As one result of the President’s trip through the drought area in tle Northwest and his conferences with the Governors of the states affected, more consideration than ever is being given to long-term planning looking toward a perman ent solution of the Western farm problem. The President has ap pointed two committees of govern ment experts, one of which is to study the question of crop insur ance for farmers and the other the possible programs for improvement of land use in the dry area. They are to report to the President by January 1. 1 lit ltVUUUllV«U»fcw»w VX W11V Great Plains Drought Committee form the basis for the studies which the President has requested. The indications, therefore, as Washington sees them, are that Whoever is elected President on November 3 will make every possi ble effort toward the development of water storage system in the dry country. That this would be a complete solution of the farm pro blem nobody professes to believe; but it would go a long way toward preventing a repetition of the dis tress which recent droughts have caused. FARM LOAN CONFERENCE Another topic which has aroused a great deal of discussion here is the question of the position of the big insurance companies. It is re garded as somewhat unfortunate that this should have been injected into partisan politics in the heat of the campaign by the remarks of the Republican candidate for Vice President, Col. Frank Knox, to the effect that if the present tendency toward inflation continued every body’s life insurance policies or sav ings bank accounts would be re duced in value. The unfortunate part is that this has been taken, in uninformed quarters, to mean that Mr. Knox believes that the insur ance companies and the savings banks are not in a sound position. President Roosevelt’s summon ing of seven life insurance presi dents to the White House was not a tenth of Col. Knox’s statement. The invitations for them to discuss the whole insurance situation had gone out' before the Vice-Presi* dental candidate’s speech. What Mr. Roosevelt discussec with the insurance men was mainly the subject of mortgage loans, es pecially on farm properties, it which a high percentage of insur ance company investments an made. It was an exploraratory tall for the purpose of seeing whethe: the way might be open to som sort of an agreement upon keepinj loan levels at a reasonable relatioi to the earning power of farm pro perties, rather than on the basis o: their possible sale value. It is generally recognized that ; great deal of the farm mortgage difficulties in the West have the! roots in mortgage loans made oi the highly speculative values tha prevailed during the early and mid die 1920’s. HHE ECONOMIC SITUATIOF It is not known that the subjec of inflation was discussed by th President and the insurance heads It is being discussed, though, b; those concerned with the economii future. is known that th system under which the Govern ment has been making loans fron the banks has resulted in increasins of bank credits beyond the presen ability of business to utilize sucl credits profitably. Wlien a DanK. raises *iuu,uuu o Government bonds and in effec opens a checking account for th Government to the dollar value o the bond purchase, that means tha new money, in the form of banl credit, has been created. This nev money is cheap money, in the sens that there is more of it than ther is a current demand for, and cheai money always means high prices There is nothing in the presen situation to indicate that this forn of redit inflation will continu without limit, and there ar grounds for expectation that saf. and profitable uses for most of thi new credit will be found befori long by business and indust1"', thu warranting the banks in broaden ing their loan policies. WAR SITUATION Official Washington has ha< several attacks of jitteres over th European war situation. Every re port which the Government de partments concerned received fron (Continued on page four) COitEQg Boosters For A Greater Salisbury A NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF ROWAN COUNTY —— I “—-— . . . - - - » FOUNDED 1^32—I PITH YEAR SALISBURY, N. G, FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 2,\1936 VOL. 1P4 NO. IP PRICE 2 CENTS J.M. Broughton Will Speak In Co. Courthouse ■ Democrats Open Head quarters In Overman Building at 126 North Main Street. LEADERS PLAN AGGRESSIVE DRIVE Hon. J. M. Broughton, 1936 Democratic convention keynoter and past president of the North Carolina Bar association, will for mally open the Rowan County Democratic campaign with an ad dress in the courthouse Monday night, October Jth, at 8 o’clock, it is announced by Walter H. Woodson, Jr., county chairman. Mr. Broughton, for many years a leader among North Carolina Democracy, is considered one of the best orators in the state and a jammed courthouse is expected to greet him. Mr. Woodson stated that the Democratic party of Rowan county would wage a short and strenuous campaign until the November elec tion. Several other speakers of state and national reputation are slated tq address the voters of the county. Included in this group are: Hon. R. L. Dough ton, Con gressman from this district and chairman of the Ways and Means Committee; Hon. Harold Cooley, aho~a"TSember of the'national Gon | gress;. Hon. Clyde R. Hoey, Demo cratic nominee f dr Governor and Senator James Byfcnes; Spartanburg, S. C. County headquarters will be i opened.^ today in the Overman '] building at 126 N. Main Street, l( being the building just vacated by ■j the Rowan Printing Company. 1 Clyde Ennis will be in charge of ■ the office and will be glad to furn ish anyone upon request with mat : erial or information concerning the > campaign. Hangs Self In : Local Jail The body of John Young, 44, a prisoner in the Rowan county f jail, was found hanging from bars ; in his cell early Monday morning. :! Officials said it was a clear case ,'of suicide. Young was being held ' on charges of breaking and enter : ing, larceny and receiving, and vio : lating prohibition laws. An improvised rope made of i ticking torn from his mattress was : used. Salisbury Pros Bolster Lineup Coach Bud Shuler has strength ened his semi-pro eleven for the ; Lincolnton clash Friday night at I 8:15 at the Lexington ball park. Lincolnton was the only club . to defeat Salisbury last year and » the local lads are working hard to ■ condition themselves for what mav : be their hardest battle. Jeff Bolden, i, 210-pound fullback from Ogle ( thorpe has been added to the player ‘ list along with Barnhardt, all-State : tackle of Salisbury high last year, i Salisbury won its opening game i last week, defeating Mooresville 7 l to 6, scoring when Hayden Kesler, ■ Catawba end, caught a pass from ; Webb Newsome, Elon’s quarter j back of last season. I ———————————— — Lespedeza is 25 percent better : where the triple-superphosphate ‘,was used as a fertilizer in Stokes ■! County. Definite improvement >' also is seen in pastures where the | material was used as a top-dresser. Communism ‘False Issue’ F. R. Says Hits G. 0. P.’s “Red Herring” In Launching 1936 Battle President Declares The Republicans Caused Conditions That Fost ered Communism. HEARD AT SYRACUSE Syracuse, N. Y.—Contending that his record showed “consistent adherence” to the Jetter and spirit of "the American form of govern ment,” President Roosevelt Tues day night opened the campaign for his re-election with a repudiation of "the support of any advocate of Communism.” Calling Communism a "false is sue” in the campaign, the President told the New York State Dem ocratic conyention assembled here in a State armory that "the previ ous national administration” had "encouraged” conditions that fos tered Communism. 1 The Democratic party, he ad ded, was "realistic enough” to face “this, menace.”^ nthel^poinjj^that r*y^ ^ as to what they think about Com munism, but that was a ''very great difference” in what they do about it. Scarcely had he sent his voice ringing through the packed hall than Mr. Roosevelt asserted a con fidence in the outcome of the elec tion. "Tonight” he said, "you and I join forces for the 19 36 campaign. We enter it with confidence. "Never was there greater need for fidelity to the underlying con ception of Americanism than there is today. And once again it is giv en to our party to carry the mes sage of that Americanism to the people.” Swinging over then to the ques tion of Communism, the President exclaimed: "Here and now, once and for all, let us bury that red herring, and (destroy that false issue. "You are familiar with my back ground, . you know my heritage, and you are familiar, especially in the State of New York, with my public service extending back over a quarter of a century. "In that record, both in this State and in the national capital, you will find a simple, clear and consistent adherence, not only to the letter, but to the spirit of the American form of government. "To that record, my future and the future of my adminstration will conform, I have not sought, I do not seek, I repudiate the sup port of any advocate of Commun ism or of any other alienism which would by fair means or foul change our American Democracy.” Diverting later on to another is sue that has been raised in the _* _ T K - campaign-jv/ciai ivgiJiawuu inn Roosevelt said the Republican lead ership "is not against the way we have done the job. The Republican leadership is against the job be ing done.” McDonald To Speak At Rowan Rally Saturday Dr. Ralph W. McDonald will speak at a rally at Peeler’s lake, near here, at 5 o’cock Saturday. A number of citizens throughout the State who were identified with the McDonald campaign have been in vited. : ' ,.il : I SPEAKS HERE I--___l i HON. J. M.' BROUGHTON | iI Death Bears Out Prophecy Man And Wife Who Said They Would Die With in 24 Hours Of Each Other Do. -AshevUie.—Mrs. Kate Herman Maxson, 83, died at a hospital here Wednesday little more than 24 hours after her husband, Dr. O. P. Maxson, had died at Weaverville. Friends said during their 58 years of married life the Maxsons had affirmed that one would not survive the other 24 hours. Dr. Maxson died late Monday at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Rieta Cunningham. Joint funeral was held for the couple Thursday at 10:30 a. m. at Weaverville Presbyterian church. Interment was in a single grave there. 26,661 Employed! By WPA In State During Past Week Raleigh.—The Works Progress! administration reported it had 32,-j 661 persons at work on projects throughout the State last week, compared with 31,830 during the week ending September 12. The, total including 2,782 National| Youth administration workers last! week. - | Split Season Changes Dates Squirrels, Doves Split seascon for squirrels and doves have necessitated a change in the dates for 1936-1937 according; to County Game Protector R. L. Roseman, in correcting a story car ried in our issue of Sept. 25 in connection with the state game season. Correct dates are as follows: j Squirrel split season: Sept. 1— Sept. 30 and Nov. 20—Jan. 31. | Dove split season: Sept. 1— Sept. 30 and Dec. 20—Jan. 31. | These dates apply to Rowan county. LEERY OR EERY An old Southern planter was dis cussing the hereafter with one of the colored servants. "Sam,” he said, "if you die first, I want you to come back and tell me what it’s like.” "Dat suits me, massa,” replied the old negro, "but if you dies first,1 Ah wants you to promise me dat you’ll come back in de daytime.” j 1 i ___■ I Facts—Mr. Business Man j _ IN 1933 BUSINESS BEGGED FOR HELP . ! Under Republicans, mass buying power dried up. Trade shrunk—factories closed—banks failed—unemployed walked the streets. j } With courage an£ foresight President Roosevelt dared to use new methods and seek new goals in speeding recovery. By draw ing on government credit, by building a more solid foundation of national security, and by reviving the people’s buying power, HE PULLED BUSINESS "OUT OF THE RED.” TAKE STOCK OF YOUR GAINS * BANKING. During 12 Republican years there were nearly 900 bank failures a year; in 193 5 there were 34. So far in 1936 no national bank has closed. The National Association of Mutual Savings Banks reports the highest number of individual depositors i in banking history (193S). REAL ESTATE. Construction contracts have increased 271 per cent (March 1933-36). Almost four times as many homes were built in the first quarter of 1936 as in the same period in 1934. INDUSTRY. Ij)un and Bradstreet report the highest 'evel of industrial production (Spring, 1936) since 1930. Auto production advanced 311 per dent.(March 1933-36); General Motors net profit jumped from $165,000 in 1932 to $167,000,000 in 1935— a production advanced 151 per cent; U. S. STOCKS AND BONDS. Listed stocks (average) on N. Y. Stock Exchange advanced 151.9 per cent (March 1933-36), bonds, 32 per cent. New security issues increased 1J4 billion for first six months of 1936 over 193 5 and dividend payments largest for any half year since 1931—a gain of 36 per cent in 3 years. U. S. bonds at top levels. DOMESTIC TRADE. Retail sales in 193 5 back to two-thirds ' of 1929 volume. Rural sales, highest since 1930. Montgomery Ward (big mail order house) reports largest net sales in business. Auto sales (193 5) exceeded only 3 times before. Life insurance sales (first 6 months, 1935) 50.8 per cent ahead of same period, : 1933. Commercial failures decreased 38 per cent since 1932. FOREIGN TRADE. Value of exports rose 42 per cent (1933 1936); imports, 55 per cent. National income (1932) - 39 Billion dollars National income (estimated 1936)_60 Billion dollafs ROOSEVELT ENABLED YOU TO BALANCE YOUR BUDGET. HE WILL BALANCE THE NATION'S BUDGET. KEEP PROSPERITY AND PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT Salisbury Man Freed Of Blame of Child’s Death Kannapolis.—A coroner’s jury here Monday afternoon absolved L. R. Barnhardt, of Salisbury, of blame in connection with the death of Charles Eugene Furr, 5-year-old Kannapolis orphan, who died Sun day in a Salisbury hospital as a re sult of injuries received when he was struck by Barnhardt’s automo bile at Midway Friday afternoon. Coroner N. J. Mitchell conduct ed the hearing at the Kannapolis city hall. Walter Tesh, Kannapolis police officer, who investigated the occurrence; G. C. Crow, J. A. Dayvault, W. P. Shumaker, Law rence Station^ Clyde Eudy, T. C. Brown, all of whom saw the acci dent, gave testimony that showed the occurrence unavoidable. Testimony showed Barnhardt was driving about 25 miles an hour, that he was not drinking, that he did all in his power to help the child. SUFFERS BROKEN LEG AS AUTO CRASHES INTO PORCH Winston-Salem.—Miss Dorothy Jacobs, 20, suffered a broken leg when a passing automobile got out of control and crashed into the porch, where she was sitting on the: steps. I-j | WILL SPEAK AT SPENCER ! I■ _J Hon. R. L. Doughton, Congress man from this District, will deliver an address in the Spencer school building next Friday night, Oct ober 9th, at 8- o'clock, it was en nounced by Walter H. Woodson, Jr., chairman of the Rowan County Democratic Executive Committee. N.C. Cuts Debt, Hikes Balance •■X-T | Was $22,701,816, Against $19,615,061 Year Age. State officials released figures showing North Carolina had in creased its cash . balance and de creased its indebtedness during the last year. The combined monthly state ment of the auditor and treasurer listed a cash-on-hand balance of $22,701,816.66 as of August 31 compared to $19,615,061.01 on August 31, 193 5. The State debt was $163,894,000 at the end of August, compared to $170,664,000 on the same date one year ago. Receipts coming into the general fund during August were $4,580, 517.66, as against disbursements from the fund of only $1,530, 602.24. With the balance of $5, 509,503.17 brought over from JU1J, UIC gtXXCXaX 1UIXU LOLiilCU $0, 5 59,418.59 on August 31. On the same date one year ago, there mas but $5,209,573.85 in the general fund. Highway fund receipts during August totaled $3,028,587.66, as against disbursements of $3,133, 746.24, leaving a balance of $10, 703,906.28. This figure was con siderably lower than the balance of $13,131,89-5.64 in the highway fund at the same date one year ago. Receipts from all other funds totaled $667,231.70 during August against disbursements of $816, 745.14. The State’s debt waj listed as follows: General fund bonds, $56,763, 000; World War veterans’ loan bonds, $2,500,000; highway bonds, $91,271,000; Chowan river bridge fund bonds, $3 5 0,000; Cape Fear river bridge fund bonds, $1,175, 000; special school building bonds, $11,835,000. Leaves For Scotland _ The Rev. George H. Vick, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Vick of Spencer, left Salisbury Wednesday for New York to sail Friday for, Edinburgh, Scotland, where he will spend a year in study at the university there. He is a recent, graduate of the Louisville seminary,; and is working towards his Ph. D. degree.

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