, and re corded inJ3ook 85, Page 596, office af Register of Deeds for Rowan County, North Carolina: From the ibove description there is excepted ther ight-of-way of the Southern Railway Company over and upon the same. SECOND TRACT: Located in Steele Township: Beginning at a post oak, M. L. Hoffner and M. C. Redman’s corner, and runs thence with M. C. Redman’s and R. 2. Stewart’s line; crossing the County Road S. 88 1-2 deg. East 19.50 chs. to a stone; ‘thence S. 9 leg. E. 16 chs. to a stone, Jno. Mitchell’s corner; thence with Jno. Mitchell’s line N. 87 1-2 deg. W. il.10 chs. crossing the County load to a stone; John Mitchell’s torner on M. L. Hoffner’s line; thence with M. L. IHbffner’s line V. 2 1-2 deg. W. 15.13 chas to the beginning containing 77 acres more or less, and being the second and third tracts as conveyed by G. A. File and wife and A. J. Trexler, to K. W. Umberger by deed dated February 25, 1925. Terms of sale cash and trustee will require deposit of 10 per cent of the amount of the bid as evi dence of good faith. This the twenty-eighth day of March, 1936. H. E. STACY, Substituted Trustee. A-3-24 SALE OF VALUABLE FARM ING LANDS Pursuant to the provisions of a certain Mortgage Deed of Trust executed by J. W. Connell and wife, Fannie Connell to Paul F. Stirewalt, Trustee and Mortgagee, dated March 19th, 1921 and rec orded in Book of Mortgages No. 76, page 20, Register’s office of Rowan County, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness therein secured, the undersigned, Trustee and Mortgagee, will expose for sale at the court house door in Salisbury, N. C., on Saturday, April 2Jth, 1936, at the hour of 12 M., the following tract of land situate in Litaker Township, Row an County, and described as fol lows: Beginning at a stake and runs thence South 3 deg. West 7.75 chains to a stake, corner of lot No. 3; thence Eeast 16.10 chains to a stake, corner of lot No. 3; thence North 7.75 chains to a stake; thence North 88 deg. West 16.10 chains to the beginning, containing 12 *4 acres, more or less. For back title, see deed from H, T. Graeber and others to Daniel T. Roseman, Book No. 106, page 374 in the office of the Register of Deeds for Rowan County. This March 19th, 1936. PAUL F. STIREWALT, Trustee and Mortgagee Rendleman & Rendleman, Attys. A3-24. WUIUoE SALE By virtue of authority vested in me, in a certain deed of trust exe cuted by John S. Ketchie and wife, Ruth Ketchie, dated the 25 th day of April 193 0, and recorded in the Register of Deeds office for Rowan County, in record of mortgages Book No. 116, page 272, the con dition of which have not been com plied with, I will sell, at public auc tion, at the Court House door in Salisbury, N. C., to the highest bidder for cash, on Monday, April 20th, 1936, at 12:00 Noon, the following described property: Lying and being in Providence Township, Rowan County and about one mile from Marvin Church, bounded as follows: BE GINNING, at a stake in the pub lic road in Mrs. Lillie Lyerly’s line and runs with the center of the road N. 6 E. 847 feet to a stake in branch, center of the road; thence with center of branch S. 40 W. 60 feet; thence N. 45 W. 418 feet to a stake in branch, eenter of ditch; thence with road S. 4 W. 685 feet to a stake in branch; thence up the branch S. 50 W. 392 feet to a stake in Mahaffeys line; thence S. 83 E. 625 feet to the BEGINNING, con taining 8 1-2 acres more or less. This March 17th, 1936. B. L. PHILLIPS, Trustee. W. S. Bogle, Atty., Concord, N. C. M-27-A-17 COLOR PHOTOGRAPHS Photographs of favorite Holly wood stars, pictures of internation ally famous men and women are re produced in FULL NATURAL COLOR in the BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERICAN. Get your copy from your newsdealer. MAN WANTED by large manu facturer of household necessities to complete organization in Southeast Davidson, Stanly coun ties and Salisbury. Must be in dustrious and willing to conduct home service business. Hustlers can earn $2 5 first week and in crease rapidly. Write today. Rawleigh’s, Dept. NCD-197-W, Richmond, Va. Minnehaha’s Love Story Glamorous What do you think of when you hear "Minneapolis” mentioned? Flour, probably. Yet, Minneapolis is the setting of one of the most glamorous love stories related in our literature, the one which Hen ry Wadsworth Longfellow has en shrined in "The Song of Hiawa tha.” That is excuse enough for combining Sioux and Greek to form the city’s distinctive name, instead of simply calling it "Wa tertown” in standardized Anglo Saxon. The historic value of "The Song of 'Hiawatha” is not as impeacable as lovers of the poem might de sire, but it makes a good story anyhow. The name of Hiawatha is the Anglicized form of the Iro quois name, which is spelled Taoungwatha and Hayenwatha. J. V. H. Clark, in his "History of Onondago,” spelled the name "Taounyawatha” and confused the political reformer with the "Iro quois "Master of Life,” Dehaenhia Wagi, the names being slightly similar in pronunciation. School craft, in gathering materials for his "Notes on the Iroquis,” used much of Clark’s version; but trans ferred Hiawatha to the Great Lakes region and identified him with "Nanabozho” or "Manibozo” folk god or cultural hero of the Objig way or Chippewa Indians, son of the West Wind, champion of Pau pukeewis, Iagoo and Kwasind. Longfellow took up Hiawatha at this point and added a few addi tional touches. Minnehaha, however, did not pass through various transformations to qualify for the feminine lead in the poem. She was a Sioux maid en. Her name was made up qf two words of the Dakota, or Sioux, tongue. These are "minne,” or water, end "haha,” or laughter. Hence Minnehaha means "laugh ing water” or "water laughter,” and refers to the gurgling sounds made by a creek, near which the girl lived, as it swept over the rocks, now called the "balls of Minnehaha.” The creek and the falls are now features of Minnehaha Park, in the southern part of Minneapolis. It was near the falls, history says, that Minnehaha had her wigwam and met Hiawatha. Interestingly enough, the man who has been as signed to write on this subject for the American Guide, the Govern ment’s forthcoming 5-volume tra vel handbook, is the grandson of a Chippewa Indian chief. Minneapolis citizens are proud of the poetic background of their city. Besides naming the land a bout the Falls after Minnehaha, they have placed in the bed of the creek, just above the falls, a sta tue representing Hiawatha in the act of carrying his sweetheart a cross the stream. Two of the par allel avenues which run through the city to the park are named af ter the lovers. Minnehaha Boule vard, which runs along the creek, is considered one of the most pic turesque of city drives. In south ern Minneapolis, also, are two lakes which recall the poem—No komis, encircled by Nakomis Boule bard, and Hiawatha. Keep a Good Laxative always in your home Among the necessities of home Is a good, reliable laxative. Don’t be without one! Do your best to pre vent constipation. Don’t neglect It when you feel any of Its disagree able symptoms coming on. . . "We have used Thedford’s Black-Draught for 21 years and have found It a very useful medicine that every family ought to have In their home," writes Mrs. Perry Hicks, of Belton, Texas. "I take Black-Draught for biliousness, constipation and other Ills where a good laxative or purga tive Is needed. I have always found Black-Draught gives good results." Sold In 25-cent packages. BLACK-DRAUGHT Famous Ice Champion j NEW YORK . . . Above is Miss Sonja Henie of Norway, cham I pion figure skater of the world, | who is now in America seeking a movie picture contract following ber spectacular triumphs at the I winter Olympics'in Germany. FOR BETTER RADIATOR SERVICE SEE US! We clean flush and repair all makes of radia tors. We have receiv ed a shipment of new radiators 8c our prices are right. We sell or trade Call to see us before you buy. EAST SPENCER MOTOR CO. Phone 1198-J N. Long St. EAST SPENCER v !■ April is Clean-up Month Start y