Legal Notices NORTH CAROLINA ROWAN COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT E. P. Mills, Plaintiff Vs Edith D. Mills, Defendant NOTICE OF SUMMONS The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above, has been com menced in the Superior Court of Rowan County, for the pur pose of obtaining an absolute divorce from her upon the grounds of two successive years separation, as provided by law; that said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Rowan County, at his office in the Court House in the City of Salisbury, North Carolina, on the 12th day of July, 1937, or within thirty days thereafter; and answer or demur to fie complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 11th day of June, 1937. B. D. McCUBBINS Clerk Superior Court ; Geo. R. Uzzell } Attorney for Plaintiff June 11—July 2 —i----— NOTICE State of North Carolina, County of Rowan. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Eonie Quick vs. Claude E. Quick The defendant, Claude E. Quick, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in Superior Court of Rowan County for the purpose of obtaining an abso lute divorce between the plain tiff and the defendant by rea son of a separation between plaintiff and defendant and having lived separate and apart from each other for more than two years prior to the institu tion of th(i|s action; and that I said defendant will further take notice that he is required to ap pear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said coun ty at the court house in Salis " £?.■■€., or.-the-ABw-day cf 1937. or within thirty days after, and answer or demur .e complaint filed in said ac or the plaintiff will apply court for the relief de rided in the complaint. This June 2, 1937. B. D. McCUBBINS, C. S. C. John L. Rpndleman, Attorney. June 11—July 2. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Adminis trator of the estate of Bane Ar chie, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims agai nst the said decedent to file an itemized, verified statement of same with the undersigned on of before the 21st day of April 1938, or this notice will be plea ded in bar of their recovery. Persons indebted to said estate are notified to make prompt set tlement. This April 14, 1937. Fred H. Young, Administra tor of the Estate of Bane Ar chie, Deceased. lMay 28—July 2. MORTGAGE SALE OF VACANT LOT Pursuant to the provisions of a certain Mortgage Deed of Trust executed by John Young blood and wife, Alice Young blood, to the undersigned Trus tee, registered in Book of Mort gages 76, page 143 in the Reg ister of Deeds office of Rowan County, default having been made in the payment of the in debtedness secured thereby, the holder of said indebtedness hav ing requested foreclosure of said Mortgage Deed of Trust, the undersigned Trustee will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the "Court House door in Salisbury North Carolina, on June 28th, 1937, at 12:00 M. the following describ ed real estate, to wit: Situated lying and being in the city of Salisbury, in the west Ward, and described as follows: Beginning at a stake East side of Melton Avenue, 190 feet North from the Northeast in tersection of Link Avenue and Melton Avenue; thence North 4 degrees East 50 feet, more or less, along Melton Avenue, to a stake on the side of said Avenue, corner^^^^bta 6; thence with line of lot No. 6, South 86 deg. East 164 feet, more or less, to a stake on original line; thence South 4 degrees West 50 feet, more or less, to a stake, comer of lot No. 4; thence with line of lot No. 4, North 86 degrees west 164 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning on Melton Avenue, being lot No. 5, on the property of S. F. Lord, survey ed by N. A. Trexler, March 3918. This sale will be made subject to all unpaid taxes, assessment?, or other liens now existing on said property. This the 24th day of May 1937. P. S. Carlton, Trustee. June 4—25. SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Pursuant to the provisions contained in a certain Deed of Trust, dated January 23, 1924, executed by W. R. Porter to Ross M. Sigmon, Trustee, re corded in Mortgage Book No. 71, page 227, in the office of Register of Deeds for Rowan County, N. C., default having been made in the payment of the amount secured by said deed of trust as therein provided, an<J by authority and power of sale conferred by said deed of trust, and by law provided, and at the request of the holder of the note, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, or Didders, ior casn at me v_,oun House door in Salisbury, N. C.. on SATURDAY, JUNE 26th, 1937, AT TWELVE O’CLOCK NOON, the following describ ed real property, to-wit: (11 Beginning at the North corner of the intersection of church and twelfth streets and runs thence with Church street, North 47 East 140 feet to a stake on Alley ten feet wide; thence with alley North 43 West 50 feet to a stake corner of lot No. 4: thence with line of lot No. 4, South 47 West 140 feet to a stake on Twelfth street, corner lot No. 4; thence with Twelfth street South 43 East 50 feet to the beginning, being lot No. 5, block 98, on Henderson’s map of Hamilton Heights, in the suburbs of the North Ward of the city of Sal isbury, surveyed and platted by XlUMWivliTIer,' C. ttf' November, 1911. For back title see deed registered in book of deeds No. 166, Page 163, in the register’s office of Rowan County and the deeds therein mentioned. (21 Beginning at a stake on the Northwest side of Salisbury Avenue intersection of said 'avenue and Fifteenth street, thence with line of said street North 23-15’ West 194 feet to a stake intersection of a 12 foot alley, thence with said alley South 66-45’ West 50 feet to a stake, thence South 23-15’ East Parallel with Fifteenth Street 194 feet to a stake on line of Salisbury avenue, thence with said avenue North 66-45’ East 50 feet to the beginning and known as lot No. 7 in Block M. as shown by the Map of the Henderson and Boyden property North Salisbury, N. C. For baci< .itle see deed registered in book 100, page 334 in the register’s office of Rowan County and the deeds therein mentioned. This the 26th day of May. ROSS M. SIGMON, j Trustee Hudson & Hudson, attorneys May 28—June 25. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Whereas, on the 8th day of January, 1934, C. T. Harris and Lyda Gribble Harris executed and delivered unto W. O. Mc Gibony, Trustee for Land Bank Commissioner, a certain deed of trust which is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Rowan County, North Car olina, in Book 126 at Page 104; and WHEREAS, default has been made in the payment of the in debtedness thereby secured as therein provided, and the trus tee has been requested by the owner and holder thereof to ex ercise the power of sales therein contained: NOW THEREFORE, un der and by virtue of the author ity conferred by the said deed of , trust the undersigned Trustee . will on the 25th day of June, i 1937, at the court house door of ; Rowan County, North Carolina, ; at twelve o’clock noon offer for ] sale to the highest bidder for ' sash, the following real estate: \ All that certan tract of land ’ ontaining one hundred and sev enty and five-tenths (170.5) acres, more or less, known as ne “Harris Place,” in Cleveland Township, Rowan County, North Carolina, located on the Mt. Vernon public road, one and one-half (1 1-2) miles North from Geveland, on the waters ot Third Creek, and now in the possession of C. T. Harris, bounded on the North by lands of George Simmons, Rich Pence and C. A. Brown; on the East by lands of C. A. Brown; on the South by Third Creek; on the West by lands of M. A. Plyler, j. D. Brown and John Koontz. Said tract of land is particularly described according to a plat pre. pared by J. D. Justice, Surveyor, on the first day of June, 1933, ns follows to-wit: BEGINNING at a stake near the Mt. Vernon Public road, C. A. Brown’s cor ner on Rich Pence’s line, and runs thence with C. A. Brown’s line, South four degrees West 543 feet to a stake, said Brown’s corner: thence with four other lines of C. A. Brown as follows: North 89 degrees East 569 feet to a stake; thence South four degrees West, crossing a branch, 3417 feet to a stake; thence South 88 degrees Past 268 feet to a stake; thence South 6 degrees West 1617 feet to a stake in Third Creek; thence with the creek as it meanders as follows: North 73 degrees West 356 feet; North 48 degrees West 200 feet; N orth 58 degrees West .dJO feet; North 72 degrees West 235 feet; West 200 feet; South 82 degrees West 255 feet; North 84 degrees West 600 feet to a stake, M. A. Plyler’s line; thence with M. A. Plyler’s, J. D. Dix on’s and John Koontz’s lines North 7 degrees East 5333 feet, crossing the Mt. Vernon public road, to a stake in George Sim mon’s line; thence with George Simmons’ and Rich Pence’s lines North 89 degrees East 759 feet to the BEGINNING, contain ing one hundred and" seventy and five-tenths (170.5) acres more or less, and being the same property as conveyed to C. T. Harris by Cora W. Harris by deed dated September 1, 1933. Copy of said plat now being on file with The Federal Land Bank of Columbia, at Columbia, S. C.~ -- - Said property being advertis ed for sale, and sold subject to an outstanding first deed of trust executed by C. T. Harris and Lyda Gribble Harris to The Federal Land Bank of Columbia, recorded Rowan County, North Carolina. This the 25th day of May, 1937. W. O. McGIBONY, Trustee. L. O. GREGORY, Agent and Attorney for Trustee. May 28—June 18. NORTH CAROLINA ROWAN COUNTY NOTICE OF SALE OF JOHN A. LOWDER FARM Pursuant to an order of the Superior Court of Rowan Coun ty in the Special Proceeding en titled “Bruce F. Pinkston and wife, Maggie Lowder Pinkston vs G. L. Dunn and wife, Mary Lowder Dunn, Lee Lowder and wife Lucy Lowder, and others”, the undersigned Commissioners will sell at public sale at the courthouse door in Salisbury, N, C., on Saturday the 26th day of June, 1937, at 12:00 o’clock NOON, a tract of land known as the John A. Lowder Farm consisting of 157J4 acres, more or less and situated about 7j4 miles West from Salisbury, N. C., and bounded as follows: Beginning at a White Oak on the bank of Second Creek Mow etry’s corner, and runs thence South 13.50 chains to an Iron Wood on the Bank of Second Creek; thence South 73 1-2 East 24 chains to a stone, Dunn’s cor ner, thence South 16.54 chains to a stone crossing a Branch to Dunn’s comer ; thence South 43 legrees East 2.15 chains to a stone, KluttzT corner on Dunn’s !ine; thence North 70 degrees Fast 20 chains crossing a branch :o a stone on Khittz’s line; hence North 20.21 chains to a stone, McCubbins and Harri son’s comer; thence North 32 legrees West 29 chains to a stake in the Creek; thence with he old channel of Second Creek is it meanders to the BEGINNI NG, containing 157^4 acres of and, more or less. In Franklin Pownship on the South side of Second Creek about 7j4 miles Vest from Salisbury, on the . r North side df an# about /2\ mile from the Wilkesboro pub iic road and adjoining the lands of William Kluttz, W. A. Dunn, Adam and Jerry Lentz and oth ers, and being the same land conveyed *^>y W, W. Reid to C. W. Graham by deed dated August 8, 1906 and registered in Book No. 109, of Deeds, on page 276 &c. This property is sold subject only to the 1937 taxes. TERMS OF SALE: Cash,1 said sale to be left open ten days for advance bid as requir ed by law. Dated this the 25th day of May. 1937. John L. Rendleman and Hayden Clement, Commissioners. May 28—June 18. NOTICE of FORECLOSURE SALE DAT-A-52-M Crowell Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by W. C. Crowell (widower) to the FIRST NATIONAL COM PANY OF DURHAM, INC., UNION TRUST COMPANY OF MARYLAND, a Maryland corporation, TRUSTEES, July 1st, 1928, filed foaJ in the Registry of Ro^j ty, North Carolina, day of August 192 ded in book 109, undersigned as the ted substituted tru_ 1229, page 228 of y) will offer fbr sale no tion at the cou in said county in : Sal isbury, N ~ o’clock Noon, 2, 1937, and hri highest bid der fcl roperty des cribed ,of trust as follows: BEGINl^S stake on the southeast | Yadkin Avenue 100 fe? 59 degs. 30 min. East fr<? ■♦heast corner of the on of Yadkin Avenue’ __ _ Eighth Street, B. R. Withers’ corner, and runs thence with B. R. Withers’ line, South 30 degs. 30 min. EasJ 140 feet to a stake in the edge of a ten foot alley; thence with the edge of said alley, North 59 dgs. 30 min. East 50 feet to a stake, J. A. .BenicE’s-^OJ^iH^iiAiMgftt .OtYlfrh A. Penick’s line, North 30 degs. 30 min. West 140 feet to a stake in the edge of Yadkin Avenue: thence with the edge of Yadkin Avenue, South 59 degs. 30 min. West 50 feet to the beginning, being lot No. 4, Block 13, as shown by the map of the town of Spencer, N. C., on file in the office of the Re gister of Deeds of Rowan Coun ty. N. C„ and being the same nropertv as conveyed to W. C. Crowell by Thomas IT. Stewart er ai ny aeea ciatca iviarcn ut, 1913, recorded in Book of Deeds No. 132. page 191, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Rowan County, N. C., and being better known as number -Yadkin Avenue Spencer, N. C. This sale is to be made sub ject to all outstanding and un paid taxes and other assess ments, if any. This sale is to be\ made on account of default in' the pay ment of the indebtedness se cured by the aforesaid deed of trust and is made pursuant to demand made upon the under signed by the holder of said indebtedness. This, May 27, 1937. KESWICK CORPORATION Substituted Trustee June 4-11-18-25 I | DR. N. C. LITTLE ' Optometrist Eyes examined and glasses fitted Telephone 1J71-W. 107 V2 S. Main Street Vfxt to Kercffie Barber Shop ! ^ CROQUIGNOLE PERMANENTS $1.00 to *$.0C SPIRAL PERMANENTS $3.00 to $$.00 Arcade Beauty Shop W. Innes St. Phone $74 MOCKSVIIXE NEWS Miss Margaret Jo Brock re cently entered a girls camp at Blowing Rock. * * * Mr. Fred Fogle and Miss Pratt, of Winston-Salem, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Thompson on Sunday. * * * Rev. and Mrs. E. J. Harbison and daughter, Katherine, and Miss Ruth Booe. of Mocksville were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Creason. * * * Mrs. C. M. Littleton arjd little daughter have returned to their home in Charlotte after a visit here with Mrs. Littleton’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Grant. * * # Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Smith, of Washington, D C., were recent guests of Mrs. Knox Johnstone. * * * Miss Delia Grant has returned from Virginia Beach where she snent last week. * * * W. A. Allison left Wednesday for White Sulphur Springs, W. Va.. to attend the Philco con vention which will be held there. * * * A. T. Grant and Brewster Grant, attorneys, spent last week at Morehead City. Marie Johnson, j^Catherine Harbison, Sarah i^fcter and Mary Meroney lef^»s week for Camp Shirley iRjers at Roaring Gap. * * * Mrs. A. T. Grant spent last Wednesday in Greensboro. * * * Miss GladyJs Wilhelm, , of Cleveland, was the week-end guest of Miss Pauline Camp bell. Additional guests on Sun day were Misses Lucille Cau | dell, Frances Foster and Mary Fern Allen. * * * | j. W. Wall and family visited friends in Winston-Salem on Sunday. * * * Mrs. Horace Haworth and son, Horace, Jr., of High Point, are visiting Mrs. E. H. Morris. Mr. Haworth spent the^ we^ end here. i * * * : John Nail Waters spent the week-end in Henderson with his wife and daughter. * " * * i Milton Clement visited his bro ther, Fulton, in Raleigh over the weekend. * * * A salad course was served to Mrs. C. R. Horn, J. F. Hawkins, Gaither Sanford, William Long, Harry Osborne, David Montgo meiv, S. B. Hall. Robt. S. Mc Neill, Clarence Grant, S.' A. Harding and Misses Clayton Brown and Sarah Gaither. Mrs. P. J. Johnson will leave for Asheville on Thursday, where she expects to visit Mes dames David Simmons and Edgar Blanton for ten days. * * * Mrs. Blount, of Roper, is the guest of Mrs. J. C. Sanford. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Gaither San ford and Miss Hayden Sanford are guests at a house party at Rawley’s Island this week. * * * David Brenegar, of Winston Salem, is visiting his grand mother, Mrs. H. T. Brenegar. * * * Mrs. George Bryan spent the week-end ’in Winston-Salem. * * * Miss Elizabeth Naylor spent several days last week with her father who lives near Cana. * * * Misses Julia and Kopelia Hunt left Monday for Washington, D. C. * * * Little Jimmy Cooper who has been visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Horn has retui ned to Clemmons. * «• * Mrs. J. P. LeGrand and chil dren left Saturday for Augusta, Ga., for a visit with relatives. * * * Mrs. Betty Martin, of Pilot ■ Moff7fra7Tir^g®#fei daughter, Mrs. D. L. Pardue. * * * Mrs. Charlie Briggs, of ontiac, Mich., is the guest this week of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Huneycutt. * * * Little Sallie Jane Meadows, of giving, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Pardue. t- * «f Miss Florence Mackie, home demonstration agent, spent the week-end in Yadkinville. * * * Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Pardue recently visited Rev. Charlie Myers at Mooresville Strength During MIDDLE LIFE Strength is extra-important for women going through the change of life. Then the body needs the very best nourish ment to fortify it against th> changes that are taking place. In such cases, Cardui ha: proved helpful to many wom en. It increases the appetite and aids digestion, favorin' more complete transformation, of food into living tissue, re sulting in improved nutrition and building up and strength ening of the whole system. Hints for Homemakers By Jane Rogerc - rri SELF-STARTING electric clocks regulated by alternating home current have a definite appeal -to the modern woman. These clocks are not only punctilious time keep ers but they come in such a variety of colors and styles as to make it possible to choose a clock that will harmonize with the decorative scheme of any room in the house. Beautifully tinted glass clocks and charming timepieces in wood ! and plastic play an important role ! in room design. The Telechron j motored clock illustrated, for ex i ample, has been especially designed i to appeal to the feminine whim. It I is styled of glass with mirror fin ish. Imitation “Cloisonne” finish on ' metal makes the dial which is en J circled with black etched-in Roman i numerals. In blue, amber or clear crystal this particular clock makes a charming timepiece for the bou doir or feminine sitting room. • • * • Did you know that by selecting window shades in a continuance of color tone in which a room is deco rated the room achieves a feeling of greater spaciousness? Larkspur blue shades—and incidentally Lark spur blue is one of the newest and smartest colors to make its appear j ance in cloth window shades—have been chosen to create -just this ef fect in a room papered in pale blue where the woodwork is painted in a contrasting darker blue, f This new Larkspur blue window shade has been used with great effectiveness in bathrooms and bed rooms. The color is a particularly good one for bedrooms as it keeps out the glare of the summer sun and makes for cool restful sleeping. IjUMBn A SUPER M COLA Sf\ BOONE ROCK BOTTLING CO. Spencer, N. C. Why Suffer With Colds—Pain ?— TAKE COOK'S —? ccc And Be Relieved STAR LAUNDRY “THE GOOD ONE" Launderers and Dry Cleaners Phone 24 114 West Bank St. ONE DAY SERVICE PERMANENT WAVES $1.00 to $8.00 CAROLINA BEAUTY SHOP 07 S. Main-Phone 9120 G. F. JONES GROCERY A Special Every Day Groceries Staple and Fancy 3 Shives Street Phone 543 WHERE to go and j WHAT to do when $ your radiator bods or leaks. We flush, clean, i repair, and re 1 bofr%r*-I! ( makes l of radiators. We jj sell ©r trade new ’ and second hand radiators. W e are most reliable —see ue before you buy. EAST SPENCER MOTOR CO. I Phone 11'98-J N. Long St. I EAST SPENCER | Reliable Heat WHEN you order our Coal you may be assured you have the most reliable fuel there is for ef ficient heating. We can make immediate delivery . . . Phones 798 and 799. SALISBURY ICE (f FUEL Old Mattresses! I REBUILT like NEW j ONE DAY SERVICE | Prices: $5.00, $7.50, $10.00, $12.501 TAYLOR MATTRESS CO. PHONE 6 Awnings Venetian Blinds I __tjl f gBBBB3EB3BK3BK3BB3E3BPC3BPE3PPPPEBB3K3EB3C3B5S3

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