LEGAL NOTICES <-! ____i NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE DCA-3 372-M Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by S. C. Southard and wife, Fannie L. Southard, to Carolina Mortgage Company, Trustee, dated 15 th day of May, 1928, and recorded in Book 106, page 517, Registry of Rowan County, North Carolina, the undersigned as the duly ap pointed substituted trustee (see book 229, page 355, of said regis try), will offer for sale at public auction at the court house door in said county, in the City of Salis bury, N. C., at twelve o’clock noon, on Tuesday the 16 day of Feb. 1937, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the proper ty described in said deed of trust as follows: One house and lot in the part of Salisbury known as Fulton Heights and described as follows: B<|jinning at a stake on the south west side of Maupin Avenue 200 feet North 59 deg. 15 min. West from the west corner of the intersection of Jordan and Maupin Avenue, corner to lot No. 533; thence South 30 deg. 45 min. West with line of lot No. 5, 119 feet to a stake, corner to lot No. 5 in! C. M. Brown’s line; thence with his line North 56 deg. 15 min. West 50.3 feet to a stake, corner! to lot No. 3 in C. M. Brown’s line; thence with "line of lot No. 3 North 30 deg. 45 min. East 116 feet to a stake in the edge of Maupin Avenue, corner to lot No. 3; thence South 59 deg 15 min. East with the edge of Maupin Avenue, 50 feet to the beginning, kaino Inr Mu 4 in Klnrk No. -— o 25, as shown on the blue print of Fulton 'Heights. Said map being duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Rowan coun ty, in Book 1, Page 31, being the property conveyed to S. C. South ard by deed from Beatrice H. Mc Canless and husband, John Mc Canless, dated May 12th, 1928, and filed for registration on the 16 day of May, 1928, in the office of the Register of Deeds, County of Rowan, State of North Caro -_Hina, recorded in Book 202, Page 153. This sale will be made subject to all outstanding and unpaid taxes and other assessments, if any. This sale is made on account of default in the payment of the in debtedness secured by the afore said deed of trust, and is made pursuant to demand made upon the undersigned by the holder of said indebtedness. This, 12th day of Jan. 1937. KESWICK CORPORATION, Substituted Trustee. Jan. 22—Feb. 12. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE DRS-B-229-M Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by DELLA EVANS, unmarried, to E. P. YATES COMPANY, a North Carolina coporation, and UNION TRUST COMPANY OF MARY LAND, a Maryland coporation, as I 1 rustees, dated tne ist day or January, 1929, and recorded in Book 106, page 296, Registry of Rowan County, North Carolina, the undersigned as the duly ap pointed substituted trustee (see book 229, page 340, of said regis-! try,) will offer for sale at public auction at the courthouse door in said county in the City of Salis bury, N. C., at twelve o’clock noon, on Tuesday, the 16 th day of February, 1937, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the prop erty described in said deed of trust as follows: That certain tract or lot of land in or near the City of Salis bury, County of Rowan, State of North Carolina, and more parti cularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake in the northeastern edge of East Liberty Street at a point 193 feet N. 43 W. from the north corner of the intersection of North Long and East Liberty Streets, Southern Power Company’s corner and runs thence with said line N. 47 E. 100 feet to a stake; thence S. 43 E. 33 feet to a stake, Jones corner; thence with his line N. 47 E. 50 feet to a stake; thence N. 43 W. 65 feet to a stake, Southern Power Company’s line; thence with said line S. 47 W. 150 feet to a stake in edge of Liberty Street; thence with edge of Liberty Street S. 43 E. 32 feet to the BEGINNING, being the same property conveyed by J. E. Hennessee and wife, to Della Evans by deed rerorded in DB 180 at page 25 5, Register of Deeds office, Rowan County. This sale will be made subject' to all outstanding and unpaid taxes' and other assessments, if any. i This sale is to be made on ac-j count of default in the payment of the indebtedness secured by the | said deed of trust, and is made, pursuant to demand made upon the undersigned trustee by the holder of said indebtedness. This, 12th day of January, 1937. KESWICK CORPORATION, Substituted Trustee. Jan. 22—Feb. 12. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE DCA-2739-M Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by R. E. Edmundson and wife, Hattie Louise Edmundson, to Carolina Mortgage Company, dated 1st day of July, 1927, and recorded in Book 102, Page 510, Registry of Rowan County, North Carolina, the undersigned as the duly ap pointed trustee (see book 229, page 3 5 5, of said registry), will offer for sale at public auction at the court house door in said county, in the City of Salisbury, N. C., at twelve o’clock noon, on Tuesday the 16th day of Feb. 1937, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the property described in said deed of trust as follows: Known and described as No. 709 East Henderson Street accord ing to the present system of street numbering in the City of Salis bury, North Carolina. BEGINNING at a stake in the Southwest side of the Bringle Fer ry Road (now East Henderson St.) at a point 141 feet S. 58-45 E from the South intersection of the Bringle Ferry Road (or Henderson St.) and Boundary Street, J. L. Morgan’s corner, and runs thence with the line of Bringle Perry Road (on Henderson St.) S. 58-45 E. 64 feet to a stake, John Lyon’s corner; thence with John Lyon’s line S. 47-25 W. 236 feet to a stake in line of Alley; thence with1 line of alley West 10 feet to a' stake in line of said alley; thence with line of said alley N. 42-3 5 j W. 55.5 feet to stake, Morgan’s corner; thence with Morgan’s line N. 47-25 E. 228 feet to the begin ning, and being the same real estate! conveyed by C. E. Rimer and wife, to R. E. Edmundson and wife, Hattie Louise Edmundson by deed dated November 22, 1918, record ed in DB 151 at page 226, Regis ter of Deeds office of Rowan county. This sale will be made subject to all outstanding and unpaid taxes and other assessments, if any. This sale is to be made on ac count of default in the payment of the indebtedness secured by the aforesaid deed of trust, and is made pursuant to demand made upon the undersigned by the holder of said indebtedness. This, 12th day of Jan. 1937. KESWICK CORPORATION, Substituted Trustee. I Jan. 22—Feb. 12. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE DCA-228 5-M Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by M. N. Eller and wife, Elizabeth B. ml__ n_i:„„ pany, Trustee, dated 15 th day of October, 1926,, and recorded in Book 96, page 499, Registry of Rowan County, North Carolina, the undersigned as the duly ap pointed substituted trustee (see book 229, page 35, of said regis try), will offer for sale at public auction at the court house door in said county, in the City of Salis bury, N. C., at twelve o’clock noon, on Tuesday the 16th day of Feb. 1937, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the prop erty described in said deed of trust as follows: That certain lot or parcel of land in or near the city or town of Salisbury, county of Rowan, town ship of Salisbury, and more parti cularly described as follows: (BEGINNING at a stake the Northwest corner of the inter section of Salisbury Aivenue, and 14th Street, formerly lot num ber 16, and runs thence with the Southwest side of 14th Street, formerly lot number 16, North 33 deg. West 194 feet to a stake in the edge of a twelve foot alley; thence with the edge of the said alley, South 57 deg. West 50 feet to a stake; thence South 33 deg. East and parallel with 14th Street, formerly lot number 16, 194 feet to a stake on Salisbury Avenue; thence with Salisbury Avenue, North 57 deg. East 50 feet to the beginning, and being known as lot number 15 in Block number 15 3 as shown upon the Map of J. S. Henderson property and known as Elizabeth Heights, plat of same being recorded in Book_, Page _, and better known as 1402, Salisbury Avenue, Spencer, N. C, The above described property being the same land conveyed to M. N. Eller by deed from A. M. Donaldson dated October 4th, 1926, and filed for registration on the 13th day of November, 1926, in the office of Register of Deeds of Rowan County, North Carolina. Recorded in Book 193, Page 162. This sale will be made subject to all outstanding and unpaid taxes and other assessments, if any. This sale is to be made on ac count of default in the payment of the intebtedness secured by the aforesaid deed of trust, and is made pursuant to demand made upon the undersigned by the hold er of said indebtedness. This, 12th day of January, 1937 KESWICK CORPORATION, Substituted Trustee. Jan. 22—Feb. 12. NOTICE OF SALE OF VALU ABLE PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the terms of a certain deed of trust executed January 7, 1932, by G. M. Fleming and wife, Mamie Fleming, to J. G. Hudson, Trustee, to secure certain indebtedness set forth, and on account of default in the navment nf samp an4 rhp interest thereon, and at the request of such holder, the undersigned will offer for sale at the Court house door in Salisbury,. North Carolina, on the 15 th day of Feb ruary, 1937, at 12 o’clock noon, the following described property : An undivided one-half interest in a certain piece or parcel of real estate, lying and being in Cleve land Tjownship, Rowan County, State of North Carolina, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a stake, Katie James Formwalt’s corner in the South side of Salisbury-Statesville road in the town of Cleveland, and run ning S. 15 deg. W. 583 ft. with her line to a stake in the right of way of the W. N. C. Ry.; thence N. 71 deg. W. 300 ft. to a stake; thence N. 15 deg. E. 5 83 ft. to a stake in the South side of Salis bury-Statesville road; thence S. 74 deg. E. 300 ft. to the beginning, containing 4 4/500 acres, be the same more or less. The foregoing lands will be sold with all the improvements situated thereon. The sale is being made for the purposes of said deed of trust and for the payment of the indebted ness secured thereby. This 14th day of January, 1937. J. G. HUDSON, Trustee. Law Offices of Clyde E. Gooch. Jan. 22—Feb. 12. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of an order )f the Superior Court of Rowan :ounty, dated January 11, 1937, n the special proceeding entitled 'W. F. Snider, Administrator of Jefferson B. Council vs Charles Council et al,” being number 1013 upon the special proceeding docket sf said court and also by order dated January 11, 1937, in the spe cial proceeding entitled W. F. Sni der, Administrator of Bessie Coun cil vs Charles Council et al,” being 1012 upon the special proceeding docket of said court, the under signed Commissioner will, on the 13th day of February, 1937, at the hour of 12 M., at thee court house door in Salisbury, N. C., offer for sale, at public auction, for cash, the undivided interest of Jefferson B. Council and Bessie Council in and to the following land: "Situate in the West Ward of the city of Salisbury; Beginning at a stone at or near the corner of the M. E. Church lot on the alley; thence S. E. 2 5 feet to a stone; thence S. W. 24 feet; thence N. W. 2 5 feet to a stone, Church lot; thence with the Church lot (to the rear) 24 feet to a stake, the begin ning corner, containing 600 square feet; also the right of way for per sons and horses for a foot way of the width of three feet along the Church line from and to the first described lot, to this lot, as de scribed in deed recorded in book No. 93, page 424, in the Register’s office for Rowan County. This January 12, 1937. JOHN L. RENDLEMAN, SR. Commissioner Jan. 15—Feb. 12. All kinds of printing done prompt ly at The Carolina Watchman. 119 East Fisher St. NORTH CAROLINA ROWAN COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Irene B. Teare vs Gordon R. Teare NOTICE OF PUBLICATION. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court, Rowan Coun ty, North Carolina, for the pur pose of divorce from the defendant on account of two years separa tion; that said defendant will fur ther take notice that he is required to file answer or demur to the complaint of the service of sum mons by publication as provided by law or plaintiff will be entitled to the relief demanded in said complaint filed herein. This the 14th day of January, 1937. B. D. McCUBBINS, Clerk Superior Court. Jan. 22—Feb. 12. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE IN SALISBURY TOWNSHIP Pursuant to the tern's of a cer tain Mortgage Deed of Trust exe cuted by T. B. Smithey, and wife, Ethel L. Smithey, to Henry W Nix, Mortgagee and Trustee which is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Rowan County, in Book of Mortgages No. 91, page 302, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured, and at the request of the holder of such indebtedness, the undersigned will expose for sale, at public auc tion, for cash, at the Court House Door in the City of Salisbury, on Saturday, the 13 th day of Fed ruary, 1937, at 12 o’clock, M. the following described real estate: One house and lot beyond the Town of East Spencer, and bound ed and described as follows: Beginning at a stake in the center of the Long Ferry Public Road at the Eastern corner of the Intersec tion of said Public Road with a road way, and runs thence with the Eastern edge of said Roadway, South 17 deg. West 183 8 feet to a Stake on line of Lot No. 18; thence with line of Lot No. 18, South 71 deg. East 265 feet to a stake, corner of Lot No. 9; thence with line of Lor. N*» 9^ Hbrth 17 deg. East 1848 \feet to a stake in the center of the Long Ferry Public Road; thence with said Public Road about 265 feet, more or less, to the beginning, and being Lot No. 8, as shown on the map of the property of W. E. McWhirter and C. H. Kluttz of the T. P. Johnson land near the Town of East Spencer, N. C. For back title, reference is here by made to deeds recorded in the following books: Book No. 172, page 196; Book No. 155, pages No. 258 and 260; Book No. 157, page 180. This January 12, J937. HENRY W. NIX, Mortgagee and Trustee. R. Lee Wright, Attorney. Jan. 15—Feb. 12. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administra trix of the estate of L. A. Miller this is to notify all persons having claims against the said decedent to file -in itemized verified statement of same with the undersigned on or before the 13th day of January, 193 8, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Persons in debted to said estate are notified to makei>prompt settlement. This January 6, 1937. MRS L. A. MILLER, Administratrix of the Estate of L A'. Miller, Deceased. L. H. Clement, Atty. Jan. 8—Feb. 12. File claim with Clement & Clem ent. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administra tor of the estate of J. W. Gardner this is to notify all persons having claims against the said decedent to file an itemized, verified statement of same with the undersigned on or before the 26th day of December 1937, or this notice wiR be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Persons indebted to said estate are notified tc make prompt settlement. This 18th of December, 1936. J. A. GARDNER, Administrator Estate of J. W. Gardner. Dec. 25—Jan. 29. STAR LAUNDRY "The Good One* Launderers and Dry Cleaners Phone 24 114 West Bank St. ONE DAY SERVICE NORTH CAROLINA, ROWAN COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NOTICE Mary Lynch Taylor, Plaintiff vs. Terrell Taylor, Defendant The defendant, Terrell Taylor, will take notice that an action en titled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Rowan County, North Carolina, to obtain an absolute divorce on the grounds of two years separation; and the said defendant will further take no tice that he is required to appear at the office of the clerk of the superior court of said county in the courthouse in Salisbury, N. C., on the 29th day of January, 1937, or within thirty days thereafter and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or. the plaintiff will apply to the court for the reliet demanded in the complaint. W. T. BURKE Dep. Clerk of the Superior .Court of Rowan County. This 6th day of Jonuary, 1937. Jan. 8—29. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE NORTH CAROLINA ROWAN COUNTY Pursuant to the terms and con ditions of that certain mortgage, from J. P. Alexander and Lula J. Alexander to Hayden Clement, Trustee, dated the 23 rd day of April, 1929, and registered in Book of Mortgages No. 112, Page 248, of Registry’s Office, Rowan Coun ty, N. C., default having been made in the indebtedness for which said mortgage was given to secure^ and for the protection of the hold er (s) of said indebtedness, the un dersigned, will sell at Public Auc tion, for cash, at the Courthouse door in Salisbury, N. C., on Satur day, the 30th day of January, 1937 at 12:00 o’clock Noon, after due advertisement as provided by said instrument or by law, the follow ing property, to-wit: One house and lot lying and be ing in the Great South Ward of the City of Salisbury on the Southeast side of Shaver Street at the South corner of the intersection of Sha ver and Elm Streets; BEGINNING at said S. corner of the intersection of Shaver and Elm Streets, and runs thence' with the edge of Shaver Street in Southwesterly direction fifty feet to a stake—corner to Lot No. 16; thence with line of lot No. 16 in Southeasterly direction and parallel with Elm Street one hundred and fifty feet to a stake in edge of Lot No. 37; thence with line of Lot No. 37 in Northeasterly direction and parallel with Shaver Street fifty feet to edge of Elm Street in Northwesterly direction one hundred and fifty feet to the BEGINNING corner. Being Lot No. 17 of Plat of lots made by Southern Loan & Trust Company lying near the National Cemetery, Salisbury, N. C. This sale will be left open for ad vance bid required by law. Dated this the 29th day of De cember, 193 6. HAYDEN CLEMENT Trustee Clement & Clement, Attys. Jan. 1—22. notice’of FORECLOSURE SALE DAT-A-271-M Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed by John A. Arey and wife Lona Arey, to FIRST NATIONAL COMPANY OF DURHAM, Inc., a N. C. corpora tion, and UNION TRUST COM PANY OF MARYLAND, a Mary land corporation, dated 1st day of July, 1928, and recorded in Book 109, page 517, Registry of RO WAN COUNTY, North Carolina, the undersigned will as the duly appointed substituted trustee, (see book 229, page 228, of said regis try) offer for sale at public auction at the courthouse door in said county, in the city of Salisbury, N. C., at 12 o’clock Noon, on Mon day the 2 5th day of January, 1937, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the property described in said deed of trust as follows: BEGINNING at a stake on the southwest side of the Lincolnton Road 200 feet North 73 degs. 40 min. west from the southwest cor ner of the intersection of the Lin colnton Road and Stanley Street, George Weant’s corner, and runs thence with Weant’s line, south 28 degs. 30 min. west 13 5 feet to a stake on the northeast side'of Elm Street; thence with the northeast side of Elm Street, North 65 degs. West 46 feet to a stake, J. A. Arey’s corner; thence with Arey’s line North 27 degs. East 123 feet to a stake on the southwest side of Lincolnton Road; thence with the southwest side of the Lincolnton! Road, South 73 degs. 40 min. East1 50 feet to the BEGINNING, being lot No. 2 by map of the Arey Brick and Lumber Company’s pro perty recorded in Map Book, page 143, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Rowan County, N. C. This sale will be made subject to all outstanding and unpaid tax es and other assessments, if any. This sale is to be made on ac count of default in the payment ol the indebtedness secured by the aforesaid deed of trust, and is made pursuant to demand made upon the undersigned by the holder of said indebtedness. This, December 11, 1936. KESWICK CORPORATION Substituted Trustee. Jan. 1—Jan. 22. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE BAT-A-275-M Under and by virtue of the po wer of sale contained in that cer tain deed of trust executed by John A. Arey and wife, Lona Arey, to FIRST NATIONAL COMPANY OF DURjHAM, Inc., a North Car olina corporation, and UNION TRUST COMPANY OF MARY LAND, a Maryland corporation Co-Trustees, dated 1st day of July, 1928, and recorded in Book 109 page 521, Registry of said RO WAN COUNTY, North Carolina, the undersigned as the duly ap pointed substituted trustee, (see book 229, page 226, of said regis try), will offer for sale at public auction at the court house door in said county, in the City of Salis bury, N. C., at 12 o’clock Noon, on Monday, the 25 th day of Jan uary, 1937, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the proper ty described in said deed of trust as follows: BEGINNING at a stake on the southwest side of the Lincolnton j Road 450 feet North 73 degs. 40 min. west from the southwest cor ner of the intersection of the Lin colnton Road and Stanley Street,; Arey’s Brick and Lumber Com-j pany’s corner, and runs thence [ with the Arey Brick and Lumber Company’s line, South 26 degs. west 95 feet to a stake on the northeast side of Elm Street, thence with the northeast side of Elm Street, North 65 degs. west 50 feet to a stake, Arey Brick andj Lumber Company’s corner; thence with the Arey Brick and Lumbei Company’s line, North 26 degs. 30 nun. East 80 feet to a stake on the southwest side of the Lincolnton Road; thence with the southwest side of the Lincolnton Road, South 73 degs. 40 min. East 5 0 feet to the beginning, being lot No. 7 by map of the Arey Brick and Lum ber Company’s property, recorded in Map Book, page 143, in the of fice of the Register of Deeds of Rowan County, N. C. This sale will be made subject to all outstanding and unpaid tax es and other assessments, if any. This sale is to be made on ac count of default in the payment of the indebtedness secured by the aforesaid deed of trust, and is made pursuant to demand made upon the undersigned by the holder of said indebtedness. This, December 11, 1936. KESWICK CORPORATION Substituted Trustee. Jan. 1—Jan. 22. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE BAT-A-272-M Under and by virtue of the pow er of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by John A. Arey and wife, Lona Arey, to FIRST NATIONAL COMPANY OF DURHAM, Inc., a North Car olina corporation, and UNION TRUST COMPANY OF MARY LAND, a Maryland Corporation, Co-Trustees, recorded in Book 109, page 515, Registry of ROWAN COUNTY, North Carolina, and dated the 1st day of July, 1928, the undersigned as the duly appointed substituted trustee (see book 229, page No. 226, of said registry) will offer for sale at public auction at the courthouse door in said county, in the City of Salisbury, N. C., at 12 o’clock Noon, on Monday the 2 5th day of January, 1937, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the property described in said deed of trust as follows: BEGINNING at a stake on the northeast side of Elm Street 336 feet North 65 degs. west from the north corner of the intersection of Elm Street and Stanley Street, Arey Brick and Lumber Company’s cor ner, and runs thence with the north east side of Elm Street, North 65 degrees west 5 0 feet to a stake, Arey Brick and Lumber Company’s cor ner; thence with the Arey Brick and Lumber Company’s line, North i 29 degs. 30 min. East 100 feet to a i stake on the southwest side of the ILincolnton Road; thence with the southwest side of the Lincolntoa Road, South 73 degs. 40 min. East 50 feet to a stake, Arey Brick and Lumber Company’s line; thence . with the Arey Brick and Lumber * Company’s line South 2 5 degs. 30 min. west 108 feet to the BEGIN NING, being Lot No. 5 by map o£» the Arey Brick and Lumber Com-» pany’s property recorded in Map-fl Book, page 143, in the office of the 1 Register pf Deeds of Rowan Countv 1 of N. C. This sale will be made subject to 11 outstanding and unpaid taxes and other assessments, if any. This sale is to be made on account of default in the payment of the indebtedness secured by the afore said deed of trust, and is made pur suant to demand made upon the un dersigned by the holder of said in debtedness. This, December 11, 19’6. KESWICK CORPORATION Substituted Trustee Jan. 1—Jan. 22. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE DAT-A-274-M Under and by virtue of the pow er of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by John A. Arey and wife, Lona Arey, to FIRST NATIONAL COMPANY OF DURHAM, Inc., a North Car olina Corporation, and UNION TRUST COMPANY OF MARY LAND, a Maryland corporation, Co-Trustees, dated 1st day of July 1928, recorded in Book 109, page 519, Registry of ROWAN COUNTY, North Carolina, the undersigned as the duly appointed and substituted trustee (see book tty, page or said registry;, will offer for sale at public auction at the courthouse door in said county, in the Gty of Salisbury, N. G, at 12 o’clock Noon, on Monday, January 25, 1937, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the property described in said deed of trust as follows: BEGINNING at a stake on the northeast side of Elm Street 241 feet North 65 degs. west from the north corner of the intersection of Elm Street and Stanley Street, J. A. Arey’s corner, and runs thence with the northeast side of Elm Street, North 65 degs. West 45 feet to a stake, Arey Brick and Lumber Company’s corner; thence with Arey Brick and Lumber Com pany’s line, North 2 5 degs. 30 min. East 115 feet to a stake on the southwest side of the Lincoln ton Road; thence with the south west side of the Lincolnton Road, South 73 degs. 40 min. East 50 feet to a stake, J. A. Arey’s corner; thence with Arey’s line South 27 degs. west 123 feet to the beginn ing, being Lot No. 3 by map of the Arey Brick and Lumber Com pany’s property, recorded in Map Book page 143, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Rowan Coun ty, N. C. This sale will be made subject to all outstanding and unpaid tax es and other assessments, if any. This sale is to be made on ac count of default in the payment of the indebtedness secured by the aforesaid deed of trust, and is made pursuant to demand made upon the undersigned by the holder of said indebtedness. This, December 11, 1936. KESWICK CORPORATION Substituted Trustee. Jan. 1—Jan. 22. NOTICE TO CREDI 1 ORb Having qualified as Administra tor of the estate of Carrie R. Rice, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said decedent to file an itemized, verified statement of same with the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of December 1937, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Persons indebted to said estate are notified to make prompt settlement. This December 16h, 1936. J. N. HOUSTON, Administrator Estate of Carrie R. Rice. George R. Uzzell, Atty. Dec. 18—Jan. 22 —Buy In Salisbury— WHERE to go and WHAT to do when your radiator boils or leaks. We flush, clean, repair, and re bore all makes of radiators. Wi sell nr trade new and second hand radiators. W e are most reliable —see ue before you buy. EAST SPENCER MOTOR CO. Phone 1198-J N. Long St. EAST SPENCER —

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