i" f '"li m " ifl m air ffV I. t-r-v its'' - - . . . y -v . fyyf, fy rr 1 prjrzrzzr "... H veil. ,y : 1 , ' ,, i- jwwr . " ;V ' v. HEAD-QUARTERS! P0STjv SALISBURY. N. C, EalSBURV. N. C Dsto. 30th, 1864 Jeneral Orders, ) r No. 3. . OFFICERS at tWi Post will report wHhoat delay to these Hsad-quarters. their natnes and rauk, nrith a copy of thei..nrders, shawinc how. ana oy wnai auinoruyi iey are, empioy- d. Byuommandor i s Brie. Gen. BRADLEY T. JOHNSON; T. McPke&son Kennedy, A. A j G. Wtdl9Q SmoMns Tobacco.4'. THE celebraUd PEACH BtoOM Smtk lag Tobacecfin for sale at the ' ; BOYDEN HOUSE STORE. . Jan 3, 1865 ' dtf'l ;. v ' am aoinonzea 10 aire tor tne ensainor yar for employment in the Artillerv Work Shoos abort ro be establfsbed 6y the Government at Lttna place, ine wiowtHewaadp, to wit 20 Helpers, 15 Carpenters, , 50 Laborers. . . Ample fcod and the usual amount of clothing Vill be supplied them. A liberal price paid. nK .-fergelArt'y Shops, Office at the ,lVfaniin House; Salisbury. DeeUb'. 18(54 dtf 184 : I fUST received and for sale, kj Tallow Candles, T Carolina Belle SuutT, Confedepale SuulF, .Star do,! 4, 6, attd 6 penny Nails, SUPERIOR CHEWING TOBACCO. I WILL ezchanze Salt for Flour, pbuud for Dec. 19, 1864-dtfl84 Where can you FiniJ JOt tttfaT.'SafralfdVeniiiaiil Red ? rown Alw, a kK ofWaatifiil Table Salt, in 4 lb. jack T Jatt joyer at; the Elorej of , . i pr. israwers, ! 1 doz. or. Ladies Black Coitoa Hose. 309 yds. Gimps and Lace Trimming. ai9 atreeii Grafl() Froat, 175,dtf, ' ,it . t'.- palisbury. General Orders! FUES, ,T3E7liCLI .r PHE' undereigped, HAT. iMancfactorrrs L at Statesriile,' C.,' aTepdesirous of buy- iur ONE 'ilUxNDUED THOUSAND-FUR JSKINS for -WWeh will 'pay the highest fjiivvBfttWiuur tu currency p?peur jluuoub 2for Uata. . i.. , ; ..i - .s . iWITTKOWSKY & 1 S ALTZBERY. Nor5,.1864k . , ! 164:d34t .), , T0 jTBB PEOPLE f Iredell Alexander, Catawba, Caldwell and t ? Birti CoonUes. v THE farmers of the foregoing couaties are hereby informed, thai in consequence of the ittsmg,pecesity existing m oar Arrail for m; ondlhortrage Cpr4 Oats,: Hy and 'odder I, have., iostructeft may Agents to ex rt all their ;eDersies'ih securing at one - ibe alire aorpla of these snpplieff and, 3; while I sincerely (rust thai, Ibe. farmers of t&eae couq lies will spare my Affentsand.ttiertr' inpleaaaatbieeesHtr of JtaatesmtintTbj--tel. ug-Wi'lornBnlC Nroirdir13 prices fixed )y the Commissioners of Appraisement for 5)rr.J6(ort jParolina: yet, if i parties .refuse to ell L tis prices, thereby. imakjaff impress,. benl;eceisaryt it is a duty, which, in all inch ejtf4$jay Agents will proceed to execute vromfyiithout discrimination. ' 1 hej foJbwmg persons are my authorised W. v - Mttrand, Agent for lredeit county : Rabeo Watts, . i " Alexander county. W, S. Clark. , ,:U : Caldwell couuty. J. W. McEUath, " Burke county,. 4 R P Reinhardt, " .v . Catawbacoanty. Also Sltt S. R. Morkland, Bonded Agent for ihe whole District. . Very Respectfully, , , ,: J.M' HOGEBy, 1 Captain and Ar Q. M. Statesvilie, N. C. Nov. 5, 1864. 60td:15& ; I A Af.l3OT80b fopswhich we w um-ftf tency. sDeci&.or exchanie for HATS or Cqt WITTKOWSKY & S ALTZBERY, Nov25Vts6V -j,;, i64;dtf ; A large Old Domifuon NAILS4. .6, XX. 8 and 10 peouies for sale at the tfdl76 BOYDEN H0USE STORE. " Our Own Priniei:," do. dd. I1 iteadiii; tleader ,do. do. 2 i r, A copies each ' ' ? FOR SAjE AT OTIS OFFICE N jfi boxes of SNUFF, just Jeceived, Bnd or tfdnff ' BOYDENTlOUSE STORE SDOOl ' Negroes A LOT w CO AT'S ,SppoT Cotton , 300 jps iog.i.Thb'Se having apie-pomeo nrgru iuru 1- to the'sj tr5l "IMiUIIB 'Mf ' fmHtflrP Nil!' m- m niii mi n t m- nt a -w 1 wuxjiiiuiiii 1 jiiis rinn?i irui h ii "-mis m m . m r ON Tuesday,' 17th day of January! 1865 we will sell upon the premises. Vor rfivia. rnn, a certain Tract of Lafrd; situatecT-ln Davie county, N. C, two mid a half milr from, tha town of .Mocksville. and Jyingon Bear Creek; It, ts the same Vrac purchased by-us from A. M Boe. It contrite 554. acre's about " 350 aerea fcleared, the balance well timbered v In the Cleared Ua4ahe;i j abotlOO Xfa .t of,., frBt qaality low gropgdsr . ; :Tfce riprme'iits' "jBoiislif of a Dwetlm House, Orerar'8 House, four Tobacco Burn, an4 all necessary -out-honses ; The Upd istweji ? Sk growth o.figraiu aad tobacco, and is considered one of ;the best tracts of land in the County.' ' ' "- v " - ; -' v ' ... Sixty, iwishels of Wheat have baen seeded, which will gp with lhelandy ( , On the same day", witl sell fifteen valuable NEGROES. Also, the STOCK remaining on the place. - , . . Sale positive Terms cash. ' L. L. & R. V. LANIEtl. Jan 5th, 1865. ' ' 5tpd' . VALUABLE Property for Sale, 'TMI E undersigned having .taken out Soecial JL Letters of Administration on the estate of " "cori uru u., win oruceeo 10 sen on the premises of said deceased!, oh Monday the 23d January, instant, aid contiuue from day to day until all is sold, the perishable property of said estate, consisting of HOUSES, MotEs, HOGS, SHEEP, CATTLE, ; PARMlNa t TKNSILS, ' ' WAOOX, BUGGY, ' , HOUSEHOLD AND - . v! mTCHBN FURNITURE, CORN. WHEAT. OATS, HIT, A ai.il Vnrioas other articles, (an entire sale of all perishable property.) Also,: at, the same lime, w,wjll hire out FOURTEEN SLAVES for the balance i,f the present year. Terms made known on day of strle and hire. . , J. -IVT. JOHNSON, . Wf A. MERONEY,. Jan 2d. l9S6td Special Admr's. Lumber - Waiited ! I REQUIRE FOR IMMEDIATE USE iu .the construction of large Artillery Work Shops at thi-4 place the foilowing articles, to ' 200.000 feet pine plank and scantling., also, 500,000 Shingles; and 50,000 Brick. . Deliveries to te made at any .point on -the' Railroad, as early as practicable. after 1st Jan uary next. Proposal for any Of the above articles-either in large or small quantities will be received by JAS. M.BOYD. ;" ' "',.- Capt. ArtHIery. Mansion House, Salisbury, ? N; C V Dec. 1 " 183,I8td -rrrr TICKET fob TOWK OFFICERS. For iNTXNDAirrJAME '.H..HNNISS. vrtAii-'i- ' JAiXIr ' C, KERR, ?i NotiH rd- I .j, c u EtT.. w i JOHN A. HOtT, ward THOMAS ; E. BROWN. yS. FRANKFORD, "s. South Ward Dec 21. 23tdt Ski TICKET foe TOWN OFFICERS. For Ihtbndant JOHN I. SHAVER, Bsc. for commissioners: 5 JAM (T. C. JAMES E.KERR, , North Ward MoNEELY. ( JOHN Ai SNIDER, Cv Av HENDERSON. East Ward w S THOMAS E. BROWN, West Ward- XcmN A. HOLT. c w wm. jT plummer, South Ward- g FRANKFORD. Dec 20; 24td Post Qaarterniasfer's OHice, C.S,4. SALISBURY, N. C. , December 17th, 1864 SAWYER WANTED ! A competent SaWyer is wanted, to tate charge of 'a steam Saw Mill, Htuated on the Western N. C Kail-Road. A good ma chinisl, fully able to take charge of a large Mill, f anninfr exclusively for the Government, can hear of a gnod eituatwn, if exempt or can be detailed, by applying to - oeue y HF.gM G0ODMAN, ' 183, iro.d&w Capt, &P.Q.M tost ftaartcrmaster's OUce, C.$.A. s SALISBURY, N. C. - "0)ecetnbr 17, 1864. TJHIS department jvishes-to hire; r the . ejpsutng vear, , . . . - 1 S4'BlckaihUh's.. ".6 Carpentars, 3 WHeerhis, , .ytnVoott'Ch6'nd laboters fop which wilj be Raid.a.JibftraJ price.. They wiH3)e:weIlfed,-anq?supp1.w,"JtVA,i'. Eire - .i !W?3DC3isSaSKSa5 3U iU c 3 3 4 r 1011 16 :17 'IS 23 24,25 FEBRUARY, 13 20 27- 14 21 28 15 22 v .': 19 MARCH, '5 6 12 13 19 20 26 27 1 2 8 9 15 16 .22 23 2930 3 4 10 11 '17. 18 24 25 31 21 23 APRIL', 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 2 3 10 17 ,5, 12 19: 26 3 10; 6 13 20 27 4 ii 7 14 21. 28 5 12 9 16 23 30' 11 18 24 '25 MAY, 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 7' 14 21 28 16 17 18 19 23 24 25 26 30 31 ' JUNE, " : VI .1 2 4 .5.6 7 . 8 9 11 12 13, 11 15,16 18 19 20 21 22 23 2- 26 S7 28 29 30 jtfLY, 2 "3 4 '5 6 9 ,10 1? 12 13 16.17- 18 19 20 7 14 21 28 4 11 23; 24 25 26 25 1 8 . 30 AUGUST, 31 2 9 . 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 6 7 . 13 14 20 21 15 ; 16 22 23 18 19. 25 26 '27 28' 29 SEPTEMBER, 30. ;6 13 1 8 15 22 '29 6 13 20 2 9 16 23 30 7, 14 Si 3 4 1 -5 10 17 , 24 OCTOT.,1 8 . 15 11 12 18 19 25 26 2 -f 3 9. 10 16,17 2021 27-28 4 5 11 , 12 18, 19 :, 22 23 24 25. 26 27 28 ' ' 29" 30 31 . , , ; NOYEMBER, ' ' 1 2 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 6 7, 13 514 20 1: 8' 9 1516 22 23 27 28 - 29 30 DECEMBER, 1 2 7 8 9 14 1A, 16 21 , 22. 23 . . ., 3 44 5 6 io ai 32 13 A' 17 18 19 ,20 : v24 25 J2B' 27 28 29 30 31- 1 ' - " 4 li;SALiS'B0RTt iV t FEMALE SErdlNARY, nnHM ThirdftRMj ofjthe wbnry Female 30ib instant.. NumWl of pupils jxiteZf lim ited to iwentyfive. As there art but few. va cancies! early abplftailon'wTirbe Beeisary.' y Tkrs&s OBhUwnd dollars perisession oi 20 weeks one-half in advance. ' HESTTA E. HtTNTE Jan 4lh, 1865-; . ,1 v pd4Cd ' v I A Clerk forAhe Botpen ' House Hotel, 'Salisbury. 'Address, ' ' " :.u 1 . W. H HOWERTON, Jan 4, . . i . . dtf , 'O" Progress a'rtd Confederate copy three tims and forward bills tOiW. H.Hewaroiv - -. I WILL meet youlat China Grove the se cond Wednesday lftbihstant ; at Rowan Mills the second Thursday, 12 instant ; and at Gord-Htll. second Friday, j3th instant and will continue to attend a i tfjese places the 2d Wednesday, Thursday and Friday In each month jduring the yekr. , I. will also attend at M. G. Morgan's mBlV on Wednesday the 18th iiHttant.-t? f 3. . McCUBBlNS, Jan 3d. 1864. :i jl95fltf - . '; Ladies and gentlemen : BEAthTiFUliVEXUTIFU AT'W. Aoetibttfriooini in alisfiiify, 9th iX Janaary,186 we wt(er ft sale, . 1 splendid Brussels Carpet, (new,) A beautiful suit ofj Damask Parlor Window Curtains, blue , wjth': tomt&ng complete, ':J very fme..toi4dvaOi , . . -,yA-T set silver Cahtors,'pomRrete, . ; Wanted Augusta, Dec . Advices frptn below confirm the report that' SrefjiiaVs ?rce faavexrosfi(JJbeSataDpa, .Iney rt lievfifT to Dje noviirgijwafos .(jrrahaiayille. Tfie repartd Ae'ailuGfoIs'lIpid and .J1 T&ciob, Dec lirOiSc6RlArjoa Hood at CoriDJtJi 0 the S$, sstfeTarmy b as rVcrbs&betenllBiti ver without material los iioca ibe battkiin frottt ol BicgjfONDfclTecj 6.rr1$o definite ctjoia in.eitherj Hou3eof ,Cpugrefciq4ayO,n Pj subject. The general' biJK to H?pnsp)idate ibe array is iUpejDdingJtt:.jMij9ouse.4 Richmond Jan 5th. No Yanliea. a--papers received to-day. Tbe Tribune re ceived yesterday, mentions thereportof iilairi proceed u re to Kicbmoodpn a,.reace raissnou in a aouoie Aieaaea , paragrapn, and seems to record In report Blair j ias arrived at city Poifjt. , f Charleston, Jan. . No further m"$y ment of the enemy to-day, whose force, is still, concentrating between HardeviUe and the Savannah river. .No truth in the re port of bis advance on Grahamville. wltv " i lii-mir - ' 1 -U'V '.. W : -,'L The Richmond, Enfjuirr, says the Fayette.- vill Observer, has (brown another, fire-brand into the Confederacy. It wag the" first lo star tne project of arming the slaves and, now u proposes to make an uutrageous proposition to England and franco Such visionary schemes indicate a weak.kpeed'frame offmliid, such as any prese Ti the Confederacy, and especially at the capitalought to b ashamed of at a tithe use ibis, r ny are caicniaiea to en'rarage ihd 'eueray and to produce dissension at home.; It is proper to remark, to prevent misappre hension, that the Enqoirer, so far from being the organ of the Administration, is rathex hos tile to it. . A Waelikb World. The "Opin ion Ijatiorials," of a recent date, trivaa rliia. Hifimal nintiirA of thft nr- sent bellijrerent condition of the world : If there be a dead calm in politics, as well m business among as, it is not the safffe ifj ail parte of the little plan et we i a h aWt. Th reeuartfe f8 ot h umatrity, in tact, :are living in the barbarotjs state of war. There is War in Poland. ' i; War in Tunis. t " v,t . -..War.inHexico . . War in the United States. War in Peru. . War in New Zealand. War in, China and Zachgar. War in Japan War in Afghanistan. - War in tvyenty coiyi tries in Afri ca. " . :. J-. This is nnforfiinate, enough to "dis courage the friends of ani vesal peace, and' wiio can say- tliey Will not meet' with afill 1 greater. disappoiti tiiient' nek year ?, Italy, Hungary, Poland, Den iinai-tf, . audi me Seta yoni an popn latiori of Turkey, are not,lt ranst be confessed-, iy the most pciiic humor and, jtothosa wjio etndihljeneral situation of rojat continnty it lslqite ev i (ten-t j that UieJ g&n'tral .airoatiptif in8tebd: of i getting! betteri eJst od! ft(faid&y4kjF day Jgttktfimot and 'FiKE--T&tirmVirla by. the burning olalarge 4wddn building, situatedltiear the river, in the Nortbeirn porb'hhex1BWnS In tlie building wa'slj ,;a' Jare quantity of rosin al)rj0ttf 4000 barrel8-(-which, XgSmMiU: the wharf on which, the. bmTj?n 8toodj was entirely consumed. " (The building and contents were owner! by Messrs. Vanamringek& Co., whose loss in Confederate money will reach ubout $lt)00,000. .The lre was to doubt the work of ai incendiary. The firemen .Were promptly on the spot ' yilfyffi&ffiffiij ' and wfere sooti at 'vfork trying to subdAe'the, flames. '.T 1 '; Messrs. J. H. Chaddarn & Co., suffered some' loss by the burning of somo timber1 in the' dbek riex North soamcrn Liierarv aJessensfer: zj. yv VT5 fti$r r This long estauisbedvwd -welf-l-nown, Journal of.LUerature baviDgibeeavjrecettttv purchased by the subscribers, will, in fatttre," De cpnddbteH exelnsiyety under: tteir corvtrol -.In attitt de- panments.liQth businftd $ ditofiJ,jthe-vMetf entjr.ely new rf girtie,Aand th.e i Prppnetorsare" sangulueof, 'success ia thja'jttm,wbjc61f' Mgaiine haaevef yef reanxed,tKbeu friends and tbejpubfo 6batbfiBM4henvtnpbAr4Uim liy Jf. f,,itoportantj an.einefprisgeoVing to the awncmest of ehefiiaryaei est of tbe Confederacy. t ' . h v'Argument'6r appeaFfn ?benalf of tfieTnjpS? taee of an elevate mit t'-our cotr, the pbsenee olwiptr'lMtbriirsMS bj-.o,ra. of pqach, among. tbQWeatonf ana (eyi abroad, his But lo tbe attainment of thiygreatSsaidBoine? thing n)o.i8 .D'ajsary .thw .ine'reral) . pressions , of .smaly aud , eocppragemeit, The friends' of 'squlthem Oterature must foster the efforts of our fuerary men to seeurie for us a worthy positioaitt the world bf letters . Imsb :VhWo design!; ihs Messenger to be.aal;ene pis , worthy , of sppportjof.all classes of ou r peOf pfe.'.iV'ft5 shitajpl chiefly,. o sfcaife for ;fcouf ' pages thi projuctions of the highest order of genius ittfd scholarship, and at the same time . sncn articles as win comuouie w. mo uisirae tioti.and amusement of jtbepublic at large,.';, T$ this "end we sba,H give, pur aUention.,o .ansp Iicit contributions from Southern writers in at) the departments of Litelratdre.".' Poetry, Ro manes Review, Criticism , in -sborf; every'eub ject whose prominence is sufficient toeutftle'tt io notice win nave us uue t? tu :fl3Wf friei larcrement of oOT Suhscribti be increased to enable us .to toest the. heavy pecuniary outlay to whichiwe hajl be subjeal. ..Terms fl2" for,, twelve 4 montbf , J8 for, mottths. This Increase will not . affect bose wh'd lubscribed before the 1st' ol Maren? Or deraruost be aeoiipa1ed wilh tni6Hey. f,M-wtC.HVVsjDEtBtiaif feririeilyrf NejW;prleanfjsow;of tktla cjtl wiHcoji. business interests of, the Mespengiir.aud Mr. FaAK:H. ALFaiiiinVof this, city, will' duect its. d1torkf'':mttsgibien,t;',. Cottimiiinfcaffons connected with the literary conduct of theMs senger ;ill he-diceed : to - the ; edifcHf her commBnkations should be directedto thjePrOj; PnetWEDD BRBUK kltKXEKti? "Jane 10.'64. 5 ' PRdSPECTUS Of !" T H E AGE." A SOUHEEN MONTHLY MAGAZIIHL j i i The undersigned has commenced in the City of Richmond the publication of a Monthly Magi azine, under the above' i W-e. It will presf-nt tolts re t 'ersj.selections froB the best European Periodicals, of Literary ap Scientific articles, of .Novels? and Sketches,' which," bavins: already? received the impri ma ture of an enlightened taste, cannot but prove aeceptible to. Uve Southern, public,, 'The effbrt will be made.to keep the readers of the Magas zina as nearly as possible abreast of the literary need not.be addressed to those whom circular is designed tc- reicK weearuesuy solicit .trie, asisiaace ui4our idslhtoughbut the Cobftderacf nf tb en- ob listi Whibbfrittst progress ot tne age. Arrangements imo occu made which, it is4iops'd, will enable the propria etors to secure this end. r - : The Magazine will also present original ar ticles from pur best writers, in all departments, and a special aim of the proprietors of this i pe riodical will be to foster Southern authorship by offering an adequate and remunerative field' for its exercise. They will not, however, under the plea of this design , encourage, by repjoduo? tion in its columns, that class of compositions" which create a vivid and unhealthy taste, to be stated only by that hybrid literature" which Yankee ingenuity has coat rived, under the; name of .sensational romance. The IndnstrialResoarcetaBdhe Education al Interest of the Confederacy the twin foun dations of .true indepeodene.e W.BI receive tba important share of attention they deserve, j In. . the'developemeut of these questionsjts object will be to'make a practical application of the doctrine of States Rights to the policyof the' coufitty. It will endeavor to exphiln the mis sion of theiConfederacywbich is.lo demonstrate; iberty.reguUted by law, to exhibit a system o.f States each supreme within its foundatibyand. bhty bound by a otuutary alienatiori of powers.1 It Will Vindicate those eienientsof Nattobatln- ' dtpettdence, wbipb we secure d by a bigb standi davdof intidlifffrnce and refi.aement.bv accum- .. ulate.d capita), tardea jjnausiryimpy apHnaan facUities of Intercommunication. It will pro-' moe the'adoptn "6T allihosj m.eljuresln which1! the!ConfederatStatesare fjow deficient; AadV whilst i thsu CttllUoi.) of Abe; ippberafce; j Statesforbids J49jAtfnypj ganize and operate enteprizes of a nature citj culaftd to attafn (liw'nihiHifthPWMert9 wlli consider It heirdty'td urgsttftonibe Staiss'S the. develops me nt mtereHs soiadispenseblt j to tbe Mtioutl wre. iltisjbuf Jhat.tMoBf b t the a: the power ' 'gregale Ability pfcjjfce .JIPL,MiP of the Confederate States will be ttikV-itt i.' tKm Uther'lrsior1ii sectional interest! and Ike epresatbkofial ieeqidt kaoribead wjll beavoided-i i f11tbe ilbitpB, jt Jbj9slinj 'tfiM ' ford tdrTtacbers information. needed ' in tbeir , ideason thit bt( to wniek diflnAMissrv..f ance rand -colktbdration is- invHsdySOTtberil ' School Books willfBpticed ftnd i reyjswe.4 mj$l ' the Soothern;sysiifld ack-asoipai to New England empiricism 'aitdpicticalf m ; doheld, developed and UTenZi. ' TeaMs-i-Eachi unmber? 0l-MlFor1uss months $4. For sis months ill Mi sif : The trade will be supplied b? GEpRGE BIDGOODS, 161 Main $trcet ! J "ernest kGAnti&fck?te 1 Wi?M.iB6siiiJbrerEditof.1' r' - '. i .' ' at. ' Jri - . is ' VI '. I - sT 2 ' ' 4 "- A . A . ' . 4; if aI ' Jv i . ;) si . mi 4 v m wf -mmmmmtrmt namu IWWW"" ' flan fttn. i January 1, 1864 T ' if ' K.yy ' y . - y- ... t-r. s . " .