f. '.: M 10 1 .: J,--1 -. i i i ' '..-I'" ' . " i i r t i i i i i , i i " 1 . '- M i j i - - - f, , ; i i - iS - r ' ' - ; ' f IT' ' " 1 7 Jar V t 5 : : : : , !?.. m " .. i rT)rlTi'ilTJ:,wriiL.i? m- f thu niui.t k fiort of. the Coa federate Slates for IhftNw-tMru Di-1 ictfll TURED.&cj&o, 1 ibHbND, Sept. 1 5th. ffhe New York fHerald of the 13 lb says 51 towns Mam ?4bow a net iiepuUicai gam 'ot 681. The largest ;fflai.iti'iov.rlli$iitt Brook Si jif&I Monday even iiig to ratily tub 4ioliuatio4it vi.s4ikiUaD 'aul iut lelier :t,eat!6 tU report Lhibatebei trotVrIiidfaaoQii atiDottuei J toe capturo oi V0Ttt9Arwc.ytj-.-wi,lr- lived ai Lauiax pu iue A4Uf wri ,.rciiufs i Euiopearf idalr toi tfeiSllist say it is OwUe iniik4;aHoiht;rii;liort Vul ''-inter veutioa ,:luttMip(lt iiavtf latterly f petHfl Knjrktt1 Excited and HnUled. ,iyt vibr jt Lopiai .bri(ti says drove mOU PETERSBURG RjCBMOND, Sept. !?.5- A special jdu !ptci to ibe Evening fVVhig, Irotu , Plers bur tpday, tiys thala force? ojf eueiuy'i jsivH1fy hw iotautry supposed .logins a raiding party,' ad vauced lioia the Weliiou1 road roau ana tour miles Iroiu lf.e city mishing ijolaoWall.JluiBNo par'! ilMMfeXR ATI FicAT7 MEKT I ' STEAMER 'ADVANCE V CAP 1. - v.! 4&rtd ou$M . . . ; i - : : 1 the devetremnCof m THE ' lildtit f ROAlRt vn.') . r JirTW- ' k X W'S F?grate-abpiy,ioi 4Nr tpjrale.taten v .vv4i4 TiBOR( v, -If mh'pf 'tJi'; u l:ti,JAi 1. made mnifesti JtJs'lKnslhit the coi'lisioiMif . MR 15tb.A Oattur from 8eclioltiii Snlllsr anH ,the ouoression of a conii t'lOevijeiuy . thro ugti Marti us PU r ; y ester- tin lnoruuis. to Ihe Viciuitv - of -Jroun ' rETSRSiatt, .bepU I5tb. Warren s; rnieft uorpe ' advanced Westward, ibis; luottaiog to Poplar Spfin'g's Olrch two' J tnl le.st fro tfl.tb e WelUon, road. Tb e e nemy ; -. oroke' ' iMrugli , ' jiutrV ' liuesjand were1 i-Jf met by Col. Ferrebee and I)?aring' bl-ig-' adre anii repulsed.7 0u loitriflinir. The eoerny bas cotnmucad o'frfiyiug at the 'CfQV.celiV: ;i'-jpj;ispii.era talk.Hi:a 'was?-, au Attempt to advance theijnjnes in the' di ectit)u of 'tbe Soutnirfe Railroad. All )qiifie.t on1 the baUuceof toe lines. ' Jfe )g, apu out uttte picket flriug. ,?t fippVpting'jin the $GhzduCe.--Ti6 ipcJCtu le; price ot; Iridii potatoes is 10 a bushel. 3uptaiti Thrash, t!ie (r CojriiliiSdary here ;intorios tfet jjjrefAised tQ pay, . the priee ; aw-Qkiad'Fidpiitatuea' are offered at jvtfraD he wants to buy.' - The Coojfjri8sipner.e will please niafee a note j of iliUiAshilU Jifewis, prisog dapabl ol accotuinoatiiig ed' ten miles this side at' Oohupjfai S.3.V &tid the prisouers in Gecfrgia, y& jSerppo'sei are to be trttfisferred to ttta't place. Some of Uaem iiave al- faay arrived at Qoiuuibia. pit' . An agent snt ot by tb authori- FnlMh$y V'fy, to reriutj Hjr ine oUukleraie States. writ' ; far?er umerous than able bod "ietl blac.:asirou8 of going into lernrtbe. ft? $$&ptt Tree, 7mere tm mQ j:etersoiMrgiraiii'oaati tWalliJifttf: i4tle; ell, Kaq;, 'designed. VjH i prmwrs of Nfew JmoM Ik waxuL ''Sr.""1 PROSJPJEiCaaJS.qF --lr " T.H E A G E, A SOD HERN MONTHLY MAGAziNE. The;Udni?ai(l cmra9WF?iff in, thd City of Richmond ihe publioation ofa-Mouthly Mug- azine, unner nt aoove vHie. It Wil II present to its renders, selections from the beft 'EuVopeaft Periodicals, of Xitecary and Scientific ' articles, of Novels tiiid Sketches wnicn, naving uireaay- receivea ine nuprnua tare of ah ehllghtipned taste, cannot but, prove acceptible to tlie.Southern public.' The effort will te made to keep the readers of the Maga zine as nearly as possible abreast of the literai'y progress of the, age ' Arrangrements hayi been 'jnader which, it is hopeid, will enable the propri etors to secure Ibis end. The Magazine will also, present original ar tides fnmi-our best writers, in ail departments, and a special aim bf the proprietors of this pe riodical will be to foster Southern authorship by offering an adequdte and remunerative field. for Its exercise. They rwill not, however, under the plea of this design encourage, by reproduc tion in its columns, that -class of compositions whichiCreate a vivid and brthealthy taste, to be, stated ply by hat hybno,j literature which Yankee lngennhy has contrived, under the name of sensational romance. The liidustrialilesurce arid the Edacation- al Interest of the Confederacy-ibe twiu foun dations of true, independence -w3 receive the important share of attention they deserve. In ijjts dpwepeme.pt.of tkeseiqaestionsvii object will be to make a practical application . Ofhe ojMjtriB of States, Righia... to the ptdiey. 61" the couniry.. iv.wn.enqHavr .iu HxpaHi.tHtHiB M9 of e jQonfeieracyj wbich is t(tdMKntrte berty ;Tegiialed by law, to. ejehibit a syvteib tf ye.fclnvaprenie wiib.to.iui4ftt'ndaioaaiid oply boj byn voluntary alienation of powers. It will, vindicate those elementsof National. In dpeudepcv;hc.h are secured-by a high stan dard of inte'Uiffeuce and refineuie(it;by,aeeum- Ulatea cajitai, yarien innusiry anu oy auuiraaiu facilit iesjofs fptercOTftfaqjcaU'rtA: It -ill pro 'mte,JLhadtt$pJ('aHi,n,ttrf9 1,1 which hj-wjieeiefp ;ow. de licient. And, .wblsVn'e; itatjot f -.hei;.Xyondejrat Fanize and dpeirate entetpWes f a'patute cal cuittte to attain these results, the,, projectors mon harf WU avoided. t! . .. I&lftriHifrcti: section 4l i&Jthe nesignto afi ford to Teachers jnormaliou. ueedejdai" their profession, and l-'p.jlrie... interchange ? id.as biV'tba subjecu o VCn' "d , t h ei r tsi A. a nee and collaWati6u Is fnvitd. , Sonthjjru School ttt vi4l4ichot(ced:nd 'mWW j'Sftif b; 6outhernjsyieip, of : ISd 0atkn as ipipej .to. New, England, e tripiricisn). taui tpractioaUsih ; dnpheld.- deyeiiiped1 tui defeaed. 'u. : .'i -f ; Terms -Each . number 10. , f For three months jJ4, . .For six mntbs .8. r .The trade will be suppl'ted . by GR( ) RGE L. BIJXGOOD, 161 Main Streets - V! ... Ver&iestxagarde &co Z , iV. Proprietors. i"v W MBpaWBLt, Ciief IJditor. . , Ernest" LAOARDEf Associate, Editor. January i;4S64f ., ty ;Sooiti;at tUerary Hesscncr This oirg ilfished; and, weH4mo'Wo Jonrnal of Lileraiurel having been rewhtly' purchased by the subscrV - ,;wilin fatarette -coudadted exclusively unseie vetntrol 4 partnsnt8,.both busii . isaaud editorial , the' !H es se ngerwiU be unriet theimapagement of u entirely uew regiMM, "ndfelhtp satifiniiiie I of uccess!lsW''lkWinlelin;h:l Magazine has neVej yeteau2uVifib4frilds and, .the public f,hall -yieWtbBa siFporlor-g thy . of so. important an enerprise, ' lookineta the aUvitnceinent of the highest literary inter-- est ol the Ccnifederacy. Argument or appeal in -behalf of the tmpor-; tanee of ian elevated literature.' to'tnir eHirtii: the si bse nee of which has -hitherto made oa by word, of reproaeh amoug the older nations, and even noW militates against our i ate rests abroad, need not be' addressed to those wuonl Mils circular is designed to rdtieh. v ' " ' Bat to the attain unent of this- great end, some thing mere is n eeessary . t ban me re Yer bal Mt pressions of. sympathy and eucouragement.--The friends of Southern Jjfterature musifbster the efforts of our -literary men to se c ure tor tts & worthy position in the world of letters. 1 j j-W design the. Messenger to be an enter prise , worthy ofuport of all classes of our peo jrle, We shall aim chiefly ,o secure for oat. page the productions xf the ibigheci otder of geniusnd scholarship, and at the. same time such ajiiplea as will contribute to Uienstrn tion ,nd amusement of the public sdarge, " To this end we shall jfife our attention t6 and so- licit ooflt ribntioas fromc ootberu writers inA all tlMB 4epHtjnnt8 oi Oter4tore foiktj man cor Review, Critiotsfn, in sbrirti every -wh jeet, whose prnmtnence ia eufBcient'te entitie it to notice will have ii due shure of.attemirm. We, earnestly aolicit the assistance of oar friend s.ihrougbout the Confederacy in. the en largerpient pf Mir. 8ubtoriptioa list, which mast 1 be .increased to eeable us to meet the heavy peeauifijry outlay to, w,b;eh we'sJisfKW inafcject. XeJpl 112 Jor twebre moiiibju$8ioix months. This increase wifl nbi iffitfit iira WAuunueu oeiore tne 1st of.Marcru, Uf- management. Communication counecieu wun xne uierary conduct ot the Ictei' seBjet wibe directed' toAi tbe editor ; otner commjimcatloni shbWd b directed to the JPco- '. . .2-1" - J ' 1. 1' La- j if. jJi i "tit w i.i,m.Jviiru1l jlvw , iois c iv. win control me iusinf)wutre8ls of Ihe Vl8enger, and Mr mufrt flrALFRIEND. Of thi8''cHvV.Wf'dWCt us manorial SGKED TJLE , Q& . .PRICES iV NORTH CAhdziXA. . 4 The Commissionerf of Appraisement Cr the State of North Carolina, agaiiv present their shedule of prices )o govern be purchasing officers of the Govrnnient for the next sixty 'days,' unless in th inlervajacts nd cjrc Sances should arise to induce an alteration- very item has been careruny revised and with valuable aid or Mn'Greorge WMordeliat" reV trust the schedule, now " presented will th iheV p'roVe satisfactory to bbtb the Government and a no Ihe people. . The'y' wouldVespectfttUy urge the people to hasten On with their supplies to v maintain and feed our gallant army nc'fas Scrnbled just on our borders and in whose 'gil- 'antrv and fortitude, under God," we alone bwe pur exemption from the Jhoriws of a revolution, of our homes, and families by the barbarous, . inhuman foe, who have constantly shown they ouly want the power, and not the, -wil I to de stroy, us and take all we; btve u , J,1' Apples, . .' dried good, pealed per bushel '' ' of 28 pounds, $ .5 00 unpealed, per bushel of 28 pounds, with handles, eaebr Without hnudles; ach si;de8, pe r po u nd hams, per pound shoulders, pr pouiiil jowles, pe r pound . while ,ur cornfield, per bash el of 60 pounds apple, per gallon ' ' peach, per ga linn 3 00 12 50 13 00 .3 00 3. 00 3 75 ; i so 10 00 26 00 25 00 L U0 1 50 I -00 3 00 3 75 Ml 00 Axes, Biicoa, ' Beans, . Brandy, i. Beef, ' fresh., net, per pound, : ; .Salted, per pound 0 roWnsi uff. good , 'pe r btisli e 128 lbs Candles, ' thllow, p;r pound adaiianiue, per pound trace, per ..pound woolen, Cr:soJfiierS clothes, J yard wide, 10 oz. to yard, and pro fataaa toi greater or les weight or width, per, yard raw', per lb Riowr lb - 4? unshetled, ner.bushel of 70 ibs : shelled, sacks not intluded per-:hashrof 36 lbs Chains, Cfoth, 6 00 i bo 4 50 6 CO 00 6 00 : to ' l;v 60 00 so od 5 & 00 Cotton, tyOHee Corn, 1; Cornmeal, sncks not included, - per bushel of 50 jbs . cotton, 'J yard wide , J yd. 'tppound, per yard f jejf a, fami ly pef ba rrel of 196 pounds . , . . : extra family, pet a aok of 98 pounds 4 " ; uperfioer per bbL'rfrl.I36i poUlldS , : , , '.. ' Brills, Flor, 4 It superfine, per sack of 98 lbs' . 25 00 fine, per1 bbl. of 19rj iVands 5U '0O bne; per sack or 98 ixiuncis aa-uo Fodder, ii Hats, Hay, f . Hides, " ''ft :- Horses, '- ' Irpn, -4 l it ' ' 4 II Jeans, Kettles, Lumber, Lard, i Leather, baled, per 100 pouiijds. unbuled, per 100 pjund wodl, eacli balrd, per 100 pounds un'aaled, per 100 ponndt . dry, extra, per pound dry. ' . greefn, per toand 4 00 3 50 5 00 4 00 3 . 50 4 00 3 50 1 75 artillery, 1st class per head 1 ,000 00 artillery, 2d class per head 800 00 pig, per ton of 2,000 lbs . -180 00 square or round perctoVi' ' '700 00 ,hoap per ton of 2,000 lbs l iOOO 00 flat or baud per ton 4 i 200 00 boiler plate per ton , ,. 1,000 00 servieeable'railroad per ton of54frlbs " ' 400 00 eastings, peT pound , , wool, domestic, per yard canip, iron, per pound good, per 1 ,000 feet !cleartpi: pound sole, per pound ' '. upper; per'pfund ' ' harnens, per pound . . 30 1Q 00 "30 50 00 3 00 , 6 00 7 00 ; it . 7 00 iooo - ao oo; ltOfO,00 800-00 $0tf'0O. M6a'sses, caue, per gallon ( MuleSi' H 1st class, per head , 7 5 Ii" ?3d' iclai 4 , extra. . it4- i 'ti . r ciass, ;- per keg ' ' .;"v. ' " J 100 00 i5 0 5 50 ' 5 5 'd f sbeaf, unblifeVW 00-lb weHetfper btishel' ' ' Osnabtirgsr cottpHyard twideT. oz to yaru per yarui bottrtn i.vsrd wide, 6"os tot 1 50, II yard, per yard; ' Onions. per bushel in tin Peasf eowir bushel of r Shoes, - jarmy, per pair . Shoe thread flax, per pound , 10 00 2 00 Sheep, fat, per head ' brown, cpramon per )b, ; bard, per ppundj. soft, per pound , i baled; peVnOO'ibi ' goad, per beshel of 22 lb Soap, . ' Shocks, Shorts, ; .1,00 , 75 ' 4 00 U 00 5 00 8 00 Snip stuff, good, f . $7 ; Thi,lJ blackiWrlb gre;enf?peiilbatfi, ' . " TepVelotbptten; 1ft tut loiyJdver yard Tobacco,' No I, extrf Whisky, frperalk)ife Whearstrajr,,baledV pe IDOpounda 150 jjn washed, pej;oqi4. CO j 9V A i s - 4 ; i xn 1 3 2 50 Tallow . cleau, per. PPando , ;; .2,50; Vroegir etdeSalrou ' ' S 'SC Vri lA ttnahutactdfe?. Pelf rtilb'4 125 ! r,t t irf!aaxieFUwanW'isUivwi?:uu i wood ahf 'jDeveaeltSStf iron axle new. each roiaiites, nsn, per ocFanei-ot ou iss : iUJpii pej a ir.&Wris''! Peaches,'? dried, peeled,. per bushel of . 38 Jbs 1 V r - 4 'anpeeled, rpVf bush 38 lbs Porki, ' fresh, net, per lb V -Vt-.i-V lV -''-' Pasturage, 1st quality, near town, per " headrper mnthi ; , :j . common,' near town, per head, per, month, 'j . : il . 1st quality, iu the . country per bead, pee month oahel df W Ib's ! ' 00 140(1 8 50 S 00 '2 od :,50 16 00 si 00 9" 00 tSOO 56.00 . 50 ' 40 io m 3 00 -s- 1 30 1 10 1 75 20 00 -35 00 25 00 S'OO 70 '8 00 common, ' in the ' "country , i per head, per month ' v good, per ounce .i,. . new, per pound. . old, per pound good, pe r bushel of 56 lbs' two bushels, osnnburg. eai;h cotton 1 1 wide, 4J yds to a pound, per yard ' dot ton, wideV 3 yds to a. Quinine, Rice'. Rye. Sacks, Shirting, pourid, per yard - -Cotton stripe sr yds to lb, per yard Salt ' Ooasf , pr bush of 50 lbs. Liverpool, VirgiuiaV . f: 41 H Steel, cast, per pound . ' Wheat bran, per bushel of I7.1bsf. yarn, ' cotton per hunch' of 5 lbs HIRE OF "LABOR TEAMS, VVAGONS ; - AND HORSES. Biiiling long forage, per hundred lbs. 75 Shellins and bagging corn, sacks fur-- ! nished by government, per bushei - t t 25 Hire of two horse teams,, wagon and . , , driver rations furnished byv wuer, perday ' '12 00 Hire of two horse teams, wagon and driver, rations furnished by govern ment, per day 8 00 Hire of ttinY horse teams, wagon and , driver, rations furnished by owner, per day 250 Hire of four horse teams, wagon aud M driver rations furnished by govern ment per day 16' 00 Hire , of six horFe teams, . wagon and. driver, rations furnished by owner. 1 ' per day 25 00 Hir of six horse teams, wagon and ' A driver, rations furnished by govern ment per .day 18 00 Hire of laborer, ratious furnished by owner, per day 3 00 Hire of. laborer, rations furnished by , government, per day ' 1 X5 Hire of jalwrer, rations furnished by , Viwifer, per mouth ' 75 00 Hire of labarer, rations furnished by government, per month 45 00 Hire of horses, per day 1 50 For the information of all persons concerned we publish the following instructions, with the hope that they will be strictly dbeyed: No officer; or agent shall impress ihe ne eeKsary supplies which any person may have for ihe consumption of himself, his family, em ployees, slaves, or to carry on his ordinary me chanical, manufacturing agricultural : ; imple ments." The next meeting of the Board will be hefd in the Senate Chamber, in the City of Raleigh, on Friday, the 30th day of September next, Unless sooner chai'tge'd. Impressing agents must furnish good aud satisfactory reasons for disapprovals on appeals, or the award of local appraisers will be Approved. . All communica tions should be addressed to the Secretary of the Board, Raleigh, N. C. (Signed) H. K. BURGWYN, '! Garvsburg, N. C. . R. V. BLACKSTOCK, .. . Stocksville.N. C. Corn's Appraistn't for the State of N-C. Geo. W. MoRDEdAi, Umpire. allsba'ry, N.C., Aug. 9 1864. dtf35 CORDS OP WOOD fFhe above quantity of WOOD will be re atrjred for the Hospitals arid the Q. ' MV De- mrtmeDtt tht3 place the oomibg Fall and Winter, and $ow, is tbe time to contract for tne sarhe. Atlijberial price will be- paid, for ;4 ariS 8 foot Worid: either defivered or cqt and Lcorded fteir' Ws tovr&Grnlracte for f&e wholet; or For amajl portions of it will Tathjar etu Thofel abeto furbish: Wood amt wishing to contract will apply at the Qoartennasier'a ujnee to . . . . y,-.. ; ... ,r jaS. HI. G06DMAH, ;: Capt. & A. Q. M.4 July 25. . w9octl8d59sepl8 2i:POFFfGE WESTERN N. C; RKT 15 bqhATfiu,.!Ni C.AglSS'-- 4-' TfAl!:iwUiriiedttf iellTWO HUNDRED 1 (SHARES OF STQCK In thej Westeva N ? R.F:iMdNT6iir,. 4wd94 iect'y Tfeasf.- :"?.'--V 1 ( . ND OTHERS DouIRlNG A PlIFf- W ne m 1 d tuefiac beside bur IB m l5,Boxes and JPBarrels ib.3Bftm.-H 10 v ; Fine' CbewinffTebaccv Wholesale or retail W M. E..EDWA RDS c Salisbury, Jilyl3: . jdxfSO IGHTYGOO D WtTH ILTC' AND peaches., t.One:barrel fiiee.Bro jm Solar.ii oomp or we naj ttntwjBg iccq we ijTev 'Alamance Plaids: . : Powder, Stol krilMh&WVrP 5r" . f , t ed Wards a co. - , Auctand Com. Jflprch'ttv- Salisbury, Sept. 3, 1864v) !ri tfd94 , MILCH COW FOR SAL A gooC6w:8iayi behaiby applyinr A AT THIS OFJflGl Sept M ljs.v, Exce Uey, , 5 Zebukwt v, Pv-Vaucj Bun combe. Governor., " . , . , ..v Cot- David A Barnea, NortbampUyv AJd. do George Little. Wake, ' do Richard H Battle, Jrj Ansjjtf,1 Private Seer Dr Edward VVarren, ChowanViS,urgeonB John P H Russ, Wake,, Secretary of State. Jonathan Worth, Rdndblph, Public Treasurer. - V1 UurtJsJ ! 13 rogden ,: W-j y nfe, Complifeiers f Samuel F. Philips OrdhgeAudiror- Oliver H Perry, Wake. State Librarian. Mjor Genera 1 R C,- Gatlin,.Lear,'djatan Major William: B Guliqk, Beaufoj-f, TPayjrr)aCler. major jonu Levereux, aR.e, vuarieniiaausr Major. Thomas D Hogg, Wsike" Commjsslry ; and Ordnance Office: y '' ' ' f " ' 'V Major James Sloan, Guilford, Quart ermasler. m : . ii a r j 1. J.. T im jor ci e ii ry vo vvc, JCiUgecPrr.p"'"?'' Major James H FH)te, Ass'CAdjtGenjJfall of Honor,) 1 " ' t ' ' ' Major. William, A Graham, 3r.it AssftAHjt Generau , ,:. -r, r-.. Lieut Josiah Collins, Washington connty, . Ordnance Department; ' ', : ' ' Lieut John.B Nea.thery, Wake,: Ass't Adjt General. . Lieut Thorfias White, Franklin, Asst4Quar- terrrraster. ; . Lieiit Isaac. W Garrett, Edgecombe,Ais't Quartermaster. , Lieut Thaddeus McGee, Wake', Assrt totn . missary. , '-'.' Lieut Qbarles fi Thompson, Wake. AssCom - missary. judicial; ' 1! Supreme CtourRichmond MiPed'tson- rvid- kin. Chief Justice, Win H Battle, OraTJie, and cMathias E Manly,, of Cwyen, Judggs; Sion H Ronrers, Wake, Attorney ; General; lamiltbn C Jones, Rowan, Reporter; Edmund J Freeman. Clerk, f Meets irr the 1 cUvuof Raleiffh secmid Monday in June eecl-ye4r. The Morgan ton term has been discontinued 3 Superior Caurts Judge tEdwin GiRele, ereon. Romulus M Saunders; Wakeijobert R Heafh. Chowan; Robt S. French, . Rohesont James W Osliorne, Mecklenburg! 2eorge How ard, Wilson; Robert B Gilliam, GranvniftJ Afm M Ships, Hendereon. u Solicitors 1st Circuit, " Jesse J Yeates, Hartford; 2trd. Charles C Clarke Craven; 3rtl, Sion H.Rogers, Wake, Attorney Gueral; 4th. Thomas 'Settle, "Rockingham; 5th. Ralph ,Bu- ton, uamnerianu; win, Kooert r Arraneiax ia kin: 7th,1 Wm'P 'Bvnum; 8th,- Aogustus Merrimon, Buncombe. ' - ' ' COafFEDERATK STATES GOVERN3IRSi fc LOCATED AT KICHMONfb VA.. t ,f ' The Executive :" ' - Hon. Jeff, Davis, ofMiss , Presfdent. ; r Hon,' A. H. STEPHENe,of Ga-,. VicePresideilv The Cabinet? , . ; .C-v)- 3 P Benjamin, of La., Secretary of State, t C G Memmi ngbr, of S C., Sec'y of Treasurer Jas A Seddon, of Va., Sec'y of War. S R Mallow, of Fla., Sec'y of the Navy: ''' HonCGEO Davis, of NC, Attorney Genenuf . John H Reagan, of Texas, Postmaster Geu'-fl Heads of Bur earns. Rufus R Rhodes, Commissioner of Patents. , G E VV Nelson, Supr of PuMic Printing. "' ' Gen Sam Copper, Adj't and InspectorlGH- - John S Preston, Chief of Bureau of Coitscrip tin. . -' . . -: '.'. .o ' 1 i.'4j i Brig-Gen A R Lawton, Quartermaster G.eu- S P Moore, Surgeon-General. E W Johns, Medical Purveyor. ' - North Carolina Representation In CoagrfssJ ;.(.: " Senate'. -,i Wm T Dortcji and,WM A Graham. ; ' a ; . ffoufie iff Representative , First .District Martin. . Hertford, Gatej Chowan, Pefquimans. ;Fasqttotm, Currituck; Camden i, NoHftamptoh,- WasKlngton", Tyrre. aud 6ertie--irHSratth V ecorid Dist rict-rHiiBfax , EdfifeCembK Bettui. ibrt, WlsonrPitt, Green, Leno'r and Hyu- tt iv priagers, .: ,. . y -:f;iM.-v4 Third' District Carteret, Jones, Craven, Onslow, Duplin, Wayne, Johnston and Samp-son- J T Leaehi Fourth District;; New Hanover, Brniiswlck, Columbus, Bladen, Roben, Curoberjand Rjqbi mbnd and jflarnett - J C Fulcher.'. , Fifth DistrictWarreH.FranklitVbr Wake. Oranere 'and Nash-Josiah TbrHet.H .'Sijctli::DistriciAlaihance j Person --GiaswelC ttec&pghan) Guilford, Stokes an(.Fr&ythef J AlSilmeK v "u ., t.: . A "ISevertth' ' District --Randolph, Dayldsofl (atliattn :Moore; : Motitgomery;' Stauly ' alnd Auson-i-JtM Leach , v 'Eigbtli Psrjct--Rowau, Cabarrus ji Uniouv eeRie'twrastqi , Lincoln, .Qatawba.gudj Cteaveiand---J G Ramsay. . 1 llinWDistAshe,; AllegbanvV Wiikes Caldwell 'Alexder.' Yadkin, SftrVyV. 'Davie''4 IredeRand BurkeB S,Gaitbr. ' i .iiy1 , jTe.nl h ;- pistrict-Clay, Cherokee, Maoou? JacksoiH Ajadison, f Buncombe. ,'Transv!vanjaH HndersorfPolkYafncey, McDowell, RutheL feW,-lwitene1 Haylroflfd abri Wa'tauga ; 4be.jrjistrict .Jjofi-NbicpUa' is .;dividMdj iuW. ibfee Jjbdictai, IJistriptSj antbe ; times arid 5 lace w no1ntne"couris appointed b" thai $ -Hosi AeftsBiggsvdf Martin Judge. 5 ;Geo..V- Sjrong, of Wayne, Pfst; Attorney N vtrWesle Jones, of Wake. Marshall;, . aHi illiCourt uf the district". pf.: AlperoaJieijL; Hinfar; mf WMe&iy next afteir thirof ". in Mavfliid November: osebfi ItsM? aey, ' ;r4,;Rocky Mount- J A 'run Ulhrgb TheCw. : '-r the' District of bat Vkl3i. - held at Salisburyruhe: Monday jnext alter the ortn a?J " 7 ap Tlftmwil&- of Gotdeboro, W S Mi. f of wfQhUt irutLri n. if jKAman i5of-Ita!ei W Browii, Jr., of Wifn.. .(iVCoSftBWktta States Cermaiissiontrs. ' -' ' ; - 4 ?. fT , 1 V ' -, - . ". -i- j.-. v4 ' J ft - . 5 'C55C3S3e

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