if j : v - - r ' r ' " r . . Z. . . A? - .-tf-ir-.. 1. : ti conceal his ' erflotiohantT bravely ' did lie accput himself. A :pww- r - wound in my hand while fighting by bis aide. . He escaped uninjured, , "Thank Heaven for his: safety, but he little dreainswhat iwrpow is in atore s tar him. I fear jthat he will never again embrace a beautiful bride," nor we anon W Hauffhtcr." UWUber eould hold no longer.) i'Yh -.dC'L Z , Father; .-'Mother, forgive, forgive i Tour daughter rra,nd the 'next moment Ssmeime- r llx lea was in the arms cf 1 Aherimother;! ''i . riLet those who, tfn: icaarine what" can mothe desribd,tictare the iscenehich - followed this revelation - S 7 4 4 -s On the surrender of Burgoyne," about -live .days after; the general battle, lElver .. ton and his father were discharged and (reached home on the very day ibllo wing , aha incidetrt Aflr an affectionate wei- Vmechy his- mother, Henry's first jues .. i '.How is fimeirne 3 Mx?s f -ps Alas my 8toi?;f;V': - 1 Sobs anditeari deprived lier oT.-uf ter co. . Henry ; forgot the laurels which Aw braveiryihad wonjs even patriotism lt eu-iwas foraitteiu as he hung in painful -jEaspenie ovelhhf weeping and almost ouiwug mumer. inouga ajs miua W88 : jo the rack tnow the fete .6f 'Emelme. ie refra&aod fir iaslciB"-anr questions ainwiunesnouia pecome more. composed. ' At this mome sweet voice from the ;.utcr.dok ifeU p6n' his earl Henry : jfe haxe aet again !M The-rofce was fa millarhe had heard it .in the battle. : wpriugwjgi Kriue aoor to, welcome tne j tfcraye .Wilber, ke huptere4 Emelihe - 5Vhart6tt Itiras'-lona before he could h pursuaded Hhathe-allat soldier "whoso jllaly i atSaratoga.was Ke' betrothed cf his bosom.. -.' . i " AJfojit yeawafterwarfs agenteel looking stinger accompanied hy a single Go ILf ab-TilLT- ' A spciclmeh-uf the pTius sier was found or sptain the steamer in the1 r roora oif, his iboal, while f; : -t Louisville, one j; fine- m, n June. ." The - captain enc ired" to know what he!was i! -! r z there. Have you" seen Captain Perry r - jsepaju naiceu at a neatlittJe:.jcoltage in Berkshire :?eouifl MaRKftfan front of which kn a utmA v ? j tng to sleep, chumming ' Yajitee Doo- le' a'restless lad. some, two years old. fyjfriendls the singer, " will ;iyou be 'lihd. as. to; furnish us. wiih a glass-of ater. Our .horses, loo,: need - iefrehmehi y you shall, he rewarded,." : , 'The . farmer ci scrutinizing glance 'at A - j -f Generat Iam alreadv rewarded: if ; jdwill deign to enter my humble cot- Furjherutterance waaimpossible j :he tKoHhtof former scenes ; and rushing from -lhe presence of the tinguished i rraVeUef'b!8pii-J and whispered v in oloTfriend wishes to see i .Ohscrving ' an : unusual flushln 'the I i cuaneRancerei ine nusDana, ane anx was the interrogative response. Don't know mm ; ana can't tell what lhotthttf o-o" wiihyonr being in'rny engine ioom X replied the caDtain aherUvrT- - 1 r ------ . i - 'Hold on.-thatV lust wnat I was getttogoit-;-' iw.f--- iou -see, ueptain , rerry-asaea me to take a dink. and sb--I did : t:trjew.'thut I wonted lb drlhk or I would'nt- have been so very iry. So Captain Perf y.en4 I; went to theballraptain?t'err) wa$ pui. lin'ir in some extras, on one 'toe - I iung outt it, Captain Perry, if you bust your jbilcr.' Viib thatro man stens un to me. says he, Sce here; straneeV; fou roust Jeavc J 2 Sav J. WhattriusVi leave fur V Says -he; 'You've making'tob much noised -Saytf U'lUti been in bigger crowds lhan this.- and maile more fioise,and did-n't; leave nulher'.-- Vviili; that JJpok.riioby, the hap t?f the 'eckftitd lhet. scat .of jhe br eechesa npj I.y Je flm Avlfl s hoin down;streeiXt4a I knew she was a laly by a remark she maJe-said iherrrr'-Yuu n c cn a I reckon. you'll go home with me t! Politenesi wotildn let mo refdsc and so 1 wenti -'?X'"''-:" I'd fbeeo .in" the house but a rpinirj, when I heard considerable of jtTk'riockrnr'.aVtKe ;door, 1 knckwd'the chap wanted to get in, whoever, he waa,-;woaTb!n.'t have kept up sucha -treniendous racket By;.and- by iaa?s avice: ET you donopen, 'rjirbiMtin the doorJ And so heidid.:v:'f put . onLa ioli faceahd " sa'r T S 1 1 a n g e rfc 3 oes this woman bejohgto yoii,ti-" Says he, she otoea" Then,".ay t -1, she a lady, T think, from all that ivTe'aecDor.her.V With thmt,-he came at me .withT a pistol in one hand, 'and a bowie knife in the other, and behig'a. little pressed for ooui. i jumneo mrougu ine win- djw, leaving tpe bigger portion of my coal tail j As I was screaking it. dowoi-towTa with the frscmeat fluttering to the breeze, -I met a iriend uknew he was a friend by a remark" he madpsata:te Go' sic f Zk . sat . ik Ausvaiir- nn;;oning case at Ctlh harprn" cured ihe publication ol foma intcreiiing lads respecting the BrscniC- aiert.jOi- L.ower nuiiri and Slyriai' , In both these mivin-. ces it : appears to DO a common tuitora among lno peasantry, jo coniumo everv' mprning amall portion of the deadly pouQri 'rilie same manner as me easici. worm consutnei ' opiunv -Dr." Tschoci; the weil ariown iraveuer punnvics tin account 01 aeverai. cases wnicit have come to Ins knowieugn. -1 no habit does not seem to be so pernicious in its Veults as thai J opium I eating. ,11 is commenced by . taking .a .very ' small dos say somewhat Jess - than .hall a slum, every, morning, which is gradually increased to two or .three grain. I ho case '.oL.a hale old larmer is mentioned,- whose, morning whet of arsenic reached the incredible quantity of four grains The effect it produces rs tery curious. The arsenic eaters grow fat and ruddy. so . mucii fO tnai tne practico is adopted by the loters of both sexes in order to please their rweetheai Is. , It relieves the lungs and bead very much also when mounting steep lulls and cntorina . into iuTtn ore rarificd- atmosphere; rOhio the - moit -wf.cat, viz: I0, 77G,70ibDhels..r-: Pennsvlrsnia ratsoa ihemoit rye. va; C-6C&.353 bushels - ' renrvefrc lli inl Indian corn. vix: 67.833,417 bu he 1. Vuctnia ihe ml UsSj tjeuj', vis: Ki'Mycky ihemot tol.acco, tit: 72liSJU tMiund;" - 1.49,104,123 iHtwts; ,.- r-, - tvfHiih CallitT the most lire Vhr 66,892.087 pnds. . . Iouina the most sttiar--;vix: 37,109,300 north 'Carohria thr nioi itinc, ,rihee.k are. CHiioui,. fjcu, up showing tJi variety ljiricntural prtMittcri4in afid th vut amount of prnductint.s. ' x f t'..i ct;'. ;r r r. vii A'tnsjraoi" know .lihaooifa Iorti- tl j catttrti sea cf UrliCJ ; lis too- nros nuam: mo graote. Tie AUkJomwwJ tk'Sye cf Mat- , awKoran (Jon Lrtrun' Drjca t of iM ... , fmtnrgrnU. TThe report wIulIi we iHi.ihcl lately by telegraph from New Oi lcans of. ihe-.Qbandonment of the tuV;. ten, the fru the Duke ef Nortl iter was a Mrs. M. of aa '-asornl ftmily, ef-ViIrshuv("cs th ee cf Httnerf; .ha was tdoeateJ ai Qi; ford, whera W locV aa hooorary drrra ta 1780 hs lock -lha nam of Jttoe Jcwis lcc, . aaiil a fcw years aficr he had Icfl ihe Ibivtrtaty. bea h char ed it to 8 wit blot- He dors jiii sppcar to bare ba4 sov Exta borat. Ltoe la lodgipgs when la Lctjiaa( and occajtoa- ally a year or two at a tins ta tht ntc on the costiacnt, ss Prit IWTtia, Flor enf. id Ueixa. at LKh tle ha dcd The star le'rrotuhm made far him hv lae'Dukecf NortharaherUad vilh hs rttirtd and siaarle haiiu, mh!cd hto to sccamalsUtha Urge forte nt of t-ZQQr 000 which U hy wPil beucd ti the GoTcrniOcut of tht Ueilcd Suit. to etisUuh a CWlere ce Irutitate tot the difTa.cn of knled stoouroco ' Tht testator, James boitthann, a ab ject of Grvat llntun, drcUrra hitcxl in thejrspiioQ of the i!l a drtcmdaat in blood iron the iVrejsand 8eytaor. two of- the mot' ill tutrices fc clerical names of tht ImUah IiUnda. hrxxxj two ceutoncs since, ta 1000, th aaoea- tor of his own nsme, llogh Satthsoa, T . . .. .JJ c. ' -In. .. t lyftiir acaa -r exsz! stee of Maiatncrraa and the diaao lutioo of. fle rdyoltttionaiy forces inmedUtely afur tho rcttoatiou cf the rwill ihowon,? said 1m "eouieW B.fe,a" etoj"1.": on ).ou? . 2 In the meantime the stranger dismoun ted aAuJwithout-ceremony entered the eVttsge.': aniiouato know j hy' wtiom he had been -reeognised, . ia axseetiou; vof country he ;had never before visited, and ItdSroutd least expetQb?addVessed'by ' his muttarVftitfe. ..V: .1 -f.-.' 77 H Waa met aft ihe'ddox'byenry.El ' Tcrtoni leading hy ihehand the hlnshing jKmeimp, anct nearing on .tbeotncr. tneir onlypledge tfyotithfut -love4 j Gnerar GitessMdeOTtdo f. yWremembef Bobertilber I ifIdosaid the Geuerjd tmliirrupt L ting,wbero';Kfe. ifU-i j jehernrejtoe4H ' ing CaEmclttieiVitl; c v - U .rThanks .he to-Scaven forihe dis- t covery," exclaimed the.yeterwh'erors heirasped the handof the soldier's bride. iraa JSJjsseu . inet wwip one wmca was nest- nd tliai, the.tf ayil happened in your engine-room.' Pro : a good swimmer; ' captain.bur do excuse' xnev if:your plehse.Trom taking the iraier-r ; . ' 1 unu. jour. 'Arrtr-ToDDTrMirvland hat always been fa raou for its beanti fui women ttnd Apple Toddy. There is a receipt for - only tho latter, which we suhjdin : Take a red streak apple, roast it before a slow fire' on a china plateful it into a half pint tumbler,' mash it well, add one wine 'glassful of good cogntac. and let it stand - a twelve bourse. Add tnen two wine glasses of water,' iust-ti over wiih nutmeg, put insf spoonlull 01 white sugar stir it-'oa'uf 11, and drink. This is genuine 8pp!cr toddy, taken U Mil vl - Ul -ISS JW I taking its place in summer Ammtg these' jovial 'Middle Statesmen, a stranger has a chance of liviug according" to his humor, which the determined T temperance upholding people-of Mho north eastern States scarceJy'.permiu"- -. iTrifc DEAD SEA. ,,TIe'reason why the waters of the Dead .Sea are unfitted to support Mr. Robert J. Graves, KCD , hesj Communicated to the Edin. burgh Philosophical Journal; a very interesting article on the causes why the waters 'of the Dead Sea are .destitute, of fish and. other marine' animals. The Dead Set conlairis'no living thing wilhinJu r.t l . ... taiai oounaaric Yt"- i,v - 'VDnnM1 DJlh royal family of lha St carta, rtcdrcd U10 Uraw, ,4r her- Oih imiani, from Charlca the Second, as & rnrard rrccifrtl by tail "night Southern for his eminent service to that house. jrcVra iha hta of ; iry rui-;a. 1 . 1 rroor i cp La it ocLt' Jrjvi f-T the C rajaacarrw. tz4 I na y lhal ihrj pexfcwnrd I r drill vixh lh saoal sol dkxlLkt ' ;"3. t How tWvsTTT ran thrcsh 1 -rica cf tviitlag std taraicrt, a-, j Jt4 wirj 1 at iL hut.?, iad I j rk cLtr, I ecuU scarrely t -fmtaa4,. auura Iodic on all ii Hxm At actervala wa ha-J di.-rt aai aoora, s4thih ooAaBcu wka iu inta. Aiur a daace artd sko- tV I o J ana fra ia a aeaakirvle: sa It-iJa. who has co'V to eoaet, gr lata th cmtre, sod tf t all tha fcau he has dewf. lit tt.-wc.: ce wi:h his Cnt act, aad tirc-gh, riftar tb time a&4 tht crratai4tcfa cndtrwlkh ke did lr, aad anth vhat balia. , ToJd ia tils tallvc soat wrf he a a is m eirofora 11 t Uli aa en truth. and Win ihriccird ia a bt hra cvoctiee enca, wocU fcrrvrr diarrare fairs ia his own &! all other tnhrs For each eW tht dratatocrt riva ctx rap 00 thefr drsts, an4 ihos 00 catit the IoJ'ju rr;-ta his whole hhtory. On bi ocouocscoti&tl fross tsrtuty bra ta uirty eoo." - la the cvcaiar the ST. ,x had a feast, vbka i4 aooa f tha tUki who taruntaUd i it qule aickj Tmi cny iroia ciccsa cr caunr. otlry al r.l -at tJ-. cw, Srtf tirrxi: i ly cUy 1 aaa, se4 tke -akltra ra lin eatrT. The gac r rriar I lUxJl XiXf t sa 1. . lUs t IU fiit aa Wct, tt'.'.ls au CV t. mail. We cpy;1rout Hut paper Idanog tne anl wart, IM dignity ei an arcoont ol lht onrra-ti.iiia tif ihr iurouel 01 iariatxj : a airauv sun contending force, as ,fiCIttt J The force nf tafaitl rnnvtttcd of about 00O mm ami a :s pound er, and vattHia hiice in the cits amounlnl to rHHt px huindrd mm, wild nine jif cni of atultcry - an, nine, anil thrive rxundri. llime Ui' tt- otai-lultcil in barncaife . battitif , C"ImiWicI held by the Daka of Northambcrbol. aa descendant from lha aam llech Southaoo. . ' The father cf the testator, hy his 3r at in . rure wuh loaj rixa&cta yoour. who wadrCfodi by a icmala Jioc frova the ancient Pcrcya and by the ash acqocot -ercalioa cf ucorre the Third, in 1770. became tb trtt lak of ror- m a tbombcrUoJ.. Uis aoo an4 rocersaor. Jrr'uirJ lrt a Xala,srxt lt ttss4 ta 9f ia 4rriak, jj aaid tsal lis k."f- W kVl tfci.y, J I ti!r t,ics: s. :-r t!;r wtrda. tTtlti ! U U a! 1 rrry r f c j t . t wtkt rt .luiran. 1J to tla k.'.flrrrxi ct4rtaaa !i i a t rrk f: tLt " I 9 t f Uatt 1U1 "Mill TT CXfl 1 . t " - . ' i mm WW mim ifc vrry vw try kstrry, htU Fla he Wra. , CheTraaca, sad Hik, cr iht' lw. FalW, ai j Oracd Father std ratll glad ta agt J s&aay ftt, rUd, ax4 I Ua U tarvv k, Ua. i ia glad jpw kaia ui l?fr c nd trme t, ,TW lJUU c j to t- txly u rvr.tn, Ul U b rrU lias Karrc. TTe tig u rf here aad lerp cs a wi5f, li 1 01 act Ixn AaiU rva Urk. ijvispwaa-tj ik, frral Pj.i r?e, I so !L'r. rn4 JaiVrr. u 2. yt fell sat to 4a. I lav-w rc wbU dctjciulitig hialtcadquarlcrs and bu the brother cf the testator, known ia the pooiinn I ir all hi men., v ' I history of our rsvolotiousry war hv lit A succcaion ,of atsaulta irwl ramo of Lord Percy, was present as a tkirmislic fothiwetf llns moven.cui Dritlah o&rer, at littaagTunary apco for seven or i?hi eimwm nJ U.ih i a r aeee a of tho rtrolatiooarv war at Aniericnns and Mexicans .under Carvajal behaved gallantlr. the contesia being keen aral apiriid. On tho nvMnutjr f tho SOih ult about da) ligiu,Car-jl determined 10 ret re a slwi di'tnnce to recruit Ilia lorCN f,tr nnnlUjr ikiiiII He arrange! his ieiiiuirarv re Lrxiortoa. and at tka balUa of licakrr's liili: and was Ua brarrr to tbe UnUahi Gov em meat of tbe dupakheajroa the Coiaindr-4o-Cbief ef the royal forces, announcing the events of that snrmor able day ; and the present Duke of Nor tbambcrland,- ibe testators oepbaw, waa tka amhaacador extraordiaarv cf Great lintain seal 'ioaaaltt at th coro- "--"--'" - . I DanoQ 01 10a late nmiu r r; .u&arits cnicnr luace his Meiicnn ioree inltiwTnth tr nAhiKiMUb'nMiLj advance, leaving Captain aers data of this beneat from hia rt Li lire to company, .with stme Mexicans, a $ha United Sutcs of Anencar Is it ' T. " FBTRttXA JO, 1 151. THE CHOW INDIANS. The eaanoa was itr this sora!e. and the tsgnlted for tiajwfttllit cf the ctrancil; at 0 o'cUk. Abrt that hour, it'waj saocnarcd that the Crow wcrecotaicg io,' cocdaci4d kyMr. Jlrh dma( their ralrrrrttcr. CoL lliichcll aod party weal oat and aot ikeaa W yoodour rocatapcaent. Thla ia sacch the finest dhiU30 ef fadiacs wt have Jet tecs,, and al'.hooh ihry were iaai rcta a Uarxxy of arrly elht haadrrd trues, tty maue a t3l tlr44 srrrsr saee; Tht r wtr j!1 cuooatrd. hcrrsra, t Loath jade4 ad rrdoced by the It inn, stUlahcwcd cactiSc, aod saaoy cf tbcai were beautiful aii&ata. The Crow leiiaa riles W(trr thaa soy other. He alt a 00 hi bora with trrwrrt eaar. and evra eWaoee." TWt wrs !red with caoNTUatr, and ihvir drtsca, tj ciaily the head drem of tbe chxf, Baaie cacra durlay thaa anv cf the other tribe. TWr catae dowa the tlaia la aa, aiopog their aaUctul c right, aad that it will WfxJ.tfe uiy wcii, rerrrardila,,!.,,, rJirte day almttr ffaa&4 vui( shall U to, a&d we be ai Oas y vast t6,p ui-hxhtt, j t rrady.Ksi ihty akall fa, 1,11 bagrow a;a. lf;aJl ih IM' tmztm wtr aa viMi-r to 4 wLal ihry tat Va wr srr(ks.ac-(!J it I, . s&l wt aieU aifU'i u aiukta! the tear cuaid of -hia column- I not rather a atranre eoioodenee. thai They proceeded in thia manner.io frooa'tha near ralaura f lha maa wha A flciirnated f,oini alw.ui.ie m.U. Jtrsi drew too swon araina U iea aWc Mn&mnrif . n' thm H,-... of this country, should prooeed . tho river. - Ilav.nir obtained some f.Hir ?f f pcT". cxmaoUdatlof: rr f,. mit ih 'i ..1 t... I tloae IiberOca by tbe dicuaioo tec m - aau v si si w m rw a a ai '.. .... . , , , I boa. tnat main tular and fuundatloQ ot 'car ruaicf,.- Avahs' . cavaliv. I .... f . - mg ining witnin tu - our rvpuhlicaa iaaUtaUoca.Z,VrJL , yetthwsali.tea, n,T,JneT l S00 men, W by Col , ry, is supplied with lilla, raado. two attneks upon . V . iwaterrivcr. which h tr ftuard,.hcaded b Carn-i.i Indian Iliirtnuid Character. i ao famous in story - . a - SBw " a a a m ruler from rrL oiir r.rr. tKik I rear Buara.ncaded L Uan . : y- r,v'. iit .ii j. . . . - . i. abound tnVfih and' vegetables. 1 " 'Rer, anrt aer aerre Conflicts. J . Wa have setcral time neti tlietsurlacoj 100 feet belonr i - Meiiiteranean . . . a s - - 60 . miles lonff." and dbrnad. It I ctn advance. and ccntr cmiMved receives' All tbpwafers of the Sea ."' Mcjican -.hautlion and "a ol vUaUIee .A Correct chart . of ,c,r urajc ung Aincucan were this old lake was never riven lal'X'd wit smldcn panic and soers. d thV. LofiheDeatl Sea is Jere- tBL witUconsidrabre Veat-gn V.wl!f. ctrV Ir.xn elow the level of the lo- . & 'k'''. . Y Tribes at ForiLaramieT Tulrilowiag a, ,.,1.000 eet deep, is tha Ute-t ?f the serie. ofartklea-di eamly.utahax father, I rcceiye tae Uiessui ot -an oil g-'iigr. ! ihe'woflduntil the. eipeditiun 4nlwmly fled-Mint even 9 ritn under Lieut. Lynch su'rrcyed it. P"nJ ( U sWrtnen' c..uld,,l The full credit of thi important '"" t rnurn to ih- reacue ! fact is given to bur count rf by-Mr U llIteC l nMnf officet vtueveJcls:4atrQI- 0? AlJOl - -1 .ItlO A5P lKFjDlXliT.Ah0ut i ,$ightoi&mC -the-ilSst inumher pf the .aT-: -T if l' .. o(ipi; juiuvnttur are xcupiea .y,:a ser , inertche -jgtreg ..to sowtfiajttlie, -inbieis&bt tin j s; iieaarpfc;e:33itie.U . ;The , fireC t-sinraila; senseless1 t6y,,' ( .,,, mauifeat .Vhsurdity,, and.ednclude's ! inat. mewriiex'vor xmHer 01 uene-. c bn dim iui,ajpas Ied; UhhVperstitibn: of hisc1 irneSJpf thisl bAhrahainf j- i4,0ia . v--j- .. .J' "1 1 1 . -v . ' V- vi.i -rM-rirxfit r J'rW;- - f v-,- V sr. ia t ie .- l ATU a ! r JXO WER5 icti Editor "iVf-tihe Vjaigku?er? say a VCKoose J - 'aoaie ot:-ttc mpdt.pettect budA ol v Xt1?SvyTOb pfeserve, ujjthej blooming, readV ipair of scissorsv leaving io'each. if t jsijUU?.1; piec:b Cthstem v abbu t ; .nreevne Aong ;-"coyer tne epd -itf tijf wjtrdj'M ftitV with se a I WtlMAlfefiflt ?ror fcr y;nthGei timev hen QWeihe flower. Klnw ) SS4ofa;th: rer z . w iiwKwiit nine -r asl! eK8ean4:iheejt day i xaiJhetnvsva the flower. '1 tfisplalptheir run t H?elr cohir-L t l7reutheiheirjeea bdora. : 1 given to our . country by Graves.: It had been stated by Mr. Dr. Jtobinsoh aod Mr. atbuilon, . 1 t -t - a a? . a inai mo-snore 01 me ucad oca tvere non volcanic, but the espedi ,tion Lrouzht -home specimens o j lava and scoria; tliai jefuting form tjr-nccuunia. wa 'Bhuntiantlv able to iciciir himc4f;-and om nut Porti11 and his superior fe to flight. Car- vajai.procernedJ asia lit drawer Iwfcca'ou thi rirer and . .. . 1 inf-Hmrni nl K"'" refuting form kfL rd .ihe pwiion ..r hi '-.A f I aiisuharvfoVce. wUo foIhMd hui." TTicrc is another Vca irlthe world Ucfn.l hirreaf:; tupt.!Wl.cair; jusVlike tbc-;Dead Sea Vif Snltim, cmn.sNli.r .r,,.M.. thU is t!e Great SaltLnke oflho P01"'. - wbcU xhadv. iyirrrd Mormon "country, diVcovtreoT by Li cut. v l' remop t.A-.'This Lake con taiiisno-livingMhiDg: withnt : ati bosom, and' it' "also . receives" tjie Oeih water of Lako Utnlu 1 ft rjThe waters of-llu? Dead Sea' of Jordan contain - 24 per.- ccfiL of saline r ni h 1 1 e c o n sisiin ; of chlo ride of rK:aisium,sodium1 calcium, niagnesiutn, iron, mangincss,' with bromido ol magneuuou --J his It! inc impregnation accounts for the absence of air vegetable and animal Itfa..' The ; waters bf -thc:Great American Salt. Lokcw-ure nearly of the same composition, nnd present similar, (.hcnomepa to thaf.of , the beaof bodom Avalo" liailtiMii with so inurl. piut,.Ha cvfiicrcl tu can his gun into the wer. ,J. l - For the pfoent (7nnhlYr.,fCt a Jr - -: . . . nre cuspereu, anil.caiiruulv lo rc uijiamtiu mi iao.argo or mmr oilier mternat txiint. In f.iat 1 fit lorces ol the Ceniral sovernment. it it announced that Carvainl was trui at-KeTnosa. and would SOOO" bQ ComDleif lv r rtvrnniied and Tcadyjfor, ho fir!dwith an enorrrHius -'lurcci. The Uandero. who were ..iti; Car vnjiC lo the number t)C.50O' are iiU Arah acn. unsca. mh alnrcc l rcu 1 . PrcducU cf .tho Unite d Etitca- .Tlie patent ofaco report, funsrsh"- Ih T"'ft linutil-'iriouaFy lr0 J00 to-.-hiCOWaV n.aicbtng tloVthr frvnticr ia,,V Ath. tile wa IU btS.atrVliH3, III In lrlicved mauHpas'A Caiaaj eenptrve of the accnr, wnUen by the Editor of the SL Louis Rrpwblioaa, wha was presents " .'' a 1 1 lie. fa dvtccs, fViltciiivul fiitae ( GH;mMnding ull.lhe load (iias.vAud . bad a turce ol tVn hnv unrt Inhnrrft" rtrn I Itanireja in" I fii. UPltrhborhood . Ol m everv oiaie ana serrtiorv in iha cur. i - TAere jaill .b itirring events Titah Ground, wear Tort Idranir, . r.t Syi. 9, 1851. TUB CI1EYENNE SOLDIER In the afternooo, abent a handrrd cf the soldiers ef lhCheynnrs ea into caaip. Taaaa.-a taayoaogcaeaof io aatioo: They are focuWd into coaspan- iewhh a hri xT prioeipal leader, and other nbri!.,At fiecra, and I organ- ixaliM and parpo rcacnWe oar v4 nntcera. Their rnocTpal bead U usual Jva well known rar," and when with ih BAtioo. travtllloc or hnnUnr ttri cnostilUU the guard, seowtr, kc. They furnrtb was paruc,ta tun go w war upon tWir own hook, aomatitar with out the koowfrdge or constat of the .!.w.rt TLtv rc- oamcroua, sna we)I handed ug -.tr, that ina thx:U can do nothing with 'them. a ; , Ia this ease, ahont one-third f Al.L.c J wcraBOunted on horseback the tls-r were ou foot and the first latltnanca we had ef their .approach, was their shoots and yells ss they can e oter the plains, from the Cheyur village. Thy came as a war party ; .their horaea r painted ia th taaat apfrotrd alyh their manes and tails In vnca orders; and ou the hips and sLhUr the rider had painted h'sMro.M This ' coos' is a b'utorythe fats which the Indian has perfSraed. Krcry scalp he may hsvw taken, or enemy ha Iim ?n, is represented by a baad or la fpel rode th t- priacipsl ctwfa, eaea carry ig a hihij unxa nxctcd t-pr; behind thrui th relaaj ftdrr cf Xh r r- ty wilhftharr arria, sod ia th txr rn.it w .i . srrwwa. rtcttacr ttmtt ecu, -r asr of their tribe, had rrvt . V far Urn ao far Lilt ef aherr fva grct-.it, stj they were new in tbmdjl ofil.r cactatr -thewa trabr with whoa they had bc at war far.taknown years. Ibrtr cva- log was expected, and had calW oat the Lo-iUrt tree all the surrowtxjjaf viT!- r- - Th hoi puia raxd air with t'- ti Jii -rc. cf mltlc- A mnbt il X),'Qe Crrwyrir.ti noa'lt kiitud cr slrnd--v C-L 3d it chclftr tif WJ th ciica dfcjai rcaf, cna3 a alort apcreh ia rrply a ih Cci ooct,' saaoked allarotrod, arlthrf.t gntd iL a camp rro&4 ivrii tut trtv r ear h-Wtth lie s'rlt. iter ia; -p rrs urrrrirl by a kkf cf tl ;i.s, te tt ih yew rnd sac her Uxja tW 3iiacri rncr. tt krr ; ay lc ar wry, poc- ad Laayw Lai a very L:tX to rat. W Ut Urd all jtm hat atd fot wia aj ttry rt4tt lhu.k w W14 Lai a t&iii irc..lft rtrv 1 m. a t4 saoca tvff witt lit Ut .hHj' j tfLtr.Taait tO SCW tU fr'v" j ' aZmrltlL.t 'r Cit'oi, aa Arap f-nb?, axtadr Mi l (Vssalaac. r - same persucs m trevioualv BOtd- The fJraw cbkfa vtr ia th circle, ao rafter cd the. : following. irnpottant iuforui- ?Ttc,ct'h ation ;. as.-.-;' V" - . rTnt, o 1 1 ,juettn .f c, : 10-jiati c.yrn, -poia- I " ' ui IffA'ns .Mt. M -t t. . J 'WSii l' uov-wy. Hi u THJSCU in etery State and. Territory in. the nion.; . . . r. - I -'Barley raited in vall except laorlljrtlws Hrjyo sara . ' "J18! -V-Vf . Te pcraoft' ho leased- the right to i Buckwheat is tAised af except J ia tht Crystal P.Uce, N c w Fiigla nd, Ne w York,' No is sid to hto rtaliaad th soar little kit yrw.Vl mfmVef r-)(XJXKKJ bv crseyr rennsy 1 van ta,- Mich 15 a n; the cperaUoD, ? Encou r cl ; .lUblyy Jhio, and WisConsiQ 'donol raiie th-propcrity 'of. th.i tc n.cw iotloor L ' v;-.. s "I; V O- speeaUtcr cr $25,00' i . ha right li '.The" slates that da. not' lost ar'.: 3 fell ntlon.Moffetner- with fdorvlao(Llthroilch-thaxrevicei r ti : L cerr " ??iCb9Neeitinl "Cfoilin X0kBXerZW:y lealicoea u Delaware' and" Indiana' do not raiio j tiia ground bra caih. tl ' Everystate aruTterritary except 'own, -does raise silki" '.T. ,r, : n'Kkcs. sonar.- ' . ' Si e w k' or k - ro w es th e " m ost b ar :y.; rU: ' IVJ02,382 .bushels., : XiTewJTmk tbe niost f otatbcs.vjx: :053J,&2 1 . D0SUCISV.V t upon 1 '.jqLs, ii.will be Toaaeaberad, were with a sye hetweea them, and, dotibtlfi i;raa tal uahle waif suak ifio tha a: Sever al srhohave lo&t, ; malic rs' c. totuidera tla value, will- sUtica I'-r.ii c-f tha grouadi whea-tha 'boarda r rt:. -Tfd to reclai rt ihcta. -"-' WTATLY bcuii.-ta uzrr; e-iiLcaa, own, al invited tha ckltf a riac. pl raa lo atxmd the Council that taor ater. - The youag torn ew took eharrv of ih horaca and the yrrparataooa cf lb camp. " , . - - " - . ' . r is COUNCIL. J The Indiana Vara lata ia aaiawBUii snd the council cciaiatcd cf nearly the mioualy uL,The a-ou a pUcwViih-1 ikcv were acflad, raoat of 1 : tLUU hd trtapl Kit :f cf each tribe came up sal :-3l ea ia pjp ana smosra wua 1 a, Col ooU Mitchell thru iofort-c I tier, through- iheir interjrettra, that f c hi tulmittat to them all th jrepi '-ca be had to soake, and he was stow rJj hear wLal they ihacgM cf ihrm . f iheysdlalktd axulaqsuked th saat- tcr over am&ef thcmarltca. II woald trat hear from ih . .x,. " ' ' -- Trmrw JUmt it. . k?. cl J UtttiJ good XW fir select 'g his laUrpry un, a ! lr ih eoo.iors - . Yt r.rou std th whiaf.hat fjrs! J C-Mttac, aadr ill Cr tiraui .V -Lcr Lit tct -,!( " ta a jTcatd t-ftrocU to e;- .'. I jreM rt us. Hat wo are ' all glaJ 19 - Lt Lf U. that yoa hire eeme. We know yeu wsal todaes goo&f f raak aa b at r -jb each ether andtla white, and f lit to b arpeaee. I and say baVI ii; Urule Lata heard, all y3 fc Hi : n1 w tava uikfl t-riLr about tkae thin ra 300 j. f-j art cryw!?, but ia aoue iMoxtI w don't fzrr w;;hjro. Wa are a tart hand. Stealing horsea ta a rtx leal, and rHo&.a Oaaxa. nail et all taa'oovatrr: ol w daa 1 care for UaW far w c-a henl any There. Uat w tava d-Mcd difrrc-ciJy frca yon, Paihcr, aloe. chief far th naUoo. Wa wtal I chrtf for each bad, it will bi rpch better for yets snd tha whites. Tj-ftr.wa will zake soldier tf curycaas iaa.ic4 . r v .. - . . . v aur utu. gooa mtn i whi(s,aad c4.hr It !utu -L't, F f wacaa'itaaks &t:qcL2L v. rf F0!! r" i t ery t.w Grand Fatjrr, I lhark th Gnat rclrit, th XsJUii the 34c, tW fu Ung a tm ticta. U Is a r-! carta, aa4 t hep ihrrr wul be t S9Ct fii iej ee it thu ih griss w3 rrcw, avl the wavr fU, &J r!c a Ccfala. Toe,-Graad'Fa:, arv dotc tll far Tcrr ciiklrr, ia t.&:c- ao Urtui Is kir.'sa nstch UvUc sbt-t iLtm. I tl , ic k t w iU U ca sQ savch rW ; J Uf i.brtse aCicd. ' 1 wut Sc?q iA and tvt4 hate to wauh tay Umt is tl? r-'.vtU afrsii fraav kuv aai ai-. a.-Tnr ta.i e tjr1 t.'-.Vrs tr a.rtxr. aad lo th i I srcalJ U r.: 1 f th 9Ui wU y iiewt a plr Ir llcs'Icca od'c cv rafacwr pt.lj hat if tWj c.e4 paa thresh er caerry thr ti.Cl 3 aa jcatMi f. what liy CIi' .1. Tbrr Lav been acta ca i fc rris ; thry Lav eoosBulud drjrrdatkc.a,' and thry kav la charjtd ajca xm lal ter ihry wt'.! raff to Laxjf their. Liada aad kid ii:?rLjrt W hsre cbcm e-cr ck'arf aaj w a ;wida lather. WVat wr ! - r w Wi.I r-T kia ia it. ao-i we afct thai the i j;a will rsp IV 1 I'rr. -. ' . a..w ei J, j ka icd Art rpcL cUc f ' iHLA. al, arxt harawcd hva lnbf b f a a i irtaawl cvacsiaaioocra. lis wil " ' ,. . Valitr, t d 'ckilJrTa, w r'n yow all cp to c r Iretkna, aod aww w asall haa ih 4raxtct t!Jtf ia the wcrhf. Tkc li:ts r rmwds lo aw, aa j thtwill It fp4 to bj if w 4t LV U Urm TU Gmat Ffrit ia artr as aad aa all."- W slot want aay fwda car bad awem's aL The wiitc w-act u b rx4 u aa Ut at aaU LU vd rvfae what they aak. Wa hi t t at cc heart, sal what we say h tn.iL. Ixt mar ear h X U th actios t f cur Crtat faiWr, an4rjobrs -. owr hear. is eLat w prorata hiaa . . - . . . Cut MiuhTU iLra tcgceaed U cOcr tnl that h dcaircd ikca t talk wrtr Vlat L said to thf&t, add whca h tact J' tt -iia to b yrt 7 rrd to ptacat 1 wt4 a chief ol the caOco, if tWy arytd ta ki rrcpoaitkes ; if act ta t r tcnt their aljr-cuo&aT TL C&aiwil iLcn aJjcraed t iL Skcal day. ;'- rv horie that ba has stolen is marked by ao - tatlem somswbat rescBUi&r a hcrte'a hoof. " ' ' . All ths Indian were painted In their war ' eostum, and dreasVd la tha best pceaihletnanncr araed, w-a. with rata, soa with lsaees, and cH..(a with tews snd arrows- Thair horaemea. and fact men ap Narently mingled in a oocfoaed v.zt tut U could be seeh that there was c; cria all their taovetnenls. They Trculi r their gnns, shoot their arrows, pre a shout, inak a charge,' rd thn t 'h-orwmen . from the e;!r -oald rvh nt'trmind sd throogV t . fooU njen i . ceil; t!. " pisnoer cf protect. lr. tl;: ir cicn ' wlea too tloaely prcaacd. Tvc exhibition e-fhewlld and aav a c:oJo f f warfj'3 art ex ci tif j beyend de.scriptk-a, ar.1 Mutn the It!" a e-?rj iatolr-rvrhca thcr s- " v htt'cl theta together th r lytllf aeetn to atir p vry t cf t? aal excitr tr.; cf ir ; r g aTilIad taenr ia jacri r-.tWcnir j' " rTt'.e ti- 1 . ' frtsJSiU.;ta toil ci jrei-.) ; - -J i f 'rwr aacoier bxxr. U rry taocL ..k 1 .3; cf arf8ay ucd "IvAcae, itf- ater.'. fill "" li r-ttr 1 . tajBity r: ILi to - : , i -ciiaa ajf all CL. u ' '; J" " . - Tatbcx 10a if 11 O V .r. !. .'a tw3 rcaia. ' ilc r." lo shakr r- - a-i 1 at U"tJ .-' adthafiii. V.'l ; ,77! tratcV . ieprr. r 1 the rr "!T C -.T fTM ucUrS! Jnm fJU A ruwf Jmts7rm'ert. 1-ttaJI IjrTXJlTtrW WITTITllxl1!- tCXXT. Oa kMcx Uj ti 2 aiioc frca foercf the tn'ua cf Itiurj who srorrd her laat wrtk iachxrt tf MaJ. Fluttrkk, Iedlta Arret fcr th Tp per llati, wailed t;- a th TVrirst. Thay !nt r et st the C a f th Ccxa. t:.i,5iirx India Art, whrr CoL Lea LaxnlaotBety rrired Ura, ar i caa ' rcl th ejrrci:y lo ai.-na (Lea -pa oa cf th trrca whkh ccterm iLtir vlt f.a thr-ip ix:tri;r tf Jh ccstisrrt, "tt to iie'rru' cca Lhria lhe-l'rec tha'Grr'r- -at f;r pe-ac Wit Iail-1B : ilJ.i t-U, t-.y t-t lit'- frc-a ilr'.r j arce, tot f ;-e : i rd c 3 , a c jtl;a g J!t fsrxr, but ia laevclactar, aa-1 a lotc cf face C;t lu C9 mL - : Ths v'uit to ih rmi .''xt wj nU a, cc-rrtid with sey t a;i:h saakbr, tat cczjL:t4 .aan:y in iatrclsrtit- ? We hear, kevevtr, lhat Lv r- . I-rr- vtry aU Tirtocy to tin r a, r K-4a- J cl : : . . ih w.Uf rrf f i;-..;.:ji. r ureal 1 at- r r. ttrr r bw a .kl 1 s. hi i l'all.cr, tl ai k . .c.;& k4 erratic as-it 11 1 I p . X e w t-.Yor h- th e ; ra os t 1 - o Uv t kg S 'W Ut foe by . ' : : - Tncr i vi aa t 1 wker : rrtirr U rVraa, ttl thi?!rra, c- -a urd to tlaj, w wed te cw a all this Oa rdort 5 tWir kvrisp if:rr th --'.ft.-'-.- a, V c?. . 1