I V BOOSTERS FOR A GREATER CITY AND COUNTY ‘ % owan County Herald \ Si lessors to the Carolina Watchman FOUNDED 1^32—105TH YEAR SALISBURY, N. C. FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1937 VOL. 104 NO. 43 PRICE 5 CFNTS Thousands Are In Line For Pensions FEAR MANY WILL FAIL TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS State Board of Public Wel fare Gives Details Ab'ut Old Age Act Raleigh.—There are thou sands of North Carolinians who will be eligible for aid under provisions of the Old Age Assistance Act passed by the 1937 General Assem bly, and there are many more who will not be able to meet the requirements for various reasons. The State Board if Chari ties and Public Welfare, anxious to make clear pro visions if the Old Age As sistance plan, which be comes effective on July 1 of this year, has issued a state ment tending to clarify the Act. une oi me nrst require ments is that applicants for aid under the plan shall be citizens of the United States, either native-born or natur alized. Another essential is that applicants shall be 65 years of age or over and shall not have sufficitne in come, or other resources, to provide a reasonable subsistence compairible with decency and health. Many persons reaching the age of 65 have not been able. 'N frequently through no fault of their own, to save sufficient money to care for them selves in the declining years of their lives: others because of a&e or curabili ties, are unable to earn a comfortable livelirood, still others are not so situated that they can not care for themselves. Applicants for assistance under the Act are not sup posed to be inmates of any public institution at the time the applications are filed. However, they may apply for aid which, if al lowed, will not begin until they have ceased to be in mates of public institutions. In order to prevent pos sible fraudulent applications for assistance under the Old Age plan, the law spe cifically prohibits the as signment or transfer of pro perty during the two yeas prior to the filing of appli cations Another requirement which will be rigidly ad hered to is that all appli cants must have been resi dents of North CarUina for at least five of the nine pears preceding the filing of the applications, and for one year immediately pre ceding the filing. There is an additional stipulation, in view of the fact that the 100 counties of the State are participat ing in the financial aspects of the Act, that applicants nust have been residents of ;he county in which the ap plications are filed for at east one year. Tris, how ever, in cases where county •esidence has been of short er duration- has been cared ;or by a clause in the law -vhich provides that approv ed applicants shall receive full benefits, with the dif ference which would have oeen absorbed by the coun ;y coming from the State appropriation. Instance of ;his character will be pass ed upon by the State bJard. Amounts to be paid ap plicants will be determined upon individual conditions and will not exceed $30 per month, or $360 per year. Of this amount_ the coun ties will pay ’ practically one-fourth, and the State one-fourth. Tax Money Pours Into State Coffers REVENUE TOTAL MAKESHISTORY $63 892,993.44 Collection Is Largest Ever Recorded by North Carolina. Raltigh.—With one month to go before the end of the pre sent fiscal year, North Carolina already has collected more taxes in 1936-37 than during any pre ceding 12-month period in the State’s history. Receipts during May, the revenue department reported, boosted total collections for the ' first 11 months of the 1936-37 fiscal year to $63,892,993.44. The previous record was $57,510. 848.46, for the 12 months end ing lune 30, 1936. The receipts were $11,932, 023.57, or 22.96 per cent, over those of the first 11 months of the last fiscal year. General fund collections totaled $34. c,66.202.62. an increase of $8, 124,569.99, or 30.27 per cent, over the same date last year. Motor vehicle collections were $28,926,790.82. up $3,807,453. 58. or 15.16 per cent. For the first time since pre prohibition days,, the State this month levied a license tax on the sale of wine, which netted ■ approximately $42,000. This item, swelled the beverage tax during May to $144,057.56, as compared with $77,081.25 in May, 1936. when only beer dis tributors were required to ob tain licenses. Xot included in the report was the new 7 per cent sales . tax on liquor, which became ef fective May 1, but which will :mt be paid to the State by county alcoholic beverage stores until June 10. Sales tax collections during May were $965,271.01, an in crease of $107,980.86 over the same month one year ago. To date during the fiscal ye^r, the 3 per cent sales tax has netted SI0.348.997.88. compared with $9,332,822.14 during the first 11 months in 1935-36. Income tax collections jump ed from $6,603,017.59 during 11 months of the last fiscal year, to the all-time high mark of $10,764,789.72, and the inherit ance tax receipts from $473,463. 03 to $3,902,484.40. Gasoline tax during May totaled $2,166,035.63, a;n increase of $522,48®.21 over the month last year to swell the total for the fiscal year to $20,240,980. 10, compared with $17,445,528. 99 during the same period of 1935-36. Strip-Cropping Helps In Soil Conservation Farmers in the Huntersville area of the Soil Conservation service report that they are find ing it much easier to establish rotations where strip—cropping is practiced, according to John C. Shiver, assistant soil conser vationist. Such crops as small grains, sorghums, legumes, and grasses are readily adaptable to the strip cropping and fit in well in strip rotations with clean-culti vated crops. Strips can be used tc establish terrace lines, mak ing it possible to build ter races at a more convenient time. Width of the strips is depend ent upon the slope of the land and requirements of the indivi dual fhiver said. On gentle slopes it is considered good prac tice to lay off the strips 20 to 30 feet wide and on steep slopes 40 to SO feet wide. HIGHLIGHTS OF MESSAGE Washington. — Highlights of President Roosevelt’s message urging Congress to close loop holes in Federal tax laws: We face a challenge to the power of the government to collect, uniformly, fairly and W’thout discrimination, taxes based on statutes adopted by the Congress. This (Treasury) report re veals efforts at avoidance and evasion of tax liability, so wide spread and so amazing both in their boldness and their ingen uity, that further action without delay seems imperative. I The example of successful, jtax dodging by a minority of |\ery higii individuals breeds ef forts by other people to dodge other laws as well as tax laws. In this immediate problem the decency of American morals is involved. I am confident that the Con gress will wish to enact legis lation at this session specifically and exclusively aimed at mak ing the present tax structure evasion—proof. Methods of escape or intend ed escape from tax liability are many. Sprne are instances of avoidance which appear to have the color of legality': others art!* on the borderline of legality; others are plainly contrary even to the letter of he law. The three great branches of the government have a joint concern in this situation. It is . . . a matter of deep regret to know that lawyers of high standing at the liar not only have advised and are ad vising their clients to utilize tax avoidance devices, but are ac tively using these devices in their own personal affairs. N. Y. SURROGATE SUCCUMBS Brentwood, N. Y. — Daniel Noble, a Queens county surro gate for 30 years before his re tirement in 1930. died of a lin gering heart ailment at his Long Island summer home here last Monday. He was born 77 years ago in Brooklyn. RAIL WRECKERS KILLED > Moscow.—The execution jof 11 more persons accused of railway sabotage under the di-1 ^rection of a "Japanese intelli gence organization” at Khabaro vsk, Siberia, was disclosed bringing to 66 the total execut ed during May in the Far East. BLAMES WAR ON FASCISTS Paris. — Norman Thomas American Socialist leader, de clared that Reichsfeuhrer Adolf Hitler and Premier Benito Mus solin are waging war “with oarticular frightfulness” on the Spanish people “in a struggle which they themselves secretary fomented.” PLANE FALLS IN CITY, 2 DIE Montgomery, Ala. — Russell C. Luquire, Birmingham burial insurance company executive, and a young woman, not imme diately identified, were killed when their airplane fell in down town Montgomery. Luquire'was 31. THe plane was rented at Montgomery municipal airport a short time earlier and Luquire was at the controls. i I In The WEEK'S NEWS I LUC'CY—Henry Gold- , k 1 2 of Brooklyn ?! planned to bring his ! Buick back from Eu- I; rope on the last tragic § trip of the Hinden- j!f burg, but the cable he ! holds here cancelled § that plan. He and his § car came back safely by boat- “I’ll cherjsh f! that car as long as it runs,” he said, “and then I’m going to put it on my lawn and plant flowers saved my l i mm THE DUKE AND THE DUCHESS—His brother for mally crowned, her divorce final and complete, the world’s foremost lovers pose for a photograph on the la'*m or their bridal rendezvous. Hereafter they will • pose as the Duke and Duchess of Windsor. OUT IN FRONT—No camera was needed to pick the winner when Jockey J. Dyer brought Transmutable home far ahead of the field in the first running of a new track classic, the Crab Orchard Handicap at Aurora. READY TO RE TIRE — Supreme , Court Justice Wil li lis Van Devanter, \ who resigned his \ post on the nation’s (ultimate tribunal, [looks over the stock Jon the 788-a ere F Maryland farm on /which he will / henceforth spend I most of his time. .-te-— ,.L_. -—! I SUMMER | EVENING [ FROCK — Kathryn Marlowe,'' | screen star, is shown wearing one of her pretti est evening frocks. It is printed cot ton in maize, blue and black on a white background. The short jacket is outlined with a | wide band of i maize handker I chief jinen, which also forms the bor der on the flared &» skirt. BERMUDA BV PLANE—A quick ocean hop to the island of y Bermuda will be possible hereafter for time-pressed vacationists, ,-j Here the new Bermuda Clipper takes off on a survey flight prior ^ to the opening of regular service. c Under The Dome The Supreme Court’s rul ing upholding the Social Se curity Act is generally re garded as the final death blow to the President’s Court Reorganization Plan. Following the resignation of Justice Van Devanter it is held here to remove the last ground for complaint breast of the times. The talk of a “chnpro mise” measure, to authorize the addition of two justices instead of six, is dying down, and the President is being urged most strongly by many of his advisers, in and out of Congress, to withdraw his Court pro posal entirely. Politics Full of Surprises It is now regarded by many as doubtful whether, with all the political pres sure which the great power of his office enables him to put upon recalcitrant mem bers of both houses of Con gress, Mr. Roosevelt could force his court plan through so bitter and well-organized is the opposition to it. How ever, politics is full of sur prises, and Mr. Roosevelt is one of the most resourceful of politicians, so it is not safe to call anything dead which he earnestly wants to keep alive. Moreover, Congress as a whole is not inclined to re ject the President’s leader ship, on any matter but the* Supreme Court' reorganiza-! tion plan. Every member knows that the President is more popular with the mas ses than Congress is. But Congress is discovering that with the growth of economic recovery, it can get public support for acts to which the President has not given his assent. Therefore, the current tendency, which is gaining strength, of Congress to Congress to take tre reins if legislation back into its own hands and so reestablish it self in its Constitutional status of an equal and coor dinate branch of the Feder al Government, not subser vient to the Executive branch. I Something of that same revival of the spirit of the independence of the three departments of government lies behind th|e strongest opposition to any act which would impair the indepen dence of the third branch, the Judiciary. Advisers Resented In this new spirit of inde pendence, Congress, speak ing broadly, is becoming more resentful of the activ ities of so-called “Presiden tial advisers,” who have no legal status as such, and who are often suspected of (Contiued on Page 4) UMBERTO’S HEIR BAPTISED Rome.—The Heir Presump tive to the Italian throne, the two-and-a-months-old son of Crown Prince Umberto and < the Crown Princes, was bap tized in the Pauline chapel of | the Quirinal Palace. He was given this name: Vittorio Ema— nuele Alberto Carlo Teddoro Umberto Bonifacio Amedeo Da-1 miano Bernardino Gennaro Ma- i rio. - i HOSPITAL AND OIL FOR DUCKS t Salt Lake CityV-Ever hear. of a “duck hospital” where ail-j ing wildfowl are dosed with cas- ■ tor oil and put on a rest cure?, There’s one at the Bear river i migratory game bird refuge 7g miles northwest of here where experts who do the “doctoring” were credited with saving thou sands of birds for the nation’s sportsmen. POPE PLUS GIVEN AUTO Castle Gandolfo.—Pope Pius XT was given an automobile with gears and body designed especially for his comfort as a birthday present Monday. He was 80 Tuesday. The Holy Father, his face thinned by long illness, smiled brightly when he saw the car, stepped into it, and sat down virtually without assistance. RULES FOR A LONG LIFE If you would live to a ripe old age, here are ten excellent rules given by Hygeia on how to live 100 years, which have been widely quoted. 1. Breathe fresh air, both day and night. 2. Exercise your larger mus cles regularly every day. d. Look on overfatitgue as your enemy, and on rest as your friend. Take at least eight hours of steep. (The voice of wisdom says one should turn off the radio at 10.) 4. Drink plenty of water at meals and also between meals. 5. Eat temperately, partaking of vegetables and fruit for ‘roughage” and health’s sake, and sparingly of meat and sugar. Avoid overweight. 6. Have regular bowel habits. 7. Avoid infection from both outside and inside sources. Make a thorough recovery from colds and sore throat. 8. Wash your hands before eatinsr. (That the teeth are to be cleaned night and morning is taken for granted). 9. Think wholesome thoughts I'ace unpleasant situations frank. and sensibly, and don’t wor ry. Keep your play spirit. 10. Have a health examinatior by your physician each year: ask his advice and follow it. New Barley Varieties mil Ir_erw*we Yield: New strains of barley develop ed by experiment station work ers will help North Carolina farmers conserve their soil and feed their livestock a better ra tion. Barley fits in well with the soil conservation [program, makes a good nurse crop for lespedeza or red clover, is an excellent feed for stock, and grows at a convenient"time of year, said Dr. Gordon K. Mid dleton, cereal agronomist of the central experiment station at State College. ; The State’s barley production dropped from 23,000 acres in 1930 to 9,000 acres in 1935, due to the heavy inroads made by smut disease, he continued. The new strains developed for this State have a fairly good resistance to smut and produce comparatively high yields of grain, and Mr. Middleton be lieves they will revive the bar ley crop. As a forage crop, the hood ed or smooth varieties are pre ferred, while bearded barleys produce the heaviest yields of grain. The new hooded selection known as No. 26 has averaged 26.3 bushels per acre in tests conducted during the past five years, as compared with 22.8 bushels produced by Tennessee No. 6. Although No. 26 is not completely immune to smut, it does show a far greater resist ance than any other variety now grown in this State. The average yield of all hood- , id barleys in the State for the years 1932-1936 was 33.8 bu shels per acre, while the beard ed barleys produced an average of 33.8 bushels. A new hybrid selection of bearded barley known as No. 15 has been the highest pro ducer, yielding 37.4 bushels to the acre. This strain appears to be almost completely immune to smut. Seed from Hooded No. 26 and Bearded No. 15 are being produced, but there will not be enough available for general distrieutio until 1938. Dr. Mid dleton stated. Only a few seed are now on hand.