!. . i .. - ' . -- .." ' .-:" .'- ' w r-t, . . 1. i .. . - - i'Mfr - 7 . ty haJ 1 jis ' t V lii E h . j!!m lirU alt III ki dU npBaylo party, mention ot but bad given up the idea, and were return- BAliBBTJEY, H. 0. vrtisemiit !' Negioe. wated-ior ui . v. maintained .with al! the pow- .1... hut vhn hava nnt t ie IVPe w puu- v6 77- v , 7 . . je " "F- w -r ' "r" i ' i .AdnnvixxB if t.ha THtates. untu our . i t i T T -DOTTXTRW TCwrwiw AWT! PROPRIETOR. TlSh It as X wroi-o ii. w t I 7 . 11 UU 0 "v r? J J ' " 4Mwui -wrr "t w-- or.nanr over mv i mioB chaii florrA xo db at Deaco vyiwu uo. i ii name, . . 0&l jl ,y 1 LCI JmWmMJ: them, andif that Jiiotley band of Ir- A G Brener . . oal to th of. the country "" , lu ..Wtiae, WiDa already reached camp to tell tb tale. . capital lettfherethey SuWerinWs oWatibns 6f our brave and SAWYER WTEtft A competent Sawyer li wanted, to tat charge of a steam Saw Mill, situate e the Western N. C. Rail-Road. A l011 chinist, fully ; able to take charge of a j Mill, running exclusively for t(e GoyernO? can hear of a good situation, if'exemjft"orls 183, lm,d&w1 ffiRlfS OFDAltjf WATCHMAN: Foft Dollars per month. No subscription J QUt received for a longer uiue man six mQum QTNUmlhflulslrileVB gray flforse, with aedish atripe around hiaS ration of the paict xei 'Renewals always acceptable. i 5 All papers are now published the perfectioti bf his grammanw f f JgarjP.- on the cash The history of t ,s .im ,ocmt3ave (eepaperoi Vftfttncrfn the.abUi etiffeeasdfrom their brutal and uofivlv 'Jrfj r . ; i ui iiil. vti. uuiii oiMvo w " the most lra- sentuaanadvertiihent which, after tbe iutroauciion C1 w.? MOu.. n people to; maintain, cletend and proceeded to 8 I "desired &cYnjittgf afte - ourlhdetoendence, aft independence correspondlnsr Phonal honns itfwbote liftttiai.ilnlwith,, it'l'nll ' the blessinsfs irrPeraons wishinar to send boxes to soldiers la the Army around Petersburg and Richmond I corresponding personal pronouns throQ, tt5raatna1inlw1th iCnll " the blessings It happen hoWeyer, that there are for that; little pronoun can do' so bv deUverine them at Sprague Bro'ej It Bappensi howeyethat thereare WgffZf beM JMbeiity and civil SaTwbitrv, by the fi2d of December- l wiiliw" JTTu," "r'S; M 'ioverf, That we herfr4eclare our.nn-.ii- 1 J-i J. Ifor that; little pronoun especially inrfwtu . to A iIva Gens. Lee, Beauregard. JJoresi, Britr Gen. BeADIW T. JOHNSON Ac, being the rare exceptions tiapa i 1 i .. noanna n so nappenea maviuojr ajaa arrivcu uuic, auu wui assume tire stock of two-line " 'i jcoramand of this Post. Ho is stop- the japl of tbo, arsenal " sent in Dinff for the present With Capt. Ja8. tisement beginning with " " we ha y. Goodman. v Resolved, That JEfis Excellency Go v.;. HAH. The Savanniih JiepuUican, of the t nj. ... jui, Bays; . " wounjj around his bo. Saturday and Sunday, arnnery - fTf ie on the uefekT TheHhiefS mff. Ibere is no.chai p'tiefc of afiTuirs at eithi since onr last iesne. Every: ffnpa n. vcpII nH all' I'irA in tho riestl JohnModdy. Dr. JohaTli ttendiw j of spirits: The brightest proepoots rh' ,r7 "5 rJSB,"?--1?- cpmtnu to present lueiuseivwo. i Addregs me at Gold-Hill,-., - ; Unr accounts ' from bavannali arq i855t . h. ISETOOim. To Rent-AtAuctidn! even amongst those best posted, as HE Dwelling-House an .premises wher Cv. , ... r I lata Pnom T? T ' 1 .. " "Cre to the present . pos.t.ou and pros- gKSS3r,? " - Atbacunira ge in the as- SlvWWit-toraha.-reeoverT 11 or omv points Uo so : and a reward of $&Z tnr th iJtCF-10, thincrsionohthe thief. ' V-W"- 1 T 1 J I. I. 1 .A.Mnhinl I t m vauce,ueauu ue is uiuy - pacts or Oiierma'S army. 1 wilt be rented o'thegi,es'bdderraaartfen, lorwjiru a copy ot - tuese res0iuuuua iuxic rom parties UlSt from Savannail in the pubnc square ofTown, on Tbesdavn.tt sident Davis and our Senators and tfepre- Wfi 1earn tilftf hefWeen one and to sentatives in Congress. ' . UV.Innk. on Ratnrdav flfthrnoon. Dec.i. JOHN I. SHAVED 183t4p4 , ' v,Ty j Jjtf order that our readers may compare Sherman madf three distinct cbarg- Post Quartermaster's 0ffic6;CsX our eu eo that when his adver- beginning with " i, we naq none ior ; him ! But it never once occurred to .us that it was an all important matter to present the ad- ftenarftl Hood liaa. at last, been Ur&ement in that form; and passingour hand) . ' , - ' 1 .J ua.s-.il a iIia T hmc'n and findinsr one-there, pro- .neara trom. We gave nw omwiu - , r.khnThe n- Fthftiwo series: we append the resolutions es against our line of works at a report of the bloody battle or JJraiiK- rai d de8ire9 &G But,ye'godend m- offered Mr. Pool, which the minority point about live miles from Sayan Jin, fought on the aQtb wit., in our fe fishes i-dnHVeget our foot intuit ! A j jiiggsrs Pool, Cowles and Caldwell re- nab, and ,about midday between telAirriniV. nolnmn vefdav, morn-l nUemanly Clerk cilledatrilbce before I , -tnt Qtr,flnjmonf anW?t.h the Central and Gulf railroads.- Tt. ftr frnmlMiB N4-J.'- K.mwI.-.u w Wn.A Each time, the Yankees assaulting . .I kasCparagraph of the notice wWch should have jv'l"w-"w" v""" ' column was repulsed with heavy nai our loss in general wuio ...him," to whom we explained the cause f To avoid formal objections liefetofore rats- iogs. Their nearest approach t& our ? mucn greater tnan in any otuer uprchangngAhe phraseology, and we junuqent- edyaw effectually gpen negotiations for fortifications was within a distance tie of the war. No less than..oyiipiioBd it.wosid'U-saUsfactory. .;Bttt,not ihe termination of ' fids most unfortun- of about two hundred yards. Major 'and. five Brigadiet Generals s?. ; a mtien.-aner dara we rece.vea w - f aUanddestructivev)a, I The Augusta papers mention that inff.r-Those. having abj! m ' ,r a i; acoye noie, wn cnye-ai once resorveu 10 puu-i . . I RliArmnn ' hi'ri nnRRpRQinti Vit thft Sfi-1 t may una 11 10 meir advantage fo call on yrete htUed-one Major -and five ..v. .... an ext)lanati- and comments: hoD. Resolved, That five commissioners be kberman had possession oLtte &a , l ' jas.' M. GOOditant W? Arnnnded t sVu.-.u. ur.UU.. elected bv this General Assembly, to act annan, luany ana vsmraniwj, some day nJonei Apsa of Ihiritee cc2 Truly, a dearly bongjxt victo- with commissioners from the other States i and tnat tne xanKees nad captured .V. r1rJ w:.,. t mm rtf fho iT-nl-f rQCBonrrpf 'trains grammatical point should not bm-J - r , .-j j-u;:? W'-n 'MiiP n-. Si.Z SALISBURY, N. te. December 17; 1864. NEGKOES' TIS DepaMment wishes to hire, for the ensuing Year, .-a .-..,. . , 4 Blacksmiths, B .Carpenters. : ' 2 Wheelwrghfe 70 Wood Choppers and labours. - for which will be paid a liberal price. tW wui oeLweu.iea,Ana sappned jwtta goodclotB- GOOPMAN, Captfe P.Q M . 183,Imdw 4 PUBLIC j&Sfjat BncJi a sacrifice of roe and The niost serions lei of all was tho gallant and abiO leader. Maj. people's business does not require sham bren Ulebarne. JULenaa denco.and demanded tbe both men and officers. regard to der a public oficer from having the public interest entrusted to him. .-. 0 ; We may advert to this matte r-iagain, when wa have more time.:1 We, will 'send copies of this paper 4o Richmond, where Urroay b,e. of ot me LKateieracy oe respecuijiiy request- -j road. : J: 1! 4 ! WCTiue m remmuing our auiiieni mat vuo . . R . tW. MINORITY REPORT. Senate' resolutions No. 4, ntitled, wate;pam,o(. d Bavannah-ratlroad track. His fR: iathe tender to .the ZAUkk n3P CUCO VUUWUUU IU OUOH WJ IPCVPW OCVineanO Wadlfla. Inm - classes. TAIsdffihf 'at that TTwj;fr .tf A-i, . --fv.-j:uwwwwinm ana tne let uiiiucoviiic, ti3 erou, u iiiiuw vx iaay 4nuaryvnextifBr th yeaKl865,' about tbe rbad.7 ". ' ' sixty Seryantsi consistinarof field handL hnn : The railroad bridge over the Sa fe4j . . . .. r . I . i. L-4. 1 , i i'wi-m,vhc xuuotuo ivuiier. Rftmh v nf JNnrth Carolina and endeavor vauuau river m Resolved, That tbe Governor make known to each of the other States of the Confederacy this action 'of the General As- j r . ias not been burned. to secure their co-operation. . 1 aj was reported."; Ihe "Btruature Resolved, That whenever' any five of Dnrned. was the long and imporfant The latest news from Sftfcrtna a re- On m r i - : ; nioves all doubt as to his ability to ' resolutions (to initiate negotiation's for reach the coast. Thetelegraph tells an honorable peace." ns that he stormed and carried Fort Tbe undersigned, a minority of the Joint the States shall have responded by the ap- trestle work on the Georgia' side of pne pay annsn river. ... ; jjTe learn tliat the bnaeeloTerihe Pl Ogbechee river ha$ beon destroyed oy our troops,,, at is 'Deuevea mat tbis Fort to us, we think, gives Sher-j concur in opinion with the 'nYaJority, beg action upon the-proposition. man an nno,b8tracted jf&ter comma-imnfeponi - . . - . General W. .-fimitUbftted . . .-..r . ..t . The. minority of vour Committee, can- RROM RTORXTOTD I .;i?.r : i:ii--it'--t nicauon to ;ne Auatutc, oi wnicn ne not accepj to the doctrine, tvhich ap- will of course avail himself. on the other side: ollibevrjlmtb pears to them to be contained in these t S,1 :d Papers say abo,rfrtropfp ttt A u t Uocnfntinnc tW.na fifafo a -mAm-Ithof awas not even ftimVir of s&v ' 'liieK-'CHy e8teraatjas;inli'diri hatter thinmfromGaorffia Infact o(th, Confederate GpTernment, can operations by the enemy around that mor.8f J'f'PJi, tterthinialronHieorpa. intact, jnt0 tre , o,,, with . , . ' ' . . . conld traievto ;np;uthent!e apnVci all'the very recen r i i ' ii'ilv. isn - 'mi v. vn.Lianai in uv ini'f i k v . - - uv ix vui tuuw uuarwr t0 otner fctatet for tbe pnrposeot negotiating A. , - e a-'' i -'f 106 mos tmstWQrtnv report reacftejiwno can. ceme well reconimeudedija liberf icently has been of the most treaties with a foreign power. They4e J0Me thefrwd; . ' : . : . - . our ' . . , yuV ,55iuic, uM wuaur r-,- -,T.)rT-- 7j7--.--..-r, ?v. race course, wmcn is oniY a Of results, in onr favor. Bat it seems, tional medium, through which peace can low, marshy ground, vwbich .made an mil4f&ra Savannah' but that UObWlfcUbtauUlIJg tUo Olteu repeated I vo ucgutiaicq, uuiuou uu wuuimcu, auvj i onttva ujvu iiuiu aiiuuai tiuuooiUiOI nftmn4.manr.Af RKian'i rain " iuority oi. your cuuiunutse ara-miTf ;xu pamo wiuumbiaoces mPBi'.maKe 0?f;rth destruction and capture, he has 'tZZ ?"al!r CTto JKW, i hmdlv nfyaiyAd in matnrino- hiftU,r nr.niihmnt. nf &i,J,wA,n t. L:,u,: An important rumor -yesterday, JSrirZ " UU1PU" . ; said to have originated from high 0,uuCBuojiugrr-," ...... 4. , xne examiner.: tm ass vthe.reexm- anthrtritv ? stated that Sherman tlies e better to facilif ate his tri-1 . " - 11 W Nanceloi with fl portion of his command, had l.4 t. 4t..'i- ii. t i. ri o . ... r ... H.Jn 4iH iKi'BhkiFitinif ' 'bU'rin 1 1 . , . aireaay established communication with the Yankee fleet- from" Genesis Point. Fighting as also reported as still going on in front of Saan- o4-flrj. 1Mb?. nmphant march through tbe heart of curement of peace, they do nut feel insti- n.Wj.ati4iWsheIltdg the great State of Georgia to the sea fled, or called upon to pursue; that course, mer tUe same Ji were m the opm coast. Hehasdonetuiaat his lei- which might give aid and comfort to our ioa fof many observers, the closing . I enemies, strenginen ineir nanas ana serve i ? wio, vi . cApmug y cai uu tuo l-l . f i. 1 1: i t:i-:, T:t.. j -vt. iwcuiuuuu. xiOjinove iportance it is! tbouarht, undertaken bv either ftidft tary upon the prowess of a people to peace is to be found,' in affirm devotion until after tbe first of January. We 'who process to prefer death to Slave- to a;ghteous cause, anfennwayering sup- have however a wary foe to con ffc wf to our govertimeaf and absolute tend against, and we may be. ure V MW WMW V4 UU . D4aLIM mill 1 W A avm. am s. a vm Myl I . -'--...-. unmerciful enemy. We sympathise I The minority of y6ar committee th'eVe X.W.HUVfPHRRV Mocksville, ,N. C; De.e5 10, 1864. 10tdl74 Grane l.lr:i A LARGE and jaried . assortment, com. - Prising ttie best andvmdst hardy vanetles, ready for transplantinar.or sale in amr tftM number. .. Riders, irom ailistance accdiapanie by tte -nwney, promptly .attended toa Addict 'De'd 12 178-tr r ' -)SalisSN;ci WMmm difppshmn.ndseitpe lwish to purchase a Wo.'l NESE t fin A tlM hn4AA rieaice.v. For: such am Enquire of Dec 12th, 1864. H. McCfOYi Boyden Hoiis.'Saiisidrjl . f:" i7al5tp 11 T WiLt seft at 'VM J Jt Auction, in S alistrarfi m ! on fealurdaylhe 17th of wise disposed of. 238 sack" and 24 bairefii of SALT Bee 13th. 179-iSt Agent sure, and in defiance of ail oddos: j x , ,. . 1 10 inspire' tnem wiin! reoewea J energyi 1 iiueb jjvjiivv tibn. How humiliating this must be fhey feel called upon to declare to ouf ment of in to Georgians. What a sad comraen-1 neoble. thatln their omoioo.' the only road 1 will be with them in their deep humility; and of course share the shame im posed by the brilliant achievement of the hated foe. , We they, wjlf Vavil , theiiiselves of thh fore submit, the following:, resolutions,. &.r4TA''tj ' which are respectfelly recommended fo Z P there" - - . fore, be ever on the w m JJv LiOsV ' 4 j : ,.Fr6m,he outh side we have , t 'BaowNf;HecUenbur(r, - nothing' of inters It is presumed smifAnU fl,rtt,4 v M .1,': Minority of Committee. iMai. ..? arreu b .raiume column nas for anv armv hnwAvar otftil ' ' ; - l- sacceeaea.in returning to fe lines rest and march, adliMtum, fhmd fyx of the main army. , , through 'the heart. of a srreat State: peace ;!-' ? v BfiTTjjA isxpix)ir tN the valley. peopled by brave and determined men. comparatively unopposed So much for Governor TWtim'o :W-,?H?fState officers mu exempts tune, where diadplihed and msmt m- lament, from thftjQowrnroniof thsJJni- g"LMVMj,w Moss.pimau. SSoT nl? 2W&85 States,-and willcceptith ready .and w4ays previous he captured ihe flSifiPfinfSS- f'tr -aeirful spirits anyjrotlsitie P0st;at OHarlestown and Keys, near Jttta ! wouI4 habro public authorhfes' ' of w TOited Mtes fcrperfs JEerry; &e lokS ' trTfD of 116 horses. Attbise ainci vriUMsipnrpose. Baylor Khrothale boy ! H Ruolved, That the var-ln which 4 th of -sixteen, and George ft Crayon , . Resolve That;t; repreent of h: ! On December 6th. Iienti Bavlor. the people, of. North. Qarolina, in tbe pen41th yirginia cavalry;4ith reral Assembly nowconfened. do not hesiM aK. k:i:iT: ; to to deetoe-their eames.-dosire for a l!" l.. ru w iuuaooB. me ZfXisii iew XOrji omething mm New Advertisements, Where tan - you Mod LUE-STONE, Blae-lVJass, Borar, Browi Suffar, Salt and VeUitian Red ? ' Also, a - lot of beautiful Table Salt, in- 4 ft- sacks?' JustLover at the store of ' ' 12"pr, Prawers. , , :, 1 doz; pr. Ladies . 'Black Cotton ilose. 300 yds. Gimps and Lace Trimming. EDWARDS & CO., ' . Main tAreet, Granite Front. Salisbury. 175,dtf Lumber Santefll ; I REQUIRE FOR IMMEDIATE Use wuonuuuuu ui lare Artnierv work Valuable FOR-H15E: njN Monday the day of Jannary ne Shsat this place the following articles, toknry N. C.l witthife to.the higheh SmOOO feet pine ankand scanhng, also, ana valuable nrees, viZ lhingles, and 50,00Q Brick,. CROTTtandiheiichM vthreeyeaf Jyelivenes .to be made at anv noint on the irl. -hLo- yrfrfiv Railroad, as early as practicable after Jst Jan- years oa' so6i 'Wamstreand W of H uarv next. 1 ut. r. .-. ..--i. :7 . - ; sr ubbi. www. me, uomeaeracy.i : ; , in Inrira email nnon I.- J t... I . WSU' ' - . . &w win uc jcuciveu uy, 1 iourieen ano rjHfr vekra ofa?e. 'tween twelve and thwan inoiv a coppr-coIored ooy, seven or eigbt years old. ; ' The abchrti on application to . . : mbtiiMm brown . 1 . . -.,11 it.i , i, m . Capt. Artillery. Mansion Honse, S alisbury , .Ji . C.. to -Hire. THE subscriber wishes to hire, for the en suing year, some 20 to 25 able-bodied "negromej to work at ha Steam SawMilIs, and chop Weodrfor the Government. Negroes .WiUbe-jsJludly treated, well, fed, and the cus tomary clothing given thenr. It should be re A larffe Ii of Old 15ninion NA1L& ' XX 8 and 10 pennies for sala'it thel . memberpd that they cannot be taken off to . tfdl76 BOYDEN HOUSE STOKf Vft.'JWl UUUtt" 1 " -if T " ' I j ' " .. , T . I , " j fj r n v.. i i,Tr- j nappy iiorae, JiurKe co., JN. C. TC Vsale at the hj Dec 17. i83,lHt tfdl76 BOYDEN HOUSE 2 1