X 4 f J ? Ko; . 1 is-two. Dollars. a wt 4n intentwhichwaia placed inihe desert niMH he 'innt ge: ,fc4 peronn tf -a ord 1 jfr. pj e&uce, ;ohd in afford it 'ttstenjmce&byfalloiiiiVg "it 4 lo'sQckle a gftat.1, lji. that instance; rJPotiaaters: are-allowed , by-law to - frank - letters -containing ; remittances DEFERRED "if j - ! 'V 'i'Kv v " iilQ first alleipiU of Ue. child ut vV(I'ition sulltid ii(lic iiiu a t im jif- ifieLblcciing fjts fiier.inollier. ' 'Triupliiitiiig ;!Creei " Tlic ules lot rnnsplantino are jfeWaad siiiple,. andeaKilbne in .Jiiinti. , Kiist .Dry, weather J. lUe-"bei -timc or mighi say Jht? nly ,timc tor. traiisplanimg.shnuid ficvjetrbe"- done: wheii.tbaginundits wet. Thc'iarth sUoulduactr cve.l ry pait of ' the riMrs -the rtiotc!i shoud be maniiredi' baVfnannre iliould not touch the root. C3cto ber n'nd'N veinber,'- afier ibe -Brst hard.' frosts have cKeckcd;'; tjieir growili, is - tbe: best 1 s?aaon" for trausptitnting trees; - 'Peach pi unr, cherry ahdVergrecn j tr?e . are better? r.eaioTcn jn . the . spnng.'jas early posflle, but they.-niay d in:iheTalt if the roois are .well pro, tectei ;ly$ Hitcr, , In transplanting lrecs,'-tlie-tbps sliould be pruned in p'rojiioHipn Uo: the -roots; and -the rootsin proportion taihe bfanclies: If-only ihf small fibres ol roots have- been broken v(Tt the fops need no;. prQniog. but if the. main roots JiaVe been lroken,"tb'cn A he top'niust be eul iii propbrtjonTj,. In trahsplanlingT.iseemings, root merely requires t) le t liortCTied or; brukcii roots cut on, , - f0 ne .RIt. Tbe manting of rice was introdu-j . t 1 ccd into iarouna . . auout. me year jlGaslndents iparentlyjBmallv m e : often- product ive.nl important consoqueqs;uArJjrigftWin4 M ad agascjar; touching- at Carolina un her way to .jreat Hrtttini ca nc to- a nchor . o ft'.t Sulllvau's island -1-LamlgiavSrth.onrinvitauortrtf t he r Udpiam, "poid a Visit on board hia' yesscf, and. received fnm hini ii pes&it of'V-bJg ;of.:;8cfedTicci wiih rnfprmMioh'oT iisV growth; irj eastern: cou hut ?s f dj s iuUa ble iiess ifo foodiijSd its i tteib.lc increased fT? ; fk 4 iviTi'l bis, J.baof , jri ceakio ngsnui e QfJ. vfricwfiJiKo.;fAg an experiment,'', planted their parcel in difierent f soils." The. success fully equalled;: I heir expectatiotv ; ; and frorrv this beginning ;ato8e the stale Miscellaneous. rrts&cd;'aad myrale is, sl ncrtr utip, but whenever a 4xefo prates, iaoorrigi ble, I Mil him. hu keeps thexaia tu ter BQbjectionf.'anl,i5 less .Unable twf wlypping.,I fiHondMojes-twic for aisooeuieoco in t-njuiw iuu j, uui vae commodily-ol roRBivn ncu uoon nee(J t)C it;ld.l6 presCM lhe rcn,ts became ;the .report or I tie much 6ssiWt! ;f, evcrv onfe Colohy.tftiheprqat causets btt8l.knj,a-tl.al-i:bt;--The opulenc- -:;s. , older they trcev Mhe loiiger- the roots -should be" left.-4 j Give Uhe mois plenty of ro-m, place them in their -natural order. Lw the free, stand jsisi as high a it did before it vas taken uu. Press, the carih round ilip ""ohisjv".FiU im an.F1eave ?,tnc i commencement r oi he SU(facc smffoili:. Tvro or ibrce -of the t-iFCuit Court for xtAf.kv .Tnt; ..nloV.. Vh.. Vf U 1 9 uiivi iiciiiifiniiuiici uinvo.-. trees, are Very short, fasten them, to alitake xxtM drivc irU the ipround. If nn .oi chard is cultivated,-it wiIm rrovub,iit half the limev :; ; i 1 have seen Jiver? goodolari should; think, for raixingfrait' trees in great Vburidance, from the trunks '""I ol out decayed ones, said fo be very tsuccesaful wilh tiie ncnch.: 1 wis! LlHf .--..-.,. a&Shie ly luy theotofpdAc -iMemphis 6nquirer.tliQotiovpr5gjsm lar nnd interesting; occurreflce ; - : 4V Since the Pterin of our countv': it became necessarv for Merriwelher, brother : of" the gentleman 'spme .timij. siace mur dered in the count jtb-ititeiul a prosecutor orltrsonj tejperpe trator . oft her horrible cri ine. Ai ho h a ppe.ned tli at be f jrjltr.h jiwjrse that ?KisVcItceased5 bnlief tMras ridiug on the day. of fus ?motder I leas; m thecompanv - ;?f 'Frtvi'lti. OIfe rtodtan!. lf'! y-ci:f.cw Cose;..;;; - , .Mr. B." was a' merchant in Baitrnre. auu mvi a icrjr ucbtj ouincM espetuiJTn laira urne i xnew , i ,dihscii or in grain. ype mornio, as Us waspaas ing 'over tKo vcssebi mat lsy qa . the wharf wifKi their various ' cotnmoli tics for sale, he stepped upbn the 3eck pf one, at tho. stern 'of which. Ve saw pegrb man sittmwhose dejecfaij cbnntenanee gave sure mdication of distress," and be accosted him with: . ... . '- " Iley my man, , whit is the matter with jou this mofniugj' "'The negro lifting np ts , eyes,, and looking At Mr. B.f replied V, " 1 ' " Ah, jnassa, Ps in great trouUe' What aboutT! i ! . V ; '""" Kaso.Pse fotcht up here to be sold.'' What for ? ; What hive you been do ing r Have yon been stcaliugr.br did you Iran away f or what,?' " "" ' 14 No, nol: m'assa, none o daf,' it's bc- rcase I did nt mind de audes. . . 1 "IVhat kind of nrders V ' ' vV " Well, tnassa stranger' I Tclt yoTiv 3Iass' Wflhrni wcrry ' striklnan. "and very nice nvm too, and cbry body on del place got to mine mm; ana x orcaic trew de rule ; ' bat , I did,rnt Intend to break de rule, doc I forgot uicSeir, and " It is ftr getting drank then, is it V " " O, no sah, not dat riuther." . ,. 1 ; ' " You are the strongest negro I tare I seen for a week.- I can get no satisfac tion from yon. If you would not like tQ be pitched overboard you had better tell me what you did. . ' ' ;; "Please tnassa don't frow de poor flicted niggcr ia de wata' ' 7 Then - tell mo "what you are Vv.be Uoldfor," " !V ! : - ' u For-pnyin, sur.' ? - ;r 7i . u For praying! that" is a strrtWtale indeed.4 Will your master, not 'pennii you to pray f - , - "Oh yer, sab, be let me pray easy j but r hollors too loud."" ? y ' ' And why do' you halloo tq lou4 n your prayer'liT. -' ;i '-: ' - - ' Kase de Spcrit comes on me, and I gets happy fore I knows it, den : den I gone ; . can't - ecntrol every negro on the farm would soonbe perfectly regardless of all my Orders. - You spoke of Mc'traarteri ltoD- pose from that be has a family' 1 ' l es, be has a woman and mree chil dren or tn, I suppose he calls :hcr now, fv)t-soon . after he got TtJigwaJ asked me if they mlgU get srncd,fii I presuma they were." What will you take for fcerui'the children." . v . . , . -If you want theta for your own use. I will take seven hunlred f bat I. sball not sell Moaes noc thett to go oht of.- tbt Stale. -t . jVJ wish thtnvjdll fof "ay wo tae, and will sivo, you fho fourteta kaodrtd dollars." . -r i - , ui , ; j 5IrTBand Colonel C. tltf n went to B's store drew-np the writings,' and closed the sale, after which they return ed to the vessel ; and Mr. B. approach ioe tho necro who sat with Lis eves' fix ed upon tho deckr seemingly wrapt in meditation f the most awful fort bod in r-i, " Well, Moses, I luve bought you." Mosca made, a vcrv low bow. and every, muscle of his tice worked with emotion as be reclied lit VI .:t ! ' - ja you raxBf i ( it ocre is i gwisc, "Massa f Is I gwi no to G eorgy V " ' " No saSif 3Ir. B.' ; I am a Af chant here in the .city ; yonder u my store; ! wan tyou to attend on thos(ore; and have purchased yjoor wife and chtl drcn too. thai Yon ma t not be separated." Ureas God for. dat I And, Massa, kin I co to meetin sometimes Ti ' Ycs "Moecv-jett can o to church three times oa ckbbatb, and every night in tho week ; and -yon. can - pray as cf ten as yoa choose, and as as looc as you choose, and. aa happy as rou choose: and everv time vou prar .wbber it be .Xt thai darV rerjod ef tio BctoIuo wUchpre?dod theeaptara of Bargoyrie on the pUias of Baratogi, th ricni i liberty," incenwsd and driven almost t dcJrlrallon, by the ttpcaud redcess cf the lkitiah arm and the cruelty with which tke Ara erkan pntoaert were brtal ed by the enemy; resolved to leave their domestio Crtsidca, ' ' march ' oat to the batUe-feld," and riak tSmr all cpon the BuaraoiaoMi it was a tnrtal his ardL New Ycrk, JCIiilAdelphia, a ad tnv ny pthet imporUpt plaoca on tLa sca boardwerc la wnliaiarbed poasesaioo of tha,invaderthe northern frontier was lined with 'av savage and ,Uood .thirsty foe, and the little. Spartan band. 'who iwofe; .by the ashes of their Uihtn, to I o lira f.-.j c : J!t were compelled to seek) it many years Hi e' -tis wire tadtkeed with Uara. f r . , Henry f l-otisr ucm fnal The amiocs girl knw not w!i to Umx, sspdy or hit bet aLa ei venal to prtpara bemlf for ti.a went. .." lltary, ax rliia aad ftli t say rca Pcise. . - " t : . . fr-mcUa. . wt xaast part- . rCrksrw r, , . . . ScVoci Icy I 27 las: at mysef den: den J kiioVs'nothing boutinassa'a rnl5; dcnl hollor it ole batan 'hisself come widall de t ifea jof de quisition' -And do "yon soppoMd vour master rill really sell you for that V -J ; 7 yes ; no help. fur me now ; sj.aso whenMass Willani say. one ting,'heno dq,anoder.V 4 -r- f ' What is your name- ?" - . Mrv.bv?...s:;u"yr-'";,-,- . N hat your ruastcT a narno I. - ;rYheredocs La live?'1 home or in charch, I . wast 'you to pray for me and my wife, and all ray chilaron, and sinrle bonded' too: for if vdu are A good-man y oar prsycrs will do ni no harm and we need them very mucnt ara-if -yott; vmh,to yoa . may pray Tor every" body ia tho name of B- in the Stat of Maryland.''' It irlll not inltrra . Whlla Mr.3i was dealingmt these icetefsn itess mnirnpamj some 'a( yqr-icMeraai trr it, report. ?!f! Don on the Etin Shoah . t nne P rueu.vay, andsJcut offjatein the tall.r Iahea good master ft Dos ho treat and wumlee ihey, , Fbrancjies; close lo the , trunk. ; on " O yes ; Massa Willum good, no bet: Fgmvl:W". "uef" the ?sjde.of the" tree least decayed, ter massa in de world."- fU ""H. iTV dig away nil the earth at leU two Stand up . and let me-look atyou.V ness. Meriiwclner determined to rnt ,irt j .l ,nwi(1.j, And Moses stood up and presented a ro- 8?,nC m4nti al"h'! from th trunk. On the- orJoosite b.u?fc fra.mo; an? Mr- B: stripped up his mpvenWsfie; .approaclid ,he .j n VrVnrh ceve, bis. arm gave evidence of uuusu m? ifMi TOf sayighteen of twenty four inches ttftpit hi hpnrf and taiL?annnar li-.- : . . 1 your master V uttered thnt' Snoftso ; pecutar to spirited lioesivh$n apprehensive ot d a nger. . 1 . ii - ifeTbc' noble animal finallysroeli therground a0 vtratled;-tbeiicrjse the poo v ot nis lorrner.mas. which thebody ol nisJtrmerasl ,vrn:i;i.r-. nrltu tl.n4t;'nX V v -TlBvnle weeks-a great many "!uIderer tie nnaicuca ientlo,rwlH spring out ofihe grou, spofimeltTh-e'g rcal rapiditv. u iOOK n,pTrl :v al -l, -,:.! ,,f ..V, vn'ra mni; ciew'1ttlh moderate 1 rn. Lt v. f tr-r ; WiS '' "4 K "r " j Choice specrmens may be preserv s; l vaf" Ii.n1t3ni-.waj ; uie uuiLK. in inis irencn Dena wie 1 Lnrd Mmm 'ritfl hImtt fallow tree? carefully : dawn, cutting jB at ed by a deep CToari. Moses was not at the ide first" -darf, all : the root 1 all pleased with the present phase o: which present its bendine.'. SecBTre I afiairs.He was stroncW irapvessod with 4t5velhin this '6ositio!i anddhen I the idea that Mr. B. was rader and made him unwilling -to communicate to Alrr K "th nMimi 1 11 f rtMn 1 1 rwn Air - Tt" rcaclicd Uae wharf just as CoL.C. did. Thi b!oca ! ft Let tkwk : tavala alien f ted to ri ; wl .alltcrjt f fH ful cf evcrytllag bci ktrsaitty aod wl fare, caoht brr la lis are.' The tta braoa wu arc fa a V and rcstrtd t4 Ha. tb'ck tkst cemtioet ta Iltrry's LitTLij which tiaUa wtxdjLUrciidiU. 'ab.'i . : v'- - ' . v . . No more.. UrrTT.'! said ih; aa 2m grsjped h'ra neck mors if5y ; f a trwcf 1 your coca try s eali y siicU.jxaa Uli. I won lit f in rV fw . k it ? ictcrior. and nAimtlr Yii I t-.v . . . ..''.' , ' y i ir .Boorsii avCTitauan, wa alkali meet arrla I pressed country. - ; ;- w ltlM iIcr;Teft lis rrVa J AW ffBargojri 'Utothe tl, T,rty lorw whi amcch tfgtUr keart StaUpf Vw lork, frouaaadavr.Ut xlx ha anttcd iL ' 'Etrsrd by net !JT,I5r 'WtU d.ac,t(i .f?Jp te face tha cannon. tWrkiij of mated fresh alarm, and excited a Pint df. . i the Ut of rctarnir to h 1 ,BWDK aivcusaca ana bowl mach loved home, a sharer la tb ken- scxes, "Kb even .toe msrtjrt cf ,Thcr- crs cf a glarkma Tictory. monolea might have envied. ; Th raVf Mr? HverW wiih cfliberty thaacf bfewu Heta!bEk tionat; tcfleart was toll, Ui aa a yow IiattrrUj xaa4 tires awrtryiag r-rt tUa llis j" tlca 4 act eotsptt cat cr to ftr wtki wocil cywa. rack aa ttatca.Tws, rota pa rca taorf tlta byral &Sns tL foo c wr rtlUat Lttls aray." Tkra walUsr WCUr-toi, U gava 11 tie Hi r' eonnurtirw. with ssch a driet an4 (Lree- thcat wcU prbaUy li X aco acrrica to tU jwj acirr, :wba i-aedlaulj tcaace! cikiprtr . tuicM Lx ;tesg tissalf Urwtts fcac ciaaoa tr kia si Ca ocnaiciT ex Cftix." , Arrays ka LLa cxJ Cxta cf a Briuah aciiirr, ai m;i in a duk cloak, U was ecrdwcUri H aa TwnmooBoi vce piooecrs 01 itcaiem tear bcdcwedTifr rt3 ebei, and si4 MasaachnsetU. IJewts among tiwiCrat gave them a I'-V-- udl thta to raisa tee starjard cf liberty In New to depart. " V ' - - England, and emlr -1 avery epporto- On their arnnl 1; Iitrtia. Xhw nttr ofiacul:ir-u-.j the nundacf kb bloody strife -k .d r-- !.'cotaa.4ed: wifeandtcn f s ccapod his whale 0 odd werw fcr; iL UU family,) the t j taUietio Spirit which arm! r t tvdL4r T J:.:-::. .v. m a 1 - awa iiiiwi vt wa am rii aiaii ii-! m i.i . k - w-. . V . 1 PtPCuriL J .GI fty I Li. fwThalffIlV afW i V f-r a . . m. a. - - J -r "" evtaing in A4 proachtfp.sjdje.crUffrca every 177,7, ?lr. .Elvertoa appeared morn than quarter, caeouragtd fc tark and bis littia usaally sgiUtcd. He paced tbo' rocmlbsnd to LoU out u'U tt?'- fr-rce should to and in for a.ctdcral! time,, a? ratify them ja maiicr vUU but wtU tncraQ uap tiiougbt,.anl thfn rc- piaoncd cberanx de frier, ia bepct o ecstcdhu sen to bring bin iaiohi;sarrxjwatd ensnanl 'St wcr. iTct m wjt aa aan a r Ma .r n . v :a.a ai'. ri. - ry, U vir,- liwBKB iccoien ic, mercer rr. umtrr w time cot a wora-waa whrrfcd fcy any ICrhungfof their CnClvtmi Ihtle tZi memner or the snxious little faxa.iy.-lta gram af their acl; an-i the He carefully folded the sic? 24 aUllleonjMntAl alr ti i;im Jrelding-ittta bis hand, .placcdhlialf paiaat a f wi-aa caly fyrvwrt the between tus wife and son. . . ditplwjara ei tlilt royai master. Ttea iienry, arc ootn our guns in crdT octn VrOTta , nrrtd tarsry ara, if ics, ,air I.deaced thctn yestcriir, j aniwalci "iterY LVsri. - : and put in a new Ciat, for tha pcrj Ti4 littla v .1 rlanddeci4ltt,sjl of pursainthe wclf thatUs rtadasJi Uxor of ''ibVncans. Macy havoc among I' ttpl I was about W faod wife oo that diy Occaxatf' wiiow, aas: you to allow, u. a to join a small partmy m anxious nvotbrr waadVHt iy oi our ncignuors lor ue pcrpc, to-1 ccevxrate the mcUtry of a fav6 Cjocr tx tia 4-iar4 U iU cctrcu cf tit JUarrkaA csjsp, when V.Uji ri?5. will So kia coradsa, &c atirtai, il t4 ' tap cf tU rj. Ifa baiccw a mcoetJtcf rr'-na. Ht thoc rit cf Lis LaU pea-rJ v i tap- - 7 kocac, cf Iks parrels a ia Ls kl tA ddwunxyr sad U rwUUL'.y cf ' tcvrr saia xursg tSca ra ctKb, La tiocklcf kiiccs'ry toosi rcts- , ea lorwart. la a tUt Usi LaXcrl bitaatlf witila baTJrj Ls'osct cf t Lr at wv.-. m t - tint! fc-rcexn cf-; -, ; IVillT adrtxccl 4o tla frt of Ca . eUaefs la roe L J r?cr 1- r " kk . . tlook nEdtcily to abew ttisn, " - ibrt' rrpIVed tl SKJcr - . rsllncj WUl tvt frxx wivbwV ! . was tl rrtiy. . TU r frt b r bai rapily ismtLsr, aid ti-r a: xpectis i ta CUJc frctxts f.t . fsttral chya.' acJ "TLfa tii privilcgd to Moaes the' negro a, ayetJ rogue canuoi Dc. ur ca, ty ber cnarail.ag Vears cf aorpv, ais. I danced, in their sockets, and his- fai:, vtlltkmk he might be early captured." Jurnra -tt, rmr! to ke?aaroM J hdartUu-Tied right cut for gladncVa ex- nenry, didleTcr refwe you area- g to I uc4 ur cix-yv.1 pcin-two rows" f even cleln iroxks as aoBaUo rcqaeatn . - ' ' ; .T' W,t I iny African can and tii Wi - faUitr-ca the eoctrsry Jtm JQ fctjAa donng the tr irja cf PrJ ,,:J - r;: f Jlrc iU'jd,lniTCEr;?Ica csanjao'cr.r'a,cnaiieftl-r wj, wpkh was asacnJ -vi ..Ti. rooe. -TJui ihlala'ecrLiinlv cr L. I I by thai WacUd. V tirt'ljja rrr-r.l pEd ti Jlntlii .iliitr. 1 vt 3 t rw Gca. Bar7 Jjpr; ta tSecu L-:fre i tcrie. rnrcai be rjv I n-w It," rrpCad WTH aaA tey wi3 fH aa jy yrty t, z I Sea utf .a r.y ert; -rtrnsg 1 j -.V. 'wis a .' tLa heart citl -y! taa:p. -Tlrra a3 HjtW atj ri tr . li ac tic: z Cca' tT ihe'nexi'diT' r, rirt :'asd ll wrra sialyl .wili ti county if an IrdU iMbVuvetiiJV wtthreat I tiig 'nitratb Qfsodaih 'wntrquant-A1- tL-tvp eluctapbat, !ce-ts;rnui;si ? a.W Le never bad any sickness in reason omrgat vs v e navj ue, opra ineo. i nave Us ea i.i- upuer I hjs ufe except one of two spells of. the ed' v and '-entirely. rdrabler H etuie.4 crass-jtjwavs looksjrreeii; 1 IahebeartT ? - . snouiu iiKe.ia paver a ;piitiosppm .will eat as much as 8olotion of tl?i3 remarkable event. I scale, ' lthave;n6r; sown: ni-laHrman"uchC and .it will, do him as I understand jou wish . to sell that man yonder on board the schooner." Colonel 0. replied tfait he did. . Whatdoyouaslrfv5r bimr' . ,f.v.JL expect to ret seven- nun area dol- 1 M isrs. a f4. ' ::';:,tV Wj trateoflodarampncsthelong much good.?; i,;, tf, V-"- ' INOttRr A:ttA1jtt.: grass in tiie plaHtationsi which the "Why do you wish to sell himl". - ' :Mr7 JamQS Miller; wbb basVvf brk cattle never could eat.' " J jio w find - Because be disobeyed my orders. 50$, iljathe; herbage is preferred to the AsTsaidhe ia my foreman;. and that 4r lastV tcn vears. in Cinctnnnti. n Gw nthnr'tri nf il; AUv . -u. he mieht be available at any momentl - dav ago?; received." notice from h ' might want him, IbuilUiis quarter with- Washington city tbat: uAAi r.? i ? r ,v I . . I rpioL id ftiHriH f'flrt oimkmiinMlind I have never rontr the bell atanv Abe'capltalfiei be! rKV un W ety -.you do hot -like.O'tl me the night, or ong that bw arnoflpt, b,cfereccptlyeen ?U -n&pnni d -tha .:5rtni family yHMlW i5-?ei?;r a.r.lprayer,ls,:praycr Ineiflrooa :neWrwfltTtirelT:iainx'?s.,,VLl-. ' .... -';; , ....... . rrxht mnn.;n ,nJ -k u tXi4l .- - r? .- cr-fe5 t - ii J-; isH ', n iA' Jplu JjUMP ! tA' California oorrM- ':rP6n3nt:' o-4.hj- .fntirnal. nnrnmuma 4' I ESI f SO. JCXPCIUM CWTi"t nr. ,v '. ; auaw i auwuwb, r-'a..";'rT::a,v learnea tacior ra-Xaal lie Pas t - -vr . 7 v- bproriated:pfier6fnife rd7 ib Hr ifbfiff JSQiateoiMracTMnpamonsbrti op jthev Atuoriean nvcr 1 I tbldane tkt ruritU that4p6int,nd :i)gt.thrfo hett ehitrVstta! ly' o cqiHr ' ii V "nfeos ovitf g- the Tdirt which- has ' &nrfw1etfe; I ' 2diatbetori:...l1ed Z. .I-st.'S-.-.. .r.V .7 . 55.... J?- ' it Af i...V . Cf istp,acqu j! ftnoioagpiv'; trjcayviti pro .""."w. Mini luau.iias hu ibiuioi iau-1 iniir. - w tMritl, J,-T it JgMtvnibe encQec?d n lump Lt- rarfi gelde? ': J " ' . - i. ledi 9 sum ia. pe.r.ore-jjad, o- t j iiycjthou?,ttd. momioff began his pur it was irappssiblatotcll wnen ne ;wpuia sjop, especially ir,. las he termed 0 be ot, bappyt , Thra he would sing! and pray.jand'JiialLo f r aa hqu? or two. toether,ukVXo ' r- bl hear.. him a .mOa oSV And-be:wculd Iprarferma applmy ?rue snd;childrcu laqd r i wy ...brptliera and., sisters, their, ciijldren .and our, whrte Iiaily connexion to. tho.Lr,l fc ,ri , "aand sometimes, when ijc.wcuii Live Vicitrrr, Jloscst prayer .weald jutcrru crn. Tereabon and Peetrcr the eniovmentof UbTwh'! .company. :T) 3 jsr 0 rue n.vculd ssrxfu j.-12? cnuaren wouiu crji and j wopld sor. : t i ca bo nearly daylightrbe fP- I U loepi fcT t appeared tO-tue tLatl rn.h 'pray-frr three' hours ritcr I"a hadlir.t ' .T I '1 it.&S "V?r- 1 coulJ,; and then forbid nls-praji- BO-lOoid an Tnoret-"-51oeea Jloaca neber forget fabonl he going lo cave' ail tncsacQmmouauoners iidiuc r lArfd after H6sea"-had poured a few blessings on Cot: C", and .bidding blm a 1 , , f . r warm adieu, ana rcoaesiinz ram 10 rite bis love and farewell to his mistress, to tho children and all: the acrranU, bo fol lowed Mr. B. to the store to enter upon the functions cfhia new office ? . . The return of the schooner btowght to Jfoses bis wife and ebildrcn.V " Early the next faring, as 3Ir. B was one day standing at the store ' door, he aaw man leap upoa'tba wharf from he deck of ves5el aid Valk hurriedly to-wardanhoietcre-- flo aoca rtcguixed him as Col.-p. Theyi exchanged sala tatlons, and to the .Colcner iaquiry af "(crIoacs, ff. Brtpired, thst be was p stairs measuring era 10, and 'invited turn tow allf np and red him. Soon Mr. Bs attention was arrested by a very eonf,:d noise aboveCUa listened, and bevrd an unusual huf3inir pf feet, some hMw dwviu w IVK U al y aVU4 - vwv talking verjIVurriedly f "and when he re flected upon Coll Cj.s : ain'rular move- rucnts and the peculiatexpresaion of hi ennntcnahcej hei became alarmed! and determined to go top .'and set what was w . r n - . hen he .reached tho head Ccf the stalpa, bowaa, startle 1 by -seeing Moses m mo tau:.: ct tu? tcrrcawn: upon one knee v, ; '4 .bis arm a found the Ccl- Qncra waiaW and talking mctraptdly; While tn tipnci stood ;wtcpU3g-audi bly. fcoous"theColoncl cou! coa trol his feelings hald MrTB. that be naaneTcr uccn oc 10 i.to Mc:eu rrou the rnCacnecwMosca'rraytr?, and lha during tho past year he and 'all bit chil dren nad peen convened to uoo. . ' .-1 viIcVs rcspoo4cd.l." Jlrcaa Ged, taxi sa V7.J floe i way up nea, a nc aer.. forge yiu iu rriy praycra j JL ciiers- put 10 ol massa. sido da new nn . xsresar j od dis'mako Moses: link abtut Joscpli lad; EgypLagain." r-4 't'j .' U.Tha Colonel .then stated to 2Tt.' B, Ureal, and ww know that cmr long aiasr seldoaa betrays yau. f Come; faiher let . ; 44 Heoryireplkd the patrieueyra sparkling, witbi youthtttl .antntti, M why should we hunt the wolf, when a Hon is In the neighborhood !" . A lion T' exclaimed the cli lidj "how did bo rtt among cir"., w . ' "MNo taattcr'how; : Ile'b aaoar c, and murt be coaquered..lTcnry, hare you any bullets-cast t" Out of lead!: rw.to tbatV 1 . 1 i gea iwo ca m neaviesa pewtr pwa. and melt, them jnto bullets Ia fore y oc a. a - - ' go toica ne poa tjt txi cotttr-f ed, an 4 fcoih ornarruit jc:a the HJ-' Bat where tc, ftherr ,.' ofthaBnii.S aray is xrar an.ltnx ious'forph-icr, ar.d tllrit-t f .4 Vlo.--J OehcrtlSiork crjprcd c... ta'Ui u-, ana caiis r rcuy npa every ti tnot o Jem I iaiv ; At di;:i ia morning we uiL,tati..'t for ,.. :,-' i Ilaxuiab, p-2t a L-ftflra!, if ot cbe, an ! few f dr.. 1 d kc.r'a rxnll Wf rocrcaaT fni aware ef t!.s i--rt - ' a and it cow rtaxlj frw ikm !tMrr:.-Vv.AA . cut 1 :-rrru to Uktf ra I J ia ixiioccflcn of tie C caapcT i -as tii:cr as ilt . ,- 5t iu d cxac-Jy Vft.l ,at f MTbo rrs lirrt is that; , Lkhtttdca f:r I,? t -A fricti." - ::il:rar.r cirruf.iV Having-faCiScl' kba sAcr aa ar-tr. g ti Usa tf Lrrlrr tcw of irscMdiale- ' .ui rl .t l-'.'-i r- i;r-;vJ 1 1: . . r 1 . ' w L.u articb'deV.IxM iba? r-j cati;ni;r wLvch-prsit' f- aa rcuilltV 8!r:ribal.aUd: t cf tad CT t v. r. If: tt t k ft - Acnt 5 or iLiprrtjr.t trtnit:;j tal i1 - r; cf ail cr: r. J. , 1 r !' ty j - rr . A t i'.rrnl art.-! aivf cIk.- n r?" ?'e (J ' r.a ad) icn er. rfi ahoull .1 nefer- r.utr,,"- Umo a tcargu-.tcr.ci patriot, cut ho lhUI;::r frta.:.-:u-L r C:. 1.7 tell ia 1.' 1) cci? SiTU - t 1 ' ' SL'2 took tl.9 j;:r k ber V.on. l. ' Henry tions cf b.s f-' ins tae : at.utj. r, 1.' urront! ir, n"ut a uric fill t ? tum cf f jg-.:. . . 1 .'.-rtj hi- - - 1 I jwcrtriy cf rri,i tUt l' r n c; j ! t." -a i a:r.:r-l i C -t .- V ' - -' rs ef j-:r , r. , -a 5 . r f . " " ! t.l V 1 -ir - . . V - - . . .aJ - - t y.i..i I It f- , IT- - ! " ' I I c:fr r n. 1 . . - . 1 4 i t. t - 1 1 . . ' f ..... v- l -J Jcp"'.f-lliL! ol.; rl t' :n?!reJ r;!".w'r . , -Ttn-'i-ill,r. , .1 Lad - wi&tV-ajr . For tls.ca: at cr rsic igiae : - - -4 r a, n u a ttat l: tUij'T iliil rclsra t Geo. lsr -jzs Ufre ti dw cf tocm;w.. iodd I net rtWm ycrwiU ke;w xsy uV P ef tkt rcbclt, is Vpcrt e: I 'cIl L-a r re- ;tI 4, I - i If I tacjp rticro ytwwiu xe;w sst tua." Go thra aad tray C od aid lit Klrr '1 Ht rci.-.liJ XU tJc It, a - J i i kia Urts'-T, . rar a, : .r j c. iirsvl. 1 la 4 1 w 1 a , ciar?ri L'u drr. , . tia ii-r4.,..l .; tat r r. : v ! 1 : .1 t if, WJ Ut ti-r-irf t.? i nrr ' a ts 15 V.. 2 tZlZl : i t L.3.- '. . ' . Lash htto rr indmduj rt.-ix $ 5J 1 r u ""i" r 1 - TX' i t; t ULVacch t si i.vit tlstiatitsilrt a.-r l aocc 1. 'WW a-a.r x-.i (V lirzry r! t:-r . i' -t t- : &s - 1 I I c r 1 . ' w I 1. .rr ti il S.J Jtyj -cri liak U lei- - that hs. bject ux ;couiiij?,to BaluxaOrc was to buy .Mxuu?aand duatfatnily back agiin'.i lint Mr. B.- assured him that i; Vaa out of t4 quesUon, tor tc coal 1 net Till!." 1 ? -I -.!, 1 !..-! f.r XmJT YCurU t . frewe!l. m 1 , , A " ' TV La Lai v' t' ' 4 ; - : - ; r; ttle butlcU, while VOU call ujl r-- J V- 1.1 -7:" rr.,cf J. -V : 1 . . .T... oai:r,.'.;-.:-Tc:i her: thT bridal .da rtl bbbr-r.ccriiledia- Jr!;-": . : ;!,-. iv ' nu: l-tpartalerto'pnyfi ? currrt .ry.fui, - ; . fcl : t "t c.. r. dw a w a - 1 UJC f (f o:r arm i cr tt e ape rivu -'cfour tcaBfry frcn tli MoW - j : C fir V:.r. - ia Lia r:- fcrence t . J . iU-liFor ...rJj:, was y I Kgypt Go! r rru!;d :-. t-1 hi? g, .Ai, 1 b-bUlUw t. .-JJXi Uit wcrn .bi?yc I ' s cxpeciauca ; aq ? loses. .'.Jos', a ertntualHrrtrrcd tL.- ifoirru rafof raving. tLc liYws.cf tlc3j wakoaol-1 ! Moa T rcrod t: iiru- mentin (i. ls ladcf .f'rir tl-r ni-ri's sxAwh, i 'i L!ct.'i.i j- . , : - 31. i is fctill (livlc-.'rl. doir - -11 lor.- iinea'cbuin , Lis Lcc dom, aid f I T - 5Ctt'-, srwr. Ul!o koau- ci-birr--. I pari with bim ) and hen ter. ltd lauaa- tLnU.na f d-spotisxa, and t I c-rLa .uuiiVJIcA arVhia wik"atfcHv and ""'!.-" "V t.; -'.--; Li ixbildi . 1 1 : 1 "irty iCvo rears of. at. "-iry ttrcrtoa en 4 E a ellnc .TTb ?y hod rcccntJr-rvchtrd vows J ;: -d f!c!jy, V- ! tljayVwan -rsv- 4t r.t .4 ' 1 hopes cf U?r; t tbe -VoaUifa . . r .."a u .- . 1 II. nTf tj, t .ly alufr it.uai; ter Cfrt It, sj I : r-Ucd from kls &:Ur hem so lo rcTtil it ti EaifUac: -Ia W "t: - btuh Lcf sida. The cWi c: -xicty ws dt''tUlT Kls tnl r c v 1 .. -1 r If be ttcl'-, C i-eU- 1 . L. II. m- ' . n ' 1 1 Kic ... I ccajlic: i 1L4 t,.rt- Cf tvuirr 1 Li lca s .'.rtcikt tl- rrttl f : rrfr-4o lie iru:'..a grcw'.it.j tf tb TVrlt--uI alt vrry qafjiicc.; .a irU f-ur-.3t ia prixic'ir la akd -1 1 u i ?4 . f t k' ' r rrx- ocsaod exci traced; I1 I U.the Ai -.fLt K vd c - rarritrati tl? r. , r . . , , . . . l v k . r ..4, ' . Ti. . . j ti rctv.: !i:::al I i1.; I: IW -..ca.-.rt4 j.-:f,rV f - t LrJ'ia Ia. ci i I. jrff-L T"i: LfUr' Kl l-'i 2 in;:.- '--'r -.. i S r ' : 1 1. . 11 . -re:.-! il tn rrcacucj tr v bcfa wciilsd ac Idler -jrc cz.lC' i srlf a ti tra bccis il Lo . jlt. lex, ssA crwrwd accoc -ia- f .r Ca rJt-- lis bora tls ? c- -n5. Cul.iaialninaL trr ksnse pcroxrs.c: a -ir.r trrii ariih wLkh.Ve. r-! 1 r r-h rJ.ci. J, ka rtcacaUliLs Liilla rf rraVa, ' f a a ! avwaa a . - - jLT-rr a c : 1 r - yarrs U tstct 4 Jwjr t a- iraf Vf tL t-arar cf L-rcrl- . . -Is K . lltatlftc t racpiiBinnoiii4?iade a J T !' '. , V. .-' -' . --if t V 1 , , cf raaay asoatJLa, v , ; acsxiry. ,waj -3 - v v- 1 LstxAnaiflrty-aous t . , . x CODtf Sit." J rrt 1 L t t r tlK L4 Ucu rcx;hd 4 nj.Ti. amli TTHisTr.

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