- If koti. 1 L. ' f "is I II .3T"r.if.x I I If i 1 I H riT3 It "k.wjwsb-I 1 I I. ' I I I ' II if t i-i v T-' v. " j IT 5. I II 1- II I a f li ia- "f Til;! tho product of the Hrjnstl ; , w--. ; tfr ;r r - t,1 RicuMoSD. Pb.S n Comroiio:is j' -turned from Frotrees Monroe last night. bad an interview wun xaucaio nu ward. and'Vere mtorrnea uunianiwuy,. ,!,gt ptjace: taqionJy be? Httained b.niJ (:,j:litional su Din is9)b uipf4 vvuhu (ion nod vthei-UnM . States, Htuf l)ia( iie sUverv question had be.en disposed 6(Jby an act'ioo of; th. Federal Confess. adopU iRP- nroDOsed atoenderits.to thecontitpi6h abplisbiogsUv.erj in. he United State. It is understooa idhi. up onicmi siaienreni roni the, Goraniissionerg will be laid before Congress to-morrow. Richmond, Feb. 5, The New-York World of the :3lBt otapied a pase with nrceediri28 nd sroecfee, of 4pard p;Su- Bervisofns in relation ,tp ibe, Approaching I dratt w wt t nfoia;nav!Jig peen increased from warr, Jtfutweqtyne tyus: nd. StfperYwprs, inj(i(niated , that another riijt was inyHaptfJf fteraft was enforced. ISe Worm sayp. we Vjiincil (fie people of this city to restrain thf?r indignant feeling, atlhough we are weTTwarehst they are intensely excited Tp draft1 takes .Jvfaee on the IStb.v u - s , . . Another eoniniitf&er hs been J8ej, M Waiogio? ' to; firge reduction of . the juota. . , j ! PctersbuHo, Feb 5. The nmy jet., iTJonsiratedj -tieavuy on; our right topday Our picSetai'ii! 1 Gen- Qrdens front were drivep inr ea'riy , tW 'l$tf?P$ -; Pr tion of the ennVVforce!eaftled )VaOrboV sports tfMHfcigiss. issocutios, read aiW croa HaKpeVyaufl.JnielUESDAY uxi,Hj ULE8 ajwJ f HORE. skirmishing ocourrtdi.bttther lias be.,, n, ,t - vet. enemy's ttains .lia'j&ftVn.ttice santlr for tfi4ast IwoiehU. saoDojed to have ien ScMykitrodpa frooi tt l lace i our left, -it wei&M' nemy shellirt oarChcntcrfield yorfes. ; ' No coaltteotfV aide. ' v . . , Curdfir 'i-or a fit 6f Faa- fiiuijWaJfe orit' into the' open -.air , von may soeaK. XQtJ .jxnncFto tbfr winds. withodV horfmgiiny one or ticking of a clock';- A4--:Mlfwffi hcrur.'ind -tow1 wiUbtj cladioi .mill 'fay qrif JJjt tlite tiei and Vrbrk li 1 a man.; u :.;. r i - x t " For AFit of Extayftan:afl(?JI y-Gro to- tht wofkUeruse 'aihd ,8pek with the mfM1 will be conviqceq,. thechrjjcal-dl tidVesu tji ?ee rstones: tonir 'JlftfdbKaaS'ber jtho earth.; vowr lillofif: father; and the rranypqjrVnioten : tjd sister. FoYb $ ft $S 'DespoDdeiicyT-ftnok on te'a'toD'h!cli' bd JiaVe gi?effvfoii iahfsir World, atid to those WWch-B6i has promised tq His iblfeWetfeeeXt; ' He who goes into hiigairden-o! I6bk for cobwebs and spiders, no doubt will find, them; while he jwho looks for a flower may retnrn:m ins in-hii bosofii,' .; For all'Tits' of Doubt, Perplexti and Fear W hether they respect the boiv odtiifemiQdwhethertheT are a loatheisbolldera, tbet head or the heart the folldwtng is a radical ai-ib-Day-baVr0lie!d'Ottj, for I laJ it frpm 0 T QreatFhyaiciaD "Cast thy J?ntpen oti the Lord, and He will sustain thee.V, , " For a;::Fit rof , BepipingrrLoo about for the1 halt and the blind, and Visit theed-ridderii -aHd the afBict- anu cmugeu i finu iney will jriake jottMbw$ 'oftt)m)taining ofybdr lighter aflSicdons; Sugar, .flfliC trOm Baypn iafonrche' toBayonVp'aqhemine, ib the partr df iberpie ia which W8 iailfffif&llffti war to be one of. the rjchert parishes in the State of Iaigajnavaid yielded about twelve or'Jfteio thoanhopheads, only ralSlfftBt year-threes band red Pinter hose crop ip$8W -was a Who afcei.i)i8, ftp c oi Drier ana tnora, . l For a rt ofl . AiafeJwgp v?nip I Rtfbted it. This is thQ resnlt of 1 aukee interferences Outrage in Ohapham.-A v letter om a subscriberin Chatham, 2th A band, of roblaeralseyen. o eit; in riumberj entered 'Shg hdn8V;0fj 1hos. :Piz6nJvJ)0:ru tti. (he7 s&V- that he was from home) and .notgar ing liia helpless family, carried off a large quanliiy .of bed cldtliing, leath-i er, jewelry a 3 d otherr vaitiableX They were suposeJto be deserters a$ they had rmj. gunsf enn teens, &c. Mr. Dien li veg in the pper end of this coiinty near the Aiatiiance Khc; in Uie .Cane Qreetf heigbbr! hoiod. Can!t Qjor authorities do some- thin g for ui The ; Nortftif 3arollnal Railroad Company had ejaredaf dividend fi$750,000, JDOR' SALB-i: hay, for klaNAJLS, nS?T, TOBACqOlSON; SPUN COTTON and SHIRlTfellfyf- . micuael" pnowN. "iWTT" QR SALWO MUtlt) ONE - HOBElirMl" sIM tiort od Terms Cash' ia rBftderate" iBeyr lf 00 DN W 8 fEkCB COM O O D NE W8 ?EACB COMMfS-, Jl SIONEBS AFPOINTEDr V.LIN, COLNJasi rwiwd a freeh lot o( that ioiio-" Habte S mokhifTobacco ths ; L . 1 " 7' Can soon if you wats afloat 4 W ,? v ... " v;. BOY4?5N HOUQE J3TQRE. libury.Feh.-ljth, I,dJR;V-p? TTANTEi)--r;Two iilorV4 Wajon ! and .Y Harnesa,Twi routfsrSoiiid Mole nones, 4 oneep, w or: ia-goavs, j Steadt :- AlsoCorn.)atsand:Hay. Apply to J. H. Eiiniss at the ahoe Factory, or John Enniss Draff Store, Salisbury, N. C. ' 6tD. 1865. .uf9tdd(- rpttE ATTENTION XtJirjirfiBM.jgf X ealle'dtdtEe adnessddenrala p'olgopfa? 70 Quadre - V !.V ' m.iariwinH r'.u v 650 fLikd;iGiieni - ?V!"--7'' Brogant, . I H;H iljr Handsaw Files, ! . v''?- iit; r rencn uranay, i aov caf BURBANK & GALLAH.1R,' 7 Salisbury, T; f& Charlotte Bulletin and Columbia vTlro liniaq copy three times and forward bill! ;" this .Office N.C.R.R.C0. Comfant Show, N. Car&una, ) Jan. 27ih, 1865. $ DIVIDEND No. 8 of TwentyBve per cent, will be paid to the Stockholders on an Raf ter the 1st of Feb., 18 65, ia Confederate Treas ury Notes, or in the si$ per eent. non -taxable bonds, at Qovernment pafes ($25) at the op tion of the Company. . . f . i P. A.STAGG, . Sec'y & Auditor: Jan31, 1865. 6td27 , j ' MICHAEL BROWiN, Commission Merchant; WOULD INFORM HISFRIENDS and the public, that since the fire he has removed to the Store House formerly oc cupied by Messrs- R. & X. Murphy, where he has a large Ware House, and solicits consign ments of Produce or otqer Goods. He will' also purcliaseproduce to order, charging the usual comniission. - . ! Salisbury, Jan 24, 1865. I 211-tf Western N. C. R. R. Company Office Chief ENoirraaa andJsop'nt. 1 Salisbury, N . C, Jan. 27 1 865. J BY THE IMPRESSMENT of our Engines we re forced to resume, the Summer Behedule. On and after f u&tdsip the 31st, the Passenger Train will leave bausbury, at 6$ a. ra., and returning, leave (he Head of the Road at 2.. p. to. I . JAMES, W. WILSON, Eng. & Sunt Jan. 28, 1865. 6td216. j IF' NOT hM privately hefore, I will, at (he same time and place, hire out 55 NEGROES, ' conistmg of Men, Women and children. Territs made known m hiripg day. . - " ; W" HO WEKTON, e flit 'el -'i!?! - :-A . Jii2fe,1865 25-5tp Agent of 25. per ceTOIricontribnte tp!AefSMe?'ktWFiaM;: the sum . p0 Lead Peoeikv : tf Bie Negro joinng .(8f'bBo.ftme"i next Ailyi ' -V ifJiWiMUia-'ik- M trfffPTwS WfcP'8-'5 - ' Eery ieem.haa jbeen carefully revised and with I WhUkeyftldr llon ' :-$p Ur-'JP the valuable, aid of Mr. George-W. Morteeia?$Wht;rpesSerofJ6oW:v. ., ih mhfhlii now -nrkMnteu. vil u-noAi orait. per onsaei At hi axjh,,: M.l. -i:.f.,j..i.i.'fi.. mJL...bt .H I Wheat straw, baled, per 100 pounds , 1 and'the people T4iey wopiarespectmny urge Wnn, wshftLW d V-'fi The peofrfe to bJaSten ou with theijr. supplies to mint:up and Teed our gatiant army now as .imhid iastoi our borers, and in Vhose d. !aqtrr and fortitniie, under God, 'wm.9Mm.9Vf9, . - 1 . r parejnption from the horrors of a revolution at Mir nome8 ana camuiei ay ,m. vruruu, inhamaj Voe,' who haye t)ontantJjr shpwi) they only wnt the power, aad not the, will, to de Jstroy w ajid Uke aZf we jiaye. Apples . onea iooQi peaieu peruuisiioi of 28 potrad, $ 5 00 " v onpealed per bushel of;3S. pounds, 1 Axes, ' with handles, 7 each, , v , witho handljM, each " Buenn, per pound, hd rotind Beans . hile or cornfield iper baV el of 60 ppuiKls . Brandy, apple, pet gallon U- neach. perealloh 3 50 12 50 12 00 3 00 7 50 10 00 10 00 Beef, . fresh nether potind . fresh , grqs, pe r poirnd, 1 00 50 saItetf,'perponal if; IJrnwnstaff, good,. tier bushel 2 Ihs , Candles "i tallow,. per pound 1 50 I 00 3 00 7 75 4 .. aaamaniius, pr pvana tracjs, pr pound ' ; woolea. for soldiers cjgtfees. Chains, pbth, ! 11 00 4 yard Wide. 10 ox. te-yard. and pro rata as to. n-ater or less weight or "width, per yard raw,' per lb -RkHperib ' unsbleda per bushel pf 70 Ab9$$t&. :. ' he)ted.acks nut IncluoVd 6 00 1 00 4 50 Cotton, Coffee, Corn, 5 00 5 00 i 5 20 80 per bushel of 56 Us Cornmeal, sacks' nidi included, per "! ? ihoshel of 60 lbs,, Drills, jcotton. X.yari widj i yd ' . t, to pou rtd.per, yard Flour. . ?: extra fabSfy.'feei ' barrel of ' rtpoosds ' j" 45.00 'r ' Isupertiaepe bbl., of 1$$ , .'t:- pounds ;j -;x . "41 25 - V fine, per bbL of 196 pounds 33 75 Fodder,, baled, perl 100"prtrads'' 4 00 ; ."' 1 nhbated, per 100 pounds 3,50 Hats wool, e&ch ; , - . .. (5 90. PV'-We'peillOndf .4 00 ;pbaed,r 100 pound! 3 50 Hides.' dry extra: per 'pound " 3 00 i'" 4dry;'4':';1 - V- 2-50 " "green, per pound - 1 50 Horses., artillery. 1st claw oer heed 1,000 00 M artHlery, class per. head 800 00 Iron, ' 1 "pig; Nov 1, per ton 2009 ,350 00 . J l '. 21 2QC0 . . ' 3 14 00 " - 3i 20001W 278 Oft t i flUm' ,1 If M QfinO f : J10 00 - ' , -1 Smith's square or round Mr , t J 1 ton-43W.hrI030 00. - is i. - aanrieiiahla. railroad nes Ida. ' . M - ' 4 of254attefif - 400 00 .. cartingerpWoniid 'fc r30 leant, r WTOUdomsstic. peiLyard 10 00 lLard , . cleanrTOnd ,- (. 2 75 Leather, to e, far jjonna , ) o. uu -,.', tintuir. t&ti&rinl : : r' -T OO " w r ' j:- ItahieH per pound J.VV 1000 OO 00 T-'S!ili 00 00 Tt'M..': - Oats, shfaBUbskdWlOOl0 v0 . shelled, pWbnsKeltff i ; 4 00 Osnahnrgs, cotton ysrd wid3u-i.-v. yard, Berjrard. .H .- v:; couon t yrf wiue, o oa, ua .. . j i , n ' i .r.-. vara, ner; yard Onions, .per bushel Peas, cqyr. per bushel of 60 lbs., Potatoes', Irish, per bushel of 60 lbs sweet, per 4 . " " Peaches, ' dried, peeled, per bushef of 38 lbs. ' " unpeeled, per Bush 38 lbs Pork, fresh, net, per lb " salt, ! ' Pasturage, 1st quality, near town, per . bead, per; month, " common,; neaf toWn, per w head, per month, 1st quality, in tike country per head, per month " common. in the country, , per head, per month Quinine, good, per ounce Rice, . new, per pound " eld, per pound Rve, - rood, net bushel of 56 lbs 4 00 3 50 5 00 1 00 2 53 00 S 00 7 00 4 00 56 00 50 40 5 00 Sacks, , two bnehels.osnabars. each, ' 3 00, Shirting,, cotton, wide, 4J yds to a pound i per yard ;j " cotton, I wideSfyds to IV pound.par yard, . Cotton stripea. l vda to lb, per yard 1 30 1 10 1 75 Salt . , Coast, per bush w 50 lb 20 00 35 00 I Vinrfnia. ' ' 25 00 8 00 15 00 10 00 00 Steel, cart per pound IShoeSf a army, per pair , Shoe thread flaxper pound Soeks, , soldiers' wool , per pahs Sheep, fat, per head -Sugar, " broVn, comraon, pel lb, Soap, hard, per poqnd . i soft per, pound i- Shucks, betd per ,100 lbnf 35 00 3 00 roo ,75 'I'M . Cr0lSt 50 SO 00 o a washed,, per pi?fn,. pachOr 00 woodaxleS new,each 00 uu. , ninni wni igum uyn uw.i Yarn, cotton per bouehjoW lbs 4 S.00 HIRE OF LABOR' TEAMS, WJtCONS Bailing feng orae, per handed, lbs. ' j 75 nishelygoverhnTent,riMi 55 - HiVe of twot'hArsa tesjnsv4wsmn and .... onwr jrjwfli iurmsiieo.Dy owner per day -'J' :-i v - ! ; 'V1J'00 Hire oftwofliorse teams, wagon ;ind7 . . : driver, tkoa furaiehed by govern- i ' meqt, per day v ' ' ' 7 00 ttire offodrhorge 'tearrtp, wagon and. , fe5 v driver ratibht' furnished by: owner,, . . " perday t 2$ d0 Hire of fbdif " horse teams, ' wagou and- - ? enver rations turnrahed by, govern ' ment pex day' r Hire of six horse : teams, wagon and driver, ixatioas furnished by, owner, pe day..-. ' 26 00 Hir of six horse teams, wagon and h v. driver, rations farhished by-govern- t. ment perday i 1350 Hire of laborer, ratldos furnished hy "c ' owner, per day ;; .4 00 lire of laborer, rations furnished by ' " government, pejr day . 2 a Hire of laborer, rations furnishsd by owner, per month 90' 00 Hire of labarer, rations furnisned by ' . i febvernment; per menlhrr: .. .45 00 Hireiof boraeir per day - 2 00 For the information of all persons concerned, we publish the foflbwin ittstruOFioai. will the hope that lhe. wiH be itricxly olwyed : uiuwf. or. eoi fJi impress me ae pessary, supplies which any person may have for the consumption of himself; his family, erta ployees, slaves, or to carry on his brdinarr.me- chitticsi,:( manufacturing . agrjjttllural implt- mebU.V i: i i .The aext aeetinff oftbe Board WiH b1ieid Ut the Senate, Chamber, in the City ot 5cfcfghl on . Friday, ifo 30th day of Sejkembe1rTxt unless ; sooner changed. - Impressing. agents m,Ust for nifh food and' satisfactory . t eaaons for disapprovals on appeals, er the award of local prwvers mm o approved, aii commjunica tieus sboold.be addressed to the Secretary of the Board, Raleigh , C. ' . - ; ( . i-! tl 1 - J "ill ''I. L'J , (signed)' n. ujm w r at, ' ' Garvsburg;N.C. : R. V. BLACkSTOCKr ; SiocksviJle,N. C. Cora's Ancraism't for the State of N. C. Geo.. W. Mof nccAi, Ifxnpire. ; Salisbury. N.C., Aug. 9, 1864. dtf35 CCfFEOERATiS STiTES G0VEIT?IK3fT LOCATED AT BCHMOMO VA1; J on. Jeff. Davis, of Miss , President. ' Hon.A. H. StfcrHENs.Df Ga, Vicfe.Presideav J P BcNJAMfN, of La..-Secretarv Of Slate; fG'Mrtansraita, of S C, Sec?y of Treaatt r Jas A sfDtflo.sT of Va., ofic y of War, S.t MLLoejri of ,Fla., Sec'y of tbe'lfayy. Hob GEdDivie of NO., Attorney 'General. Jen H Reagan, of Tews, D6st master Gen'rl V 'f..!- . SlCKXSVSe BJP JWCIS Rofus R'" tthodesj Com)issionei of atents G B W KelsttntStfNPnUic PrinthiA v Geh . Sam Qooper Adj't'lind InspecGil.1: . ohn s CTejtotf; Chfeftr Bareatf'of Uoascrip. Brit-Gen A RLaw(bn. 0tartermaslsr Geh. BV,Wnfedjp.I Wveyor f ( ' r So Cnltifatbr. South, jtheenbuiribiftta to eommeuce the --Vicatidn of IVeekty sdr tiott of the SooTHf jLii'-C" p&TviiTok!&p 'A -; tore: t Also, to CurffntTtJeWj, a .synopaii of Army lnieiiigeoce, groeeea'rffvor vongresa, Report. of the .Markets. &c.. e&tracintf eveJ mhhur n'eeenry to render jfa viUe aadj acceptable : w,!. f H w It FAMILY. NEWSPAPbRjK for 0s. Farmers, Planters, Gardeners stock Kaisers, nousowiTes ana DUBHiess raeoet toe Confrdertcy. The $fst nnpbsrof tha-Weekh edition will be 'ssuedon or before the tfrsl 8 fa urday in November. ' :- " . Jl TERMS 16 for fi moatbf, or 13 for, three; months.. Single crmjes 25 cents.' " ' " -. All present subscribers fo'tbe 7fter to be supplied for the1 reraaiiider of this jrear 1864 with Weekly, without any advance i n : pHce. 1 ' Address D. REDMONJjLVo: fdl53 At r . r ifQFPiWpdL for 1 vkich we wiQ pay the highest prrce's i n cur rency , specie, or eichkare for HATS r Cor- ik i r. is ccju naiei of aY-fclaii rttl&il X to meet tbe :xpressed wanta of th Agrt 1 - rgaif a mJem enltnraKaia- ofc'th'nnfi'V IttwTtiil Hsftabtif v.rh v , J,, 8 i no uuper win rata, jiw preaeiiOTBur nishingight page oC Ib nereil It will be devoted, as t?retoforeVto iiWcul- 2000 v3.4;r5rf2$ WTOfT CL ' . icl'Uui li u vji.t...- ' . Kl ' O ' jl i?Wt 0 Ow'TtS UQ H Jfhg; t . -. ' 'i, .! 13 .f Ti'aO'lS-Pia-.V .?..-, .1 a. -, .26 ,27 28 29" 30-31- - V; APRIL, . 1 ( 1 2 ? 3 -4 . 5 6 7 g l 1 16 17. 18;v : 20:-21 23 23 24 S26 'itfW -12 3 A, i&V)" 17 ; 9 tO 11 1: 5X3 ?, 14 llf 17 19;i0 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 " 28 2a ?0 .31 V- 1 2 3 S-': 4 45 ;,6iH.7,r 8 riOf li n ia i45inr , 18 19 M VlttkV9Ktf JUNE, i ; v 55 w-TMm 3a ; 2 3 4 5 ft '9 10 11,1243,14 - 23 24 555 26 285' ' 4irUSlV--'Wrl -VjrX4(;U,r - 13 14, vlKittf UoMllJr ' , 0 21 fv 2a?24 2,M; Q,r.aflQOi on oi ' ; '4! J 5-' 6 -,T 10 11 1213 14 ttf ta 17 is 'viSi'Safia 15 U'iT'fe'W 22.2S 24 25'l26'J,2?,ga 2:).i- i NOVEMBER,,: 12 3 4 5 6 ' 7 ' : S 0 1011 1'2 13 14 15 516 IT'ia 19 20 21' 22 : 23 ! 24 '25 26 27 28i;29!i0: 'W- DECEMBER, 12 3 4-,;5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 43 .14 15 ,16 17 ism I0 21 mh 24 256 2? .8 29 go 3i, " ' TT 1.3 w' :?f WO Jft yon Rt'cynV tfrove" the is, A coad Wednesday . llh instant r et Ititfran Mills the second Thursday,' initairt of d at Gdd-Hffl. iseiond. FrWaynl3ih Instautand will; continue to attend at these placesUheSd 'tbeel'iTwWaJa&ad at McCUBfilNS.rv A"lot of be$ifl TaU9 IU, in -A lb, imps ana ukce .Tnmming T l A tew CfmtAR parhs -v ' QhltifcafiO PA mill .ft m WW V m .B iu pncc- wui eiiner an cash or ex- -1 - S-. X '1 U l,ir,1,tu,t ' ' -Hi 'V ' ;"i A' "v 1 " i 11 11 ' ' ' t - 1 1 1 1' " . y J 4 -5 :' J

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