LIBRARY OF ' ITAWBA. COLLEGE The Carolina Watchman 11=1 _ A NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF ROWAN COUNTY _____ FOUNDED 1$32—105TH YEAR SALISBURY, N. C., FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 22, 1937 VOL. 104NO. 26 PRICE 5 CENTS ~ ' V _ ______ Washington—The new Con gress started off under a full head of steam by enacting a resolution / pluSS'nS 3 hole in the neutrality act of last year. There was nothing ing in the old law to prevent any American from selling war supplies to either party in a civil war such as is now going on in Spain. The State Department had been com pelled to grant licenses for the ex port of several million dollars worth of second hand airplanes and engines which had been Sold to the Spanish rebels by a Brooklyn dealer who had bought them at a United States army auction. These munitions had already been loaded on a ship when Con gress convened. The effort of the new Congress was to rush the new law through in time to prevent the ship from sailing. Congress was not quick enough. However, it is now the law that hereafter no American may supply arms to anybody taking part in a civil war anywhere in the world. There is a distinct feeling in Washington that the State Depart ment is worried about the Euro pean war outlook. Signs are numer ous that a large scale international conflict is brewing in Spiin. Thi: country may not become involved; though there is always that danger but just in. case, the President ha; ordered work to be begun, immedi ately on the construction of the two biggest battleships that wt have ever built. They will cosl about $100,000,000 and will takt about three years to build. THE CONSTITUTION While there is talk heard on ev ery side about a constitutional amendment giving Congress au thority to legislate on labor rela tions, there is not an immediate likelihood that such a resolutior will be adopted this year. Congress was consideiably impressed by the President’s reminder that the Con stitution already has sufficient breadth to permit government to meet twentieth century social and economic problems in a progressive way, and that all that is needed is. "enlightened interpretation.” That is, in effect, what some ol the members of the Supreme Cour have also said in the past foui years. The latest Supreme Court decisions have given much satis faction to the more liberal minded The Court’s reaffirmation of th< right of peaceable assembly resulted in setting free a man who had beer arrested two years ago in Oregon Dirk dejonge attended a meeting cf the Communist party. Then was no evidence that anything treasonable was said or done al that meeting, but on the theory that any Communist meeting musi be criminal the Oregon police ar rested dejonge—and the Supreme Court of the United States in ar unanimous opinion has set him free, CHILD LABOR AMENDMENT In another decision the Supreme Court ruled that when any state adopts a law forbidding the impor tation of prison-made goods, it be comes a federal offense to ship such goods into that state. This decision has been held by some commenta tors to make it unnecessary to con tinue the effort to ratify the pend ing constitutional amendment for bidding the interstate shipment oi goods produced by the labor ol children. Nevertheless, President Roosevelt has issued a strong appeal to the legislatures of all of the state; which have not ratified the child labor amendment, urging them tc act upon it speedily. Twenty-four states have already ratified the amendment but twelve more must do so before it become; a part of the federal constitution former President Hoover had joined in the appeal, declaring that Presi f it Roosevelt is entirely right. The amendment was first sub tted to the states in President Coolidge’s administration, after the Supreme Court had ruled that Congress had no power to prohibit the shipment of products of child labor in interstate commerce. CONGRESS CENTERS ATTENTION One of the first big jobs which Congress is trying to get out of the way is the continuation and exten sion of some of the emergency leg islation which expires by a limita tion in the course of the next few weeks. Three bills are under way, one extending until June 30, 1939, the I 1 * ! Thousands Jam Capitol /4za To P;df Him \> Main Objective to Aid Underprivileged, the President says in Inau gural Address. SWORN IN BY CHIEF JUSTICE Washington, Jan. 20—"I do sol emnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, pro tect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.” Such was the oath taken by Pres ident Roosevelt as he was inaugu rated today, beginning his second term as President, the oath being administered by Chief Justice Hughes. In his inaugural address, which was delivered before several hun dred thousand persons, the Presi dent dedicated his second adminis tration to a further removal of hu man injustices and a continued aid to the underprivileged. President Roosevelt said in part: "In these last four years,” Mr. Roosevelt said, "we have made the exercise of all power more demo cratic; for we have begun to bring private autocratic powers in their proper subordination to the publics government. "The legend that they were in vincible—above and beyond the the processes of democracy—has been shattered. They have been challenged and beaten. Mr. Roosevelt said the greatest change in recent eventful years was "the change in the moral cli mate of America.” "With this change in our moral climate and our re-discovered abil ity to improve our economic order, he observed, "we have set our feet upon the road of enduring prog ress. "Shall we pause now and turn back upon the road that lies ahead? "Shall we call this the Promis ed Land? "Or shall we continue on our way?” Saying the mental and moral ho rizons have been extended, he warned it would be more difficult to hold to progress than it was to get started. "Dulled Conscience, irresponsi bility and ruthless self-interest al ready reappear,” he saod. "Such symptoms of prasperity may be come portents of disaster! "Prosperity already tests the per sistence of our progressive purpose. WHAT TO DO If you’re feelin’ tired and blue, And you don’t know what to do, Do nothin’. If your appetite’s not right, And your waistband’s gettin’ tight, Stop stuffin’. If your plans are all awry, And you feel you want to cry, Go fishin’. If you can’t see far ahead, And wish that you were dead, Stop wishin’. If you know you talk too much, And your neighbor’s feelin’ touch ed, Stop talkin’. 1 If your nerves are all askew, There is one good thing to do, Go walkin’. If you’re runnin’ into debt, And can’t pay for what you get, Stop buyin’. If you’d like to reach the top, And are just about to stop, Keep tryin’. —Granville Kleiser. —— ---4 ■ U READ THE ADS Oakdale Church Remodeled Building Is Dressed Up In Brick Veneer Total Expenditure Will Approximate $5,000.00 (From The Spencer Journal) The folks in Spencer are watch ing with interest the remodeling of the Oakdale Baptist Church. jThe building is being brick veneer j ed and the basement has been re ] modeled completely and will now jbe used for the Sunday school de partment. | The Oakdale Bautist church was organized in 1926 with 16 mem bers, it now has a membership of 247. The Sunday school, under the direction of lH. D. Young, has grown to a membership of 300. In 1926 a frame structure was erected with 9 Sunday school rooms jin June 193 6 it became necessary to enlarge the plant. The building was raised 5 feet, and the base ment was completely remodeled, i and will now be used for the Sun-1 day school department. The exte-l rior of the buildinp has hppn hrii-k ! I veneered and in the near future the 'church will install memorial win | dows which will add to the attrac tiveness of the building, j All of this improvement has cost j around $5,000 and has gone on | with little indebtedness with most I of it being paid at the time of the construction. The church owns its own cem etery which, is the only cemetery in the town of Spencer. The church | also owns a nice lot near the church jon which, in the near future, they hope to erect a modern parsonage. Both the erection of the original building and the renovation has been under the direction of the pre sent pastor, Rev. Earl L. Bradley, who has just completed his tenth year. lending authority of the R.F.C. and some of the other federal lending agencies; a second extending to the same date the President’s discretion I ary power to devalue' the dollar and ! continuing the two billion dollar I currency stabilization fund; the third continues for the same period the authority of the Federal Re serve bank system to issue currency | notes against government securities. One of the other laws which ex ] pires on June 30 this year unless j Congress reenacts it is the three i cent postage law. All the indica tions are, however, that this will be reenacted. THE MOTOR STRIKE The labor situation is giving Ad ministration and Congressional lead ers a great deal of concern. While every practical politician wants to go on record on every possible oc casion as being a friend of labor, one of them wants to be forced into taking sides as between the two major factions into which or ganized labor is now split. The effort of John Lewis’s C.I. O. to force'General Motors to re sognize his union as the sole bar gaining agency with its employees is in conflict with the American! Federation of Labor, which has a! strong and very active lobby always at work on Capitol Hill. The understanding here is that Mr. Lewis did not intend to start the General Motors strike until Spring, but the local leaders got out of hand and went ahead with their sit-down strikes before all the plans of strategy had been per fected. It is also the understanding here that it was never the intention of the C.I.O. to cripple the whole au-1 tomobile industry. The strike was j aimed at General Motors alonei r OUR OWN SNAPSHOTS _ _1_ ■sasmx-y._aaaa»:-s Four Paramount Beauties find relaxa tion at Southern California beaches— _Who couldn't?_ || They laughed when Ed Wynn sat down H at the piano—They didn't know that the H master comic is an expert at tickling the 3 ivories. Graham McNamee watches the Perfect Fool as he plays a solo on a re cent Saturday night program over the _NBC-Blue network._ £ HONOR HIGHWAY HEROl —Edward N. .aj Hines, ot Detroit, whose invention of the ^ white center line for highways has saved 31 thousands of lives by preventing head 2 on collisions, and other crashes, receives plaque commemorat 3 ing achievement from President J. D Tew, of The B. F. Good 38 rich- Company, at annual meetinq oi American Automobile _;_ ' . . t._ _ Stareai-—■ • »• v-y.;.w In an effort to bring a speedy end to tne labor ' troubles in the G. M. automobile plants these leaders met to discuss the situation. Left to J right—James F. Dewey, Federal Conciliator, [Frank Martel and Homer Martin, labor leaders, Gov. Murphy of Michigan and John Brophy, director of the CJ-O. (Inset) Alfred P. Sloan, Jr„ President of General Motor* Corporation now in the spotlight by reason of his stand against the de Imands of the United Automobile Worker* of America. WSHIP AHOY1 Admiral Fred Allen ar.dl mate Portland Hoffa scan the horizon to see li all is clear beiore they set sail over the NBC-Red network air waves Wednesday evening in their good cralt, 'Town Hall Tonight** Police Chief Wants Highway Safety Taught In All School Classrooms High Point.—"A course in Highway Safety should be taught in all schools!” This was the state ment made recently by W. G. Friddle, chief of the local police department. "I think this study should be required, and before any student could graduate from high school, he should have at least one unit in this very important study.” Chief Fridflle said he believed that this idea, if carried out, would help diminish the number of un necessary and tragic accidents which occur each day as a result af reckless driving. Mr. Friddle thinks a course of this type would stimulate the stu dent's interest and make him more safety-conscious. As he became ac quainted with safety rules and ibided by them, it is probable that he would try t<v make his friends enforce these laws also. To promote further safe driving :ach boy and girl should be provid :d with a "Guide to Safety” pub ished by the North Carolina Div sion of Highway Safety which gives all information ron,cerning driving. Chief Friddle emphasized the mportance of making drivers rea ize that it might be their own :hild or friend in front of a car, and if this fact could be made clearer to all persons, many of the accidents might 'be prevented. Four peat moss demonstrations with tobacco plant beds are being conducted in Pitt County ’ — ■ Central Figures in Big Birthday Party I President Franklin D. Roosevelt, whose birthday January 30 will be the occasion for a series of 5,000 celebrations to be held through out the country to raise funds for the nation’s war against infantile paralysis. Right, Colonel Henry L. Doherty, for the fourth time na tional chairman of the world’s biggest birthday party Farm Families Need Better Light Bulbs Many North Carolina farm fam ilies are paying for more electricity than they use, according to D. E. Jones, rural electrification special ist at State College. This is due to the small use of current in some homes where there is a minimum charge per month, he explained. For example, one large powei company serving rural areas a minimum charge based on the cost of 50 kilowatt hours per month. At least half of its rural customers use less than 50 k. w. b., Jones stated. These homes could have better lights and more electrical appli ances without paying any more for current, he pointed out. Instead of using 25 or 40-watt light bulbs, as some farm families do, they could use 60, 75, or 100 watt lamps for the same cost. Bulbs are inexpensive, nd the better bulbs would only be making use of cur rent that must be paid for any way. Jones also emphasized the fact that low-power bulbs do not give adequate light for reading, sewing, or other similiar purposes, and as a result they cause eye-strain. Even when better bulbs and ex tra equipment increase the electric bill a small amount each month, the better light and increased en joyment of electrical conveniences is more than worth the added cost, he continued. Jones also said that although 5,« 558 miles of new power lines have been proposed to serve 30,434 ru ral customers, the actual number who receive the service may be somewhat less, as a certain per centage of the families fail to wire their homes after power has been made available in their communi ties. TO A- FRIEND By Florence M. Churlesworth We need each other— Not to sit beside the fire and talk of love— But to assist each other now and then With things we’re dreaming of! We need each other— Not to build a house. and raise a family— But to aid each other on the road To opportunity! Our meeting wasn’t just a thing of chance, It was ordained that we should meet So we could both advance, In lots of things that needed re cognition— And now we know how well We’ve bettered our condition. We need each other— Not to take advantage for a selfish end But just because of finer things, We need each other’s help, my friend! SIX "DO MORES’’ 1. Do more than exist, live. 2. Do more than look, observe. 3. Do more than read, absorb. 4. Do more than hear, listen. 5. Do more than listen, understand. 6. Do more than talk, say some thing. THREE PIECE SUIT Bystander: Did you get the num ber of that car that knocked you down, madam? Victim: No, but the hussy that was driving it wore a three-piece tweed suit, lined with Canton crepe, and she had on a periwinkle hat trimmed with artificial cher ries.

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