V rtk 1 -IT.1V :, (. 1 If ' 1 V !.- h :SlLTURD4YuSEPT .JIf 14,-1 ' . L fl, . . ' ;OP-,tE.47tnrrrl.C '" tnkcECoj jTaiTcTiM question . t ill ite"u,H coaai4erdf,'fH fiVW-Vor"if' c f V'l O" 4f - ! l-'i V c3etr ites'frbl. .each' O&f J-rt-fcCiRc jW " , ' T f tt' iTt 1 iJ. ai. 1 t''w;i! H' ;dL LJ. i r.nnnr. 'IJ I -r-i , i. f4s -. Jo win 2 Arrano mini, ui LAi ensure tliem . pfouetm ferfopa iwmr J i"; i It h : - - -is- "'!,''' 1 v: j;. "1 ?-' '"' ' Ywe oIUrt per pqwetpf 13 line r !; f ... ..tft mu--i7 v rations otbpaid , emiiop:bacnber: f -i,rt..jyi papers vt now puojusncu oa u rasa fTstem Li. ..Ki. 'k. .w-r!i VJkfl- : r 'J - . . . -ii .. - f" ...... . ' ikfiBAN will preach at tbfMethodUt vaorcu to-morrow uiuiqi.ug,; " EXPRESS CHARGES. We are clad to see that th Snlisbury . L . O , .1.1 ' 1 ' ;Wtcbraan hsu at. last oeeQ.convincea that the high prices charged t by the lix . press Coin pan j are mofe owing, lo the cu pidity of Railroad authorities than any dSsftion 'on the partbf ;the Co m pany to -. xtorw ne .juDnc:i.aye:a,rigui iorcnoose betwetn'tbe railroad companies and the Ex pi ess, and the fiact that the latter dpes so inueh Easiness is an argument, in its fa ror. r'fOiflTW. . : w WJjy are jron glad of that ?- And dioa-knpwbefarettbat4t was the r'pi4fJl ?l Railroad authorities and ;kept silent ? ' And have you '.'iWgJoy against it now? v Ti4Railroad8 publish their freight y lists&Biriilc times ; less than the Express rates ; but . through a corrupt bargain with the ;JkiSn4 3 negligent attention to irwardng freight entrnsted to them, . .yn haf paanaged ta throw almosr yerjthing into the 'hands ot the i 1kEptS9and.- npon tBome nnaccou n t able prclfilecharge the Express Co. a rate .enormously, above - ta:cx)rr.espond,aadjet the -JProgress tblblame (This(nTU8t4e coTnfortihg Jtb'i bearsWhy not cotadejnn - tlie i . e: J&rlrbads. - ' -i;v' JheVxsase now stands,' it really to bia!neJDr Foard toade this chdrge against tbem ju the meeting oimrocnoiaej''Oi ine vv estern in CUBoa asttoontht; - and though .theitorvnd all Mher officials Wjjsrifritjjtney auswereanot inng Thereat Exoress ieratedmbst btlouhdlv -.. opeAednpttheir mooths. : . ' :Theepistb i'' sot-,bf co v partnershirir between : theRailrbads ' : emplbyed as a lind ' between them ' -. jmt ;iba je;i road ;,Qttargea,iopeniy ,-anaa puonciy niaae r i ii jr'i'l-i 4?'iiil- iil k idiit-iVt. C v- , - V v. ..v. . - I-; s W:arn &6n3i the; mentis on this UUiect!sav' r " aiiMI of jhW . "lW -t,.t.1e - b.p is-imdios though embraced bv the call to' 1 field.and to his country's defence a disgraced, man. , livery day in the army which these ou iill. If the young, men.vW.il I ht the old must, and, thank Heaven they will be, v those the duty fathers, come out be defended is every taU hlui bj , he collar and dIVinj l: to his w a day ot shame.and Unim,; thMVSlit- jum,,,w Wy . mwui a lup nem 8 alt tfjest insider Mfaii t tMm,mmm , eiaVrJjet Iiareut8 Bend them : Tfit i . e :'u-&t .' -Jx'X -t .Mi:'M imld:-:itWi'n Irir rMfecVri4 friedsrsnadetm-a qXe..h?.wU,ileea..be.Vh are ranportionrot the country. ilnfe ti which .. ; judred8, ot recrtiitf ,,conJd uf bdd el&,wQlif be readily, pbtmned jf tto.oflirb auu dredm;oids&it are at once and the people would do their duty. lle iilfulfyutiipldlblu Wtte4tyai desirous It the yoong.men do not conie doei$o& J&Wifte ojitto t he-dbfencevf thei reentry- oipubJiaiiSaiii-in'country Hiidte, in the ,he 'thut mayv if they hide, behind 4itUe;oftices, or may i.irrah tr fheit.ion, butMi:- Mf tbe hide behind the military -lines, or nut thtToid Union tviriwhiclve hnr "'Wl0 iiiue nnuer a iiorse mau conxracrvor raU. Tlie natibiiiaa, eikeredrdB skiuk m anywav.-thbn,.it.will dn L.. . .;uLv: '-South. ,.'v.;v f . v'.3"' . . . i vive upoirtne old, men ,toy.(letertd eUcei whelher e are-willing or, iiot cour8ej n' the youngsters, and take the places to rciinwldtrft it : ' p'uent to make all th is a p bareh t ' J n and,,whathame,iL will blem theif.8eiaLworU to 6d..-aaJ& W?Wfv-aMf iPp - V KfR GO. ;hat an everlasting, in tamy that to reconstruet-iWon on VmmWm: m&mM. : ; ; : 5 : M, , Its defence, shodd leave tiMSr?i. wtv;.fi thft. ! P the ? poll it, tA. 5tp erinod-by their Me ,C44.V!?1 ! : If the, need be, thene men unGoiii;nn0 Aft-MdWf f r tb6O.nruntrv:mnstJ ,at whether cott, iTlifsl AfiVtSi ,s and 'Siiri- but the.v.:wii!tiot.aUeif its tmeMrfagitl fxAmiVpf-,iaiK1ii0t. Y&.W.P.er ,eral c.vacu.;v:;relfed; J: : ' - :.; : with grate'rlbUoQ wa8 t"aWSf reef by.-the. aiibttr'- he; Richmond -SetiiiDsl?"pf '.;Juey;- "riu ' 4wwji6f serye, .forces, itlexenciesf tji ai Jl)tihiocmio-G¥t steWc temmf mrv plcoxstructi6 " f:; 4 all be ready ujeIie. irt$4v.e' ; vTPLAJrriBwprauOTio.. which. - are real led v for raudrtme forward uItathatvh once the- iiyh;r'Wef3c to r,.PiwmFMmm ..itaMtpfe; dlfided w&mm hiiblegkMfo and Jnr comitrv aliall ifenderit riic-otSeK.i tlie ma.riagiv' 'fr''H " '.''!'' '.-g ? 7mTheahsryr K11' consist MlowdPStfe 1 Bill." -WaKo the Pol- , 1'. ISI?110 btl j opon TheMiliS 'jjfMW '4eretofore,been. gio, aod; w ,hia:va , aeeit i . 3. lheta.ibr6atrU- aiuL . '- vv r - '?' ' rWMrl?- l" ' ' h no. .cause; to retract -any portion of "it. it west. 'Wt 1 ; . f . ' f :' " ' J. HILTON. .. A'- '' , title was' oorrowed'from yae'Masai:-. 4. The iiddfetis. b SeptI5 - V t ,huUs, unfeic f perty re assauhed in tbe,8tree s ;of Bos, The propriety atpeda of m SSSaffiiSit &tt; rfv ' .vanw ,. . J ton, whe kir? 'j ; , . :sS;'l "'- W-flftfe,fc-i ' 1 5-, ;LN att,uhKof ,fM defeerSriWf bl e iep&'th LL Sixty asmWrWi Wi v,t, M$faMm Z ' I dq's is simply an act of nuilifieanonan t Tii ;ti f ... WS1 . . Mof those p ::u ! Opr ( to smrk du- and laouryun mm ffm SplSS mMhi3-- H ipataaad k uotatjonp :JUH;. r.fimmm-- ..-JpL 4o wk. ' ftrougli R&ha4 life mV , ' h.e tlia IwRW.7aaoiWf capitkl an.Y lJ tWa ?ved - wirtr-enrpns?; hkt fightf niza 'i.v t!h'.nrt:7liia Win the- platiorm jdodnM ? clave at: arfull6. f lie nro-J may rely un ittheieail- c ave at jNiarai.J?kil s. The nro- U'" ,wtv ,s"j "'. .v .v th officer 1 ..ti'.K.2;--v.. i -1 qerstowmin . '.y. '. I l- mate ncquHjranee witiMne boere-i connnagdni ahe ffftftiof Wed .Thlrarf5Wiejittr;4U different' c)iyi48ri rMRestedlQ Pirculate . thli? muiee, as it4 kdii$ir thtt'jrfW'tfceftT Wag' rd fctir Vhi i a e tiH f i - v if vv firefei -fi S;50 ii ' ' ' - : - . . .. .. . ComPjission and Brblibras 1SHJ V I tim T Anil'.' .-. , . , tt.Hy adeu ip n eieetHisaaasiiniiik vm9 tVlll kon kll.nti'.n ... .... L.. ki.-u. ',v.,r A-' A