The Cari iuna Watchman L“t, __ A NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF ROWAN COUNTY FOUNDED 1832—104TH YEAR SALISBURY, N. C, FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 17, 1936 VOL. 104 NO. 51 PRICE 2 CENTS MOVIES . . . good—and bad There is no doubt in my mind that the moral tone of the movies has been greatly elevated in the past few years. There is also no doubt that there is room for improvement. In these beliefs I am in complete agreement with His Holiness Pius XI, Supreme Pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church. The Pope’s re cent encyclical letter to all prelates of the church on the subject of mo tion pictures is the most compre hensive and truthful analysis of the evil effects of vicious films upon immature minds I have ever read. The Pope calls on all bishops to take steps to pass japon all new pic tures, and upon all "right-minded persons” to stay away from, and keep their families away from films that do not pass the church’s tests of decency and good influence. As a Protestant I applaud this renewed effort to clean up the films. It seems to me that every good Chris tian ought to cooperate. » * * CENSORSHIP ... for truth I have no sympathy with cen sorship, insofar as it implies any at tempt to dictate what I or any other adult person may read or hear or see. But until a child is mature enough to have some under standing of the world of reality, I am heartily for every effort to prevent his exposure to the world of unreality. The child mind cannot be ex pected to understand that what it sees on the stage or screen or reads in novels is not life as it actually is. Instead children too often get the 5dea that everybody—except themselves and their immediate cir cles—lives in an atmosphere of glamorous romance and perpetually exciting adventure. 1 am not at all sure that many of^die books and films commonly regarded as good, Qr at least harm less, do not do more damage than some which are frankly vicious. I am more concerned with truth fulness, in the movies and else T^ere, than I am with what is usually meant by "decency.” * » • TONGUES . . . translated The Bible tells of the "confusion of tongues” at the building of the Tower of Bab-El. There would be equal confusion in the Assembly of the League of Nations at Geneva, if it were not for an ingenious Yankee device which enables every member to understand what any speaker is saying in any language. When Haile Selassie, Ethiopia’s ex-emperor, addressed the League the other day in the Amharic tongue, probably no one there could understand a word of it. But on each member’s desk is a box with earphones attached, and push-but tons labelled with the names of the world’s principal languages. Back of a screen behind the speaker are expert translators who understand and speak every known language. They translated into microphones while the Abyssinian King was speaking. All any member had to do was to set his receiving apparatus for his own tongile,' English, French, Po lish, Chinese or what have you, and listen to the voice of the translator who was repeating Haile Selassie’s words in the listener’s own lan guage. lnat, it seems to me, is a real triumph of modem science. I don’t know the name of the engineer who devised the apparatus, but Edward A. Filene, the great Boston mer chant, told me about it before it was ever installed. It was Mr. Filene who paid for it as a contribution toward better international under standing. * * *■ CHANGES . . . always slow I read and hear about many mar velous new things that are going to be done, but I notice that I usually have to wait a few years before they come into reality. I have been waiting ten years now for television, but it hasn’t got out of the laboratory yet. I read of great changes which the application of chemistry to agriculture will make, but I notice farmers are still growing the same old crops in the same old way. I think we are all inclined to talk too much about what could be done and what we intend to do. When it all doesn’t come true over night, people begin to doubt that it will (Continued on page Four) SalisburyjW V. Presilnt Of State/Body ■ N Rankin Lo._g Recognized As One Of The State's M o 81 Capable And Fearless Officers. Convention Held At Chapel Hill. Chapel Hill.—Decrying the in fluence of politics in law enforce ment, North Carolina officers Wednesday requested the Institute of Government to make a thorough investigation of civil service sys tems in this State and others and report its findings to their associa tion as a basis for further action. Officers pronounced the insti tute’s sixth annual police school the most beneficial and stimulating yet held. Total attendance for the two days was slightly less than a hundred and represented 39 coun ties and 63 cities and towns. The officers also voted unani mously to expand the district schools, which drew 800 officers last fall, and hold them quarterly instead of annually. New officers elected by tne State association were Frank N. Little john of Charlotte, president, and George A. Clark of Greenville, and R. L. Rankin of Salisbury, vice presidents. : The officers also voted to have a solicitors, and legislators in draft ing a new criminal code for North ganizing traffic schools for minor violators; went on record as favor ing the installation of the State wide police radio as soon as possi ble, and asked the institute to make an investigation of t)he oper ation of officers’ funds for the care of sick, disabled, and dependents. Instructors and speakers includ ed Lawrence A. Hines, Federal bur eau of investigation; Capt. Charles D. Farmer, State highway patrol, Sherwood Brockwell, State fire marshall; W. A. Coble, Automo bile Underwriters Detective bu reau; Capt. J. J. Bailey, railroad police, and Albert Coates, director of the institute. An elementary crime laboratory for North Carolina, utilizing exist ing facilities at the university and other institutions for the analysis of bipod stains, stomach contents, and similar evidence, was proposed by Dr. Dobbins. Lots ol murdered men have been buried in suicidal graves, and, conversely, lots of innocent men have been convicted, for want o? adequate examination of all the evidence in their cases,” he de clared. "If we will only utilize the facilities already here, w‘e can ren der a g(eat service to law enforce ment.” "G-man” Hince explained the use of the numerous scientific aids in crime detection, urged Tar Heel officers to make the fullest use of the Federal laboratory in Washing ton, and instructed them in the proper methods to collect evidence and ship exhibits for analysis. Albemarle Man Frames First Dollar Earned Albemarle.—One of the proud est possessions of Boodie Sweatt, well-known local man, is the first dollar he earned, 30 odd years ago. The bill is of the 1863 series, and was given to Mr. Sweatt as a part payment for a week’s work at a lumber yard. The bill now reposes in a frame under glass, a constant reminder of its owner of the value of money well-earned. Negro Boy Held For Looting Mail Admits Stealing Mail From Boxes Past Six Weeks Officer Dave Shuler Makes Arrest And Boy Confesses Crime Herbert Moser, a 14-year-old negro, was arrested Wednesday on a charge of stealing mail fr^pm post office boxes here over the last six weeks. The arrest wjs made by Officer Dave Shuler of the local police force. He admitted the robberies to officer Shuler. Moser told,Shul er and T. C. Blalock, U. S. Deputy Marshal, that he had been stealing from the post office here for six weeks and that he would commit this crime by pushing his hand in side the glass windows and extract mail from all boxes he could reach. Moser had previously served time at the workhouse for shoplifting. He was taken to Mocksville for a hearing before F. R. Leagans, U. S. Commissioner. Upon finding checks in the mail he robbed, he would throw these into the trash can, he told officers. Moser admitted he had also robbed the parcel post depository. One check, it was ascertained, was for $1,000. A check-up is being made of the robberies committed by the colored youth. —,made ■■■ . Wingate UIUF* Elected Local Legion Head R. N. Wingate, was re-elected commander of the Samuel C. Hart post of the American Legion here at the annual meeting Tuesday night. Other officers selected included: N. J. Yantisios, first vice com mander; Dr. L. A. Coleman, sec ond vice commander; George C. Peeler, adjutant; Frank P. Buck, fi nance officer; Fred IH. Young, service officer; E. M. Allen, ser geant at arms; Jack C. Scott, as sistant sergeant at arms; Alfred Buerbaum, historian; Rev. Marshall Woodson, chaplain, Rev. Tom C. Cook, assistant chaplain. Bryce P. Beard, former State commander, was named a member the executive committee for one year. Oglesby Rites Held Wednesday Concord.—Funeral services for Judge John M. Oglesby were held Wednesday afternoon at 3 o’clock at Central Methodist church here. Rev. H. G. Allen, of Reidsville, former pastor of the church, as sisted by Rev. W. L. (Hutchins, present pastor, and Dr. L. I. Echols, pastor of Associate Reformed Presbyterian church. Burial was in Oakwood cemetery. Mr. Oglesby died Monday night at 11:10 o’clock in a Charlotte hospital where he had been a patient for 10 days. Acute peritonitis fol lowing an appendectomy was the cause of death. He was 49 years old. Drought Kills 300,000 Cows ' Cheyenne, Wyo.—Russell Throp, secretary of the Wyoming Cattle Association, estimated the drought has caused a shortage of 300,000 cows in Wyoming. "The situation is more serious than most people believe,” he said. —READ THE WATCHMAN U. S. Smashes Big Stock-Swindling Ring Grand luiy In Ga. Indicts 21 On 14 Counts _i Swindlers Had Offices In Dozen Cities—Three Defendants Seiz ed In Chicago MILLIONS INVOLVED Washington.—Indictment of 21 individuals and five corporations by a Federal grand jury at Gaines ville, Ga., on charges that they participated in a gigantic stock! swindling scheme, was announced by John J. Burns, counsel for the Securities commission, j Burns said the indictments were returned after Lawrence S. Camp,! United States district! attorney at j Atlanta, and his assistants had; testified before the jury. He said the defendants operated office* in a dozen cities, centering their activities at Chicaeo. All were indicted on to defraud. Burns said the indictments were the result of a year-long investiga ! tion by postal inspectors, the De partment of Justice, and the Se curities sommission. Three of 21 men indicted by the! grand jury of participating in thej multi-million dollar stock swindle were seized by postal inspectors in] Chicago. Operations of the ring, which Chief Postal Inspector Walter Johnson of Chicago said involved several million dollars, were said by Federal officials to have centered in Chicago. Berger and Bernstein, who were arrested in Chicago, were released under bonds of $$2,500 each. Mendleson, who was also taken in Chicago, was said by Assistant U. S. District Attorney Warren Can aday to be under indictment for similar charges in New York, ob tained his release by furnishing bond of $5,000. The charges, Canaday informed the commissioner, allegedly arose from sales of stock in the Stutz Motor Co., and the National Ser vice corporation. _ _ ^ State Sunday School Secretary Has Resigned The Rev. Shuford Peeler has re signed as general secretary of the North Carolina Sunday School as sociation, effective October 1. He made no statement as to his future plans, other than to say he intends to spend some time in special study and in supply pulpit work. 237 Jobs Under Way On N. C. Highways Raleigh.—Wjth 237 construc tion projects under way, Capus M. Waynick, chairman of the High way and Public Works commis sion, said it was the largest num ber of individual jobs ever under way on the roads of the State at one time. After World Title CLEVELAND . . . Mrs. Grace Hatch (above), America’s greatest woman bowling champion, will be . the only woman member o( the American bowling team to Ger many (or international and Olym pic competition. Farley Opens Headquarters Reaffirms Confidence ‘Man in The Street’ Will Re-Elect Roosevelt dent When asked about the poll con ducted by the American Institute of Public Opinion, professing to show a trend toward the Landon Knox ticket, Farley declared: "I’m not concerned about it. I can only say this: we are entirely satisfied with the sentiment of the people.” The Roosevelt campaign leaders, he said, likewise are not “disturb ed” by the Lemke third party can didacy. "There’s no doubt in my mind,” Farley declared, "about how the man in the street feels toward the President. He feels the President has been desirous of helping him. He knows that what the President has done in the way of aid has not been done to get votes, but because the President and his administration have been desirous of giving aid to those who need aid.” Furniture Mart Opens Monday In High Point High Point.—Although mer chandise for display purposes con tinues to arrive slowly, the calm is expected to be broken here next Monday when the Mid-Summer Southern Furniture and Rug mar ket opens. All exhibit space in the 10-story exposition building was sold months ago. Local hotels have booked nearly every room for visi tors, but many others are being placed in private homes and in hotels in nearby cities. Attempt To Catch Mule Proves Fatal Mocksville.—Henry Lee Allen, 69, was fatally injured Sunday when thrown against a tree while trying to catch a mule at his home near here. He was taken to a hos pital where he died at 10 o’clock Sunday morning, two hours after the accident. - ---y___________________________ Rings The Bell Every Time BEVERLY ROBERTS Miss Roberta not only figuratively rings the M in p««^.frs but she literally makes It sound when she trains her air rifle on a bell target Picture Of Future i - I Although the advancement of North Carolina in recent years has been marvelous, the best days of this State are not in the past, Clyde1 R. Hoey, Democratic nominee for] Governor, told members of the] North Carolina Traffic league at j a banquet closing their annual] convention. I y Sharing the program as honor] guest of the league was Stanley! Winborne, State utilities commis sioner, who also spoke. Ward B. Threatt, Charlotte humorist, made an amusing talk preceding Mr. Winborne’s address. The utilities commissioner discussed the great : need of bringing about a revision < downward of the transportation ] < rates applicable to North Carolina. !< The two greatest drawbacks to]! the further development of thej State, said Mr. Winborne, are taxes]! and high freight rates. Although!, there were more industries in North 1 Carolina in 1929 than there were < last year, the State last year collect- ; ed from its industries in income i and franchise taxes $2,000,000 than it- A\A in Tr» Vif- ' ginia, as an example of the com- ‘ petition North Carolina industry ] faces from its neighbor States, the taxes are lower and the freight rates are lower. Although industry must pay a fair tax, it must not i be treated unfairly, he declared, 1 and he urged his hearers to con- ! tinue without letup their efforts to 1 force the placing of this State on a i parity with others in the matter of 1 freight rates. i Mr. Hoey’s subject was "North i Carolina” and in one of his charac- < teristic addresses he drew heavily i upon his oratorical prowess to paint i a colorful picture of the State’s future as a well rounded common- ! wealth in which both agriculture and industry will be pre-eminent , and the spiritual qualities of its people will take precedure over its , material success. North Carolina, Mr. Hoey point- , ed out, has advanced to sixth place ■ in the nation in the value of its ' agricultural products, but it can , advance much farther. The State now sends out $121,000,000 a ; ( Continued on page four) i Federal Agents! Set 35 Stills! With No Court to Hamp er Activities, Alcohol Unit Has A Record Breaking Week. With no court sessions to inter ere with activities, investigators >f the alcohol tax unit of North Carolina last week chalked up one >f the best weeks in the unit’s his ory in the fight on illegal liquor n the State. The investgiators aided 3 5 stills during the week, :onfiscating 415 gallons of whis key and destroying 37,980 gallons >f n.ssh. Four automobiles valued it $700 were seized. Fifteen ar ests were made during the week. Voted Charlotte Lawyer Died Sun. Charlotte.—Charles W. Tillet, '9, one of the most distinguished awyers of North Carolina, died iunday night at 'his home here of leart attack. He held many prom nent positions in his public career, was frequently honored by his :hurch, the Methodist, to represent t in the general conferences. Fun ral services were conducted from he First Methodist Churcli Tues lay. [MART LAD A slight of hand performer :alled to his assistance a bright ooking chap from whom he bor owed a knife. He carefully wrap >ed it in a handkerchief and hand id it back to the boy who un wrapped it exposing a gold watch. 'Now,” said the magician, "I shall ihange it back again.” "Oh, no,” replied the youngster is he placed the watch in his pock :t. "I like it better as it is.”

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