ii w i k i m - i - i r " V ...-.' . . . ; I tax,, -Av 0' a ...-. ; . PH , v (WW .'. 1 1 ' ' 1:::u;V:-'H.;;jtfc Stiff -f " '. ''m''V'&Hir mil' .!':;.'-' f.iij Li. . ... -r,) a .. t ' "W'Op to Xfclock;: -A'i liour of going to press, wp .receed fijfr thing by telegraph. r From the Petersburg ExpressLOctQbef 15. ! ' THE VS b itirer h"! Lit r ty;"H eenef . J. V', J X I V lit., .' Iphff estrtbfishe aqd;we!!-nown Journal byAbcrrrbef?l'4t,n fifitffJ,'H tjoffdu&ed. excluKVeiy andeirtHeir 'cdiitroCCIn- U hfr deir BilctOielits. hth"bsUBiie8Sftii(l Hifortiil. thMn. M9&Bjtotat tiwt yi fealha, if their frfe&k ,ana h P blio .s! tall vie W ihem ' n. su piJort 'vtor Kd - days, ifni9?9 .a ine , interval 'fdtts and, csreutrt- Tallow leaa. per pound mances should varisg id TndocB ah alteration-1 Vinegar, r.Cder, pa allaii 3P0,'; 9 $Cyas H Brbgdeu, VYayqe, Comptrolef EVerv tm ban been oareTn It revised aod within " . wnmiciurw, pergmiuo 1 i.uu the chee'riitig waaJ?eaVat poiiits'br eneuaj's lines in tVont)f ttterlSvfirgy c 11 nt wiRp.dirj Jul va .1 vn rflUBed 1 V-tlte retan"3 iu caiijpvor.ly.jonmur of Stanton 8 l) ifig warUnetrnsnl Georgia: or e!pe,vfher;jll to4wfr tUunf rtf, a IVtfrdilT(eratt Uf our untryi u. ai.,,'...'.-. LtL-js. ji fak jvqf4 u.rtjroach. amoyjrh jolde HatVina HhtoadV WetT'hobe VddreWill6 those Whon.1 Lpreswonarf ynrbalhy and eneotrainen -ij than jDrfiawif i-owever Ykntfeo tribbiiaWer heHfeVer the reilio1rtke electiou tJenn- uok-piace on Tuidaylast. VV!ietir, er it was tire" liiiieoinited W theKMbJ ft . ! - . 1 j 1 ' ii not kn6vii : X k . , ; The 'itne ni Hit' the Yankees made a griea$ noiiova-tfjpog.l;ttrpop wef: being niodUrouh one 'point to an other 4 -Wagon ' iraiha ;weUteTrd rumbling oyert t he road'a8? aldb'ar tillery v lainfe;, aiid 3he cars kuiy busy Vumnui - backwards and fui-wards on the (3ity fPoint 'and. brauch railroads. , We eospect mnch; 01- inia couiiijuuoii was juereiy tor a!elt to' t'.io bo 'Ut 1 side. 1 hu.taQt is, h .11 aa, 110 uicrre iueu to. tukfe i ffim his lines here, unless he weakens themUo d dunireronerdei'ree." j i : 4 J ,v : , . 1 .IVeuiy'Wie desolters-i-foreignefs artd'niye1 taiiiWnoAr "fines' niirht before last, .an d.;wera sentpirei t itieUuiond yesterday. HThey will s. o tV te ' r ej 0 1 e iti bey on dtJieluoii sakes we hope, where the X anjcge re. cruiting officer will never trouble the Horary tri est of the vdnteaarapv , , At2amea?rp4f4Vb'ebilfJ of1 the 1mtxr jVH4 diWery!niiJnvto ktare for us a wmhflWiiiHhe'4rotTd lettern ' J ' 6)te'8i&dliiaesai2irVto b x u -enter pifse worihv of.feurnjoftpf H ulasses of our peo pLe v Vye p iaU Hixn etti-Ry jp seqare , for. our page fWtb'idbtiliWtr WfhlfrM orier ;f ips ains" andrSiOfhtrsh and' at the' same1 time sntAt arlifilek as wilt eonlribnte to the inst nmi tJon ,ad aiwment of ihepablic at lafge. To iota wro hui ivinirci,ieij,jiui aim -907 licit itribgtionsiromou all the daTfments';ivf' t4lertufe. PoetrV, ' t?d attanments7of'llerature PoetrV niance Kevier, Oril;n?; w short, every ?ob ject whose proimftence sufficiem to entitle it 10 nonce wui na.re uw aue. snare 01 aiienuoa We e a iiestly solicit1; iKe asnl$ta nee of u r friends lhroofeboothfr fVinlTederaey i iv the- so larzefnent wr, oar Bi6cnpn iwttiirnuiOi inHsi. be ictase4 t4nbe' wef t tJje he&Yj DecufniarV'QuftV id 'wh'ch' we sfiajl be subTecl' IftQntb ;Tlii? locreKae .will 'tkft" -affect". those wWaubjperibed before, lb lat.pf ilarchw ( Or- jyefciK pf fa , 4 ; n 4, $ .00 0nihe Govern! i ' v -. ; The, S 'NQRTH dAROBim: ' xe,; Connected with ihe literary onduiqt'of the Me" soger fy9IVibe-directed; ; other, cnraraonicatwiisrijhould bj directed to the "Pro-' prietors; ri v "0 " 1 me "10 6? " v " '.rvnndtVa 7TT f J i Jo CoraialW :sS ;for V the w ? rmr, .OFFIC k CH tEF r O MM fSS AtlY . t i atb Jfui'chasinjt District f RJU,i') IHiewseWi'u8 Attention V the farmers' of .Rowaof nd the SurroBndlnz.Coqhtfei;jS .hyvlt- d to the fact that aJ Commary supplies for -the "army ,re great ry needed Wiid, if possible I "omul beJjbaq;lo, thutmxt capacity of the ijuahtry tasopffTUieih: '.Ttfe Oovetaraput -W wlIH?ta ifpriije; for Wry t Artels, in thtfistectionffBenntida- Haf- drds aboullclbcl, al inr, ? ter' - day, jfoTb3f05.e8fb heinuch. quick ;&ujecrioqfMiS' to;?reate the imDreBSion-the" ,h exolosion had be 1 rirfed;Tue .may havebeen, how ' ver. the v vcbarires . of heavy. or4r-. nance from the Yankee gun J)out or the btowihg tip'of the rnoutb Of the , iam'ous Dutch ,Grap capah, ; Mr. Viey ;Vilkin8on,;an Old and. respected citizeuiDf bdssOi coauty; Yankee cavalry, a night or two. sinoeat h residence, ti ear t Little line. Mr. Wilkinson was at the time engaged with a; negro iu boiling . dowri r:some Sorghatn aridldestriii to nu)$) tne lot perore ; ne. cea9jed work, had extended his labors' antit after " night. The YankfeeIf cavalry coming5 suddenly to ilia spdt; and probably thinking jt gs one okoric picket poats, nred upon Mr1. WVaisff :?ery item han.been parefolly Wse.d aodjrith ,' tnkY,ttfa he valuable aid Id JUiC'&ew. W.!MaSl; ?ley' pv 'satisfactory n bdthHhe Government and ana the peopt. STh'ey wpaldrep'eetfu!iy nrgei ine people j.raaj. an om. wu,qew :uytppiwp j tv; maintain jind feed onr ffallant afmy nqv as scmbled joat xn oar borders, and in whose gal- Janiry and'fortit ode,, under Godi' we' alone owe par exemption from the Horrprawf Tate void tionv of our.homes and ? families 'by ' the barbarous, , inhumau fpe, who ha,ve constantly shown they only want the poJtfer. and, f not the will to de strov us and take a we have. . . , 1 A.pp1es, . dndgnnd.pealed,perbushel , , of 28 phnnd; , '$,5 00 " ' . nupealed,' per bushel of 28 poundsj' t, W " 3 00 Axes. with" 'handles, eeh, 12 50 " without handle'v 'ach 12 f)0 Bacon, per pound, hoj round 2 75 Beans, white or eorhfifefd,per bush , zt" , v r el jof. 60 pounds 5 00 Brandy, apple, per gallon4. . 10.00 . pfV.ioh, per ca-Hon ' .10 00 Beefi 1 , fresh, Wet, pr pound jl ' 80 4 . 'freVheiM, perttfldy s ' ' 40 u: -f !1, 'JaHed; per-poutid. i. i 15-7 Hrownst ufT.rfcood per Kiihe18 lbs .. t 1 00 Candles allowper pon,d ? t , a 00 .,vi'iy''?V'-vadamanOTrr-pnon.d 3 75 hW;1 ; ' trace? pi-r nofid ' f 11 00 CJolbj, ' woriTen: fon soldiers -clothes, .X-'-. A- J'yard-wide l0?o. toyard, - . .a tvl'prd4rat-M io,. greater . r . i . ' - Or less weight brVidth, per . --.;': vvard' 6 00 Col ton, ' raw,' per lb ' 100 Coffee,- Rio4eilb .' ' v 4 50 Corn, . , unbelted, per bushel of 70 '': ' shelled, sacks not included t;'' ' " per nushelof 5fi lbs- ' 5 00 Cornmeat, sscks tiov- inelndedj 4er! , ' .i .bUshof J50lbs ( 5 20 Drills. ..artpnX'WA''-.i d' 7 - Ppeyard iK , en Fioqr ' etV'afawilv, per barrel of 4 Iflffpnunds V 4 ' 45 00 i VBupernnoper DDL, iu 4 , , ;pOHnd J'i, 3 I ' 4125 ' , fjne, per W..f 49? pounds '33 ,75 Fodder," .bHledvpef lOO popuds' 400 , v , unoaiea, per juu panuas ov Wats. ! 'wool, each !J'Z - 50 Hav.i , . bnJd oef.lflO Doundp 400 ; . unSsiM. per I0a,poandf .3 50 Hides. dry extra, ner Doundr '. 3 00 v greeftpVr pound "." 1 50 Horses ; artilleryvlstelasspf rbead -1,000 00 1 , artillery, 2d class per bd v 600 ,00 Irotj, ,pig, o,'l,pertDii2000 lbs 350 00 3'" . ,'fi000 lbs. 3 278 00 ' ' Bloom J "200a 710 00 Smith's square or rb,und per -4 v :t ton of 2000 pounds, . ( ; 4030 .00 Wheat straw, baled, perjup pounds , . I ,5U liviair vvainam u Juliet, Ueaf 4, " tiub'aledper l0f"pomida. V?'.,r MOTTaidr JohaevefceuV, WaSe", Wool washed per pound - ' -jWr Major J homaD'Tloake,' 'N : 'nWashd.Derionnd : 00 amierfnance' Oft6erf' - - - : f a - . 1 ' jv -i C c and laws "have been enacted with:referehce to thefformaTice:6fMhis,disp6wtion.T''-Ii4 Is the' . 1 'lJ 4 I t .1 have ch -i t execute the laws 'and I transact its publ 4 !..::3 .hafreW Alternative but to rendered j : :ant" becaaBti of the reluctance sh9wn, of lajrance 'interjwse by some of those who. ' it ik to reenlze tills' necBS- sttoos and W 'assvi;cod"nolLpihe.:copn ."'r u: .-k' JruJife.v.i.Wi4' tl Kettlesfc , cam d iron, per poond - .4j ..a icawi. .v w wiaUB4,ui tu tue , . - - ; ' , XnnV. j n AO peoplof Rowan nd.( -"adjacent Counties for '? "r'jP - l!X i w, ; r , To the promptness w;Khl h iheyhaife respond, f cfjan.per 6und f J W .f'.L i j i 4t -( ' Leather." sole. Der 'noun d - b Oil bu; iu ?yery can, una w infiiBttme pamouc l : iii, '' "'A''1 j ''hrt oiijiii n iii i iiuiiiiuo v;uuu. 3. II1CUV VUHO MIC I 1. j' " ' ' J Oft 00 00. ,.' ... .-.-J i :t". 't.r class, " i . wuvu lintertamin this cenhdence a iruai ,inerev nvAi 3d c lass, 500 00 serviceable' railroad ner toti ' 'V of 2.240 lbs .. - 400 00 fl casting's, per pound , . ; 30 Jeans, , wool ddmestlcf per yard f'.fl0 00 will be.nu i.eed fdr me to seiai property iof atnV kind .under1 the tmpressmepict ibut that io lhe,'astentf-ibe abiiitvreach nianV having "urpldi products, he wjfl otlng tbem forward at-1 I no c aril c i posts I m vivty - xv mo wuib- pay cm bring. iu (their ti the to the proper officers noW ready to rcceiw f. hem, and those who have gtnrpfus pro vhtaaa i of any kind send them in to me en1 my agents,,' ' 1 yjn&e aroiy jsatrAthis present time in. great ed uof supplies, and I .. therefore . trust , that ' it " ' 4'll -ft' r -iiJ!'l. T r-1 j:..'" m appeal win pe;vorumiiy responyea io as peedila& pfoSsible. 'l ' "' iii0 oc. vaut, iiw Wiy ujiug wuyivi 'TJolrsS farmers at once showed position td ww. huu vmivinig ,uV 'uvmv ' - rxoBjiUHU, LMf utaftppOiMuyBciilll gtielf eurpilfS f . 4m. uJ ij. t- A. "a. 1 . WAnfrfl . 'T a ffl f I' 11 dB'aBtJkArfWik 1 I 0 - DM nil MMtMfA 1 :r"Z-rA FtC: " X?Jh iSaleeprenffagementSttiav be made Vitb fte mese vaiuani warr U1U . ,eve foiiowhiff sentlnnen who 'a re . A orn nta' an ti n r condeeettdUaVQder assistance $o under my cpntrol: , ' ' rii n' l mf v i m m iijaiitimi. nut i in i-mii sjvi ji ,.. u m - -- v . ibUD-w tiiot - . v . j . leu;- t " , ' i t , Atr. Wilkinson was a well known " Ct.onv J ..j' 'J AVMarchIidxiitgnn. TvWin " vears. industrious iu hia oWU knd l 2:rS!r??55 -3 - generally';esteemeda We haVe nothings change' tb note in the posifrfof aliairs'on our ituthediate lines) V Th4' ,w YTZBl Ijiffram, Cedar Hilli Anson caw actinar ' We haVe nothin sr of-interest hdiWM&nt ' jtnrl Kursvlhp - . f euem. seems to be exteriinMHslr f xv" Major c.sJ works slowlv Snmi J- r, dinifS b ; ;a jx- "k,-. .-v-.!.' A. MYERS, : workk slowly Southward frifi'FbrT f gePiai diniWtfg 77 ttr.v1 .jn6btaln?d letters of Administration' on auth6rfty, thattheYankee garfSs at Newbern has been , reinforced three .regi menta of no W e, also -learn that, at;the. safae 'liSipUM lStlmH9Mb4Z $ r -'-'ill ' ver 18 carrying fTT til tint it nrvfuAAm. .'.:' , . w Journal .,;) Nf ,st; t 4 per; keif; , rv O' J; 'sheaf, nnbaled per 100 lbs ,i vjeaf,jfciledt.100,Jbs ' . 4 'VV shelled', nefbbbel 100 00 4 50 25 00 iL btirffs, chiton ff Vard. wide, 7. oa to ? . , ;; , arrf; per yartf, 1 1 75 Onions, -perbuWcf L 4 tt3 00 Peas, cow. per bushel of 60 Ri.' ' A"S 00 Potatoes, Irish,per bushel of 60 11 ' l-4(v0 Peaches, ' dried, peeled, per bushel of v-v.'. s . 3&lbs ,j - uv 8 so , unpeeJed, per bush 38 lbs - 5 00 Pork, , fresh, net, per lb , , ' 1 .82 Pasturage, 1st quatUv, n'ear.town, per. - bead, per rhomb , . 4 8 00 ' ' corpmbnH.ue'af 4own, per - head,Pfrmppthrv ,v 5 00 ' . 1st qua Iity. i n ne .country . pec iioau, wf uiuuiu ; . -, , fA V . common.' in" the - cottlitry. -',i -r " nerhead. ber month 4,00J Quinine, , roodperuncV 1 . . 56 00 Rlde. v... neW. ner nound.:.: : v ... ', 50 4y old. per poond -i'Aj . " "'MO Rye, . - ffo(id,per b0jiro56 lbs , oacKs, . iwoousneiSu,osnaourRBoaa ( i wu bhlrtm j, cotton , f; vwde, 4'yds to a - c 't, k - t. poqhtf. pryardi v, f 4" Pr Edward Warren, Chdwan,"Snreo Uen John P H Rqss, Wake, Secretary State; Jonathan WprtftfRarfblpVPnWic Treasurer SamneVF Philips .OranTe, AuMitof. ia Adjutant L. r- " " ' " r eaiToH iO. 00 tUHver ft' Perry. Wuke,. State I.ibrarirt. ushelf , 0 4bV ' . h ; .7,450,7 Major, GeofcraJ'R CGajlio, 'Lenoir', Ad Wheat brau, per bushel of 17. lbs. , 5 511 Vtrenerar. ; orf, Paymaster. Quartermaster . Commissary lVaffoiis.. Wood axle, 4orso new each3.50 QQi?Wr JJms Guilford, Quartermaster . , woodaxie v new4 eacn wn:-T' ; u f n " r ? T ,. ' . HIRE OF LABQETEA3,..Wi3aNS Major William A Graham; J-Asr. Adit BaillnsrloW ffra?e, per huu dr4 lbs.f j Shelling-'ami gagging corn,' sacltf fur 4 .t r I Lieut Josiah Collins,. Washihgton connty,- uronaneetpartreent t Jv , Lieut John B Neathery, Wakey ;Asst Adjl Lre of two-horseto. agovand- . j - Tt Thomas White, Franklin, Astft Quar driver ratfops 'ra?iiisht.by.owner t hA T , a . , , t , jj-: 1,0 foir6 1 mffnn ftn Lveut Isaac W Garrett, Edsreeombe, Ass't Stunr0m.f f7niirf.TtifihmnnA W PnaHinn V'J 3 lr!n Pillar Lio'lS,. Vm H P i 1 1 ' -. i urn liArtia f ai rA 6 inarrriri Oliver, IB.lVUB tuiotoiiBU u Sciu' - . . m, t i n , ' iti i - '- . . J jnenpef -day 'f. . , 'm" ' r 5,00 ,Irtent Thaddeua McGee. Wake, Ass't- Com driver,' rations furnished by owner, U&" Charles' H Thomson, Wake, Ass't Cm Hire of four horse teams, wagon aud JUDICIAL. . j . .1. ....... j i ' driver rations fun.ishedT)y govern- . ment per day ' - ? Hire pt six norse learns, wagon ana anH Mnthi V. Muntv. a( (7fvi..o JiuImm 1 . . -1 - J - . ... w rnnver, rations inrnisnea oy owner. . h rm w,u a. i iiW.Vfl...iii.- . per day .. . , ?0 00 iamUlon C jones RowanRepbrtetvEdmund i nr h bix oibo whkuu uu B rr.eemau," Clerk. r J Meets ia Mhe -eitv f driven nuions luruienea py govern i?jpju coni MHftstv. ,Uiii...!,h.... ment per day ,..,, 10. 0U The Mcprgauton term haa been discontinued 1, tu lira .f siru,o.r pufiniiu fiirnisshArl hv t 1 ' '-ti-ii , j . . , ' ifln Suverior CflirJndsreB-EdwhV G Read. -"V5 lire or laborer, rations iurmshed by f c wm, uuiiiuiu . onuo.i iiAr, . iuueri v -i eovernineni. per day 1 50 R HeathTChtfwanRobt .S French , Robeson; ' Hire of laborer, rations furnished, by ' rfniB v wsiioraB,--ijeuif.ieuuui, weorg now- iwner.iwr mouth . 75 00 va, -vviison; KQDert a uiuiam, urauvine; wu Hire of laburer. rations furnished bv ' M hipp, Henderson. government, per month 37 50 Solicitors 1st Circuit, Jesse . J- Yea tes Line ui uuiors, uci uujr i iiiiituiu,wiiu viiflucs u,iittii lyia veu: vfJrq, ; '? if 1 1' 1 - . .M. . .- l-.i'.--. 3 , . ..4' . T4-..JJ-' For the information of air persons concerne'dyf S ion H RogerswWake, Atloruey General: 4th, . ' i .i o ; . j . i . I fi n .;,'.' i " 'V "''. 1- "fTi . . . ' - - s wepuousn me touovvui iuiruuupus. wnu um. i. nomas eeijie, nocaingnam; otn, n.aiph ijux -hnnnl hut. thAV will Jia Rtricilv nhered : , . 1 1 mi. fnmhArtiind Rth. Tnhofi P A rmllatA "VnA-'W - I I.J-i ; -ri I. XXI T T ? ri- i a .1 V- m "No officer, or agent shalP Impress the ne: ?S f ' W'i Augustus a ... i ivi r rrinion . nnnfnrnn. J 04S VII J . urf nMt j v -'' f far the consumption of himself, his family, era CONFEDERATE, STATES GQVKRIVJIEIVT. pjoyees, slaves,' or to carry on his ordinary nie " . 1-ocat-ed at uichmondj va. . chamoat. mtss asricullard top.r , nJTt. ' ments. j ' Hrt a w c,......,,, n 'iv; t4.:j-.. Th next meeting of the ; Board will be held n TAe Cahintt : n'the SeuateChamber, inthePJlyV Raleigh, KPBNJA' - -,.:. - .--:'. .r i ' r 'II. f IVI C If UI MP. I?T St I . KuA'tf -v f . ' mn o c on Friday, the 30th day of September next, Jas a sddo of Va.f g, v f'wr, , uiuew wiiiier uusikbu. iuprt3ssiuS :. ogeuw t rx ivi allojiy, or t ia., ec'y of.lhe JN avy. mnsi turnisn ffiwo ana sisiaciijry -reawus iur mm mayis,i ii.,ftu(niev ureuerai. disapprovals ori-appealsr 'or. the award of local JoHN H Rls?APi..of. Txas,(.llmaster Gen'rl. :. a- Heads of Bureaus. ' . "r W,H w W0w" RufosR Rhodes, Commissioner Patents, tions should be addressed -to the Secretary of G E W Nelson, Sup of Pti"blic PrintinV. ihe Board, Kaleight Si. v Gen tjam Cwper, Adi't aad Inspector Gen. (Signed) H. K. BUlCtrVy yjN, . John Preston, Chief of-fiureau of Cunscrip. - R. V. BLACKtVrOCK; ' 4 . Sto'aksville.N. C Corn's .Appraistn't for the '.State of N.C. . Jeo. ,W. iVfoanECAi, Umpire, iaiisuur, i.v., nu , tout. lipn. T ! , a Brfg-Gon A R Lawton, Quartermaster Gen. S P Moore Burgeon-Gen eral. , E W Johns, MedicalPurveyor. dtf35 r i u- " i ' i O rCA POUNDS 'BORAX, 250 lbs. All u io.' 150 f Balsain Copaiba. 800 Smoking ITobicco.v '4 - 4 North Cmllna Repr6enf ation In Cengresi. Senate. . . , :i .. Wm T DdkTCH aud Wh A Graham. House '-of &epfest!ntaiives. 1 ' First District Marlili Hertford Gates Chowan i. Pernnimnnfl (i'sittriiiij.tfinlr rTitrritnolr -ugaiiui B p,. Tru... , jl Uamden Northampton. Washington, Tyrre o " white uamar varnn. A, and Bertie W, N H Smith. ounces woiuiue. , Second Diil rict-.Halifax, Edgecombe. Beau. " . Mori visoo; rial, Ajireen, jueuoir and nype 5lfe'-;L; Third Di?tt-Crler;t,ao,Be,, Crv.n; UV vurji uuiiuiu , iui rai uvuiui I InQ ntir. IlimlMI Wnvi.A. Inhn.i Ojd &herry Wine. LiwT t rJnt, 1 r T . ' niitJP i id , r.T a'ahrd . U"n "c"wf ttanorer, Brunswick, a y r-' r-i''..' ooimnnsyi, Bladen, Kooeson i;mberland Rich j Sej I0,,2wd ' ,4 Imond'and Harnett-J GFulcher., -j r iun utstnct-r-vvarrenrrTankl!n, tiranvilJe, ;M Wake. Ojranjre. and Nash .Jnsih Tnrnir. ;,- u, ;fV':Sixth t)itrict Alaraaiice , Person. Caswell. AtJNU QT.HERS DESIRING ArlFFwl?.FhJ!l?'lG7u,fo?oke8 and rsytbe ,,rf f mh y " - ?. , -Li 1 - ; oeveain, i8tnct- Kannoiph, -llavidson. i t -Urono omOKing lObaCCQ. Chatham, Moore Montgomery, Stanly and S 8 ffiiU. f?"?1 ' 4 ' Eighth DistHct-RowknCab'arrns, Union, 40 ; ; VTo 'Oan'aidates rV5 Rne CheWmg Tobaccpj Wholesale 1 -tr Zir' - - 1 ...i - : i wico t riauo v v a lima v, , . , . 0t"K i jwvi Pl;PnWAfthVVfi-,'v,,1,t,th DistrtetAsJie,, Alleghany, Wilkes, f" a ' tTi ' r .?? jSS". elll Afexande.kitv Sufry. - Davie Sa1isbury;,4ulhi3 J - rtfSO lfedel! aJ)d Botke-B S Galth. , , , M.,.t;. wcr.i-r, .,,!. u.f .:,,. , i.rTentht'Distri(aCldy,-Chokee, Macon, :,IG1 T3f:GOODt.WITHL ,MIL1C ANDHapks6nt Madison Buncombe, Tjansvtve?nia, t . i wttonr4e,,3iyds to ff ? pornid, pej yard , tlO CottArfstripSydslbeVy 175 Sa.lt h v -i Coast, per Vojh t)f 5Q 1bs, pfl0 ?Q0 Llverpool,i;.rH.V Vfm ftoetrV' cakiper.po ' i 8,00' Socks, v soldiers'" wool, per. pair'.. 'V"2 l0 M xfju iws ;es. i vno uarrm uictv oruwu ougar. I "u-n'iciwn, tum,' x aiivey, dticLruwen, ivuiuor- "v Some hi , Mebeslf Che wlng'Tobaccb wtf hava, Mitcbell,ayVtod ifid, Watauga G W p Aramaacs Phidsl'w w jf ,V 4f .V, (,1 Logan. ,,fr , 2.1. t '.f,Jt rowqetoi'ja Lreaatoo.Haie ov , , . t ' . ; a EDWARDS fjp;;; -; ioAmST41S COURTS. , . .h-i,1 -AuctadComJrJV!,erchU-s JT 7 - , . r.SaRsburyeptjSA ttt94 J , Xf Xistrict of rlb OaroRna 4 dlvideil S f ? . n-x- uj T..-'.u-u7, HlE..? ja-o. Intotlhree Jjaaiclal-Dislwsan4tbevAiuies and B'Oft SALE'- 'i'v'fii '-V; plf ces ofholding.the crtBuappointed by the ,33,pie)ea4lamanee,DressfGopv.. " jVviV ???fei a 4- ' L.tV'! -h XI 10 bpxes fine yellow cbewiak'ToUv ' r -f" -'vf.vU, MICHAEL BRftWM , 'heCpbr;tte , rvjf'v7! .f! .-vTv-f ; Mox. 'ay m Muy.andovember.- Joseph JUro. - r- p.yV s6 yi v 'ark, Rocky -Mdhni4 .r' ; v."Jl ' : QPEJILIN& BOOKS :ANP PRIMRV h. Conrt for the.Diarletttf Pimlicoislield V ARITHMETICS.- few copies f9r,sale at GptC ' ca tbV fourtb Monday in JM ay and : Ko7eroberr,Vi::iani at-.Watson; cVrkWar."; . f-x ;r ' ThfCdorrror t , Dislrfctof Cepc Fear if" . f r?r?eepfc 4ftl, per.bf d, ,if i i t " 535, 001 Arharefijoff ulphateof fouHh Monday irUla, andovmbeiv' Dan-v y..4.y .'7;7 w 4.,- .?. ;"t .- -u-..f'-fcViv ai.W(. Jvi.WH'T .1 i J5ilort Suillb-VApfito 'A VtiSoap ,rhariJ,rvp i ; 3;.- -- t;?. V. ACKEmf;dd. ' tO' 48oft;Poanvd IX&fidfiKi, WlW 'SMITF - - -' Brawn;' Jr. -:of WlWrnlin SW" .iA, t ', . " - , X uf f .. . . 5 . V 1