0 Sir. Holden an OrfslcalcSaee? t q q q q q- q - q q- , The" contest it between a national and sec tional party, and the Issue is Union or DrMm ww.: W. W. Holden. August 20th, 1856. A1I Southern roen feel that Mr. Filimore' election would not, fn itself, destroy the Union; while all Southern men feel that the election " FrenpntwvnldJe the sure preeojsor ofdis-. eolation ana probably of civil war.-W. W. Hoi- . ,-tr. epK mvui, loao..1. - -x: Can U bejxwsiU that.lbere are m&ao th i- &mtti tokfrrs,Vrteni for the PreetdeocvL :pr Who Would acquiesce hi bite election? Mt may be that there are traitors, hmk an there, ih tbis tJ.TifTKf as there were tosses in the Revolution, who.wonld thns driver up their . . m m . w a i f A . a . ins native lanojo ine iory oi hhh m .' torch of the incendiary ; but they are few and farbetwjenr i J: ,f ' The election of Fremont would inevitably lead to a-separation of the State, Even if no overt or direct act of dissolution should take place, fe co old hot carry oh the government in the South; ;Notrue or decent Southern man wonld accept office undur him ; and our peo ple would, never submit to have their 'post of- ce, -custom houses and the like filled with k . Fremont's Yankee abolitionists. We would Vnot expect or ask 'the Northern people to sub "'mil in a similar. case and WE WILL NOT SUBMIT. Suppose, for example, the South ern people, having the power to elect a Presi dent, should nominate -a candidate on sectional grounds; pledged to wield all the powers of the federal government to extend and, perpetuaU domestic slavery, and pledged to measures of gross agres84on.wilhout regara to ine uojisu - 't illicit nr thATiolitH rind nrnnertvof the Nortb- ern.peopleVand suppose they should elect such a' candidate what would the North do ? They vnrviiM rRial it. and THIV OUGHT TO RESIST IT. Thev would resrard it as a virtual 'dissolution of the Union, and would act accordingly. The Union can neither be administered, nor can it exist on sectional grounds. If there be Fre mont men amoiig us. let them be silenced or required to leave. 1 he. expression of Black THE m J. J. BRtTNER, Editok.ano "PaopRiroitf SALISBURY, N. C. MONDAY ; JUNE 21. 1864. $18 00 ' 7 00 Republican opinions in our midst, is ingom patable wtii our honor and safety as a peo PLa. Let our schools and -academies of lear ning be scrutinizedfand if Black Republican be found in them, let them be driven put. That man is neither a fit nor a feafe nstructdr of our ounglmen, who cveninclines to Fremont -and Black Cjublicanism. W.. W. Holden, "17th September, 1856. . Fremont and Dayton have no electoral tick- etin the Slave Statejs,-nor wlU they have.-'- They are utterly sectional In their character. They stand upon a platform which makes t hem and their supporters the mortal enemies of every man, womau 'and child in the Southern States." We regard them as personal, mortal enemies. . If they should succeed in this con test, as we ilo not believe they will, the result wilt be a separation of 4he States. No liumau power ,cau..preveni it . If some of the Southern States should be disposed to wait and tee what the wolf Would do with the lamb, or the hawk with the dove, others will not SOUTH CAR OLINA, ALABAM A, and GEORGIA, not to include VIRGIN! Aj would place themselves in such an attitude as at once to sever existing political relations. And then what would Fre mont, and the vultures. of the Times, the Tri bune, and the. Herald dot Whip us inf'-r Perhaps they would attempt to send troops, but there arS.enoughf 'true Free States to meet and exterminate the troops, and their traitor .leaders on their own ground. Dissolve the Un ion by the act of the North, and the North would; in less than six months, by its own act and by a reversal of its judgment, restore it again if 4i coul.d. They .(Fremont and his supportere) would . repeal the Fugitive. Slave law, leaving Southern men no protection against kidnappers and man-stealers. They would -create in'sorrection and servile war in the South they would put the torch to our d we Hi ties and the knife to our rtiroat. They axe, therefore our-enernier; and they are the enemies of- the Constitutiii and the Union- Their triumph wonld be the beginning of evils j and calamities such as have never been known i n this country. Wi W. Hold en , Sept , 30, if the While people ofthe Senate should do what is imposible-Hf ihe y should make up their mind to submit, for the sake of the Union, to the role and to the-measures of such men as Fremont and Banks, and Giddings, and Boa- THEV WILL DE8ERVEL ACL THE DEEP TERMS: Daily Watchman 6 months . . . 3 " Weekly- Watchman 6 months AtfVERTISINO in Dailv : Two dollars per square (of 12 fines or less) for each in? ;jon. Weekly : Two dollars per 'square for the first and $1 for eacn suOTequetu iiiseriion. w i : ; r " - 1 ' The change of ihe-schedule on the N.orth Carolina - Bailfolcf, ; and the consequent cbangft f mail schedules .on the Wejsteru routes, will render if necessaty to change th hour of publication for out Daily and perhaps our weekly WeiJanfjbt yet de termine what will he the new arrangement ; but we shall xU Iqw no effort-untried to sup ply the patrons of our Daily With trnj news as early as heretofore. At Jiris time, (Sat urday evening,) we are ettng no Tele graphic news from Richmond and Peters burg, How long this state of things will continue, it is impossible for us to, t now ; but-there is" reason to hope it will not be long. The enemy must be driven from our connections' with the capitol, and Gen Lee's army .and we doubt not itvwill be done. THE MOVEMENT OH J Tlie poblicatton ofvtheijWictiBurg" BeiMiqcin was pesrjmedon Monday last; after a feW day's snspensfon cansed ty the absence for the de fence' of the city. We have a copy of Monday's-issae before ns from whieh we exferact the following ih: gregrtowards the capture of Lynch borg: THE OPERATIONS AROUND THE CITY. Friday afljirnoon about 4: o'clock Crook and A verili forces reached a position ttear what is known as the "Quaker Church," on the Salem Turnpike, four miles from the city, Ion the left of our lines, where aeon I . M. I siderable skirmish occurred with our cavalry under Gen. Imboden. In he fiffbt the enemv trained some ad- vantages owing to the "left of our mes giving way before a charge. We lost, some 6 or 10 wounded, ar.d about 20 missing, supposed to have been captured. We took three pris oners who reported they iiad sever al ki lied v and wounded. Th van- sees were probably checked by our ft larr. we ever ' were itt'onr ceived life. Ittdgfernce weate belmve to be the wishes of "the. miliary au thorities, .we forliear giving the names-of -the troops engaged,, but when the necessity for this reticence ftliAll nass ' awav. we ishail take be pleasure in mentioning tbeoi as their al tantry. desexixeSici, OF i. BEABKB OF EXPORTED CAPTURE DISPATCHES. It was reported here Saturday Wejjve hotdepacKea" fr6mf thp road,!dmageihlr ;5ptogpia$ bee fepai rerJ jsluW the euenv d ri en off or captured. It is also reported ' that a portion of our. forces have gdt ten in (irant-B reaf. We expect to in regular communicatton . "With Petersburg to-morraw.. - . A. rumor 5h as LitTLiafconr tpr' A . have Captured I6y0 prjonra anri rojated lirant.-rrw. Uopjeqerate I Traitors, It is said'iliat'the pit- Grant to- Hunter was captured ev, .t) the cnVray,arefe'maI8. eral miles below tins .qU, on that nfo ,d be rfsoa forthwith . day, ordermg Ire latter to take confinement ti thedbje Lyncl.bnrg at "all hazards," ; VVl.en M "P . . taken the man, was in citizen f dress '? c,;:f nnai,1on fint we tiSbi and be2i:ed hard to be reIeasoa, -"S" ----v-. stating that he was as good a Sotith- ! j 3 ' i uotlon w mung. lhere are two or three nundred bales ol cotton in . and aroundabout Charlottf, which seem to have no owner. We think it likely it has beenold, sold again and re-sold, and sold back to Mother and then and again to him, and then to her, and last to'thern until finally all the money in it has been extr cted, and now it lies about ' loose without a claimant ; or it it Ji as any they ere like Holder's men, ashamed to avow themselves. We advise all who want cot ton for domestic, use, to go ddvvn to Char lotte vith their. bags and-pick it up. They cau't ffa amiss it is all about in ouaanti tioe Pnnnl -t.fi t.rw rlattinnHc ff fha rtnittev f Q linns' l . . .. . . . J for many miles ar5und. . ' i erner as any man anu ueiiuuuuni the Yankees in unmeasured-terms. Tin's blarney,-however, did not pro: cure-his release, and upon a searcu of his person the dispatch mentioned, with other iroDortant papers, was 4 , found. the authorities have the nerve to do their du. -BdC Conjmwale Ckctnge of Scheduler A cbanice of sehedule takes place on the:NvC. Railroad to-day, by whieh the, mail: will atrive here from theEa$t,at .1:10 A: M., and leave for the Weit at 1:40 A. M., and arritre from Charr Totte iit 10:00 A. M. The ficcomroo- STRANGE VISITORS IN LYNCHBURG nnrirur ilu arfillerv duel on the dation frain will arrive from Golds infantry and retired to their original Unrest road Saturday, several or tne boro' at 53:$u r. m. mm w liA hntrnH tlw Rhnr. i A nmnn fttiem V S 8 lellS Tell WrilllH UIB U- ljnartOtie ai IU;UU l . iu.v 4vv our wQiinded in this ficrhtwnR Msior burbs'of the city, but dfd -not erffor Gbldsborp'' at 10:3p P. M. lioles reported.mortaHy: Saturday's Proceedings. . Saturday' mprnincj at daylight.the heavy bobtnin of artillery on our left and centre told that the '.fight was begun aTid many believed a general engagenient was progress- lrtg. It was soon ascertained, how ever, , that it was only an artillery plode. These stj;angen3 caused a ireneral stampede in the localiiies they favored with their presence. THE PRISONERS. Amon.g the prisoners captured Saturday was a riegro v bergeant, s " - - - . - . "Mn nhanp-e has been annonnced . on the. R. & G. Railroads pntf- JJIED: Tn Ar1can!fta nonntv. Arkansas, on 'the22d uecKeu. out in an ine papII.cuJhJp'eD.ruary,Ms. jxtlj. iyt't. of "fflorioii3 war," and about as iin wife of Dr. 8. H. rendieton, agea o , years, pnaent a scounarei as ever saw- tiie -.;:"hame bevbndthe ... fc.... " ' v" . - - 1.1---: " Ldreh, j - . -.i . v J' - . i- nwr. n pap v vontn sne SOU2IH imu jyuuM u.e., ana up 10 one o ciock noinp- Tle prisoner8 taken say they have tne ou;;Lo wa9 with.her to the ebd. J ;Vda uiuuj;ih,-iiiiu duiti i. "v' Irad no Fegular r'ations sirjee leaving She1 was a woman of rare accomplishments, y after this time the rapidity of the gtaunon but have lived by pjun- and lovely in person and; in manners . but-, discharges increased and the sharp" ArnTxUir Vmrio in riir wav. all h r enemies -were devoted to, her homo rattle ot the musketry ini iTsledrwith Uk. :--f ,k;.i( ti fonties, aqdapsireyer has attxdm rvr flvppv- l-.i Ji-x r. m w.- I 1 1 : Ml-t- . tne noarse roar or artillery. Aoout l)1Sfipfl ha, heeT1 strioDed of. erver.v. r:T K wtd this time the enemy advanced in two thill? and the amount of gtffirihg l there, far from' the friend 'of: V. ..uwi uoinu pimCv by this vandl horde is losi- qtea; ana wmie we rejoicea. overu, entrenchmentsHm the left of trie ,;i ' i,;',t ,an :. nniint Uheerfut as ever, and .submissive- as ever..to ne anxieiies vcu wr. guuus, aucr v3 ui.ujiuvj uui niuivvi tuioui i - THE SITUATION they were rallied.ro the charge4and , -. , o ra; TW, i J . j i i -ti ihe operations now tramspirtnff the landof I were again driven back with consid- k ; -;.vf fw " v r r i m i" argund this city, are second in- nn- Tfebte health, erable loss, rortv ol thew killed , t 7'. . s j AppcI hv c J rear ; .gone to rejoin thre of her cbftdreh irt Vut. inStesid of , needinf to tfEE NEWS. " The State Jorirhat of Saturday says :-r-At the time, wQrrite, 4 p. ra.; there w no prospect of communication bein establishr ed with Richmond and Petersburg. We learn that the enemy has possession of the wereleft oh the field prisoners killed an i - j i. . entirely correct ana nence tue ties - III WEM m 1-"J If M k 111 W V mm V t 1 . W - - t a- . . - . - - ai r'va u u 11.' ot the tine was 5 killed an ed. On the entire lirie Peace. She had long, ben-ta,. Stesid of . needing to bo . cheered by othersi .her sunny' and whopefuL i-u'i. . and some 20 ' WAUU H UW,T ' TAiM spirftspred snnshinl around and made ber jrani is now sausueu mavwiu- . - r;;n k0 id captured their- lossw ont tl10 fal-' f Ubilrf ' "t 'rte;s5e.A?6 150, possibly 300. Our-loss can-never be takeD In th.iho j,.., May God bring the mo- through the enemy's line. UOMMUN re ath. 0 3ndivUie; 19riiinst.f kf the residence J(Jf WOUnCl- !T - tt i r- 'j A 1 nAki. tt.V4A'tA.f tlT.m'e fihnn'.Tjt, r".i fe FV-v-r- 2d K. C, Ckvalm kged 21-yearsr. r,Hemed . of this City. His failure, weedier th armJ JusttBrWeaaandiiad passed -will be a driBgfacefut and disastrous., tbroucrh mamr' .of . tKa 'desperate isimgkU one. Without indicating names win-1 may say that our atfairs are manag and most Avitbout .bnjounde(I,dr hissing' scarcely . " days service; Hisf maiiy.yittues llad:o tained Saturday -night that the: ene my's loss was 75 killed. After the second-repu-se the ene my retired before; the advance . of nni clrirmicKnrc onrl f ni.lvf.iH Am. Hnn .tCftff fthrvnt rtna..irH, nf o W A M M SOllie Of the in advance of our oriVirml noRiiir,n. Prorcd nnhtary talent .of the conn: J7r5uurg uu.-vtuiuuu raurPaa oeyon u ule eu0my resisting the advance on- v- Stony Creek, and is fortifying his position, ly by feeble cahnonadino-. " kkmim of . DAVID CBEiGnyESQ. -Heavy, firing vyas progressing near Po The battle ground wag on both tersburff on Tuesday and "Wednesday, re- sides of the i Salem Turnpike, be- suiting each day in the triumph 6f our Pween me ynaKer anrcw ana tne citizen of GreenbrierconiftY.f hiffh On Satarday night last, THOMAS L.C. arms. On one of these days General Ma- gateand about two miles south r6srectabil.tKiWttS hnriglast Friday, JENKINS,. eldest of tb bte- JoeV JI. hone captmed 1,000 prison v V " '" We expressed xiuir fears Veierdav that the mghting 0 otjb eight. lead martial.,nnder:tli aMispiceBof thPresby!eriin churh at 5 o'clock this after- Che Yankees had bdso mil th ' mniinn Al.nnt 19. .'AVIrtotlHWc .i..t,r " wmnianaer, uen. x0: noon Monday, J&ne 27th, 1864. ? - T . - - f L Ullf UU. - LliU : 1 1 I . A 1 V 1111 4 .. Siji - I . ' "'-r LL.. T!1. J .1 T. . . 1 I nMk -i l i ;t lity. " and unspeakablis deoradation o which THtrfwiween ivieuiHOBu anu xe.ersourg ana iy 9 cu ire -open en neavny f -. , r . -.A.g' A . the South. Our fears are fully realised. "" Irji lnn aiter.a fierce duel C1 V ; . i ? M JS OU-lUENOTlCEi - .r1 Jdearetf hirntthliisi lellowr soldiers. . He Was- ; r . Iilrrays hopefuCn.6vr.ddubtfng for a mornent" which he was strnorfflincr and for which Be devoted ills lite. Modest and kind in. life i ic - f ana lovely in aeatm ne was tne iaoi c in We have reliable TnfojroirJtidft thfit toily, and with grief they gave up bis 11 ' t -1 t" K- - - . J enimt (Ka ltn1 V10 muia if j frtM - will descend r-even ine true Vyoneiuaiionai men olhe North, who are now contending for us aft roeft never contended before, and who are keeping the battle from ow dwellings will re gard theni with pity arid scorn , and their vert SLAVES WILL JEER THEM FOR THEfR MEANNESS IMBECIMTV AJJD COWARDICES. -V- W. H OLDEN, Oct. 1st, 1856. .' We Bhall'not reflect upon the inteUi .rence of our readers, nor upon their devotion to the Constitution .and the 'vital interests of t A .is '-'.? i r . -.1. L lorio vroiiua,o -.oouiiig.wiia any persou .Who WOuld80BMlT TO JohSX. FREEMbNT's ELEC TION. " ' ' -'. Mr. RAYNER, a southern man, says the South ought toubmit to Fremont's election, ; and th those who counsel otherwise are trai iara. Mr. Fill more, k Northern man. has de. clared tthat t;e 3outh ought not 'to-, submit, and thai the triumph of Fremont would lead inevitabiy to the destruction '.bf the Uuion. There are KNQW NOTHINGS in North Carolina Jwho ajgtee wUh MrTIAYNER- not KANT THANK G6 ! 1856- -W. W, Holder 5th Nov., To the soldiers and citizen voters of Davidson county : We are permitted to an nounce LL Cdi. C. W. iJKAvo fcUL W . of the 42d Regt. N. 0. Troops, who rbas been a &ithful soldier for three, years, as a iuitable CandidateiO represent the people" of David on coun in. tne Hottsaof ' CkAnmens of : tib next (jteneral Assembly ot the 3Ute. : " MANY VOTERS. vJune 24th; 1864? . 4te3S 150 lbs. Etgliah-fefiiraa JSoraz. Also, an . ported of UotaespsP -vwtli ttrjped and - J. JOHNSON, IuMUtd3JUy. , ;MockaviU.N.C. O estimates .the Confederaia Tdm Wnt be coSected till probably some thns : in Jalv or Augrnn. i t therefore advise tboas holdim five 4olUr notes to fuqd them. .-4.; v t ,oc W. R. FRALY, CoHsctor. : Jaas 93rd 1864. imm. . . . ' fA.Kf.o4i.,: i 1 j.w,nn wa8tioHt ou mra.ow ana a ,lhe lanesnavepossesKtonotBurksyUle v- hii M:-nt.W v sM us wre .8I ceg nu uri vn irom 1 J. r , r " ; Prince Edward county, V Richmond and. Danville 1 1 in iu r 1 na --' -. ..o tantrv weri hrnno- 1. ' lit. i . o'. . ai..: i . i -i .1 - 1- " juncuon wun ine ooumsraeTattroaa, some f jjQt Abotit a Jrago, " Mr: Creigh, t- . Sausbort, June 27lh, 184. f6und a Yankee! Farmers and Saperintendenfs of BH- oWh house and ail poriMHI.OI 1. Who Wnl rrl' roaig- &c" As agent of the Richmond AW htintoad Ott.alSa;;8 ,8 l.nere Prn& seiral I will exchange Nails for the iblfewin oacon, noar anu corn. Jtor every ;IU Flou n 7 tee's Nails : 1 keir Nails for 40lbs Bacon; 1 keg N4ils for 8 bushels CtM. AH orders left with P apt. Brenner, will receive there Waa rfo fihtii.o- nfm-l? F? . g88 :;nsultS tp his articles: 1 fityr miles Crom Petersburg. Tbajnost qujence with them,, - We heard ifno tauiit1e?'8 ,Mr; Creigh attacked the lelsof important portion, cutting to;)ines btfcasn allies. This firfiti was ,on v anaai ,na..wf-a--ite?W,.; ea communication and within easV reach f f wb is knQwa8thetkBWreferoad " CQUnier .l Jn naTrriea man against Mieation. the fcigb'bridge the Soumidr rbjad, O0Ht milesffom town, the ene-F .c, ; yuw Air, ..v j . -inAi5i' rtjMK, . -ii. servants brousrht bitn art ax with l . rror. Art. Richmond Arsenal The importance Lof tbis line warrants us ip iarm of Mr. H. W. Barksdale. and J1 ltM tbe liltee, Mp 6ld35 - saying that the enemy-wil not b rrinHtedlrF position being immediately in P8. thrpugh the county last Fri- CoiHEliioil sM Brokrtiap-n OHrP long to obstructit Our.only fear is thev Mont of "TWa ftJSs " . tday, it la snpposed that information VMHItI1 MwnM rOKCKage llUte. nay succeed in destroyiog the high bridge ; There was a reb6rt1n circnlaton 8 ,odged against hhn with tlie w ,u-:u.:- J . .. 1 ' " ' f ' . ' ..f .-.i:m T . we captured nve Pieces of. art erv. mvy.? u,mu- cau uouri mani mayoe loana yainatne Mechanics rJ. h U lUjMmu. wMher it ImiaDy foundatii,,, or b of this iufcr- A body.Tjf the enemy's cavalrvlPrQinPt' 8lload be ordered by. Uie taautj a uemonsiraiton on ed beforQ this aDnoottcement reaches the puuucvTO. ieiore we go to press, how ever,;we expect t$ be able to make a deE nite announcemeot of the fact, " : . our ex treme right, on the Lexington Turn- rilra -'fiQfi.lo iUKn4. 4Z . .? -a. ; . ir'Tw- wuct),. ituum uve miles ;JiA.Virgiuia; says the Sumter ora the city, but were promptly y- "wman, Dares her beaatifol 1 some oi our cavajry and .y. w rrows oi tne migbty and pasuv cnecsea. I tott r t v .1. . t : i . m i ajuu ini iu auuTe rewara oi inree nan- - fe 'y..a0- i?Pra otaa nrday white Uide 0f OamDl.el a teT. it , rf .7r..vouuwu mai-wnen me oattle onpnn in BnA rre ; . . " " r' w i j ma nw .umto w ana oer vaiieyaaremaae rd witb tha blood U-nr.of Wk .i , - -r - ou.uBu wey are enaeavonnff to tsnt the last four years with Mr. Liavis, he is 5 feet v uci o...g, ..wtu,, iara er cresi erect &a com nl At a ac .u J and hurls defiance at the And ifauv JSonP !J J ?7 ofthe'war State has ever earned immcrUlity f SkI-t18 ? concentration of all the euergiesteit no- Qred afc ynchburg is as safes hie stroKtVirffinU has. dose so. Th 2?w.a tl w.ouId were there not a WING V the nea-arrWal of thsWank andUourthyeaf of Hhe war finds her aoil still n wltmD thousand milea of me iiue cronna on which mio-htv "".vv- h$ confctdi andyet i jjer peoplft quail 4, general engagement is antici- upt; anu sb ia wnUnfor Jberseliiiglch rious deeds, hworjr jBsre every Vpagi wi)l be illustrioni and worthy of herself, : pated ito-day, (Sunday) and. at its close Hunter will be of the same opinion, authorities. BEPOBTED YANKEE RAIDS. A scout arrived here Satnrdav night and, reported that a body of laiiKee cavalry, 700 strong, passed A DTOnnai'a iM.ll 4.1 1 .1 wu..v.w. o xu.li!,. mree . mues tnie We will dv6te particular attention to di- posinfif of and ttvitg NEGROES STOCKS, 7 , B-M JUIV7 Sh. A lA. "V (ET Liberal Carfi advances made. . CT Wanted to ircbass'4000 in Nrtrih Carolina Bank Notes. Also, Qreeusboro' Mu tual Insurance Notes. - .' ' r- . ', , . : ; -,,. 0. V. ANCKBtJ A? ca Salisbury. N.C.,Jaos7, 1864. r dtf35 H I $300 the road arain. ', 9 or 10 inches nigh, dark mblatibfrotIalns uuu OI tlie enemy's cavalry were county, North Carolina on 19tK -iast, and may moving on the Ward's bridge road, w trynfcT make bis, way DacltVirs. in the direction of Danville, with J MUbc? the supposed intention of tapping June i n- luumonu ana JJanville road. . UMT Confederate, Raleigh, copy tsa times and send bill to this office, are aathorizit-in i;w...rnAw.. t - uuiiuoq uvjuu r AlllOKiT. ii P.nJ;j.i. il. -is... - l . - BHtuv fit . , . i.uuiuavo i or ion umce ui or we shall be more de-J JL0 bwty. at the ensoing A?J Mf" ""nielli

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