The Carolina Watchman 1“:, A NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THEUPBUILDING OF ROWAN COUNTY ■ - . ■ .. .. . — - FOUNDED 1^32—105TH YEAR SALISBURY, N. C.rFRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 25, 1936 VOL. 104NO. 22 .A JCE 2 CENTS Official Washington believes that the nation has not only entered upon an era of economic recovery, but that something resembling a real "boom” is imminent. Thar outlook, while encouraging in many ways, is not, however, to the liking of folk who have a keen recollection of the great boom of 1926-29, and of the crash which followed its collapse. How to control the tendency to ward rising prices and prevent the boom from developing into such a speculative wave as that _ which swept the nation ten years ago is the problem to which many of the ablest minds in the Administration are giving very serious thought. The best opinion expressed here is that efforts to control prices and curb speculation, either by Government action alone or by closer co-operation between Gov ernment and business, will be und ertaken when the new Congress gets under way. The recovery which is definitely here will be of little benefit to the great mass of the people if its result is to increase the cost of living by sending commodity prices sky-high. Official Washington is more appre hensive of that than of the recur rence of a speculative boom on the Stock Eschange. ine powers already granteu 10 the Securities and Exchange Com mission are regarded as being suffi cient, if intelligently used, to pre vent any such "runaway” market as developed in 1929; though the stock market naturally reflects in creased business prosperity, and the price of stocks is based, in the main, upon the business outlook. PAY AND HOURS PROBLEM What Washington fears is that it may be found difficult or impossi ble to prevent drastic rises in the prices of the ordinary commodities of life, especially in view of the growing strength of the demand for higher wages and shorter hours i for workers in industry. I There is a very real conflict now in progress on a number of fronts between those who accept the view that high wages and free competi tion are not incompatible with low prices to consumers, and those who still believe in the price maintenanre policy which underlay the N.R.A. Those who hold that the general welfare is best served by fixing re tail prices to consumers received considerable encouragement when the Supreme Court unanimously declared constitutional the laws of Illinois afid California permitting manufacturers of trade-marked goods to fix the price at which re tailers must sell them. A) similar law in New York State had been declared unconstitutional by the State Court of Appeals, but the Supreme Court of the United States now holds that any state has authority to abolish price-cutting to consumers by his means. Four teen states now have laws of a sim ilar nature. It "is anticipated here that the project of a Federal resale price-maintenance law will be re vived. INDUSTRIAL PROGRESS MOVE What is looked upon as a move in that direction, if not actually a revival of N. R. A., is the trend developed at the recent conference held here under the direction of Major George L. Berry, the Presi dent’s Coordinator for Industrial , Cooperation. Even though a definite plan did not come out of this Council for Industrial Progress, and many im portant leaders of business and in dustry were not represented, resolu tions were adopted recommending the reestablishment of something like the old N. R. A., with agree ments between labor and employers on wages and hours, and on fair trade practices among business in terests in the same lines. This cannot be accepted as the Administration’s plan, but it is the basis upon which, it is believed, the Administration will attempt to re establish N. R. A.’s basic principles. The major weakness, as many large business enterprises see it, is that its control and direction are under a labor leader. Major Berry is president of the International Pressmen’s Union. As a result very few of the important industries of the nation took part in the confer ence. While that conference was on the National Association of Manu facturers was staging a Congress of American Industry in New York A new spirit in the thinking of (Continued on page four) Steel, Auto Strike Set For February*First _/___ Wages, Hours Demands To Be Pressed Labor Chiefs Warn Gen eral Walkout Impends W ashington.—Leaders of the "rebel” Committee for Industrial Organization have set February 1 as the deadline for their showdown fight in the steel and automobile industries, it was announced here. Unless their demands for sub stantial boosts in wages and sharp education in working hours are met by that date, they will carry out their threat of a general walk out in one or both industries, sources close to John L. Lewis, C. I. O. head, disclosed. In addition to possible tieups ot the steel and automobile industries, the C. I. O. is lining up its power ful "army” of mine workers, unit ed almost 100 per cent behind the "rebel” outgrowth of the Ameri can Federation of Labor, as another weapon in its three-pronged attack on the mass-producing industries. Miners will meet with operators in New York City on February 17 and that conference also may be the signal for a fresh outbreak of industrial strife. Operators are of fering the miners a 40-hour week at the same wages they are now paying for a 3 5-hour week. The new schedule is necessary, the op trators declare, because of compe tition from other fuel-producing industries. - Meanwhile, witnesses parading before the National Labor Rela tions Board continued to accuse the U. S. Steel Corporation and its subsidiary, the Carnegie-Illinois Corporation, of interfering with workers’ rights of collective bar gaining. The steel firms are on "trial” before the board on charges preferred by the C. I. O. N. C. Primary Law Discussed With Com. Advisability of Changing Primary Election Day From Saturday. TUESDAY APPROVED N. C. Press Association Suggested Change at Waynesville Summer Meet. Discussion of the advisibality of changing the state primary law to provide for the first Tuesday in stead of the first Saturday in June, comsumed the most of the time at the meeting of the committee ap pointed by the Democratic state executive committe, in session in Raleigh. In addition to the change in the day for the primary elections the special commite recommended that the voting hours be set be tween 6 a. m. and 7 p. m., con forming as much as possible to the hours observed in general elections. The shift from Saturday to Tues day was asked by the North Caro lina Press association at its summer meeting in Waynesville, and very general support of that plan has been given by the press. It was con tended that the Saturday primaries cause the loss of a cky after the voting in that incomplete returns sent in Sat. night are little sup plemented on Sundays. The news papers can tend" that they could give a much better news service by this change. "Recommendations to the state committee were tentatively adopt ed as follows: ' (Continued on page Four) I MERRY CHRISTMAS \ h* [Everybody Knows There Is A' Santa Claus Now and Forever We take pleasure in- answering the communication below, express ing at the same time our great I gratification that the faithful au thor is numbered among the friends of The Sun: "Dear Editor. I am eight years old. Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus. Papa says "If you see it in the Sun, it’s so.’ Please tell me the truth: Is there a Santa Claus?—Virginia OTEmlon, 115 W. 95th St.” Virginia, your friends are wrong. They have been affected by the skepticism of a skeptical age. They do not believe except what they see. They think that nothing can bs which is not comprehensible by their little minds. All minds, Vir ginia, whether they be men’s or children’s are little. In this great universe of ours, men is a mere in sect, an ant, in his intellect, as compared with the boundless world about him, as measured by the in telligence capable of grasping the whole of truth and knowledge. Yes, Virginia there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion | exist, and you know that they a | bound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy, Alas! iHow dreary would the world be if there were no Santa Claus. It would be as dreary as if there was no Vir ginias. There would be no childlike faith then, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable his existence. We, should have no enjoyment except | in sense and sight. The external light with which childhood fills the' world would be extinguished. Not believe in Santa Claus! You might as well not believe in fairies! You might get your papa to hire men to watch in all the chimneys at Christmas Eve to catch Santa Claus, but even if they did not see Santa Claus coming down what! would that prove? Nobody sees1 Santa Claus. The most real things in the world are those' that neither men or children cen see. Did you ever see fairies dancing on the lawn Of course not, but that’s no proof that they are not there. Nobody can conceive or imagine all the wonders there are unseen and un seeable in the world. You may tear apart the baby’s rattle and see what makes the noise inside, but there is a veil covering the unseen world, which not the strongest men, nor even the united strength of all the strongest men that ever lived,j could tear apart. Only faith, fancy, poetry, love, romance, can push aside that curtain and view and picture the supernal beauty and glory beyond. Is it all real? Ah! Virginia, in all this world there is nothing else real and abiding. No Santa Claus! Thank God! he lives and he lives forever. A thou sand years from now, Virginia; nay, ten times ten thousand years from now, he will continue to make glad U* heart of childhood. —Editorial from The New York Sun, 1897: H. L. Dalrymple Passes In Salisbury Hospital H. L. Dalrymple, Southern Rail way carman at the Spencer shops for 37 years, died Dec. 20th in a Salisbury hospital. The funeral was held Tuesday at 4:30 o’clock at Coburn Memorial Methodist church. He is survived by his widow, one danghter, Mrs. Anna Wheeler of Macon, Ga., two sons, Myrtle and Warren of Salisbury. NEW STYLE BOOTEES A'nkle high bootees with me dium built-up heels set a new style pace in feminine footwear. Warm tones of wine and forest green are color favorites. Woman’s Death Is Investigated An investigation was pushed into the death of Mrs. Bessie For tune, 40, who was found dead Sun day night outside the screen door at the rear of Brunei! Whirlow’s home at 414 East Horah street. Ramsey Euart of near Rorkwell, last person seen with Mrs. Fortune is being held in jail pending fur ther investigation. Mrs. Whirlow and Joe Peeler, who had been a vis itor in the home during the eve ning, found the body. The wo man’s neck had been broken, but in what manner it was not deter mined. Euart told officers that he took Mrs. Fortune, at her request, to an other home near the city, and they then returned to the Whirlow house, where she left the car and went into the house, while he drove away. Other occupants of the Euart home disclaim any know ledge of the woman’s activities from the time she left until her body was found an hour or more later. Funeral services were held Tues day at 10:30 a. m. at Wright’s fun eral home, and burial was in St. Paul’s Lutheran church cemetery in eastern Rowan. Her husband, Tom Fortune, from whom she had been separated for four years, six children and several brothers anc sisters, as well as her mother, Mrs Bill Troutman, are the immediat< survivors. Auto Thief Is Caught In Act Robert Miller, negro, who was involved in robberies of homes in Salisbury several years ago, was captured Monday night while at tempting to steal an automobile in front of the home of B. V. Hed rick, city councilman. The car be longed to Hedrick’s daughter. Mil ler was seen in the car, the house hold was notified, and Charles E Brady, a son-in-law of IHedrick, held Miller at the point of a gun until police arrived. Funeral Services Held For Billy W. Wrenn, 17 Funeral services were held Dec 21 at a local funeral home for Billy W. Wrenn, 17, who died Dec. 20 He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Wrenn of 521 South Caldwell street; a bnJcher Charles, and a sister, Gypsy, all ol Salisbury.