,5; .... ?. Untrue Wing, ?nU, ioI to he tbr'mil North uf Thtrif Cre.k Wg4TO ? r &Wfm?$ VX&'tf H ' td from ,U .W U-Ue to u; in 4 1? Up t,7, of to pros, 'S fM sent pasmot;. . In H-few innre nlmrt I wmJg. ud h.Ws. lecher et dob hSr.'-o o'clock) Wo 'received Miotliilig bv -o ATftififlW Wa;ta M W U " ': 4 1 a - - t - " ---'iwr ' r , .. T , ' -l.cih -KA- -- au4fa,. inn ' . si uri i 1 1 r -J nj iiii i n.ff'jij v it: infill i. vu-L. .i iiji . . tt r.-, . .'i b. ,. 6. An act tv incorporate tbe HawStr- w 1 Av-rfifiH!litl4An,WrDrNv6'W ,'... J ' i 7. An act o .MJFM , ' "4 to he Untrue tfu ;(j from it is v .sent pasitiot thespringca there' will jiir to believe tbat V wWYte 'coiuclwl U? Ail ffMsvfia.iudvbied. t,o,h above earn le will . coiV'fiOKITR: ST4TES GOVTOIdftt. , -i ' " j I v'i'lj" ' plHs .make ; p-i'inent iminjediately. and ifihse Ji r J v ' . ,! r eneruies. on ,h rtlore gfgfciHKi ihiCA.irVUi win 'nhifh'-te.- I' located at riciiwosd, r. ; 'ver betoro mteropieQ uy inem, is m proper lorm or inur-'ttouce irae puetta- iiu . I nie vxzcuttve t . i VKl . . r uj , v l har of recovery. . " 'r 4 k !' v ' tfitUDff to naake the enauihr : what . J T A ntltftt' kJtJi fr- Jem.J)a?is, of Hb, PrsiiieWtk , ' kr$UQiV; :r - wo niatm; y U?ee his gbt ? t What 'Helton- d9e.Coi;ref(.s U to' take ill tbis HUimporiant m Wliat have they as yi donn ? Lit- ly upffittig, o next, to-noihing.; Time u ti W&USt awake; ff oiihJdf rcrtiapry i tpr nairjn ensures tue arin-,Hjt rxe Feb. 7ih. 1BG5 4id230 " i Vesidonv i f a -w . a - i 3. m mviir mm n r ta. m . irLiuintfln uu . iu. . kammand'of jy r,JitnL ,VL J dfeKSftLittJ, Wake, . -r' ; ; Ljp Ourujy lu Hlwi fi BnSHe" i1?" RicHal tt Battle; IrrAowYiV f p wyc.djei.pjated jraoka ; let therji see'tliHt sy(diB8 watlt fcr 'noiTiitijj Avli:chii i -iKIq f Amviilu 1 horn' luirlf lar nnii ii(&ifceribea ou th 'pti(d o4i9ry4xiiio'iM'irf ' . tlWIUU mwn &udibuis4mtJet iKkt.ilici.woroU rlli.- HEALtQUAUTER5 POST, 1 r j r T' BemW. LSectarv of Staff. -i." 'n".y1'!VSH,li.M, . s pf wkjF " AULORy, ot tia., sec'y ot the HjMrv. the qapit . M I'liMHH fll II Ia IIUPIJI Hill? 1 II 1 1 II 1 II r. T rf iTTl f HM. FII . J - A n . f M . i.A.-;l5 W r I . . W r. i-"- rzrj;'' :. r. . : -zt ... T2F'nmiwKuATia,t xi atroruer ,w?u Mflnufaciurn!r com pan v.- u ; iiiie r. '0. An act to enlarire tbe charteWpt- i!2e of tfie'Truste of the" Yadktu UdKl ; 'KQ .A.tnt-r rkf taidoB. an-a aoor-KeeDeTRnTn it i. r --tv tya. ,.-v . .... ;; .: .. . i'iy-ct for draiainff amp Unds, 9:.EefioluHtind:in8trnciliff a 3 eMary clothiuc s. entity 'of a crime aWiust ha LiDanitvi, ' : -;- :-.i kite i hfvwoi tTinirsiiaa !? urucreu ftriotteu A 1R tawtW, Qiafltuii6te'r Oen P Moore, Surgeon-General. -i ' B VVohri8,' Medical Purveyor. - - .' spring sou iw wwitiuxiani I wrnnann m '. jt 4 I. L.; .2,- rk.r i--iiJrl'-:jli. Rriw. HH ADI.E:Sr"' a .will otLiu a puDiic auu i iu.i. ai fliya vvveT-ci ireir?yiaBHw iiwnfc; :,.-, , residViice, Crystal fataceij 6u 'rde.Maj-,- teb.i .i.ijon.ljveaeri atUxi, .enotr, fajaiaH ui... - k ..f. .... in .-. . ..ii .i...i . . . M i - . r . . . ... . . . - .. . ' ' ' I SI i if. ; . ...... : ( rl "v i . n.' i . t i - LiutuMivitq.'tiHn Kitctieij lurtuture 4ii nana some. IiiI narfdntlv ,.. j oiv . . 4 ,; 1 Jmine'V Liiut B. dfiteatfjmab6gan aid WaloaM rresirUeUo&'ioytiMMi walaat, J WrinAML- nwHosaiiy And .walnuts s, -. , : .... . I W :KhU nd,mahosDa a V, walnu I anif roe wipdd I .'4 taMM Of HJOSi m.iM Mtl. C4ia1r8;PirloKeett, Conine le. fl H FoolfAAijta. (R lllf: 'rwtwrOKBOflJM I gittebw,rdat handsome marW sJatif, j, ,;!J ,:JWr ,W . ,,,0 , ' . (Jeneral; a imj -1 i. LhNit Josiah Collins, WasMnstoa ? qtwalVi M)ice,;;ad an ;to(t reVknftTL .CiiVmuXrkr. : . I Qvf imHPvO. Skillets, c, , , ,t M , , A ud!iWauy; atherthiBj oolilirowi f 'to G E W -jSTel dpt PjjWlPrlntiii?. ' (1lVn :m CoOpfr, Adj't and Iiii?pector (15B. u J1in S Preston CWef df Bureau of CVnscrip. .i..&d0uanee'Qmiae'iv-.'- I aioramVlBloamS Herarte Wor' HnrVA'0owtfeobflil ; tl d ;' termafter. Wilkei; rr:EUlt)edge Johnston; J, .iu ly ; we owe it to Me worla4wltottlTwffn.'xr imicu vitiuasfi9'MWvirai n-j,e8N t&.iMiwi4. marjim. , ; . k.yearar.-ol suuhj .wnrj afuQ,M iiJle ri-ifo, (h 8imi pqrpofei 'AV firatrfiatMay. '( Dr Wm'soM'tt; of Gdstoti- fiSeliard; T''Biik; haKe'!ifcaa;aftr,gy ij .jreptotis 1 ftabb.rip' T. (iiattUaft.beJi.f a.bed; .1 q , holy f gvetr uHJfeV ut'was onend work si y oiner caturaay inejeiier:Bq'jai nrtu fHrtWoiers. M it fi. KERR aots.lf TOR lil 1 lilf fin'i? All Tlfc ,i Wtffii ? Wish to subseribe for tbe'CI IttJWHK my ,.?veB to -he latest geoerattd. Jsa-nuer, 'iathiscommunUi-nnw' LSat Isac. VV Cfarrett, Edecohibe, Xss .."qaartermaVteV.41 ' ' "i ?'' -U-'f f?-: trteatxTh&!e MeGee,T Wake ? Ass ,Cni yetttharleajl 'jiA.r?te . ffl.io iue, memory yi iu? mwiirjuin ueau w "XXUl 'FEISUaiS BElAKf inhert P IJiek, Uiilford!pi Janie Tiatway We Wio oiirsHjlvei? wt laHiiJL52&': to' thW otiiinviim4auiifid:.li6-tU W'ilki fdKd.ffe.' Johnston: J 'it Hartfae ...... ... 1. . 1 .1 I I. ,4.. I. I ilHj!.t' ft bo I 1 J1IV.I ,.H.nUl ill Mulichlirw rait A I - O lil i.KK. U ari ill' ' 11 ' a i.. . wc Uno it w tut? YuriuwuuBj iyw t r'""'. ( 'rlif '? it ,mrw i fi" if Jr.-Secrei Board' Internal Intprote IrY, Gov. Vance, idenvJPil t-V S8;. - JLTt:? fr.alf.it, Jr. of Warren. J H t HDdiW.nw VTtfrr? T . r ' I Edwards, Warren and Hotf -Davhf'D '.8wn. tanathif ibbseiplionc to me without dlay Jks I ".wlT.'t .? .1, ...... cf ( W'V;J".''V. j. ' . . .. : . tlVA.ikrn'iM in K vrirosa flrioiTMBlV " to raW PreBiijani.TjheTeole's Express company.", . -i . r l'J? ':.iirjliVA.jfce'iL I. ...... 'L 1 C..4 . T?k 19 TQCK J.fOOU 4 " "" ' "' f : " . "T - MfloaraeT4WKW.eT'i lei, us renieiuottr quMum,., f n Ttwll,;n rrih TUaf. Durab ajid the ISUn at iicl(i4rh. H 'incre i WtliB-aJlineTatio as oyr (a Jilacij)wja4i4 by? rhe.neray, f oaghWibetoj:fia our re- XQSt.dunbi vthe pprugniJf caroptfMc, fe of paceV loatead off'ffer$Bgl tasi)! k proposals to ou vxmmfcainrs, -a ''rajl1r?r Tafcwvte sjfiww. fees rtii-fliffbrji ! Mft'tSwaiBjio iht tioe.'in thft arHite&,oi the les. Gen. Terry, who seemssjto 4 llWialiaexcepli onefpr, flaa.ihq JTWI to FOR SALE. .1 hav for 8le, NAlLi ; SALT, TOBACCO, IRON, SPUN COTTON and SHIRTING. MICHAEL BROWN, t Salisbury.' Feb. 6thv 1S65. - 22ldtf Soldiers' Families i i I . WILL, meet yoa at China Grove the se eood Wednesday, ll'th instant ; at Rowiin Miilii (he isecond Thursday, 12 instant ; and "at GoFd-Hill; second Priday, 13th instant-aiid vvili eqatinue-to attend n these piacs. the 2d Wejdnesday,, Thursday and Friday in eaich month auring the. yar. I will also attend fat M. G. -Mdrah's fn'iil, on Wednesday the J8th instaat. , i J. S. McCUBBINS, Jan 3d. 1864. 135dtf . Cow'r. Where call jon Hod BLUE-STONE; plue-Mare, Borax, Brown SogafSttit and Venitian ?Red ? ; ,. Also,a:lot.of heauti Oil. Table Salt, in 4Ifr. sacks;?. ,12 pr. Drawers ; '1 djte.pr. Ladies Black Cotton Hose: 3(W yds. Gimptfatwf-LacB Tfiiiaming? 1 J ast over at ;the sture of ; . L , .. J . v . EDWARDS & CO., Main street, Granrie Frnt, I75.ditf v - ; i ; ' ' 1 JSalisbury onvfl rced in theMnka' vf Federal army. ;, Ufa&laVeltook the prfient a W ArrB rJ SstfiisOil,vitt t? th tegbnat TOrnr- our :'UrU'VvWUft' Pr Edward C felieHs Sdperend'ent -of the Insane Asylnin.V i-ftv - IVorth Caroihia U'iinKi Semite:' ' t"5., fec jnj tiitles j jands heretofore entered., i&teadit.heVtiiB;to Jan. 1st, 1807. -: ' a pract to amend thtfeveooe'law.4 - QJdIDoflunton .Tjaduis.gdQn: ;fl j w. reei u uq ip?paj5 JC ?v - S,dv . V HanoVer, Vnd MoVtTdrd 'We&eHee kfiaitle. JrVSecTetartii- J; fttio 20, An act ,tbr tbe, relief of the shertfl : - I- " . Vat....,. Jtr. l-i . 1L An atst ip:reffereuce. to the town pf 12, An. act for the rehet 01 sucn persons in. . iitfsdi as maV'stifiel' from the burning vf the c6moiWtor-&f th:Sini:in2 vv,.uvv - . llHJU'-UISIiOI'T V vlUIf WWMUKt WVi couniy. , A fttftdnfeamR ii3VA.aa tnemhfirft 13iAti?actto:exted tbe time for peMv. . T,. TI;;r-' C'.v' Si ' n ...... . .. ,. . 1: ; " fectin titles to entries of land3.. . Extends Pnlv.na.W Sft 1Tlfl7 1 ' im Kin 111 itiii uai v ijii. .uuaai t . . . t-14. An acuta; estenfl febe ttme-ror.per- T ;T Udj at Jasf pessiotj FiftV'dollarsiperjdftjsidfy! XRedoces tlie tax on private corporations r-y V" ' rmJl .".iv. ftiio KaniHW.a . jaesoiution in lavor 01 inesDenntM1 1 , Jp.l An'ct to' increase ahe-penrty lor T' , w . . : . . 1: Resolution fa payfthe Gomiioaf , ers UpicapwjU & yiij j 11. i.cauiunuu 111 laiui ui tn Buyrtu uiv w miKiivii crimefmitled Jn counties wjihin the ,10. An act to amend Ihe charter of the tewnVsbofy'- ' ;'. OieluaSe oe: eafmdfrtoaa.- ' ; 2T' Ati'aci id regard td Justices of tbe Feaee'iii the County pr Jasquotanti. 2t: " Ah act to resiote iurv- iriab-in eer- fain civil' ea9es irt tlv Court of iPa-'-aad uartxr 'Sessions of Qbfttham coutily. y v i! s23v Au act to inerease the power oCVhe 24. ; An act to prevent persons frodplaV ciing pbsiructions ip the North east' bjanch r uie jape rear, ttiver. 2G,4 Afl actln rglauon 10 tue aenirery '4, ' '. '. mk'3k:. : -U . J LOi Jil-Li:-J.-IiSvtw', 'awa ' ' i . ..; . & t. UiiAn aeM 4e jurisdiction to theJ'S! 7 I'JT V UCaartr tVife; county oWH tic 1 .ppr to cbhUact;wjilf SteWatt; Btlcansiifciwisi Co., for &m$fAj oftaltv , i: ;f.:i,ifijR'i 1 . 21:. ResoltttioB;o a.utrbdr.i ,tt?e. QWf nor to fiu;uisl) blankets, &c-to Fedefarpn son'r nt Salisbury, 111 consideration or the s A m e 4 1i lifi 1 s ef .'ftir mslie:f If North' Gafl&taq x pryohVu liv the,Federa1; ovtMherit.n? 'i 22. .'Resolutions- agaipsi.4he.;,ppljgy fii armiajr;Mlaves.r . - KA'- Uu i .Itetsplutions in -favor pf Messrs1. Ual- Vert afld liters, contestants Uffi$f8lfctfc ui aiMjiuu wumv. xivutyB nj auu uiiina to : ttetli wfeile thereat wa beintg cootesMib fid. '': ':';i: ' v ).M9'iif..3tf dj I . T j .! T " f V-'.', tei of Beaotort.. . ' fc 27i AiV act cbecerni roads. 8.'' Ao:acV.toiban2e the name of fhe TkT ; H I I , ' ti 3 P.ii ' 29. 'An- act to authorize : tN (Coqpty court ' 01 ourry r' eiec- arueus oi ie Wm T Dortch and Wi A GaAhArfp House of Representatives. -zSPi'? First Districtr-Martin, .Hertford,. Gals .Somnd Disi rict Halifax. Edareconvbe. Beau fort, Wilson, Pitt, Green, Leuoff and tlyde R. R Bridffers. . ' ' Third Dislrict-Carteret, Jones, XJraycn, Onslow Uuplin, Wayne, Johustonand Samp-. son J T Leach. i Fourth District-New Hanover, Brunswick, Columbns, Bladen, Robesoni Cumberland Rich mond anil Hamettv-T C Fuller. - ; Jfjtfb DistrietWarren.Faflklia Granvtllei Wake, Orange and if ash Josian, Turner. Sixth District- Alamance, Person, Ca'sw.B Rockingham, Gutlford, Stokes and Forsytbe J A Gilmer. v , Seventh Dlstfict-r-RaHdolphi lJavidsoo, Chatham Moore, MontgoiheryV Stanly and Anwn-T-J M Leach. - Eighth District-Rowap, Qabarrus,, .Uaioaj Meklenburg;, Gaston, Lincoln, Catawba and Cleaveiand-i-J G Ramsay. I ' Niqth Diltrict-Ashe,' Alleghany, Wiliea daWweU AWxandei.r Yadfciai: Sorry, poor- ' - 3ff.An act; o ': prevent qhVru;tio,ns to the passfBgeof ish ,p: Newtejj : 3 1 ...Au ata onoemin? Iniuoctidns.' j( 52, Ap act tQ ; ffxempt . rscVar'J.6ol-; diers.iryrti Uprnuuard doty. - fy , Au nci to ft1qw ''jSrteen''Thiagi8frates' oftjifax!coiinty to trabsact' county bu-. fejpess. f . ' '--x. ' t ' zi: A n 1 9 ' to rfe-arratt.re the iilbl ic ofn Caowan, Perquimns.Fasquatank, 'Cnnt i:nitiX3apabl.!'i-Ti''t'ol Camden. Northampton, Washington TyfM; tbdmptrollefiand tb and Berne W N H-Mmth. ; . :',. kilA,r 4n4Ku Tr-J pref.J" Donates rh$ GtoJogicaf and other unprnmenR to : 35i A 0: act conceiiUre a a4 fees' f GivAft ihft followinff fdtKeAiiear , 18Q5 ii . '. W,' f r:tat'i .:?i,f Ukrvernor. i5,ouyj;a Mjunsem 5 tie $40 per day wheoiepgagea .ptmuc pu d 30 cents Der raimto maJrdnD i,;0 lima Jndcres li7.006 paTrla2h7. r $7,500; chief clerk, to the Trfiikshr 13,500 ; secona cierK $2,000 ; iaecretarv of State"' &3.506J and four times the fee j heretofore allowed : Coniptrbller ' $3;000i anl his clerk 2y0f; Goveipor's prival secretary $2,500; and qaadraple fees; Sui' prime Court Reporter $1500 ; Clerjc to ine Oupljeiue vuui i vuv, aiu juoui fees- Marshal $15 per 4aj while atteudn ia thl courii; Cooaty aod Shperior Court Clerks, ooerjj quaofupwje.es estate salt cdOB.IiOivye Iredell apd Bivte-B S Gath;r. i .Tepthj Distrjct Clay, Cherokee, MaoM JaC&BUU, wauiouu. iiuuwuj.vi r - . HMlan k ? JlWIr L Yannvii MhDowel U Rnthtti fordlitcaetl, Hay woo andWapgaT-G y L'')- -T- ''I T u, 'i'-! mi i "rrf jni RnshWtin Fine 'Clawing foocao, . 1 ' -3 .-ia; .ML1 '.,4 Avitr. stir ornmpn inr shih i:ei W iu.MaaAiflidsA.urit fm nnt ha- ana many oujw rauu. r k:3m& 3mmzu :r & a, old stand , !r U 1jTeb8,.I865.. '. ciiHrWih this. and mainV dljher 'desirabfe articles for safe cn 223-dtf . Qry Wuce. WH'BAfJiBY. . cffifc POUNDS WOOL 'ofawbich e Z Ulf U win pay the Wghestiflripea iau- repcy . specie, prexctianeslorsii a .YV' Npy 25 1864 . , ;2Eesdmtiidnstretiathe'Gbe to proture'uitabJe! tpmiBoHip;jm.ejd., y icipes ? feis.for, the unjpr(ajid afor Jlt; ResoiuoP1a tUerics. .PMW, Jjyipg juuniais ui lue lesutHjssiou.j ' ;t j j '''r" ' '"' " V ' '' '' ''it, 'l' 0 rHAElTIoM OF 1 BUYERS JS. j calle4 1 the an nexeddesirable lot of goods : 100 Reams Note Paper, ' "' 7fJ-:QoadiiiTe i . , ,f 633 -prs Leaf Coitoii Cards, ' 650 " Ladies Galtors, , . 428 Gross Steel fPetisi. ? lO0;;vLed Pencils: Vi . 92 pairs French Corsets, 5 Cases Playing CafdsT' : ,5, '' . 1 " Handsaw. Files, - 3 1 Frencli Brindy, p-Wfitj&IUi i'e ;,v- BURBANK & GALLAtfER, ' i Salishmr? ti. lhatlote Bultistid jod; old'aajQit li was copy tlx re limes and forward. bills to office' 4 'i,;I-., foitimra" $wL, ai?d he Puhuc, that sineir tfte ,firdn)e moviaHb tneifereH&Qw'folfly haarge. Ware Honse,5nd solicits nsign apuraLj!feiJnex tp.ofdr,fcargifig iha, ' usual eomjisnidSfe&f , f , , . . Slisbnrytfl8.V- C!' ... 2iL6lwkWw!e Mrlnt?orUo HEADQUARMRtflPOSTj!! a ji .3qoai. ;TWA. 4,1s bfrtl uajgiueQo duty as.royost Marshall attliisp'c HeVi? . cause pbbffc property (o;1ksti andBtt3Ctr?Cor,toJered?.j 7,$ of. aU pers,,ns liable to MHitaW.ljaw: " V' AUl-l also require kll pertofti briWimagin . A vtj frig:Gen:BRAbLiSYT.Jdf LiiAM v "J . v -. a-; J, '' 1 "h" - "i ' !'"L""' 11 ii 11 I II T S

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