BOOSTERS FOSi A GRAAT9R 0EW AMP CMKJM'W $ Rowa County Herald / ___ Successors to the Carolina Watchman POUNDED 1^32—105TH YEAR ' ------ - : - ~ ~UZ~ -- SALISBURY, N. C. FRIDAY, APRIL 30 1937 ' " vrtT ,n — _m i ■ HTH ^ - -—- ’ Vi II 1 fU\TC\ AC\ TYTiT/'H-r* r Betting Election Scheduled For Mav 27 Radio Fans Assured Fine Programs Salisbury Station Plans To Boost Local Industry Excellent Reception Will Enable Listeners to Tune In on National Programs Not Now Available. Since the announcement last, week that application has beenj made for a permit to construct and operate a radio broadcast station in Salisbury, very consid erable interest has been shown as to what kind of programs may be expected, and how the recep tion from the station will com pare with that from other points. Mr. Hedrick stated last week that it is his intention to put in the very best equipment obtaina ble and to select a location which will result in the reception being equal to the best stations now being received. It is well known that, with possibly one exception reception during the daytime in this part of the State is not very reliable and many programs which would otherwise be enjoy ed are not available during the day light hours. Mr. Hedrick states that the station he is plan ning to erect will completely overcome his condition and that it is his intention to obtain the very best programs by taking ad vantage of the various broadcast services available. He also states that the station will devote considerable time to programs which will help to fur ther the development of the ag ricultural and granite industries, our two most valuable assets. Information of great value to the farmers in this part of the state, will be an every day fea ture. By keeping the farmers in formed of market conditions, the station should be of great assis tance in the profitable disposition of farm produce. At the same time dealers in agricultural ma chinery, fertilizers, etc., will have the opportunity to tell the far mer what they have to offer to assist him in the working of his land. Toda> almost every home in the cauntry has a radio and the facilities which will be provided by the Salisbury station will as suredly do much toward the de velopment of our section. mulcting uams 87.2 Per Cent Labor Department Survey Shows March Total Far Above that of Year Ago Washington.—The Labor de partment’s monthly survey of building activity in 1,523 cities ( disclosed that the value of new residential construction in March was 87.2 per cent greater than in March, 1936. The report showed notable re sidential building activity in the Middle Atlantic States, the East! North-Central States, and on the| Pacific coast. March residential building was' estimated at $84,882,867, a 36.5 per cent advance over the Feb ruary total of $62,188,632. Building activity in March, including non-residential con- ] struction and alterations, a-!; mounted to $7,510,244, an in-1. (Continued on Page 8) j' Back Home After the Flood •• . '■ ' <;.* ' ■" .— J' i: E VST PRAIRIE, Mo. . . . This laniily. returned to <’• ir farm after the winter flood and set up tents amid the wieekasfc* of iii :r former home. Flood renaoihlation worn is now ociiiii undertaken in areas oi southeast 'fi.-settri that were afflicted. Granville Wilt Invades Eastern Tobacco Fields Granville wilt of tobacco, scourage of the crop in Gran ville, Wake an(l Durham coun ties, has been found generally distributed throughout eastern North Carolina in a survey made last season by Dr. Luther Shaw, plant disease specialist at State College. “In some of the eastern coun ties we found that this disease has already assumed alarming proportions,” says Dr. Shaw. Unless steps are taken to check its spread, the disease will be come very destructive. There is no practical method so far de veloped for eliminating the wilt from infested land nor de we know of any method to reduce its damage to tobacco once the soil has become generally in fested.” I he important thing before eastern tobacco growers is to try to prevent further spread of the bacterium which causes the trou ble. So far, Dr- Shaw says the disese is confined to small areas on many of the farms and in most cases to one or two fields on the farm. Where the trouble is confin ed to these small areas, growers must avoid planting tobacco or other susceptible crops on these areas. Resistant crops had bet ter be planted. Then, Dr. Shaw suggests, try to prevent wash ing from the infested soil to fields not now infested. This may be done with a good system of terraces and drainage ditches. Next, do not sarry stalks and tobacco trash from infested to uninfested fields. Third, Do not carry soil on plows or by | nther means from the infested ireas to fields free of the di sease. On farms where the disease is j generally present, Dr. Shaw sug- ‘ jests a crop rotation lasting From three to five years, using 'esistant or immune crops on the1 Fields when tobacco is not to be slanted thereon. FARMERS SELL HOGS Twenty farmers sold 242 fat togs weighing 48,260 pounds ■nd bringing $4,569.32 in cash t the Washington market last reek. Leaders Tour Western N. C. Charlotte. — Encouragement over the liquor situation in the western part of the State was reported by Mrs. W. B. Lind say, president of the North Carolina Women’s Christian Temperance union, upon her re turn from a visit to a number of cities in that section. Mrs. Lindsay and Mrs. T. IT. Plemmons spent a week in Ashe ville, Winston-Salem, North v\ ilkesboro, Mount Airy, Hen dersonville, Elkin and Spruce Line. They organized new unions at Elkin and Spruce Line and found the work pro gressing in other unions already in operation. Mrs. Lindsay reported the l nited Dry Forces very busy organizing their members and working to assure a dry vote for the counties in the western sec tion. Mrs. Plemmons, who is State chairman for the educational fund of the national W. C. T. U-, found that the North Wilke sboro union has completed rais ing its quota for this work. The State, said Mrs. Lindsay, has raised its first quota and hopes to have all the money raised by the first of June. They also found great inter- j est in the coming world conven Bon of the Women’s Christian Temperance union, to be held in Washington June 3 to 8, and a number of women said they would attend. While on the trip, they visit e 1 unions and also spoke at a number of school. Both were invited to return to Asheville Monday to speak at a meeting of the Asheville Ministerial associa tion. In Charlotte, the young people' inder leadership of Chester Mor rison, are waging a campaign a - gainst liquor. They are plan ning to hold one of the biggest nass meetings in the history of the city May 23, with Dr. Frank Craham, president of the Uni versity of North Carolina, as speaker. Before the date of the iisuor vote, they are planning to visit all homes in the city and :o stage a huge parade. They will also have a meeting at the First Reformed church this af :ernoon, with David Ovens as speaker. County To Vote On Pari-Mutual Betting Machines W. C. Coughenour, E. G Thompson and Edgai Montgomery Are Mem hers of the Commission McCanless To Pay Costs Of Election Rowan county is to vote May 27 on the question of establish 'Jig ci commission to conduct horse and dog racing and pari mutual betting machines in ac cordance with a bill passed bv the recent legislature.; C'' • k. Coughenour , named as chairman of the proposed com mission has resigned as chair man of the county election board which hoard called the election. Other members of the commis ■ :°n are to he E. G. Thompson ■'- d Edgar Montgomery. Salaries of the members of the commis sion are to be not less than $1,000 or rhore than $5,000' h War* Costs of the election/ which will he about $4,000, are t0 be borne by \\ . F. McCanless and associates who are asking for the election. Growers Make Plans For Seeding Legumes Now that most farmers have seeded all the lespcdeza they plan to grow this year, cow peas, soybeans, velvet beans, and other legumes improvement and erosion control. Most of the legumes, whose roots contain bacteria which take nitrogen out of the air and store it in a form available for plants, will grow on almost all types of soil, according to A. II. \ eazey, agronomist of the Soil Conservation .Service. Peazey pointed out that the lespedezas do best on the heavy soils and that cowpeas and soy beans need sandy soils for heal thiest growth. In a few weeks it will be time to seed cowpeas, soybeans and velvet beans. They should be planted during or just a few weeks after the corn-planting season, he said. When the legumes are turn ed under as green manure, they not only add nitrogen to the soil, but also provide organic matter which aids materially in the conservation of soil and mois ture. Summer green manure crops, should be followed by winter cover crops, Peazey said, and the winter crop that follows! should be mowed down and left on the land as a mulch. It is advisable, continued Peazey, to leave the land idle for 10 or 15 days after the green manure crop has been cut, in order that the plant food may become more rapidly available to the winter crops that are to he put on the land Another important factor is that the green manure crop should be mixed with the soil, so as to encourage rapid decom position and utilization of the plant food elements by the next :rop, he said. ir . -r | President Addresses Good Neighbors WASHINGTON . . . President Roosevelt opened the national observ ance of Pan-American Day by addressing diplomatic representatives of the Americas in the Board Room of the Pan-American Union. Pour years ago he outlined his "Good Neighbor" policy with Latin America ; from,Hrie same platform / { f - Farm Income Is Up!y$500,000,000 _ 4 Big Gain Made First Quarter Experts Attribute Sharp Climb Partly to Surge in General Business Ac tivity. \\ ashington. — Government estimates credited farmers with a cash income gain of nearly a half billion dollars in the first quarter of this year compared with the similar 1936 period. The respective totals were $1, 945,000,000 and $1,520,000,000. i lie sharp climb, experts said was caused in part by the upward surge of general business activi ty and in part by abnormal re actions from last summer’s drought. High prices of grains have put some additional money in some farmers’ pockets the economists said, and have forced others to1 sell off hogs and cattle Government benefit payments under the 1936 Federal program also accounted for some of the gain. Adore than $200,000,000! went to farmers from that source in the first three months i this year, against $16,000,000 in the same period of 1936. 1 The Agricultural Adjustment administration sent out $111, 000,000 in benefit payments/last, month alone, the greatest a-1 mount in one month since start of the Federal farm program in 1933. GERMAN CLAIMS COLONIES Cologne, Ger—Germany’s am bitions found new expression loday in a declaration by Franz con Epp head of the Reich Col ional federation, that her pre war colonies now under man date to other nations are rally ‘German property.” Von Epp described the mandate-holding powers as “profiteers” before a rolonial mass meeting. Mr. Heine Thanks Voters It is with a sense of profound gratitude that I extend my sin cere thanks to all of my friends who so loyally supported me in the recent primary. The fact that I obtained a majority of all votes cast in each and every ward proves my contention that friendship is the greatest asset a! man can have and that such friendship can only be created by a sincere desire to promote public welfare and civic growth. This vote of confidence has affected me even more deeply because of the fact that during the years that I have offered my self in the service of our city, my friends have continued to in crease in number. inuring tne neat ot an election many hard words are sometimes' spoken and many misleading' statements are circulated but public judgment is sound and truth always prevails. In the past, I have made re-| commendations which would have undoubtedly resulted in great savings to the tax payers of our city, but unfortunately I was handicapped by failure to receive cooperation. Now, how ever, the people have passed on this issue and I am confident in the future that our board will: vork harmoniously and the peo- ’ pie’s verdict will be respected. Again expressing my heartfelt :hanks, I want to assure my friends of my determination to rontinue my efforts for a pro gressive program for Salisbury md to aid in the development o f j 3ur City and County by promot- j ng enterprises which I am con vinced are necessary for the fu :ure growth and prosperity of :his community. B. V. Hed ;ck Polled Record Vote of 2,163 In Monday’s Race D. C. Dungan Nominated To Succeed H. C. Holmes Who Did Not Offer For Re-Election; Ran Third. General Election Be Held May 4th ! Leading the ticket in each of j the four wards of the city, B. V. Hedrick polled a record vote of ;2,163 in the Democratic primary i Held Monday. A total of 3,637 i ballots were cast. ! Three other members of the [present board were renominated. [They were: C. F. Raney, who [polled 1,927 votes, W. H. Har j -Tin, with 1,673 and W. H. Davis [with 1,667. One new member was added | to the board, D. C. Dungan, who made an unusually strong race, pulling 1,682, running third on the ticket Mr. Hedrick’s votes by wards was as follows: | West, 843. | North, 438. South, 498. East, 384. Six unseccessful candidates received the following votes: U. Ray Miller, 1,583. H. E. Withers, 1,535. R. Reid Goodson, 1,319. Cliff Owen, 1,067. Dan Nicholas, 776. Clarence Summers, 689. The general election will be held Tuesday, May 4th. Mr. Dungan will succeed IT. C. Holmes who did not offer for renomination. Mr. Dungan is at present a member of the city school board. Monday’s race was his first entry in local politics, seeking nomination by the elec torate. It will be recalled that two years ago Mr. Hedrick also led the ticket in the primary and gen eral election. Half Of Senate Sum Given Surplus Fund For Students Money To Accumulate From Many Sources (From The Pioneer) At the regular meeting of the Senate on Wednesday evening, April 21, it was decided to give one half of the remaining money ■n the treasury to the surplus fund. This is a fund started by former president Wilson Cheek last year, with Dr. Braun is advisor and Edgar Barr as reasurer. The money in the fund vill accumulate over a period >f years until the sum is large enough to be used for some wor :hy project. How the money s to be used will be determined jy what the students need most it that time' One half of the surplus from both the Swastika md the Pioneer is also to be p'ven to this fund. Since the noney comes from the students, t was thought to give some of :he surpms back to them in this way.

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