4C r . . - --, , 0. r ..t - ' y. " " " v . . Vn V- 1 " IT WTN jl.u L; it - ) WH.-u-,;i-. v..; li" - X V PTC ':. '--Vfc J A IK V I 1 I ;:' Lb' - """ jy m. , , r . , . ... . ' ... . ... .,- - - . -. ..,.. ... r ..... 1 - - , , . . ... ... . : N0. 2.: -:: . i - 'I ... -4 r 4 Hi -1 n. . v 1 f 1 ,'S'HF.SS i PBIJSBED TEEUT - : fJiICE Two Dollars a Year, l&py PAYABLE IN JLDyAKOT-k Advertisements will be inserteditiiQje usual rates, i ; (; ;, i j . . ' - "Srogtma?ters are allowed by law to, frank letters containing remittances lor; newspapers, i ' v paper wilh: be discontinued, nntil f all . arrearageB are paid, except at the option of tne editors. ; ' i j - On Saturday last, the wife of Jacob Bruntz, residing near Church- iiie, m Harlord County, Md., was delivered of three bouncing responsi bilities, two girls and a boy all alive and kicking. The , . O I L "v-1 married eighteen years, and have nineteen cnuaren. Syracuse Trials. It is rumored that the trial jof the Syracuse resoju ers will not colne on until August next, and the .United States Attor ney intends getting up a new indict ment at tne June terra. - Land "Warrants Assignable.- The United. States Senate have al most unanimously passed a ioint rt- olution making military bounty land Heavy Damages. Charles Blnr-t has' recovered : $10,000 damages .at New Orleans, asainst the Carrolton Bailroad, fdr hiipaking both legs of ins I son. The tolls on the Fayetteville and estern .flank lioad, for January, amouncea to 5oou. Three vessels with nearly one thousand emigrants which left the port of Dublin early in October lasL have not since been heard of, and very serious apprehensions prevail lor tneu satety. The Sultan has issued a finnan in favor of the Christian Protestants, allowing them to meet together free ly and permitting their marriages and births to be registered. 1 c Bishop Polk has been elected Pres ident of the Louisiana Colonization Sjociety, vice Judge Bullard deceas- If A Bill to constrnet a railroad froin he terminus of the North "Caralma railroad, at or near the State line, in intersect the SoutKCarolina Railroad at Anderson Uourt House, has passed the Senate of Georgia. Russia. Rev. Br. Baird, in bis lecture at -Newark, N. J.', on Monday evening, paid that Russia had a total population of 67,000,000 cfwhieh 54 000,000 are in Europe. Of the whole nuiaber,.48,000,000 are serfs; 20000, 0.00 belong to the Enipexor. They are sold with thft landg. There are no serfs m Poland or Finland, Ihe design of the present Emperor is 0 abolish serf dom:, and the lecturer remarked that if be lived 30 years, he would do it, and added, that if he accomplished that, .humanity would pardon many of his bad deeds. The army ofJRussia consists of 1,000,000 men, who are generally ig norant, -anatin perfect insubordination. The, revenue is SiQ,G(M),0Oft and the m k Mt mm t ira f 11 w n j-l 1 FELT CLOTH CARPETS. The Journal of f! account of amovel production which the Bay; State Mills those whieh recently drove the iintish shawls out . of the market Have, produced I ig a felt carpet, prinled -in block workj and de igned "according , to weight either as a floor cloth or droei CThe threads of wool are not spun or rwen, but drawn ntSe' he wtoIe mass beiris felted like . hat W?- w:t.r- . .few J months, fabrics have been put to gether m this wav. shnwrncr AVf?-. colorpn ejthjer .sid4 and design,ed for coats to be saade up. without Unjng. Thej Bay estate : Mills make this cloth with a white ground, about 40 inches wide, weighing from 4 to 24 ozs, per pnuiu m eiegantarpet de- . PV"V,.- "V6, fcue newst combination of brilliantr colors, and furnish it at 75 o DO cents per yard. We. do no see why this kin "Jk puus buuuiu . .WJt t answer woven kind.;. as well as the " - iTiOHEY , r ANTEw-jt ae - j, reasurer jof me atate advertises for sealed proposals till the 8th" f March ne'xi, fo? the pur- y"oc Vk kowm ptace Aona& to le ouu unaer uie act .py an-: j.ifKw as pF-jTk Mw--The coin- age m J-!-6 4!), Qow,md Urcr bnl- I V. , 1 "J l.-,--J- 7:.' k,,fji .,,.. if. "FATHER MATTHEW'S RE i TURlTO IRELAND.- . Father Matthew, on his return to Ireland from the United States, was received by, his countrymen with i fevery demonstration of regard and : esteem. , The Common Council of Cork presesteld him, with anaddreta of congratulation, to which he respon ded in a speech of much feeling and eloquencein the course of which he thus referred to the people of the United States and the manner in which he was recieved by them. A : No langagentjcmen, yrbich you coidd ame.'can sufiicientiY ex- press the measure of bur common ob ligation to the noble hearted and generous citizens of America, (hear near, j 1 ou iiave liad ocular demon . . . - , . , . , i wv- u.wiui auij, when in the day of our tribulation, you witnessed in your magnificent naroor, tne Star Spangled Uanner proudly floating over the frigate "Jamestown, the distribution of nuusc precious ireignt ia great na- tioA toa r,l" .r r. " altara of humanity) saved innmnera- ble Uvea within the precints of onr m . I tamine stricken r countrv. I have traveled thousands of mil en in tb. great Western Republic, and never have I experienced, not only in the Capitol, but through the wide evtpnt of America, aught but respect and kindness from its hiVh-minded citi-. zens, (hear, hear.) My transatlan- tic tour is fraught with a thound fond reminiscences never tn h fnr gotten, (hear, hear,) and I fervent ly hope that the strong feelings of exist between th. rlV rfiX j iiuu lneuusmp, wmcn now V i j 1 1 m -w r.v, v. xiv.r ana America idat mntmna as nam. I - -- --y ....v1,t.u,a. jnentand durable as the many vir- tues they possess in common, (loud and long continued applause.) 1 ouf allusion to my dear exDatriated conn. trymen, whom I had the happiness to meet in the great Republic, and the greater happiness of enrolling a mong my disciples, has touched a chord, which vibrates through my whole frame. Though painfully struck with the sad contrast which our dearly beloved country nrescnts in many particular? L with the favor- . J 1 1 1 -r eu iana wmcn l lave recently left, I yet see no reason for apathy or des pair. Ireland this is not the place to investigate the causeis now passing through a severe transitory ordeal, from which ; I trust she will ere long brightly emerge, and enter on that glorious career of national prosperity to which her ample resour ces, now in progress of developement most naturally entitle her, (hear, hear.) I feel delight in already re cognizing marked indications of a spirit of industrial activity and enter prise, which, combined with self-reliance and perseverance, cannot fail to effect for her that soeial ation which it has already AeoTTinlii- cd for so many nations in the liistory of mankind." (Renewed armhinso -4 y The Mother op a P res rarer Mrs. Polk, the ' mother of th Into President . of the United died last week at Columbia, Tennes see, . She was a member tifth byterian. Churobriwegular in her at tendance upon the services of the sanctuary ; humble r and exemplary cn sr. a. a . 1 . . ju ueyoriiueni ; ana esteemed and beloved, by tho whole community. Her venerable form might be seen every babbath in the house of pray- It is known that whil Mr. Mrs, Polk were in the Presidential mansion, their example, so far as the oauuaiu ana attendance upon balls, &c, was concerned, was decidedly .favorable. to the cause of religion, AIrs; Polk being a member of the church, and consistent in her profes sion, ;-. We may here venture to make a ""j reniure 10 Xaaxeai statement, of no frrfiat intnrf haria-bnt-trAlr oi, i Abeth: 1 ' 1"-"& Duun iiw power 01 material influence. When Mr: Polk Presidtnt of the United States, we ..were mtrodrw unite House 'aril! AT..i,A u r nave tong ien a subscriber ta yonr paper tor an aged mother, who" still Jives and reads it with great, interest uinttu every week, .1 , - W sai in. . J for the SaM& day had jPeen CTati-1 tvino- to tKtt : Whe wuntry, ig STm tanbt. r:tl?fr 1 V A J8 v vo iear vjroa ana Keen hia oTrTT,TTnnf- -j t I ofmtfttwn - .. - i of ft .i - . guercune --y rruvo V1 J exnon- ail toe hatred' wnica disappointed Jove mTV. ' 1 TXr'-V V: b(!Lf8er Perserere in orieaW e iW. " . :9fteni recalled that te lhe Quf?' -She argued in ber com- ; lUchriWoltUen waa tka pnjy aoo worthy ofbeibg repeitU women ahould act as and chiU, of a wealthy farmcrrSiding publicly . .now that tie mother ll' dStUnec froin the viliage. an! ndthen Uve. bot?g0 J to t& f rjwhere they i who had reared hn in a manner Buiuue put on rcc9r ; 5X0, : -- Wnich thftv will rnt pAv! .v.- at. - become Presidents. - .. ; . J W-v V 1 l..- . 1 tj iV 1. neara.xt.8aia that Mr: Polk bved a mile or two from bis mother, but never failed every day of his life, while he waa in health and in town.N.Y.Observer. STONES FROM ROME FOR THE WASHINGTON MONUMENT. . The'TOnrributrtn which, it is report ed, is intended to $0 made to the Waah- mgtonliational Monument by the Pope of Romei of' blocks of atone fn Jtbe capitol of that aneient city, th Niobe of Nations' and the Coliseum . V ?th ia to lasf while Romf ! uHl form a craoW and deeply interesting portion of this creat memorial bf a Pw pie gratitude to the illustrious fowndcr I fifty years are enaph W have an unlitn of their liberties. A tmi fmrntJ.-.J v 6 rf Vi ??e' W"1! un.M . ... - uu oiaij & II U LIIIII1.V1 III! Illlir 1 TT T 1 MU1 Bn.aBrwBai . . 7 11 & 'V -gu, auu one irom an eaince tuauw.feof a Vermont editor, tbebeft.: She "as been the wonder and admiration of h. ;n . t-A . n. .wo'd and presented by the Head Yk w,e "r1 government, to te placed m .8tn,eture erected in honor of the r . 1KFuu,,r " 1 .lne ana cratifvint? evidence nf th Rti. ,r- ; .f , r , , mat,??Lln. whlch tbe name and charae- ff i uT, l t it 1" fivdt.ua (cumiuuic IUW dent in th hi'etnrv r vt:.i i lument: snH. tV.mnk it strange tosee portions of the structures lie Kingdom and Empire of Rome, lonS passed away, in juxtaposition with tboffei?DSs of the free people of aRe-' ?ubllf ,fc ?. but .tbe .hon,,lE? Lich IZ.C V T.muc' a"1 .r"u; " "uu K v,rlue wlU ine Coliseum, so nampd frnm I v Ajiitiu ax iua. sai statue of Nero which was placed in i . . . - : .-.v . -n T IA V.r.rvL 1 . i I "f1- '"-' wu one nun- area ana ton ii i , rwiiuis. ii i ?'62 -ff 1 ,d tbe circumference, tended for an immense amphitheatre. O - " y him IU n rcmamca uninjured to the 13th cen tury. Paul II, however, commenced its destruction by using the -stones to build tho palace of St. Mark, and suit. scquently other palaces were-erected fniTirt. It f... 1... il t " ,ij uttuituis, jjuit inuugn uis now not allowed to bo tonAi'pd. it gradually crumbling away, and will owu u moss 01 ruins. A frajrmcnt of it and th P.nWnl n Rome, however, will be preserved in this .Monument, to exhibit to future ages the offering of the ancient to the modern world, and to show that the name of Washington is not inferionto, if it be not above all Greek, all Ro wan fame . It will be a matter of wonder that portions of the ancient Cnpitol oud Coli seum of Rome should be found united with the material of an cdifide erected centuries after their construction, and in a region then not even dreamt of ; but it will prove that Washington, and the Republic which Ins effort ed in e8tabliphinr rliim ik and homage of the world. The. Washington Monument we ma to have excited some interest in Europe ; and I trust that the countrymen of Washington will -not suffer this great memorial of their veneration and respect to atop for the waat of tho nr-jwary means to, complete it The funds of the," society are now but final,' and if they be not increased, by 'adJitlonal contributionsirora the People, Corpo rations, and State Legislatures, it will be necessary to atop the wor which will certainly reflect no credit on the patriotism of the America people. THE WOMEN INCONTNTIONv The New York Sunday Times makee the following allusion to-fome tat th feminine NoUbilitie. i.iS yf -.,!. sembled in Ct. ?entioc atWo'rceatpr Mrs. Price "read report describing man as a i dough-faced- cringing crea ture, and contending that nature de signed worfan'a legs (jhe actually sai$ fcy) for pantalooav in eouelision the report stated" that, as revolatioasfor h man rights Were generally accomplished by oceans of blood, there waaho telUng what might be necassary to do and dar and suffer before woman objalned equal. " ic j.uiMump. tie her. as Macbeth aid to Mrs. Mac- ivfui uiaje suumrn only Forthyndaunted mettle ahould compoae Nothing but sujea,'' . i . Miss Luev S4one a nrecion cinn no doub felt aggrieved that woman "er waist acsjeader "to minis-1 to l depraved, morbid taske of man,' XJ V id liss S., is screw- v iwjr. , ouo wu&o averreu i that there was not room fnr alarm. I S510''?. io. Pwr of tigUJa- wraeia. xnesa woman's riehtJ 1 fnd int0 t Miss Stoue concluded-by moving a reso- HuUon that all emrhwrtnbi Vi , t ' . i , . rf . , . i n; rr- r- t . . j ui vdo Knew sum. xvearea m i Pr nantj. of Boston, (deser aghe midrt cf ewr loxnry, and never - i . j 1.;.. r . v. ' ' unable to ebUin mittanc? -t Ilarid n.tT -t-. vouege as a meuicai tiudct- - cr so t to ' develope her nature, aci er'natura Icnici to the study of pbyaiology. . -We thiok, that Dr. Hunt waa an ill uacd wo mank - She said, and we do sot question it, that lady doctor had an case, a eon. fidenoe, and a prudence thai would go far to cure the patient withoct aaedidne. Nodotof it. Mra-'MehiUble Ilasktll, t.r.;cld bij, said ahe ' had groaned f ?rty y ears under the opprtasion of men., Uarint made thia afflicting r ' ;at, ' - VSied up her voice and wi ;.bat '.'M har tears bv tfc fre . indim 1. jufed tho v. t . jx to de bu for til l- UAIi.ll. .f- . m . nt i ajone iot vue loiare : tKU 1 ui luuLiu. . , Of all the women who ffred in the vonvcniion, we Jixe aire Nichols tha dently running ovexVith wtrxtf womaa- My feeling. She. aald. that the object of woman wa.Jo" be loved.- We like her ior me reaj.ieuaerneaa with wnich h f j j . r. uuwmH cnuaren. cae compelled. all her akb-r. J-.tr. iV. S". f- " ",,nB "J- IDE BLICKSUITU'S DAUGHTER. nil m t EaglanJ, atjhe. time we are wri ting of, which waa in the r;n r T;t. ard the Second, waa iavohed, in ao ma- .1. ' j - . ... -.ui,!. i uiu Rua nnMiir win an.f .the treasury being nearly exhausted Uiaioiatration;. and at each pew, ana what appeared exorbitant uiauutno murjuurs of tbe dcodIa km i,. proportion, and M theii ? SjUaaSn had long. been incrtaAing from thea4 ex prcaiuous, a tax or three groau on each person fan d it into a 'lame. Rut in no i 'lace vu thn inK-n.i; . . than in the small village of-.- near London, frcre the incident vwiffJ which baa given rise to my tale. '. In a small house situated ia tbejpw. cr part of the villaro. with & .K A. joining, in which the hataner waa moat nivaya io oe neard ringing upon the an vil, there resided an old man, well known to.the inhabitant of the tllla 'M il name of Wat Adair. . . TJ- Wat Adair waa a widower W rfn. lost one of the most cxemplarv wives cuujmj M;r iuci,mimige. lie was about the middle height, stout opi wcl formed, though snghtlyTent with age; and, althoucb three-score years hada. cd ovcrfca brow,rlvering his haif, and leaving many a deep furrow in hu cheek, yet old Time had dealt lightly with him. auu ue Btui-vaa uaie ana Hearty. He possessed a bright eye which age could notdia7and a daughter, hi only ehilJ, whom he loved better than his own life. Mfty Adair waa indeed the very real, ixation of all that-U lovely in a female. Small, yet graceful as the Cava,; with eyes black as nightand jiair that vied wiia iuc giosay piomage f the ravcf wing, a complexion of daxxling clearness, in whicl the rich bjood aUrted at e'fcrv pullatioai of the hca4 small mouth, with rine. noutini? Wrm. nt WrtA tnT. ficieritly to show a fci of fceth of ptvlj forth awf-tlv as the aonV f f ted to th-lovcliest charm "of woman, a the idol of all the women. nA ts je4 f coateotto between all the beaux in tate viuare. - . - - .-. uut aiary nersixr waa the e)y ena WnA aa wwk MkA.M.f rt0f;"t,oa Pocsil oterMtlGfrotccTpaSnyourjournWaf1 who beheld her. Innocent and anlcMlA btartj shtko of the ha.d from Wat as an aacch she had. If k-r .1.-tL i . . J :. . u 'urtl. .(,. W. l " Ll ri.".!":" ""." jucwuuir ironrt oi fcer aflec cf , i tiojr npn rrank SL Aubrey, the'aon muuncuiiuj rcsiaing in tlie VtliS?. h rrfUkrwaa in every wav Vonh Mk goodfortnne in being beloved by Mar, poaseaslng an elegant form and a act of features which' if net decidedly fcsn soaae, were jet cf a noblt expression, aad appeared to command the respect of all who knew Lisa, aad there waa "tut oae obstacle- to prevent his rising to be eUsed among the noblest of the land he was poor, and employed as the fore man in Adair's shop, and thus became accented with Mary, and formed that frKw -ip which so shortly ripened into love, and Wat had promised him, that ahould he ever rain enourh of thi world' richea to anpport a wife, that Mary ahoald U kia. Aad thia bright hop supported him through many a day ox. weary laoor. , Kaw " the course of true love bctct did run that the love existing between Mary and St Aubrev ahould differ from all other. .v: . r v..r j " "Av, r wnucs crtjr lie vacia, im.uo praoa j iwtcairu T 1 - hariBg the alighteat wwh ungTatlScd, ao lodalgtat was his parent that ha had be come haughty and everbearing: ia his manner, 'and felt mora keenly the eha wnn which hi ill-aucceaa ia courtship to Mary eteited. ' . IV ith all these bad quslitiea, il ia not arpri,1Qg that he ahould find no favor m tie eyes of Mary; on the contrary, she took every opportunity of convincing him bow heartily he was despised bj her. It waa io vaio; for, tttxit4 to a perse vtriog dyfpoalUon.hi poasciIcoo aamraate lmpaence and bolinwa, t kiog adrxntsrQ of rerv frrrinnU- prewhia su thinking t gJo by per adVtroce'uf.t fc ctVr' rjll rt oo-ti r!uh.;:.-;: . " Tha in v';Vf it.-. ... ' . - the Mm onrtfiHniiiuIll mm.m w gaining revenge for wht.they inaJ waainjory rtceived.-jruideUiL . - . I - mLn.i: J li I A avitlX which tok r.! .i- .f -'n!"aeranjvaprmeateIiTl Ola -nft. .il irv:": , - - a iuc Mwnii io i sjrHH.t JuwTi .rpMiJ .vtniU nnaor: .Tii br in ofii.. .rC:. ' -v py ii io tncicaturableTjl. h a . ia w m ..v sri weCtle ltedi. uii n!a "icfausrrel.a.iH u.y love, U aia groati, fi IIa to S mtrht lead to Ucw. rrV. ui-Itk v..V 77i w C.1 b. rxrmin.; il'J"." I a show of good nature, and friendship, rival's aorlv mood. St. Anl. .lr . w wwui w uufroms nisiwuic wtiov rrpued isry, utatlinr rival a aorlv mood. St. A fVtr I witK 'f. 4 : ed him in a pleasant cunner.. J3ot ia rain; fee remained dergrd a&2 sullen, repljing to St. Aubreya reeoaxLs ia a bitter and aarrasu'e manner. y Thia ni-homor, Marya trtaimcaS waa not at all calculated Co dup l hahd so disgutcd her by bUiraportaDaJand dirtgrecable eendutt, thai she deUrnrin ed'to rtpaU him oti fbe lejutadraccea, and oa this evening she treated him par licularly cool, which chagrioed him be yond expression: Uul lo St. Anbrey, Mary's whole de meanor was changed, and she exhibited so anBdh.deligbfat seeing hisa, and wel- conwl him with so ranch rtal rJcature bcaaing jo ber pretty fare, tht Wolf aula war absolutely m.dJeord with rage and. jealousy. He could bear it no leu $er, but pattiog on hi brt be cast one tarce and mahjrnanfpTance'at St. An Uj, and dxrtcU frotrMOe faVna without c ren saviog4 good argU'? Mary. Both were cnoaidcraMr tart!ed at aach atrange eondact, aliBcugh neither Uary nor Su Anbiey Umatcd his ab ffeace. Inderd.it waa tr rt J bey a tend chatted ovefShe pvt. and tUir prorU fftr tb e ulurr, ncM the ewea; auuca fen tt--Aubrey usual hour of departure. ' j - At thie motnect Wa V.,T at a publie meeting held ia (he vifbW, Aubrey was about to depart, d : I " W til, Frank, I suppose we sbaflnet ace each other for some time Mj;tIo3 r replied the, ether, Mhy j Why'i ecUo5d Wat, I Intcni surting en a journey to some distance io the morning, and, as the buaines I Late to. transact win require seme lime to complete, Lwill be unable to return Xjr fevcral days." That ia tfnfortnrj?' rt plied Tnnk, 44 aj I wlKd to go away taysejf in the morning; but it is cf uo imtcrUnce I wiQ stay an i tab e care of Mary. Shall I; dear Mary 1" x ' " 44 Oh. ye?, do it v. Frank . nVd MiW for I aai frarfal d TJchard Wolf.tein." Fear not, dcajaV' replied Frank, be slaJl hairuyou t least, not Iaviogank to seek biajLosable "liier; we will oocmore return to u. .... hoa.-qJdid not halt or slacken his rapid flit ajiAtil ht arrived at the ma&ka cf irrareotVlIfr father, was scaUd is tbe library, started at UhcUior Rich ardtartt into room, Lis Cite lalun tdwith anger, k.d his whole at pea ranee diaordertd. WUt ie the matter, Riehard ? ia Qaired the eld tnan,wbo scerclly dittoed the eaese. 'Father' frplicd the other, "thu night. I lave bepn trvatec with seers, and by a woman.1 " Who is she V inquired the eld man. Mary Adair father', aaid Wolfa- tn: "ahe mrV become my wife; if not bv fair means, bv beaten a. aha shall by force. 'And as for Su Aubrey, we must him. find soi meane f dispatchiag d will Lave revenge f T sae." renlied tha I most sod M So you shall, y aea," replied the iman. l nave Dn thiaili it, to listen and I will telly oa of i V 1 i r iKleae T l : : t rWbat is It T' ergerly demanded the other, whe was anxtoua to hear of any "Listen, then," waa the reply. "Toa I know, Eiehard, you have beea arpoint-1 cd one o the Ut eoUcctera oader the totals toue tomorrow eveniag, and 1 the daughter: ahe. of course, wiU rtf oae I to pay it without seeing her father, and vou. under nretenee of takior her la I i ., . . i pisoD, iccrcwy ctmrcv Deriomvttma - try bouse ia ' t where ahe eaa V made to ecofona to ;pnr desim," , "Rot, said the ciitr, "tar-ose she ahoald aeraaa; that woqH arocte the aeighbora, and all would be dlsrerad. uSrttr far, repHed hit father; I will be wsiUer behind tb I rxs, with a handkerchief to tie ever. J ff cctihf and together we tarn carry cTtbe rrbe: So, to-fooTTOw eight we will try it Mind yea are ready." - - - J Ntvecar" me," replied jozf WoIfkUin ; "1 wiU do aaythltg Upij Mary and revge.,. - . f - tTOXYTT. XT. The 1 t ... ." j . t Oa arrv tj . i. . . . . : imag-ithai'hc boldly I "I house. whUa-th. iKA Vvli in - www mm mm mm -ai aja,w aar xa i mi a i- .v. V " . ' - - - --- , l.i -kAM: ' .t. ..' ,Yj V , .7 1 Wat CMOed bT.Marr. 1a I rTr. .,utr " igrcTrr bjboc lae BirnI ea WLieh rTiTS . Ij U jot'toT rrttir Jr- 1 olftUin. amiliiHr. tk. v. w m . - r.. w m - - I" rirrr-J"M waa k ou will hjve to call when father uw obi 01 lie coer. "Oh! no." rvrJrtd W6lf.iJn veatiog her, ytm mast rey tit Uz or V.T.T. . . . . . . f ! yon are a sar, ytfa will cease jour XSuSllvZ d Xo, yga will not," cried Wolftl. ww j v a4 a- enrageaan wordi, "you will go with me." And. eeiiinr her h tk wairt, he atktapted to fcrce Let towards urn. , " Unhand me, air' crid Mary, Mce I will scream thia ItwUnL" 19 scream, my dear, do; you loci so pretty," and Le atumptcd to kua ba. Miry, wiih a great effort, threw him from her, at the same tisse rtrraniag loudly. Mesnvbil, Franh, who Lad left the bse a few minnu Ufre Wclfuia hrla'rtachcd if, had rrccet&d to the r4Ui lcr to purchase aoae aitklee, and on hie return, when ai a ihat dl. tance Crcm Adair's, heard the sertaa of UnsLtn to th Locar. aai WUUIb Mary air? ting ia tie ama cf WcJ- 44 Unhand her, villain, r I wiU throttle yoa T At the aaase tixaerU. ing him by tie neck and thrcwicg Lia wiih such (vrrt aa to cause Lia toTttiit against the eppwaite walL joumlf - cri4 WcfTuia, "or I will nurkr you. Taiing down a rwvrd ef Wat't, wbkh hung npoo the wall, St. AoVrey stood poa the dcrarive, dtcnainieg noi to itrike hi adversary if he rold atceJ it. Wolftein, who waa perfectly beside himself with rapCru bed with rrvet fury upon St. Aulrey, who fat forth his sword to parry. the blow aimed at him. Tfcs otherutready frcta the liouor he had druni struck lis foci, fell heavilf forward, and th tred rf Sl Aubre passed through Lis body. v.iJjn uttu caiooe grots, aju, maliog even tbca a alight blow wiih Lis sword, fell to the fioor s eerpae. "Good Ilea vena, Frank V cried Ia ry, horrified, " what Lave yta dae f lie it dead I will call for help And she ran ia her bcwilderBcat out ef the bask door. Old WolfaUia, who was not aware cf tne deal a ci his sn, uutaally kuoJ her, and, putting the Luad kerchief ever her south to frevent her scrraaisg, bore her tS ia eriataph to hie house, with eel, anfcrtunaleiT fee Mary, meetieg ric-le person oa the road. Ia vaia ahe stmjled iorlcre ee scream ahe could not U euly clapd her snore securely, until at last ! faiatrd ia Lia arms from sheet t xlaaa lioa. Lcaviae Msry : to the lender xaerciee of the eVdcr .T olfjirio, we will retsra to the rccan ia Adair 'a house, ia vlich we left St, Aubrey standisg over the dead body cf hie mil, Lis swetd clot ted with blood, aad Lia scitd ia a tiaU cf mental aberration. In thie row tioo he Lad stood an til those of the Tills ma, who were arcua ed from th iloaben by the erica cf Mary, had Luteard to the spot, where, to their bon aad aaihniahmcuL'thar to their borrrr aad aai'uhmcat,'lhj n tbiaklcff overlbcheli Frank SL Aabrev stsaJiir as above described over the bod tf Rich ard Wottstcio Struck with emaxcacnt, they laaUaU ly amatod bia for the aurdev. ef the drradfal criae of which he waa I accd, and ataied th facto ef the eaae I to the crowd ef villager who Hied the eat take bin to prisoo fr his mother's too clariar to bUrr aarht in Lis davi fence. . - I AA n Mr n', m . tA lscrnlin t". . : : i Jql- he; dm. eeeil be giae4 cf btr laiinr fUcr, aad U waa aooa rivra epaj fraiCem, . , . , t . ,t i Soaae of the oUeat tmrntx aad wxxx- la 4 the village Xomk their kaavda Frinical ly aa4 whbpcred duk klau Mtetlt adiea uisa p7iraAc cX Mary Adair. That tugil Frtxk waa takam VLre the -sOisa auirav who, XhtmA savU' iadjMd a Lis Uhalf, aad wiahisg t r btlvevc.kha isaoceat, toiM oat, with rifh-itrocg eriieeeni cf kit ri!t, da - Serwii tUaeaae&Hhia toiae JtiL ' a trial at Oe bext tee! i kch wtre ahcrtJy to ba LaM ia lie ftvaLsaca, which irocght aa e The lad iatall:rtC vr 1 r w r.- ca cbcim auaa ia i V . . . . i?l7 -r ju. v i . a. . w iup awa cBrrr cau, ta wtjea Lei WBSORJ. W " 1. arrr-w Ta.fr a rnll aia . j xt . . " . traaa ta Uutk w?U could Lam UtU. V . f , v. u l . Srf.'f.?. fi-t. u. ,v. .:?-r.. v sw-j ilbhju a Laar axa an a s sin Aypfia t . -T . T -T- ,ua Mary Adair awoke frea the ft sb.' tr " llllClf.ttrf iS eouchlaaae!eraa43y fsrauh!.;; apartaent, wiiLoal Uiar aware of J"t abe was, er Lew ahe came Into Sbca m aituaUcA. . -It U ta-ily ervJrd. 0J Wc!f. lUia LU earned JIary lohisownV' ttre, puncg a ccaauty cf dn;xt4 liqaor down her throat, be tUd Ur ia Lis earru, and, dritkg wuh all rpeW. eeachetd Lis coca try Louse ere irtr Heacbed tas eocatry " EHCTVI ACT 19 LCATiaraa door. , -JU rU was ia, her Ug of the merJr. all ummI tvm V train ef Marv Ilia tha acufaW xsA diaiiati rtacahraaee cf soaae terrible " drtaxn. Hiaieg ap froca Lcr eocrh aad gtaeg to the door, with the buEn cf task. tag setae ioqa:ne a to Lev aitaaxioa. what wuLcraurptiaetaditwsjLxk. . ed frca the cslnic I Dark aad drradftl tlocglla 9w . crowd! trtcei htt IssruiAliea. a&l al- rta-iy ahe ttctsrad to WmU the i lility cf Weirbtia e u acr which. tA a m , f w a -. mmm grmmm, laiiaf, waa tar wcrae than d'uh. WLUst Lcr iaariaatica was iisr crrr tL Belaacholy thocu, the ixca doer, waa suditaJy ccaed, aad aa old white' Laired xataa catered wiih sons rtlnah. menu, vhkh Le aaJ Lie suaaterLeJ bade Lia taie-sp with Lit respects, a&l say liii any ibttg b xatght tui L would be gitea to Lcr, but that Vt aee4 net cxpett to leave the rwta L. certaii'' ly aci lese thaa six week-tThkl net fee six months aad poaiWy wot tor years. . . liatbg delivmd thia theertag ialh ligvace, Le departed, Jraviag JLary cocw aceeal?ee She eadevured to purtak . cf the rtirrhaste thaa wsvf rpr-avl befcre her. Let it waa ia Tia;.the U man'e wsede Lad rrlUJ tcr c Lcr a- Cartlt. aeJ t- fT-'A.t Lean Urr Lead fell VJ s&d ahe nk h;ca the ccuch.' A'rralaru stole over Lcr. aad ait fjrrot (.tim. riod br misery ie aJBsabcr, nurrxm in. ' Six Lag weary weeka to Si. Alrrf, Lad iktw pawd ve the xied ctW incarrrratioo. TL IimImI .i L-. expected day at IcxLarrrradtiii tUy 1 1,1 2 arpoueu ict toe aaart which TMJ decide Lis fate. . A great excUaest prevail! la the villagu. Most ef the iahahttaau wtrw ' iocl.ncd to U-ietc Lia ir.arat, Lr be : Lad always bcrxs aa irrrproacLahle chaa tcter. Ihe vOlajt lawytrV who waa . warm fricad to Sc. Aabrvy, ceuealaed to aaift every cxertiou ta eere Lia treaa . the ton iaputaiaa. The tlae arpoUtsu for the triad at learth arrired. aai Si, Aabrcy, pul. aad Learisf tie traaue ef laieus xeu tal agcay apca LirLeew waa placed at the Ur, ard rtoaded xs gxUxy to the . t -charge cf t- - irr U e cleaa. trm Tciae. '. . All adaired the aclie Craaraa cfkla !aci, aad Lia extremely totetztg p. pea rase.. The witoeesc were thrm . T ealkd. The etUraee appeared ecrscla- : site, even to the Wstiaonv cf cU TZaot" . who waa eoa re lied v. eiaOCCr X&d Vali Lria Jrrrm rr, , aaicahle IcrtiA Tiih each ether. 'v w' The couatst cutaeh a. ' tk )ry-4t. Aabrry xaail bkw power 4 appeau La L KiaiL . A' fatal tullaeee new rriried errr all wha were areacal sVf the iary had re tired to dellheratt sreca their Trnf A few rain a tee rafiead. A hreathleae ' t cala new perralkd. A pie could al- -most hare Wea heard to dr;r whea, oa" tbejr retsra, tne wae eut t - the fcmaaa e( the jmry - ' 94 CnSty, er w rxiliy ! - . . M Gvilfj w- V srWfrl'rv aany preaui rnxiaiari UC eC . Thm lrtml!l antcys ai fdeii' waa thru caused cutis rciaccer. aad X i.u Hrj.4 u U r'i --, : : . is V

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