- V. N. -GL, JOTE HB64. v Board Internal Improvement Xliaxtfi ,n . . ; 1 : ; i t ; . - JT-. - . -;t's . ' T , - - jj-. ' . , -JV . -.Iff le. teBlered iCJingu act oT Cogre sS Mftv year 1863; by J. S: Thrasher, inne tierK. s iffirtf. the District Court of the Cqnfede- Tale sUtes for the Norther n Distri t l?66f 1 gia. s .. FROM THE WEST. L . ' Mobile, June 25, A' dispatcl? to ih Advertiser viVS'ena tobia, sas i The Chicago' Times - of;..ili 20tb recTvecl, which says, Missowi-is (swanmiig - with; guerrillas : Shelly1 is rar and GaerrilUs -Bardown Morgan s lias. Vnifs are disVegarded Sherlnau r bt tlie J 18ih, reports that the7 rebels, nro, rrtrea iiiy across the Chattahoochee arid .lur Js pursuing. .Smfth left - MeinhU with fif teeq thousand, 1m nt i ng Forres tv , . In the iiouse of Coin ui oris Lord Russell complaiijedjtht the "?ral Gpvenment paid no atteution. to toid -Uyon ' r'pre Lsentation on recruiting rf IrelftmLT : Old ?Currency.yfpyv y ester day, shown a bill of. the Planter's j.kof GeorgiavfJ 1811. - Tlie S aWovi has lived thiroiwb- tln'ee wars, partly tliroiigh .' another,- and. "still lives," to pass, pef naps, utrougn a fourtTn : What; a rahi -natpry ir lfiust havo enjoyed,! it itXii&d. 'si tongob to. speak, how;; mauyu;at eufri ous tale it could telbaf hidden draw ers, family 'icerets.joys and; sorrows, siVcce$sftsJand reverses, pbvertjrand; wealth ;(ilmrity and rascality. T Ih insiirnificantvptecl'df paper- hfti oiot 1 i v ed t wo &eii eTt i on s, ' b een Jian died' by thonsandTs dftfin'fo7r'ifiii. lins vvitli tlie mpuld' of eaHlfTajia ..M . s i - -1 a - : I. perhaps tiesmieu .to siiayivu, wneu we who arVyet job tho Istago siiaU have passed' away: ;eVilyr4r(?r?vf flinisv rat. fbr:ieit6Iie3jike5ar moii lltat ;4ali flesh Is .sr3,-l?;: sThal last remarkj by. th ay sem;idsu0 the pfesaureoi ms .appetueapu acr. sjy- twjiiitlo Ko f ;tho;; emdf keSy "Dili j on f ri verence" rnarre what ye said tb day,' whin ye told-tis that all fleslrwasgrass." , "Certajiiiy'. was the resbn sb .k th ai's: wh at -di b Bi -hie say 8." " Then your hondrwould ye be Kin ienongh to alhwpoor lvt a smatL bH ir pb r-k, b Vay of sa lad ?V ' r . , . Another Yankee the neighborhood of Slieprjflrdsville and aUacked a coraixany of Confed erate troops at Smithes UStfill, tlie crossing, of White Oak river No partfculars. BtfiLte.. Journal June New Auction and Ccrmmissioft STORE. H & R. S. TUCKER and W. ft. ! -A-SXU K r wo nave ints aay associateo themselves together under the nameand style fT0GKEtl- ANDRE VS & GO., for the purpose of conducting a general Auc tion and . Commission business. All business entrusted to them will meet with: promptness and dispatch. . . . ' ; ! TUCKER, ANDREWS & PO. Rateigh, June 22d, 1864. . 3wd34 STR A YED OH STOLEN T?RO$t China Grove, op the 23d inst., a sor- X rel Mare abbat three years old, medrara size. She had on when left a plain horn sad die and bridle. ' .Thetbridle; has.a brass ring on each side- of-the brow band. I' will pay 30 Sv reward for Ji.er delivery to me or R. P. Roseman, , k or foV'lnfoFJnaiibn . w.hich wiH 'discover her jry whereabouts Address me at Salisbury; N.C. . h. p: lentz. June 5id34 ; liVIL ,'1BE paid -for tb.e :reQOvery of one swords gttard brotren, one pistol androne pam booa- v -;- - - . ; . , The abovtf articles belonged, to) a deceased officer, and 4; were left in the care o 8audy, a colored roan at tRe Depot, who say stbat; he deylivered them to a! White vn&u 'who'called'for them,; I'he above reVafld svill be paid for the.re mnovetfl oFthe stolen 'article With the thanks of the family the dcasrl. ' Apply to, v m;w. JARVIS. June 2 X864. - , tfd-358 ortlies6fy tanimhmfp, drv ring tiQ&ij heard4iiS ''vW6lLi: from;the tot. UA UiWIfe -was received liere yestefd- 4 W WOT adqnarter, that a.-body-tof , -; MmW' MB POUNDS. 60 56 70 60 5G :32 .47 60 55 60 46 60 - 45 Shelled C (?rn, Cfurnjn the f ar, ' Uye, , ' .Oats, Barrey, ' ifisn'Potatoesti Siweet Potatoes, White ,Beans, t ,Catorr Beah-f , Clover Seed, . Toothy Seed, , FUx Seed, HempeBtf, 44 44 52 38 24 57. 50 80 38 20 55 80 48 55 , Bucfcwheatj ) - Dried Peaches, :DrieI Apples, - ; 0Hons, . ' Salt, . ' Stone Cfial, ;' Malt, ' ' - Bran, -Turijipii, ..' ' PJa-teiiiict Hair, , ' Unpacked Lime, . Com' Meal) " . m Fine Salt,. Ground Pea?, 24 . V" box by .16 inches, 22 deep,, contain one . .barrel. -'k,. v:.r A box 16 by 16 iucbes.'S deep, contains ooe bushel. , ,. ; . ' . A-box 8 by 84 iiichea, 8 deep, contains 1 peck. box 4 by 4 incliesr4i deep contains J .gallon. A 1&6V4.b. 4 inches", 2A deep contains 1' quart Ted gallons Pickled Onions, . 83 po'uuds.. Ten.gaWons Sdar Krout . Sl.pmunds. f-.We are aathprized to, announce- Dr. 'JcJh F.'FoARDa,4andrddle to, represent th6 County orjBrJ i wan m the House of Co'mnqons of the Tiext Oe'neral Assembly of the State. The Kreeme'n of Rowan )oun ty wiTT Wte. on .ThurayAugust 4th. for Hon. N.oy den,. to repiesent Rowan and Davie jn the Senate of the tiext .Ceeral Assembly of N. .CSrolirk and '"F. E. Shobeu and. Moses L. Holmes," td'tepreseat RdvVan i tlie House'bP June 18, 1864.r-atdtevr;pd29 AVlrG dinosed of mv inrbresi-in the JUa,Sijofi Mrt AVni; SnUideal, I fake;ihi?. method of retarm 02 - ray hearirelt. IhanfcB fur psl fayot, and 1 Xeppeafe forn tfS&e?sor ;W irVINQ feooihl; out Ihe ioterest of Mlf et4 A. Smith, 1 MiaU .contjiiue to. oo bu?inef rat the ptd standef Sinith & Smithdeai; where. Wlffftrj'-. slock ah .l'jMiii&m:iin('M these. , I hope . i". .... . . 'w- . ' r !i v . l 1 r htealiytniianlab will leecdre hjier Lli perponlpdetdjto-th .. .. . m4 A. oNoiifin fin ur WnvAtaints against sfipi ml brlnth'ett ifiisrard and hav them ca&(J. s ' s?&MayyyN- ArJe tance wishing hla pjfes 9. the propriety Oft l$t etonai sen writing tojm ;et Salisbury, In orde hat he may asrooint a. titoe whenrhe can wait on them oin.t a Mtnewpeco M son after arrfyal j. :deslnible ; and tlUL frequentty save ttm ana qisappoi rumen t - ' N. B. All letters of 1noafiry promptly answered the first opportunitf.' - . . V ' jane , iso. - . - ; ttwoasi in r. If. r. ft Y 'PHOOl' 18 Mow transferred from .. 'l.-.'-T1r-. .) Christ Church iuA the awve -locititfnf-a short dista uce'from Lverlvs Turn-iOut, on the.W. N . C Railroad. The regulari sifcsion wilt resume on J monuay, juiy stm. rriee 01, lumon, i,wy?r month, payable strictl in produce at old prices,. or the eou equivalent ia currency at the present marked prices. The shildeeii are constantly under my' eye, whether in hours of play or sld dyT Nx) ppp4irtuiiities, therefore for JearnihgS the-polite artsi of profane swearmg, ngnuoff, quarrellirtg,;&c, , ! wiU exist. Every lessou ia first explained b toe, to the pupil, and after? Wardorallv repeaied by him, before he is a.1 joed to-see fi-in the book. '"No opportunities, therefore, Jot the children to become memoriz ingrmacnines. literary abortions and nonsense- gabblers will -exist. I have adopted these mea- saree as right. I shall, discharge my duty, fearless of prejudices. . .EDWARD PA YSON H ALU June 0, 1864. " 4tpd4- ENLISTSXENT BUNKS For sale at this Office. - April 18th, 1864. T r TOBACCO. TOBACCO. 7 A 150 O UST RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT and fir;saje, 150 Boxes, Manufactured Chew ing and Smoking l obacco. V MtlCHAEL BROWN. Salisbury i April 25, 1S64. tM9L TR G. A. HENDERSON j having rerain XJ ed his heallh,:again respebtfally offe rshis Professional seryices to the citizens of Sali&fen- ry and vicinity., -June 7th, i8(J4. (d5t:) BU&HBL9. ,5 Wheajt, ! . areert '.T'fhfiowimr i, .nn. ,Cc, m,l. f 1 an act pasea at the last- session. ol trie curiu sittssKiuuiy as-remits iodine cJLjr rency in which taxes may be collected-: " Section 1.- Be it enacted bp the Gene rial Assembly of. the State of.Jsforth'Caro lina, ond it' is hereby enacted by the ait thority of. (he same, ..''That all taxes (ue to the State, or , counties and for'school pur po5es, or taxes for tlie poor, all payments for entries of public lnds, and all fines and forfeitures for tf id use of the State or coun ties, may be paid in Ti-easirry tidtes of the Con fed era te States under five' ''dollars, or jn the new issue authorized by" the act of the Confederate Congress, ratified the I'Jth of February;- I8f3 and all such dues may be paid unrig ti e present year i ft the old issues of Confederate--Treastfrf notes of the. denomination of five dollars, both iiiciusivei. less thirty thjee and ne third per cent., the tax imposed by ihe aet of Congress. ' Sec. S.Be it further eracled, That the act ratified July 3d; 1663, entitled "an act in relation U the. payment of taxes" hdj lor other purposes, and so much of section. second 'of tire Ordinance No. 35 of tfee State Convention, ra.UnV) 2th February;1 186?, as directs the receiving of Confede rate Treasury- notes' Jn payment of taxes and all other dues, are hereby repealed. Owing to considerations explained in my late, port to the General'-' Assembly, ourTreascfrjr notes of less denomination than a'dollar ae not exchanged for-Con federate notes, but-. these charurc notes will be exchanged forNorth; Carpjina Treasury notes ox larger a enomi nation, or tor cou pons from oar State boids. -On presehta tation by yoir or any other person at. department pf any amount of pur notes above a. dollar, or our "due1 coupons, ojur cliange-libte.fcn:?tTiB same amount will be etfecHrj'thitigh" the 'agerfcrf the Sputti era Express Co. - -; 4-. -' JONATHAN W(feTH - -v-;.-:-- . Pub. Trees. , -Jqho 2dj, 1804. - ,- ., - v PROSPECTUS OF "THE AGJi," A SOUHERN IkfONTnLY MA0AZIUE. The undersiffned has cpmjnehQe'd in th'e'Oidr of ttjehmond the pub heat ion or a Monthly Mag azinei uiiur wie.aoo.ve. :ure. - i It will preaeU to i,ls readers,. selections .from ine pesi curopaa rf riomqais, 01 j-iticrary ana Spiejnt'Me"! 'inkier ot NoVefs and Sketched, which4 haylh already -received the imprfma tore of arf enlightened' taste, catwiol but prove: acceptible. to the bonthern public. The eftgrt vljl be rnade o. keep the readers of the Rlajcra- iine as nearly as pogsibI3abfeastof the literary Lorogress ojt Hie age: Arrangeinrents nave been fitof an tot seeure this end . ' . . " TheMagaTsia wilt also"1reset eHginal af nodical will be to. foeUojWra authorsfyp'by effe ri ri g an aeqote. fratiye: fieldfor itf exerowe. -.They wiiypto; boveyei(iiude r ypieaf hjdew tion i n its col u m rts, , iha tasa 0 conabosi'tthH s t which c re ate a vly id ana nnhe al t h vi as t e i ftilbe Sjaieq pniy oy mat, uyqnu Hieraurewnicn,, Yank&etl bgeitybdf ta.meiiroirojnBe -TAf!IfldalrjaJiiea, al inXefett daiiwiifeMM teJv thla lh.e de.eli Wie coritBtvy ItMitfdeivdcB Stateseach supreme WtUiinlts fottodaltoif a jonly bound bf a VQlaniary alif naiiou powers it ,wiu vi nuicaxe nose- eiemeatsor National lp dp.den0e , . which ate secured by a high stan- qara ot ini.ugence ana reHuement,oy accum ufaled capitaU Jtrteaindrtstryra Cacuuie of antef Win f pro mote iie aaopifQn i awl vPy"Jf res, wn'cn the; Cqnfe de rateS ta'tf s ae wr dsicjent.! Audi whilst" the fConsUieijtf tt" ifpalea rale Mates lormas ne vreiierat Aapveramnt to or ganize .and. operate eaterprizes of a nature cal culated to attain the irjRaultSf the piJectorai win consiaer 11 tueiruuiy to urge upon ine.oiaies the developement of ihie rests so indispertRable to t aefis (ion ac weiiareu is iqjxs naix ro ugo the ajtgregfde , abifitypfiihe jepe iteft, the power of the Confederate States "will be' inade rhsnifest: iult is thus that the collision of sectional 'inie$ est nd tha.opressioa oC a cf&m,-; man head will be avoided. - L " The, various departments of Kte.rature Xq nanied as follows : f !f.. wuiuii mo ao.xiuo wiu uo lie iiHaa. uiar uo 1 Essays, original and selected. politicaVlit.- erary and scientitic, and biographical sketche?. a. jn ovels, Tales ana. Sketches, original, and aeieiea. - 3. Reviews.off Books. v : 4. Educational Essay a and News. 5. Notices of the, progress of ScieBCe .and A'Tt'. " . . - '- In the fourth section,- it ris the. desiffa to af ford to Teachers information needed inrtheir Ipofession, and a field for the inte.rthaoge of ideas ou that subject , to. Which eadt their assial a nee and cQllabora-tion is. invitid. - Southern'' wiiroe lo mw-s waei tiraiipo, ot feCr.inef iafitiht?tB WJfeJ cylhe iioeny. rejc,fc .jf'ypn 'ylvi4i & School Books will.be noticedVand reviewed: andHance the Southe.m system of ' Education as exposed to Wew England empiricism and practicabsmt dapbeld, developed and defen4r T trad wiITspp?kry RGE-Il E RNEST LA-GAR dJ Ifc CO,, 4-n ' . VjPrepHetors Wf. M Burwell, C!i(ef iEfitor. TjY ' Ernest Lid&ARfcE,-Associate Editw& ; an nary 1, 1864. - m 5f- Southern Literary Messenger ; FOR 3"864. . . This long estatlislied and well-kuwn MMunat of Literature having been recently, purchased hy the subscribers, will, in future, be conducted exclusively nnder their .contror Jin, alt lis de nar'trnents, both basfnejssatid editorial, ithe-'Mes? toBnyer wU be under the nianaefhetof ap. entirely new-regime, and the ,r ropr i etor .are saiigttiHe' of Vaicces?-? 'thoi!-foreiiic'vilfe Magazine h?i3rne$(5jrfta a sd 'th e po bli cjpdeflTi -a uppprt woj- the adyacemeBtfofthei yestiyHrary inter est of the Confedcraqy . ; ; 'r :: ' : :, Argument r appeal. m. behalf-of the impor tance of ym elevated tUeraln re to .oar country, he absence of wlyich lias .hithertd.inace u a by-word of reproach -atwoag, the pjdrrnations,' artd even now inirfa8'o1)t,'tere.8t9i' abroad, need iQfe.dresj.d-ipf)se whom his circular i$.deiined-to teach :-' But to'lhe atlajoffient of this great end, sorrte-' thinff. more is neeessary ai,iine;rkXHrbiil e?t- presstons; of sympathy amd encotira ement. The fnetYds of Sou thje i w Literttmfe must foster tte efforts of our literary meii-toeecure for as a worlliy position in the wofld of letters. , , f We design the "Messenger to be" an entelr prire' worthy of supjrtef airclassesof onr pep pje. We shall aim chiefly o secure , for . oiir pages the productlnns of. the 'highest order of geiiius and scholarship, and at' the same time such articles as will, contribute to the instruc tion and amusement of the public at Jargei Te this eird we shall give our attention to and so- icit contributions!from Southern writers -in all the departments bf . 'Literature. , Poetry, Ro mance, Review, Critieiem, in short; every sub-. ect wbxse prdmrnenee is sufficient to eirtitleit to notice wilt ha:vo its due sha-m of. attention. . We. earnestly solicit the assistance of our friends. throughout the Confederacy in the eii- argement of bur fiubsertptidn hst which mast be iiicreased to enable us to, meet ' the heavy pecuniary outlay to which we shairi)e subject. Terms, $12 for twelve, months, for six monthsM "This increase will not affect those who subscribed before the 1st or Marchr- Ur ders must be accompanied with the money. , Mr. George C. WejMerburn formerly of New Ocleaiis, now of (hrs.city, will control the business interests of the Messenger, and Mf. !Fa"iNC fl. Alfufend, of this city, 'Will direct Its edtoffai -rnaargement. - Communications jyonttected with the literary conduct of the Mes setger will "be directed to the edrtbr ; other 'communications should be directed tp the Pro prietors, June' 10. 64. 1 . Riclijnond, Va. G0VBRXMENT OF NORTH CAROLINA. - His'fExcellency, Zebu Ion B. Vance, Bun- comhei Governo r. Col David A'-Brhes, Northampton, Aid., . do George Little. Wale, '. - do Richard H Battle, Jr, Anson, .Private 'Secre tary . ' . ' Dr Edward Warreh, Chowan, .Surgeon Geii'l John P H Russ, Wake, Secretary of State. Jonathan Worth, Randolph, Public Treaeuter; CttrtisjH Btoffden,. Wayne,, Comptroler. , Sam u e "F Phi Hps Orange, Auditor. Olive M Perry. WgkW State gbranaB.- MffjdriGenlrafcp, Ga,tlijft,i Lenoir, . Adjutant ' General., ." . A', Major Wiftiam; B Gulick, Be aofort.'Pa y master. major 1 John DevereUxi 1S ake, Quartermaste r. MytfrTholrias D log. Wake, Commissary t'and'ftrSiiahee Officer. ' ' . M-? 11- ' C-t '-f Mil T f 1 ;1 ' Majot-amfB cuoitn, truuxora, vuarieimasiex. M'aior.Henry A Dowd Edffecombe do - MaioyiJames H Foole , AssH A dj t Gen, Roll of , .HQaor.jfv - ?'( ' - ' - - aior Wijliam A Graham, Jr., Ass't Adjt " General. ' Lieut" -Jdsiah CSHins, Washington eonntyl WeuJoflfl BlNeatfieryl Wake, Ass't Adjt ,ferat.sr 'V - i--,t--?'. fdlmnaaljrUevaBkte, 8st 1 Quair: ujiftermasre' reThaausVlcGeei'Wke Com- iwarfe-H jrLrvi.jvo- LtMft' Wakef Ass't Com- WCTrte Cw-R ichnfond -M Tearson, !a4r 1 and Mthiar TmiMmm&dkfiii Sion H fiosr! WaketAttoietieral Hamilton C JonesRowan. Reponeh Edmund 5 Wan' -?i!rM Efi8:A ivaieigu .seoonu -The Monrantoh 1 - rvperwr ,vOur siuages tjawin vr iveaaeii U FTAklh.ChAwknf Robt :S French : R&' James if Osborne, MectohwiJifeow J3owvww awriey ardWilson. RnKApf ft GUliaiwl pontrilli. rt B Gilliam. Granville: Wm 7'. l j.Hy-rJ, , nenaersan.- . . . t?4!? tfBO.IW 5 ;J; X,eilW5,j Hartfordd, Charles CJClark Craven;. 3rd, iSjdntrJgers ?i Tiomas setoer KbQkingham; 5thr Kaiph: Box too i Cumberland: 6 h, Robert F ArmEeld.-Yad kjtni f th;VS?naP Byli UAatn MemanifBcn;:? Martin -"kir- i. ' . . ' Mil. waMtand rrofeasor KhaxdStSdu;GnilfQrd: KPbei rl?ick feniHQ;Dr JametTGaTtoay, LxUrarv !SwrLHiB -ExceHencv. Gh PjresidentJSar OMcio Rev Wi m Wm Sloan 1 if fiitirtnti RtriijtM t.-Ttfi1ti-- sT r Hanover; aii MontioRfMeueneeittipaajjii c :-:i; H R I ttJI re JSr.rl . - i ":V 111 I '" T . 'V t ThABiitVi: Hdffini AfariaWe How VeHENTHi lEdwardsfWartehv'and Hon vta' Sv3- Orapgei;;5' J ' ...x4ec. 5 ' TheJlrersity of North CrofinaiN Dr EdwardCfe Rev CalvYn.HWHe Snriteti . , t f the Cofrimon gchdols WilSiymM, - " i?vf . WiUie' JalmerMrfi- filiShjrM'l.1 . -rf. Crihrtitutitm for thDeafmoiiirSe BtWf-. ; k J- thr Insane AsyitlJe 'f .'"i f; 3 CONFEDERATE 4TB 9oy??WR0f' ' '.'-.' 'T 'li'0ift&p:Si . HbnrAnCSTEPHEWs, ofyiCsideirW -, -"' J The Pt rj-, - J PsBEsrMiam, ot-fiar Seerataryf Btitte ?;G;-MEMMiNGS;C.;Syv; bf afort Jas A Ssddo tti Secryror war. : S R HOAiitmi. Secyuf the Navy. '&?W?g lion Ceo DAvrs,ofiN CV.AttorneyepffrMiv v ? John H Reagan,; of. TexasPosaster Gft'rfs -2. Rufns R Rhodes, CommlsiKiner ofPAteuls G E-.W Nfiisosir.'Sup? ofEubttc Pwntiug. : ; " ; HWf?l -v Jolin S Preston, ghief of Pureah. of Xnscip- Brig-Gen. A R Lawlon, Qterraaater GenJt S P Vlooret Surgepn -General. fi-W Johjis, Medical Purveyor. NoVth Cra1iiia Rerefentoii;ciii'-; j; Senate. ; - "'v-.-."', . : . Wh T D.ortoh ahd -Wk A (jr&ifkm House of Rej?r'e8fniatitse8., . . ' First district Martin, HeHforrdi .Gates; Chowan"; Perqoimantaslbtan,CIrftotfek. Camden ; N oTthampton, r Wasbingtoui Terrell " Second Di9triciHanYaXiEdgeccbe,Beaif fort, Wilson, Pit.t, Green, Lenoir and Hyde , RBridffers. v ; - - ; v : - Third'. DistrictCarteret, - Jones, Craven, . Onslow Doptitfi Wayne, Jdhaston-and Samp- - son-J T-Leach. r !. ' ' ' A Fourth DisireTv Hanqyer, Columbus, Bladen , Robesbn Co mbe rlanj Ridi - mondand Harnett uutcner. ' - - y Fifth DjetTictWarrenrEranklih, Grairffflk Wae, Orange and NashV-Josi ah Turrirv - -( - Sixth -lXi'stHbtAleAttVHfl'--: 5 ' Rdckingharaj Guilford, Stores and 'Forty the . J AGHmM.' . Jr ! ' - ' -ir'i -, . r Seventh District Radolphs Davidson,': Chatham Mdord, 'Montgomery, Stanly AnsonJ M "Leach. ';'-. - : ; - ' ' : Eighth Disfnct-RqwaiW -Cabarrus, Vtfoni Mecklenhetrgf Gastonincblu, : Csltawba ala y Cleaverand-J- G Ramsay : . . - Ni n th District- Aihe - AHegfiany, WilSeij Caldwell: Aleiabder. Yadkin, S-uiryDaviev Iredell and 'Brirk eBS Gait her. . - --" - Tenth' District Clsry, Cherokee, Macon; r Jack son, -Madifitfn, ButicombeV,Transyrfaoia, FlendeVson, Porkj-Yancey, McDowell, Rnther ford Mitchell, Haywood aiid'Watauga-MJ yT Login. ! .' s ' . -. CONFEDEUATE STATES COURTS J -VIib District of North Carolina re divided Uijjtctbre'e ; judicial JDistricts, ar tbe .timesjand , piaceai noimug me conns ppyiaiea ,ny inp Judsre' V.-:'J-. ": ':- - ' ' .' Hou-p Asa. Biggs,-pf Martin, Judge, '.4 ? : W'elsJaas, of 4HakefcMashairv ' - Te ewtof Albemarle 18 held ajJfaUfa Monday i iiay.and. seV, clerKy Rocker Mburit ; -The Couri 'for. ihe. DiHrtcCpf.-arocp fsliid- ' at Goldsbbro'. ,qn the fourth Monday in May and Newewber. ,Uiam M-Waison, clerk r. Wit renton.-i,-, ; . -v ' Vr.-. - - - -. i . . The Court for the District orCape7Tar i heid a Salis-biyryt tha-vMLnj4ay next aftei tpn rpuoay, myi ayuA, .Joje. nmffj a iei AjrnemaicierK., vo. Head-Qfeftere . S. milUrt Frlsftni a) SAlisaDRT, Wi Ci Ma 24th71B6i;i CJdl JoSuT A. jGiJmlejr Jr-onimandant' of Ppl Capt-jrArAqutiAsa't iV r- 1 Lieut. F. D. Stockton, Adjutant. J . m .. Aber nam vTIstanr SuMreo Gi B. Paulson, Hospitat Steward. - v'. . : kQeMnatl ; C(K A 110 PMn, ?JAMoi3!ft iOlSt iieut. . AkAktMVi, ,vd " Or H. Bul4,?' -f 35 r. Whi(se,fc oofedezilea rjrvms: out : fleatcajbeti bf ,1 W - w ; I 164 r n 1 1 FTTH I Tiri TmfM ! i I Prisoiiers of War- .it t. CZ2 A ji nompson oiAnarioiie' - ij, ugroen W Bxown, Jr., oX VVilminirtoa, CoafedetalS . ism.1i:W4tnnW "3:. -'-SB: ; : "3Sf". riv- 1VT A -TH-t-.sf--- V . . . - .. 6 Mil., 1i ilirn j ' - .' v.. -vw - a - - mi - ..C3: "V - -;jf.5.-;;..-- r" S.'X." - -X c;' . -rfS. '....in