1 -Lrfv.J t - - -I 1 VilJX I I rTTl ) r "M 11 ' &vt M . V? " M 11 w ': WaM REPORTS' OF T j r 'f.?V1S'!aC.ii. saU tit tM Nlrllirtll -Ilfa- IIflDl UK wiuv.-.. - tric cS Georgia. . ; 1 SrfaUV'W J :PROM FORREST. v : rwi are jSjebted t'ttesir v ".'Tw.tt5'-: 'uvj.:rj:'-! r . 1 ' n jru 1 1 avinr iir lijw cuiiv ui the following dispatch. Jsds. IV A.J ; ; . , Oniwim Oct. , I0.rwe9pr? itosseau 12.QQ0 'ffieo, ami. atlerpptiiig; to,crpss; pet ' v low here. -,: , : , :!:h f: 7i yl' I have still 500 men pa tha NdrtU side ; of the river, who hve gpnet la, J rthirifctheiil safe?'- .y-v Three ' gnaboatfei hnd four r irarigpbpta pott, ud Tanded 2,T)00: med and mree pie 1 regime 'Me42liTuiiViel. and dr&ve ) , piecea-ijil'aBHo ana setting one irankrTtfre. fVVsfitwiieporte ,Uie.nv?rigeao.;-?.....r-, k,yf 'ramubvVDff tny command lo . . Theremainder of the dwpatchrw-aot4 ' FROM.LOjJISIAIfA GLriio, La.? Ocl - 'i7.-Oh Friday tiill our 8co"uWiuUQ!0'tatesH6 cow Uaifcy,hiis sent tlOOO men toittle Rook; -3000 lo Natchez and 1200 to -JB tua Koijue. - ' The, bogus LgisUture of New, Orleans h s le,ctea ifcmg, -Duller ana vnas. iaraun . (Jovf Moore, Slidell, , Benjamin, Morse, and aN(merarjerAfof the seiOO 'COtiveD tkt&i are'td b" tried fpf liigli treasou. official '''diimtic bo&eH Wie War XteparUaeht : . " ICiiiX;'. flepf J a. A; Setldop, ficet m Var: On. the' l4th Col. Idoskv struck tne fialtf moriSlOiiy uilraddktiemslnd consisting forvttiocomQji !,(SJgned),t, ' " R. E. LEE, NORTH. RiCHMONDSiict. n.-rrTha..'. R'icbraond Whig has recei ved the New York Herald of the 15th iast., which says, that the re- I ' iitina aail4i maA ar Aira At t ' IadK ir a ir K It " a Wat i'lQue to show democratic eraias .fn ' Penn iylvania, whicu show, a majority ( of 600Q. Ihe returns frdra Ohio show a demo -cratic'gain !!for 'Congressmen, over the first report -Ashley, in the 10th; and Delan'd, in j the 13th districts, both republicans, t wjre defeated. The democrats elected fifty out of twelvej districts. ' . ; ;l Mar) land jgivea 3,000. home majority ' against the constitution. The Herald says that Mosljy got over -200,-000 , in greenbacks at Duffieldfr Sta tibn. '' 1 f . ' . f . . ... '.. ,! ;Thc Herald-also thinks' that the-steamer Roatiake; has been capturtid byf the: Ala- !!; oama and vbesapeake, .npw, , conimanded by-otieof Jeff DavVvaioiBcar8...krhi';V.: There is nothing from Sherman 'SbW ! 1dan. - ' .- Price is at Boonsyille, Aj "with a par .tion of bis force. " yi('' ' Butler has ,puj pmfederates, (preferring.1 ' ''Virginia refervO' at work in-the? Dutch i Axap. vap"t fowi m "nc'iiave ho gro ctens at work in .our trenches. ,uold1 commands 212. ; 7 . . FROM PETERSBURGT. ? ' ' JPRSBtTRQ,rOct, 17thNo iMlitary' ovientsor operations'" tran'sprnng in this department, and no ibicatiohsjDf ahv ice; Grant got1 into 'pwjtioa fbel5?reJ the -t - - PbtERSBUBG. Oct 17CbnilMft Af . t - l: i -ihe. -Uth- says, ohsylvania idmitteel fone democratic, irlnwith1 otdiers Votes: tarylana ybted against ne Cdbtatioo Tif - AUIHIL 'III., v rans . army before operations soon lewea. ; f?pera i say Mosjby ,mader a ay theV War Eagyilt, found at the riht time andHdheVighVpia'ce. Among the prisoners tvol. t-: -: hmWiraJtgloxh laaltefV; &udT$l68,06p " hf; JGbtarnment myajidi, GitotiV ?wwlg; jdea .fondaJAiv:1.! . vt..:.,; patches al, t.: situaUop were made, to raio on B? lfcb.'fe;E.ndt Manassa Oajl: R. K. at AVJuW FlAins ' inboth of, wWcb ie was stfccettful.1 '.Jt ;' - r rice ai'BooriViiler met She h Nortfi Mistoori,jillairjiig Ooriecnpting. wj rnce uuraue a n,tua iii -uvonvpiie, ta li n 2 ' he came' (o redeemhe eole, -and the last is now, being made in their behalf. If ey WQuldraliSv.s Vould.be.well, jsii'd he oul .femaio wilt. luem, ,11 nou : ine , , Vpnieqeracv wouiu uot affajn ojfftfr tKera op)6rtaiilu 'of MdelqBp-1-lion from Chei r woe. Mosb. s rfcpdf led1 to " hate crossed the Pdjolna fi;1iontmfi:f'ty, Friday, KebfasVa'gone Repoblicaf!: w a too.-- ( Mobile. Oct. A apeci! dispaich tp, theiCstetf iaSeaatuW St. .Louis tteiHibliQWVofibe lUh, 5fc: 12tn. saysi Bj-icA rd tthpftt , attacfeitjg J:e tei-soo tiity. ana wept wesirwata -.to , ipe sancl ot hia,me.rl crossed the Missouri nvs er?ind siibbosed io operate onMargliftll &Prrdadf rf clean'swieS :&WikQISi urnlrrtf Lpl'ebbrridpoter1 vasfon is by a' for midablej' force, est! mated is"cbnsideri,Wyorsevfortb at ;any tiraeiince the beginning of the; war. IDe same papers arvafiaapao, dalffi. wlilamHhfc Oascouade, "Osagfe nd mqreridBill !Anders!TfiflkillP tonj alHokiedBficeir wbblftliisOO'cavak 'A1 indpifecdidfariiller f., "BtirbHdgfi haa'arnved t4CitwtDbati-Tri Tli4 Com mercfa I f admits, bii Expedition ' ansQocessfu iU TitPassenger t trainil on t Ui? Kentucky fJentra) mil road nave been 4 ioe eieciKo returns irom vnro.aoa i.u- 4 lana ina icaie auccessio.tiie jwm wiwa cj&i!MorU)ferdajoVity brqxablj f.&0 tic fSashtngtC ww. in Place oi vox ana i euuiewu. , PeteHn)uKShermatiV. ri:. i ('-d'p&vjS tibial Ai&iait" 'etews affect tha c 1 J f X M , , H i s . CHARLOTi. - " is.' Oct, 18. io .the- af fair at Fisher's kvV Thttfday,.we kil' ed aod' wounded from "76 eventy-ve of the enemy, and took . 1 caiiY prisoners f w no reported that the 1 corps jwaa a burs: on Friday, and a smalls irof their , ' . :7-;r . - w cavalry were in the town. ; Lieu, I - djutant, lo acting ' Brig. Gen. 0fff artillery ,was severely wounded not' dan-Li, ly woude.not: dai generously .wounded, in the fg on anurss day. - Nothing else has occVred. ; t , i -. :.. ,- ... , MoBiLE, Oct. 18. specil dispatch to, the1' Advertiser via6$atobia 17thays the Memphis BuljeUftfre 16th claim 40,000 majority or 1 Republicans in Ohio. ; Chief Je Taney died ' on tie 12th: a Spoken of as h is suinsessor. - Nothing froia Qrant, Sherman, SharH dan or Missouri. k i--,-. ;. : ; The Yankees: have admitted their defeat at vEastPorvbyiForrest ( j ; I r. :' t. ... . - . - .1'' .' I.. . ... . SSESi MOLASSES want to IboV "MoTaSsek i rf :!forjrar.Waity&f'3ol' diera' fdwllies and wiH puy the ma fket price in -Confederate of North Caoliaa tmoney, a . y r J.S. McCUBBlN'S,.1 .i J ' ' V '' if CoinihiAbiie. Sanaboryi Oeut8thiI864, , 3tdl33f4tw2) Tl)BLIC AUCTIONlrwil sell nt oublic A aaction .onUhed November j 1 864; rn jr entir'e stock conaiaidg of - Dry Gooda. iree large,ShpwjCa8ea three ,amall do.,' a hi ot English '.TJrey Ca8roitWi a'lot of Sheeting, uiottimg, English Crape, Trunk;. -Writing jueeK anq niaoy otner articles oo ntim.fp,ua to mention, J r . . A. I 'Uav determi ned to cloke mYbVneaar' tie ji VUisv..: 4 t T.OST A4 JLrfatd-mrch iidif'wil!b.6mad botn! is surmising : wjjLh ricrearbe C5oratesrf reporeadpip ctotbesabandoni n g.VortfoUt .Aorses for ne(W unef-jr-roenjaqd oraes. iaeovf witn burnt DeaTfcCHforniar:v'vVf.i:t: u)tnWnVit ettfoad. 1 The 5jh and OtKcdrpS loiv Iter tw ihousaridrin R. E. LEE. affect the e .: .v - ' V , HTOLA i Si-id. I . ..WIMrWVy 20th,' 1864T AbnlicatJSutfar.; brnwni common . Dar! Ib-. ' , AS, erduplicatevv.; . BmmMmt mmT mV rnrn.. II J J " ) . mi rii Mb r m ' 1 1 . ; . rv 1 -1 J j" JjtToI ;T'.cii! rvj-fj'jj'i '., V ; . . .kORTR' ckROLIffJ Tea, bfack, per lb t0 Hiawjllencyabgn afitlBfife ' t The Commissionert of A?praf?ffij at tb State of NqKh .Catallfia '.Again Jrwpt ej hpdule ' of prices lo jvern the' purehasipg flaw nn am in iriA inmrvsii lacis inn n rnnin t is r i .J t J4i . tL. Alley trjist the te.o aente wij imfe.)Waetoxy;jMH.$A.t anjAhepebplf,: Ty(ltepcllr( maintain fcetoor gatIUat,.;,arayiiQ aeirirtled jiiat too ixirewM oar exemption frotn ihe or!fora;of veklal., of ouroines liJrniM s Ift .AffW.f inhuman fo, whq hav oastapVy Bta.cnpattiey bnly want the pqwe a'i(dli.jnQi4sViriiodfip 8tny ond;tke WiWejliaire ! t i Anbles. ' detfi&od;fea : : pounds . .. li . v ; ; i:Uvs ii3 A xes, . witfr pabdrea. e aph j ,1S 50 Bacon', ' per poa8di h'roaiMl: ' iseani, 'wnuejercorBuuiajpcr uh. v.: -if ,te:of Cupda., ;,r w 5, W. randy, pplepej KaUqa a,.,'.. Beef, ; ttesh, net, pWponwl 0rowntuff:good. Candle Chains doth,' , . laf.leM webl'-or width, per CbttonT '"rawvper la I- ,4 ,;- i wuuOf v i 'Kill) per h; .i: , lev ' " . :T "?. Crn u M J snahee .pjp r bushel of t, t :j u fWVH .abatt&'aaca hjk iweluded; : -V'' Coffee, ' i Rio; par lb T, . Ter tmsnei ot ; do ios 11 - o;wi Cwnrmeaty aaoka not Wiriraded peri u t lrilIsL cottou, ! Tird' wide;,4 yc. ; . ' . . j." '.' . r . mm inu. per vnra or, , extra . ttmWV,eV"alfTet of 196 boanda io 4. ? 4S 0 ;J.je . - 'in .. "IOI? pouadf 41S ;. .. ae,' feer bbl. of J96,pORnda 33 75 fodder, r batedpeVlOOpiandV- 'fttt ill - i : i t. I0f nnnndu , ..' 4,00 J ' t -uojwled. her108'poand J , '5'56 Widely'. .'dry.'eraber pound-'.' . 3 .00 v .hL -; fedni1rfijonni '.-i- I 'SO HormV, artillery, lt etastperbead iljDOO ,W k artinerv. 2dfilasa ner head 1 800 00 Iron. pig, 1 , per ton S0M jbi i3$0 00 r r:'Ut3;VMi4.tf 2d0b'jii"'78 -00 l -'filoofti 500OK; ?710 00 I-. Smith's squar.eor,roin4per. i ; r -f toa of 200(1 Dounds. Ifl30 00 V' . tf a'sid'ibs" f 4f 4 J406-oo Jeaoa, ?L wkt, domeatlc per yard i ilO 00 Arai ; ciean, par pouna. , . ,aiheri 'abfejpdr t J A1 :; hiroewpeeipound hr"eui 00 MnTes,'' T8ra8f,perneaa r r,Wi) VM MM i V"-' - f fteOlOO j ffjjy SAelaaai yif c r SQO,00 urtra ..:..fir,;,.-c- "sb-w' viifii Oatal ". - aheaf. nrihated ner 1 . 1 Biit , .lw nuiii . . . ... ,.:v .i I0(J 00 . it : r '.. x :. f Ti j ? ?.sheiafVbaef 100 fl 3 J ' heHed, Wer4miBhe -1 A4 '00 Oaat rs,;ot)tton;?yardljwide,i7 oz ta Ja'i .ryPjr,yaran . - ., ,ftov v , "tstt-n I vrdide,8 oz to Peas,'1 boWiper bbaliefidf 4 J M:af 5yC0 Potatoes, Iriah per basbeofP w sweet, per,' "r'M:4 Peaches, dried", peeled, per bushel of a' Qaintne, Rice, Rve. Sacks. Sbirtingi r , , " , 'Ootton.i.'wide.liWatQ 11 Cotton stripfcat Siyds to Ibv ner yard ' I !75 alt' ' Coa'stf6'e "26 00 very itm (1ai .cjelullyVijB Jipd .wjl jT 4;!tedLVp&fl4h rat,oosfura.aned oy owner, ;. og,rf. ija' rral; Wh&hL2aiha ;.l0 Prutty . -w v" Ham toa C Jones, Uawam Reporter; qmqna .daSnWfo&oiuf ' 5 1 1 fi11,, KTn- Raleigh sepotfend f ' -tfae,.Wa- -'? Wmil e Paay . . . . . iAV vv The Morgantonerw enscqnWuedT , eilMdle I." ; irofjabore rafona furmshed.by , JLlLZZ Pork. . frefeHiaetrperlb! t,ir.im . V'-V- 5 7rCHAfitfkoW. ede -f ,;jaJt,j .,fi. 0Jr- , t.; 1,; fc,;3 ,Sala.?0ai'4API8. l ltDSO ul , "TenthDrslrlct-Clay rheroke,an, Papturage,lsti quality, near town, jer . , ..i,,., V f.;., ,. &ctclWffi , 'heap, er pwntb, - ' iVilL Henderaon, Polk, Yancey, MeDoweJliRmfefr- .,.corampn,ncthe;;c'onnl , . , ; , ' , ' -J. ?y- -r "H vw.TO : . . m , ''vheaptebhth'' wmffteffiwmhii ji wsmm. j ,r f h ou Bighlof the, 7th iaatant. rth Car abed ttipffiMF 9?WWfif?W W?mT,,7? ,aldfMMB4. ..Jvt S lrV?NdVa'Tetfieatab-rVa 4 irnod. per bushel of 56 lbs 5 00 .ivt j' tk .!" rJTI BAsa-BiffttSlMartiajBagesa wunu wi- -V ami u r . a w i aMMa a m w -a . - mm ar i a a lata wuuf Vri auo ibi . - - M- - Virfffaiiaw fi.uM 7tt;MlitoL. u otftel, dPirtnRe.roa4l v? i if,. 0J 00 69 01 Tent cloth; cotton, JUJojaraYper, , iiarieeraj . , .-s yard fc 1,50 f eft No lf..t m:ii .u T. - If O'tM .vinegar, craer, per gaiiun 4r' ' . o ul n" rv 7r V manufactured, per gallon Whiskey, per gaydh r 10 00 (Wheat branper buabel-pf i IT ftav 150; Wheat straw; aaieunenuu poonaai i ruak Paw ffir&f&ft hora teaoisi warrant 7 5tt . .r mens per day annii Hire of jaborer, rations famished' by rSS;iU?l. :1k-a' - ' H ,rn miTEruniBQi. in ukt .-! i . , - ..ww gef, laborer, wtfon furnisbedVby i bire of labarer, rations furnished by i;t! ji Hire Dfhorsea. per day L50 ..xor me inionnauua: oi an veiwas vuwugm, i .-. VJ t ... ,v .1 .- . . , . .... . .' . 1TJ vwijr j i forUh consumption f himself, ibis faimly,4em- J h ployeeSii-awvea, cbaoical, jnant ' f . . menta. f a u mm aw m a a mm a o arm nA nam mim& Omberi In the City of RaleJghl on Friday, the 30tday of Sept ember next, HBlesf soqiier; changed. :i Inpressingy agents nft-furpish good anoaatisfaeory reawns ror Approvals ii W orHKe krd oVlbCai appraieeVa will be approved .M All 'ccromanicai uona Rfioam pe eaarBsoa iu nio wouowij : CSigJed) - ' " HVKTBfcRBw 4 d.-' vtrfT?V ' : fftoeksvitte;l.-e. ; 5 CVApDrairaifdrlbe Statp oPrAf. :' SalfaburyVNX.; Au, 1864 JfK '" To Qaididate&.! -, j - '. - A ND OTHERS XEBI RING A PUFF-: 1rBrauei.LB4L ahade, beside oorfiat, , ' ' U - ' Srn, cotton prtiBi!lif51B jM nJi B' V ?d i r" jJ. S'n:i:tr?v?fife2ilL'i'ByJLi o! Tiiinitflaaie WvGanrett. EdfecMnba, iAa!iL drfceWtioat 4 Tl Ji" We ment. per dWi?vk: .' if V V , 5 00. tteut Tbaddeas McGee. Wakftaf ., Hire ofTor hownS;-' 5 - r .U T driver, rations farmed br owner, Charier HpsoniAsa tPoni ; v l Hli rtf-tfr hrbe i tieama; waron am T . r - " THtlU lJltllii ej ;uui,.ui )v. 'M, (-vtvFf wn publish th folkwififf anstractiona. with .the Thomas Sellle, Kockioj?wm; 5tn, Kalph Box hope that they wili.be strictly obeyed: tonf Cumberland j6hK6oert F Armfieldv Yad--iV.n'i?.i?va Hi. v.v- .jvd'A -4, s ,i.iS'viiimAft RlraWMktftifc. Arfraktna "Not officer, or. agent aha t-iibpreaa tbe tie-! -H-" '---r r;' or a carry oajiia orainaEX.nie- .H!rvfrinT:y-Tf y j - 1Boxes4ayV0airVlsf(if - 1 ; -;;MtfdDistrtetHa(ai"vEdgec f7 BdkSS Cigars, mil iw-r i-.v. ; ( i fbfuWilabb, Pitti Creen,? Lenoir and HydOT JP ,Rne Chewing Tobaoeo. Wholesale R R Bridrt; ! ?2 'v 6r retail. ""'';-?i.i'j.i4'i-..4,'s - Third IKstricCartereti JloneaiCraven, 6 .7'iii tiWlKE.iJlDWARDS&Cpf Salisbury, July 13. r : dtf50 f: J Jjjii ?flme?f?iPVhfrfT fccowo have. 'AlataaneV'lWiV -J - t fWtmj WW BoekingbaTGnilford, tokesand 7 EDWARDS & PO., j-AMIme"r'' -.4 -?n4 rAttciJan Com;MrcHta3 1. Sehi-District wRandotohC (aliabarjj, Spt.3, 1864,. . ft.W94'u; . . ;(rjhattoiI(leorel, Montgoriiery Stanly f! and 4,': . -4- : j -4-' A'aontXilif tiiiphrtr:?- u? -sw r,b m6feAtltrn',"J? vsl' iK,H:;;j:.v;... trhttf;Ittrta7 (WrniUnion. 'J&apief Aacsttt',Rood. , 15 ecfclorfGaStdiij Tiincolnv Gatarwba and i 10 boxea fillt yelftiw chewug Tobacco. tylitffifolto&WWQw tS(toi CaWiKa.40?Xi in .v.U M ? Niuirr Dir1ctshefegbaiy, Wilkes, by K. ILBTridgea, Adrainisfrator ?MW",M, TirJl nlm. AHJptrb fottwaried:: 'f )?fm- ' Oct U1864;' vr' I41 'u 4tdbifJlS! I xy.rawwvw- ,(....: .... - 4x 7 I iel Uoieman, aerx, v ord- , ... Pt,ppex'lbi,!f;c.l5 001 UbUKSMiTHror Mr;t;iPbitiI ismpsdajoru; WLrirX ' 1 WillJ i vG.yACKIiK.C Trf IT Mrnmfata.. Wvm rlnmnlrnUr OfrvMXmW t I0WH SS' Ai- MaoriJohn;J?eTaretnEi JUDICIAL. :J.ir!if k n, Chief Justice, Wm ff BatlOrdftg, Sutenor ern,.RontA KHeathihoWan:1lobniS.iErenehaIlpie.8fto; i. .. . - J V SF: W' 8f ST'1 Shipp. Hepderson. . .ivl t jHarWrdn? oiou lyogenj, n ao, nnuiucj v .. i j ..., ,..,; J .."I !.. ! j.. . . I. 4.kkMnfMM rnttUAlin VI . a , y f fiff 'Lhhiick i 3 a, X MK wonw VAyioi. 5fVraV-,X ,J H Rm, of TjxamaeGeaM Jrig-Yen A Kawipniartermaer oen. .-SMtargeoni-e-. . ' JS ,Vf pin1dgjai ypr:. ' ' 4 ; , -r " vi'X-A 'J ...!i:; .'(.uu.'-Jtil V .'i ftijtw -! Wn TloB?aiid:WifcA;?AaAM, - , W FIrkt DistrietMartinHrtfoid.. Gates - - j - i Ghown,"Petquiiiiari8i'FasqiWta0k Ctfrrituak CaenVNoHh'ampti.., v:.WathU.fta Ty.rta OiislbWIMiplin.fWayiia, Uohastoamadamp. sbn-iJ :T Leach. f. .: ..-.var.aii :rti!iot ' Foartb T)strictNe-w Hanover Bane wick, - Wake.Oranfe'and NashWosiah Tarner. ti!sixth'DrWAfamancePriKa.,GwweIl. Foraytbepr Daridaen, vjHsrst- i lOIIIUIUUl UUUWWIV"! 4-1 Rhodm. W? nAivAam (Innnpf. AHi't and InsDecLor.Gen. ' -' : V L '.. v. ( ' . ' -V' '-

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