-1 i . -1 WYMOTE? .HOOKseuer. ana mmnner.- . - ;. , ; 3V Saerei iaw(auwBy jflaV J. T. Ileal' WRTCTTAv Jllffl OF- - A fin ill i " excelled order Tor buai--ness.: Our TuwElata bare beerl recent! J repaifrJ f -cf tr.atfa good as new. We hae also aUcd a nxw.FUI forjow Li l.-Ui 4-lU , W V 4V . I .Hi. ; It , . w---: w - iw--i oi. 11.ino--lllnBtra.1ea. tuu cw.i . t : v .. ' t . it- f io mo., wimooi f nrf fraur ontf tocues water. -. i extent IL uesflcr tr JnuffV . . . - ' . i n... L n rrmnnr mI han GRAYSON JL j coaches, good strong horses,sbber and alfenUe'drieii-5 i FA RE rrowi Salem io Grayson Springs $5 00; t6 WviIievU, the same r PSsseogcra taFinghls'Liuetriif Test assured thaMVevwill bVfurtii9hed)th -fraried asaortsteut cl Jtwwbl aoa lancj- -r v Hy " " Pry Goods, Eald wtit, oVcfccrl ?a, Ce, air of w!mc'.i I.;c txen tiaca i;i a naual cara 'aw J atiervlkxi; in alt tM ira portantcoo:j. . ,tioal of f aKjry7f. aod prints i aou tfHc& U.ctirrnin er4 c-:. Lir irc.. .C : J a r'fil art J t cf i'j Icjt e- 3 -T.J at tr&ch. a of i lucrue ai focrf rlfH aci kty bole and ebb Uwt ; wyoi rlUc'i rcea auj bitif,aor. dowtllir -. i' i rpor birr, rpitt Ixnl .nUiii, ire. bench acrta, iriid stones," H;r '-ytxr., at . U ' ' X i.-.j , .4 J I i t ' t ax&ac tia tmd cats- t.r : u.. j c-T .ir-: toLltr; Oul will i!eU-tV.s a. Mr aniYsr i- w ill r.il it their ia the ljaccimodatloha Hhe coaftrv-: . o7 uuDUtinruiAfi nu'jrusjTiini iiiat uu panio win ; r-aiv 011 iJip1ik oPhelTtr .SAB. . . . a I iuii eioia. xi uui piii wsra, w. i . 'i cm ! u aipit nir.Kuui 11 enr uiuci i th.n i,. .. u .knit irn mff cum AriinMi iiki ifcrn rurr ri luinrii A Hittori ofthePerseevtion$end BUlt$tfA Rlt l SnilltLU ALI la this 1 place, ho ?er. p1aS-jblc . t - itie okmg guagcmJ I r fToUoimr -.Bjr Rei,J. T. neaaiy.-i oi a. u. tvaua Aeqi ai ining tmeecbea undo' oter ihem B.at uex" can a a. J fKa ma tpntt tnimu f 1 ,ia;iii lltaalraieoVirii;loUi4 ""lorti t -vu' 7 j hlnm aiirxrior ia!uwitvni' lo ibe l .. rovraaLcaUoeC ipaiSd .U-i V-lolo. Sttody. Pcbool Mi-, , , 1 , tttiiK. u.i. th. .ittto. ofibc mib. i,cf and boxwood lulr. aenbo tnd ?aa frcltj an! will nala ureal U cira L.n tLi ..-cacjer jjr ctbej bcrc3 ja vera tarcLiv4 after ib dVcIl:. 'a rxl b .Vtw Ycrk, wUb c::!!m L! . u adl tL.j lccf tbaa t. o-a wU r .related fJJ? Re. J.T.HeadlV : '7? - IIT 1N(V Ai-TilTnf t t- - t-... n.'R.. J T. Moid.. ..II M. Qi nu an.l mirofiiiM . - July tojilt "25: they want; a'awe aio drtermioed; A iOCTNrSs ianf ;ir. Ufr 1 to UourGood..t suebpritpa lUtwill ' : .vaeaUat'DrTZeyeiy.'i-Ifvtel fd'GrwVoroogh;t. vdfe. By RanaT.Haadlyl.for. Ifmo. I .;r.rrw f A1iprTlTAV f ; . :! ifiH8lwiiiap!Bl"llin a'B1eh.rbo tiikU cloth; '60 eenta-i; l i; w v! 1 . UW . lui.llilU.1 i - Li for IxinfftOT.: ut!incflniorL Ruthftf-1 Biographv oftheSawowndAU JpMc.-'-:- :W kja iusL fec'e'ird an addition to . o;.r?Mafrnfy and. AposUc-. t- R.t. J J.r HeadlT1al- nnrOP, Pfinr? If'H Tti!!ff r!?'f S Forsy th: County. I . Philip Snider, . V i&aj-; :x Philip Ijochenour. Josh-,- ua Snider, 116yd Peddi- l cor$ and Pi.ebe his ysi feOrigioal Bill. n Equity, Spiing hiflife. J ol. i8ak, Illneiraed5Q cuj4 Silk rsucaf v t-'wiatd.-cztra'7c eaata . " V, Silk. &C.vXJopl - t ' ! H,riTft of Sacred lit. .Brtltt.SttiA.. Ribbon. Htmc o7iue.ve-r Iatctt St jlcs. -m icatU4regeLvlaoea, Uarrgra XJophered Ribboo and drawn Ribbon, .Hyacinth Button. 'Gimp, a illustrated with splendid W-haoiiful.Wof,Welf silk Friit.Kkl lic.'aod aaki tbem to caU and eiaon for. therrvaeca. ftrrnly .belietio?.. b time irpent ia liia way wUl ml to.iimr loatfothem. ' ,t X : i-Among 'his 'stock rnay U Jouod a ff?nral assortment for ujtimra, Yornu; ahd 'BvV wvarl sucW aa Frenchweat tif Eiiir. Blffft'd Amfii. can CUua' of .aU-tada and eoloras 1 Cassitnetca, Sattineta. Tff, Jeana, J French and English Drab UDi. Caah. I ntetettt. CocIr'mBio. Valencia,. Wwted and Linen Cotuinra. Bar pal? and Ui.iota Drills. Grass and iWuvn Linen : Saiin. ailk, loaraeillts and coMoo , seslinp cotton paiitalooAery an endlen variety and at unusual low puc ; silk and linco Hdkft. fancy aod'i4io aitk. lin en and cotton cravara and tieai loma, eullara, suspenders, boenry ; kid,' ailk, buck, Berlin Lisle thread and cottoo GUves 1 silk, .far, ruacta, aaeiican, paaania. bxborn, peart, campeacby and tij a I; a-w arts, fln (wis. lUrl tl.-'a f luarrf and brttli. U SjXI I screw, va,L. .btdf fprig, lackssofa lrin"pf atol screws, carat.. iiiLcr Urd, dcakt box and ttAk Uc t gusa tnd mahoKany kftub, ttC CX. cC . ! T1I f f.TTT"7fl still 6id to diC- cuiiy to s-lrctirg anaierUl, web aa Eogliab and Armficaj knob locks, atcbes, boltau uaiU. avraws. abwtter Us I cning whire-brad, patatsr o, P"y lass H X 10 t. 2-2 CO, rmUacinf taa. y otiter iMVr oeejrj fur uyiidiaf Mirpuesail of superior quality, aod at wprtctdtuttd low prices. f - YTVTiTnrmn m find eom- pl le aavortOMrat ol Goods lo.tbeir line, a 1 Bo is wbicb nay be foiMSdiSreilpaw irrua, akea aiid .Vrx uf dos, axiij steel and fro boeSgSpadtsstiovi U. bay forks; g ram, grass and toe r a)ibr. Ti:;Ejr-:! tectums; ai nit :uox.o:;scdn x&xby.. vo. 54, colo rnttw T. -?rs, thai .ir.j I ir ;icctvl. their ' tt nek 4 ... .. " . l.iNG Alv'D" SUIGIER lUl .-y f:rt e;oir-1 ptaea ml mil irt irwta a Wi3cerv.!y make a tnc!. -f . , . All tWt awk. iJ lb tHi'y t it a-- tdcittitmatcecl tbe t . ; t racrirrW 1 St the kada of a lilr' ! j-i.'jc- - . . . axKl fee tf J44B d9 r-e siH to purcie aere if tbe m C-5k-. 4 - A!, CalfC"ee, Cir.-- Lt, jVi; ' IU rmUUm. .Watt T ! a -.t td idam. a. nU. Mwl'W, OruUuS JCMWtt Crcmbaf llui)ii;i,'jt. .A tarii-f U 5ar itni Janet . D'gir f-a aa4.lMntMtS -UUtaw t Lr ud Kjfa, . "AQ kiil eX CfT.: .. ata,i X7urf rucb'M LirgTUli ad Kfrxb CVbg aaJ Cacsiaartrr, . Cssbammtr. Ktirii. CootintM to pvtikaS 'ibe four Wadaui Bfitiab Qwarurly Hitiiwa and lbcl wood's MlpXlM IO diRjio Inct tbey bate rrcentft cpawrtwrrd tijd . 1 memer.Oe4be, lrp D&a, Vwrm liCatton e4 aivo Aatcwtttri o 1 4ca ibM urU(r, A ar x? pi ealbd the FAS'xia'a Cnoe n5cta3 TinO 4KS rAL-7N Jl. .AciNUIttt by Henry rim, K. Jt- S , E.b . borg, UU y( ibe DKlTflkt Jmrw ckc: assttd l,y:J.I " P. Ni., kl A.rNew IUrt 1'fi'tVrM'f fce.tib Af rehure in I ale Crib gr, ckc Tnis bigttly ratuablv work jll cn prtee two large ijal Uia t4m,i cuttiogknitea;t.g, trace, belter, Ueal,caiaiMirttr UlX) pt, rtb 1650. ootland bub chains; Iron and wood! p9a aieierrgraiifrs, at tbac km TJbJm VMtiitr Itv Prok-nor Gvrntn. all anrla and airM Imiti . mwA Mulht I . : - tm..!.! h, r.. . 1 1 iv... ana nai m iiaiF. olc.. occ .1 1 . ... ntiw....:. . .- . fcHtuueK iowdcr.., and , ' , v' - men s, giris ami ooya Xvgu ana Ciiuca, , fr . . ' ' " - ' nes - exep snears, serine snaiiet, 'Si-j ,hj iiwi, ia ie ttf Catharine Wift wcyib. t4. eDojUonre, caas aty le 4 the tn. iMaMra'tiag atmoel ft, n daiafeimi ' -:-4-TByW "TEA!lY-f !ADE CLOF'SrY ht ILC.V1 .wf H'tti'r .eel, irtm. Ac, Uef faxntrs, lU Ust anitboda c4 apftoUieitdlact -'rtSS L"1 !!?" 'r? aod at price. .Wb ,U.i H-.g. H.o.fi.f. K.yiban.sti.g, cdurt.ihatsitid defendant, Joshua Sni-iW?"" ! ;7,LV;v . r 77;- . a .iT. - ' .it.. eoaOiotitoeai': of.lbeir tety-' liberal pe, cie. cte toe eartoajs tWeaJic aaioW. denoramluhayuntof U,istState r '"Tjf 5 SS! " , ' v i.lbrlugnel perficW; l.afcrel. tb. ItHhereforethatubU i??&Z?Jf 'fialthflLattd TTlla TTnWr Vs,ere tbe Uk i. be made for six weeks 4q the People's ;0f thev-Sc?Tptun5ii,inwpida.attlengUiV Per Valises and Carpet Bags, Umbrella and 1 7 T rt 'VZi ,nt Will Etui the be anurtxr.! k.rl. cd-ei reVf h of tneaki.UUe al- -Preaslb , PaW.b. Spice Boxet;Mklcb,S.fe. ami 'tlT' aJce.r totk-,od,M aaf,ieej..re. ' Snider, personally to V atul appear be NrB The Uv bookaur b'yrdad M fc , Fre d . regard P Jf fj' i'Sri 77,2 " -f i--hrd i. sJ r .w tr- r .L; r .... 10 order, at iLe priajoen'iine, freolios , ... . f".. , unnerailed IS) lb armls 01 (be Hce,"T W' naii hhiimj, 1 int i-trrrst X h . ' . .tlIouse-4nW.iaton,'oithe 2a0. Mond.ay5 tee4D(';f-onleis.:avlr1i-tlie roonet. aluo,'y thiiii? usual W kept in stores in ibis rdace. i w wie ine special biico- t .V . dwaite of ibr aire I t.r. aiUI - abirdibMomlayinSeptemterhe .- Ai T. ZEVELY c Co.' !K-W cnvers 25cei. rwb. L .Ur . e . 11 ii iiai a a aitv-. m aisr Miasma, ruiuiiura iivh 1 r a , - - - a t . . . . .then and there to plead, answer or de; mar to the complaifiants Bill, otherwise judgment- pro con fesso' .will ;be r taken against him-und decretH accordingly. . . Witness D. H Starbuck, Clerk and Master of said Court; at Office, this 22d day of JulyA. D. 1851 i : 0 D H. STARBUCKS c m. e. Td BuildCTS. X v The building of m Court Hoase and Jail will be let to the loweUbrdder, on the 8th day of September; at, the tdwn of W Json; YadkjnCounry, wheii "and where-a 'plan- of each: building wiU be exhibited. The plan. of te Forsyth JailVwUI probablbe adoplcd Both buildings to be of Brick.1; ; ! ; TS'RE'GLE;,v - T.1C. HAUSER, yComm'is- . I. JA R.RAT l -) July. 25ib. 1851. . . . 25-6t. ? . Salisbury W atchman and Greensboro' Patriot 4 weeksi . - , . J. . " T EXGUSfl AXD. CLASSICAL SCHOOL Tlie subscriber, determined to open a permanent school in .Winston. For syth County; ,as obtained a suitable house for, fifteen uionthg.v The fall session will begin the 14th day of Jiily'and'clcwe Jthe Ulth day of -.Dcci niei--f'?I.-'4fei. t i - .' . 1 $15 for L3n?6a?cs. &cl ' 8 10 fd higher branches of English.. "5 9 tor .lower, branches . lioard jnay bo had in the" town or w Salem at fro-tv $5 fii $6 per mom h. U -WNTa"PANKEV: July. JH51: : 22M5w JOPPER,SHEE!r IRON AND TIN-WAltE 1 MANjDFACTORY: May, 1851, m ' - - , '4 ' " SALEM: ; MILL: JL JLI JLw TIP H E ? Subscribe "'tspect fully -an -- nnnnrpa lf lli nnhlir I hat h irf'nrrt. . . 1 . Ti. i t-. '4 s. . pan d to execute all kiiids'of work in bts 'iI-rV' I - , 4; r k...;u.o w:.h' Ii..t:.- TTT'HE lubscrilier ..... . ; -"--ibis old and 'well known Establish Merchants at a .distance -can. be ""V'VV r" f. V-T " 1 oruers lor - - -v haa taken charge of SUCH' A3 CUA1S A.ND VF-nIS. rdk. Ivfta. fcd Kiraat-ICSBLTSi Ijujii A4ft ilt SbstJ aVSsl EllTTtTl, Gt,ib -V CldCS ; l'uU Itaj . ,. sw(( Fai a, a tad a if e4 JZ&lCZX ' A LAHGE STOCK UP . - CDIXJ; CUSS .WDIUKSWAEE, . - J1.OTAEE, tniEEYi , " ACcS-tYorthrrii CniinftC" A ut4b arinbr 4 llfUs Mu .1 r.A. r. A h wrw gbiu.e 44J TICK C t irrxiit?. A'l kiawfa t-f Prilace lakn ia ' . , CUT 11 l t' Wci supplied wita; Tinware, at whoLsalr prices. .T ,r;r-. 1 HOUSE-COVERING AND 'GUTTERING done on moderate terms, And all kin da of ,REPAirila clone, ar short notice. .Okl Copper and Pewter wanleVc Salem; April, 1851. ; , l3-6n -: -A GREAT NATIONAL PICTURE ! :s - fT WASHINGTON, . ;Frofn, Stv'art's CehbraleJ Ihintinff. " riphislarge .Ifnu ;.njagni(icent Frtt LKXGTH .PoRTRilT tif VxmixG ton,"-, from' the burin )f an American artist, is considered .by-all , who bae PRl!lTi;;3 PAPER. J Mercliarit'S'hndTactorT ' 4 The Mill bas recently been thorough? 1 ly n tilted with new machinery, and the i subscriber beliefes h" can fiimiab paper of as 2cxkI 'quality and at aa cheap prices ascati Tbe purshascd any where North I''. worsted oa cottoo boaiefy; or South.' ' :-.-.X coral, Bjoas, 1 c Unrated aod CHARLES E. SflODER. raor-ki--flatto, alk, h.U thread Saltm; June 7,-1851. - SOMETHING NEW cbarurlioa bUck, mode Ind fancy col ored anik, fiiuUrd and FWcnce adkailk imi line and luei're ; prtntrd aod plin bareger, organdira and lawns ; - bar. eg ' de laM; linen I ml re and tlaorr, mbroiderrd, dotted, croa bar aud pum amiaa murlina; Victoria lawn, yaconett, caijnc aiHl'oiall aMVtlinr; cra bar, pltid and rape checks mtt.?biiA, ciJiarrd, iancy, fiaml ami plain I'biUrt cl'iibr UMMMtt luetre, tnou-Im de lama aud ai paccar; f re neb esrlstop, ctaulcay and looieatie gtogbamt coWcd ad-bti corset yeane and cruUng l I tears, all ma k er . grades and frcr; bobbW4rt, cap) lace, wtL) cafies, cud and cXLn$, thread and wore thread crMtost 'edging and inserting; jaeoaetf, awtsa esaabrir, avilgiogw aoJ- iowiruwfv; u0ets7 sativ, bonnet, cwpi ' week,- asMl llt ribboos; lii en cambric and embroidered corner lidfa; silk, worsted aod cottoo hosiery; and LiwJ mW&. A. a! aA ,,r" w of which ikn b. ll'iwy. tic, . b.aamr. axew oUt.. " 'IL1 i1 kit, ra-T., 4Vc. Ve all o tbe an! aceumnMaJaitMg trrisa. l SADDLERS A IND HAR ITlALiERH wU gl bia Tbe Bnuk r riwlicaJs rermblkUd arw aa UlUva. t i . THF. LONDON "aUARTERLV RElEWt(C.4rrrair.) THE LD1NULUGL1 RF.VlHW t amlkprice, leratab adtaav I ( Whig ) assort tsges.-taav must laaaue a ewotuiwawce of tb-ir patronagr, coaneiicg etrry tbinff usually krt o slorrs ia tbeir lioesucbaa, . r Atukapas. etJumUaa. Ml UckT aide ad pigv Trees; .hog akias, e4UMl2ed 1 alt, pad skins, pisU calf akiats, jltbea,-addlrra rillr, rimrjJs,-rmrs, ttrce cave, tnrrtxf, '.1 arid ci4ton; rLr,"" girt1 aud trin jwUti, rtraiig W bbt t4ted. twaie sad Utmrd c-act THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Fifecrurck) THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW - at m iLaueral. and . . - r BLAf KWOODSEMXBUUG MA GAZINE, OVry.) . -- AUboMgb ibe srrtka are dial ii fae ed by tbe jJrt'cal afisVsaUf udrat ed, yil.Wl ! portMa of brit cm ietils Ua rd ft poetical sru. I a ifctir u4My cairieirr waxra pi A X7crl to tics a la Aman. ' ' We o!d ny citUy -Ji-nal kr s tlVian t. v W -i4 am l ) tkoaa pneaibirU "arcxni'i te tw-e4 WMMlit'f tt ie Waniba su r. tbat il yHa'tP be cbafgtd mult tuu r urAtdatr. . May, IS51. " H-tf. EEIGS AD.l!EDICI.ESa rntHESMWribirkat. i( iM rerrttv!. T'y' I"" . 1 - - - '"".i'. Mi.an.rka kii- g X . ; . , ,j , . , tana eo usssstt tar auwte au Uvi (wrvala i4 tbor cUaa. iTwciwa.ullj id r 1 be marly gedte ad CViif- Pftrr firrlk, trmmlm U aswarw ee seetrif tit be one of tfeertanat hcautiful.; FOB SPEING .AND STJ1HIER 3jecimens of art erer published and a JC CokRKCT laKKNEsafroaaliinirton.--Xi lOUl, The iiza of the - plate is e'rhteeu , by , iwwiiij-iuui incurs which win make a , j'iand cotton-gloria and mills; freoch; J ncesilk, giwp, rloreneo and linngar- tao Bw)aeu; ltd tea .tnd muwe 'J carry Ijtid, enanx llcrf and silvered l'rpp rr; gaiters and ties; kid .and grain w lied a a aTf. . tKHm-maoa sooes; KuDinacet a acwmg "i- t5S-i:i SAUSBUBY.-s?r handsrMpict & MAXWELL, should be 10 the bands of ervry Ainqn- L w- k, can citizen! ' - A RE now receittnr.a hahdsome as- It is a correct copy from Stuart' eel-: -sorti .h,. (Wm tml rmiMi. Lnok aiul I Srt aa4 iWk ir,bM atrtt. ' : 1 L:.i k.LL-J . I tt. wall ai prr mi. 1 aj. tl Um. ad buggy saonating; bame, bw, I ibrw tbeir ckt. f tabe, ad m Ik at lbr nueatrs, lerrets, nooas,ckeyv,sif 1, aoaf, pad crear, trace and balitr U4oa attd rtn(s winkrrv,' Toaettrt, sad dl r'slml; &ediC V- Sboe Ma k era wur aMt wkk a Wry 4iraMe rtoca 4 l l.t Ut.VG. aa l trL, Trikcai aai city ti w1 calTA'taa. a laatiiffMt, I'rvocb Merroaaa, Lid akiae W, gataa4 aarp athfd Wakings, fml. Un sa4 wkH beiaga. tkrv esU Mar,TiiaMia aadrrrgawWaa4 aU. WitW, srftaHM mm kaitas (r a, . a kbr.iT. (.d i st tbrs ti : DOOUll OWff PAINTING. PATEKIrEKCH CEMENT PAT ECOM MENDED als copy rrom btuartV eel-: -1ksorlrnetit ol Ury Uoods.. Hardware, ebrated original Paintingynow, at (be Cutlery, China, Glass and Qucenaware, State HbiiM, Hartlord, Coiin.. v -'". ; ,.! Hats, Shoes, Bonnets, 6ic&a . .. ; It 13 finely' engraved and printed on! l-.Tbe attentMn of or friends and tbe super'torr plate paper. ThaUil.t'nay. U. , putHcgene rally', is respect fully solicited; within Jhe means of all the puldiaber .tceiiiowrftoWTZaVcneoPofJWcA has reduced the price toX)KK Dollar II - - , y , - , fX8 All persons reinitunzthr amount I .ttn,l7 f 15? ny rely upon receuitisr a oerfcet rn., or UOW8 " areo, iiiy-y. by return of mail U any riart of the I United States, (carefully, put uporr roll- XMr, AX are eaSilyrbbtained. andit can " be prepared, and -used by any one, with common wliiwasfi ijrt ." ' .; ONE TENTH THE CO3T4OF ; ' ; Ot&Jir LEAD,5 v I ThefaVtJfif Ug using Uiis valuable'DTeser vafi ve ol wood Hin'K-laM''-.o all the yariqus " colors is nownred to the Agierican pecIelwbrk can be sent by mail at single, letter postage--single copy, one dollar:? seen jcoples Five dollars': Addres.";ptMtage;jpaidJu Barbel, No. 104. Nassau 8treetr.New Jfork. -. 'M urJEdiiors giving thiadveriisemenl (moulding jhisnotice, a few insertions, ainb sendrogHbeirjoaper with it marked AJt li:Ni5y Pfic...;Gazette,-.--, New Yo3nihavepjfof;the work V Address airorders (post paid) td the eiubJisheYi i- a i'A -. : i. -.. v ' f jJOHN S. TAYLOR: - Bobksellerand Publisher... J43, Nassau street, Ne York, r ' Jjwie 28, I80I j .;--t 2l-3vt. Sfalepf Aorta ,.irolina, r FQiTSYTH .. COUNT Yi u eyrs, giwip, braid, bobbin, tape, enrd, z phjr.wortU.tt; gold, silrtr and steel brsds, purse aud bag rlMs and trim mings. A large varkty f latest atl drrvs trimmings; brown and Xkacbed roulins fiae, snediam and heavy 6tc ECONOMY IS WEALTH:. , HOUSE KEEPERS and ibose about entering on this toU resiiog ra tf their lives, will ana au tnar is nsetui or.itrsi bcoi trare, UaM, ttMWi, lg aad tr atieka. W Ua asa atkka, UmA wafcl. ratJe, and : their .wants can be .supplied I r WrL. frsaeb rUr, brl gJkMa, UeaU. Uaiiag. ft. Urra4 fcc. . i . - -bailors wUICd Uw Wl af saaUr'aW U lb ir lire. mcJi aa abear. eav foac cbarx, srdl. avava, eoa, aarts,rt4 V eaavawa fdimg. ar!af fa4 lbrl, btt, bcaW a4 triaaaug af all aerta. CcotKrt caa ptxxmn a fear aaera'el lb, f draeirg lr. ntt.tiiHi Ua kssa, a aaar U4eas aWai tow BOOKS! Webster's Dictioniry, (unabridged '. : do ' do- ; (abrtdiredl - Ly neb's Expedition to the bead .Sea, -1 and tbe Jordan ti Coltca'a Deck aod Port Abbott's Histories'" .' Botany; Philosophy, Chemistry .(Comst.) "tones' -Philoeofiby, u-. 1 - f '!;. J Botany for. BegianeftlL; i --. Uuim s Uomesttc iUedi'oe, :,. , .lk MM UL - ? . ii EvBelo vs. Christian ' Butner.1 ' I Tyiltra UnXyersal Hiatory. Original AlfochmeiU letied on Laqd. ;:!Uari1 " J: ' " . nicciiaiiHi , . v r -i,. latee, Arnerkan, Com- BulUoo's Laiut Grammar .and lUsder rojiomcr;. ..js.t- original itiacnment letted on Land. .Tj Njhrscasp it appearing to the satis- Mhantc -ext factWof the Cuit thautbedefeiTak'?la," dantOmstjan Butner, is not s; reIent-H r, C"5f f!kh! ot tiHSj etater-It.jis .therelbv ordered : . . : that publication .be made jb tbe Peoob'. L n . . Sill Ve8? ,pr wcf ?oU'yng- he .dtJ- Todds. Student's ManuaL lennaiit to appear al.t he ncxL Court ofs. r itl : for die county of Forstib, at the Gouft T P 4J Husein Winstor,, oo'.be thirJiMoud.V,Ur,f-1 n" k'U H J of September nextnd aoawer, plead, o "J N-felf ,1 tepbvy, otherwise judgment. will b9 1 ftVv, fesiaments, Hymntj .t ken pro cpnfesso against hW.aud. tbe . t?' C Fore IWok , " 1- :4and levfed on condemned tbjtbe iv : ra:Aywr, Jye niie, a c?? and i4.s?-r-- I taction ouue.f latnttu's ttebt. i-;;A.w?r "" ""''r; . T. - 5 rf' :t nrHlE-snbibwjshihl our CIlOO!, .BOOKS Sn comrnoo oae.. :We6t,logbi8'pUta Monday rrirT V ' V'w t L 1 e eeWlcomabTe t?rlmti; S5i ,22-6w::; .Tb. r - ,;BLUM ;SON .g.HoliseM good Baridfer tii Y '' L xli:-... " : . u , : , , : a , jKtW.ra..sAi iLu w ts .,;.rr- bl-anks. i; : - AiiM-wo,,. 1 .w-;V sr'l-' vr ,.-l -.-. -x t -- bcir future patronage. Among bts stock may be (bund a large and varied aeort inent f cooking aWtrs, with all.tbe u tenaiU aad apurtervances, also'tm plar staves' pota, ovens,-' ak diets, spiders, xbl inms,' waL and wafer irocs, tea keltlrs. boJers, sauce and stew pans. earthenware china, glass and queens ware, ivory uannie.aiKi comanoo uiun r aud desert kattes aid Ibrks, carver ateel, cook and butcher k ultra and saws. rpoorrs, castors, coule muU, scab a and weights, gfase, brass, tma and tin can die slicks and lamps ; pails, buckets, VAs. keelers, cbube's idns, bed-cor?s; balf bushel, ptck and half peck mea j mres;' cocoa dippers; iMic Is and ln gs Xi flfxl brass aauirona. teiis, nai a . . , . - irons, prrarrye aenussou spiuooris. waiters imsetts and single, bread and fiia6r,;tfys;- scrub, shoe., wall and b'andHirushes sim brooms; bed Jick,va bbj eUMlis, blankets, sheeting.. Crpri chain, ingrain, Veneiisn'scdtbtf e ply cari)et.and Stair'esrpets scotch, us ia, iinrn ana conon iiuirina iuwrii ing duipV'cfMb,"at(flitnak piano'and table eovf ts cunala and frnuurevda' irtaakclRtil.: amfr:lerka;, Cringes, biiidlrtg, band botrs,19p'-ad candk wick; parW ind ubtV ilcbiths ."'sperm bui tallow csbdlcs; aplibiktom chair's"; tesidts towmenwis otbrr useful aud ave-. .Cfssi rjr articles; all f wbkh wrrV bo. gin with au aitrirmc; Irvm tbe.arriat amis -t But wr sjmI caber. Iiu rary notable, nrn rw for that magsxioe, aod lrt aariag ia its coUtams Uiib in lift at Britain iml ia tbe UmKd SiaUa. Rueh wtk a- -Tbe Caxtoa" ai-d - My N.ar fwr.T fbult hy. lUI.rr.) - My rVai. lr Medal," -TW Green Um 4 start arrmis.a which mum reus rival edit are trMd by tbe IcaJieg rwWisbrr U this country, bare to be Tt-emtrd frou. the pagrs t Blaeksrooif, mpcr it.Loi Irrn Aars. 2t f Caw. en ibat HtbrcriUr in ifc-r Itrprmlad Ut Magaxjne aay aUsts rely hb batia the eatlkst rtsdiag of ibrse fascmatirg lak a. -m - . ... . . TER US..: ret saw Ptalaters and CLasleracaa br a'l lbir waata affd Mt .ilM w Xi easud ii badf bai,U4rWra tin'wa If strip. - ---- Sal mA . mtA mr k fuf ilrsrMb s rUr WwW,. sab U. j f ,j 40rtw.rlrv patsl bmmh, fv a . n L.U n ea rl v fi h taU .1 "1 V a'FisbtrapPsorncfedf cnase. arevmviteui irttvi-... . v rvmM ri.i ri..v.i- s ii-' r.r r .-nvkttwn i " " I 1 .,Vn . .. Expectorant f. 1 oric,.Yerin)f jge, Altera tiyr Ainerican.JIair.Dye, Canirnstiye Batssrn Sanative Pitts, Aguo Pill and : chas4. aretnvited ( iW?jijrifcjr-. . ,-. r...ul J 1 : X" v aim examme iur iiiumstJivt-a.? 1 dktOynty 1 v-vv miQl ft is; iKitiXlt r rrants, &c.'Qzr.v crtnstantlv on. band 1 - - wniTA tiiii I vn -I anu 101 aaieat im tirRii-i. -. .rT-"- t- aJSJUlis " Iw" - 1 ---aa j a riflnfln sbeiioi. eaFOtftaL:fiP ilair Tonic, fof ale by. r ; . . -. , iflTCwViSw. tWMiri MsrcK 1S51. , . , rtra.rj.ilriVnt;-.- T'.- . 1 mr.t.. , f.TO COAC-J '.nAKLR8; , r- " MB. fl,fuity prrrd to'ntet lhtr arantt'-wrth , X a'lock--Jarxer. tMrt j held byAnyooe cnrcr rn In 1bai tlourd llii country, tmbracfngV'y " l' Z Jtheir line,' such as riri ax t,LcLr, l . . a .at St ir)ai8tie tag: a, Hf, ta ai fraoVcicurtti"fru, ?jcrs," Uvg', gimp, -DrdF, r .pattnt,eo amtjleii'and top fr er, "sides am! -n tire a.kio, elit? -. iliocta," c ! ra' oans !tV tl. rftrt'" b-ekl-f, webbinr, uck',"lr, Ijmaes, bnjr a- a w . . a MMS, srase. .... - . . t . Groceries fA f-il rtt f Java! aad ttraa.Ba t latitat, vsvarhysesv, g ' sowsrr a&4 Utk "leai bn stfia4. arwhrd aa4 dar.6d togat tne Hia,5aw' OriesJM. rUrUs at ! V s4arr Mridurasa sap. saga a lasv as.- ai are, tstt, earaat a4s, ssUrtsiss, aWa sal srstv. swat a1 o4 , rL iuii. cga aaxi UrV Braady Jaamika yrt naWjrs, lMrtCi, Mn swat aaga mm frpsarr. fe, sisaias.. f isg.. cW. s4jawg. sacs, aiaawava aa4. o-maMf vosp, ess iiW Ss4 ruaua soasv, fttfts, liacsase 8elea aTci fUgTs. fVf g ad tUst imw H,Hllrfa.t. : "Drti?, nirdlcincav, Paints and lCluCia rervr abund' aaee, ind. all at rx'renvrly low prrcrs't TW.baat asvsaaa esi Ss. f al laga. Wlmmmrrpt, Vutml.eais'4 Lg d, itra f Lf 04t ' 114 ed-N VeS44a' Rsd. VfsAuJ. krrs, sk4 atbiiiof J TUw OcSf,.kaS' Irs4a4 i at rr,. ary as4 m tX.rS ats.iuaarg,sraavga aM. avasWt.. arrt -aw asiassa.- ByJsi-w. erm-si. grse s4 JeiWar, , Fie-s CJv li-ahaVtW, potaa4 tTT. air)) Ad ilpy Uk. Uaa rtJ a d fanvrw pl,aoWlW,' Vf tMi, tr - . ' t . .' asavrgafcassc trv. ' . --. - - " ' 1 ". S4SaS, raUart. 1. f if. rt af tcia". vT l.ftar. l-ormi. rtlS I fvl4 mm -r 1r(t t "- i lt'M. tMW( r fs--a For sey rMe of the focrRrua l, f 3 0t5 For eat twn " 5 DO For any ilree, " " ' '7 UU iews, 1 8 Oo For losrk atonaTa llirtW, 3 00 For Blackwood tt-4 tWrte tt views. 9 (Xi Ff Bsekwrvd 5s tb 4 Rtkws, 10 00 tor t ansrri Uaidr (cofr4Ut ia naasWrs,) . , " 3 00 IfmtU Is t ar tafseVaarr. - CLUBCING. A discount of trnUf frr pr rrW. froM thw above recv iu b (-ia1 1. cltoba ordmag f-f -r avure eorrs ij any t snore tifibe i1r tudv, lta; 4 cpieiif BXaekw'iiod 4 e Rrasra wtll bo aet.t t addnss fcr ft: 4 espies of tbe f.-ir IUvhw s sd lUsek Ordrrs frwa Osba-aioal be swm Jxrtt to tit fUlAiri, as M d-eoar rocn tbtse, peaces ,ca be alUwed Money, enrrrat ta- tbe Stairs wbeve tfSHt, wia K f-,ceisJ at har.- H . - . 1 CJ'iW'ttacrs ad e?miaeiraiirss boul4.alvsyt saijresard. mi pal s ranked, to lbe rubUsbet-v- : - Cue stare, Nrav loak, - - - ; i . Eixrawce 4 G4f si. t.rs J t YT-4IT1 a T5TmT.Tr.,.- - ... ..f.' .l,. . 1. 1 iuiv. lRRi-rt'i'ifi t or - - - ."i'vv j, v.;. f v - ij i,ii u j. j ' i. i ujuiw.r" lerro. f ;a eiaaiic curiam iikh : wetii i ,xr- U". . -. isar ...aajvsrr C4 bri ' f . IUU M ,ri4 M. iviui Mil, i4m kaMN 44 In t4 risawLyadcitfo.frarsfcia. Cs..- 14 Stalt falra-ae eVsf. iMKUr-a aai t4. ir se4 aascsssar mU i Mtrna, 1 Sad f J.uV VsrsaJWr. IfiUt tfc rihVw VTr 2hi. y.oriv sfi-a 4 uu aU li'tbttks)- atcaiai4iMii.. ' , u HSU WiUtc-V Wegra t WiaUra naiMcs SI U4 cliarr 1 Tatka.ma.' Aeids. Abve, Arf-s Ri-, 7 sea tasira, Uym tjf.ar, ft - Blisurtf rUsev, BU ria-g Tat aw. Ca Vrrl, :Cs I w Ul . ts-r Oil. ErS, ! rt "4. Cae. m OiMa, Ir. Urn'. U. f I--. ' Tanar Eamar, Ff-ira', Kimr, Ht- avtsla, ftll-rpLst,aaV. Qtri-, f M naa D-ik, Kbadwxb. f.i:MiwtS4a'-. rowdis, Vsllr-s User; Ve. Prrf-nvrrv a4 rat irke kaafsw - Bgee. - Catbr4ry. Nppb S.rld. lWesa PifusX T-b CrwsUs, Pt4-Ibmt. ZUrry TracbpWrsaas, Twva Pat. nr. . A. U -tiVtUT. . Selena. May, 1951. . . .Amexicaxx Art tXnlcs. , Eirry aarn.t'' l the arse IWl. will rveetve dar each almrprf ( Jtv LWUrn shsV bv bis. V-' v v , I. A epy r4-acb olik-e HmU btia (an ilmrtiaud arx.iL! Vri'Sl a4 at . m m m. a S An) waaca ksii r 4ietl a fit r l he piv- , r pt nf racb sulcipM. 'w . II. A xim 4 klr. J Of s liNe a. eraviiig e-o -4m I, smimm r 17 Vy 21 - fetathe-S. sfl-V Mr. Wata-ltixVe- Msarai ' ra 1 Mi sg mf XJn ifmn Xrr. ' r, . . . , III. A k vf 6e'tsi, trm lrb rd line rr ig rw sirvl, s4 li e ai r ' ar-SiXt' by 10 ieebrr, sad nrrat. . rd by ifiU. ..U4 AaMrtsrsn awgrsv. r-r, fl rf t& (vjlas )mg pa4lr.g, vat -JUwsi . s M4. bf Hsy;--, Aatatracan.IaaNisespw trM ry. by Crnst : - d4Mftl VsLiertr " fcv Kina.ti ; -OW.Caad Yftg '4.W-17 Wsi!vilV; aHl r,rrnfi g Jtmt . a Us Ly lUrtlVs J4M.f ' gaJ- " f rt ef ABvka Art.Uttii. ,.4a -le bixiar.; r lor tr ri ia tat Wnv lai4al vt frasvinr. iairwrrd. Y A s bare la tbe tstnhjiaan a S Urge tatr-Ur e Ps nirs ts4 fWr - Vodi f,rvvi't-4srrt iq Jlarl sd Oawra; a a alrr etiwirs, ,TU ClItC lioa vi., c o.j at tlj Itxmd, by ib HlAioo f sew f BjxKt'i-f, wairb vi:( be atmoubcej; frco tiat-e tetiote. i tbe Cadktin. - - : . - K von L' Mi'ii Ilajorary S-ernre. . mr . w . v V I 1JC 'jVTi!ct, tfoeuja tW ' peblar, - - T coniirrs(7 t "rry cm tb ixrrti besioetf,'' - t gs- tri tlTr:: si tie lismiK.Uu. ';"lt'tvii J'nUsjs SiiKs ad "Oof per e- I rrJ.rs by aosil' w ill ' Lv rtrplt a ,jw,-;.'! i!ring trtd s i4 SJaxLItcry, r be aaasf 'cisreir4i a4t tares eras biiabte tart . . A tao lirpaidr ; sir- Old Crrtfcftl,i ft tAi u. ' . JAC03 r. iuc; . ;Slcm, J4arcls;r Lk Si. h,; nf T VHT . XUXnVKJ, The -jT V roer, f wkkh I jt CO crks Un -been aUd U CascUrUnd erry. Prim i5 eeat Uol iaepeT j erats rn- - rbia.. .Alo tW4 rcli. Wtilt'n iTtkWjNT Ir.i aamaU kt A l lain ..J farxj Lnt r Taper. -Jtnc : ; ..LLLM L fOS.V i tarr A Uie tat ef tie f-; 1 Vi e fkm lsg Srre, i w n no i t a&d (X sale at' !tav 7 .'.EFXY. It . . I r. auk ij sa aiUcUr,a4svvalvs X.e.Le-le. : v.. . a l si- W.' 7 3 . . - , . , . - . ' - . . . " . i . - - - x -x,xi xx::x:i'T: --,;v-;:-:..; " . .- . , .. . , ' - , : ' - . - . -' ;'--!' r -i-; i--. -. - . s. . - . -.-. ana. . . . . -.

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