The Carolina Watchman G=S ________A NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF ROWAN COUNTY FOUNDED 1832—104TH YEAR SALISBURY, N. C., FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 3, 1936 VOL. 104NO. 49 PRICE 2 CENTS Washington, D. C.—With the nominating conventions of the major parties over and the work of the 74th Congress finished, Wash ington is settling down to the seri ous business of Presidential politics. Those whio are trying to dope out what will happen next November find, on surveying the political scene, a considerable amount of wreckage and a number of new factors, the importance and effect of which cannot at this time be accurately estimated. The session of Congress ended with a victory for the President in the new tax bill. The Senate had rejected the principle he advocated of taxing undistributed corporation reserves, but administration pres sure on the lower House resulted in a threatened deadlock, in the' face iof which the Senate yielded. An entirely new principle of taxation has been placed on the statute books and business is disturbed over its possible connequences. The one certain thing about the new tax law at this time is that it makes it more difficult for corporations to conserve their resources against fu ture depressions. Just before it quit, Congress gave the President another billion and a half dollars for relief. This will carry on relief work on the present scale until about February, so one of the first jobs of the new Con gress, which will convene on Janu ary 3, will be to do something quick about Federal relief. SOME MEASURES PERISHED Many legislative measures, which important pressure groups regarded as of vital importance, died in the last-minute rush to adjourn. It must be remembered, however, that while bills die, the pressure blocs still live, and their efforts will be renewed in the next Conress. The substitute Guffey coal bill, the Administration’s food and drugs bill, and Senator Wagner’s Federal housing bill were among the cas ualties. The anti-price-discrimina f\ tion law aimed at chain stores, as finally enacted, is not regarded as, likely to have any"serious effect ex-j cept that it puts added powers into the hands of the Federal Trade Commission to regulate business. The ship subsidy bill, passed in the closing hours, is designed to build up the American merchant mariens by direct subsidies instead of subterfuge payments for carry ing mail. Under this act it may be possible for America at last to put a ship or two on the seas which will rival the great European liners. One really important bill which fell short of enactment was the measure designed to put all post masters under Civil Service regula tions. It was fought by Republi cans on the ground that it would keep thousands of politically ap pointed Democratic postmasters in loffice for life, and labor opposition gave many Democrats an excuse for voting against it. THIRD PARTY THREAT Political experts are not yet in agreement as to the effect on the election of the formation of the new Union Party, headed by Repre sentative William Lemke of North Dakota as its presidential candidate and Thomas C. O’Brien of Boston for vice-president. There is a strong feeling that this new third party movement is to be taken seri ously. It has the support of Father Coughlin, the Detroit "Radio Priest,” and of Dr. F. E. Town send, founder of the old-age revolv ing pension plan. Mr. Lemke has been the leader of the agrarian in flationist bloc in Congress, and is the co-sponsor of the Frazier Lemke farm mortgage bill. Nobody can determine yet what the ultimate effect on the election will be of the walk-out headed by former Gov. Alfred E. Smith. Mr. Smith, with Bainbridge Colby, former Senator James A. Reed, former Gov. Joseph B. Ely of Mas sachusetts, and Daniel B. Cohalan, one of the most powerful figures in Tammany Hall, signed a com munication to the Democratic Na tional Convention denouncing Mr. Roosevelt as not being a true De mocrat. While some such action was not unexpected on the part of Gov. Smith, it is still a question how far conservative Democrats of the old school will follow this lead ership. CAMPAIGN OUTLOOK l The promise of the Republican, leaders to conduct an aggressive (Continued on page Four) t __ S-f McDonald 4ses Many Friends By Lowbrow Tactics Eighty'Five Counties Will Go For Hoey "'Majority Placed At 100,000 Rowan To Give Hoey Huge Lead Based on reports gathered from all sections of the State this week, Clyde R. Hoey will receive the Democratic nomination for Gov ernor Saturday by a huge majority over his opponent Ralph W. Mc Donald. These reports indicate: (1) That Hoey’s majority will approximate 100,000. (2) That Noey will carry 85 counties in the state. (3) That (Hoey will receive at least 7J per cent of the Graham vote. (4) That Rowan County will go go for Hoey much stronger than « did m the first primary, giving jHoey severa1 thousand majority. I luvi^viwia - —-Jms reacted unfavorably and he has lost many of bis most ardent supporters in the first primary, in ceding several daily newspapers. Desperate, because he trailed in che first primary, and realizing that the odds are stacked mountain high against him, he has lost thou sands of friends because of his ab surd and untrue attacks on the character of Clyde R. Hoey, his opponent. ENEMIES SPREADING LIEg, HOEY SAYS Wilmington.—"Faced with de feat by a people who have become disgusted with his gutter tactics, Ralph McDonald’s henchmen are now resorting to all manner of falsehoods in their final, frantic ef forts to save their man,” declared Clyde R. Hoey, leading candidate for the Democratic nomination for Governor, in an address here Wed nesday night. Hoey referred especially to a letter which he said had been sent McDonald’s local managers to be used in an effort "to poison the minds of the people.” The letter stated that he had de livered an address to the Memphis, Tenn., Fair Tax association on Jan uary 12, 1934, and quoted him as making "preposterous tax and li quor proposals” for North Caro lina. It was signed "Fair Tax League of North Carolina.” "In the first nlace ” said Hnev. "there is no such league as far as anybody ever heard of. Of course, what McDonald’s henchmen were trying to do was to fool the people into believing that the letter was signed by the Fair Tax association. In the second place, I never made a speech in Memphis in my life and haven’t been there for 1^ years. And, finally, I never made any such idiotic proposals in my life, "Now, McDonald and his cam paign leaders know that. Yet they either send out such falsehoods or allow them to be sent out with the deliberate purpose of deceiving the people. That is the kind of cam paign they are waging. "North Carolina can thank God that the people of our State found him out in time.” RUBBISH UP, BUSINESS TOO Port Clinton, O.—Business must be heavier since rubbish is, reason ed Martin Cartstensen, street com missioner, as he reflected that pick ups now exceed any in his memory. 21 Dead In Texas Flood Tiny Creek Wrecks Train And Houses 14-Inch Rain Falls Over night in Some Areas— Property Loss Above One Million Dollars. Hundreds of Head of Cattle Drowned. San Antonio, Texas. July 1.— Collapsing houses and wrecking a freight train in a 200-mile strip, a south Texas flood caused a mount ing detaith toll listed at 21 tonight. At least 14 persons were missing. Damage to cotton and corn crops was tremendous, growers re ported. Hundreds of cattle per ished. The rise of normally placid streams after two days of heavy rains was so swift that many fam ilies were trapped in their homes. The flood damage was particularly! severe in the area about San Marcos,! between Austin and San Antonio and to •’he south. Men, women and children per ished in some cases after clinging as long as they could to the wreck age of houses being swept away. Others were rescued from treetops. FAMILY REJOICES AT MAN’S "RETURN TO LIFE” Culpepper, Va.—The family of Reginald B. Gilbert, thought dead, rejoiced at his "return to life.” The world war veteran, the son of J. C. Gilbert, was believed by his family to have died in the Florida hurricane which swept through a CCC veterans camp on the Florida keys last fall. He came home this past week end. The veteran said he was injured in the storm and had been treated in several hospitals since that time. He said he had n£ idea he was counted as dead. And Now the Shooting Begins j n_- " ! WASHINGTON , . . Here are the political field generals who now swing into action, ordering advances on all fronts to win the 1936 Presidential election. ... On the left is John D. M. Hamilton, chairman of the Republican National Committee and right, James J. Farley, chairman of the Democratic National Committee. Their preliminary skirmishes, following Hamilton’s assuming control for Landon and Knox were followed closely and with interest by political observers. Record Of Elections And Primaries Here is a record of the most im portant contests, in elections and Democratic primaries in North Carolina, in the last eight years: 1928 Election President: (Hoover- 348,923 Smith _ 286,227 Governor: Gardner __ 362,009 Seawell _ 289,415 1930 Democratic Primary U. S. Senator: Bailey_ 200,242 Simmons_ 129,875 1930 Election BaiJiey _ 324,393 Pritchard _210,761 1932 Democratic Primaries First Primary, U. S. Senator: Reynolds _ 156,548 Morrison _ 143,179 Bowie_ 37,748 Grist- 31,010 First Primary, Governor: Ehringhaa* _ 162,498 FounAin_115,127 Maxwell--- 102,032 Second Primary, .U. S. Senator: Reynolds _; 227,864 Morrison _ 120,428 Second Primary, Governor: Ehringhaus- 182,05 5 Fountain _ 168,971 1932 Election President: Roosevelt - 497,566 Hoover- 208,344 U. S. Senator: Reyonlds_ 484,048 Newell _ 221,534 Governor: Ehringhaus _ 497,657 Frazier _ 212,561 1933 Repeal Referendum 18th (Prohibition) Amendment For Reapeul - 120,190 Against repeal- 293,484 193 6 First Democratic Primary U. S. Senator: Bailey _ 247,365 Fountain _ 184,197 Griffin _ 26,171 Strain_ 13,281 Governor: Boey_ 193,972 McDonald- 189,504 Graham_ 126,782 McRae _, 6,606 Lieu tenant-Governor: Paul D. Grady_162,221 W. P. Horton _____ 138,631 George McNeill- 128,661 Secretary of State: Stacey Wade-212,687 Thad Eure-- 168,970 M. R. Dunnagan — 5 5,192 In the first 1936 primary each of these candidates received a ma jority and therefore became the Democratic nominee: J. W. Bailey (U. S. Senator), George Ross Pou (Auditor), Charles M. Johnson (Treasurer), Clyde A. Erwin (Superintendent of Public Instruc tion), W. Kerr Scott (Commis sioner of Agriculture). II DUCE ORDERS SEVERAL CONTINGENTS TO RETURN Rome.—Premier Mussolini has ordered several contingents of the Italian army in Ethiopia to come home. The 'order was regarded as a gesture to show the "pacification” of Ethiopia under Italian rule prior to tomorrow’s session of the Lea gue of Nation’s assembly at Gen eva. One of the first*' units to come home wilLbe the Gavinana division, one of the first to go to Ethiopia. Says Absentee Ballots To Set Record July 4th. Raleigh.—R. C. Maxwell, execu tive secretary of the State board of elections, predicted a record number of absentee ballots will be cast in the second Democratic primary. Maxwell said he had mailed 110,000 absentee blanks—the larg est number ever sent out in North Carolina—to county election offi cials. Already, there has been some call for an additional supply. For the first Democratic primary June 6, only 35,000 absentee bal lots were mailed by the State elec tion board. The secretary attributed the in creased demand to the fact that, for the first time, the second prim ary will fall on the Fourth of July. The smaller counties in the State each got 500 blanks and some of the larger ones got as many as 3, 000 Maxwell said. Within the last few days, 6,000 pamphlets have been mailed to pre cinct and county board of election officials explaining the method of counting the absentee ballots and warning against violations of the voting laws. • Watchman Classified Ads are Profit Producers. | CANDIDATE ! J. ED BUTLER J. Ed Butler, Morganton attor ney, who is the first candidate to enter the race for the presidency of the Young Democratic Clubs of North Carolina, which meet in convention at Greensboro July 17 18. 5 Persons Die In Bus Wreck Natural Bridge, Va., July 1.— Death came swiftly to five of 34 persons aboard a huge bus which skidded on wet pavement, crashed into a bank and overturned last midnight only a few yards from the 215-foot gorge spanned by the famous Natural Bridge of Virginia. Seven others were injured seriously enough to require hospital treat ment. Rum Car With 25 Gallons of Warm Whiskey Nabbed Nabbing a rum car with 15 gal lons of corn whiskey and the driv er, T. D. Freeman of the county, here Sunday morn in?, Deputy Sheriff A. J. Shuping of Rowan found to his surprise that the whiskey was still warm. "The heat was not from the weather «ther,” the deputy stated gfgy'htlsrtgK, r "It was made in this”Jounty—right off the worm,” so to speak. The driver was given eight months on the roads in county court Mbnday or pay a fine of $75 and the costs and the car confiscat ed. Escaped Prisoner Is Identified By Picture Mernlory of photographs of crim inals stood David Shuler, patrolman of the Salisbury police force, in good stead Tuesday when he recog nized a likeness of a negro to a re cent escaped convict. Shuler hook George Jones to headquarters and he was identified as having escaped from the Surry county camp on March 12, 1936, after having been sentenced to three years for breaking and entering in Wake county in February, 1936. I I ' I-1 I-—— - OPENS OFFICE IN KANNAPOLIS I DR. GAITHER CAUBLE Dr. Gaither Cauble, a native lof Rowan county, and a believer in good health, has opened an office in Kannapolis in connection with his office in Salisbury.' Dr. Cauble after attending Duke University, Durham, graduated from the University of Natural Healing Arts of'Denvet, Colorado After practicing several years ir trctherapy in the Los Angeles Col lege of Chirotherapthic fpr ten years. He also interned at the Coaghland and Schuster Clinic in Hollywood, California. Dr. Cauble specializes in. consti pation, rheumatism and chronic conditions. He uses the latest me> thjods and equipment known to the profession. G. O. P. Two youngsters visited the zoo after making a thorough study of pictures of animals. They identified the camel, the lion, the zebra, and many others; but when they came to the ele phant there was an argument. "That is an elephant,” declared the elder. "So, it isn’t” said his brother. "That’s a Gop. I’ve seen his picture many times and it alwavs has its name on its side in big letters— G. O. P.” Bank Debits Show Striking Increase i Washington.—Political orators who during the last "five long days” have been extolling the ac complishments of the New Deal under President Roosevelt could have found material for the thous ands of enthusiastic Democrats on hand in the Philadelphia convention had they examined bank debits for the past week compared with the same period a year ago. The debits for the fifth Federal Reserve district which includes Charlotte, were $262,487,000 for the week ended June 24, while for the corresponding week a year ago debits were $217,771,000, a gain of $44,716,000. Hor the same week of 1934 the sum was $194, 488,000, which is a decided increase over 1933 when the New Deal was pulling the banks of the country from the slough of the depression. MOVIE CLASS POPULAR Palo Alto, Cal.—One class which Palo Alto high schcjol students didn’t "cut” was that of moving picture appreciation. Leading films were shown. A total of 1,327 students, or 90 per cent of the en tire enrollment, attended. Flies Million Miles " ■ -— (above) has completed one million miles of flying, as stewardess on the United Air Lines, the greatest number of miles ever flown by a woman. Now she is retiring to be come a bride. CRUELTY COSTS 4 YEARS Coldwater, Mich.—Pulling out a cow’s tail cost George Washing ton, 3 3-year-told Negro, a fouryear reformatory sentence. Washington was arraigned before Circuit Judge Russel McPeek on a charge of cruelty to animals.