1 . ft. 1 m!'wi ''mmiii VV v. '"tot, J J. hi '.0 s ':,.f A j yt i ; 1 I . . m m . '.- MAOTVVWm Pi " .1 . ir - : V J;;J..'B$&NER, Ebitor ako Propribtpr 8ALISBUEY, IfvC MONDAY, OCT,; 24, 1864. t''eia."09 .4 . 3 " Weekly Vyatchmap pontljr ;A&VETisifia?w Daily: c nn $6 " Twoi'lars peueipf 12 line or less) for . Weekly : Two dollar? '-per square for the first anrf f 1 each subsequent iusertion. "IT The Cross Mark (X) on: the;targiri pTthis paper, when given, signifies, tfieexpi- ratipn of the paid ternf of the stiscnber. Renewals always acceptable. . ; - V i All Daoers are now-pvjpiiyiea oi iue, uajsu " ' system. ' 0 , . , . . . The t Wmston Ankn says it Ipshes. to announce that a onsid, erable number of the Home Guard, Militia officers and Magistrates, from the eastern part of orsy th county, with a number of others from other! ..' v . " ' . nir fu: counties, since the call jfor one-third to go to Goldsboro' to defend the State, have banded themselves to- gether and gone in, a different direc- on ' V ' TUeSmiinel lsoayg " that there ; . J . tsa secret organisation among us, in collusion with the emy, whose members are in the confidence of fb,e ( nemy, and are posted as to what tiight, might fire Boston in a han .the enemy expects shortly to . do, red ' places, arid- wrap it in fiaies and they don't intend to fight for . " . , . , j tiie lioerty ana inuepenuence vyuv South. FROM THE FRONT. liie enemy maae some aemonstra- tipn on ourjextreme right yesterday morning, with- cavalry and infantry, as tnougn inienqmg to lnae an a. tackbut n the end it amounted. to nothing,, and soon died-away. The enemy has been quite active at tins point for two or three days, "afd a,h advance has been anticipated, .but it has hot yet come. . It may be made on any day, and t may hot be made for 6e veral weeks. " , We begin somewhat tp doubt whether Grran.t will make any serir OU8 movement anterior to the Presi dential.' election next-month. The success of his master hangs upon too slender a -thread to be risked upon an pneertaiuty, aiid.rant, if the,is a i headstrong batcher, is too sagacious, we take it, not to be conscious of a great, uncertainty .of success in ,any , attempt Iiq uy make to capture .Petersburg and Richmond. The visitof the Yankee Secretary of War, ; and .several' oher 'dignitaries of the Government to Citj- Point, is, ornin ons of sorrfething. It may mean ini taediate battle, "or ihdenuite. quiet. 3ut there ig some Iiiddeu object in it. we nave miormation that a corir-. siderable force of. Yankees has ruuv ed to Cit Point and tjienee, else where, -within the last day or two. The object of this movement is be Jieve, to be jell known at head quarters, and proper steps have been, or will be, taken to meet it. W6 'hear, some vague reprfs of 'a cavalry raid towards the Seaboard and Roanoke railroad, the truth of which we cannot ascertain. - Several shells were, thro wq into the city, night before 1'asC , - Yesterday was marked by the usual quiet along the greater portion of the lines. Artillery, and we may -also add picket, firing is dispensed with, during the day, but commenc es at nightfall, and is generally kepH u uuiu uayngnc jfeL Jixprsss. Lieut. Gen. R. H. AndA-koi toon napmunAntu .v.' ? . . j' , There.are nd sins as' vetSof-nr: "J - .: . TOTi paratmnsonthean ;Mpeiy to go into winter Quarteiftia nri f'y.ftr confidently expects iSJWpreseftt fides. -We r.tliathwilLUedU m anv finch o; neor more ofonr beavy iuns on any ana.ia8tuiguwi-y.TTw tormea wnnt oujeci is uc gumuu thereby. Pet. Ex. Oct. 20M. : ' . . v ,r"Tr 71 r in tliUvarafives the following re ' 3 Dtoto of tt. ;1 Utir 4 bve been e-vnU Sheridan reporf? O GMIi; Encircle onr State,; if mo vinsr dowji the yallefv tct. Wood-1 StocK, ire nas unrueu 'ovey.iwu gaod barnafilied' ith' ; Wheatimy. anu iarinni impmeqt iv seventy mills filled with -Joiir and wheats' Tliis wafe done by order of Grant himself; eommandef bf aj,l the Y ankee armies. ius quij vijc ,f?r. tn'nor'r nf t lift V Orei tlO" VUliiuu " fc" . , - ; ; s'trpy every thip in the . feUef that wiU snstain Hfe. Xae fell wpr U still eoiugon . Nw, - it s an idle Vfa9e ol woras.ip Mttuuuuw vimbo.vj,' of wa ' We hayevSimpIy !tfrrd lit as practice mrtUer and ask pur selves hoW it is to e ' metl' There ne' effeQtfjat'w-ay, ahd ' only ' ojie. rjm't Wfi kuow of. to arrest and" uce- - vr ;eVerv other soft of -- . atrocity and that is to bnrn one ot the chief cipsaof;' theenemRsay Boston. phuadlVphia or Cincinnati, i; . a8 warh1n- ofUwhat may be done n(j wjU;b'eu qe th'di' if tKe'pilr . sent system &vV?T on tli part of tiie enemy is continued. If we are mkp ed how such a thing cad .be don we answer, nothing would be easier, A million of !dolJ8 w6uld lay the pt.oudest city of the enemy in ashes. The men to execute, the work are al ready there. There would . be no difficulty in finding there, or here, in -Oatrnda, Buyable fiertons to take charge ot the enterprise and ar- range itetaiSi Twenty men, with plans all preconcerted, and means provided, selecting some dry, windy ro" nue;Hru retaliate on Jichmana, Qhiesion, .j Let them.do so if tue dare. It is a irame at which we can beait Uiem. iew iorK is worm iwenry Richraoud8. Tney have a. dozen towns to our one, and in tlieir towns ic fdrttrl notSrlv ull ' thi! uradllli ult wonId beimmoral and barbarous? It is n6t immoral and barbarous to defend yourself by any'meafis, or with any weapon the ' eneuiy may employ for yoir destruction. They chose to 'su bit itnte "the torch for the sword. Ve ma so U6e their own weapon as f 6 make them repent, lit erally in 6ack-clotn and ashes, that the v ever adopted it. If the5 Exec- utive is not ready for this, we com- mend tle matter to the secret deli b erations ot the Oougress flbou to meet. Jpicht. ?. TIIE YEAR'S WORg. . The' Aqgusia Chronicle and Sei: tinel, referring to' the near approach of the time "Vuen .Wi liter will lay his bennmbjng hand upon the ar mies df "both belligerents,'1 says kThe cjoae of the campaign witness-, es the Southern armies more pow erful . and defiant, than at Jta com 1 mencement,. and the outhe,rn , jeo pie more united and determined, if possi ble, than at any former period 8i.ce the .beginnn of the r war.V Ile.ferring to the results of the cam paigriur coutempory remarks that, Vinatead of narrowing the; limits of the rebellion by this year's 9pera: tions,: they have ; beh extelidedi The .tmray have 41areV..lkie1i.; to subdue than they had at the cotrj iiencement of .tire', campaign.. Ar ktinsas and Westerii llbuisiana fia jeeu wrested from o be reconquered. Mio rebeilioS has" brokeu out afreBh inMourii, and the invincible ' ancf nucinQuerr able Prjpe, .disputes its, possession with Rosencrana and hfi Dutch mili tia. Oar armv arthis' hjoment re- . . . .. 'J'. s '..v.'i.i. J : I : and threatensjopef the Federals from Atlanta with a fair prospect of 8nce8;icnpVd-- fa not taken, jidr iikmyto be taken.: ThejaraHant lout u et 8ii2:ntes5 , iaea or aereat." Cure for (JhAV& M&FlTtifo green I Maii wnii any Kina.or prp( ,njivn jlqh . ieei r tne emu coming on-drihlvf it-lie In a;wariii'1jed selftS alionrr.aU msiil. fliis will prQ: oCcupiesNtherhW mr.. tanked oiit'of itb felie 1 and clonotia aririv' rf Viforitim in. : IhjN its'grpat leader VitU un- ijeiqiug, vaior ana siu aoorunes. sage aqa express a wineglass lalf full of inice, fill the reinainin t spfnts (jouutv (JNew xorK) urnon, wih uh iijeen makingcaicniatiuns reianve ro tiie number of men killed thns far tUrMi4ad4iewrdid i ona ed in coffins and corded, riiey would count thiftyriiite thousand "cords. If laj(J, jn . a, vyail erty five I'eet thi6k and tln'rty feet hidi; it would foer alriite and a quarte.r in leilsrth If ffive feet thick ajtfi ten feet lifittlie pile'" wbnld reajh -'ai c'ro8Vtneate:' If pjlei' hp in. a ten icre"lot, Jhey wonfabe nearly two 1inh'dree1jigfK "p ph ttXo ground, th ej would cver e efy fooj 'Sf soil . in Jefferson QOity. geyen ty v e t ho usan d t o n s of h lit i) a n blood iiaxe l.een spillod .in , pixe'. Soilreuongh to turn every spjndU- m Lowell, and it th.e tears wore ad; ded to the floojil, it would . turn (t.he nachinery of the coutiiMiiiti and Uie unavailing 8iths! would fill 'every ocean sail;' The one-half 1 1 as irtot yet been -told.' The millions of woun ded and maimed for'lifo must be la kep in fo4 account in summing up the grand total of evils incident to this blood v" ahd' tkrtatiCaf wah" The following are, the losses f the; negro reiirtents iu the assault on 23d reginrent, cwiord 15 officers and W Men krl!ed. wounded and missintr.' 28 1 h regi ment, colored -ll officer and 150 pi-en Kiiitu?iwouiiueu anu ,.?'! as,;g 31st regiment, coh)red-;7 ofUcers krifd 200 ihefn killed, wounded nd 6 officers and a large' number )f meji killed, wounded and missing. . 39;h regiinelit ""cohifed -several officers and 25Q ,men killed Wounded and missing. Hew York Paper. ' . SHERMAN'S REPORT. -The Report of Gen. Sherman of .the operation's which culminated1 in the.fal ot .Atlanta will Cje read vyitj interest, especially by military men. Ho w lie ?garn ed A 1 1 an ta, an J wi t what foice, Siiefmaii here' tells, witi more or lessot nistoncvverity. How he lost-it,vhe hUR yet to'tell, ' andiiia1 Raport sli i o ujd Jiaye igbWJ u ded w i 1 1 thefoot-note;, of -. t(ie serais tp he iontinuedv" Abe reader will hardly overlook the pruot prferm.n furnrah es in at ua uttered a talseiiooa wtieii he told General Had in' b hick land wliite, that the shelV and shot that reached AtiiVita vvere . accidental, and the resu.lt of bad mack manh of his cannoneers. If h now contest es Vl ordered cIowtV frpm' Chattanoo ga four 4- :inch -lifted gius, to try their effect. - ; jkhese 'arrived on tiie 10th i and were put to rWork niht an uay,, anu am exeeuon on tiie f ity, causing ft-equentifires, and ex piring confiisioh:" Lmrsnt itfaaiVl .buwuiu nave gwa memories. taiier- rnian evidently r had hrgottenr .whjen up peuueu uiese womsr wiiat iie Itiia !4 t0 GeoHbbd.;' YELLOW FEVER AV NEWBERN 4Ve are indebted, to an sUemeo toraiie flowing list Ohtitrpe. he.rp who have died, with' lofVve aa far as: can be ascertained,' to Oct. lothj 164. TheiendtW;fu L is in a positwo to krow X who I gtfi1 uufio fever as far as PJ. I ay lor, Mrs Sarah Q.ii rk; ChasHawr kins, George -En trick,. VVm'B Oowerirng atd chilk, Mrs Bradford Oallin. Ja.s Hnt', ins, Capt P Ml, Mrs Hysn, Mis Aub Wallace, Mrs Wrri Hutchirts, Mrs'&SHn' w uua,oiy4atthe.w,lMarshaJJf; Roht Harvey, JB Oxly, Mrs 'fJohu Gaskiil. Jss Ara-i UaW? Stephen Serraond; "Mrs Robert er;Vohn Rvbefts, M Juhn1 iraigg, Miss Salhe Uaryks Elizab-th Dunq .EJward HurU, rRotrts, (Hail tnaker) Mrs E Hurtt, Mrs N Hurtt. Mrs M E Wallace, Mrs' Ba Witliii,?lW aaraes.W'oBryan,, Mrs 4esse.Oowlin M7& P Hall, ! FiSher' Mrs M W-ii&.ani qaugnier &tSsa'n.Xieorge; Milfer, Mfs'Stisan no JrK Miss Fannie gurtt John .Jonnes,;AtrA Faruhard; Miss AftAdia Carey; Misa Ann Shinrv WiJ Sron, ;MiJ Roberts "Mis Poll Lan-I uo,ui jones, Mrs JX$W Mrs Morsel Bfrs Allen, mrfegrge Alieaohn qumrauiffs, Wru Hutchi&r M-Ptal-u , Alonzo Green, Mrs GoSlithMiss Jane H-- lite. " A 1 -uii ss- rWi ; i C . . ' .'vnyunnt or.'Hlw .IMC Lewis Lawrence 'Thebov lUi'arll 'wmte persons ex cept thfi last two names.' A good many ol hers have died but we have not yet. as certained the- names, date, fec. ; " Cogl dA for' ffioilnds hn ."Assistant. SurgWJiatl wovmds in an inflnrhed jvtate, coal oil is m a upparatingtrfte-!t;di' flies, expels vermin;Wein!thiwouiid? and jxroniotd a healthy granulation. Be slates that he has sen two patients "whose wounds have benrt dressed with, it aslttfp rwHirv ' he was through vit h lite third. If it serves to keep awav flios, it will add materially to th? comfort uf the woutided as well as their : A tipndon professor If ctureds recently i;o a.du I trarioriH; of fK?d . He handed around coffee, which was pronounced ex ' Qellent, then told the audience that tby had; beeu rega.M with a mixture of hih lock's blood, ch:ckory, sheep's liverf dijed ; ' . ' : and. old coffee grouts... gave them jor- vr, tpo, maae at spjmts ot. vinet,gumara- biandhurut,siigar,i4' - . COSCBIPTrqjFFICE,' "i RALEron, C., Oct. loth, 1864. J Circular No. 53 ! .ri -.-rv . '.' ; I. The iinmhate attentidn; ofirolljno: Ofncers-is called Uo-jGrrterftl Orders N,o, 77, Adintaot and Jnspec,ton:ftural's Office, cui- rent. series, wjych, guperceJ(B$ ueneral .UfCers to etnferace ' only such ;as are' employed tohj Goveriihieuc worki, -c ' ' ? t h Railroads are not considered as- Grovern-. ment institutions. II. It is further directed that patties In the employ of rnanufacturingt esUbllsJirnejlts, en gaged. jrijHjn contracts with the Confeiler' ate an3 State Givef nme.n shall not be mo- lestea. 4 .. . .. , , - : III! It ii unnecessary to"'reheat' to rEnf6ll- ingiOffieers the arnes injnnfetion tou carry out the, provisions pi' ' this rdef with theJmH tifmg energy whic its HrrtanCp QmaAas. By orqer pi ilajpr J, i McJbAN, . r Act'g Commandant Oonscripfs N. Q.' ' 'e. x Hardin, . Adjutant APJ!T & IFR GENaOPFICB, 2 Richmond, Va.,' Oct. 8, l6 fGENKRAt Orders. No. 77.1 , The tollo.vyin wili supei-cede General Ur- uers no. i present series, w niuu ar uci c- by revoked. i -f ti C . - I. AJHeMsheret6fV- i'ahtedr" undeij ofit ween the" acres' of 1 amd 45 years;'. ars tj?ether 'yvith' mcy$il$ by .xtefemWAW .v$M pipxleil lastuctioa aapprpately assigned arA0 the i ar mies2forecvicftx!f half tailedand now acaflyn meehanics - cper thttee detailed atfd ripw edpjsvl in thnai nfacttir 'fktoeig of indis tfehlffe'SatoeWfeli 5 and navy! will ,he.itmuMISd5fBtprt frit! nir6t grailyjlrmediatf 1 Qrvvart3 ;to the nals.eryr' rr y'tiates, :Ji qCiJiJ empioynieht UL,thsjai( jtingineach .case.of a persorjt .betyteeii -t and 45 years, those who are experts and absolutely incUspeosable to tehi " JVy and all -detailed employ- es;wnoHrt?'OetvfeeTt tile ages Of 18 anil 45 it)t;aciertified vl-be Ibrthwitfi as- si'giied ,16 the arhiy..VA' dupcate,o )ist; 'nh it she saiiie ; time be ' furnished to . tjie. Adjutant ar)d Iijspktpr' General for the ' actioo of thlBeCreiairv of War. ' ' ' I . xii. ah parsons caiien out by these oraers y hp claim i exemption pn,acpounl of, physical aisaouity, will be exammed, by select Medv cal Boards at the CamDS.Qf .Instruction. IV. A men .found fk for light dutv. and who, are unaligned, will '&t once reDort to the camps' )'f instruction, imder the penalty of uciug iiwuu assrgueu 10 tna active lorces. By ordrf 'S, COOPER, A. & 1 Gi OBT PRANK. I. MT.IUI0N r -- ' - 'ii - v . v' . heard from reliable sources, aftd will, be printed r t . . . . - on nne 'wnner pape$r. . ' .i. . . .(. --..'.j tome of the contents are. Nassau as it was, and yi it h ; Population ; White Fo4ks Col ored Pujpulntiwi Soil ; Paddocts; Stock j 4o;r; -Chicken Cocks:;! Lving at Qrautuie Gov ernment : S h i p p i u i S1 ttill a : , ,M Shrks; and other ocean -products ;Thd Par' ion oa Sea-si ckwess, ..r.-.-i.. ' :,eeiit free ef . postage for $3 a copy y fi wore copies lo tnie - address $2 50: per copy. Send orders? to ivn-ivli;..t;, . . - FRANK I. WILSON. f A-Aii" SI -wpeis; wagpn wneeis, I ieei ni aiatifeieti awed tire iron dtie incfc luica, gooa tidbs-axW aftd tbn&ij UtfJ2kr-L Wrale. Tfre lirfr wf miteiikJl. na J- Ahd; 'aand-car rail-way, with bolts and fi lures. toriiiilirnik aWj .AW k..i . , 5k. . - ' a woaw- tike to hire fdrV next yeafr 4 or 5 r uuo caul . , , official.: , It is directed by fthe PepattpeW'that -the, Xftfzan "Mechanics' atfd -fjeiontf ' Icfeh'r; ti&c skilf inf Fara?raph li shall t.'cnstrue& . I . fk T CI : 1 l' .-.,th .'1 the .bands hf tbe printer an A will bie ready soon' Tc loth) tg, , English !' emDraces ' wnat: tha mnlc.r ,Whnr -,bi nnol- v .. .1 ICifliX ROANTON, ()C. 18, 1864 Gbn?ral Orders. r. : .. .. - . I. EN R0XMNG offipe rs of counties W of 'Roekinghiii; .;-Gtfil-d-- MontgrfiS, and Richmond, will rdpr ih deioiWd bien veil ar'made liable lo service in lhve field K,- ,l GenerarRppc9,,-'la.asfeinbrejis.i rson wirt proceed meif$g$W tfie scWadis fr,,i- Ihei" several cnnntiesrtoGreeireborb, N.C ii ih SSthliwiant. wbVrK thewlli report is'S neport as wwiitfe' flfjsacUcaiblafc-.teV.- p i ? II. 1 Officer rT HriGtlrd (WrHcW fenee" will assist the Enrijino' Offlieefs1'- gainennff ine oeLaiiea nin as required above by ootif ing; .PfrhyAnt a Speiso to repair to the place of rendezvous at' the proper lime, m rea. diaess to leavfr jofe.lfei iy of NofthernV;,. gitria, and . will if necessary , ride incessajnly .f ill. Byysrti of 8poial OlideM N.8s' neau ,wuarter8 neseryest, vMaa Special Offers' NoflS7r 'ietrNMrKe m?k Divuru.Jin QiNUIIiaiiu'iu ' uuih i II CBCf VeS4 8q Guari forJHome Pefene" of .ibfj cpoati4 to w htch; t h e Ofder above 'a pplie's.' and C he oJS, cers who'are 'hefehy charj?d wiih BesIwiH J ! t i I i ' " .i . V -iV;-;- ?Sti6uli n iK cjahtyiKnronnarOfficerb iabthifBU)r2 . ..By comnjand of-vtm'r ' N O. VISITORS yfeder tit , , ;fVljIitaSYtSQ the a v t- i s. , " large amount bf Aod, VfiUtVdinsr. for which a Jibn'ral ;'Rri.ce' wilf 'be paid. ' The Wood road. If oa ihe Western' road ho obieetion .will bniab: a8ltgi the dahcefotn. vifiplace. parties, ,ha?hig Jand, .tjti', clear on this 'ratroad Wilt be cnt f'alnd &mWtM'i&. "t; wiR iSo piVrch?aW.off tTa1lreU Contracts will be gven to furnish WooScor- ded in the wood oridelivened at this Post. Ap ly to l y tJMU, GOOD MAN; S StateavtlleN. ipt 29thvJ1864. M The Directorg ofstthia ConjphnyJiavadeclaj:. Btoek. of .the 1st Section payable, orf tihe'' 15ih i MeOfihpyA ; 3tokk . holdarpiin ilcedeirvtill ,perpjdat ilhi'wfl';; Slthri!4ori Tn f.t urh . arillv fc nirt Kv, If .' IIORSL S'ATtlAliol iloise. in vtf.T fdytrii'ymrlC.-?- 1 oct 3 ;. Iaspectass Qfflee Tth and 8th on. Dls. ? SALISpiTRYVK..,OctV2ist;i8e4 s SPECIAL Ob titfk& i i ' ' No. 1. '4 j."-- 4 LL persons bel Wyen'Hhe'irge of t7 kU years, not-ih-tfie rrtjy'of the Govn ' eijnraent or f xeajpt tUndr ihe:law, whp have, ..been df etailed, -vrt slmyrappjiieatior.s for. dfttai!. 'pending, wi!eWrtmfediatjly 'to the Enroll- iug uiui'ci ui ineir reHpeciive Ounues wnw, vsriir forward thetn toJCdmp Rtotes 'a Gfe'eTis bofo' , wilhout refereoc ttiiGeri Martin' -Qrt Strict compliance. witV .thU order k enjein ed, which must be executed, as speedily possibles r:'-!. "-J ' u'ri'-u'-: 1 . By order of ,r-r ! ; - ii.is,-., , i; t j. n;prior, Inspector 7th,&.8Ui Con. Pis. m: - "r ' ' : v' v;'1 . lr. CarTottciJjaity'Time-'aa lfja1ly Bulle inWiy eopy-three times. ' ; -ri lfjs 'Ht-'-5r .fi rti UBLia AUCTION-I ;will Beirat pnjblic X, : auction on the 3d oT, November 1864, toy e'h tirlf sfc; ccinsistSng l M ' Try i; Goodsr tnVee iiigr omw ases inree small no., a- ioi- mei-sra iot' if .Sheting, Crane, f Trunks, Wriling d many other articles too numerous to - - ,.... mention t X L A I'i ' AVI tra?k)dterrhined tri'clbsb"hiy basinyss, I desire alt those iadebted 10 meto call and et thi4t oieij Sv);' "! i ' ' W. SMITH DEAL. et terto lb: Dlitieth'e54 Xime 'eli'bis lf. lion dliaTt'befirs? cdfedf 16; tafeb4rdef.'' ' ; 2lB8 Tobacco. , V , . R leijby!iiii'f:. ; . Safishary, Oct, 29th., . J 84 2tdl35,;. ANTED!.-- BROV. J, AgihU ; UST.-i4A4 erceiit75b certificate. Ntf ai2b54hVt& March0,i864vf AppHw- WANTEDl.--' V;i, :. - ?20ibarrelof Mola: ' ULSUKv - 'UvKi4.1fohicb thenar- (ket pre, wilj -bjfid4fa4 barrels ;farnished Thertlclea are2krlh Carplfna troop. "St. a. 1 2 Idi it 1 1 P 1 1 :tJ ; 9 i '-k,w viopf vVu, ;wuiyu la a certain core.; OVi W B A LEI ;N E AR, SAU3 BUB-?- Bnqdirtf of ra; W. E. E0VARDS fe CO, Ocf.24t 1864 6tdl37 Oct,g4, 1864 Hw22 t .A i Jit ' 4 SI 2 tilt 1 if"' . ' - . ' J y Vi Vj .

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