r ; ... " -V. , .... -i --J"!..: ... '---. . , 5. .Pi" r --sr.-- "S. I'iviiiH'.jiwi -r - A. " sr , r- f ' t ? i t i t rft jw &py& ;-r 5& M?i3id? Li, t . t 1 - - r, r vr -.-'rr"T --:r-,TT7 . j- . : s- j. ,' -'.- v - hnv hr .lui V l&tt. a. letter LTOOI a - , . - t" " ' ' - ; , " ....'---', . . t - . . . i 17 llJL" LI T - "Hi J' "' -"----" -s.:-?.-j-' " .j .. u .1 . - . '-. ' r ; r- , .. j - - ' ' . ' ' . i s , i - ' . . ' - - - M. ; : . T Cl rj f :t 4'ieWK&''tliV SStOO J&Ci Sues TOT uwtmiy,y. -aguKts-. .. ' -Hri ItML ilf cestai.. JAiriirhOiaro tUnjfi..tJaSseJ la Icn?- train ttirh t.r I rT.TT;. I im'tiiT -And tle SrDTc?3 xlic livtnn'- ' I &e J. -wm F -m . I - J J , Jf'.-?---;!. .V.- , f-V-Oopa' to- sinful iman is fhon-, " Arid peace tu rartLWeivea' ' -v:- or'. 1 . . 4 in tbai "market : Lastear, whwCcotH VfilLlaad ieemaliJ?Titta lh.em it'JioV lit-Si ' CT'. ' to rfraalr fetter 6ati?iing reU&Qfttjs .fji.fcmrco;it3 a-pamidJ Jk ita afi tifac tojv 111 rt until 'all Vrrearakes' are'Dafd; ckcept lv rTJ'Zrrjl tl-iy .fiot .mhto thee the option of the .editors s , lie? can , iiaa. :aue lauiu cau ?u ' -resembla v tat , ot , ea isiana, ana me Mi Clatfeep 6Ftvho w;much ns j lsaid, has opened a maiiufaetbry j leen at Sfepne-Oreehj-I TaoseWSyvas ovt hisjdispQvenesj m jiax cotton. takca'th'e flaxrair as It coff o the fieKTl Jbuhe 'piloses-that the faiKwii' should mecfiamc&By separate 1 4 fabric vinadeof it Is often nustakcp for ScV IglandThb product per crc is fdH as inhlWtherdhiari: planCr Th-TiblUa larger, cachb6irhan jritionU'' while' other 'eotton'fcas but foifr j " the quanti ty of cot ton In" cch j V thfeitifrfiteby iheusefof lwnjk'.m".probaly; vrbreaks -the straw 'and cfiects th '"i.f''' - ; sepamtibn;thiseiucfiSthesubstajtice:; TlTnlrrt ' to onlf Bs5 biimana t iuy oe reiurneu 10 iac sou; pr. inixeu hla'texf "Then 1 came" Petrr t'v Jea Mid tintd bun,; T. ;:c4 i ih0 teascst'of t ne nUlfeevenBltf U,tt .nf VnrtK.TnntfcOihire. .It .- bnt atftil: tserenty. tiiuca J,aercar,-r4Leitge .aU 0f an cqupUi;c. accidcaU owed tvery iLipg to to eontaopmriitTv - onvthe. broir;if Longmorefor that fir,, Lonrmore hud chiefly miJd on watr hi. najne, thore Mte a. Is vdt stern ljluref at. ",lt was a bcautifnl p!acl- e?peisb,nr.an4be:Rd to LlniBelIfji hoow'-Btood- in CncoQntrynd a,oo park. p Ilia bsiDesswas edact". cu :lt an- tua saKTiAitniAlacrTaBt; it seemed, as if leil aqe fu rcbolrcd.thst cist Vccatloh6ok,:at her father. a iff frien(Lhm nothini? - " - i m. a uu ua and r tft thV OTeater lencth of the' staple. tnakingat nuicker io be handled by the piefecrT .Jiere ia a great. qfcuiou w the ! seed f-3uTs cotton', isTiiclu it U with cake crushed ! sexMwfofeea 1 that flavplantntV of fwp 'parts - -the 'shave pr! wood, the ui riivf or glutinous mauer wnicn causes tne fibres to adWre together. ; -The llrs't has been bt off ' bi tnc farmer" by j tlie process described, and It remains - to' ' VemoveMhe . jiaroelyr the glutinous spswes ChevalierJSauseit cpntehdstjifl present system of; stepiyngs m cra ter,1 cither h"6r.ld.win..ntffect' this, as -a large ppiioii Cpf , thm;mre iiisolubiein waterlmt hebasriecpjirse te chemical aentsi The fibreis.boit ed.in a -weclk;eaustic .soda for : four -.v ltoursVfys ;eisbiir ibaih; ;teJfpnec"f' huric adid, .washed dnexL 1: on; pbtalaediuf. tluSiWay, behis' . txJte1 , ej'ftltaexdiiot be cut tillnpe, thecwej"Tias thcivdvantasro briunxipenese a! greater - weigbiifteit aipfiifpre. Jtis Tcaicuiaiea tnat irem .tour tons 01 pax to -short L0NGM0RE- PARKf : f - , It was Cttristiuas momiiig. Winter had set ',ih;C with J December, aid snow naa Dccn, tjmg on inc. grouaa lor mpsi of the xuoiith. . ;The.whoIe country lay. .jrhite. and uict.ThQ sua ..rose, this morning . o a cloudless sky, and roaae promise of . aspend"d. 3ay The glad some, "bells were . heard -ringuiir. out Vpin dWant viiragea;. there.'- was biuriuur ; of mmsic in the ajr which call ed forth'- ' respondent musie .in the heart. r- Hie foad3 :yrcrc "beaten .luud. ytnn touched; by ;anyj. olly nig tha w. were atuwst as. aazzuui pure- as tue fields ; around.,-ijinrough the. cicari kce n haye no brotherrr-thcre isjio pch thing 1 Do I "not know Uten7! But thef tier gyinanr a vojco . waj vr.oiuy,ano.i Which -'had cmouieneed " with thb.f rst Ghmtnii5.Dy.V, How tha old -mad lt& ' rihle, doctrines-of, vengeance and blood ! had? been-t hrowtk doif n from, their woe ful TcicttJof aja; how the. spirit if an eyefor.n eye, and a tooth' for tooth; tliad Joccn EupcrBcUed by-, tneapmtot love. - liow . the. angelic anthem of Pcace op. earth and good will amonpt mcnM-had been, worked -out with di vine reality by the Son of God, and over "the earth rhad' gone at -brcadtbrof-Ilea yen destined to cherish peace and : kind ness, art, -and icience, and literature ; pregnant with . triumphal not olblood,- but of magnanimity ; . lwt of strong men over-one anotlffrjt but of souls orer their evu paiona ; every succeeding ico as- siinnlating this earth mow and more t6 thcd:gnity and felitity of the IIeten thercrcvealed t'l-t .Mj-" .". : Jjougmoro shook Jiis ,hcad. and said lawaYdfVriLlahJ.mere vuions. ..After eignxecn .nu.narea yearj-w uerc jro.uie prooisj. nave not peep i vo x not know t kOh sycophants't Jfycbph'ahts lint Ms attention was acaiu arrested by his'daughter softt-laying her hand on his1 arm. -: lie listened; '.The.prcacBer wassdcscribing'' tbo''rce'cf Cbrtet'.--' Iow;naficr aTl 'Jiis ddfds f gobdnews and iiirocf Jojer4lis friends bad all aif went alone lines of "wild fowl, seek-l Ucstrtcd.Him ft'Vil -hour,- t U'c tbyet iiflroK6- tail hUut uuu 4iu.Ui vA.ua injiitj very, charitable Views of hirJin nature. u : r-. . ' --, Dat about three years before the' time we saw. J-bngpiore. at hit "Chmtrnts morning' devpuoca'the scene changed There sprung up a man, a-butcher of liainsborougpy who , clarmcd . to. be the true heirjtor the Northimptonshice es tate and,-after (Some, luint rumors, which rose .and. died: away again, Mr Longinore 'was -.aetonitbe and: a rood deal disconcerted by. the. receipt of a set afresh tiTjth. J Ik tweed the WTrtcbc4Cltislias and (be. Cue fuUowltfg, XAngtoert bsd'teeb i to tli -SijeV nl uoUuciiefy cu(ed"tIi:uMa!t te have ntacitt witlit the Eftgllsbmee: my fatberttd thsitrtcrcr, for whose sals, he b J ea employed ro allrmrtirg- td tecmilnJcVitertd into ttis,dirrt'i wtrt rirt.a ?tben m3, I ecotdJ ! .J thefmchtenti 'f -his'tforcicT Xrsdc-- tWmlTen tnilt disni,stid fy the - tvrt iM-prwikii f Xs'rt'-. l , There -lid ben tut 'cae-sole crcatettC .wcr-tccerdiv'gU -Tthdiwy, -Lind-jiVk; tat di it wi!'afcf -tf. r . " tmf of his' own honp,vWbi htd .toed th?J tr-prtlkr,UtwvcBt ftydxrvn. Itrf fTtixn wh'ih'rhe fcsi UV-tttJ "rv:-r . flimly by him,and bcltcvtd him atiltio The fy w't tlrMdy t!hoir-r,iil-f Jpcwt!x -TVcrt h4 rrcc'cp s-l-r-. : . . . was bis widowed tittrrf'MHL IUtjftmf,- brfori lhey retched their Jctmatira: j tdarij frtsa'a tf fTr.tt Lbngmbre ehould go down tobe rravetof Bio at Frnf, iUujV fourteen mflts j As ibVir4 etciMifJ,- Tf-ertic ore ta Enph'b'-Thcy ftadshst Ihry'cer frem .the town,. vSba.bd pftvid-htMlicertikiilhertb(fr&rj4fS jzr-e t.t "t I t rfil-r'r jn n.s i--. T.re ui t c flccjt, lling upen him, injlbo name of j was'full of darkntM and gslL He rsr his client, Mr. 1'ilmcr. to restore to hJiuled not to live-, hot be submittd to It as witha. .jaodtrate 'eiiul, 'sod be eom-JEnph'b'-Thcy fJnod4tLt Ihry 'cerJ menecd 4o small pirwiset-rhis : former itaioly ctM-cct. ThcniBr CaiU Tblb loKu24i&dr,lf ampicoacSiSiuk siooa ewpty uui incy i wne sre my ixintrrcs utm tettr "-;;,;-J. Were fir loo forest fhipretentincftx:s laboring, li he did, tL&dr a penderobt load of -pa Mi pivjodireV and ifBder-lhe (till more disqualifying eonditiro tf hil -ITS m- i,...t. .. t own miBO't roe wcow lcieiKcinti tboe was thaoctd.. He looked hil fellow men as destitute of truth and real jprtoe.: lie saw ta-tbeta enty Vflb ingiue,Anexeix90Ke lameif Dy icus. inrear .np ,nis eyes to-iicsvnn on serenity j'ca.me into the gans,' andp the cross, andl,.Fahork forgive thjem pealed to the'eompaibn of mail. for, they know not Jihat they, do." r. . ' ;As the '.morning advanced,' a'-fresh ... "Obi thcy"'knew it very wcltj said peal of bells, from the different church-j Longnibrel in. hU beperate "mocdx es"called forth mult ltudesofZ .people I "They must know t. ' Ilielas WTclcfi vrannmi in mvnvni urn 1 n-i l- vitn i i a th. .ni k m Warm glove?r and furs and muffs ; and therb were ! happy families" 'of old and ybnug nodding to other' happy families, and cXehangin the old con gratnlAf ions of avmerry Christmas and a" happy -New Year. - ScW. the rcalinr bells rose in es are always, the same?. Forgivcjbem! No'S Ieannot"fi;gnre' rtKenri-' CnriRt may do it: wasadiyine Being H is easy to God,' bat-it ia oot ea?y, it is not 'possible for me;! Lauifbut weak, downrtrodden womd; IfoI No T Tbc tears of hlsdaughter flowed faitl theitldndjing entrey. tora perfvet souh I cr as she stooDcd low and buried ber J and. jubilee of sound ; then .sinking inl face in her. handkcrcbief.7 It 5Cemcd s iicujuiuus vapruvc. tuuuuiuj ci:aseu, airq 1 11 6UQ ICll UC spirit lUaiwaS.TIigjngTll tfabgrogaUoel.the people fenndJ her father's 'beeomr "'"-V- ."' the estate, of bis late rchtire, )Ir. John L burton. - 4,-. ; . : .. j; , Mr. Lbngmore, who, with all his plea-, sant and sunny humor, was a peculiarly sensitive, impuUiro man, read this kticr, uttered .his .indignation ia no gentle terms,- snd knowirg that ho denied Lis claim firm bis friend Char ton's honest will,' made ia his mott fiorid health, bede lhlS lawyer do his worsL J . F 1 iCaCTfctiiidftoe, We will not I travel minute 1 v throu7hAH4h2e years eharaetcrwaa high y, that of-his odtmi ry",- Fuwer, .was just the,rsvcre., Tfb may, therefore, imagine JLongmort'i as-. tobtjEhment, . :whcpi.tbe sctivw lawyer, BrocdhuTSt.'of .Waiaftcct, asttcrtcd thru M " -t .prntstel, 'that I"rtcJtd luken advan tcgi of the dcy cd intellects of thelateiMr. ChurtontoccDcociawill - i.?Ji i . ... uj Dia own aa vintage?, i , v e nay imipaq how thiaA&tODi&kmcfkt mae hcn. the housekeeper pSMrCburton, whom Long. more had himself rendered mcpendent by vclunUrily doubllhc the anncilv left hereby her piaster, wasbrcwgbt forward- to attest the weakneva of.tho. testators faculties, snd that Xoogmore had care fully excluded from , the sick bed of Mr. Churtca. every one but his own family. and that the dyiuz m'.n had been upheld by brandy to enable him to put his sig nature to the deed . ... . ' . . i ... ; . . So well had Uroadhurst laid his nint thataXongm9re fyund himself blown, as it were, at once into the air. . So well a necessity. -Hit tuuTorlotxe bad ptts t rated nercf strong frame- cf . til wife,but ths wrcclL'rhni-cnre-vSstiy, gtnarbcs and 4moysatheartrd 3rVxw-i-Ucu had prtafxaicd it fr mere.'. His daughter weptMittrriy and daityovtr the eTdasU the fnehtfhl- ehsce vhkh. bad taken- plae n-him.- All these impulses wLlcb Lad fortneflybcta j for good, were now perverted into im- palaiacK ikadly .wratb,scdukrp cetK irp, Wis TTr.Cbarlcd.. Ho I4etitel biUtly tlU'thabce;ta'ldchTed tbatit wewkrU'iiUjjtter mia fcr that rrts?, regaruirg in csuto tLis vtty estate- motctateo iavfiie metcuoe, and bis absence. wciU be tWsttuftd los;of htaJ etnxN aBdJme LTmbTnnyhTScctar taority whieha) nluauf.ltrifi. tal to htnf dccitrtdl c,ee Li il-ty wcuTl aUaupt'a.rtaaJC. lie ktew.f they failed thst it VtoMbe drarh.t term, tut !locil rQt gh a mctrx&t $i . r. The ; fiSrb M- tQ cut bi lengths: by 4 a ccplaj? kpued cutting macblfciie" appiiances for he , .rmetamorplibsis of flax, into botton are . very simple, conststiiiff of fQtur wood r4 ep vatsntaiping; solutions whiph OTesjEiiitly be nanedT aiid an open AiiiSj::: Tt-"-- '."iri WW": twA, .05 i cagerrainer jmaae .pi ' sfnall 'airrjatfe'; ranis;8loiif'a,ilTO eS i cnee given in furor cf the plain- tidt"fttr- - '-i rin " . uk-HiH;ive tuu umioncsiw 1 raua aiiuaae. 10 ine oust ci reir-rjo. .?v- Ujl .oui iuc tour, vais, - j.tie cagb'Mbg rify 'M.witti'thTcat' fclpfcwaste5: " to islowerectinto IxJokioesa within wncooAerrrs it, LoTwlrHsiiSirrtttt uees, fcrthes with Uiflv ,Ir. i. bcricn agreed, svi xti nitirg at a solitary, r-hitrt wbsr f,yx tccsJf tact in'ihe;Wjrcds,JciJt as U cfswin.dark. tuy fa:Lrs&d lU.Cbrat'. 'A reTuaiAiitUW.4ra!Ti." srj aid. ed, f tlat"i a fr.tfj ptlr JT4 Jslai - Loa fali talote with her, e.r lis'.'f- as U t the u:le." r -i .iJut JUfcfe a cccih. rf .enrj-Ttei; . . bs4TTtsiklca Lis f.tlf?ia.a3rt3iH Jb;tacTtjk f;ktaLcsUia-"Cc-ka3; " itd, in t pretest cf ti.lr5r f tb't fees?, be w.fctr5iutd 44 read lr zZ-f tarreas. Viit tf the late- JoWCtM " up..:! - 1 : i i Li r -" s v ; ; I'lltLoDrreiltnt.VtsaB tli tcrtderan lie taxifcttsairTicd.str-',rfv ' id Lrca .rrr'Tlj hiictti ccwo.-ii.iic . IswUJcea l : j-aj!c-ftv le-fc!aT' TIkI to tie k..-Lcr jvt, aibore uti- ' tica LiJTrrrri J tc mv ar"rSt :Lcr . 'Z . tr ntuidtrjy ecckd ei h.tnan w;T hi twxre, itbsrprd hera-esokariy i$4 freesrm. sod brtxvht lhca ft'to.fe itcJUtbior-wjb-ecT'rrvjtfty tJrrtiW between them. i. flc :iasb41c4d.- H;fl!ci tyy ilt t-t 'rft, ed orliaes at ttcir ; ,et tUje by TrziUtLla her uie. - It a Uw wca-ij. - ll't laiJcn tsovp'.tci,"'t'.cB;c cyelstlatVrv'Lftewt rVajeLsl: wsctjkP,l . " " tempt'-er ni raccjr lie-"tJcdd i-jnljw tfcetirotoaefulf oats "te stt mir.i'.ff . - pir-1 dccls'td tLai:trxtbe ccUajtuea aua4e p Lr.tcs-i'ars.- ,Tt-4V-u - Out ry tf rri 1 fa ace,, ilty .wwlckarcrxC,"-!, atd bis &atii2f. ef wastorcely a pTH6Wr4?,frKn v - foe mcTly.dca!t,lio-did,ftot itUUiifcric. aAxttgth.Vft so eaa'sinced d;X ll'JajJ.b-tsLrr .wpasrViiut W-,- - 1 ; : asrajestly .fillcw tBfad wfcrwj .thctTp9r, UsU.ati.-no i5ffti-rVa musav ef .lew .te i -t irw "... did not regard as false' snd heartla ttjt jbey cTTcS & ,lJUzlj i ftTcaW.-Iv ' - iJCat slcsdy.rro'vl3ate waa ailtotly at thtir ?tsafc Ur evciirxl'ii oucls a :rf,'.V1. . " , :x 1 -it . . ru. , ' ' . .t.. ..1 c t. . t..t r -j -c . t . , J . . noirtne which triors truth Jaranal.lt tb ths da vUaht. When Ixos msrelrsns ed that: the al diikaC wis' given 'a- gainat biai; he droTS swayfrciu'Ltng marc larlr, accompanied- by Lis wife; n frtdpiuie haste. He was too prcod to allow the ekuhisancs of Btoadhant to sv jeet hiai -from the spot like LcmeltM deg... Bat 3Iary Loogmcref UocUopU tcr, stayed behind to rack en many lit- tie tbinrt wbKB sua ecclj not Utx the idea of leatisg to the,tui allowed haoda the wrlais of birelf stxi crrrptieB ; tock tLeart:t fnca tie rebUarxof, threw them inu.tVc dircWoU cf watsr by' jlc tca;.io sad tba" UtJicg.jLs two ttck to.latt witbjteirVcn fcttersy ifid'mtnci ticir Irr,i:K Ht:r Lfti- scrtuuJN tufv iyttii-v tacic;.ia the mtlje cl th. rcJr aricgu-caa that tf.tbcV niidftany ouu'ryjlbry wold return ttyz tuooi ihcta. jfccyi beat, f their way toh "r-t'gttcTg ecaal..JiaAalrtddj.dark btaibcy J" ' & . ccjctmr. ts4 Ui- Brtdlirtiuk taatftoJ tavW Latbi tL?Y in lt. . rsiQ. itd.a tcriacrr taf-'i:irs. ta :r. ttk dv-Q, Kxd trv t r fcrt ker I :rd t9i br eCaffaUaJ . Iirr oidrtrt r- 1 waiaVejyKsa kd taJ :Ur .xr .1 atr&ey fed a j tv-ie f exjt 1 rtos the. mrwtt.t VcKlLirtt'. -t.eftutb lettt " - l3trIr. ,v.:uru sc.-ttr, ... .sts-tl lfaiiilng:a sbiutionfl 'feoId; water ;and IO tri ibopaf ef gbda; J it irnains 1 w2 -pLTO J v b H un- - .,t r-.-... t i -. i tiect .liad . rained him, . "ilia. nnA hnd Aa.a.uyuc ixi1.110;Ul,.oy wpiCfl time I 7? T- " :- T .-7- y-i r Tl-.-T mcn.Xheso meni Ldid ;not lire m the buUonv, .and of shime J On rfbe. last " Longinore ' wa at first struck dumb Mmetowrf?- .Theepe sat j& his parish -Christmas Day he had sat there in: the and senseless as by a stupefying shixk; church iri.'Tainfleet1ihc' other beneath veiy flash of triumph, and.had thanked but thempetursity of his temrer,whfcb; that noble "tower so oddly. termed tBos- (Sod that be. wirs-not tuebaVlongniere: .during the long, .smooth .course of hW foaStump Hewho? sat" in Bosfon thai ho. wa6-"noi?Iike him a convicted Ilfn. Isd ftnW'nunli .i ;.ir (n r. r. " -.'vti-i-3 -.-ICTY"?" hivo.said with ,.manv ncli a man ho- 5 . mwfeir uiip,.". uascanrmove roe; .unit spirii-iauen man. rffiSrlW-lali8a bywit6h- had-ebnio ba ced liinir-downin a lontrand desperate! himself,' .-io elevate 4'worthless pretend- struggle. " The iiapbiness of-, hie bouie I cr -II had.: blasfed a -well-deserved had- been destroyed: his ;erood namel name vhad stmck the daff-rer ot domes-j " iTlfaf-criv1-tl. : a i;i.'J:--'l i.u'.?j n: t.i-i : I ; . : - - j a . . . - "li-": uv,iiM.y waters ui xreuuzs,i -misery jBui.-.iurcQ aworca jicatu, tbelsbcja friends-es-hfiddonc that which he , wonld, if posei. :V;t"iSlTir a.l-a roA"JJt-ltiW'lJ-" tnniroilfpnm liini t 'Tliii wiMJ ItmlKIs. info vnrl.. hk4a TT.. b -i.l eelin hypocrrtc. -" , 1 wept as.- the doctrine of Ileaveu'a hiffh- man;" listening to the est philosophy, " Do" unto ptberss thou SetV AImightyGrd ! wouldst' they shluld :doVnnte ' thee' 'VtH-Thir rmW"kzw-o w.n TwrAAtiMf rtf l ''ti?B " liPfil 111. io naa oniv mani:(t cd itir in rtwt Itnave.siill less keima awrer,.wUh roua and hasty cuUursts pf feeling, now me uicmory oi'Eucn oast creaincaa.- i verr ftrxm luumed thi fcrv f rnmida. But - Broad hurst, the Jawyr did PW IlisifidigBaijoa sgainsthat ho tcrmctll sinr tuus now . no was-a -reM-toueti, and deemed the .villain of tk ivvtr. Adresdfuluieeaycrvj add t pf the housc- rhini.ivHc.had mined I keener, waa too IrtltipnAnnm in fm itk or-tl tKiteb-TjMlmfr-;bad scr . , ly completed her taW. and m nt til she frcm' the itrsnd,- they sheeted sVl.l'UUTal W t a.u'-fiy cc se , '11 T - -2. patkgrs, -hrifpord" liksly Jo eie'ttd aa" srsswr ia ; HcgJ;Vhu "The ' eneovnter thwurrttcJshichbtr Jarf- sotji fvoad till the travel waa "snXsg- U:rriwuuUfc!t 11 t bis . es rmd.hrtUikfK'iaJ ' jk-rsrrlage drw Htk ftg l-t, snJ exjLWe U.r (krtwUi, which .yuIly;sl!rrttHs up to the doer, oat ef which slesaw a rise l-rgrd;to e; feu ta. board w- jt:V f tW csj. y He MitMttvJU.-" oumWr tf.roen bsae, and ene. war aorBut lbs .nwadfe!i , . eoonccd immediately as decline to speak with her.. A-'younx han.f ksadsctas1 person, and with' a frank and gentle ly air. '.presented himself, 'nsiwctfaHv apcjofiiting for the Okuso which hrcught him tlsrcv. .' t :.4YottareMr. BrwadLnnCe rletk!. said M isa JLongroore, axmewtst astcnlsh-' td jtt 1h6 joung man s sppes ranee rori bearing-. -r-m "r '-J-. V am bis son, mauaoi,fhe rcpled. vaji iDey,.tsme. co tvy lhy teMitprrrfU tMvee tfr.ty aar : . 7. wsi etswira. Clcruocvw'J Detr:a;i -il :txriZ:tif isl lis "fit" A : tctstrTiCtka wii Vhi&d 'lit-i ' -y Itut 1.ri fc rctii4iMl tt- Cither' jrss.sn af!rt! swirratV, - - i I1"',- tic UmbJa-arret tlit tf ".J 1 .U,J,'&ftf-l.n:aa; It -tnUw fcjiu4. 'l . " .V- Clurn to. male". tlie strrrf t. . lllrjl- re;:cedv Lc:rii .- r- free". lW'pw:W,flaS en: earn ptper. re"oa1ccd ia; the soin taming iheacidulaiSl wnt'o tl"ia k i Btiia that rsxKKauoii ot nax -' way out at cmce, but it came by degrees 1nuactk)t) that-seemed reaohedjo tear ':- - i ... . . i t oowa. evcrj.ijipg.ucwcyu.' nim ana ova i t r"L . i. . ia. . . t. ' lie msuea into tue conteu wub a yche mence. which alarmed h is ftmifyacd iricnas,. sou gave io mosi ticciacaaa vantage to Eis watchful opponents. . : . . Trial after trial ntue cS, the meet etu-4 lnent eounseIwcre1rttaiBe4 at tha raci stupendous cost, sudjorsome Ume'pab-. lie ocinion was nrrttr cnuallv dinded ure VUHtirant me lire-ana - strenrtn to rcpairitm the merits ot t be case. liot tforo g"-grant thatwebeing regenerate, I what I-'havfe niiOd.; Touch" the heart the next-year was at so enJL.Ii orraore .i .JaTm,- ri -it ? j .l.a.!. i :t t. l -.. '.'.it. -.. t ranged from him ! as-eLcbase andurnreelin hypocrite sat-tnis "Jrords of the collect who" hast! nven SoPM td take bur nature iiponHiui-and j Lbfdi 'fbrgiyb : me 'my 'heaTyi sins ! i ii - . . - . i . . ... . . - uiw rume ro .pe oorn? oi a again .bowing. "I sat 'sorry, fcr it,' replied .tha Loorocre, bearing '.up ss t rarely aa she eouhl sgaioif rttr,overrowtrijr sensav lions. - . l wish" you . had :tw hrncxt .if4 Mada to," rt plied; the yc Wr man. with a mtxtare of mildness, sndt yvt'ct ipuifiSfrinaies'inff bis tatber am sreU awsro hew. this natter taact sp pest to yco.-.rK! Uerwre it siamtly ; -fcet ws Lc lie v- cur tusinesa to be quite proixr! IIa.rcuiindcd her of the drcieWa ,natars of the bcokecpcrs testimony; and beg ged that they m$ht no'farthef-f aravt the pauJnl suHttt. " - . .Miss L&egxaC re,- with tcsrt start if I u iv Ac ( lir. ucu.ru ium uvu.wm ona daT rar-oe bcr..""fal rvriary " . . r. y cr leoll Icat'wlth tif RIt!c4 bi i rr.t J'.c:. f r.W2 . if r tbef ;n.d .learn-U: s-2t,.tc:e5 leatAte lxw tsc, S tlw L; rrr luk - wets lcpdihi-.r doth: . The DLr4 frf .ii.pch .jocr':fswicaiiJ It t:rc rr.fc jrceiicd thatthVy Jtfti cct cease tspia ; w. i, '.-'..t ',. ',t.w'kv' a yaiu t-artrroa scteruti si xtki i jjsie i McrTai Jim errr t-aTra. . There wasiwibva ehe fcr.it j rcjavh- jbvs. ttidarT.1 spi!M 'the r w tr Lucg c3 hm cJic Chert ru t3Fi.t wUn-ite.pewAff tU Ultut -ft.by hW. walv.-t a ;;lar IxtbLcl, .;. i i r'ajt;ufn -aB-T-ed-lTrasil' f Struct twntrji-c tvi.-, 4', . - r iusmu at-caMira.- y tci.,r "f I( was ariA.cf liiftbddeajD. . .if j I ?a tUtjU.css plm te ...lsr, Chnxcn Ivil his j'rtK' vf tat., $zi ,ts?d jbHbp jrc;ifj t-.rtei.-5l Corg Jis srsniarcucl i..y fathtf, t if d .with e wy; exJwtrJ iLut? auy fillet strtrrth-t:!cd lim tlcy Loerc;:tr wrcU ,,tcf-e and ;:r f.t wire Icth lactitally IrsL .B-sjtC-W- stiltiH. sll tti; s.k.vc we ten yrtsiTcd La4 coccti, sod ty.tfrt-ltad y 4V t;f;eiat prw; r-crate ccctvicy utur rtic; :k I ikjt a 4. . ;;t .!.Xcrwt l.rt r5. ef tbVtcetj acd ttlJ wtYc safety - V tlxcaxte atl Jla;y. iirt-ir't rtr-v: t a toird. There fcrtUKr J .V lit-VaV-ettla vs ty . iLr r L-J Ccrr .-' tfcnsltSHHs dtft&r t!.Ia. f; . -1wCa ttgtaxsuliw Jfcjr.-sa'sf li'.-.Ts. r!', 'sc J witij hctctly f4re; tie ,-two!lr. iilicgt, thevpi tilt rt'.crr. r?s. slfKfucm pfia2'tgrace,aaydaUsT-lie renewed bv.lbe. Ho- triveness : for all thine srein Tbv now! Wd ' !ih feelinrs.ef indr aeribaLIo irt t.v ' j." ad.W tha tcc man: felieelv. , iy oi'ukuii cAiKuiaivfi mass nrnttAi.i i Nm( ii..n,. t i.t i j : ja4a j Tk- i . i i f - z .t... t. ". --.. . t i if fSf8 ThmVwn hiswprds. iu the inward tears tcalo'agairist: htnj his friends .7701-: - Uongtaore, beeswse all the facta of the the wme splntyevcr Qne of .his soul, and to every sentifoept.pl mysteriously coo!, and his espial ti-lease hava: been familiar -to r?JT frtm -r -: Jove ajfidblcseed retribution, hii-Ajnea'. bausted'by the cicantie contest. . ch"iWhobL- What sheuldlhct,l so v . e3teasoI 'Atpepr. wentup' .jSke the flamesl of a , At' tW end' thai pit ibd hs" found ;39Sfitit,'tii' "tCU y.and,tIie tbkVabwTittcred'the bear! bn-fir";4: j'V V t" himself standing -elcne, rrgsrded as.the "w & iiv.z: VeistaiaK 4-tith rbie Jips, but it was not : ' WhaVthcn'.'badtakVaplacabeiviccn convkted nwrw:fof.anothe?s rights, and !Xf,pMeyerlst tUchheso- menf iJ&i "rg year go; Long-1 Lu former; high character, only ;remce J . - .-y wnever. m tn iw niMih.! ' . --.hi - . .. . . . 7 w . - , andbumedthcl morerisjA nimnalubn .gPS tHjanoutfifieeTi -min-1 WP1,' wAV2 i,V I ?'lT7.y T": I .tiles attaifism cor::m, J0 u-.-is--t''MH .vuiw aiau; . uopentnr.-tho "toulest ' ,t wrong j bad refused, to Misten"' to "bis : v, -r 'vTTrorfMi - jicoujuj;; comoineu flat unllin'I awa. eitlr4 rt- -T:JS:1: ' .1 ! - i'.-.-. v t .JuuB uour-? i--lu vr visitutKjr ami ruin mm comes nlwhTte, cc ... ICt is ; then t AB8 ytalaof intecritv; hadr.WefeV r TOh&aipjwi- ittsn.lni sHawtVth6u' ' .-cn..-i "-rv? " rr". :V:rv ingriuiiaed.mrhu acTlike Me.aaw. thoaa.-.lin l,.,)'..' it teeMfeaiifc-&lf r.v- t'awgnea Djbis fireside, and ifWKPtvMt. fcTO. genejeujLTUthfulne : of; these quonl fi-iend oc UX hltmbk and tiikL n V a. t ' .calt4ly wool'merthant of jbcred to. point the putlw. sstonisucacnt j JaCoti;s.IT-? L. I; lt'd' a iiant ,ipd' at the real (baj:nc i was . suppoeed, to Jblly li?e;.' ' II ii ' -pTemik- -ere; large ;(;blW. concealed,; Ilia tale was abio-, his:jbonacciion.j"bothlat ; hjine'UiuJ lutely Iot;,'he was called '.c a to rtfund brc J cxteositeand such 'was. his rep- fbng-arTear of income, while the pfodj-' utat: i - fjr integrity' -ad capiLil, that raj eireoditureln law had lcft tlmuii. a he i Ai.i... district..- Jed .thebiarke t over a vast b!r tV comely wila tocfedemanda. Io Ho- wrra ;a ,.tall,..targe, florid ! prcjorticn : to,his former. aEuccce wa mn,r ot,-G-t -c .-.".ny epenna .ecraiaj, now-tue rapacity einis .creuaM.u eh" rat4' , , - 3"llVcrallTbjUca3i saw" Vphbced in thGrtle,srrd Tmd ' 'r ' , uiiiics and th9;w'nek cf b projrty:torn to shreds "rt? : ... uliKt-r- -?t;i1,'A I.V-'j nt-fl iireiilionori. - strrsge in, a friepi-who owcdU'lift ndfnioeU my father, lcAjf.g'-',,,t fort one Jo hici I ? rT. . n MLilbiftd tbrtnaar. fsld the ycdirg man: . cr ttuiincre was .to meacw on the tnsVri v - . - -r.-. :. r X -, Thcrf wsJJaea!icV: .rtpJifld ili. LongmCre, Vbatr the fact wtss-brme dowra by riijeala.: C,Toa wUii't brsr tha truth,v, -rr it pow,. thtai v.V.'Lf a tny father r ; exults y?l ,tj to i,e in. Ca'.xy, f tw . jcur r-: ici mf Dfa itnateevl r Jwecjys tr I iiiawith the LltrtBer, eratlry pt aercra'M Dcnrer. Tct there at Iturh ibrf Ur.fed; p;JtbQ'lbrrn tici- scniely ; 1 Cburtca Waa ia t'.dx fcr lis trial, wcaJt ssifrrmit ijt Vi II f r lta?;, wra tay fjtber'f fHtrJ. - ' ' r5ir," roth'aed "Mia" Let;; r : r:, 'it war wt!Vkaea that .'r. Ctarte; was a sty s&dscliiary cut; talVa la IcTeets ware sS freed aJ roars' cri sr. a, . 1 tie nercr eairneitfsaj stwaya crrurri thtj"iaci cf Lu trier eiaevtif be wetllleara w fath.-hiTrervty.tj f.wboa it Lad ' ji'ascd U btat. T terw vu'tj'."' -.Jfco -frtre.iffi.-I dint - . I r. Chsrtr n s b. ( rers f; tarerr . u.. -.. ra rv jiiber, tch cLLaeriS6t. I '- Jr ryt-ltj Id r ill 'f' V a 1 . v their!";. 't . . i i tart m?' . . . . i . i.aw.ta.t:s j"t: s . J.ity tz' : ij,', tcralAV,tbctietfxu. if - ; v triors itd eruiir'A Cuxtt. lartc:jl ter tA.itj- I'.iCi derwtet lebt;, -l.t it ss sti.it.jnni' ti r-: ... A . r " ' t . tar. si t .tjt wij. - . tz i :;, lie wu t;t r . " t ( u urs , c!aixt"t. La - e -.:-.' ' . I lica tf 1 Jrcilj-r . V 't D -i i - T 1 - r it. T -r- ...'-, i. r. : s -rv;' t - 2 j Lis tfs. 1,1 c.-1 1 !s -is I s :3t.. u ? -ifc is sti aiatedit fiat one- t hoi : 2 ft i 1, TfXtys h& JioHcdctheejAig v4Q50l-tl.e Urge; list in -busli m the Krtaii Jind. and. i ' -, t... ,h.'j-.r 7 lie 1 : land'tlellbfrd' In' L.. e."-.-! il-xy txw fcr tt 1 1 r with whem be ws h; costectlea. -t.'j jy- --- Uwyer- Iwr rrs ixt ttest let- jr-ccs J .Ur-,:?, ii- xz2 t'C-iif !. attrwrtcd !xa tbayeneig runaway.! un lruxr.t fcrird T' - it-la tfces nits -r?j Uerrie-i.'i Isv ' but b rar.f-r.y rrf'."f -f;..:.My fXil. ,)u ; txstc'i y?f -Ua ;iUaLcsn ' f - t :''.":; I i -S'ti e':j-'i r--- -w! his wsusl tmpulsivirac it it . o ' ' .wfr -4m tUl fitifrr ; i. r ia . . I : - t.-V'!"-: .-' jS-nit'-ttvit bet. w.afAtLis.btrtid wey!J ti-s trt. " -ho wh&te t;it:g wj tlctrnT rj u.- cf it. Lry a"vlt -'.,' ! J. y.l tyil" fjl-" 'V f: -ai,-l J u.:y ,.- - '-cs ,"-t.j-i. aJ t-r:j a , -m ui I i-r. :. ; ai it.'J v. f t. ; ! J 1.; Vrl. n a L' f. ' - K -Wb.ata Cbrl-tmss Dr wsytv r :i.h ' TS3sc'i vf f-n aftctL'-thia. extracrjiirry thr.r.-jju Lis fcrtr.ca! .Tsteid eft' e 1 ! j f It'cedbimtelf.lye-rw Ltsrttt&tr; i'tl yc.ty-jad r: LAnot?t2lt'" 7 -Und!c-aan-J tT.aJ.LSsiururl'-l cj e IjiiiiurcraVV.trithjasay frlcuJ ftrru;. 1 Ub-fii 1 a&r.how j:r rli . 1 L?irf.w?H laut.tt-rar.iviioicinjt'tcr rsth i. i fc t er .wer desf -to. bus,: sr. wit j U"kaowftog lit groana r taj currti, ny mjpea ia j i to ais i.tw;-, a -1 it wis uji.iui.wtjtt.Tii.i aj , - - r .''. ' " " . . . . - . ' .'.. V ' " ' v.. 'a- ' -w -:. - . 1 . . ' ' -" - - .-- ' r -". w. - v. f t :-iv:a.;ttm:a . ft,-v-v- ' : " - . ;t..

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