-- - Health and Beauty Control by Dr. Gaither Cauble CHIROPRACTOR P Graduate Nurse Attendant 204 Wright Bldg. Phone 347 . . ■ v QUESTION: ! What would you consider the most common cause of headache and what is the most effective method of treating headaches? Mrs. M. H. Answer: There are so manyj causes of headache, it might be best to generalize a little in this re gard. It is usually a symptom of trouble somewhere else in the body, and if one could find it possible to be grateful for such discomfort, one should thank nature for giving this warning of trouble existing or threatening elsewhere, and lose no time in finding out the real cause, especially if the headache is of fre quent occurrence. Often there are no other symptoms of illness in some other part of the body except the charge signal of the headache. Of course there are various types of headache, but as you have par ticularly asked about the most com mon cause, we might say it is the stomach—some upset condition of the digestive system. Frequently, however, this digestive disturbance has its root in trouble in other parts, as we have said, and the logi cal treatment is the first trace the whole thing this condition, which the Chiropractor does. 1 Anotner common cause or neaci ache is eye trouble, and is attributed to eye strain by optometrists. The Chiropractor has found it due to nerve or spinal cord tension in the back of the neck, and this can be treated best by correcting the con dition existing in the neck. There is also as you know, the! headache which effects one at the base of the skull. This is most fre-: quently found in women suffering from genitourinary illness. I A headache in the temple is usu-1 ally found in connection with liver complaints, and a headache in the. top of the head is usually traceable to kidney trouble. So you see there( are many causes of headache which might be termed common causes,1 and always the best way to treat| these headaches is to trace them tol their origin, and correct the cause.1 Therefore, to best treat a head ache, no matter of what variety it may be, it is necessary to first make an accurate diagnosis of the under lying causative illness, then correct the cause. Under Chiropractic corrective' treatment statistical reports from 41 Chiropractors show that re coveries from headache are 89 per Get Rid of Poisons ‘ Produced by Constipation A cleansing laxative—purely vege table Black-Draught—Is the first thought of thousands of men and women who have found that by re itoring the downward movement of the bowels many disagreeable symp toms of constipation promptly can be relieved. . . Mr. J. p. Mahaffey, Df Clinton, S. C., writes: “I have found that Black-Draught is very effective in the cleansing of the sys tem. When affected by the dull headache, the drowsiness and lassi tude caused by constipation, I take Black-Draught.” «*.y table tive cent. ELIMINATION. Bodily elimina tion is the necessary process of dis posal of the wastes which the body can no longer use. These wares putrefy and decompose if retained in the body too long. The result is disastrous to health. Therefore, elimination must be both prompt and regular. , This elimination is accomplished through four channels; the pores, the lungs, the kidneys and the bowels. If the foregoing sugestions as to exercise, fresh air, and water are followed there will be little difficulty with elimination through the first three channels. Bowel elimination requires special atten tion. Bowel elimination should occur at least twice daily, and it is advisable not to leave this to chance, but to establish a habit of regular hours for this purpose. Just before re tiring and right after breakfast might be suggested, though two other regular hours would serve as well. Water and exercise are im portant in aiding bowel elimination; also a wise choice of foods. Much that follows, under the head of diet, is for the purpose of achiev ing natural elimination. Route 1 News Miss Mavis Powlas was the guest of Miss Mary Helen Kerfees the 22nd. Miss Helen Bost visited Miss Helen Rcie the 26th. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Myers vis ited Mr. and Mrs J. Powlas the 26 th. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Myers and children visited Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Benson of Salisbury the 26th. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Fink and children visited relatives in Cabar rus county the 26th. Mrs. Carl Deal has been sick. Miss Carter, a sister, is spending some time with her. M. L. Bost recently sold some gum blocks in Cleveland. A number of farmers are hav ing cotton seed recleaned at J. R. Barnes at Cleveland and planting is rapidly going on. Mrs. T. Goodman, who has been a patient at Long’s hospital, States ville, has returned to her home near Woodleaf and is improving satis factorily. BEAUTIFUL COLOR PICTURES Pictures of noted Hollywood, beauties, photographs of national and international persons, all re produced in beautiful NATURAL COLOR, are featured every Sunday in the BALTIMORE AMERICAN, the South’s most widely read week ly newspaper. MORE DETECTIVE STORIES Exciting details of the adventures ol the French detective Police are found in the vivid accounts of a former associate of the great Ber tillon, master mind. Read Thgpq stories in the American WeeRfjV the big magazine published evety Sundaly with the BALTIMORE AMERICAN. On sale by all news dealers. Spring Sale $25 to $50 ’3 5 DODGE SEDAN ’35 PLYMOUTH SEDAN ’Is c£wrSS^HCKUP 3 5 FORD SEDAN ’28 OLDSMOBILE COUPE ’34 PLYMOUTH COACH ’27 PONTIAC COACH ’33 PLYMOUTH COACH ’29 WHIPPET COACH | ’32 CHEVROLET COUPE ’27 DODGE SEDAN ’31 CHEVROLET COUPE -— ’31 FORD COUPE USED TRUCKS ’29 CHEVROLET COUPE PICKUP ,,0 FORn COACH 32^CHEVROLET PICKUP 5 0 fURU LUAtn ,28 CHEVROLET PICKUP ’29 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN ’JO FORD 1 1-2 TON McCANLESS MOTOR COMPANY KANNAPOLIS AND SALISBURY I Summer Sport Sait... Spectator or Active 11 '! NEW YORK ... Here is a front and back view of a summer jacketed ! sport suit which bids to be popular this season. The dress was designed jby Gladys Parker, illustrator and worn by Mrs. Alfred Wagstaff 3d. The ! material is Silsutta, a Mount Airy cloth. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION For the next ten days I am go ing to give a complete physical ex amination to each patient that comes in my office. Absolutely without cost for examination. DR. GAITHER CAUBLE, Chiropractor. Registered nurse attendant, 204 Professional Build ing, Phone 347. Office hours: 9—12 a. m 1—5 p. m. Evenings by appointment. PLAY BLOTTO—WIN PRIZES Blotto is the game that is fasci nating thousands. You can play it and win weekly cash prizes of fered by the BALTIMORE SUN DAY AMERICAN. Read all the details in the BALTIMORE AM ERICAN. ___l Nervous, Weak Woman Soon Ail Right “I had regular shaking spells from nervousness," writes Mrs. Cora San ders, of Paragould, Ark. "I was all run-down and cramped at my time until I would have to go to bed. After my first bottle of Cardul, I was bet ter. I kept taking Cardul and soon 1 was all right The shaking quit and I did not cramp. I felt worlds better. I gave Cardul to my daugh ter who was in about the same con dition and she was soon all right” Thousands of women testify Cardul bene fited thet If It does not benefit YOU, oonsult a ohyslclan. LEGAL NOTICES -: ______ i i NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL j ESTATE !STATE of NORTH CAROLINA: COUNTY OF ROWAN: Under and by virtue of the pow er and authority contained in that certain deed of trust executed by C. C. Beck, to the undersigned trus tee ,which said deed of trust is dated the first day of November, 1933, and recorded in Book i24, page 25 3, of the Rowan County Registry, de fault having been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness thereby secured and in the conditions there in secured, the undersigned trustee, will on Monday May 25, 1936, on or about twelve o’clock Noon, at the courthouse door at Salisbury, North Carolina, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash the fol lowing described property: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and be-1 ing in Providence Township, Rowan County, State of North Carolina, about six miles northeast from Salis bury, on the North side of the pub lic road, and being more particu larly described as follows: Beginning at a stake in the pub lic road, corner of Lot No. 10; thence with the line of Lot No. 10, North 23-J4 degrees West 1126 Jfigfcto a stake, corner of Lot No. T5 lirje. of the Tallassee Power compjiyiappperty; thence with the BflB^Bpj^|j||^Edlassee Power minutes West 400T35RK^stake,\ corner to Lot No. 8; John Mahaley’s corner; thence with John Mahaley’s line South 23-54 degrees East 1150 feet, more or less to a stake in the center of the public road , John Mahaley’s corner; thence with the center of the public road in a northeasterly direction 400 feet, more or less, to the beginning, con taining ten and seven-tenths (10.7) acres more or less, same being Lot No. 9 by map of the C. H. Kluttz property surveed b N. A. Trexler, October 4, 1930. Terms of sale cash and trustee will require deposit of 10% of the amount of the bid as evidence of good faith. This the twenty-fourth of April 1936. C. E. FLEMING, Trustee. M-l-22. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE NORTH CAROLINA: ROWAN COUNTY: Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in that certain deed of trust executed by R. F. Thomas and wife, Carrie Thomas, to the undersigned trustee, which said deed of trust is'dated the fourth day of August, 1934, and recorded in Book 125, Page 187, of the Rowan County Registry, de fault having been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness thereby secured and in the conditions there in secured, the undersigned trustee, will on Monday, May 25, 1936, at or about twelve o’clock Noon, at the courthouse door at Salisbury, North Carolina, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash the fc.lowing described property: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and be ing in Salisbury Township. Rowan County, State of North Carolina, and being one eight-room house and six lots in the town of Spencer, bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake, the south east intersection of Whitehead Avenue and Second Street, corner to Lot No. 5 in Block 6; thence in an easterly direction with Whitehead Avenue 300 feet to a stake, the southwest intersection of White lead Avenue and First Street, corner eo Lot No. One; thence with First street in a southerly direction 239 feet to a stake, intersection of First street and Hudson Avenue, corner to Lot No. Four; thence with Hud son Avenue in a westerly direction 145 feet to a stake on the east edge >f an alley; thence with the east side sf alley in a northerly direction 120 feet to a stake, corner to los Nos. Two and Three; thence in a west erly direction 15 5 feet to a stake on the east side of Second Street, comer to Lots Nos. 6 and 7; thence in a northerly direction 112 feet to I I the beginning, same being Lots Nos. 1, 2, 3,-4, 5 and 6, in Block 6, as >hown on the map of Oakland Park, Spencer, N. C., said map being filed in the Register’s office of Rowan County in Book of Maps, Page 72. Terms of sale cash and trustee will require deposit of 10% of the amount of the bid as his evidence of good faith. This the twenty-fourth day of April, 1936. C. E. FLEMING, Trustee. M 1-22. _ RE-SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY Under and by virtue of an order of B. D. McCubbins, clerk of the Superior Court of Rowan County, made in Special Proceeding entitled Julia Long vs. Robert Long, et al., the same being No. 880 upon the Special Proceeding Docket of said Court, the undersigned Commiss ioner will, on the 11th day of May, 1936, at 12 o’clock, Noon, at the Courthouse door in Salisbury, N. C., offer for re-sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following de scribed real estate, to-wif Lying in China Grove Township, Rowan County, N. C., just south of Town of Landis, on and near State Ffighway No. 15, adjoning the lands of Deal and Corriher, J. W. A. Wedington and others: BEGINNING at a stake on Deal and Corriher’s line; thence N. 88 deg. W. 10.41 chs. to « stake on Deal and Corriher’s line; thence with said line N. 1 deg. E. 2.93 chs. to a stake on said line; thence S. 88 deg. E. 10.41 chs. to a stake on Deal and Corriher’s line; thence S. 1 deg. W. 2.93 chs. with said line to the beginning, containing three (3) acres, more or less, and being the same tract of land described in deed from J. V. Sumner and wife to Robert Long, Cephas Long and Mrs. Julia Long, dated Oct. 15, 1919, and registered in Register’s Office in Rowan County in Book of Deeds No. 15 6, I page 268. I There is excepted from the above j described tract of land 6/10 of an acre which has been cut off there from and conveyed by Robert . Long and wife Julia Long to Ce tphas Long, which tract of land is j described in deed registered in jBook of Deeds No. 156, page 268, i Register’s Office of Rowan Coun i*7 The above described property is sold subject to any mortgages or liens that might be outstanding against the property, except taxes. Bidding will begin at $892.50. Terms of sale: Cash. This 21st day of April, 1396. T. K. CARLTON, COMMISSIONER. May 2-9 ! NOTICE OF SALE OF VALU ABLE REAL ESTATE I Under and by virtue of the pow |er and authority contained in that ' certain mortgage deed of trust exe cuted by George G. Musgrave, (Widower), to E. H. Harrison as trustee, on the 1st day of Decem ber, 1931, which said deed of trust is recorded in Book of Mortgages 120, at page 58, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Rowan County, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness therein secured, and at the request of the holder of the note therein secured, the undersigned, E. H. Harrison will expose for sale, at public Auction, for cash at the court house door in Salisbury, North Carolina, on Saturday, May 3 0, 193 6, at the hour of 12 M. the following real estate: BEGINNING at a stake in the margin of Link Avenue One Hun dred feet Southeast from the East corner of Link Avenue and Cedar Streets and runs thence in a North easterly direction parallel with Cedar Street Two Hundred feet to a stake; thence in a Southeasterly direction Fifty feet to a stake; thence in a Southwesterly direction Two Hundred feet to a stake in the margin of Link Avenue; thence with the margin of Link Avenue in a Northwesterly direction Fifty feet to the point of BEGINNING. On the above described premises, at this time, is located a four room frame dwelling house. This the 29th day of April, 1936. W. C. Coughenour, Attorney E. H. Harrison, Trustee May 8-15-22-29 NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of authority conferred in me by a certain Mort gage Deed of Trust executed by Salisbury Realty and Insurr nee Company, a corporation, to C. Au brey Smoot, dated the 5 th day of May, 1933, and recorded in Book 124 of Mortgages at page 122, Of fice of Register of Deeds for Rowan County, North Carolina, I will„ at 12 o’clock m., on tlae 1st day o£ June, 1936, at the courthowse door in Rowan County, in Salis I bury, North Carolina, sell at public; auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, the following lands, to-wit:; Lying and being in Salisbury Township, Rowan County andj State of North Carolina, and more! particularly described and defined] as follows, to-wit: i Beginning at a stake on the^ Northeast side of D. Avenue, inter-' section of Third Street and runs] thence with said Avenue Northwest 310 feet to a stake, intersection of i Fourth Street; thence with the edgej of Fourth Street Northeast 400 feet to a stake, intersection of C Avenue, thence with the edge of C Avenue Southeast 310 feet to a stake, the intersection of Third Street; thence with the edge of Third Street Southwest 400 feet to he beginning, being Lot Numbered 1 (one) to 16 (sixteen) inclusive in Block 22 as shown upon the map of the R. A. Wheeler property as filed in Book of Maps No. 1, page 92 in the office of the Register of Deeds for Rowan County, North Carolina. For back title see deed Book 216, page 5 32 and Book of Mortgages 95, page 337, in said of fice. This sale is made on account of default in the payment of the in debtedness secured by the said Mortgage Deed of Trust, and is subject to all taxes due. TThis the 23 rd day of April, 1936. C. AUBREY SMOOT, Trustee. B. C. Brock, Attorney. Mocksville, N. C. May 1—29. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administra tor of the estate of Will Smith, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said decedent to file an itemized, verified statement of same with the undersigned on or before the 27th day of March 1937, or this notice w'll be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Persons indebted to said estate are notified to make prompt settlement. This March 24th, 1936. DR. FRANK W. KIRK, Adminis trator of the Estate of Will Smith, Civilly dead. H. L. Mangum, Atty. A-10-M1J NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE NORTH CAROLINA: ROWAN COUNTY: ; Under and by virtue of the power ‘and authority contained in that cer i tain deed of trust executed by E. B. McDaniel and wife, Ora McDaniel, to the undersigned trustee, which said deed of trust is dated the twenty-eighth day of July, 1930, and recorded in Book 116, Page 126, of the Rowan County Regis try, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and in the condi tions therein secured, the under signed trustee, will on Monday, May 11, 1936, at or about twelve o’clock Noon, at the Courthouse door at Salisbury, North Carolina, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash the following de scribed property: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and be ing in Steele Township, Rowan County, State of North Carolina, and more particularly described and' defined as follows: Beginning at an iron staxe, j. Foutz and J. Y. Rex’s corner, and runs thence with J. Y. Rex’s and C. C. Rex’s line North 5 degrees East crossing the Sherill’s Ford Road 3788 feet to an ash, G. C. i Rex’s corner on A. Broadway’s j line; thence with A. Broadway’s; line North 86 degrees west 2185 feet to a stake in Second Creek, E. R. Overman’s corner; thence with E. R. Overman’s line South 4 de grees West 360 feet to a stake; thence Sounh 89 degrees East 1013 feet to a stone; South l/z degree West 522 feet to a stone, Over man’s corner on J. C. Foutz line; thence with J. C. Foutz line North 89 degrees East 970 feet to the be ginning, contaning 172 acres, more or less, and being the same property as conveyed to George Fink by N. ; M. Dobbin and wife M. E. Dobbin, by deed dated March 20, 1909, and 1 registered in Book of Deeds 119, ; page 316; also see deed from Greensboro Joint Stock Land Bank to E. B. McDaniel, dated July 28, ' 1930. Terms of sale cash and trustee 1 will require deposit of 10% of the ; amount of the bid as his evidence of good faith. This the tenth day of April, 1936 i C. E. FLEMING, Trustee. A-17-M-8 _ - - - 1 NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE FARM L/iMD i Pursuant to the powers contained in a certain mortgage executed by J. L. Partee and wife Octie Partee to W. M. Deal, dated the 26th day jf March, 1931, which is duly re corded in the office of the Register jf Deeds of Rowan County. N. C.. in Book of Mortgages 117, at page 160, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness therein secured, the undersigned Mortgagee will expose for sale at public auction for cash at the court house door in the city of Salisbury, N. C., on SATURDAY, MAY 16, 1936 AT 12 O’CLOCK NOON the following described real estate: Situated in Atwell Township about 14 miles from Salisbury, N. C. BEGINNING at an iron stage W. B. Leazer’s corner, on Corriher’s line; thence N. 74 deb. W. 14.63 chains to an iron stake, Corriher’s corner; thence S % deg. W. 24.b 5 chains to an iron stake, Ed Deal’s corner on Corriher’s line; thence S. 74 deg. East 6.54 chains to a stake, W. B. Leazer’s corner on Ed Deal’s line; thence N. 20% E. 23.52 chains to the beginning containing 27 and 9-10 acres more or less, be ing a part of land by deed from Edwin L. Deal to W. M. Deal re corded in Book 166 at page 191 in Register of Deeds office. Rowan County. N. C. This description is a part of land by deed from J. Lee Shulenberger to W. E. Deal. Terms of Sale—CASH Dated this April 15, 1936. W. M. DEAL, Mortgagee. Woodson & Woodson, Attorneys. A-17-M-15 NORTH CAROLINA, ROWAN COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK Gertrude Poole Eller, Administra trix of A. M. Eller —vs— Gertrude Poole Eller, widow, Jetta Mae Crook and husband, Lloyd Crook, Lester Eller, Vertie Peeler and husband, Clyde Peele, Loy Eller, Ora Agner and husband, Ar thur Agner, Blanche Trexler and husband, Morris Trexler, Florence Eller, Reid Eller and Ruby Eller, heirs of A. M. Eller, deceased, and Loy Eller, Guardian ad litem for Blanche Trexler, Florence Eller, Reid Eller and Ruby Eller. NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to an order of the Clerk of Superior Court of Rowan Coun ty in the above entitled special pro ceeding, the undersigned Commis sioner will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at the Courthouse door, in Salisbury, said State and County, at twelve o’clock noon, on the 12 th day of May, 1936, the following described real estate: Beginning at a pine knot in the Ferry Road, David Eller’s corner; thence with said road West 23 rods to a stone in said road; thence South 21 % rods to a stone; thence East 21 rods to a stone; thence North 21 % rods to the beginning, contain ing three acres, more or less. Re corded in Book 109, page 506, Reg ister of Deeds Office, Rowan Coun ty. The above described real estate will be sold subject to a mortgage indebtedness thereon of approxi mately $600.00 and subject further to the dower therein of Gertrude Poole Eller, Widow, and subject further to the taxes which have ac crued thereon. A plat showing the widow’s dower and description of the property may be seen at the of fice of the undersigned Commis sioner. This 9th day of April, 1936. CLYDE E. GOOCH, Commissioner. Chas. L. Coggin, Attorney. A.-17-M-8. N<JK 1 ri UAKULiN A, [IOWAN COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT [n Re: The Estate of Will Smith NOTICE TO WILL SMITH: WHEREAS, information has seen presented to the Superior 2ourt to the effect that you have lot been heard from for a period of nore than 7 years and that your vhereabouts are unknown and that rou are said to be civilly dead, and vhereas it appears that you are en :itled to the proceeds of a life in ;urance policy of the American National Life Insurance Co., of Salveston, Texas, and whereas the ippointment of an Administrator :or your estate is sought. These therefore, are to notify rou and require that you appear lefore the Clerk of Superior Court >f Rowan County within 30 days if ter the completion of this notice; :o wit: not later than 30 days from he 20th day of April, 1936, and dentify yourself and answer and :ake notice that if you fail so to do >_ vithin the time above described, notion will be made before the un lersigned to the effect that you be laclared civilly dead, and an Ad ninistrator appointed for your es :at'e. B. D. McCUBBINS, Clerk ** Superior Court. V-24-M-1J.

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