I :Cil; ; ■ * .*: STATISTICIAN MAKESREPORT Predicts Heavier Production of Small Grains, Peaches, Apples, Pears and Legumes Raleigff. — W. H. Rhodes, chief statistician of the State Department of Agriculture, re ported most North Carolina crops were in “excellent condition gen erally on June 1” and forecast , increased production of small grains, peaches, apples, pears, and legumes, over last year. The statistician’s findings were based on information gathered by Federal-State crop reporters. The cotton _asd tobacco outlook was not included. Some sections of the State were extremely dry during May, Rhodes said, while “other spot ted areas had fairly good rain fall.” “The early truck crops have met with varying conditions, mostly not entirely satisfac tory,” Rhodes said. “The potato crop is still in doubt. Some of the other crops have made short yields because of the dry wea ther. May peas made about half yield and in spite of this the price was quite low. With an apparently shorter potato yield than earlier expected, the price is expected to be low because of the great increase in acreage this year and the better conrli Tame Hay — 80 per cent oi normal, the same as the last 10 year average and one per cent •improvement over May. Alfalfa Hay — 82 per cent of normal, compared with 42 per cent a year ago. Clover and timothy — 84 per cent of normal, compared with -16 per cent a year ago. Wild hay — 78 per cent of normal compared with 53 per ^ cent a year ago. B Pastures — 82 per cent of V normal, or 31 per cent better W than June of last year. jf Early Ir)sh potatoes — 77 1 per cent of normal'June 1, com I pared with 81 per cent a month I ago and the past 10-year f average of 79 per cent. Pears — 39 per cent of nor mal, three per cent better than a year ago, but eight per cent below the 10-year average; a . crop of 194,000 bushels is in ' dicated compared with 240,000 harvested last year. Apples — 72 per cent of a normal, compared with 35 per cent on the same date last year and a 10-year average of 56 per cent. STATEMENT • * By B. V. HEDRICK I wish to take this opportunity to announce that plans for the publication of the Salisbury Morning Herald, Salisbury’s new daily paper, are progressing rapidly and it is hoped that the first issue will come off the press not l^ter than August 1. A .delay of several weeks was Occasioned by the necessity of erecting a separate building for the press and stereotype equipment- Work on this structure is being rushe'd and should be completed within a week or ten days. The building for the press will be 24 feet wide and 65 feet in length, with granite walls and cement floor. Offices for the business, editorial, advertising and circulation departments are being construi^H on the second floor of Hedrick Auto Company, which has l^loor space of 9,QQ0 square feet. L. S. Bradshaw, local contractor, was awarded the contract for this work. The entire ceiling of the second floor will have four inches of rock wool insulation placed over the ceiling. Steam heat is also being installed in all departments. The Salisbury Morning Herald, will be eight columns, 12 ems in width and with a depth of 21 inches for news and ad vertising matter, being the same standard size as the Charlotte Observer, Greensboro Daily News and other leading dailies in the State. The new daily will be modeled after one of the leading daily newspapers in the South in type display and general layout. All machinery has been purchased and will be installed in the near future. The machinery includes five linotype machines, one 24 page Hoe Rotary press, with a capacity of printing 30,000 papers per TiourT conip 1 vtT^BBB^lype*TqIiTpnierh, Cue>'Io wf '"Elrbir,'^office equipment, and miscellaneous mechanical equipment. Stockholders of the Salisbury Herald Publishing Company met recently and selected 24 outstanding and representative citizens of Salisbury and Rowan County to serve on the Board of Directors of this new corporation, 12 being chosen from Salisbury and 12 from different towns and communities in Rowan County. Stock certificates are now being issued to subscribers of stock at the office at 120 North Church Street. The stock is ten dollars per share, not over ten shares being sold to any one person. The Salisbury Morning Herald will select its personnel in the near fu.ure and active solicitation of subscriptions and ad vertisements will begin immedatelv after the staffs are com pleted. The publishers of the Salisbury Morning Herald are grateful for their many friends and well-wishers and for the support of local merchants and business men who have tendered idvertising contracts in advance of publication. It is hoped that commitments on advertising contracts will be withheld until representath es of The Morning Herald will have an opportunity to discuss the matter with the advertisers. B. V. HEDRICK Swing It Lady, Swing It A TEXAS ranger puts the southern accent on the drums and cymbols. Dez Thompson, who hails from Fill Worth, says a sparkling hello 1 with tlie drum-sticks and brushes in Phil Spitalny’s thirty-girl orchestra heard on the “Hour of Charm” over NBC Monday nights. Dez is one girl in the band who needs all the beaus she can muster to help her lug the 300 pounds of contraption to and from the studio. But * that’s not much of a worry, according to this sweet rhythm lady, who declares northern gentlemen as chivalrous as southerners. ■ ' -I, y , ,v r " 5 ’»•*«« VUtsiM'S.-Ui-l ■'ii- i ■ I “ ances an^^^^HKainly suggest that hisfl^^^V in no way im paireu.4BH^Kunciation of the SupremtJBPWfor taking a long vacation, from June to Octo ber, when there are important cases pending, is taken as an indication that Mr a, Roosevelt has in no way abandoned his purpose of '‘reforming” the high court. Indeed, he repeated only a few days a: o his belief tbj * his proposal *' increase the trf sire justices will be adopted at this session of Congress, i Impartial observers do not be lieve that is probable, but the President's statement amounted to serving notice on Congress that he has not abandoned his purpose and is not willing to compromise. The best-informed opinion here is that the court packing plan will not come to a vote on the floor of either house at this session. By defer ring action, the President’s fri ends in Congress, many of whom are bitterly opposed to “save his face” instead of exposing it to the chance of getting slapped. REVISION OF TAX LAWS 1 he President s action in pointing out ways which some wealthy men have used to avoid payment of income taxes has opened up the question of revi sion of the tax laws, which leaders in both houses of Con gress have hoped to postpone un_ til next session. Once the sub ject is taken up for considera tion in any phase, the ,door is opened for almost unlimited dis cussion. There are scores of ‘pet” tax measures which indi vidual Senators and Representa tives want to bring forward; but the plan of the leaders is to postpone all of them for consi deration by the appropriate com mittees and to try to wo'x out a complete revision of the whole System of Federal taxation next year. Another reason why Con gress does not \y#nt to open the tax subject now is the be lief that, given a chance, Senator LaFollette of Wisconsin is pre pared to demand the broadening of the income tax base to in clude everyone earning $15 a week or more, and to arouse enough popular pressure behind 'hat idea to force its serious consideration. The President’s proposal for federal regulation of hours and wages, which has been embodied in bills by Senator Black and Representative Connery, marks another step toward the piece meal restoration of parts of the old NRA. It attempts to do for industries whose products are 63£LQf,Jhe,.Stream of interstate : -V-j commerce, what the NRA code tried to do for practically all in dustry in the matter of wages and hours. Unlike NRA this is not an emergency measure and its main purpose is not to promote re employment. Fundamentally, the Administration hopes by this means to abolish child labor and to put permanent floor under industrial wages and a perman ent ceiling on industrial hours. GOVERNMENT CONTROL OF POWER The expectation here is that the wage-and-hour legislation will be enacted at this session. There will be material modifi cations of the bills as introduced but it is quite likely that a mini mum working a week and a ma ximum working week of 40 hours may be imposed upon all industries whose products enter n;o the stream of interstate commerce. Much authority will probably be given the administrative board to authorize deviations from whatever standards are set up :u the law, to meet special re gional or other conditions. This is of particular interest to Sou thern members, who feel that the problem of Negro labor is one which should be approached i*W rr■ 1 ,;t”. ^4'tnb' much leeway should be given to iocal administrators. Tre Administration’s latest plan for the establishment of seven “regional TVA’s” would, m effect make every great river valley into an administrative unit, in which the production and distribution of electric power would be integrated and super vised by a Federal commission, superseding state authorities and effectively putting control of all electric generation and use, and its price to consumers, into the hands of the Federal Govern ment. The chance of getting this measure adopted is regarded as very good. The “March on Washington” of W PA workers as a protest against the cutting of relief ap propriations, is beginning to look like a reality. The word has gone out from Relief Ad ministrator Hopkins’ office that millions will have to be drop ped from WPA rolls if the re lief appropriations are cut. The resulting pressure on Congress to abandon its economy ideas and give Mr. Hopkins what he wants is proving irresistable. 'SALISBURY RO STABBED TO TH Nancy Howell, negro woman, was stabbed to death Sunday in Salisbury in a negro section and Mary Brown, another ne gro woman, is in a local hospi tal in a serious condition from a similar attack. Police are -searching for James Nesbit, negro said to be from Emily, S. C., in connec tion with the Howell stabbing, and Roy Brown, husband of Mary Brown, was arrested for the stabbing of his wife at a bus station here yesterday after noon. Browin told the officers his wife was going to leave town and they had an argument a bout the matter which resulted in his slashing her in the chest with a switch bladed knife and stabbing her several times in the back. GOV. CLYDE R. HOEY SYRIANS TO MEET IN RALEIGH SOON The Lebanon Syriani American association of North Carolina is making preparations to take care, of 5.000 or more guests at the Grand Mahrajan which thev are sponsoring in Ral eigh to be held on June 20 and 21. Visitors from North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, and the Northern states are preparing to attend this "A'. B. SaTeeby, of "Salis bury, is one of the leaders in the organization, and Mrs. Saleeby will be amiong the local delegation in at tendance. I he .North Carolina state Fair grounds will be the site for the entertainment, speeches and banquet. The headquarters of the Mahra jan will be the Carolina ho tel in Raleigh. Jim Poyner' and his famous collegians will play for the two days of festivity. Musicians from New York will entertain, among them being Russell Bunai, one of the outstand ing Syrian singers in the country; Phillip Solomon, violinist; Joe Badawey and others. A grand ball will eclipse this brilliant affair on Mon day night, June 21 at the MemJorial Auditorium, and Jimmy Poyner will furnish the music. Many speakers have ac cepted invitations to attend among whom are the gov ernors of North and South Carolina, Dr. H. A. Elkourie of Alabama and others. Herald-Watchman Be Discontinued With July 2 Issue Effective with the issue of July 2, The Herald-Watchman will be discontinued in order to clear the decks for the appear ance of the Salisbury Morning Herald, the new daily news paper which will be published in Salisbury and Rowan county in the near future. Subscribers to The Herald Watchman, whose subscriptions have not expired, will be allow ed a credit for the amount bal ance due on their subscriptions on the subscription price of the Salisbury Morning Herald. Existing advertising contracts of The Herald-Watchman will also be taken over by the new morning daily when it begins publication. TOTAL IN 1936 IS WELL ABO VE PREVIOUS YEAR Earning# Advance More Rapidly Tjhan Prices 1938 MAY EQUAL 1929 Imftjp! Wealth Still Be s ^^1 Washington. — The Commerce Department reported the national income totaled $62,056,000,000 in 1936. or $7,411,000,000 over 1935. Officials predicted the figure would reach’$70,000,000,000 this year. Since the 1933 depression low the report said, the national in come has bounded upward more swiftly than prices, producing “a much enlarged real purchas ing power of individuals.” From 1933 to 1936, it con tinued, the national income climbed 38 per cent, while the cost of living advanced only eight per cent. ine report listed per capita income of employes last year at $1,244—$58 over 1935 and 88.4 per cent of the 1929 figure. At $41,250,000,000 last year, total compensation to employes increased 14 per cent over 1935 and was 16.5 per cent of aggre gate national income. The labor share of total national income in, 1936 was the highest on record, comparing with 66.4 per cent of the total in 1935 and 65.5 per cent in 1929. Dividends last year td $4,573,000,000. About 50 cent over the preceding year,! 23 per cent under 1929. Df ends comprised 7.4 per cenl| the national income last yt^ compared with 5.6 per cent in 1935 and 7.6 per cent in 1929. Among individual producers of income in 1936, the largest was manufacturing, which pro vided $14,253,000,000. The gov ernment was next with $9,243, 000,000, inclusive of work re llief wages. The income figures were for “income paid out”—that paid for wages dividends, interest, royalties, rent, and similar costs. “Income produced”—The net value of all commodities pro duced and services rendered dur ing the year—totaled $63,799. 000,000 in 1931, or $1,143,000, 000 more than income paid out. This excess of income pro duced was classified by the commerce department as “busi ness sayings.” There were no such savings between 1930 and 1934, income paid out exceeding income produced. Estimating 1937 income paid out would reach $70,000,000,000 officials said this still would be substantially under the $78,174, 000,000 listed for 1929. Should the current rate of in crease continue through this year and next, however, they said the 1929 total would be reached in 1938. A return to 1929 dollaf income would not mean restoration of 1929 living standards, authorities explained because there has been a sub stantial increase in population since the boom year. Coincident with the gain in na tional income last year, a Com merce department credit report said Americans did more install ment buying than in 1935. Of total sales by a selected group of retailers, installment transactions comprised 14 per cent compared with 12.8 in 1935. Bad debt losses to stores on installment credit last year, how ever, were only 1.2 per cent compared with 1.5 per cent in 1935. them States.” Cropjs and their conditions follow: Peaches — 53 per cent of a normal crop, compared with 48 per cent last yearindicated production 1,767,000 bushels, as against 1,558,000 last year. Wheat — 85 per cent of a normal crop expected compared with 61 per cent on the same date last year; indicated produc tion 6,648,000 bushels, compar-' ed with an average crop of a bout 3,790,000. Oats — 81 per cent of nor mal, 27 per cent better than on the same date last year and four per cent better than the last 10 year average crop. Rye — 86 per cent of normal cotrpared with 66 per cent last year on the same date; indicated production 525,000 bushels, com pared with 390.000 harvested in 1936 and a five-year average of 486.000.

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