Washington—One result of the impeachment trial of Federal Judge Halstead L. Ritter, by the Senate, ii likely to be a revision of the rules of both Houses of Congress under which federal officials are tried on charges of malfeasance in office. For nearly three weeks all legisla tive activity was suspended in the Senate while that body sat as a trial court. Seldom were there more than a dozen Senators in attendance at any one time during the presenta tion of the evidence for and against Judge Ritter. Not until the ques tion of his guilt or innocence came to the final vote was there anything like a full attendance. The feeling is general that the procedure in impeachment cases is perhaps the most solemn and seri ous function delegated to Congress under the Constitution, and that, no matter how much it may impede the process of legislation, the Senate is performing its highest duty when it sits as the court of final jurisdic tion in impeachment trials. THE RITTER VERDICT Judge Ritter was accused of hav ing improperly favored his former law partner in an important receiv ership, and of accepting money de rived from the receivership fees. He was acquitted on all of the specific charges, put was convicted on the final charge of conduct tend ing to bring his court into scandal and d'srepute. This automatically removed him from the Federal bench. ' Under the Constitution, the House of Representatives has the power to impeach any Federal offi cial charged with "high crimes and misdemeanors,” and the Senate has the sole power to try the accused official on the impeachment charges. Only thirteen times in the history of the United States has a public official been impeached, and in only four cases has the impeached offi cial been found guilty by the Sen ate. One Federal Judge, John Flickering, was found guilty in 1804, Judge West H. Humphreys was impeached and convicted in 1862, Judge Robert W. Archibald was found guilty in 1913, and Judge Ritter's conviction makes the fourth. The most famous of all impeach ment trials was that of President Andrew Jackson, who was im peached by the House of Repre sentatives in 1867, but was acquit ted by the Senate. SPECIAL TRIAL COMMITTEE PLAN The vote by which Judge Ritter was convicted was barely the two thirds majority which the Consti tution requires. It was not essen tially a partisan vote. But there is some criticism of the process of im peachment trials arising from the fact that a large proportion of the Senators voting had not heard all of the evidence. It takes a long time to amend the Senate rules, and, of course, im peachment trials are so rare that nothing may come of th- present movement to change the rules so as to permit the examination of the evidence and the witnesses by a special committee, whose findings would then be submitted to the en tire Senate for decision. In the cases of those previously found guilty under impeachment proceedings, the verdict has been accompanied by a prohibition against the guilty official’s ever again holding an office of trust un der the Federal Government. That clause was omitted from the verdict, in Judge Ritter’s case. NEW TAX OUTLOOK The one really vitrl piece of leg islation on which nie Senate will have to act befor' adjournment, the ijew corporation .ererve tax bill, has not yet reached the upper House, j That is not to say, however, that’ the tax problem has not been given! serious consideration by members of! the Senate Finance Committee. j If the program which Senate leaders have in view is carried out, it seems probable that the new tax; law will increase the general cor-! poration income tax to perhaps 18 percent, and touch very lightly up on corporate reserves. The more the question of taxing corporation reserves is stupid, the more difficult it appears to find a rule capable of general application. A rate which might be fair in the case of one corporation might be ruinous to another corporation of equal size. Therefore, the tendency is to go very slowly and apply this! (Continued on page two) The Carolina Watchman |==3 _A NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF ROWAN COUNTY J FOUNDED 1832-104TH YEAR SALISBURY, N. C., FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 1, 1936 ' VOL. 104 NO 40 FrICE 2 CENTS HOEY IS GROWING IN FAVOR Has Complete Confidence Of: Administration ! Says Honesty is More Important To Him Than Being Elected Clyde Hoey has the complete confidence of the Roosevelt admin istration,” declared Angus D. Mc Lean, former United States Assist ant Attorney General, as he intro duced the candidate for Governor to his audience at Washington, N. C., during Mr. Hoey’s second campaign tour into the East. Clyde Hoey is a man of char acter, ability and experience—the sort of man we need as Governor of our State,” continued Mr. Mc Lean, speaking to one of the largest political audiences ever established in Beaufort County. Every seat and every foot of standing room in the courthouse was occupied while around 300 others listened to the speech through loud speakers, rigged up on the lawn outside. "We are not yet out of woods,” Mr. McLean said, "either in North Carolina or the nation. The great problem of agricultural production inj industrial unemployment re main to be solved and both are of great importance to North Carolina with its balance between farming and manufacture. Mr. Hoey lives in a county which has a high place in both ag riculture and industry. It is im portant the the people of the entire State to know that in his county he has the full confident of all those who know him—both the union and non-union workers in the mill as well as the men on the farm.” Mr. McLean’s introduction was one of the high lights of Mr. Hoey’s successful week in the East. He spoke in Columbia, Williamston, Washington, Dilson, Lumberton, and Smithfield and made stops at numerous other towns, where he • greeted his friends and discussed the ' campaign with his local managers. The candidate for the Demo cratic nomination for* Governor continued his frank approach to the problem of the sales tax. "Political promises are one thing, accomplishments are another”, he said. "The man who says he will remove the sales tax in its entirety at this time is making a promise he cannot carry out—unless he is will ing to cripple the schools and put the tax back on land. I am not willing to do that. I realize the unpopularity of the , sales tax. I believe that the time has come to take it off the necessi ties of life. But I cannot promise my support to an effort to repeal it ’ altogether until we have advanced further along the road to recovery. "I am not going to make you any false promises in an effort to get , your vote. I don’t have to be Governor of North Carolina but I , do have to maintain my integrity. "Honesty is more important to , ne than election.” i j W. C. KLUTZ HONORED jj - 1 Chapel Hill.—W. C. Kluttz, of j Salisbury, made the scholastic!! honor roll at the University of ( North Carolina here last quarter, i according to a report just released i by Dr. G. K. G. Henry, Assistant Registrar. ! To make the honor roll a student a must make an average of B (90 to j 95) on all of his courses, and a a total of 3 54 University studentsjc attained that high standard during the past (winter) quarter. t If you have never had ariy fail- a ura* or disappointments, you will t not enjoy fully the thrills of sue- j i cess. Life would be too smooth if 1 it had not rubs in it. j i m A 4COAOH * FORiCTNDfRELLA ~ 6»lie«n M fl Moore’s $800,000 doll house, on '•^national Bfrf' ii tourer the benefit of crippled children,'o#taB~ ^ V •'.tiny' coach to" match. It was presented byB^il boys of the Fisher Body Craftsman's Guild,■gB' :■ whose secretary, William 8. McLean, Is seenRH P| turning It over to the aotreaa.1_Hint ... .'^1 wlL*:--aHKKU •o Kuf-I NAPING—Martin Sehloss-I man, who confessed to com-1 'plicity In tbs'kidnaping of I Paul Wendel, disbarred at-® torney, whose kidnaping® and subsequent false con-jjj fesslon to Lindbergh crime I created a sensation priori to the electrocution of I Bruno Hauptmann. I —4-year-old Joseph Hagen of Jerseyville, III., who was severely burned by two I playmates who readily ad mitted torturing young Hagen with a hot wire, stripping and beating him. Many of the thirty burns Incurred were close to the eyes. TWO PIECE j —One of the season’s Hf smartest, is worn by Phyl-1|| lis Brooks, young picture star. The skirt and ascot & scarf are of red linen dot- B ted with white “bull’s ■ eyes.” The shirtwaists blouse is made of heavy 'l white linen. Red leather Is used to pipe and buckle the white leather belt _ r \* — FRANK WALKER, notedj l$ij golf authority, now on ex-|| \ hibition tour, sets the|§ 1 stage for his spectacularp k Golden Wedding “High' A Ball” shot, in which he II drives four balls in rapid W succession off the narrow I neck of the bottle which gave the famous trick shot its name. MINE—Scene of the disas ter which entombed three men in a gold mine in Moose River, N. S., during an inspection tour on Eas ter Sunday. Farmers May Repossess Cotton Held In Loans Farmers who obtained govern ■nent loans on their 1934-3 5 cotton ire now given opportunity to re josses and sell it at their pleasure. County agents have been supplied ivith forms on which farmers may *et back their cotton now held by :he government as security for oans, said J. F. Criswell, of State College. „ Cotton on which 12-cent loans vere made may be obtained for 2 5 Joints less than the average price jf 7-8 inch middling cotton on the 10 spot markets of the country for :he preceding market day. Cotton on which 11-cent loans vere made can be bought back for 125 points less than the average narket price on the preceding day. Flowever, Criswell stated, no 12 :ent-loan cotton will be released or less than 11.25 cents a pound, nd none of the 11-cent-loan cot on will be released for less than 0.25 cents a pound. In this way, he said, the govern nent is giving the farmers opport inity to get back their cotton and narket it at a profit through the egular channels of trade. They may sell it in any way hey see fit, but it will be to their dvantage to sell it where they will et the full market price, including 11 premiums which their particular otton should bring. Instructions for repossessing cot on held by the government are irinted on the back of the forms, nd will be explained to the grow rs by their county agents, who vill -supply them with fora* and ielp them in any way necessary, goto She "Showed ’Em” i COLUMBIA, Mo. . . . She is ; an exquisite blonde. She is an Arts and Science student at the University of Missouri. Her name is Miss Louise Carroll . . . and they’ve crowned her the Tiger’s most beautiful co-ed DR. GAITHER CAUBLE GOES TO CONVENTION Dr. Gaither Cauble, popular Chiropractor of this city will at tend the State Convention of the N. C. Chiropractor’s Association which convenes at Albemarle, N. C., on May 6 and 7. Dr. Cauble will be back to resume his work here Friday May 8 th. LIKE A MULES Nick: "My car has a 100 mule power motor in it.” George: "You mean 100 horse power, don’t you.” Nick: "No, don’t. It always balks just when I’m in the biggest harry.” GOOD MORNING DEFINITION OF A PICNIC "Can you define a picnic?” "A picnic is a day set aside to get better acquainted with ants, bugs, j worms, mosquitos, chiggers, sand ] flies and poison ivy.” CONCRETE EVIDENCE There goes another married man,” said the girl at the candy counter. "What makes you think so?” asked the next customer in line. "He used to buy a two-pound box of candy once a week and now he buys a one-pound box twice a year.” Head Clerk: "I am very sorry to hear of your partner’s death. Would you like me to take his place?” Manager: "Very much, if you can get the undertaker to arrange it.” He: Did anyone remark on the' way you handled your new car? She: One man made a brief re 'mark. He: What was it? She: Five dollars and costs. Lawyer: I must know the whole truth before I can successfully de fend you. Have you told me everythiny? Prisoner: Except where I hid the money. I want that for myself. A young lady who had never | seen a game of baseball attended, one with her escort. "Isn’t that pitcher grand?” she said. "He hits their bats no mat ' ter how they hold them.” Five Meals Are Recommended Yale Professor Declares Efficiency Increased 10 Per Cent Kansas City—Increase your ef ficiency by eating five meals ; day» suggests Dr. Howard W. Hag gard, Yale professor of appliec psychology who supports his sug gestions with proof from three years of experimentation. Europeans understand the value of multiple meals and only in Am erica and in the Orient are three meals or less the custom he points out. Haggard recently outlined the experiments from which he drew his conclusions. Among them was an experiment in which 317 girl employes of a shoe factory were tested by the applied psychology laborator at Yale . Efficiency lags during mid morning and mid-afternoon had been noted and it was deduced that the body was burning less fuel during the slack periods. Those girls who went to work at 8 a. m., were given a mid morning meal of bananas and milk at 10:30. They ate their regulai lunches at noon and at 3:30 agair received bananas and milk. This diet promptly ended th< mid-morning and mid-afternoor lags in efficiency, experimenter: found. Final results showed a 1C per cent increase in efficiency. Bananas were chosen because of their sugar content and because with their natural covering, the workers could eat them most con veniently. "The objection has been raised that five meals a day constitute overeating and overloads the stomach,” Haggard said. "But the fact is that the workers consumed no more food in five meals than they did ordinarily in three. It is not the frequency of eating which overloads the stomach. Patients with weak stomachs because of gastric ailments are sometimes fed every two hours. New Buildings Will Be Erected On Campus (From The Pioneer) A committee of the faculty com posed of Dr. Bruce A. Wentz, who is chairman, Dr. Raymond Jenkins, Dr. W. Augusta Lantz, Professor William G. Cleaver and Miss Vir ginia Foil has been formed to draw up a plan for future development of the campus, to be submitted to a similar committee of the Trustees. When the two committees agree on a plan, it is to be presented to the Board of Trustees for adoption. This committee will study the pro per location of the various college buildings which will have to be constructed in the next twenty-five to forty years. Plans are being drawn up by Charles F. Knott of Durham, North Carolina for the construc tion of two faculty homes on the Student Creates Organ With Junk-Heap Material Princeton, N. J.—The University ( of Princeton chapel organ has a ri-j val because John J. Osborn, a freshman, of Garrison-on-Hudson,1 N. Y., knows how to hitch up a vacuum cleaner, a bottle of salt waiter, some electric bulbs, and a few odds and ends. Osborn, noted on the camjnis for his inventions of devices that close dormitory windows on cold morn-] ings, and fill a glass with water j and serve it at the bedside, doesn’t /K / Survey Being Made Of Need For Eastern Unit In State Funds Will Be Allotted If Federal Board Approves KERR BACKING PLAN WASHINGTON, April 29.— Representative John H. Kerr of the second North Carolina district was informed by Veteran’s Adminis trator Frank T. Hines today that a survey is being made of the possi bility of building a veterans’ hos pital in eastern North Carolina, and that a hearing will be called soon by the Federal hospitalization board. The North Carolinians showed that 50 per cent of the 95,108 vet erans in the State have no hospital facilities acessible. The average dis tance from the eastern seaboard to Oteen hospital near Asheville, is j from 300 to 400 miles, it is set out. Oteen hospital is largely for S tuberculosis cases and is so far from the bulk of the veteran pop ulation that emergency cases suffer. The Tar Heels are seeking a hospi tal at a centrally located site east ■ of Raleigh. MAY ALLOT FUNDS, j If the Federal board approves, a (portion of the $21,500,000 author ized by the President for veterans’ . hospitals will be allotted^ or an appropriation will be asked, j North Carolina, with a popula tion of 3,170,276 and 95,108 vet 'erans, has only one veterans’ hospi , tal. Virginia, having a veteran pop ulation of 78,65 5, has two units. Tennessee, which has 78,496 vete rans, has two units. The only other accessible unit aside from Oteen is at Columbia, S. C., which serves South Carolina’s 52,162 vet erans. j HOSPITALS TOO FAR. j The advocates of the new hospi tal declare that veterans needing attention have not enough money for transportation to hospitals. The delegation has prepared a map to show that east of Mecklen burg, Iredell, Davie, Yadkin and Surry counties there is a population cf 2,148,272, of whom 64,463 are war veterans. NOTE HOLDING ——— Music Lover: "That tenor has a wonderful voice; he can hold one of his notes for half a minute.” Banker: "That’s nothing. I’ve held one of his notes for two years.” south side of Summit Avenue and West Innes Street, opposite the Newton Apartment and the home of Dr. Allen K. Faust. These homes will by occupied by Dr. Raymond Jenkins and Dr. David E. Fkust. They will be one and a half story buildings; each will con tain seven rooms and be equipped with all modern conveniences. They will be built during the summer and will be ready for occupancy next fall. The second floor of the faculty apartment will be used as a girls’ dormitory. explain in detail jilst how he made his organ. He said he paid $8 for an old fashioned pedal organ, grew tired of pedalling and listening to its feeble and equeaky tones, and de cided to build a modern instrument. First he obtained a vacuum cleaner, then an automobile radiator hose. He rigged up a switch, improvised a rheostat from the bottle of salt water and some wires and then per fected a tone regulator from a heat er ctJil and the riectric bulbs.

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