: U -fl 'u T w ,- 4 Urn ts II J Hi i ,V ft . !j i s 1 1:. r m m m w i t- w m mm I ..-.,,1 v.,, :';! iV01 fktni 'i-lt: ', . , ; r a Ms . v.js- ! . , " , " . , "':7r J--rfc"----c .-.t-tt... . - "IIM'' iinwi' it 'i'r ,ti Uimvi,- wi: ivgMB? .1 iai i mr'r & X" ' cation Wa wUb the LIU JU-JU 1.1N ,i,lJL:a !.'W.'''tiX '.V. ""L'X.-fe f(.tM.ttliwrdeMiv!l 2J1 Bialum E!derH-, Tlje; stateiiictits in " Xil.. -rtaiile(irithNtrttiriv.IH; ianl yjii i''" . xt.. v.t T.i A..ftrL iliAlM .:'cornnii.s r ioner from GeorgiaprttdState j Oiivernment; has ile to.;irn;i.ij Ik re-fidwyWMMmtSV99M-iz : from, e fr. SiJati MrV Gttnttef fdttv , vit t , jirc, c?epu xsi. To-day. about nocitt inishiDg 'and arulkrf fiMn-awlH : psttljiiMi Mtf tle ptetetndml Go whrtnLthe centre oroQHrtes'i 'rfe8jmioa rkniei'i ttof 'ithe . .'-Dotifederate States however in nothing..; ' purng Abis ;tiuMfW4Aelixv? 1 .vfdaiuTf? of the several sneiis ton tju ttr4lt;otiJtniiUon!i(1 lawrf otatie Unitea Deserters porito-. fthwiUe.i.oomina tion of McCleHandufkl' Fe?htod;y' Wood: , Lows. ; OihwiM qwet The steaWn- Ittiw blOctadelast; ' Tt-luVi : ir,!ws&iit Into. SUJ anfHlmjtrW M 1 . ' -'.j.:. .1. iiLiettt.HOildmt' reiarned to-dftr-from ''LV- at ' l'brt iiovml uncer ,tM oi truce. hrintrs vankee. naoew ,:of the 56tb uhi- i r;0t ' '!ry irT" -t -xico'of the K.Wm.V Gntholic try Bowery .from Berrt g, i' jrV 2WV-V 5 ib?'W- -Wrarynd; !L ttmtWinrr to run rresfilent Ptihe pretend VContetf cient.fic urt.cie8. of Ijoyfls and Sketches, V .V ,;v,.'t,rVi r:ifT?"-r: -f --w-vi a am-. ; atm. renons. utai zKiur'Cu. rpnftivf. .v.rv Mtnaitton. Another flrf.r of U iM.M'4l.arfR7..A.A f ;i,V,.;V ,,Jfllo iOfJer VviU lake place Saturduv Th emy cjonuDues to ograDKra'inecuy wup 4see bes, JN o further CHiaaltKS': 1 ' Cliktok, La.. via Mdtirpep i, At six o'clock vestjercla- romin n" ,.f our batteries, six .mitWabofc&Port Hud- .an opened on ther, trattSjrt1.' ;flnng. "'Cloud, bursting a stetirpiefdat)Inr her with much supposedit1lossv.f Ajtf. A tnonitor came up and the battery retired. Another battery fired fifty shot at Another ' U'ansport three miles vabove Bayou Sara. Result not known, 'The' yankees have all gone back oyer the river. ; . MoBiLi' Auj;. SL-The Commitlei of ' afviy, held a rceeting aqd resolved, heir : entire satisfaction with GeriFrank Gatd Ber recently appointed , to command this ' district and expressed 'eat'rconiSdenice in 1 fciability and asked htm io hold the city to te last extremity. i : .?. Aj flag of truce arrived at Pascagohla, 'bringing 12 Confederate Surgeons: "' AH quiet here. ' ; ,S- . . V Macon," Ga., Sept. 1st. Private telega rms to day 'from y Jones JbotoVstates that Gens. Stephens, Bee afcd Clebtirnp.'with 'Hardee's corpv OitaVked! in e e n rny . a n a too k in ei r, en trercii meats ' yesteVd put tlie ..enemy ing-eiiiforced heavily tlje ground was only parttAlly held, arjfighl closed without any decisive? restijt. f;TSeRCtion was renewed to-day Vi'sntts'hbt yet known. r Gen. Hardee, , cammaiKls in tbe field.. . . Gens. Patton, Anderson an CurominjrV. nvdnnded - Braner is in the hade beside oar fide ' . . , Orono SmoTctng . Tobacco, , . 15 Boxes and 10 Barrels fqr sale. if V , 7 Boxes Cigars. . .u- . 10 ' ' Fine Chewing Tobacco. Wholesale retail. ' . . . . : pP ' H ' t WM. E. EDWAKDi&f C(M ; .Salisbury, July ,13- . ' JaSOj I ENUST31ENT BLANKS ' . ! ii ; 'Fbraa!arat this Office April 18th, 1864. i)L r-;WN Cf'rs 8511(1 by ' Noyihrf udrhU eCKlesia8tic4iMlthc)rity:'he offering -anaoViittdte nM remnneative fietd for pHtVerstd'b placed under our . Jm, baM 'imwiti . in. ha ereiw.i;iTrif.y will mvVrV 'under arrived at Hiltoll tfe$4Sm the plea of this design .enurabyproduc. iV j.;. w k . r uil uuiJn ''L. Anniedhptl itV iiSCai,USt tiiO lawful which create a Vivid and unliealihv taste, to be ome.fdueeb sick bav bntatatt in? Hjr'tof tjLa oUt - laled only bv that hybrVc" literhtnre which .vomforiable;qnartefeatBtUf Wf ' Yankee incetrnUy h contrived, under the (rtneritt 'Uraws JSo. 11.. EifftV.'fr aptiVars-while hie country "Whk at peace William Henv caused to he -re(L as a portmi-ofctlie prop hVittiirkf Arafef fi?f tlie'Presj- PWtl fV.griI!t spjrit roward:- the the urosieritV ,i aui maintenance tliere t. lippra tlvat after the Sitfj!ftdiin - tferfsi atle and armed 1hn;W,rflrf1 thiiU u ' ijitbheZLd uaiiKe to'be abolished ta tvtnnur y nil Mftu I Liu I cm v LMWOTMCW4 iPlntO pJth4im MiUUea btate, ...,! a..,.i..,..i i .. ii .minittii I then in armed distance aamsthe 'flfttft&. iAidjisotnuassintf its overthrow: - .1 l i n i auc t act beinir in violation of hi Htr ir.iipn.;iif...th..-tlnitfl .. m inn - fcf f 4 MH15r V Social laer (No.3iV.Wa8 laSlied. DVthe iOttlCer at Natcii,nin erj rirVrtiHlliWSRtmianC . m i Trf'rWil;'-' 7 '?.! T?Tri TOsl&yier, nuTLefaak KrfiMiiWNttrhi.!liiibTffrtflt1h ""J "V , , " , and 111 dppstiCl;,. tpWiirds, tle , UOV- ernmeilt thereof-r Dot? having re - pentediot iior retracted ; his treaaon KA jiiii t' ! i ChlifJUfcl rit1dvtearjblhS ftafpjre- sawii bnt .onthe contrary, reDodi-1 i ai ny atiiifi' and entfino- the authority ot the Govern - . r- - - ' . , . ment ai4 m otiicera in tftrry reftfsjng ouedien'ce? to .said or- llKr.; LllllK fliiPfilirM tri ll iTi . lil H . Iif-Tililln nndtahifi authori ty to ' treasonable practice?, and impairing the force of uiscrpwiiw;. it is tnereiorq y Oidered-- Willi' ' TJ.- lesTiiat said i Wi H iam ? Hen ry El- &!t United States, not to return witnont p'eiilBSilivOn paih Of irabniortrTfept, gecptuinnance of therebel 1 irvfl .it . 1..-. . V ' SiT-' -That the tmoeM : Uarehal d. LXO V "PB8;U Tof ary'8;;.Uatiedrlm seated in wa-ieu-MEfOj,-ixatciiez.s.Ana .air otnerf iw-., ; ..-ii!.i.i; pwraw vim j: Tcoi u en t iQt me u m - pd thf efaatni Wit 18 not now, reau.i; tBaarMgber, as tKe said Bi'ft&p Wuliara , H. Elder hasre- oi, ne fsijjenueu uui.ii comrauni ':)A..:. ..f'1w. rT.:.iVt fiAJ amU nf RifthinnA'd tTiR'bnh1iptfnn rtf ft' lf AiiiWfv Hi tor iner reU9UW Ot,.U9 . UHUeu w?inw maj.jpracncauappiHjauon f me SUr ttl nneof tateRighisn ,he puUcy of! the "VlV y, V r y- country. , It wiU. endeavor to expltunfthe tnis- ftj'propna)Xhitjread is a.art.of Di. ofine CofciecVwKicfeiii tiTdemenstrata vine &erviceXf!S'uas neeir 'tne cu8rli bertv rffuMo bv idw,'M eh bn a svstemof aatic-jtirwclfctiori of said r-BUbop . '-ERNEST? LAGARDE fcCO., ; WllfiamA' Elder, in WWnhV th .tllT l prletors, ' t 7 - " . w-- - - i m . ir t : ,? i . , authori- i fat acimn a U d the t parao:riapla Firet"- audi Seoond" j ram II . ElderV BTsTirTpW Hatches, tUIr pMi6 i ri pergtfnV1 with m 1 1 went fMlvhoi)r$!5atterreC9ivnffaf!ODV of ;tto.:rdetflf the Josfficeicbmmand.il nait.d vvrderfe. The Proy8t Mafshala of Nktchez and Vidalia-, respectively,nwfH see to the strictest observance !of this order. - . . , ; , . ; . ' f By ortle- of.Brijr. G.eneral ,0 t , M. Bkayman. J. H . Qjlin, pa ptai isU and Aes't Adri General. : i; Of the nature of Bishpp Elder imprisonment at Yitlalia iwe, liave Ulri'MflV Riwikon If ia. euirl Miat rtt't Yiinkee Gttnerali is about to, make e 6f the Cfithedrarahd' the otlieh Catholic Churches in 'the cjioueae for nerrt sc!um13!, and it 'irt'tion'jrhV there willjbe ouiethin of a row4 among the Iridh troops. if to dcs. ' PR0SPjeCTUS0F ! r X H E a g e; S9 A ftOtTHERN M0NTJlLt fAAzil?k. ' Mi! 1 Th underfisr'ne.a has commenced in tf accept! to the ootheriiiWi Tfie effi.rt will b roadptoefp the readehf the Mnffa line neitriv as dossidii aarnaiiiA thA lit erarv been r. wW.uf lt iit A ff ;',. lia nrnnri. Utom to scnr ihd. r .uni. -., ' - 7 r j . r.l wiUmito present msrinl r; .M'JfvW1.."1" hnd an;ial am' of the nroor etnr of th a The Industrial Re8.,urcaudthB Education ' Interest ol the Uonrederacy ?-tlH twin fonn- itV.develnpement of thesr eftioii, its object aospwiw'e-whhib ttstounda'tiort,?and lonlv bound bv a voluntas alienation of nowers It .-will; vindicate, .those elementspf Nation dependence , whicli are secured by a high ationalln stan- accum lacHilM Qfiinfcercminiinkj.n. It'r6. tthf adoptionof aHthoee mea? uresin whicb; thlbiifederate .'Spues are bow; deficient And. fe1! Y Steles firbid -the GeneraflGoVerhment toot- jjjil operate nterpriies 6faf natuTeaj. ctf a ted to attain these results, the pmjefttor wUcsidejtit i i v t . 9 r r' - i i a. i r w mm Mm, vrm n m aa n - iii.h m a ram una nun m to-ik 2 c4AVt A' moh head win be avoided: r . I ne vunu- ucumuiiruw u, hoi ratare vtp Lwhicl th Wgafuiwni.ba devoid wayO I-i.ssaVs, onjfinalihd Elected, polfffcalltti- erary and scientiric, nd .biographical sketches. z. iMoveis, xaiesaua paeicnes, engmai ana selected. !, v: : i in i'l . 3. Reviews of Boks - r! ' ' 4. Educational fissays and News. " " . . 5. Xotioes of the progress ofi Science and Art. ' '" ".'' Ia the fonrth ecttoh, H i the design to af- tordjtoTeacb.ersi information "peedejiiinttbeir Mift I . . : . o 'jii ance -lie. . .1 ... ' . . totNew England empiricismaod practielifip Uiieiaev A defend: t? : ! su&wa laey.Jv. rwmres months K4. For six nnntbs s8.. ; , ' 1 i AMitt R:ir J.ZT 1 kw. , v' iJKDlf &fiifi& t .Ue!M9vittiitlaf9$ 'iv5 , july9. tfd46 ot this order, be accordino-lv- gnsr- f1 v?mfwAt ,or lhe Be3ct w'y pended ontiitother orden'd that i feSr,";: the mauritne'fr-th FrototMaiv j Ktary item has beeWerefully revised and wi'ih siiai ot lNateniez canse tne Mrd Wil'- tnei.yaiiiaw am pt Mr. ueorjre.oraecia, ; QlTe8,,prx5e8ifttl Vpttrllt'Ciri'G, alone owe;? da 1 a, a nj r jnai n ,W i tj) j hjs jjp ti f a! .n8)feiBpUett frbn 1hlrHJrro8of a revoMtion f Shirtui?, rrline8,: umter the pfenaljii ni xhf.mihM " ' ;ViUU.,' ,f iU1 ir S4.tNiri ' Inhuman foe, who have constantly shown thVi - - immediate execution of the before iv .u. rtt Yt City ana, . couaooraiion . tayiia. - csoup-otd Books will be noticed and reviewed j, and Education a opbosied , .nu flit ;uunuu ; : J fa. SCHJJLE OF PJtlGES l$ : i, ! NORTH CABbl$A. . , ::V.-ir: .Jl fetalis 'bf Nirtfi Cainrta. uacrairi Dreswnt their beda!is of prio uo 6' preliasfng the people. to hastett oW Vwth'thr- fdpplieS to "BftfW ffrljnrbw. stray Us rxl tako all-we have. Apples, drfed jjood, pealed per bushel of 28 pfiutfd's, $ 5 OQ . t":i iii onpealed, per bushel or 28 -s .. pounds, . . Axes', M with handles, etach. '"-' ! 1 without hndleJ .each". Baeon, . $ides, per pound ' ,4 w bams. pgr, pound , - ' 'clioiiUara nor nntind . 3 00 12 ra 12 00 3 00 3 00 2 75 a 50. jowfes. per pound hiteWrcornrleldtper bush el of 60 pounds apple, per gallon peach, per gallon .freshV.net, per .'pound halted, per pound Beans, Braady, - "in Beef, 10 00 20 00 25 00 i ao 1 50 M 00 3 00 3 75 11 oo Brownstuff, good, per bushel 28 lbs Candles, tallow, per pound , . (i adamant' ne, per -pound Chains, trace, per pound Cloth,; ; woolen, tor soldiers clothes, 'i yard wide. 10 02. to yard, '" ' 'and pro rata as to greater oHess weight or width, per yard raw, per lb ltio,'perlb uhsheiled, per bushel of 70 lbs - ,.' - shelled, sacks not included ... Cotton, Coffee, ' Cotri,; 6 00 1 00 A 50 6 CO' 6 00 6 00 80 m 00 30 00 I ' ' : ' ' per hushel of 56 lbs CorntniealpWiicks ''not included, per buhe off 50 lbs. I cohoti, -g yrd wide , J yd. to pound, per yard" ' extra family, per barrel of j. l?li;pHinds , ' . gxtra fmnily, per sack of 18 pounds J : ; 'su pe rfi ne ,J per bbl. j f 196 Drills, Flour,. 55 0Q . .'' Fodder " ii ITats, Hay,'- f - superfine, per pack of 98 lbs U" fine, ner bbl. of 1.06 nounds 50 06 fini per Buck of 98 pounds bnled, per 100 pounds i unbaledi per 100 pounds ; woof, each , ' : t balVperqOOpouVidH ; undated, per lOQ poands 25 00 6i00 5,50 5,00 6Toa 5 50 4-00 3,50 Hides, t dry, exira., per ppuud. '4 cry, . 7 rreen. ner nonnd 1 75 Horses, artillery, 1st class per head 1 ,00006 artillery, 2d class per bead.; Blflt flu 'pis, per ton of 2,000 lbs f 180 00 square or round per ton '700 00 hoop, per ton of 2,000 lbs 1 .000 00 flat or band per lou ' 700 00 boiler pin te per iton 1,000 00 serviceable railroad per ton ; -of 2.246 lbs' 400 00 .jcastinjrs, per pound. . 30. Iron, Jen.,,:f . Kettlev, Xumbei;, Lard, Leather, i :, i.'- Molasses wool, domestic,, per yard 1U Uu camp; iron,' per pound 30 good, per 'tiOOO feet 50 00 Clean, .per pound . 3 00 sole( pe rjxj.u; n 4 . 6 00 upper per pound .7 00 1 'harness, r'pound r 7 00 r; cane, per, gal ton : , 1Q 00 sorghum, ilo 10 00 f 1st class, per head ' . lv0f0 00 2d class, s 800 00 3d clas 500 00 . extra V" MiJles, Nails, Oat, per keg -iiheaf, unbaled per 100 4bs sheafj baled 100 lbs 8h11fd, per bushel 100 00 7 50 y 8; 00 8 p0 1 50 tt Osnabargsi cotton1 J yad! wide, 7 at to yard, per yard , " cotton yard wide, 8 ox to yard, per yarcl " OnionsJV? perbuii'ht . iy- feaa(f, , a cow per bushel of ' hoes," army, per. pair t Shoe thread flax, per pbu nd 1 75 10 00 . 15, 00 10 00 2 00 '40 00 3v00 b:5;j' fet.jwr ,beid ' Sng-, r ,f 4 . fowncomnjon v per lb. "Soap'A haw, per poutid 1 00 75 " vV soft, perponni Shuckt -iviakdper 100 lbs - i 6 00 1 00 Shorts,! m good, per beshel of 22 lbs, Ship rtiLv -ooo " J . . .37 -1 75 Tea1:' - S,iackerTb TiacK ner io v 5 00 8 00 Tent clohS, cqttonlOWiyard, per yard - , - 1 50 8 00 No 1 2 50 ii m' Tr ' n r: Ll va TilioW ' ' cS.ruhd '"Ss 50f Vinegar, cider, per gallon C II ii mnnfff nrnJ ru rmllnn T1 "t. .Whiskey V good per galtoV " . "u 25 Ow 'Wlieat ntWhite';j'''tit8lief -1 , 'ii t i' f r ii i S". ...... ;i . llf IV- tW WjlDSi m 1 . iV s JUHJU fair pr bashel cf go h v . g. 50 ," ordinary, per bushel of 00 8 00 1 50 1 00 8 00 Wheat straw, baled, per 100 pounds ?4 4f' - HuiitiUf ire IVV .pyuiiui - ' washed. Der oound . 600 Wagofas, wo& ax1,4hdtaweacri 350 00 , : if'i-.;; i ' iron axle horse new, each 375 00 11 U4 tr axre 2f'-ew. each 27500 Potatoes, Irish, per bushel of 60 lbs 10 00 " sweet, per " " 8 00 they, triistjyjft scJieqqie -now 'pfesetited whi ; f prove RAtififactnrv to both the Government aod" adAhe bt.u 'ev Vodfd reliieoCfiinv ursre i cm m n I a n iiioi nnp waarm n nil in nrniuia itui. i 1..-.- s . j .. . I rt "3 .- Peaches, .. dried, peeled, pecbiiBhel of unpeeled, per bash 38 lbs ? yt 5 00 fre&li, net. per lb v'!j4i, 3 00 Pork. - 5'' Pasturage, 1st quality, near t6wn,iier & head, per, nionib, , , r , . . ;0 00 common , '"near to wn , per had, permorith u ,U U io 7 00 1st quality, in the country.. , per head; per month 1 .f.f! . H 9 00 i common, ; in th couhtry'3 ( ft ; ; ; ;ru, persbealrler month . , .h,ui6 00 Quinine, gopdj pe(r, ounce . . . 6 00 RSceV '? 'hew3, pr'pdundl 4 ' " '' IV 50 5 a J roivpe pountf ".-'ia o.i'Htu 40 v BOpd, per btffheiof561bB:v. 30 00 , tvonusbels,03nat)urg8, eacaH3 UQ -cotton V wide, 4 J ' yds to a ' , -pdVperVard' : ' al 3d cotton,, fWidp, 3 yds toa'f pound, per yard - . r-l 10 Cotton strines. 3 ds to lb. oer vard - 1 75 Salt ' Coast, per bush of 50 Ibs. 'W 00 u . Liverpool, ?' '- i " -35 00 " Virginia, ;, " " tSS5 00 Steel, cast, per pound . : ,8 00 Wheat bran, per bushel of 17 lbs. ' ' '.' ' 70 .Yarn; cotton per bunch of 5 lbs1 ' 8 00 HIRE OF LA60R TEAMS, WAGONS ! AND HORSES. BaHingiong forage, per hundred rbs.; Y- 74 Sbeltiat; and bagging corn, aacks! frnv 1 nished by government, per bushei , .: ; , 25 Hire. of two horse teams, wagon, and driver 'rations furnished by owner, : per day : Hire of two ,hoise teams, wagon and driver, rations furnished by govern , ment, Per day y"" 12 0Q 8 00 "Hrrf four horse teams, wagon ana 4 driver, rations furnished by ownen',. per day . . . .22 50 Hire of four horse teams, wagon jaud driver rations furnished by govern ment per dayr : . ; .v i Hire .of six horso . teams, .wagon and driver, rations furnished by owner, - per day ' " , " lir : of six horse teams, Wagon and -t jdriyer, rations furnished by govern ment per day . -" r ... ' Hire of laborerp f a tion s ' furnished by ownerVper day Hire of Hborer, ...jratioost furnished by government, per day , lt . Hire of laborer, rations furnished by -owner,1 pe month 1 Hirerpf iabarer jatious furnished by , government, per. month . , 16 00 25 00 18 00 3 00 X 75 75 00 45 00 Hire of horses, ber day " ' 1 50 For the information of all persons concerned, we publish, the, following instrneikms. vHth tbe ,hope4hat they Will be strieUy obejejj hk- "iio omcer, or agent. snaj . imresa me o cssary' supplies wnicH apy !prso'tt"itfay liiw'' fpr iho consnrnption of himself, tris family em ployees, slaves, or to carry on bi ordinary kit chanical, manufacturing agricultural iinpl ments." "'".' . A ' ' ' The next meeting of the Board will be held in tbo Se irate Qhapiber, in theCUj&of.Jtftleigh, on. Friday, the 30th, day of September ect, unless sooner changed. Impressing agents must furnish good and satisfactory feasorisfor disapprovals on appeals, or the award of local appraisers will be. approved. All commnniea tions should be addressed to the Secretary of the Board, Raleigh, N. C. (Signed) ti. K. BUKtxWtYN, Garvsburg, N C. -R.V. BLACKSTOCK, ' Stocksville.N. C. Corn's A pprafsm't for the State of N. C. Geo. W.paD.KCAi, Umpire. Salisbury, N.C., Airg. 9, 1864. dtf35 . " ' ' ' '' s HOME FOR REFUGEES AND OTH-ers--Great Attraction-Hotel Property for Rent; 'V.-;. - . :,: ..- We will offer for Rent at Auction in Mor- ganton. N. ,C.Thjursday,. Sept '8lh,s the unex pired lease (?xpinng July 1st, Ib5; of the welt kpown Walton "House. L At the same time will be Sold many Honae - hold arficles. in fact everything requisite in a first class Hotel, namely: large lot of Cups and Saucers, Dishes, Plaless Bowls and Piteh- era, vasiprs, vjomeis, xruu sianas, pas, tresses. Bedsteads, Curtains, Cookmg.atove and Fixtures and btner Kitchen utensils. Also a fine Iron lrame Rosewood PIANO of 6 Octaves. - " In addition to the above we will sell 3 kegs English Soda, 2 barrels Sugar, 40 lbs. 3lack Pepper, barrel Rice, 100 lbs. Beeswax and ianow, i Bay OTjjre, .viuies, se wagons, i Buggy, 3 setts double Harness, a baddies and Bridles, 2 Plows, 5 Hogs, 3 Shoats, 1 Cow and Calf, &c, &.c. Terms cash. v 1 mixson at bkoukktt; x i Proprietors Walton House . . Aug31-dtds91 itFChariotte Bulletin and Raleigh Confed erate pjeite copy, dailyj tilt 7tb Sept. and send bill to us and we will remit by Express. -i 4,000 CORDS OF "WOOD r .... wyvf U.UUOMUI.T ft W w quirea lor ttje ftospitais arjp: tue y., " m. juc- j?artrierit aiW place the ming Fall , and Wldteatiriow is the timiontract for the same; . A liberal price ivill JbJpaid (or A an foQtoocithpr delivered or cut. and coram itiw,'thiJSowB' Contracts .for the vtfuuie yr lor siuau poriions pi, n. wui ues fjay en ! Those able to fornisb'Wocd and wishing to'cc .tracjll'ap)ly at the1Quartennaster's mMO mam. nnd.nanh "1 f r i i. .:. Si . ,.v i ' s - . ; r. . . j . Notes. anc4 j.Yoze&. t-v, G. V. AUcrfE july 9. . . .J; ...., I... if-ia-), .tll,r V. '". 1 -4 .f ;i -1 7 4 3 R&CO. : J j i irV rtwiV'-'' '"!'" ii . . ii.WjJ-.v . ,--f-,ii j -f-i - ii'-r-fiirj- itr -urn j. nr- - ...... .. . .. -

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