v.-rrra& - - --' :'. -, J- : im J - . . i4: .36 : s l r r t r V t 1 : ' : - - ifc3 , . g - - , . . , - - . . . , 1 i ' . . . J rjX,ICE---Two Dollars a Year," utitii- all arrearages are -paid,- except at tfie dptio a of the editors i opmmandt : - fthe, tte&ro ifortfied' 'CjEiie cf kn-i ion". toany : jeara ; tas ; gut ofcjnj imotuersj eliegaTe it to .toe IriUi ia. V-v 'toand brilKahcj js?IcB&- wi ttfCRsed. at WW iiistaiifte,froiia' tHa'metrdooliB- Prfde wid -coate'ntxiient isat. cn"'ieverjl il i Artful Bri;?.n aid Ule" Maraucas. brow1": 'i&i t; filoudoiild' -litft been dia-f 'iibat. readx bind falsehood enall not cbveredH was on tbat'bfJpbona 44 J ye. -vay ' iitb.fiexytp.'prwc1 sclfK .tp wboee bosom Ais feast brtmgbt ' UoldlVVw'.pVoaW , ''would i'gd:;tde1s ; px;moncy j .said tbe.Marqtiea ovFlcsca" ; t J to'mj boaoro, andlii- t rr ctaUecbctV, J-Air', tlJfuu;fu" l-en jq. iay poescs. i once mcr Diac xn lircwcii. , f- bo,' " (ell jae, bare I not a right to pro claim this girt iunoernlf Sbo who iT: pd ray ' lifv wbo rt -fiwcd my gold, bo spurned aiSffccoe' aud comfort to Ihc toirble life: of a wardering" beggar tin such a betcg bo frailty X( aitaeT Kl. . E . : V' 5 '9 - .. , ...... GIPSrS KEVEff GE! it- .i'-trft r TEcje existe in Spain a race of beings wbpse lineage may be; mncb more, clear ly graced rbyjjboth fiJbraf and physical distinction', than tha of lofty and effem inate .nobility 4. ; In' the. gitanos or'gip sys of : the, peninsula, may be. yet seen the jderyous and flexible 'limb,, the fiery. nd coapb&ci y.sdrj thecourage, and love ., of ' adventure of their Arab jmcesrry-! l,Jbey are the same wild free- race, j unused to the ' bonds of and Impatient of the restraints am- w denizens, of, the' mountain" and'itie, glen, living beneath the free and boundless canopy jof, heaven y a mode of b"fe in perfect unison -with . their temper and disppsitron.jiThe, mysterious influence of this" wandering and- original tribe, thougTi often divided, is notwithstand jngi botli . ifelt :'-an'd dreaded, by both classes. The traveller who - refusei to listen to theirfadyice, and to pay for it, too, v when given, may find himself in volved in. inextricable -difficulties and learn Job Jaei. the fbllyf heedlessness cf despising .the-gipsy warning. . That part of the Sierra VLirena which ditides. La Mancha from" New Castile and particujarly h envirohs of the pass of the DeVpeliaperros, Has, from time immemorial, 'been ."the abode of numer ous bands of these gitanos.; jesV-olf.oy-ilbaKiegretfor be foresaV in its termination the opening of a new, era in -r liia4ife, whicli be waa little i dicd. tatpnture -Jlhis young nqple man's skill and address jn alLthe sports of "the.- Period, .and r bis .no less abconi- L pusheanmnncrs aiw elegntdeportinen gainea Junv tne,; agmiranoa. oi au, janq had ailentlj .secured .the -' hearts v.of ny.:prpud"4oce-??a, whom. more, courtly i cavaliera had failed to ejutaee.-.-A , j ff ' Amongst the ;gu?ste.cf the - EeUro laha; whose: eatef .lay contiguous to the jj.Iarquess : s. domain jjand whose fam ily "was once to hare been united, with thatrofeFloresco-:by the, marriage of an only daughter ,.wjtk Count Alplionso, but circumstances which . caused no breach of friendship, had long since dis-T solved this tie Nor .was the interest of Countde 3Iorioiana in Alphbnsd'at all diminished thereby, for being now with out issue, he 'had devised his estates and title? -. .at .bis death, to. his once in tende. ;ion-in-jaw, whom be considered as his own child. ; r . ; , - ; -The fete which it would be tc4iou3 to.. describe, was drawing towards acon: clusipn7 and invention- of new.pleasures seemed to be on -the; wane, when Al phonso, to whose lot it had fallen in his turn to .suggest something new. for tbe ' amusement of tbe part y4 did so, by send ing to the. Sierra- for the- gipsy band, with whose songs and dances he propos ed to divert the Company The idea was -joyously seconded ; -in a short time the gipsies were within the ground of the. lletiro, telling, the fortuufis. ,and contributing . to the delight of the. noble guests. The plan succeeded to admira tion, All found .something " to ; flatter their hopes or wishes, Tn the predictions of the gipsies, among whom was a young girl,, who; by . he riyacity and intcili gence, andnlniosf inspired answers," bid rendered 'herself a universal - fcrvorite ; this was" Adelma,: tbe daughter bFthc gipsy -cbief Her 'graces of person ana centiencss oi manner, me even $ ou condemn Jthapok "of inhocence-- asiear. wiucn unawiTea suspicion tmnga from hr beVotebnt eye ? Hard inu&t. betpie heart and bold.the tonjjue, wbipb dares' suspect Jier truth. Let the gipay'a nioiher appear, ,pn3-thi3 inystcry w-i xe unravejiea-v- ' . ; ... . , . vJJut tb'en gipsj's parents bad flcd.j Tbey jliad profited . j ,'the" confuiTon wnicn inrnea au eyea.on iDcir cauguier, and bad, stolen awa r.un perceived. ; A- delcua '" .wsile'fi""! to ' support lier in nocence. .- tshQ turcv.4. a icvk lowirvis AIphonso-- look : 'which graved , pity and, protevtiou it Vpoke toisjieart ; 'twas language not lb be misundcrptood ! And at hjs moment the gipsy girl held up her band, displaying a ring to AK phbnscC who alone understood the t!g aai;' r; -v ; :i , . l4t Whence : this' interest, 'my. tBon," said the" Marquess for this obscure gipsy, ana het cnorts to repel an ac cusation t which' conflrms'ltself by every circumstance with which it is connectedf I do perceive . a" something here which explains suspicions already vaguely hint ed, to which 1 yet lent unwilling cre dence.: Depend on't, -justice shall not be warped. , "What caq yoh bare' Sn common with thegipsy girl,thua to" in tercept its-eeurse V - :. i 1 V : T "LiKten," said'Alphcnso-, "and you shaD Judge." Ybtl may " recollect 'the time when.- during my studfoe at Seville, by yourcommand I was ordered to make a tour to visit tbe Moorish cities' of Cordova and Grenada. .In mj route mj carriage" was beset by banditti, and my life with difficulty; sired from the ferocity of the robbers. 51y tutor, wbo accompanied "me. unfortunately recoi niEcd: ono-of them as bcidg an old ser- or c&H Ij in rioUuon'of my word Kfge to protect ber now. , - - . :. The tal made a lecp and aScctmg impression on all tla hearers, aod form ed astriiing centrist to the situation in which the g5py girl oow'stood. It caus ed, however,, a greater - ciJVct onj tbe Marquess de TIorcc than en any oth er person wboi in tle tnerg-stic defence of-4he delinquent thought be read tbe feelings' of tbe ad vacate.' His patrician Hood wa-j r ou J vCjC- a ion, at tie thought 'cflaa ton 100 for a' vagrant. Tie' was eon'irtned.'ljy thi ntur. light which broke pa biimind, in' his suspi- cions regarding his son's frequent abeen- Tb'a pcijoni waa airualJ ca'an nence,' at no great diatanc from tbe Ito-tiro.-- It waa the rfmaitu ofaa old Mocr. tab caatle. cotcrcdjrilh rbvtK2, iti-l coc-ilnjcuu ct 14X dqraUe xaaunaia which dlatibfsbh tLe ) I rvruik.' arOii tore. ; But axi. uiVw f f t-w- tvrsu atX -od xj'Jcm t rials; bad Wn thrown aroiipA) it, ,1a aUrf as waa ro gind,; to crar!ctc" iticcarity ihU onco dcnjoliahcd, th cntriato to the keepv which, wm the rs'nsj' cf tie Arab fortrcai, ; became ef ta acocav." . Vit b rands wr iiiiaVlyj'p'ifd-iU CXkrior baDdiQ.-(hUccni4iocd moch wood, whilst a b.itwing cf lieUaxvl bamcadcj were at the' tame time caxrisd en; .;-.". V;r; r. .The-woncA and chtklrca o-ogbi,. ia ercfy irectioo, ,fael to nounsli the fimcK. which bad elrtadf talc a racb -itife!dt tH; iLaprir.f; rain did tot in. the If Mt crte to quench then. : Tbe raen xarf V.y rouod there, trandUb ing th'eirWordaaiid knivw, the tl Ja amuae ..- l.tomjx. To'to 'nufil a: tlU lW Ls-ir ti de tl-t, - '," ' ' " "Cuast isyHilcw a reoai Thai l-ifcr le i To.ycerti- f;Uutria,cf trKlencCfsl lit Urttk :rI jut new. pajifed, . Ulli rsr; TXjul.'baa pocs u tod lb'pa! it if' r locit rv lg I hall ptfrch th r. " -. Wt-aii re destrcj the Icrdj zi t.rcocn.t ! J I are yu to clS. to jcij ci a thttfg Jarsri fur tha dctrccii-mcf,kcys?"'. -t . MVbt talLLrs l$ Vt tWs, tiu aXtie dead cf suhtTti woriaUtaja torivo xanuvlrg ei'thy ln, thlakt L torn aa-le th $wcr df juatlc. by thj. dolefal ravlcgtrf.;., - Count, deiriac ma Bi, thoogb IeA cfit .wrtkhed Gluao nc I Oh, tikk m . 11 . . v v wrr.:- - riav pwcH hre UUrvl aiicuutr v Tt? ebaralja the aTWk ; ca tie nrxrt.uJa cw, ina xipw accounted in bis own tnmdl ofwhiclk. were gliUeriag la the Ueht, iur kue fuuivmjic u ucaru o Ajpuop-r tna witn liocUaaJ icmtai seemed like I cetaoDSt protecting ind uiadiDr the w " - - " - a Hi miL wiiBi : aw mjra ucau ul uun. gree or urcr iio liad always labored to pbouso animated the gipae with their, obtain for these children of the mouuUin, own wild -.piercing cbecx. . He mord and determined inwardly, on a eomrse through eVerT'dactcr with a feaiUae which should ensure tbe extinction of J and gtant etnde, urging and enceureg-j uvu. wwpiaoeu paanoo. . I ing Ul -CotD pi ctiou of tneir ta?k. - At - Adeima. waa put into confinement, I last a crash told the fall of a part ef Ihe from which noeffort or stratagem of the I defences, the giric3 enUred the, breach- young vunt could free bcx. , -Tbe V disarmed the guard, and depriving ; the warmed be . became la bis endcat ora to I jailor of hi key, released Adelma from extenuate ber offence, the m Ore resolved 1 her cell, ' , 8 .' were bis accuaera to sacrifice Xcr to their ' . The eraclg"cf the boroing tinibcra, ce ended rndca S he wac brourbt to in. I th brat of iKn nl thm, euv- TritL such a- weight of influence, tbe emtt," had ?ocarly deprirtd her of y """'"jj ii-suiuuuj.M kuui, 111 ocr aeoaca. one, nowcTCr, rrcoguiiea was not difficult to obtain a speedy sen-.I Alphcnso, and sunk into bis arms, A tence againatber. The Count dcMari-l retreat was now sounded, and the youog olana deposed; to the identity of Ihcl Count bore "off the liberated capUre to account of its posseysion, was considered I Thelicbt cf tbe flames of the prison overwhelming proof of her crime. The had Wen . observed at the Retire, sud gipsy girl was condemned to die ! -1 tbe guards wbo bad fled communicated hold, r pcTrTsi.il ye sleep b tczdj mere,"'" . - ' "Jwtlcer liald the Counr, fUll speedily be "dona cm thr ocllawed bead.r ' . . - JuitJco ! didat thoa aay t Jnoce wbca has she bad trzch clxixas fr Mariolaxa, that he iarckea bercamef Since whea baa tcnjcrfoce rticd rcsacrte, thai that ord coca not cbeke Tout vuenxt r 1 ac Count was ariuud ; long drawn- The wild thousand; hues and shapes, the foaming classical beauty , of ber featnrcs, the cawraeis wjnen rusuimieiuousiy a own 1 fe to j their .sides, the alternate luxury of licr- aud s8,uhjS jet hair, had ex- i cited an interest which couuf not be dis- pellcd. : The coarse costume in which herwas clacu scarce detrceteu trem a " bage'pr', sterility ...of brown, rock v soil. the 'nowfd:'peats. reflect iug their rilaa ' lrrbt liito Jtbe detths of inme rrt the-blfiyw' caverns, mark ittbe peculiar ccrtain elegance distinguishable in spile habitation of these roamini, uncbntrol-1 .htT mcan . garb. -Her, interesting led spirits, arid lead us at once to iden-f-ce. whichishe accompanied on, tbe guitar,, urew. au ncans towarus ner. -Wherever Adelma appeared, she excited the sympathy of all who saw ber. " Her parents-.'were solicited to part with ber ana nonerwere saiorwara in mcir oners of service as. tbe Count and. Countess de Martolariaj' who took great pains to per- tify. the fcrihn try with their mountain home. ' ; '! ."i;. . ' : ' In .one bf these fiistnesses, in a strangeV It'- insulated position. .Accessible only .on" one, side,' andtbat by .a bridge travers-i ing , an aDrupt ana immeasurably, deep voleam?cv6lutronV gipsy's mother to place the -.rWite wbbs iief bfttT.fo-VriirV foiAoA i ff" ader their-..care ; but "the woman a ifottraii?dr& ' Reportliad 1 was Itinexible; aM spurned their offers ariltod!bm r ' ' ciesPwliicb ealled fof tfie londnttfnt -ALit event however occurrcdMn the interpoMtibn-'oithelarjl but the apathy course of the gipsies' visit to the Reti- of justice or the daggers and difficulties ro; which threatened -a separation on attendWon? "any intcrferebce! had left less agreeable . terma than those-just hituin 1 a species of independent sovereign- proffered. The: County de Mariolana ty, so that. the. band remained -uninolest- tdn"ng the : noon-tide' heat, retired ed in thmr mniVntnW okini to one-of the pavilions of the -garden to peaceauiy upon ine-piains, anoveven cn-1 "r",ev' " . v urine the' short interval between I the fall ixwi cf th d&4r. Th M.r. vant-bf-bis; and thinking to excite his sentence and. execution, Alplionso threw qucas tmmedutvly oftlc red ell hi retain pity ealrcd -upbn. liim by name, tbe con- bin.sclf at bis father's ftet, and iniplorcd rra'td ana and to rroe the" fugitives sequence of which Imprudence was bus him to use' bis Influence to cause the without inercyi to their den. ' immcuuie assassinanon. 1 Knonia nave uarsn aoom 01 Aueima . 10 be remitted. I Uot all that .tbe 3urquraa a force sharcd-the seme fatej but had the good Finding entreaties useless, he aarumed I could aceompIUh was a partial crgere fortune to loose mveelf from tbe tree to another tofic. and ioldlr. declared bis I menL Th n'Twn Lad ninM tk whith I was fastened, ere-f he robbers irrevocable attachment to the gipsy girl, mounUio,-an4 bad rrcailr the adrant- came 10 execute their purpose. T was telling his fxther that if ahe perished,! see of their pursucn, Tbeykcptensn darkjr-I fled to a hut in the mountain his son waalsolo&tl His altered and orderly rerrtst, covering their leader. of tbe" Sierra " Nevada, to whkh I was resolute manner convinced the MarauesalwhcM cbrge' impeded' tbe nptdity - ef guided by .the g!immering of a Cre! that "some violent 'emotion agitated hi his movements; but several of the gip This I found tq be tho residence of some son's mind.' He would willincly bare I aicavaroonrst whom wks Dlorenka were nciy bare! atca.'aroonrst gipsies. I entered, and r supplicated restored it to peace at any 1cm price wounded and taken tiocra. , Alphon- tbcir hospitality and protection I went than that mtwtach it wa to be pure baaed. I to himself, who. io bis dtuMiiae waa not regarded with an eye -of suspicion," and I Alphonso rttrred to hia chamber, absorb- known, altbcmrh the dawn bad already after some indistinct, murmuring, was Jed in giicr. Jn the evening the Mar broken, was so hard rrrwed, that be on- toia .10 depart, in this extremity. iqucs sought n sen, to tryate cnect 01 1 ly gained the bridro of the ratine by Knew not which war to turn, when, bvl reasoninir and persuation. but be nadlfclhnr two of hii ormnmii in t! 1- - ' . I D . W K the intercession of this young girl,' my J quitted the Rctiro, nor could tbe ser- ground; a third, who hurried forward ru nimscu on ue onso bad gained tbe ls bcekonmr oh bla horse. Seme men -'who 'bad- arrived I Tbe rain fell in torrents." The heavens I com nan J on. hrn. an uruTtf,t a dee on the rm- wasbarl I needed Ihtle to convince me. these I muffled m the cirr carb. rrcscntedl The MaraaJad inorrrKrYv!m tprp ilift ' rntkKfT in Miivl t9 Int. I tiin.aittlf at tii kn.ln. nA I I .1 . T IT II. . . r I pnsoncrand collected frotu the answers ing to the gipsy cave." " : , I sop, when the defeat cfhi rtUiocn was the intercession of this young girl; my quitted the lletiro', nor could tbe ser- ground; a third, wh( request of a little " food and a night's rants' give any account cf his disappear- bad: already planted lodging was granted.' ;- During my slum- "ar.ee. ' - ' , bridge juxt a Alpbon bers I was awoke- by the tramping of It was a dark and miserable night other 'aide, and was 1 spoxe oi an escape -wn.cn wouia rum i were cx oncaense oiacxness,. save when I movement, the end -Of the bri them, and demanded of the gipsy chief at intervals the fitful glsm of the bght-J which be itood was lewertd into. the immediate ajd of his seouta. to scour i nings illuminated Jtho sky.. In the fury rinc, ajid the. unfCrtunate man the country in search cf tbe fociUTe. of tlua pcltjnir atcrmr a person closelv cd into the fathom w eham joyed, rh some;- measure theprotection ne -JMSBearotn . arouna uis necK a gold of persons.- .fio" possessed "estates in the cuan -'of sbmo value. It was a loss not vicinitV; : i 1 " P.ni'H to- be borneJjjriHbut a murmur; it in pngsttbosewho extended to the faCt caused souncern, that every gipsys a nmore . tha,OKliiiary share of one wca?16 miercsieu in lue aiscovery favOT,.an of the lost treasure for which the. most ? wmjqif;fi'a'.merer accident scrupulous search was - immediately in seemd to warrjmtj Ms the young Count stituted. ;t;,"-'j..-. r . ".- ;-'-i Abimibdi lesca whosb .father, ' The wanderers of- the sandal shoon th"e;Marauess:-issed a Vast "domain and 'scallop shell" were about to return 3TidV& to the mountains -the materials which "situafei New fed .in " a: partof " the province 'fef ponded-their equipage were slung across Caiiciosclv tommffbe Sierra J tneir shoulders the wild strain of their whereet;bTOY rtreatw their march The ''voSttff CoMrNrmdeed. a con-1 broke upon-theear while the tooise of ; stanl ;saTltthegjp xrev and tne. Count's oss-eansed them to be de- etw"frint:iil coriektpdrir Gained. The servants ofthe lletiro par- elEadyitaslsaid' aprar dis-Tticularly busied; themselres in inspecting imcy-provrnee,- Deneath jthe gipsy garb, 1 V1"' Pa6Safi vf v? paeav x ney sooq and;Ka lKllected21noneY rbv his5 hatrov I eame fpTward,Mragging after them Adel prbpheiies)iiwhIt;Et woli he gehtrosity :ma, and holdhig up thelosVchain, found of -tfie'-?du1bu?--0ii:ieTof; these 6c- curiously. concealed -amongst ber effects; caiioniirlh -. I always said what' would1 become of lease HtofM-'M-ofi MiP iff! letting 'these gipsy -thieve into -the which' bebad been -canned ; unon tb I grounds," said qne of the officiohsThe: accusatibir f arlarwnd'Tdenbs ntnials t "notwithstandinff bur 'superior pavmg oeenr ; ronced mm when for-J1gliance vne vagaDonas nave contrivea '-exclaimed Alpbon tfnA ' nn i so; 1 Tfree the? en nsr mrl 'frotn . vrme-" imsn thoceasio bnped thejndgethe friar, nnsxtmuy.'t;; s. . 1 1 1 Vi " -v ,uciijr ,vu w UIS. monastery i Ot "Y, b jjwu wiwu a rgojleclfibif iirbieh be naATOade fof Ms P f Insolent slave lK cotiVenf. r : The ' voutiff ieountV oi incgipsy cnieiihat he was but.a re- vveierrrer' exclaimed tbe guard. communicated to bim. lie could scarce luctant instrhment in their- service ; and " ftSt AvcfeZrimoitwaj the answer'. credit the infrrmation." ccr believe the iiuiu me loiprccauPDs ucapea on mm, i , "J asre uxaciaaic . ana toe onage i aannir that had animated Tr - cn : try n cf J. a. ber ful trr Af-cf a T-f,' JaVi cry tvw. t J tU ci.tr m H t tc4 taaVfctarati; txrlicf . Qcitkrnr, Ai? trnr:z.. cf At Isjla. - Jt ft 11 lo-iy ! : V Ij rj f m;l UTJ ti t fir i cf i u i, y1:2 -. I level (Oi, C4 ? ti-e r 'Z a! ' OTtrpcwrrt. cva ccw I) till tie Q: ri , aa -tie rtaUra- cf ilt G-x l d J -rica,'&itiu -tlaiy tj wlna ke ' Lad. Wa'esrrril waa Lrls at thai sftcssrat; ' ' j.-'i- . f I rxtrrttj tie UtScaa." Turn tred my loacru I daalad ce, I k&rtf col why tr whrcCrrt. Ia es rlh I - cet.alorclf tllkir Lcr ttvzrr. bst; rol, all tolj ice air waa Cla cZttrir Ccx-t. New 2 r rt tr Y 1U botit rsUiiute for ray carirrt4 " " iUti ! ' The fah sUHsow 1 tla - . pmae that crew tcre lay Wart srsain 'J Wiih ranje cy I ccs&te4wp'iit.' ralcerire litwxi aSIct rcr 'Ircut,- axJ r5ak'l In the LL-it tiu.jca. bomll driak dp ef tSe cvp 4 r.'jicry with aywU! I sxicled lUelili wilS Acasocica alrrrO isd wiibllerpe . cf tke booliar aruler here ft, hei- ' teas ei tie ova, to lie rjwy Uct. j t beaatj, iu rraeef ur&eae trre Wi ariiic ed rtctioa seemed at this taotaeel kcb H was dked, m-itrt-i it a jrtV nub serosa b'u. mind Gipsy" sail l- baitH y (JrrxrJ, leavixj . be, if you ralue jour, safety, beftl ftrUlr Vchis- If by your dialog art yea aire!5 -o. , I bad merrtd U - ' "! 1 a r ial eras a secTtt;-i5ut Jwjl it cannot U, I'll rttribctica cftsrcu xrp,lul": not Kere tL , I say rrcollectay WW- mistook tjy fetllagf; ti,e pra U a cr tour safcty'e in your abaeoce. mother's lore vu ia my botna ; Ibccg..' .'Ho!J ! Count', tried Jlkmika, cre-r it wiib tbe UxAtxzr tfCaia'a . prarrra aod trari ire xnelcs, rtic till anfa ertr ber Itfiat cV34 whea lie. vUt-, eviuepce if ye can T. So licg, she ted Eden, heeded tct tier allrr'a drew the loat cilia frcn Ler.Soeota. I l rcHe. eta . tircjxt rabdtl Its rzZS.t "Soreerta, araontl I know ecl br 1 xar srcl. wed as I kijcd iu rtbr Lt. I bat srU thou bast ecoiortd zp that I blessed tbe clxscw thai ran tie lafnrfr chaii, so like the cne I wear, but cevtr to my arm. - ( . . ball Ihy etdjorgTe sfcr me frtaa ojl Tbe rirl crtw ia itrtb aa-1 beat. : r. t eam to rta-it ia thet ... V. fixed purpose." lews thy wrtlc bed race Jfj 'fikrra," a lass arrcar cf deep revecr, and 1 w-Jl I Larf btr h? iV r.--t it- diLarre it now ! bce rotber rarraallao. wh a!r1 ewi4 l' Kb a like thywlf cacedaihtd lhre??ef bap- dasrlVtr , set by Lla kiidcxwe U re-1 pueas jram ny p,i ana Kit ce pay tie deep dt It cf grx:ut3 be cwol oraortu t ciwer oawxpciwment m tuihnCi pete a ad irrrjroecliUs an MI ace thy motfrenowVrtrUed Bi-1 , Mfwt s-.-,n "J-. crrtAai ' revcn ia rankling at thrl ?n . 1 ; ? . ' . . - : o . bean won pate an tanoctnt lndiridaU ) bht nertr bail that be I If tar- ttn trmrth permit, with trrrcx' will uetartltto my anal ti tie srtx Xi "revenge is ontlmg at Uy new, ale i. the g-y ctL Wmay . -i. end to gratify by hatred, ,tL reedkei tjbca yc miicd yW c! f ! k k ft ate K MA ft m-t f 1 mm-m m m. - . - " f 1I r ewcis dI I rettrre.' ' . i wait at Xgave Uber with irjcartircj ef rtr : ' T;!1 thai she aho!i rtrtT diKlose wltrxae H . . i vi i ti . i. : i . i r. 7. , J, r;" r -w . . rVJ CTcnaie ber, afur my d .V . V! a !" T m I Ude let WJr-r. jc MH.icm.urca, ;cto , rra, U llfclrii, where tla Sa hitherto veiled ber face. MVcr the tam cxat, save mvfertss c ditrcas alocU sail. Ia SifU t that saai!a , of da la lit -21 - part cf the artasriu bcarirr tf tlelcci tdalcw it there tj tij Ur . waits slxJI b I' " t1 BvVa! l t1" Ur, asi ilea all ber eloctkcd farrewftthv eberk. " . likto lire to ocas 1 wculi W.y farg;L"v f " PcbcIJ a me tie w.T3gfsl Aoellal I f" ? Now, Count, yctt shall bear aid joigt mt story. Twcnt tinew yoo frtl ia the Uocm beauty. "ly coc t, cir I da rcl Irzr t cr frees m a ale Ol tllzlt ItTKlt r:y dirl- ler. . It the LlarUa ralbcrs ta irr 'f . ' - that his life depended on bis obedience was lowered, 'over. which the 'stranger ex. His to their will.'i i -.. fcr : quickly passed. . ;; . ..: .wsrtoexa Ane gipsy scouts were dispatched in haw oringa you hCTe, -signor, at I btlate the w different -directions. - Scarcely bad the this late hour of the night I said the land im . z a a sorrow, bowc noise subsided ere' this same cirl, who ( scnVr. had interceded . for ; my protection and . " No time for questions now ! Tell I shelter came- to inform mo of my prcs-l me quicklyr where is the riper chiel V ent dancer. She brought mc a disguise,! ".MTe . have' no tidinra. . Since" the m which 1' might escape suspicion, snd I troop escaped the fangs of the lowland- dow care iteration; be Vowed to acav- bole gang of ppty outlaws, mediately soosbt the Count dc MsriolarnVwho was Captain General c the province, .to cccert measures 4f this otjtct. It was agreed that meij commensurate ' with the underukioe should be employed, find to this end an a gujue to conaucv me on-my way, oiu- era, wcarowuuoui a master, jiiorcnsar order was despatched to the nearest town dingvme, !if I at all valued my -life, in- rttumcd bit night, but we bare no in- for a reinforteoirot ofaoldierr.: I " stantry to be gone. I clasped .the bean- telligence of our chief. " .'".' I . Durinff tlAi fntcrfal. the vicilance of f rtara bare ebracd - t . . KWd tae, was tktn 6CT rrome i.ct t V ted pride cftcmtl.iod e:,vT.r . . '7 . ' .1- larrr cf LtrrhiLL ad her lur r -r - i - mi KtflllC? 1BCHT1IT t TDUf a. 1 ' . I. -"T t gained ptaioi.tr. Tbcart too full 'r'Xt-' ' - - " ' ' ' of lore sr.3'stnriiiL-tj,. alas! to rj-I?' . . . . ' attracticiJ flke vour earn," " The cmirrJ The shaft cf-dea bxl icif-ru Ike this spontaneous and unlooked fbr-gen-f tie quick! both , man, woman and fani&bcd" with b eroaity,! mingled my -tear with hers ijcbild: there is work 'oa band to-nirht roent be was bl: I knew riot how to thank cr reward her. hrhich brooks nodebt i ere ths mhrrow Ucr to effect his teous and trembling creature to my arms, Rb'nso insbintly the" ripsr crew V I the 3Iarqacs3 sccuta hsd delecUd the ungcr, from the oonceal- gcd to UBderro, ia ot eacape.'and wasbroucht In my "fooli?b xeaTX drewf forth riiyjdawn, innocent blood may be abed!" t " bound and w priscucr. - HerelncUnt ptrree, of which-' the robbers had not yet j The guard passed on to the mouth of 1 ly confased tile guilt- of baring robbed despoiled rne,-and offered her gold. theca vera lo which the gipsies slcpll- the Count de 3rtriolna of bis chain da- iuv vt eviiwn iwu wo uww wwiiu-i Ane rca cmixTS oi s Tood" Ere sued ai nnr rus sierp in ids ttuiicd, dux pro- imu luiuucH uiuwio. . . iun i cnDisou ugni on t .retted roof a ad renewed reluciance to wlthdraw from a uZc. 0f LC cave, is work which nature epot: to which I stood riveted, notwitb.had "carved inmockcry of -art. Numer- sjarxaing tno iragers wnicn now ocsei 0lM rude masses of stone7 which, bad mer''AVithdrawiag-from my 'embrace, cauchi the fiery hues, "presented fantaa- eKe reminded me of my. delay, and point- licalimagea L ibe sight, resembling gi- ed to the grey streaks of the morning's knts, dwarfs and beasts. Some cf the dawn jahe whispered to the guide, and gipsiea had spread their mats tround the waving berdiandi bUsappeared.-C - v tvei'on which they were loekt ! irV Jeep" ' -. " . i ; . ; . ,v - i ' t . ii a ' i . i . . .x. was eonaucieaown me. steep iBiecp, wnusviue. napping cu : descent thrbnchT ft narrow" and broken 1 wing above . the flame: seemed . t ravine, Vwhiob Ila4.'h.,'cllVtHe, bed of a them in feau music ta their rest.. . mountain ': torrelft," "d; fter i . pasai ng ; Tbe long stnU.wbistU; f tla guaxd Ihrongb some . abtemneia windings, caRcd the whole' tribe, into moliu came i to outlet .which disclosed the Yawnlni?. and shakin e their maUed locks. . . Tt 1 . . - o . . - . . a . f tested he bad given it to hi wife Biof- rata in whose possessioa be said it yet was, and that she, . on learning what be ha oi nistorr. near lv attfuni ina vnnirnm?. i yuwwou , , iiociuc9uie68 . in tne tnnsv'n vfbrrwv Kf eause excited some surpiise. ' " whv' ' rfatBcofj rtfaifiwhce wcb suitbd eatureof ueh crjme ?" W v the ranlcind' wealtb of the family to' ' - -. Cijcumsfepces V encbneand all. frhix5j5belonji'T , JvsU:;,iJare"dekf exteled ran v been Jrreijile ;atVt' .g beard,M?a'a"izi 0u- tenderlyl and. iHy life oh't she vui invitedtbefefee 'meri1aVia!n Aotally which. wso; : Jasivbt ta bpjKatter cotifcudea.; J am inncJeeh t i' exchunr- whiebtheljaarq she; ,",ahdpraT'ybur noble "xiatarea to rwuucuiu . ues uiougnaprjearances Bxeaeainst' me.-? " Belifipi-i o ; J rt rugramme jnj entertainments ctoiitnej inoogppox .aihejtt'-. ,A .r:. -r. 1 ir if -yoxr bare the pbwer, i -v-- - lynvuiiviiiiuiuii. . i . . . 1 .1 . I open-country ana tne wgarouie; xiere they crowded round tho stranger . to ask I paused,-: for 'this angei'sgaia stood In his purpose ;" . - y path-n '. ' 'n :; 1 V QeWKti mVcAoeer' Tbeykqew ,rtlVwon!d' fain, "said she, 'ere you the. word, and eagerly awaited bia eom- i"iMJ.Ku,is,i wKaift-1 "-xuii.wttere:g?x4;ya.inq chain r.?'Un CaJs a ctorxae3iito s depends" tby-faial depart have somelbioe m" remembrance I manda. of youy ; and tberefore bave; I intercept- . !' Arm, arm, and follow me I Bring ed your passage. I begged her to name fire-brands, and .every combustible ye what sh4 wished: .Shd removed a small can find ; you aJme,.Torrccv keep watch gold ng front my finger 'asked m e my here."' ,'Ix t .the rcst'foliow : to. w hero ., 1 .Mmc,rana"8ald-4If everyouf-Tr m shalleenduct them"", - C, - v-: m you i a xne troorr was reaay aiu ef cr jot a to pro-j frav. Their leader, rnwhora AIrhdiiso to stake i mar ajdl V li? reoomized. led th em down xfjIifefbf hfciyif it was heeeasaTytoKhe crsggy precipice,: orer which theV bear .ber faway trbm the wretched asso-l Bcrambd -wUh all the celeritV "Mcb ciateS"wwitb;'whonr she was linked to custom' and long acquiintance"i., the places l-r?vbeyond the" jrnda 'contact cf spot cnahled them tb'do. Via -a. abort tbedespcxato' being ia whose company Ume.theipty gangi endef the efcrnmand Ibad fonnd ber. '.jshe spoke bffeeliDts of tbeir sometime leader, were drawnno Iparainaunt' tajiex dialikoxf.hci.mode of bef tlcrri whcrAdelj d done, advised bim to fir. " He bad rt sol red car twine' to a distant part- cf the' cwntrr, ta take up aa abode where be waa'.not kndwn, snd where be intend ed biswlfe sad daughter should bare joined him. 'T ' . '.." Tbe atory of the pipsr chief baring toten the chain would hare exculpated Adclnia, but tbe Impossibility of iu be ing still in Ittertvika'e possesion, wbibjt it bad been found onv the daughter, and waa. now restored to its owner, threw such ' a color of improbability over the wholo affair, that tie g?rr waa treated as aa impostor and t inded orer to the forrcgidor. , - ? " ? The troops for which lheaptaio Cfeneral bad despatched orders had cow" arrived and left no f ertber. canscf de lay ia storming .the gijy hold,- Pre parations were mad' f r tCe attack en the following mornU Tie Co pot de Mariolana, who was t - ricncM4ef- (fieTj.uclcrtock to cxoiir it bitnlf, and wis "occupied at tajdnigL. ra his a partraeat tacjlUalbg tht pUa cf Xop craticDs, "whea the- wocui: 1-Urenka was" anoounced,' as w1hir - o speak to b!j3.xn "t2ost crgcat I. sie . - ' rA- wrctci'ed-lookiflg fc aiil,' - tf rithls -Lr.i. . ... t .'.-,t J lua mid. tm tmvi m wildly rbcad, asd isid-V C alone T' , . : vr " ' . -.V you posc.cd over tne imade a do ting woman the blind victim c f the love that wurped ber soojl Rot toca were yt?w satiated with the bsppineaa fcr.which xoq lion ted, and whea rictoricua, grew cool,' and wooed cae who act a, hi r her prieo a pea her charms. Year ingrat-l tode'stoag mr soul to tnaoxtO with the eoming claims of a mother and ttUJ to year effctica,- yoa laabcd 'al cry ecu plaint ; but 'ch t worto tlaa all. yoa au;bt aa uaenrpectiog moment to administer a poiacrxrua pollca to cancel the Coad ! - - s . - -m " Your deaJro bet toj well raceeeded: yoa alo uececded in.tarnicg the "gulll en me on me who would Lave .dared all sooner than racb a eriroe 1 An eut eatt, aod a murderer, I vti spurned and klinvrnjitrl t all VrirAm f.-vrn, VrC pioee, alfrani.bed frora dt siAt With broken heart and fallcrieg step I baatrnxd to bbrf tar tbixoe ac J woes io the deep lake that bctredj tlr wood oa my father's dotsiio, 'whilat. the wretch who triuaspbed ia my roio, pcWessed fortune and an nnraiiictrxanaef . u But rroridence wis" watchieorer me, end rmrred me lot other trials. Socaapirwica in the ne'rbbcriag fomt beard the plaihing of the water as Ipro cipiutcd m yc If into it, sod caxae to prr reaece. The .woe, p5fy. chief 'who u now your prisoner, drew ce to the shorr, and with acrentl cf p;tr!aanet ted that so much besntr -shcvKt Mrtaata end. RealflTc4tolifeIrhxUatlyco3 ented to accept ef tleircireav aid was sl last persuaded to marry pV preserver aadJoUlhe giTy band. T -' V . The. rtmUinliff I W direr ted my fcnd from my toufrrtcoeav and tatir-; reijtored bt beaitb. I became accuic4r ed to, wend, the mooafaia patl ar to repot bcjeaih'lle cpra sky .4 tiilainy ct my acducerwaa net fcrgUca t sack xeep icto tay fcrariu -" 'Xow, CctDl,-my aicry.ia d: to a cl oee; 'end the gry citt she mart rcsfpi all tl.e Uw, f her life closes tool - The wcrLl now is oae wiJe rpm I d? jcdaii.-i. !py wculi sick to r i. t-a the ' csr frr-sa the pity cttUkuU cf 1. .-RlMTikaa To'e'.yrt ' f "'It ia auj c 1. nvxXxi' .ctcr Icr wrccged atsct ffuett-,' Lcuctc a lo:-e, ercal.cr ed. eecJJ evitvv ivir rra- . es de I'rrrca, arrived toe hit, - - ' t 1 - 1 - .1. t . r a m rpwj s acru na &ca io uas ivu wbtre torrow and eoeaplaisizg crue. ; . v -1 The i- : ef tie al&l b eftcn la- - kesr for its j . v ' ,-. ' . . . He salosii- ; . . : -a tirecgh a c- ' eroaecpe who iuu: ' robe caeht. ia a'paaakc-.- ; -, ' . .: " " Tne epietawA ,i l tn a gtrt "by r tisiii w pi net ly-cbcyier ' thewi -v ; . - : V; Mxa'sta!"- ler tar WrU pr " weeds j l-t " - Hy 1 wrtrr tie. ' ooe aa-f ? . r. - . Tlcti leng coemlt- kgcaly-tl.. v - . ..rzt'.-jcs. tavefcr - gottca -ilat Dticra lar t elaiia to uM laxae defertace- , . : V;. . Neither tie er 3 arr lie roi tlat raeti , do Ls ercr iitertd wilk llcir l-octra, i-si " Lrrea after t beta. . i.'. It oertr.wat a wiser! le g yet la cak4 mea derperate, Lr cte w bo" lath ta hope cf good bath eo-"fer"c eril' . Ill who r1'.'. ,tt lis xliri'Jc L2 T " . 2eaih,'ie nu.tr LberU cfx- -ilerrtz'f v 'grtoda tlaa wf Its era.- ' ,Z-"r - - The pxt ho tc t lew t u:-.: ti 9 afccticsa sad p ii:rrj cf t' ; 7 , always be rrad wl; -TTil - "-' il the( caoet exact ,clcervr - ' t.wW fctf'-r. "J1. :".--.-'' He kill rrrer Utda"V t';" Utaated-.ly trir eidi; -t '!:c;-4 . . . Scte prc la tilzk tii? 1 2 ici rt cza ierrrWarcicd uUitbw . -r?j .is"a. lilicry cf 'rn'-rav-! ' ;rjj ei. tlty drive rails oaU cj 1 . . i v: . : V inr Cnar'fV.r. - -. -,.. v :i,w- ; cr i- t Ame lia sr ills ec sir 1 v - -" illj ' .... -. - t rt l.ir : t ace s Jura : L are w e j f r etie 1 ac cf w .. . ' . I Li V A.3 '- ' - j - i r - -t 4 m. a; m ' -, - . '' -.Z ' . ' I v . -:" 'V-i'"

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