The Carolina Watchman fSS _ A NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF ROWAN COUNTY FOUNDED 1832—104TH YEAR SALISBURY, N. C., FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 10, 1936 " VOL. 104 NO. 50 PRICE 2 CENTS SAFETY . . . dramatized Next month a great "motorcade” will travel to New York City. It will be composed of drivers from all of the 48 states. Each will have been chosen to represent his or her state because of proven skill as a driver. No one can be selected who has not had ten years of driving experience, covering at least 50,000 miles, and his accident record must show a clean slate. These 48 motorists, representing the very pick of all the drivers of America, are to converge upon New York in August for a highway safety convention, sponsored by the C. I. T. Safety Foundation and co operated in by the American Auto mobile Association and the National Safety Council. Prizes will be given to the drivers who come the longest distance and arrive without a scratch on their fenders. This seems (to me like a mighty useful move toward dramatizing the importance of careful lriving. It ought to stimulate public inter est in fhe effort to make motoring safe. SHIPS . . . our program The "Gridiron Flag” of our country will float again on the seven seas as it has not been seen since war days, if the purposes of the new ship subsidy bill, passed in the last hour of Congress, are car ried out. In this new law a Federal Wartime Authority was set up, with power to subsidize and super vise the construction and operation of American ship, for the foreign trade. Two hundred new ships in seven years at a cost of $350,000, 000 is the building program. I would like to see it even bigger. The new law also provides for subsidies to ship operators to equal ize the difference 'between wages paid to American officers and sail ors and the starvation wages paid' by ship owners of other nations. I hope one result of this will be to fill American youth again with the desire to go to sea, and that Old Glory will again become a familiar sight in every seaport of the world. DROUGHT . . . irrigation A friend who lives in northern Tennessee wrote me the other day that it had not rained in his part of the country for 77 days. Drought conditions that threaten the wheat crop and the cattle ranches are reported from many parts of the northwest plains and prairie states. Along the Atlantic Coast the shortage of rain in April and May and early June wrought havoc with the growers of vege tables and small fruits and shot the price of potatoes up to a new high record. What with floods and droughts, nature has its own way of regulat ing agricultural production. I don’t know how long it took the Egyp tians and the ancient Babylonians to develop their systems of irriga tion, but sometimes I think that agriculture can only be conducted successfully either in a country where it rains all the time, or in one where it never rains at all— with irrigation. HOMES . . . right basis There is more common-sense in what Lewis H. Brown told the New York State Bankers Associa tion about the housing situation, the other day, than in anything I have read or heard on the subject. Much of the distress caused by mortgage foreclosures on homes, he pointed out, arises from three prin cipal causes. The home owner was high-pressured into buying a home beyond his means; he financed the purchase by a short-term mortgage which fell due at a time when he could neither pay nor renew it; and the house was poorly built and fell into disrepair prematurely. Mr. Brown is no advocate of government financing of home building. He believes that it is up to the bankers of the nation to finance the home owner on long term amortizable mortgages, easily within the borrower’s means to re pay, but first to make sure that he is not buying more of a house than he can afford, and that it is a sound, weill-built house to begin with. I have long thought that that is the only sound road toward recov ery in the building trades. (Continued on page Four) Hoey Receives 1,959 M^rity In Ro’o4n Co. Nominee Awaits Action of Committee to Name Chairman; Winborne Likely Choice. To Wage Intensive Drive Clyde R. Hoey, Democratic nominee for Governor, has announ ced that he will open his campaign for election sometime in September. "We won’t get started until after the meeting of ohe Demo cratic State executive committee in August, when a State chairman is to be named,” said the nominee. "It will be some time in Septem ber before the campaign gets under way. The State and National campaigns will run along togeth er.” Mr. Hoey said he thought the campaign should "go along sat isfactorily.” He wasn’t expecting much trouble from the Republican niminee, Gilliam Grissom, but in dicated he would conduct a com prehensive and intensive campaign. Campaigning, alter all, is no new adventure for Mr. Hoey. He has campaigned for the Demo cratic party for the last 30 years or so and in virtually ever precinct in the State. He is perhaps the best known politicial figure in Nirth Carolina and he knows per sonally thousands of North Caro linians. Mr. Hoey said he had not heard any discussion concerning the next State chairman. J. Wallace Win borne of Marion is present chair man and Mr. Wineborne can prob ably have the office again if he wishes it, since he has made a good record and is a popular leader. The chairmanship is an office filled by the committee membership, but usually the nominee for Governor is consulted concerning his wishes. The procedure is very much like that of the National committee, which names a chairman in accord ance with the desires of the nomi nee for President. The total vote in the county in the various races follows: Hoey 5,313; McDonald 3,354; Hoey majority 1,959. Lieutenant governor: Grady 3, 760; Horton 3,851; Horton ma jority 91. Secretary of state: Wade 4,026; Eure 3,736; majojrity for Wade of 290. State senate: Gregory 4,868; Kesler 3,530; majority for Gregory of 1,338. Virtually complete unolticial returns from Saturday’s run-off democratic primary gave Clyde R. Hoey administration stalwart, a 53.000 lead over 33-year-old Dr. Ralph McDonald, militant sales tax repealist. Returns from 1,798 of the state’s 1,858 precincts gave: Hoey, 263,718; McDonald, 210,264. That Eure, principal clerk of the State House of Rehresentatives, won the nomination for Secretary of State over the incumbent, Stacey W. Wade, on the fact of unofficial returns from 1,767 precincts. The standing was: Eure, 225,233; Wade, 185,256., The closest of the three state wide races to be decided in the run-off primary for Lieutenant Governor, W. P. Horton, Chatham county legislator, led Paul Grady, another legislative veteran by about 6.000 votes with returns tabulated from 1,762 precincts. The vote was: Horton, 209,668; Grady, 203,248. In the primary Saturday, July 4, the following counties were carried by C. R. Hoey: Alamance, Alex ander, Anson, Ashe, Avery, Beau fort, Brunswick, Buncombe, Burke, ( Continued on page four) New Holiday Death Record Is Set Fatalities Are 444 In Two-Day Celebration Traffic Accidents Claim 149 In 36 States 75 PERSONS DROWNED Fireworks Fatalities Are Low But Many Are Burned And Injured. New York.—The nation’s cele bration of its 160th birthday ended the worst July 4th tragedy in five years. Deaths were counted at 444— more than one and a half for every year of United States independence. Banging firecrackers played a comparatively innocent role in the slaughter, taking but five lies in three States, but motoring acci dents and drownings rolled up a terrific toll. Not since 1931, when 483 cele brators died, was the death list so long. All but seven of the 48 States— Colorado, Deleware, Mississippi, Nevada, New Mexico, Vermont and Wyoming—reported fatalities. Airplane crashes, auto races, lightning, railroad trains, burning ' buildings, celebrators’ wild bullets and tavern brawls all made their contributions. Traffic accidents were responsi ble for the most deaths, account ing for 149 lives in 36 States. Sev enty-five persons drowned in 36 States. Miscellaneous tragedies ac counted for 22 more in 15 States. Although fireworks fatalities were low, burns and injuries were legion across the land. In New York City, 591 persons were treated at hospitals for fire works burns. Two fires were start ed during the celebration, and one man was killed by a stray bullet as he stood on a rooftop. A six-year-old girl burned to death by a firecracker thrown into her lap was Chicago’s only fatality. Eixty-two others were hurt and 11 arrested. A small dog, maddened by exploding firecrackers, bit three persons at Montrose Avenue beach. Two men were killed at Lexing ton, Mich., when fireworks blew up on a scow during the annual celebration there. Sixteen specta tors at a community fireworks dis play at Findlay, Ohio, were hurt by a noise 'bomb that shot across the river into the crowd instead of rising in the air as expected. St. Louis counted its fireworks injuries at 343, and reported one dead from a tavern bawl. Kansas City’s anti-firecrackeri ordinance cut injuries ther^ to 100. There were no deaths. At Los Angeles, Patricia Krama, 42, put a firecracker in her mouth and lit it. She was badly burned. Theodore Clothen, 19, slipped and sat down on a cannon cracker and went to a hospital.. Eighty others were injured. Try To Rob Safe Thieves entered the office of the China Grove Cotton Mills Monday night and cut a hole through the safe but failed to gain entrance into the vault, evidently having been frightened away. An acetylene torch and tank were left behind. LET THAT BE A LESSON Talkative Lady—A big man like you might be better occupied than in cruelly catching little fish. Angler—Perhaps you’re right. But if this fish had kept his mouth shut he wouldn’t be here. Building In County At High Mark Many Rowan County Homes Being Renovated j ! New homes and several barn* now under construction by residents of rural Rowan. Several homes being repainted both inside and out; others making additions of from one to four rooms and completely remodling homes; majority of renovating made without aid of loans. Rowan county farmers, despite the drought and the threats of a short crop, are now in the midst of one of the greatest building and renovating booms of recent years. Included in the items of building and renovating are several new barns and smokehouses, also new homes and other repairs including painting, new roofs, poultry houses and yards and scores of other im provements. The total amount, while not accurately estimated, runs into many thousands of dollars. A ride through the county will reveal the facts set forth in this ar ticle except in a much larger man ner. Many of the farmers have been able, through the advance in jrice of farm products and gen eral improvement conditions to nake and plan to make repairs that have been needed for years. The report from several building material supply men reveal that once again the county and the farmer have, become an outlet for their products. Graham Raises 1156 Bushels of Fine Wheai County Commissioner Jim T. Graham, has just threshed 1156 bushels of wheat raised on his farm near Cleveland. The grain was in excellent condition and re-j presents one of the finest crops in the county. ----- ! Canadian Subscribes To Watchman j Eert Brandy, of Quebec, Cana da, is one of the latest subscribers to The Watchman. While the bulk of The Watchman subscribers reside in Rowan, quite a number of former Rowan County .residents are subscribers and have been for many years. Mr. Brantly is a near relative of County Commissioner J. T. Graham. WOMAN 20 YEARS IN TROPICS JLJbndon.—A woman, who for 20 years has been living, the only white woman, among natives on the scattered polar atolls of the South Pacific, has arrived in Lon don. She is the wife of Arthur F. Grimble, who has spent his life as a district officer and administrator for the Colonial Office. Formal Opening Of New Rowan Memorial Hospital .-.. t i. - . ■■ ... ■ — ■■ ■■ The New Rowan Memorial Hos-J pital which has recently been com-] pleted, was formally opened for public inspection last Wednesday evening. It was estimated that 3,000 per sons participated in the inspection tours which were preceded by a short exercise on the front steps of the more than $160,000 structure. One verse of America was sung by the audience led by Mrs. F. F. Smith, followed by the invocation offered by M. [H. Milne. A. S. Jones, chairman of the board, presided and introduced the speakers of the evening. He paid tribute to the various local com mittees for their excellent work in the great accomplishment of mak ing the 80-bed institution a reality. Mr. Jones also paid tribute to the memory of the late James B. Duke, through whose endowment left for hospitals, orphanages and other charitable works, the Rowan hospital has generously shared. Dr. Watt S. Rankin, of Char lotte, executive secretary of the Duke endowment, made the main address of the evening. Dr. Ran kin spoke his appreciation of the handsome building; of t)he con tractor, building committee ind people "for the splendid use to! which you have put your funds.”/ Plans to begin active operation' on July 1J are being made. Noted Flyer’s Bride PORTLAND, Me. . v . Louise Ashby, 29 (above), of Fort Fair field, Me., a former hostess on airplanes. Is nctw the bride of the noted early trans-Atlantlc flyer, Clarence Chamberlin. They are now on honeymoon. Slaying Of Seagraves By Deputy Held Justifiable A coroner’s jury Tuesday after noon reached a verdict that Deputy Sheriff Sam. P. Ford of Rowan county shot and killed A. G. Se graves of Wilkes county on the night of June 23 in pursuit of his duties and that he -gas justified in his action. Four Rowan deputy sheriffs in cluding Ford were lying in wait on the old Concord road near Ebe nezer - church for an alleged rum car. The automobile passed two police cars, found itself trapped at a bridge by another one, attempted to turn around, and Segraves fled. He was found in a five-foot ditch nearby by Ford, who said Seagraves ordered him to stop or he would kill him, and that Seagraves had some bright object in his hand. The officer then fired once. Sea graves died shortly afterwards, with a bullet in his brain. Claud Bell, also, of Wilkes coun ty and driver of the car in which Seagraves rode was arrested while still in the automobile. Officers also found 71 gallons of liquor in the car. Wins By Big Majority Hon. Clyde R. Hoey Mr. Eure Expresses His Appreciation To Voters Raleigh, N. C., July 6. 1936. Dear Mr. Editor: I am completely overwhelmed with joy and gratitude at the Tiagnificient vote I received for the high office of Secretary of state. I want to thank each and jvery one who participated in se :uring my nomination and assure :hem that they will always have a warm spot in my Heart. The Secre tary of State’s office will belong to them, and whenever they are in Haleigh, I want them to come in to see me and afford me the op portunity of rendering to them ivery possible courtesy and service. The warmest possible welcome will await you. It is impossible, of course, to write to each and every one, so please give this letter space in your good paper which has been so friendly to me in my campaign. With heartfelt appreciation and thanks, I am, Sincerely, Thad Eure. _! Descendant of Keys Has Easy Name Sierra Madre, Cal.—Frances Scott Key, direct descendant of the author of "The Star-Spangled Ban ner,” said her school teachers never had any trouble remembering her name. One of them, she recalled, pon dered over her enrollment card, thought a moment, and said; "Frances Scott Key—oh, yes, of course, iHome Sweet Home’.” Cleveland Cotton farmers report 6S percent of a stand throughout the county but say that much of the cotton has germinated since the recent showers. Plan New Book Of N. C. Guard War Department Expects To Get Out Directory Of Personnel of State Units. Washington. — The national guard of North Carolina is expect ed to get a new directory of its per sonnel by the beginning of next year, it was indicated at the War department. Although the army directory is issued each year, there has not been a directory of guard officers and organizations since September 30, 1931. There have been so many changes in personnel and in the allocation of units to the various states, as well as chang es in units that the directory issued then is practically useless. me gigantic tasK or collecting the data necessary for the prepara tion of this volume already has been started in the national guard bureau of the War department, and the information will be as of the current July 1. hack of funds has been given as the reason for failure to get out this important volume, and it has not been issued during the years when the government was cutting down its expenses. It ceased at the beginning of the government eco nomy wave. It is estimated that the cost of preparing and printing the volume will be approximately $26,000. In order to cut down the cost to this figure, it was said, it will be necessary to eliminate from the book the history of na tional jjuard organizations, and for this purpose the old book should be retained. These histories, it was indicated, require about one hun dred pages.