BOOSTERS FOR. A GREATER CITY AND COUNTY County Herald ---AND THE CAROLINA WATCHMAN FOUNDED 1$32—1#STH YEAI-- ^_ SALISBURY, N. C. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1937 — --77T-i 77-O -- --’--’_ ’ _ VOL. 104 NO. 30 > PRTC.F. ? r.FNT? State iQ Spend $4,000,000 On Crosinffs Outline Terms In Washington To Bs Spent in Same Way As present Emergency Funds Washington.—The Secretary of Agriculture has announced the terms under which North Carolina may receive the State’s allotment of approximately $50,000,000 Fe deral fund for continuing through the next fiscal year on a permanent basis the program of eliminating hazards at railroad grade crossings. The funds, authorized by the act of Congress of June 16, 1936, were apportioned by the Secretary on December 29, 1936, and become available for expenditures on July 1* The bureau of public roads will administer the funds in co-opera tion with State highway depart ments. These new funds are in addition to the initial appropriation of $200 000,000 of emergency funds under which grade crossing elimination work is now under way and will be extended in much the same way. Five types of grade crossing elimination and protection develop ments re eligible (1) separation of grades at crossings; (2) installation o. protective devices at grade cross mgs; (3) reconstruction of exist '.r.g grade separation structures; (4) relocation of highways to eliminate grade crossings; (5) relocation of railroads to eliminate grade cross ings. TL £ ... 1 -iii * xiw 1UWU3 “it1 dvctiiauic lu pay the cost of contsruction exclusive of cost of right of way or property damage, and can be spent either on rural highways or on city streets. I To insure a fair distribution of benefits among the railroads in each State, the regulations require j that improvements shall be divided among the various railroads so that the amount expended on each shall be approximately in proportion to its mileage. On each railroad crossing of the greatest hazard to traffic are to be selected for elimination or protec tion. Initiative is selecting projects for improvement rests with the State authorities who will prepare the program, and submit it to the bureau of public roads for approval. Where legal authority exists in a State for the physical closure of railroad grade crossings and where, by the construction of a grade sep aration structure with adequate ap proaches the use of an existing grade crossing structure is render ed unnecessary for the convenience of the general public, the regula tions require that approval of a project for the construction of a grade separation structure shall be contingent upon prior provision for the physical closure of such grade crossing or crossings after com pletion of the new structure. Any lateral connection necessary to accomplish the physical closure of such existing grade crossings may be included as part of a project and paid for with grade crossing funds. Montilla Clarke i Dies Suddenly _ Noted Engineer of South ern Railway; Was !n Active Service for 52 j Years. From the Spencer Journal ; Engineer Montilla "Monk” J Clarke, age about 73, the oldest en gineer on the Danville division and ' one of the oldest on the Southern ] System, died suddenly early today a few minutes after ho stepped ofj his engine, from a heart attack. 1 Mr. Clarke walked into Dorsett’s Cafe, called for a cold drink, and as he reached for it fell to the floor, (dead. A physician was hurriedly j called but efforts to revive the stri cken man were to no avail. Funeral arrangements are not complete but it is stated that the services will be in Danville wher? I Continued on Page Eight County May Vote On Rum Issue County Option Plan Adopted By Assembly Commissioners Will Be Requested To Call Re ferendum On Issue In This County. ILLEGAL BOOZE DEALERS STUNNED This county may have legal, tax paid liquor in the near future, un der the county option plan adopted this week by the North Carolina General Assembly. Believing that temperance will be promoted by control and strict enforcement of laws and regula tions incident to the sale of liquor, and also, that the state, counties, and municipalities, should derive a fair tax from the sale of this com modity, the state solons voted af firmatively on the issue. It was variously predicted that the County Commissioners will act on this important issue in the near future. Certain it was that con siderable pressure will be brought for them to call an election to per mit the voters to determine whe ther or not they wanted legal, tax paid liquor. Action of the state General As sembly comes as damaging blow to persons who have been dispensing '■'f-hia commodity in this county under the so-called "bootleg” sys tem. A stiff fipht is nrerlicted. Under the measure, each county could call for elections on the crea tion of liquor stores. The adopted amendments would: 1. Prohibit drinking at football games or any other public assembly. 2. Cause stores to fix uniform prices. 3. Allow stricter supervision of srores and prohibit the placing of; a liquor store in a township which j voted dry although the count} ^ voted wet. 4. Require a 20-day notice of the, opening of the registration books' and provide for one ballot instead of two as previously stipulated. | County elections on the liquor; question within the next 30 days loomed as a possibility after the Senate passed the Hanford bill which would authorize county Uirds of commissioners to call special elections on the setting up of alcoholic beverage control stores. An amendment passed howevei,j specified that at least 20 days no-; rice of an election must be given in uruer mat voters may . Under the bill, elections also must be held if demanded in a pe tition signed by 15 per cent of the registered voters who participated; in the last gubernatorial election, j Mo votes would be held in the 17 counties now operating liquor stores under the New Hanover andt Pasquotank acts. In no county may i more than one election on the liquor j ouestion be held in any three-year period. Stores are operated by the counties. The State gets its regular sales tax from the sale of whiskey, j The Hanford proposal would al low counties to retain all profits| from the sale of spirits, but the revenue bill, now pending before the Senate, would place a 7 pet] cent State tax on gross sales. j The measure specifically prohi-j hi tv the resale in any way of bever ages bought from county stores, and none with more than 21 per cent alcoholic centent can be sold elsewhere. It also specifically prohibits drinking of the beverages on the premises of the county stores or county boards and on any public mad or street, but does not prohi-j bit drinking liquor in hotels and; afes which is taken there by per sons purchasing it legally. The measure sets no limit on pos session of legal whiskey, but in OUR SNAPSHOTS* Rehearsal Scene — Camera catche3 Francia White, Cali fornia prima donna, and Conrad Thibault, popular baritone, working on their num bers for the Tuesday evening Fred Astaire Charles Butterworth pcogram over the NBC-Red network Ship Ahoyl George Vanderbilt and his wife, wave farewell as they set sail from Palm Beach, Fla. for a five-month cruise and scientific expe dition to the South I ^Seas._ Leading A Field of 25 Cars of all makes and price classes, a Graham Supercharger sedan won the A.A.A. sanctioned Gilmore Los Angeles-Yosmite Economy Sweepstakes Award for the second consecutive year, averaging 53.4 ton miles per gallon. Earl B. onmore wen; cjdoui 10 present the trophy to Clay Moore, (right) drirer of the winning car^ | Mary Cai lisle, film ce ™ lebrity, likes all her com forts when taking a dip. Two Thrones ior England—The second throne has once more been restored to its historic position next to that of His Majesty at the House of Lords in readi ness for the Royal opening ceremony. Now Models For A New Industry are discussed by E. J. Schwanhausser, president of Buffalo Chamber of Commerce, (centor) with A. R Herslce (left) and D E. Kennedy, American Radiator Company vice-presidents, prior to the introduction of 20 1937 models for air conditioning at Buffalo (N Y ) convention. Questions Answered Regarding County Liquor Control Measure The bill providing for the manu facture, sale and control of alcoho lic beverages in North Carolina, simplified: Q. How does this bill, which was passed by the House and is now facing consideration by the Senate, differ from the present Pasquo tank measure? A. Briefly, it authorizes state wide sale of alcoholic liquors and establishes a state board of alco holic control which will supervise county liquor control boards. Q. Can counties now prohibiting the sale of liquor open liquor stores? A. Yes, the measure provides that a county election may be held and if a majority of the votes cast in the election are for liquor stores a system of stores shall be opened in that county. The law provides the ballots shall be printed with the words: "For County Liquor Control Stores” and "Against Liquor Control Stores.” Q. How will the election be ■ ...... -- called: A. The election will be called [upon written request of the board of county commissioners or upon a jytition to the board of elections signed by at least 15 per cent of the registered voters in the county! who voted in the last election for governor. Q. If the vote is against open ing of liquor stores, when can an other election be called in that county? A. Three years later. Q. Can the election be held when voting is going on for oth er county issues or for election oT new county officers? A. No, it must be an election on the liquor stores only and shall j not be held on the day of any bi- \ ennial election for county officers1 or within 60 days of such n elec-, tion. Q. How many persons will serve on the State Board of Alcoholic Control? A. Three, a chairman who shall i [receive $6,000 annually, and two1 associate members to be paid $25 for every day they are engaged in their official duties. The associate members also will receive trans portation to and from the meeting place of the board to their homes. Q. What is the term of office of each member rf this board? A. The chairman shall servo for three years from the date of his appointment and one associate member for two years, and the other one year from the date of his appointment. Subsequent mem bers of the board shall serve for three years. Q. What will this board do in regard to controlling county boards. A. Briefly, it will see that the liquor law is observed; it will au dit and examine accounts of the liquor stores; it will approve or disapprove the prices at the liquor stores and test the alcoholic bev erages which may be sold. Q. How will the quality of alco holic beverages bis known by Continued on Page Eight F. D. R. Outlines Plan To Assist Farm Tenants Federal Government Would Sell Farms On Liberal Terms Offers 40 Years To Pay Other Points Are Retire ment of Poor Land, Farmers’ Loans, And Windfall Tax. Washington.—President Roose velt asked Congress this week to save the "American dream” of in-lj dividual farm ownership. \, "Obviously action by the States1; alone and independently cannot cure the widsspread evil,” the Pres-i ident said in transmitting the re-1 j port of his special committee on; farm tenancy. I1 A nation-wide program under Federal leadership and with the assistance of States counties, com munities and individuals is the only solution. Most Americans be leive that our form of government does not prohibit action on behalf| of those who need help.” It was proposed: 1. Government purchase of good farm land for sale on liberal credit, terms to selected tenants. Pur-! chasers would have to pass through | a trial leasing period not to exceed i five years, would have 40 years' to complete payment, nd could ac quire title in 20 years if their fi nances permitted. 2. Federal and State purchase and retirement of about 100,000, 000 acres of poor crop land and as sistance to fmilies moving from it to better farms. This would be carried forward at the rate of 2, 000,000 to 5,000,000 acres a year. 3. "Modest loans” to prevent small farm owners from shipping into tenancy and to help tenants, croppers and farm laborers to in-; crease their standards of living. The! committee said about 1,300,000 te-| nants and cropper families and members of other groups of "dis advantage farm workers” needed such Federal assistance. 4. A Federal "windfall’ tax to take a large percentage of profits from sales of land made within three years after its purchase. This was proposed as a means to encour-j ’ee families to stay and develop! one farm. 5. State legislation to improve! the general leasing system and pro vide compensation to tenants pro perty improvements they make. ! 6. Construction and operation of j "decent places to live” for itinerant1 farm laborers. /. creation or a tarm security administration under the Secretary of Agriculture, to direct the Fed eral program. A farm security cor poration would handle legal trans actions concerning purchase and sale of land, stock and equipment, and the making of loans. ROYA'L BABE BAPTIZED Naples, Italy.—Baby Prince Vic torio Emanuele, who one day may be King of Italy and Emperor of ; Ethiopia, was given preliminary i baptism while joy spread through' j prisons in the land as thousands of | political prisoners learned of a grant of amnesty by the King on the oc , casion of the birth of his grand 1 son. — ! MOVE TO BUCKINGHAM I London. — King George VI, Queen Elizabeth and their two lit-1 tie princesses have moved bag and baggage into their new home —! Buckingham Place. The vaulted corridors of the palace, which wasj j the world’s most famous bachelor ! hall during the brief reign of Ed ward VIII, echoed today to the voices of little girls. 5 Supreme Court Changes Recorded Vumber Increased in 1807 1837, 1863, and 1869; Decreased in 1866 President Roosevelt’s drastic pro posal to increase the membership >f the Supreme Court is not with >ut precedent. This body has had ts make-up changed five times, our of the changes being in :reases. Mthough most of the enlarge-1 nents were due to a heavy raise luring the Grant administration, statements were heard that the1 president was trying to pack the x>urt. The incident occurred when jrant was seeking a ruling uphold-; ng the constitutionality of the egal tender act. This measure, which had been' Passed to provide paper money to pay for the Civil War, was declar-, 'd Partially invalid by a vote of 4 :o3. On the same day the decision vas delivered in 1870, Grant sent -o the senate the nominations of wo men to become new members - luuu. 1 nere w is only one vacancy to be filled but congress idded another member to the tri aunal. A little late-, s rehearing was granted and the entire legislation was upheld by a 5 to 4 vote The two new justices joined with the trio of previous dissenter-, to form a majority for the act. Grant denied that he had at tempted to "pack” the cour; and said he had not known of the de rision when he forwarded the no minations. The court originally was com aosed of six members. It was -aised to seven in 1807, to nine in 1837, ten in 1863, dropped to eight n 1866 and made nine—the pre> ;ent number—1866. In 1866, the reduction was voted ay congress to keep President fohnson from naming new mem aers. Also during the Johnson Ad ministration, the House passed, 116 to 39, a bill to prevent the justices from holding unconstitutional an act of congress except by a two thirds vote. The idea perished in the senate. It is among thos2 that have been discussed during recent months. These are the only instances his tory presents of success or near success in the numerous efforts to -lip the power of the tribunal be cause of antagonism. 9 Million Acres Being Purchased For Retirement The Resettlement Administration is buying up more than 9,000,000 acres of poor land, which can be developed as forests, parks, graz ing areas and wildlife refuges. This land consists largely of farms on which the soil is too poor to produce successful crops. Other tracts being purchased are mainly abandoned or idle lands that are not serving any useful purpose. Through its land program, the Resettlement Administration is tak ing over these unproductive areas, and putting the land to better use. Poor land, on which families have failed to make a living through farming, can be of great public value when devoted to forests and parks, watershed protection, cattle grazing and wildlife protection. A recent survey made by the gov ernment revealed that there are more than 650,000 farmers in the United States living on land too poor to support them. The farms which they occupy cover more than 100,000,000 acres of land. This is about one-tenth of all the farm Continued on Page Eight

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